t'KURSDAY, JUE 2Srd, 1955 TU! <!AT..TA LTM '"W~1 M UI'iVWMIAMNI?? TI INT~'AM THE CNA IA STA- l ..... 4VflN V iA..ir nw~l~T £'I.bTr PAGE SEVEI cSocal PhoneM MiaIgid Conway bas.been hKingatn visiting relatives and' :frienda.t . . r. Thomnas Heighton has re- turnled from a week's visit to Ottawa. OSSWI Leonard Knight will b. home on one month's leave:i beginnmng June 28.1 fjiý. Ifa urwjn Dickinson, Osha-'l asa Sunday guest of Mr. nd Mrs. Geo. W. James. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKie, Winnifeg, Man., have been U orldliness dlseuased by PASTOR HALSE BOWMAN VILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Nelson at Liberty St. Next Sunday at rionday School at 3 p.m. 1Davis ait the Davis' cottage on IBalsam Lake. I Mr. Jack Lyle and daughter Helen, Minuco, were in Bow- £Pe0 rsonal manvill: for the Decoration Day' sic on Sunday and called on, A 3-330 reatiesand friends. Mr and Mrs. Jack Allin and childrcn, Cobourg, and Mr. and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mi. L. . Mrs. Wîlbur Miller, Oshawa,' Roenigk. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mr. nd n. . B.ParcrHarry Allin, Edsall Ave. MrMr.aEldr FarrhH, B.wToron-r Ottawa, arc spending halîdays1M.EmrFrelNwTrn with their daughter, Mrs. Maur- ta, spent the weekend with Mr. ice Conway. and Mrs. Howard Masters andj Mr.andMrs Frgu E.Mon fMr. J. Bira. Hé also attended Mr.andMrs FegusE. or-the Décoration Service at the. nul have left for Santa Barbara, cemetery Sunday afternoan. Calif., wbere they wlll spend M.adMs .L ong fiv o sx wek. spent the weekend ut the hom Mr. and Mrs., Ed. Weekes, of bis sister Mrs. H. T. Humby. Toronto, callcd on Miss Edith Mr. and Mrs.> Humby have re- and Miss Ida Weekes, Duke St., centîy moved from Hamilton ta hast Tbursday evening. their new home, 1 Courtland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henning, Drive, Burlington. Oshawa, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. J. Mcek Jr., Edmon- their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. ton, is visiting ber mothen Mrs. Clarence Osbopie and family. G. L. Wagur and sister, Mrs. Miss Pat Monrihi, daughtcr ai Howard Jeffery. She bas just Mr. and Mrs. Fergus E. Mor- returned from a trip ta Itaiy il, is spending the summer on and Colambia, South America. the staff af Bigwin Inn, Musko- Mr. and Mrs. Meek plan ta mukee ka.j their home ut Bagata, Colombia.C Mr. Fritz Marti left Thursday Octogenarian W. J. (Bill)F on a vcry pleasant trip dcstined Berry leit this weck on his an-f for Jamaica, whenc he wiil be nuai trip. Ris destination this marricd next month ta Miss year is Mexica. Ris many Betty Kng. friends are eagerly looking for- Miss Nancy Ann Hall left for ward ta hearing Mr. Bcrry'ss Chathama on Thursday aftcr observations and adventurcs spending a month's holiday with told in his usual interesting man- ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ner. JameÊ Hall. Mrs. Mubel Tbickson and Mrs.e Miss Sandra Candier and Miss J. R. Knox, Hampton, attended0 Mary Ann Heavysege spent the the unveiling and dedication off weekcnd with Miss Isabelle memnorial windows uit Bethesda Church. Harwood. on Sundav. 1i PENTECOSTAL CHURCH (21 Ontario Street North) Rev. F. B. Fifield, Pastor Sunday, June 26' Final week of Revival Services with Evangelist L. B. Kleinstuber Services - Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7 p.rn. 1 L Tonight and Friday at 8 p.m., Corne and we will'do thee good. Trinity United Church Minister, Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11:00 A.M. - The Sacrameni of the Lord 1s Tablig 7:00 P.M. - "The Man Who Losi Hîs rown" Organist, Mr. Arthur Collison, Bus. Bach., L.R.S.M. *Haydon Sunday School ANNIVERSARY SERVICES will be held on Sundcuy, June 26th ai 2:30 and 7:30 p.. -Guest Speaker: N. *, Rev. Milaon Sanderson, Toronlo Special Music by the Sunday School Choir assisted by the Nestleton Maie Quartette in the afternoon and by Enniskillen Maie Quartette in the evening. For announcement of JULY Ist PROGRAMME Consult The Statesman next weekp Hampton Sunday School Anniversary Services Mfinister - Rev. F. J. Reed Sundcuy, June 26 AFTERNOON - 2:30 P.M. Rev. S. G. H. Aikinson Special Music by the Sunday School EVENING - 7:30 P.M. Rev. John Kilchen Special Music*by the Choir MRS. LLOYD AYRE, Guest Sololat 'Supper rd y July 1s1, Starting 4 p.m. until ail are served ~SPORTS 3 p.m. - FOOTBALL 6 p.m. VARIETY CONCERT 8 p.m. Assisting Artists: 2 Dots and a Dash - David Harmer, f Mrs. _ThJicson assisted a-'t'hë service by unveiiing a window in memary of ber mother, Lilace Carstairs Johnson. Dr. Albert E. Aluin, Box 337, Fort William, in renewing bis subscniption ta The Statesman, writes: Although it is 30 ycars since we gruduated from Bow- manville High Sebool wc still reud the Stutesman avidhy cuch week, for it stihi contuins a great deai af news of interest ta us bath. Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts were in Montreul hast week and a ttended the wedding on Jn 18 of Miss Jessie Turne, R.N., ta Dr. John Dale Weidon, in Divin- ity Hall, McGill University. The reception wus heid ut the Un- iversity Club. The bride is the nicce of Mrs. Roberts, Church St. The happy couple arc honey- maoning ut the Bay af Fundy. New teachers on the staffs af Bowmanville Public Schools bave been engaged as follows: Miss Jean Bragg, Bowmanville; SMiss Audrey Hay, Peterborough; Miss Diunn Hogaboom, Mill- brook, who will teuch music in the tbree schoois; Mr. Donald W. Kennedy, Hammond, Miss Mar- 1ion E. Pascoc, Burketon; Miss IElizabeth Powell, Peterborough; Mr. Roy F. Turner, Biackstock. Mrs. E. Willatts bas received a card from Mr. and Mrs. E. C. C. Southey of Oshawa, formerly ai Bowmanville, wbo are en- jaying a vacation in Enghand. At the time the card was writtcn tbey had visited Chester and were on their wuy ta Stratford. They budn't hud a day's ramn, wbich is remarkable for English weathcr. They expect ta be home aguin around June 30. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Meteali, Mrs. Mary Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Harold St. John and son Lloyd, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Metcalf, Mrs. Garnet Sim- I nons and Roy Metcuhf, Mr. and IMrs. J. H. Abernethy, Bawman- fville; Mr. and Mrs. Noble Met- I alf and grundson Lurry, Osha- wa (Larry being the oldest of "i d Grandpa" J. L. Metcuhf's f30 great grundchildren> culied ion Mr. J. L. Metcalf over the wcckend. Mrs. W. H. Densem af the B. T.S. staff attendcd the annual meeting and banquet af the Durham County Trustees' and Rutepayers' Association ut Yel- verton. This Association spon- sors the Public Speaking Con- tests in Durham Caunty Public Schools, held in October and November. Mrs. Densem is anc af the directors of this Associa- tion, representative af the On- tario Training Sehool for Boys, Bowmanville. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Friday, JuRe 241h 8 p.m. Service of Institution and Induction of Rev. Arnold G. Herbert as Rector of the Parish by The Rllght Reverend F. 11. Wilkinson, Coadjutor Bishop of Toronto The Sermon willI be preached by Rev. M. S. Flint Rector of Trinlty Church, Toronto Sunday, June 201h Third Afier Trinity 8:00 a.m. -1 HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 a.m.- MORNING FRAYER CHURCH SCHOOL and YOUNVG PEOPLE'S SERVICE 7:00 p.m. - EVENING FRAYER [il, 92nd Birthday, Geo4rge Rlggs The Statesman extends belat- ed but cordial good wishes to George Riggs who celebrated his 92nd birthday on June 4th. Mr. Riggs, a native of Haydon, is a~ familiar figure at the Balmoral Hotel where he bas made his home for a nùmber of years. His sister, Mrs. Edith Ormiston, also lives in Bowmanville. Mrs. Rae Rundie held a show- er at her home on Edsall Avenu e on Monday. June 2Oth, for two i friends, Miss Joyce Lowe andj Miss Phyllis Jardine, both of Oshawa, who are planning sum- mer weddings. The guests of honour were presented with a corsage of carnations. Twenty- two friends attended and show- ered the brides-to-be with mis- cellaneous gifts and also two end-tables each. The guests also presented Mrs. Rundie with a charming pair of earrings for her part in the event. Thirty-two members of the Bowmanville Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club enjoyed a social outing last Wednesday evening to wind up the season's activities. They chartered a bus and went to Peterborough where they had dinner in the Drift- wood Room of Foster's Res- taurant. Games were enjoyed afterward with Madlyn Wilcox acting as master of cerem ie for a take-off on a popula T show. Panel members were M~vary Jewell, Ina McNaughton, Doris Rickaby and Helen Nelles. Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, were guests of York County Pioneer and His- torical Societies at their annual picnic on Saturday, held at' the Sharon Temple Museum, near Newmarket. If any person in Durham County has the urge to establish a pioneer museum in this county they should visit Sharon Temple which is filled with a wonderful display of dioneer farm implements and household furnishings which, would be a revelation and eye- opener to many of this genera- tion used to electrical gadgets and mechanized equipment. St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the hom.-e of Mrs. H. G. Shaw June 21st. President Mrs. H. Fei- guson opened the meeting and Mliss Elva Orchard took the wor- ship service, concluding with prayer. Mrs. Herbert Layman gave an interesting address on "The Florida Chain of Missions' which celebrated its 25th an- niversary. The theme of the mission which is effectually at vork around the world is "Firm faith in a trembling world.". Mrs. Layman referred to several speakers of ail races who come rom, ah over the world. They .ppealed to people for more faith and try and test the words of Christ, "I am with you al- ways even unto the end of the vorld." The President thanked Mrs. Layman for ber splendid address. Mrs. K. Werry spoke on the address given by Mrs. Roosevelt in Toronto on U.N.E. S.0.0. "sharing through". Speak- ing of her travels and the dire ceed in India, we should work and share. SI fi a fi s a] C. of C. Meeting (Continucd from page one) ager of the Chamber; and th:.t this number, through inter- views, bad now been narrowed ta three. A final decision would be made by the executive shortiy. Due ta tbe absence ai sev- erul comynittec chairmen, re- ports af several of the Chamn- ber's prajeets were not made. Membership Chairmun Art Hooper wus absent in Lindsay, it was reported, but the pres- cnt drive for new members came under discussion. Good progress was neparted by sev- eral members. Goodyear was approached and there appeur- cd some chance a number of members would be named from. the plant.' Shzrp criticism and a phea for future understancling was made by President Banting in re- ferring ta membership gener- uhly, and also the Merchunts' Section of the Chamber. "'There are some wha are carrying their load, wbo derive the' least udvuntuge," he suid, 'while others - and they ar few, fortunutely, denive imme~ diate benefits but dechinae ta work on bebalf ai Bowman- ville." There sbould be little ditfi- cualty in a full generai policy among the Merchants Section being adopted, he added. The group would be self-contained and an undcrstanding of al problems should be reached on a truc basis of co-operation, be concluded. An invitation to al merchants to meet with Cham- ber members next Monday wil be made. The garbage disposai problem in town will came under revicw this week when a Committee froma the Chamber wiil meet with the Town Council. A suit- able new site for a town dump wiil b. suggested by the Com- mittee. Plans were well advanced for the annual Community pic- nic on Juiy lst. A truck bas ai- ready been dccorated, n h Çhambeir'a exbitwUiïbctudy- decorated. Clowns will also be presenit, in costume. The Lake Ontario Regional Developmcnt Association is al- xnost complctcd in organization, President Banting reported, after returning from a meeting of the tbrec zones in the group held this week at Peterborough. Itri was anticil>ated advertise- ment wouid be made shortly for a fulI-time Secretary-Man- ager, he said. Bowmanville is included in Zone Two of the new set-up. The Chambers voted a tr-- velling allowance of ten cents per mile be paid for ahi travel- ling on behaîf of the Chamber by its President, or alternative- ly, for 'The new Secretarv- Manager, when sehected. Present situation of the Bal- moral Hotel, due to lack of tourists, was outlined ta the meeting by Jack Weiss, the proprietor. He suggested that the hotel might apply for a dining room lounge icense and asked the members to give re- action to the proposai. After some discussion - the' Chamber agreed that any suggestions, even including a referendum next faîl, sbould ho the privil - cgc of any individuai member ta act as he wished. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week af June 12-19: Admissions ------------ -44 Births, 7 male., h femule --8 Discbarges - ---- 47 Major operations ------6 Minor aperutions --------16 Emergency treutments ----10 These facts are puhhished weekly in an effort ta ac- quaint this community with the services ai aur hospitul. The Liver Story Extruct fromn Aberdeen hudy's letten ta butcher: "Pieuse don't send the ld. of iver today. The eut bas caught a mause." a gIRED , rELN I Qbmw.-- - 1 Box 0112 .so diffren 0 from Pods i that luit f..l sot ct flrit loucli' 40c Alex. I We Deliver Karnival (Continued from page one) Sebool. A calour escort purty carricd the Union Jackç. The bugle band of the On- tario Training Scbool for Bo-s followed, with the Rî.C.A.C. unit from the Training Schoohi also in rear. The cadets turn- cd out very smurthy and broke off at 'the arena.1 Capt. T. Evans, chief train- ing officer of the Eastern On- tario Area, from Kingston,, uccompunied the parade. Friday cvening's program ati the Arena drew a fuir attend- unce, despite 'extremely warm wcatber. A weli balunced pro- gram wus presented. Special numbers werc given by Jack Mil i a r d, impersonator; the "Country Four" quartet, and the Bowmanvilc High Sebool Drum Majorettes. The Cadet Corps gymnast team from the Ontario Train- ing School for Boys was a feature number of Friday ev- ening, under instructor W. "Bill" Bugneil. The teum re- cently won the Struthcona Trust Challenge Trophy for tho. best physicai training demon- stratian ut unnual inspections of cadet 'units. Special numbers were ulso rendered by the Bawmanville Training School Band, The Bowmanvilhe High S c h~ o o 1 Band and the Bowmanvile Girl Guides. Decoration (Continued from Page One) Church, took the Prayer of In- vocation. He wus foliawed by the entire gathering reciting The Lord's Prayer in unison. Responsive reading af Psalm 103, 8-22, was led by Rev. F. B. Fifiehd, af Bowmunville Pente- costal Church. Scripture reud- ings followed, taken by Rev. A. C. Herbert, ai St. John's Ang- lican Church. Ho chose from the Twelfth chapter af Eccles- iutics - "Remember ulso Your Creater in the Days of Your Youth." The hymn, "My Faith Looks Up ta Thee", was then sung. Deputy-Reeve Wilfrid Car- Duthers addressed the gathcring on behaîf of Ris Worsbip Mayor Nelson Osborne and the Town Council. He referred ta the erection of the McGiil Memorial Gates at the entrance ta the cemetery and the constant ef- forts of the coundil to preserve the beauty of the grounds and plots. He aiso paid tribute to the work of the late Reeve T. H. Lockhart in havîng the memoriai gates erected, and the Council's co-operation in pre- serving the tradition of the Memorial and Decoration Day service annualhy. He noted that hast Sunday markcd the 25th observance of Decoration Day in Bowmanville. Chosing prayers werc under- taken by Rev. T. A. Morgan of Trinity United Churcb. The gatherîng then sang "Guide Me, 0 Thou Great Je- bova." The Last Post then sounded, from a bugler phaced distant from the scene of the service. The two minute silence follow- ed, with the Legion Pipe Band solo drum marking the Ceuse, then forming up, playing the Lament, "The Flowers of The Forest are Feded Awa'." The service closed witb the Benediction, pronounced by Rev. A. G. Scott, of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ch,5'rch. The gath- ering then sang "God Save the Queen", with the color escort party of both the Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary, which, was formed immedîately in front of the phatform, dipping the cohors as the first notes of Reveilie sounded, and recovering them after the Reveille marked the close. One of the most impressive portions of the programi folhow- ed, when the Legionnaires and Ladies' Auxiliary moved off and divided inta groups. Each group then assembled to the east side of the cemetery, and picked Up floral wreatbs, which were pro- vided in profusion, and moved off to decorate the graves of ex- I.D.A. Brand Merchandise Minerai Oul - - .44c, 89c 16 oz. reg. 55c 40 oz. reg. 1.10 An odourhess, taste]ess oil, refinedl for internai administration Tablets -- - - 33C I.D.A. HEALTH SALTS Cooling Roi rcshing Invigorating -IEfl0ý IW1h !q. Cameras and Film i Brownie Holiday - 3.50 Holiday Flash Model -- 5.90 Kodalite jMidget Flasholden 3.60 Brownie Hawkeye - 7.95 jKodulite Flasholder 4.50 Brownle Hawkcye Flash Outfit ------ 15.50 Duaflex 111---- - 17.95, 26.75 Pony "828" 34.50,11135"~ 35.75 FILM -Verichromne 120 & 620 47e - Duo Pak 89e 127 -- 42e - Duo Puk--- 79e 116 & 616 --------- -- - 57e FILM - Kodacolor 8 exp. C127 and C127A 2.45 C120 and C620A - 2.70 C116 and C616 --___ 3.25 relieve simple Diurrhoea or Sum mer Complaint 4-oz. 8-0z. 75c 1.25 Vacation Needs Your choice of varions Sun-, tan and Sunburn prepara- tions ut ail I.DA. Stores Sun Glasses ---- - 69c, 99e up Choice of styles and makes Kilis Flies Bridgeport Insect Bomh 1.59 Green Cross Insect Bomb - ------ 89c, 1.39 Fly-Tox Spray 39c, 59c, 98e Hep Aerosol Bomb _ 1.39 servicemen and women. Be. fore the service crosses a min- iature Union Jack was also placed. Music was provided through. out by the Salvation Army Band, under the direction of Lieut. John Ham. Traffic was capably controlled by Bowmanville Town Police. Local Bantams Lead League With Five Wins Undisputed leadership in th* Lakeshore league was taken over by Bowmanville Bantain Legionnufres when thcy de- feated Newcastle 6-3 ut the Memorial Park Friday nigbt. For the winners Bates did a capable job on the mound. witb Sallows hurling for the visitors. The gumne complcted the first haîf of the seheduhe and leaves the Legionnaires with five wins and one loss. They hast the first gamne in Port Hope 7-1. The boys since then have tak- en five straight games. Port Hope is second in league standing with four wins and two lasses. Newcastle is third and Kendul faurth. Kendal wili be visitors at Memorial Park next Friday night, at 6.30 p.m. The boys are turning out a performance that deserves support of base- bail fans, and they go into the second huif with a heavy cdge in their favor to take the leugue championship. Consid- erable credît gaes to Coach George Piper. Manager Murray McKnight reported the club, is stili wait- ing for three more uniforms, which wben received will en- able him ta dress 15 boys, the limit for teams. He rcported ha is isoworing on required certificates into the early hours of the morning. PeMAKE3-5792WITE -1~ COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE 'VAIIuc.ALL THIS WEEK FIRST AID SUPPLIES Sots, styles, wavec Untreated minor accidents in the home or on à ~your vacation can develop ta serious4 propor- ALA N 14 JOHN ON 'S tions! Be prepared for any emergency by h A OE IM 10 HN s H's ing First-Aid Supplies ready.f or immediate ue Xn Specials! I.D.A.Brn RN BNE Hydrogen Peroxiqe 23, 39c LO~TION:..UN RAKEW 8 oz., reg. 29c 16 oz., reg. 5 ~' SQUEEZE BOTTL/2½% Tnlre lodine 19c 1-lb. SPECIAL RE.LAbsorbent Galion - 69c 4 PU.0oit PRICE * 1, 2, 4 oz.----- -- 25c, 40c, 70c Tage --- -------- 85e NOW Unguentine 63c, 1.00 Zam-Buk ------ 50e Band-Aid ----- - - 15c, 35c, 65e SePîCIAL LOW-PRICE OFFER 1 Plastie Strips- PIN CURL "e'M I09 Band-Aid --- 19c, 39c, 59e ~h , .Curads --------.---------19c, 39c, 69e P R Y A E 6ilonie Nu AUAuto Kit FriAi is 3.25 eN ETAIE swft .<in ravel Kit 1.50 0NO_ TRLIE ~-jÎ 1- i PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGrego0r, Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store PAGE SSIM ý-l Acts fast to tWMDA'Y. JUNE 23r& ! 1 %WM52 ',