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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1955, p. 9

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THURSDAY JUiLy 7t.15 - -~ ~-~--- -~- -~ .-----. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, J3OWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ae-Diane Hailman, Darla TMoe(oor) ahrRs --11 à~Ic S h c S udeni s nge Mirssfmn; ted I.~~3< ~ ~ ~ :i~< 3' redsCoeisn "Te o 'Miss. yrone hRi Talor< Shane, Elizabeth Cale, Arthur 1 atyMisris enOsalr G aryisvr(hon ousSel u'h Foran. Judithann Sparrow, DE!L Dilling, Mimico; Miss Mary Wal- iI, . ours), onVvaAieHg vdThornpson. 't0 a h , Î es bilace of Oshawa, at "ineo.C l 0 RsterErlKhe Receive Pro ficiency i CSMss une -Loger 1odu yScholarship- Michael Leddy; (By The Beach Comber)Ou eps sympathy is ex- S. S. NO. 18 DARLINGTON Grae 2t E 'e t n w r sCitizenship Ptii Austin; tended ta Mrs. A. Fowler and Wo Vande x ~ge< 3 uý.AM4V44 ~<%Jô 31. family on the loss of a beloved nrautosto heflGisEin AnsDni Leddyanvv r SShaf Attendance - Michael husband and father. Mr. Fowler lowing from bath teachers: GaeJobHetrLli LedPatricia Virtue, Henry Mr. and Mrs. Sid Smith and'chard and familv, Whitby; Mr. has long been a famihiar figure Senior Boom -Principal - KaeoEdyYo WedneFday, JuÀ2 a 'ot opeWletLmn oy Scott, Toronto, with her mother;1and Mrs. Wm. Allin and family, and a most friendly member of Paul D. Mclntosh. Geh itoGae2-rc big day for the pupils of boo 'Lana Purdy. j oom 9-Miss Carruthers - i h Ls ekEd.tw;M.adMs .Cretrtebah hs ognaiy Grade 8 ta Grade 9- Jan Moore, edySnerCh- inanvllle's three public school.-. Bo rSarde- coasi-Cynthia Hacking; Mr. Royal Quinn and Miss!and family, Islington, with Mrs. will long be remembered and Moore (Honours) Audrey Wood lotte Ans n cei.Gr Not only 'vas it the last day of Scholarsîhip - Rosernarv Goh- Attendance-Michael Shane. Donna Quinn, Simcoe, "'Dis-Is-SuaDnni"Rsy ok. deeply missed. (honours), Lorraine Rosevear aid HryWyn.cot school before the zsum m er holi- 'e en; Citizenship - Paul Han- Boom 10-M iss H all-Schol- It. M s . E w r s a d M . W e ri y w l o e t e n w ( o o r , B t y P ilp h n days. but it was also the dny cock; Procrezs -D o u g1a s!arship-Neliie Vermeulen; Pro- Mrs. Wmn. Street and Jean, rs.dA. dwan rds andfr.e, r hreaortilyr.wencoMe te w hours, etty Phiklips (hon ihth pnlartesc thwere presented with thr- Jarres; Public Speaking-Ma-Y gress - Howard Burgess; At-I town, entertained Miss Marylin1 summer season. io! the West Beach Store, to the Gibbs, Russell Hall. beenabieenfotiso- oficiency crests and barà for Lask~aris: Attendance - Lard. tendance-Joan Bllght, Rickv Culley, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Street1 Mr. and Mrs. L'en Ryder and 'beach. We wish them everyr suc- Grade 7 to Grade 8-Daug- munity.O eafa h te > Year. Jamieson. Connaghan, Ann Lathangue, J.adfmlTrno aiy ilwae r n cess in their new endeavour andla tion(nur)Geldeah SUeriin ricia A . om -Ms Pip-chl Bty hllps aryT Jr. M.and fmilyos, rih ad rs _ ceh orootoofinîly. illowdale; Mr.and s s ilas Setainto (hoaurs) Geerl tee n1ysi ai kMhelsBhmpoMc!Lel-t a sh, orotoan ha pytheir tyaagtueilHgtr, Gae Hoeep iet xrs u prca TIhamnjson has also announce.d1 arship-Margaret Vanstone; Ci- Sel hmsn family, town, in the "Log "e-ta.b ap re Jerry Taylor, Violet Jones, El- tiontotem brs!th the wlnners o! the Grade eight 1Itizenship-Lesl'e Lander; Pro- Room il1 Miss Marrow - Cabin." '1Mr. and Mrs. R. Bedman and We join in offering aur con- don Malette recommended. SchoolBadorterupr. prizes in English, donated 1)V gress- - Sharon Hull; Publ;c Scholarshîp- Bradley Lucas; Dr. and Mrs. H. Brownlee, family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lowe gratulations and best wishes for Grade 6 to Grade 7-Kenneth Althoug hr aebe p the Lions Club, and in Math- Speaking-Dixie Gill; Attendi- Citizenship- Audrey Kitso,; Day and Lee, Oshawa, holiday- aýnd Bobby with Mrs. A. Fowler every happiness ta Mr. and Mrs. Bosevear (honours), Patsy and dows aeejydm Maties, danated by the Bu;i- ance-Elaine' Bennett. Margur- Progress-Judy Scriver. ing in "Tacoma." in "Irma-Dell." Harvey Lunney (nec Beverley Gibbs (honours), Barbara term spiniana hsjcol fless and Professional Women - et Bnd Brian Martyn, Brenton B oom 12-Miss Cole-Schol- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cale and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bounsaîl, Allison), Mr. and Mrs. Doug hlis(our) Wi1maIhp Clb.Te ngih riewa ugieMay o Mrr ob1arship-Lynn Dareen; Citizen- Merle, Oshawa, holidaying in Milton, and Mr. Thos. Bounsaîl, Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. John Ford(oous, Hogmae oe etterm prvesore won by Rosemarie Morrili, Of Osborne, Kingsley Van Nest. ship-Sally Witherly; Pragress "Waltz-Inn". Lindsay, in the "Better 'OIe".1 (neé Catherine Dilling) and Mr. -Carrol rp. Central Sehool, and Howa:-d Linda Conriaghan, Dixie Gill. -Lyn Hellyar: Attendance - Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Mulîhol- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker andi and Mrs. Baymond Smith (nee Grade 5 ta Grade 6-Ca roli eta uci am n Runie, o! Ontri Stee Bom 4Mr CoanSchl-Johanne Bennett. lnGi n aeMs tc sons. town, in the Vandussen Shirley Feather) upon their re- McBoberts, John Virtue, Brian trnepploadalhv Sho.The Mathematics awarci arship-James Wilso0; Citizen- Jetearigs.Anîs van te JyChambern- McaiaY utlfalPu wS o y Dan Cattran at hp - Mai1o gsn te Ontaro Street Schooi W iddecombe, town with Miss c otta et Dli g L n e h ie G ad i n d t Central Schoal, and by Howardddanc-PMarie, Jim Cn; ae.,Bo 1M.Slt Seo-Edyth Bobinson. ë Longer", spcnding the week a s TeLf Gadi a uylain. Rundie at the Ontario Street . c-a Cwe imCl,1rsho wa1-rd Blune;Prhol- Mr. and Mrs. W. Durno and a guest of the Goodyear Tire & again. He needs no introduction Grade 4 ta Gradé 5-Donna Eilee-i Hughes, Bob Oegema, Jim! rsip-H, , ardat nngfoatîPrandta the Beachers. Mr. Bill Lep- Yellowlees (Honours), Mid-~ School. These prizes will b,2 Van der Schaaf. gress-Eleainor Pickard; Pub Bruce, Torontoi "Cheeria". Bubbcr C.a ig. o sad per, Toronto, has again jained Phillips (honaurs), Elsie SmiKti Presented in conjunction with Roni 5-Miss McGregor - lic Speaking-Haward Bundle , Mr. and Mrs. Mel Burgess in!'Temagami. this beach for the protection Of Donald Malette, Marlene Tay- the High Schoal Commence- Scholarship-Paricia Gil; Ci- Gregory Cooper, Babs Vermeu- 'Rendezvous" for the summer. j Mrs. Jessie Graham, Mrs.isctzn u ng he um rlo, G te H gtrp Wlf d ment Exercises in the Fall 'tie.shpShrlv re; Pre- ]en; Track & Field-Ray Ther- Mr. and Mrs. Wi. Dunn, Mary Currie, Tornto, with Mrs. vaction.sBdurîcngte sue r lo eGti Hagl Kn et rph, Wilfrd The lst ofwinnes of restsgress-Duncan 'Syer, Attend- tell; Attendance-Michael Mur- Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. Bar- F. Pethick in "EEEE's.dywt i olwn fdvt and bars is as follows: j ic-Cnto oln.,Tdpy Oe ctGro n ed Miss Joan Wonnacatt and cd yaungsters. Yellowlees (recommended). CENTRAL SCBrowni . Lonl .Van Nest, Boni- tram, Howard Rundle, Garfhl ,ti 0Sh 0, e otae ogatltost arsio, JuirBo EiaehJ CENTRA SCHOL ald eDo.iald.Taylor. Sheehan, William, W!.'- Miss Betty MeNeil, Toronto, inj ogauain oorsio, Jno om-EiaehJ BomlM. unr ooni (i-i%.irs. Cowan-Scho- Iliarn H-enning, Donald Helling, Tyr ne Sc hr otag . Mr. Wallace Dilling, in winning Knox, Teacher: BITE BAOLNI Rom1M.Tre. larship-Janct Scott; Citize1l- Larry Piper, Kenneth Park. .h. Perrîs, Larry and three o! four races at the Whit- Grade 3 ta Grade 4-Lyn Scholarship-Beverly Smith; ship-Carol Lathangue; Pro- Boom 2-Miss Cauch-Schol- Pr'np H dKty.tw wthM.a rsbyCnniaonatdy. Stainan (hou),Pu Citizenship-Linda Purdy; Pro- gress-Christel Richter; Attend- arship - Monica Schlingensie- " ic Fiel gres-iler Lmo; ub-' aceBeerevWrgh, or pn;Citizenship-Murray Wal P r Speaking-Bev. Smith, Lan-î nelius Vermeuflen, Kenneth Ni-J ker: Public Speaking-MurravAt..'rn Purdy, Dan Cattran; Track & migan, Lanny Cooper. Walker, Larry Thompson; A,- tOo P r Attendace- rd k, S& asi-Donald Brown; Citi- Larry Thampson, Lowell High- Schoalwa hedi Oro la Cverl, Gay Cle, har-Le.. -,- S~en uc1Po field, Lynda Rackham, AudreylPark on Tuesday, June 28th. You con make dicious JAMS and JELLIE .eb 4 inu just l5 Minutes CERTO gives sure resuits .every time! It takes only 15 minutes from the time yaur fruit is pre- pared to make a whale batch of jamn or jeily with Certo. For Certo is fruit pectin ... the natural jellying substance extracted from fruit . . . concentrated to an exact con- sistency for sure resuits in jam and jelly making. Now's the tirne, as the Iovcly fresh fruits corne in, to start niaking several deliciaus kinds. If*s so quick and easy with Certo because: .1With Certo yau bail f or ;ust one ,inulc. No long, lcdious boiling and stirring over a hot siave. 2 You gel up ta 50, % more glasseç from the samne anaotnt of fruit. Your preciauis juice dors not go off in stcam as it docs in long boiling. 3~ You use fullv ripe fruit instcad of the undt'r-rij'c fruit calied for in -long boiling" recipes. This lovcly fresh taste and color o! fruit ut its tery best stay right in ,aur jam or jeily. 4 Resuits wiIl be sure everv limne if you follow Certo's kitchen- tcsted recipes. CERTO FRUIT PECTIN Toke your iMa a ,i IQUID or CRYSTALS FREE RECIPE BOOKIET with overy bottI. and in évery package A Product of Gaferul Foo* Spicer, .tiex Wiseman.1 Boom 3-Mr. Leman-Schol- I arship-Betty Luxton, Citizen- ship-Donald Brown, Track & Field - Anne Leddy; Attend- ance-Betty Luxton, Constance Henning. Boom 4- Miss Milligan - Scholarship- Joseph Schaais- ma; Citizenship -Gary Broin- ell; Pragress-Joseph Schaafs- ma; Attendance-Eva Murphy, Marguerite Camber, Dianne Ferguson, Wayne Hannan, Donald Masterson. Boom 5-Miss Yaung--Schol- arship - Carolyn Stacey; Citi- zenship-Karen Barrabaîl; At- tendance-Loran Stacey, Eve- lyn Jones, Danny Jones, Mar- garet Pickard. Room 6-Miss Somerville- Scholarship- Patricia Carter; Citizenship- Wayne Alldred; Progress-Gail Mulholland; At-q tendance-Gary Akey. Boom 7, - Miss Harker- Scholarship --Gaby Kassinger; Citizenship-Steven Oke; Pro- grcss - Christina Schaafsma; Attendance - Donald Murphy, Bcggie Bobingon. Boarfi 8-Miss Parker-Scho- larship-Ada Schaafsma, Citi- zenship - Susan Rivers; Pro- gress-Wayne Fogg. Boom 9- Mrs. Hendry -s Schalarship- Corinne ElliQtt;, Citizenship- Marylce Hawes;s Progrcss - Linda McI>onalcl;. Attendance-Penny Jeffery. . VIncect Massey Schaol Boom 1 - Mr. Merkley- Scholarship-Lilîan Miller; Ci- tizenship-Marie Trimble; Pro- grcss-John Dykstra; Attend- ance - Marie Trimble, Arnold Maguire, Donald Srath, Lorne iThompson, Susan Shields, Ed- ward Smith, John Oke. Roam 2-Miss Mann-Schol- arship - Patti Aider; Citizen- ship - Judy Henderson; Pro- gress-David Goheen; Attend- ance-Jahanne Parkhîll, Bob- by Henderson, Bannie Mutton. Boomn 3-Miss Hodgkinson- Scholarship-Dianne Biggs; Ci- tizcnship-Keith Banting; Pro- gress-Alan Baby; Attendance - Louise Maguire, Gerald Hayes. Boom 4 - Miss Cooper - Schlarship-Jean White; Citi- zenship- Heathcr Mitchell; Progress- Bruce Smith; At- tendance-Robert James, San- dra Robinson, James Brown, Helen Buma. Boom 5- Mrs. Symans - Scholarship- William Watts; Citizenship- Kathleen Ballan- tine; Progrss-Jill Ames; At" tendance-James Maguire, Hea- ther Moore. OBITUARY WILLIAM W. HENDERSON The death occurred at the Oshawva General Hospital an Wcdnesday, June 29, o! William W. Henderson, formerly of Bow- manville. beloved husband af the late Minnie MeFeeters, in his .91st year. Ho had been confin- ed ta hospital for' twa months atter he fractured bis hip in a fAi son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson, the deceased xvas burn at Bowmanville and farmed near the Boys' Training Schooi until he retired ta Bow- manville. lie had lived with bis daughter. Mrs. Gardon Drcw, in Oshawa for the past four years. A member o! the United Church. Mr. Henderson was very fond o! flowers and was an aident gardener. Predeceascd by bis wi!e Min- fnie MeFeeters. 10 years ago, he leax'es ta mourn his passing one daughter, Mrs. Gardon Drew (H2dýen) o! Oshawa, and anc son, Tefueal servie hh xvas largel 'v attcnded, was hcld at the IMarris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville. on Friday. July lst, the service being canducted by Rex'. F. J. Jackson, Tyrone. la- terment w-as in Bawmanvilie Cemeten~. NE WTON VILLE Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth, Newcastle, and Misses Shirle,-. Taylor, Jessie Gregg, Lois Cul- lis and Betty Hawe. Oshawa, at George Staplctan's. Mr. and Mrs. George Stap!e- ton and Dorothy, attendcd the Walker-Williams wedding in Port Hope United Church, June There was a very good attend- ance and an enjoyable time was spent by alI. Sports events wýere held first. The events and prize wîn-' ners are as follows: Running races-under school age-Gary Scott. 6-8-mixed - Esther Base- vear. 8-10 mixed-Midge Phillips. 10-12 girls - Midge Phillips. 12-14 girls-Betty Phillips. 10-14 boys-Jerry Taylor. Ladies race-Mrs. L. Moore. Whcclbarrow race - Jerry Taylor and Ken Rosevear. Three-leggcd race over 10- Barbara Taylor and Betty Phillips. Three-legged race under 10- Sheila Murphy and Alice Hag- eterp. Spot race-Barbara Phillips. Shoe scramble - Jerry Tay- lor. Bean guessing-Barbara Tay- lor. Minute Race-Mrs. A. Phil- lips. Shoe Kick-Audrey Wood After the sparts events, a dip [n the 'pool was refreshing fol- lowed by a deliciaus picnic supper. Many thanks ta those who helpcd make the day a success. 5ma1 Ship Visits Port On Weekend Port Darlington, once a booming harbour, now caters ta sea-fleas, inboards, out- boards and the occasianal sail- boat. The fact that an excellent harbour could once again be developed at Bowmanville Beach was borne out last week- cnd when a 20-ton Dutch-made sailing craft entered the port on its way between Chesa- peake Bay, in the United States, and Hamilton. The large, old-fashioned craft, manncd by four well tanned youths, had run out of gas for its engine, which sup- plements the sals. Although it drew only about three feet a! water, the ship was nevertheless large enaugh ta prove that large boats can stili enter the harbour, and may some day do s0 in large numbers, if industrial develop- ment in Bowmanville follaxvs up the advantages the St. L a- rence Seaway will present t this arca. Dear Editor: On behaîf of the Canadian Bcd Cross Society, 1 would like ta express ta you and your staff aur sincere appreciatian of yaur assistance during the 1955 annual Bcd Cross appeal. Campaign returns are itat yet complete but there is everv indication that the national ob- joctive will he reached. Your co-operatian and intorest in the Canadian Bcd Cross Sa- ciety has been a major factor ia the success of aur appeals and 1 would like you ta know that we are mast grateful for your support bath at campaign time, and throughout the year. 1 At the annuat meeting o! the i Society held last month the fol- lowiag resolution was passed unanimously : "The Central Council o! the Canadian Bcd Cross Socicty expresses its gratitude ta the national press services, daily and weekiy pub- lications and magazines for their generous provision of news space and helpful editarials in promot- ing the work o! the Bcd Cross." Yours ver), truly, H. H. Ri mmer, Chairman, National Campaiga Publicity Committee. Prcparing For a Rainy Day -Geordic's a cute anc'" sa;d Sandy ta his friend Tammas. -"Whît wv"asked TammaF. "He's preparin' for a rainv da.v bv narry ing a Maciintomin 1F 1 r j NEW ARRIVAL - Vacuum Cooled Holland Marsh Large Firm Heads LETTUCE each lOc Warm Weather Treat - Fancy Red - Giant Size Watermelons ea.95C1 Direct from Nature's Fountain of Health - Large 200's Sunkist Oranges doz. 59qc1 Best Buy ! LOWNEY'S ANGELUS Marshmallows 1-1b. Pkg. Best Buy! BLUE & GOL!> FANCY P EA S I 15-cz. Tins 31 C ENSURE FRESHNESS Daily arrivais of home-grown CELERY, BEANII CAULIFLOWEK, TOMATOES AND> POMMTES FROZEN FOUS Birdseye Chopped Spinacli, 12.oz. ..2fer 43 Birdseye Green Peau, 12-oz. ________2 for 41 A Treat for Our American Touritt BLACK DIAMON! - 5.1b. Personal Wla OId Cheese 3.09 HALF-PRICE OFFER YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A BEAUTIFU BEACH TOWEL Assorted Colors Size 36" x 60" y " Regular $2.98 Value Yours for only 1.049 With a $5.00 order iBest Buy! HRBEFO -1 Cornec B..f Ui39c iBest Buy ! DR. BALLAIY~S HZALTR DOG FOOD (Packed in sleeves of 3 tins) 3 FOR33C ÷IT PA YS" TO SHOP A T RED & WHITE - Aeroxon - Pkg. of 5 Coils FLY COILS TAT ANT TRAPS Fly Tox - 6-oz. tin AEROSAL BOMBS FLY SWATTERS 9r 29c1 a.35c 89C La. 15Cj BRANDED BEEF j j I q a i Flade Bone Removed BLADE ROAST lb. 35cl F'resh - Lean - For a quick meal MINCED DEEF lb. 29c: ;wift's Premiuln - End Cuts IONELESS HAM lb. 79,: Swift's Premium - Rindless - ',/iAb. Cello SIDE BACON 35C Swift's Premium - By the Piece Sliced IGLOGNA lb.25%c 29c NIBLETS KCERNEL 14-olz. Tins couN 2for 33c HEINZ Junior and Baby FOUDS "IT'S NEW!" Generai Food Minute Main FROSTING 0 imix 2 Tis¶9 1 FIcioL WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE STOKELY'S Juîc'Z 32-oz.43 Tins43 Fancy Tomato 48-oz.31 Tins 3c PERSONAL SIZE IVORY SOAP 2 Fer 15C CHIEF BRAND 3BoDIS Ea99 (4-strlng)99 r/u-*g11-I k.HIlE WRAP 7-os. I , Pkg. 29C' Roll 2 5 c WHITE SWAN (Coloured) CERTO *t'27 LIGUID 27 ROSE BRAND> MARGARINE Lb23 C L Th~ere's a Red & White Store near you 13OWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketerla ORONO Cornlsh Marketerie MAPLE GROVE. Maple Gro've Groceterla / reR -WH ITE . 9:00D 1 le PAGE M NI h JO%

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