v ~~~TEE CANADIAN STATECSMAK, EOWMANVILL, ONTARIO THtMSDAYJ RL ?h N Aflother successful Commun-j Boy Scouts and Girl Guid ity Picnic on Friday, July ist, uniform, as well as twoa was favoured with warm, sunnyj tive young ladies, Judy( weather. A large crowd attend-. man and Joan Turner. seai ed the fifth annual Department desks with typewriters and of Recreation sponsored event, ing machines. Chairman C which was officialvy opened at Kilmer of the Recreation the Cream of Barley Park by partment drove a truck o Mayor Nelson Osborne. by Jack Brough, anotheri A parade marched from the ber of the B.R.D., in the pz corner of King and Temperance Officiais Present Streets eastward to the picnic Following a display of cet grounds, and was followed by a marching and several ir line-up of cars, trucks and buses mental selections by the that stretched for over a mile. band at the Cream 0of B Leading the parade was a con- Park, Recreation DirectorI tingent from the popular Canad- las Rigg officially welh ian Legion Pipe Band of Branch everyone to the picnîc, a!, 178, Bowmanville. Immediately troduced Mavor Nelson E, behind the band was a decorated borne, to officially open float bearing the Dept. of Re- events of the day. Mr. Ost creation banner, and carrying paid a tribute to the Recre several boys in minor-league Department and the directe basebaîl uniforms, and one sum- the work they have donei mer playground supervisor. ing the picnic a successful e The Lions Club entered the and for the excellent pro two cars which are being raffled they offer to ail the peopç at«their carnival in August. The town. "A famnily that pra: wvinners prize is a beautiful gether . .. and plays togp Buick, Bikini Coral and Black . . the mnayor asserted. - in colour, and the ticket seller's together!" He added to thi car is a green and white Chev- of philgsophy "A happy tov rolet. Ivan Woollev and Ken a successful town." Hockin wore clown costumes Mr. Osborne officially again this year, and created a comed the new Director hit with the youngsters along Recreation Douglas Rigg, the parade route and at the park. scribing him as a "very pei The snappy bugle band from able young man." "I think the Ontario Training School for will like him,"' the mayor st; Boys follcwed, led by the stan- After a few words by Mr. dard of the school and two mer of the B.R.D., the B Union Jacks. Bill Bagneli and Band gave a displa * of pla Aif West, instructors at the and counter-marching that school, were in charge of the ver'. well received by the band, numbering about 40 boys. preciative audience. ail dressed in white shirts and The first of the sched bow ties, 4vith black wedge caps events for the afternoon i and pants with yeliow triîm. the races, conducted .by Several decorated bicycles Goodyear Recreatio: 'C1 added more colour, as did anoth- While these were' going er float, entered by the Cham- booths were op'?alted where ber of Commerce, and featuring children couki7get free pop THE ULTIMATE ]RE9IDENTIAL PHONI S IN SERVICE 'TORONTO, OX 4-3642 JACK O'LEARY ,REPRESENTING 876/.,J. LAUESEN, Realtor 86Eglinton Ave. E. Phone MAyfair 1141 Member Ontario Real Estate Board FULLY STOCKED 250 acres. just 55 miles east of Toronto, with 200 ares workable, already seeded down in 30 acres of UdLt, Z8 acres of wneat, 3i acres of corn, 2 acres oJ poaos, and also included in sale are ail implements To mention a few, threshing machine, Allis-Chalmer,ý tractor, dise, binder, corn planter, harrower, cul. tivator, plough, cream separator, 2 horse cultivator, potato planter, collarsand harne ' s, box and wagon, seeder, fertilizer, spreader, manure spreader and wheelbarrow and many extra things too numerous to mention; several horses, 6 yearling cattie, 140 lay' ing hens, 500 cockerels, 250 leghorns; a real nice harn, 100'x44', with attached straw shed 26'x60'. A fully modern 8-room house built in 1949. Fîîll price on this outstanding farm is $27,000, with %j cash desired. Owner wilI hold one mortgage for the balance pt 5 per cent interest. To see this farm cal! John O'Leary, OX 4-3642.vi List your farms with us for fast service Pony Express' Tue: Friday, 7 and 8:30 - Saturdav.,, 6:30 NONDAY - TUESDAY - JULY Il.- 12 "Men of the Fighting Lady" (Technicol or) War Drarna, starring VAN %JOHNSON- WALTER PIDGEON Time: 7 and 9.0,5 WEDNES. - THURS. - JULY 13 . 14 "Duel in the Jungle"' JEANNE CRAIN - DANA ANDREWS Matinee, Wednesday, 2 p.ni. - Gifts for Children Time: 7 and .9 p.m. ides Jn attrac- Good- ted at d add- Claude ýn De- owned mem- )arade. )unter- instru- Spipe 3arley Doug- comed nd in-, E.Os-, n the bornel ýation ;or for mak- event, ogram ple in Ys to- :ether -stays is bit ýwn is1 wvel - )r of 'de- rson- k you ýtated. .Kil- B.T.S. aying bwas eap- duled l u b. ice cream. Tickets were given S on, out s0 they could go to the Lions 1s CT M vi - booth. The Rotary Club took I.. Scharge of the pony rides. View xc len il s ýE 1 Race Winners The prize-winners in the A record number oif guests Copeland's picture was so bighly races conducted by the Good- were 'welcomed to the June prized by the sponsors of the year Recreation Club, under the meeting of Oshawa and District Caribbean cruises that, he with direction of Russ Oke, were as Movie Club. President George his fimil'y, were sent on a second follows:. Thrasher welcomed representa- cruise to film this mrise for Girls 9. 10, 1l-lst Dixie GUi, tives from the Toronto Movie them. The picture that 50 im- 2nd Patricia Cook, 3rd Marie Club and the local guests includ- pressed their sponsors was Trimble. Boys 9, 10, 11-ist Dr. and Mrs. G. W. James, shown to our gathering. Bruce Wilman, 2nd Roger Mea- Mrs. S. Chartran, Mrs. A]ice M.WakrL ch"Cndn dows, 3rd John Trehune. Mixed Patterson, Mrs. E. Crawford, Mr. NaioalkExhiitinhs"Cfilm com couples back-to-back race-îst and Mrs. ,C. G. Morris and Mr. NaetioalExhibwiin" o teficonal Joe Kilpatrick and Mrs. Jim Geoffe, New York City, N.Y. pee h hwn o h ia Woodward, 2nd Mr. and Mrs. The Club and ahi present were meeting of the season. De- Paul Wright. Girls 12, 13, 14- treated to some unique, interest- licious and bountiful refresh- hst Monica Schlingensiepen, 2nd ing and beautiful moving ments were served. The tables Sylvia Cappler. 3rd Beverley photography. A, Toronto Club were delightfully decorated with lO McRohbie. Ladies' open 65-yd. member, Dr. J. S. Copeland, eutiful roses from the garden ~e race-lst Mrs. Christina Selby, screened his movie "This Is of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thrasher. 2nd Dorothy Hockin. 3rd Ena Mexico," showing deep sea fish- Plans were made to meet j Etcher. Boys 12. 13, 14-lst ing, high diving and a bulifight, again at the annual picnic, at Loweli Highfieid, 2nd Don Os- and many Mexican scenes of the summer home of Mr. and 'S borne. 3rd Gregory Cooper. town and country. His picture Mrs. Gordon Law, ait Hawke- Grandmothers' spot race-ist of bis Caribbean cruise was both stone on Lake Simcoe on July Mrs. Alvin Stacey, 2nd Mrs. M. interesting and instructive. Dr. 24th. Allison, 3rd Mrs. E. Clapp. Girls Il 1.5, 16, 17-lst Sharon Kilpatrick, . just in time to savour the last 2nd Gail Bagnelh, 3rd Charlotte YLVERflTON couple hours of haying-Neat IHooper. Mixed couples' open tmn h j three-legged race-lst Joe Kil- Mr. and Mirs. Hugh McGill tmr.ndgrschWiso patrick and MVrs. J. Woodwardseta noal weked M.nd r.JckWsn 2nd Helen Dunn and Dick Pat-seta noybewe-n and famiiv motored to city,.of 18 ndovr Wme ,with their grand-daughter, Mr. Toronto to pick up Mrs. Geo. IL field. Chad vrstina s and Mrs. Rodney Jones at their E. Wilson who has been taking * open--lst Mrs. hitn Selby, cottage ait Bobcaygeon. raenshre 2nd Mrs. J. Woodward, 3rd Mrs. Ti ekte jil hv ramnstee Rosalind Wright. 18 and over Ti ekteMGishv Mr. and Mrs. Ray Robinson men's open-lst Joe Kilpatrick, the Snyders as their guests. anid family accompanied the 2nd Mauîrice Cardinal, 3rd Robt. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm and Preston Neals on a motor trip 1Dykstra. Mixed couples open land Mr. Ray Wright have re- to Santa Claus village near novelty race-lst Joe Kilpatrick turned home from their Bracehridge to celebrate their and Betty Woodward. 2nd New- month's motor trip in the Wes- respective wedding anniversar-E ton and Christina Selby. Girlsi terni Provinces and States. ies. j ceýt6,78--st.Shiela Allin,2nd Shir- Highlights of their trip were Miss Emma Henders spentP - 1ey Patfield, 3rd Betsy Phiilips.ivisits with Mr. and Mrs. Artithe weekend at Doctor Heui- b Boys 6. 7, 8-1lst John Kiipatrick, Malcolm at Cypress Hilîs, Sask. ders' cottage at Catchacoma 2nd Henry Koov, 3rd Terry and the Abe Nairs Of Port Lake.t jNicholls ' Boys 15. 16. 17-istj Reeve. the Herbert Porters ofh JonFowler, 2nd Tom Park, 3rd Calgary, a trip to Banff, Su'l- Conrtltos t as John Osbor*ne. phur Springs, the Great Divide, Clrke on pa ssing ber exam- Pie-Eating Contest Lake Louise, etc. The roughest iM ro. LodHaai n n A pie-eating contest, with in fv ttsadfu rv Gordon Heasli p with their par- blueerry pie donted y .ents the Geo. Heaslips. Lloyd Catrs and Sevenn's bakeries, inces-our own 7A Higbway, lae co o rpt h lft t of the youngsters who an unwelcome notoriety. Home Concave n fra.n t i took part with smeared faces Miss Truus Boon with Mrs. s and big grins. They were re-i play of tumblîng and pyramid, Harvey Malcolm.h quired to cat a piece of pie off work. Haying in Yelverton this a paper plate on the ground, The Orono Band. under the week bas been in full swing.a while thenr hands wene held be- 'direction of Milton Tamblyn, Those of us wbo are fortunate hind their hacks. Lionel Rowe<gave a splendid concert, and enougb Io be finished trying was the winnen of this event. bingo, operated by the Kinsmen to keep out of sight of our less r IThe treasuire hunt. in the form Club with prizes donated by fortunate or tardier neighbouns. ofa candy scramhle, ivas woni local merchants drew much Of The week or two of a breather hy Allan Plummen and Douglas the crowd. Others toured the this year between havin g andja Tullock, who found lucky num 'beautiful park. har-vcst is much appreciated. a bers inside the wrappens of hr A mammoth acrial fireworks Visitons ait the Ed Lawsons e candies. j4ýsplay completed the program on Sunday wene Mr. Gerald e 43resedPIDaiid another highly successfulj Capstick and Mr. Morris Brad- Bill White, who was hcaming Community Picnic. buin of Toronto. fnom ean t(i car thnough a mud- lu___________________a smeared face, won a v'oucher for a apicnic harn from the Frigîd Lockers, and two pounds of lard for catching a pig. The young n p pig. loaned for the event by Jîm P R 7fP qg-, Brown of Browview Farms jfl 1' A R 1 b IIBV i 1weighed ahotit 90 lbs., and vas' 1eh smeaned fromn snout to'curly tail jwith lard. A line-up of' over i 100) boys stanted after the pig as ar soon as i t was set free in thea 'middle of a large field. They.th jchased it into the creek, and h icaptLred it, on the south bank. cil Several people dlaim thev "had the pig once, but il got awav" Before you pack, bring a jThe decorated bicycles which orvcdntgeo took part in the parade,*were jyorvtiro tgst jugd and first prize was won den Smeink bYIvng GilI. whose 1bike. wasen emth covered with the red, white and1a blue of Ilie union, and which! ig cdean and press bore a sign with the date of Con- m federation and the names of the with precision. You get roi provinces included. Sheila AllinL th i got second prize, and John Lyle, them Wn fl want h wnthird. 4. ou After a picnic supper, the l iem, cis 0U woeit the=i thE Canadiari Onder of Fonesters' ing softbaii team defeated the Jack ... go freuh, so neat hai and Jîli squad 3-2 in a keenly i cal fogtcontest. and upolsu, the foika . Pa] Fineh Entertainment hdes The Coîbonne Gymnastic and you meet on your Baton Drill Squad, under the .at direction of Coîborne Recrea- T~a1AfflnwonlL8 now MEa tion Dînecton Bob Turner, pre- , on sented the featuned entertaîn- *m from newl c ment for the evening. The baton: mu drill squad, cosisting of girls be- no tw cen th- ages of five and 12., mo displa%-ed their skill atmeeso marching and haton twirlini by' i erorig evrl ntict fr-.FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY mations. A special treat wasii& added Io the Coiborne demon-i PHONE MA 3-5520 pru stration b'.' Miss Maud Turner, ~Â k À IIIrIn a sister of the Coîborne director, duc( from Bondbrook. New York. She U YY VM N VILLE J u gave an exhibition of combined ~I ~ In T danct1 -A -in ndbtn1oeens EMAIK 1 rna rTEKr % e- i J, Hel pers and Fishermen at Lions Club Booth The Lions Club Fish Pond, where youngsters Cuthbertson and Sam Black. Second row: Sharon Kil- could f ish for prizes was sold out early in the day, so large patrick, Mary Laskaris, Jan Summers. Back row: Howard was the crowd. Marilyn McCulloch holds a pail which Gibson, Clarence Hockin, Harry Cryderman. she f ished from the pond. Front zow, left to right, are: --Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Bruce Cuthbertson, Terry Black, 'Bob Cuthbertson, AI Cadmus and Lotus Ladies Meet At Newcastle Cadmus W. A. and Lotus La- dies' Aid met at the loveiy home of Mrs. Cecil Ferguson's, Newcastle, on the afternoon of June 23rd. The president, Mrs. Stinson was in the chair, and opened the meeting with the theme song, followed by hynîn. Mrs. Stinson led in prayer. The scripture lesson was tak- en by Mrs. McKee, the topic being "Conversion". The min- utes of the last meeting were read and approved and the roll cati was answered by our fax'- ourite flower. The' treasurer reported that after ail expenses had been paid, there was stili $280.17 on hand. The program, consisted of aý song by Linda Gray; readingi by Mrs. Sameils "Just Wait a Minute"; piano solo by Mrs. Ken Gray. A vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Milton Gray and also by the president of Lotus Ladies' Aidý Mrs. Jim Gray to Mrs. Ferguson for the use of her home. A lovely lunch was served by Mrs. Ferguson and a social hour spent. Our village was filied withj summer tourists over th e week- end many 'of whom. remaincd to spend the holiday season. The swimming beach wasj crowdcd and the swimminlg tanks weih patronized. We hopeè tbat ail have an enjoyabie holiday in Our midst. We were giad to sec Mrs., H{ector Beggs able to be around again after ber recent opera- tion. Another of our citizens bas retunned home from a Peter- boro Hospital. Mrs. Issy Bern-, tein is now convalescing at ber home bere. Mrs. Ambrose Fowler bas also been showing considenabie improvement. Two girl cbums daugbters of Alf Mitchell and Chas. Chap- man, bave rented the booths of Mr. Thomas White and doing aroaning business. They~ have afull line of gnod thîngs ta at and drink with their Kosh- r bot dogs being consumed yv the dozen.U Mr. and Mrs. Sid Bernstein iave reopened their restaurant _ id report business good. Arnong those enjoying the veekend in fishing in othcir )arts were, Mn. and Mrs. Ber- iard Neals. Dave Seasmiih, cnrt Richardson and AIf Mit- ,bel]. The extreme beat and droughit scausing consideî'abhe %wonry inong tree growers. There is igreat fine hazard with every- hing as dry as tinden. We arc ioping that visitons and local tizens wîil exercise evenv îution ta kecp the danger ta minimum. Wc believe otîr village is get- rîg a bit more community con- ious. For a good many x'oars hene bas been no activity *ound our park but now the 'v ce baving becs and trying ta lake the grounds and sur- undings more nespectabie. Iso our Fine Brigade is wor- iy of comment as the 'v have Len sccuning neWltv ose for i ~ie equipment and also mak- I îg canvasses for funds. They' j ive donc a good job whunj fled out to local fines. Thej rk and Fine Association arej ýserving your generous sup-j )utc ubr rm hr nui.eanme rmhr tended the funeral of Mrç. îude Emmaney in Peterboir iTuesday. Dccased was lov- 1and respected in this corn- înity whene she nmade her )me for severai yceans. Inter- ent w-as in Norwood Cern- ery.1 Practicaiiv cven.v available an on g'ri arc empiovc.d 'ning trees. Nearly ail grow- sappreciate the benefits de- ced by a more saleabie pro- :t. Nature is often hidden, some- es overcome seldom ex- etùileçi.-.Iranci5 Bacon. -:& BLACKSTOCK Results of the music exam- inations heid in Port Perry re- cently of Mrs. Ruth Wilson's pupils: Bernice Larmer, Grade 3, Pass, Janice Byers, Grade 2 Honors; Bryan Gray. Grade 2 Honors; Lorraine Dayes, Grade 1 Pass. The Wesley Hoskin Family enjoyed a family pinic on Sunday at "Lormax Farm" the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hoskin. There were about fifty present. Miss Aileen Van Camp is holîdaying with Mr. and Mrs. Norton Van Camp at Listowell. Mr. Gordon Paisley is in Toronto marking examination papers. Mr. and Mrs. George Prosser left on Monday by motor for Saskatoon, Sask., where thcy wili attend the Inter-Provincial Farm Union Counil conven- tion on July 11 and 12. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mal- colm, Toronto. with Mr. and Mrs. Merrili Van Camp for the holiday week-end. Mrs. George Fowler and Di ane Blair are holidaying wt Mr. and Mrs. G. Rutherford and Alan on Scugog Island. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Carle'r and Anne, Cavan, with Mr. and Lander h 7 KING ST. E. Mrs. Clarence Marlow. Mrs. Jabez Wright and11Qss. es Annie and Effie W ' tg iOshawa, spent a few days witla Mr. and Mrs. Hector Short- ridge. Mrs. C. W. Hutton and fame, ily are spending three weeke Il near Kemptville. Mr. Dale Gunter who, at- tends University in Chicago is with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Guti- ter and working in General Motors for the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner, Quebec, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mountjoy, Doug, Bobbie, Jack and Jill, Morganston; Mrs. Grace McGill, Betty, Beth and Vernon, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dav'id Fairth- orne and William David, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Os- mond Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Booker, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Hamilton. Mrs. John Marlow is holiday- ing for two weeks at Star Lake in Muskoka, with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Shook and Marjorie Anne. Miss Pearl Wright, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Fergu- son. Orono, with Mr. and Mr&. Earl Dorreli. lr dware PHONE MA 3-5774 F