---~a. uujx -,tn, i~THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO AEIV C aw ker Family in Business Four Generations and Martanc 1VTr1 . _ JUM were Wednesday supper gues with Mrs. Lloyd Hunter, Pci run manville, and the saga of the Cawker f amiiy is part of Perry. Mrs. Hunter and Mi vho the fascinating story of Bowmanviile's history and progress Nota left by plane on Thur. and in those 107 years. To-day, T. Wesley Cawker, father of day for a visit in SaskatchE wan and Alberta. ted the present owner, George, is semi-retired, but spends Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malco]r ing several days a week at the spacious modern store on King and family spent Thursda ,ays Street West. evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ri ow-, -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Malcolm, Janetville, who hav just returned fromn their motc the Ontario Bank, now the triptl heUest Bank of Montreal building. Mvemorili Haospital Rev. Harcy Atkinson, Mr; Moved crReporteetAtkinson and David, Ohw Movd crss tret 'veeklv ep rtvisited Mr. and Mrs. Geor, Alter a few years at this la- Johns. cation, C. M. Cawkec purchas- For the week of June 26 - Mrs. Victor Malcolm ai ed the building which now July 3: Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin call houses the Coronation Cafe, Admissions ----------------- 4" on Mrs. John Proutt and Mis and added groceries as well as Births, 9 male, 2 female __ il Ruth. Congratulations to Miz meats ta his merchandise. Two Discharges--- - ---------------43 Proutt who celebrated her 90t men; George Joli and a Mr. Major operatians --- , birthday on Juiy 3rd. odRowe, maved inta the premises Minor operations------------ 6 Miss Margaret Steel, RI' m he had vacated and began a Emergency treatments __ 16 Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Re:c E. grocery business there knowil These f.,%cts are pubiished Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hac] 178 as Joli & Rowe. wveekly in an effort ta acquaint 1 er, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Stanle St. In his location where the this community with the ser- Hacker, Freddie and Betty co6i Coronation Cafe stands now, vices of aur hospital.Jen Mdad.M.ndM a-Mr. Cawker took in a partnier, Henry Sheffield, Oshawa, wil] ung Jh lifte o! Harry AI- Mr. and Mrs. Steel. Mr. an( ier- lin, and the business becanrie ENNISKILLEN Mrs. Steel spent Sunday witî known as Cawker & Allia Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMuï This partnecship was probably Congratulations ta Joan Hobbs len. ~.formed in the early 1880's, as in completing the first year of Mr. and Mrs. George Johw Harry Allin, who 'is flow 77, a two year course at Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mal can remember being ia this Teachers' College. She is at colin spent Saturday eveniný store when a vecy small young- Muskoka Beach Inn, Graven- with Mr. and Mcs. L. Joblin. ster. At this time, Wesley Caw- hurst, since closing of schooli A number from here attend. ger's oidest brother, C. Arthur where she has a position. led the service at Caesarea ar Cawker, who is now deceased, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brad- Sunday morning ta hear Dr also wocked in the Cawker & ley visited Mrs. Thompson, Or- Bowles speak. Allin store. ana. Service in the United Church gC. M. Cawker then sold the Mr..,and Ms. Keith Fergu- next Sunday at il o'clock. grocery portion o! the business son and David, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. George Samel: -~to Archie Tait and his son, C. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lee, WaynelMisses Jean and Donna, Pori Arthur Cawker, and it became and Terry, Oshawa, Mr. and Perry. visîted Mc. and Mrs knawn as Cawker & Tait. C. M. Mrs. Milton Samis, Enfield, Kenneth Samelîs. SC awker then bought Out Joîl with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fer- Miss Doris Gardon, Lindsay, & Rowe, who were operatiag guson. also spent a few days with the in the peie where his but- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Samelîs family. i chber store had previously been, Port Credit, Miss Reva McGill, Mr. Robt. Sadier, Bowman- a nd he moved his butcher shop with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. ville,* visited Mr. and Mrs Sback there. Here he remained Mr. and Mrs. Fred Billett, Ralph Sadier. j atil forced ta move when the~ Scarboro Bluffs, cailed an Mr. Mr. and Mrs. George Arm- Post Office was built la 1903. and Mrs. Roy McGill. strong and familv, Toronto, Mr. It was during this period that Mr. and Mrs. Peccy Ellis and and rs. Chas. V1ine. Part Per- j is younger son, T. Wesley family, spent the weekend ait' ryviied Mr. and Mrs. H. Cawker, joined him, begin- ther cottage at Cordova Mines. Vine and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- r- ning ta work at the age of 14. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright fred Vine. lit "I remember that 1 could but- spent the weekend with fciendsi Mr. and Mis. Edgar Emersor techer lamhs and calves before in Oshawa. and family, Toronto; Mr. an-i ,he 1 was 14", Mc. Cawker recali- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson, Mrs. Mervin Bird and family, tiod n ta The Canadinfora- Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Brooklin, visited Mc. and Mrs. a tint h aainSae-Mcs. Carl Ferguson. M. Emerson. ce man. Mc. and Mrs. E. A. Werry Mc. and Mcs. Don Stutt, Miss in Purchased Present Building and family with Mc. and Mrs. Elva Bradley and Mr. Kenneti- :er When forced out of his loca- L. Ashton, Haydon. Haockin, iss Darothy Hockir y- tion by the construction of the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fergu- and Mclvan Waolley, Bow- Post Office, C. M. Cawkec pur- son and Freddie, Mrs. G. Fer- manville, visited Mr. and Mrs. chased the building on the 1gîlson, Master David Johnston, Malcolm Emerson. s)W sd f igst .Miss Dorothy Ferguson, Mr. Miss Gail Malcolm is spend- ngwhere Çawker's IGA Market is GadnMci,1bwwt ing a few days with hec grand- hestîll located. It was then awrned Mc. and Mrs. W. J. Fergusan. mother, Mrs. Sam Brooks, Bow- id by John Lyle, who was Towni Mc. and Mrs. Russell Spink7 ' manville. Clerk of Bowmanville. Mr. Oshawa, with Mc. and Mi-S. Mc. and Mrs. Newton Bowle5, ýe Lyle was the father o! theWatr ke Brampton, speat a fwdy vy present Town Clerk, Alick Mc. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- with their brother, Dr. Bowlez .r, Lyle. Charlie Young and F. A. ton, visited Mc. and Mrs. James and Mrs. Mackie. VI Haddy had been aperating a Aikenhead; Haydon.__________ er gracecy and china business in Mr. and Mcs. Allan Werry sthis location under the name and Sandra, with Mc. and Mrs. Evecy difficulty siurced avec 0o f Young & Haddy. Mc. Had- Ross Lee, Kedron. will be a ghost ta disturb your id dy's widow, now 94 years aid, Mc. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, repose later an.-Fredecic Cho- is still alive, and living in To- Lamna & Susan, wtih Mc. and pin. conta with hec two daughters, Mrs. C. B. Wagg, Uxbridge. _______________ Misses Lena and Agnes Haddy. Mc. and Mrs. Adam Sharp C. M. Cawkec and bis son visited, Mc. and Mrs. J. Cooiç, Wesley operated their new Oshawa.L store as two separate business- Mr.VraW1d c n To Pay Past es, with meats an one side of Mrs. Floyd Pethick and Robin, the building and groceries in Toronto, Mc. and Mrs. Roy L Due Bis the other. C. M. Cawker died Lockhart and famiiy, Niagara at the age o! 84 in October, Falls, with Mr. and Mcs. S. R. T osldt 1932 and Wesley carried on the Pethick.T osldt business. A few years later Dr. and Mrs. Clark Dorland, E otl when his son, George, was aId Ana and John; Mrs. Ralph, Monhl enaghheheled utin the Mrs. Audrey May and Butch, of Pa3'ments store, ta become the fourthiAMchM.ad rs generation Cawkec ta be assa- Ahan, Wercy and Sandra, En- ciated with the meat and gro- niskillen; were Tuesday evea A cecy business in Bowmaaville-. îng tea guests a! Mc. and rS. Four years ago Wesley turned E. A.« Wercy. For Home the business avec ta hlm, but mi.. and Mrs. Wm. SteelcRpar be still cornes ta the store taO Raglan, were Sunday supperRear help out several days a week. guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred After an entire lifetime la Toms. the meat and grocery business Mc. and Mrs. Nanman Wi!-m Mc. Cawker finds it bard ta son spent the weekend at Hali- For New stay away fcom the store even burton. though he is semî-retired. -I Mr. and Mrs. Camecon Oke Prhae doa't think 1 have missed 30J Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenca. Satucdays at the store in my Avecy and family, Bucketon, whale life", be said. with Mr. and Mcs. Albert Oke. The attractive and spaciaus. Mr. and Mcs. Roy MeGili For Any home in wbich Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mcs. Roy Lan.- s mrec Cawkeclilve at 210 Liberty St. maid, Sauina.S N. was built by bis father in Mrs. Ernlest Walker, Dal- Emrnc 1884. Mc. Cawkec was bomnj phime and Joanne, Bowmaa- oniy a few huadred yards fur- ville. with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- Corne In Today ther narth ini the bouse at 3!2 sell Griffin. Liberty St. N., naw occuned Mr. and Mcs. G. A. Wilson, Try The Bellvue Way by Robert Cale. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. K. o .O! a family of tbree boys and V. Svanefelt. «two girls. Wesley and bis s;s- t A bîrthday celebration wal Pay from Incoine Plan ter, (Allie). Mrs. -F. C. Van- beld at the'home a! Mr. aind stane, are the only ones sucviv- Mrs. 1larry Gcubb in honour of ing af the C. M.-Cawker fam- Mrs. Hunt. jlv Mis Dris z fi.Bak bEflfLV, Ein I ID ID AI A L l'A A A 66~ IGA "TABLE RI P§me -lb. d49. Rib Roust parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Milison. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gobie and boys, Courtice, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner, Keîi and Leslie remaining for holi- days. Miss Helen Partner, Osh-i awa, is also holidaying with« ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk and John attended the Orange church parade in Goodwood Sunday and were royally en- tertained by Gaodwood lad.esq to a lovely lunch. At our iast Home and Schooi the day "marked" for ur av» fuai communitv pieni, sa last Wednesday in spite of the heat evervone began to gather at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner about 5:30 p.m. to makê ready for our supper. When all .as in readiness 79 sat down to a long table to enjoy ail the "goodies" espec. 1, Ythe ice cream. Races were held for al ages. A s darkncss started to cone down every one said their goodbyes decaring that every year is ot. Mr. & Mrs. C. Buri Celebrate Their 4Oth Anniversary Mr nd Mrs. Charles Bui M8rlga St., Bowmanvi clbaed their 40th wedc anniversary with friendsi relatives on Tuesday, June I at their home. Mrs. Burns the former Beatrice Ki They were married in Bc manvile, and the groom1 been an employee of the Bo manville Foundry for 44 yea Their three sons, Mli Peterborough; Frank and Geol o f Bowmanvilie, were alil sent to offer congratulatic ta their parents. Present a were Mrs. Frank Piper, ClE SKing and Harold King, sisi and brothers of the bride; M~ Gordon Richards, Town, a Mrs. Tom Kinsman, Oshav sisters of the groom; aiso fi grandeidren. Ail three Sc 'of Mr. and Mrs. Burns ha served in the Armed Force ICongratulations a n à gi Iwere received by the coup including a coffee table a cups and saucers from vario members of the family. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. George Gr Iand Mr. and Mrs. George Gr IJr., Maiton, called on Mr. ai Mrs. W. Vine. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emersi Ivisited Mr. Donald Emerson Woodstock on Tuesday. Mrs. Victor Malcolm Vern( ris LONG SAULT Mrs. Edith Murphy with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, at Blackstock and attended Dis- irs, trict Church ParadeSunday. dinge Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- adta, with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 28, Fletcher. ýis Miss Bernice Colville, Bow- .g. rnanville, with Mr. and Mrs. ow- Paul Vaneyk. has Mrs. Orme Milier spent the ow - weekend with hier parents at srs. Tara. île, Mr. and -Mrs. Harold Murphy :rge accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Al- pre- bert Murphy, Bowmanville, ta ins Montreal and met Mrs. A. also Murphy's mother who arrîved lay from Sçotland for a visit with ster her daughter and other me- [rs. bers of the family. and Mr. and Mrs. F.G. Smith and .va,i Grace were Sundav guests of ive Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, nsBlackstock, and attendedth ýav District Chucch parade. es. Mr. and M1%rs. Rye Gibson ifts and Sandra with Mr. and Mrs. 1le, Fred Cameron, Hampton. and Mr. Alex McLaggan and bsMurray with Mrs. McLaggan's mother, Mrs. Margaret Evans, Arundel, Que. Master Teddy Milîsnk rl lia, is ho] daving W ith nis 'e v sn, at! U d on lin. ] > f he dm SWIFT'S Zie LLNCHEON MEAT or P R EM Aa, rg 12 oz, tin ed 35c ss )th N., ST. LAWRENCE ke SALAD h QIL nd ig n WELCH'S ch GRAPE 32-oz. bottle le 39c ir- BEANS d with PORK S. 20 oz. tins n 2for 27C Special Offer! Van Kirk',c 6-.z pg.CHIPIT MARGARINE 1-lb. Pkg.ZV Summer's Crisp Cool S alads TASTE BETTER WITH GA.. .Xtra Whipped SALA» DRESSING 16-oz. jar 39c ITE" BEEF Tender . . . Shiced IPORK LIVER Swift's Premium ..Sliced COOKED HAN Maple Leaf "Fiesta" SMGKED, SAUSAGE L.b. 19C 6-oz cello pkg. 39c 1,b. l'kg. 49C Swift's Brookfield . . . Skinless ... Pure PORK SAUSAGE Lb-t. Pkg, 43c *Marsh Grown - Crisp, Solid Heads LETTUCE I Jumnbo 2 (alifornia ... Red Cardinal G RA PES l,1. 29c Caxifornîa Vine-ripened Salmon Fiesh - Jumbo sizp 45'o CANTALOUPES 15c New~ Crop . . . Ontario No. 1 NEW POTATOES 10i.h. 39c AYLMER . . . Fancy - 15-oz. tin1 SLICE» PINEAPPLE 27c BI'LAN' ¶ .. (hoice B.C. Cut WAX Bi E AiNS2 t'ns29c Swift's - 1l.carton JEWEL SHORTENING 25.S DR. BALLARJ>'S . lealth 5-0oZ- 7 F00D 3 tins INTERLAKE . .. WVhite Cross TOILET FROZEN FOOD FEATU RpS luiswet000z pkg. I FRENCH FRIES 19c SPictsweet 12-oz. pkg. GREEN PEAS 23c Lucky Draw wîiI be held this Saturday Caiwker's I.G.A. - mBowmanville bigger and better than ever Club meeting, June 29th, was before. p - r George Cawkei 1 - - , - ý - -Il- -- -- - , 2, ý, 5.ý. jamm eau 1 M ý.M MOI. Imý Courteous, Friendly Service for 74 Years fi '/~/~QBusy bousevives know that IGA \)~,'y~~ > is the place to save time and save money COniplete selection of top quality products teamed wiîth fast, courteous service makes ]GA an ideal One-Steop-Shiop! Redpath.. . Granulated IGA . Canned Whole Chicken Ti~. $ 1.63 10 79C 66C p