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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1955, p. 6

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TK. CANDIA S ZiJLM4 S 1 h .L I&1*BUWMANV ILE, ON TAIO 1HRS ,JULY 7t14 1031 (JL MYLES - COOPER Roses and delphinium form- ed the background for a wed- ding in Orono United Church June 25th Saturday afternoon when Irma Adele Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cooper was united in mar- riagg with Bruce Calvin Myles, son off Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Myles, ail off Orono. Rev. John Kitchen perform- ed the ceremony. Wedding miusic was played by Mrs. Workman. Guest sohoist was Mrs. George Carson who sang "Because" and "Ill Wahk Be- side You." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white floor-length gown off band- embroidered nylon tulle over taffeta. A small hand-em- broidered jacket with stand-up collar and long pointed sheevp-s covered the bodice off the mnatching gown. Three hand- embroidered tiers of tulle adorned the full skirt. The finger tip veil was caught by a regai tiara encrustcd with seed .earls. The bride's bouquet was red and white roses. The maid of honour, Miss June Cooper, sister off the bride was gowned in a drcss off sun- shine blue nylon lace aven niatching tulle and taffeta. A tiny jacket covered the strap- less bodice. She worc a head- dress off pleated Sunshlne Blue tulle and carried pink and! yellow carnations. Attending bis brother as best man was Mr. Donald Myles, Bowmanvjlle. The ushers were Mr. Donald Mercer and Mr. Ross Carleton. A reception was heid in the auditorium of the Odd Fellow's Hall. To reccive ber guests, Mrs. Cooper wore a street length dress of powder blue taffeta witb lace appliqued insets. She was assisted by Mrs. Myles, wearing champagne taffeta. Both wore corsages of yehlow roses. For her wedding trip, the bride wore a turquoise blue dress with white accessories and a corsage off pink carna- tions. The bride gave ber bouquet to her grandmother, Mrs. Cooper, who is 84 years of age and who was unable ta attend the wedding. The happy couple wiil reside in Orono. WEIRMIlER - HANTHORN t A profusion of summer flow-g ers decorated the cburch for as quiet but pretty wcdding which1 was solemnized in BurketonL United Churcb at two o'ciock on1 Saturday afternoon, June 18,1h when Lovica Maebeth Hanthorn,1n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 1V PAGE six good wishes for a honeymoon *Itrip f0 Niagara Falls, Buffalo, GLFDRI VING 'l the bride chose a dress of nile &green nylon marquisette net R A N G EA over taffeta with white shortie coat and white accessories. Her Stheir return they will reside on L atdtwo miles East of Newcastle the groom's farmn near Elmwood. M Guests attended the wedding 1~ r o m Elmwood, Kingsdale, from12 oon nti midigh r'Kitchener, Hanover and Burke- AOn Friday evening, June 24, friends and neighbors gathered Sat the Enniskillen Hall to honor ~*t' WiI ~ ~ ~49Z'3*~* the bride and groom before they' left for their home in Elmwood. *They were the recipients of M-INTER-COUNTYa many useful gifts and good wish- a es and the evening was spent in : *visiting and dancing. The music I 5EN O R :royd, Hampton; Bill Johnson, M*GAME 13 Tyrone; Roy Ashton, Burketon *and Miss Gwen Dean, Burkcton. Thursday, July 71h - Bank Night MS ABN !Brantford Ried Sox vs. Oshawa Merchanis !Biluedelphinium, pink carna- * I1 the altars off Holy Cross Rrni- * GAME 14: an Catholjc Church, Oshawa, * lILfor a wedding at 10.30 a.m. hast bloda, usy Ilt * trdymorning hnBa a trice Jacqueline La Bine, dati- Sf. Thomas Elgins vs. Oshawa Merchants : lhter of Mr. and 1Vrs. J. A. La Biewas united i marriage M with Roger J Mask son of GAME 15 Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Mask off Whitney, Ontario. Reverenci *Philip Coffey performed the : 1hursday, July 14lh - Bank Night : double ring ceremony and said à the nuptial mass. Miss Jean Gali Terriers vs. Oshawa Merchanis attho rgzija.Rand MrsFrank *Rosettani of Whitby sang 'A\,e "On This Day 0 Beautiftil K \INSMEIN CVCMte * 'fath in marriage by ber * ÀÀ~~ÀC~DAI ST DIHtÀer the 'bride wore a floor MEMORIA4 STADIUM *1length gown of hlwhe 0 S HA W ACha ntilly lace and nylon tulle over satin. A long sleeved fit- Y~UUUUIMMMuuuumoumuumomoeoummemuu.......qEdjacket of the lace having a lily pointed collar complemen- ted the formal bodice, and n- lon tulle fashioned the bouf- fant skirt. A crown off tulle au- ccntecd with pearîs and silver Store losedtulle illusion. She wore a sin-- gle strand of pearis and car- TL hlid~,c Iried a cascade of pink rose, ani streWînclse orMiss Marcia Mask off Whit July 111th IoJuly 2 1sf inclusive o n dafodi maiof Chan-. taffeta. The flour length skirtc New Toni 1.75 Vacuum Botties . ---- 98e featured a star pointed laceb yoke, and the formal bodice3 Tonette for Chiidren- 1.75 Pint Thermos. 1.79, 1.98 Was topped with a shrug jacket. The other attenidants were Pin Quick - ---- 1.75 Quart Thermos__ 2.95 - 3.95 Miss Marie Gaudet off Toronto Prom1.7 On-galonJug 4.5, .95 and Mrs. Richard Young off Prom -- - 1.5 Oie-gilonJug 4.9, ~ Oshawa both w'earing identical guwns of romance blue eni- broidered nylon tulle. The Special Spray and Noxzema 100 A.S.A. strap]ess bodice was comple- Spray Net Stay Creani Tablets mented with a matching jacket, 1.75 175 1.5 19eand the bouffant waltz length t 151 .751 .251 9cskirt ffeatured tiers off tuý1eG frilîs. Ail the attendants woreC short white gloves and head-G 16-12 Fly Repellent - 59e dresses fo match their gowns, IOjIgIoatr 9eSpcaGZ and carried cascades of Johan- Skeeer-Sattr ______59ena Hill roses, white chrysan- Aviation Style Sun Glasses themums and blue delphinium. Sta-Way, tube ____ 29e 99e - 1.69 Miss Helen La Bine off Boxv- FIy-Tox Spray 35c, 59c, 98c Tone-Ray Glass 4.00 $ 10 manville, smahl niece of the jbride, was flower girl wearinl- FIy-Tox Bomb __ 89e, 1.39 Polaroid Giasses 1.98 2.50 l a long frock off blossom pink laffeta, styled with a short bo - dice and an overskirt off matchi- I NEW NEET HAIR REMOVER, Liquid_ _ 98c >ing tulle sprinkled witih lily off the valley. She wore a flower- NEET HAIR REMOVER CREAM, tube _ _59e ed headdress to match her dress, and carried a basket ,f summer flowers in pastelf - 1shades. I I Mr. Ronald Nîcholas off Whit- dutiesney, Ontario, performed YY L INGS Jthe duies ofbest man. h IMA 3-5693 DRUG STORE TRUSSES , t.Ai lh i La-,lime. bîother-~ thu bride. - Th4e reception waâ beld at Three Smiling Winners of Foot Races E. Hanthorn of Burketon, wa. united in marriage with Clay. ton Edwin Weirniier, son of thE late Mr. and Mrs. Weirmier oi Elmwood, Ont. Rev. R. M. Sey- mour performed the double ring ceremony. Mr. E. M. McCoy played the wedding music and was assisted at the organ by Mrs. R. M. Sey- mour for his two solos, "C Promise Me" and "0O Perfect Love." Gîven in marriage by Mr. Anthony Smith, the bride look- ed loveiy in a bolero type bal- lerina length gown of pink em- broidered French lace with tulle trim over taffeta. Her fingertip ~veil of embroidered net was held ~in place by a heart-shaped cor- oiqet of lace and taffeta. She carried a cascade bouquet of pink roses accented with white ostrich plumes and foliage and white satin streamers. Mrs. Marguerite Smith of Burketon was matron of honor wearing a bolero type ballerina length gown of blue net over taffeta with lace bodice and màtching head-dress. She car- ried a nosegay of yellow roses on blue satin ribbon. Mrs. Betty Stever, Kitchener, sister of the groom, wore a similarly styled gown in mauve with matching head-dress and carried a nosegay of yellow roses on yellow satin ribbon. Mr. George Weirmier, Han- over, brother of the groom, per- formed the duties of best man. Mr. Walter Weirmier, Elmwood, also a brother of the groom, was usher. The bride's gift to the groom was a photo - identification bracelet of yellow gold, and to the matron of honor and brides- maid, brooches. The groom's gift to the bride was a matched set of rhinestone jewellery set in sterling silver, and to the best man and usher, tie-clips, Later a delightful supper was held at the Enniskillen Com- munity Hall, served by the Women's Auxiliary of Burketon. The bride's table, which was decorated by a three-tier wed- ding cake, was served by the Jolly Workers' Club of which the bride is a member. Mrs. Bert Alexander, Oshawa, receîved the guests for the bride, and wore a gown of turquoise blue taffeta with white acces- sories and corsage of yellow roses. She was assisted by the groom's sister, Mrs. Roy Disney of Elmwooct who wore a gown of pale blue figured nylon with pink accessories and éorsage of Yellow roses. The .bridal couple lf ae -' i a S ULWP UI rnCL++S A the Oasis, Kingston Road Eas, Iwberc the bride's mother ne- ceived the gucsts wearing a dress off powder blue silk crepe, a wide brimmed navy straw hat, and matching accessonies. The bidegroom's mother who assisted chose navy blue crepýý with white accents, white bat and matching accessonies. h, both ware corsages off pi nkTho- ses. For the hancymoon trip to American points, the bride donned a suit off blue grey vir- gin woal, with white bat and matching accessories. Pink ro- ses compniscd her corsage. On their return thcy wilh reside in Oshawa for the present. The bride is a graduate off Sherbrooke General Hospital, Class off '51. LEIIMAN - CRAIG Red and white peonies and orange blossoms formed the background in Salem United5 Chunch on Saturday aftennoon, June 18, for the wcdding off Joan Marie Craig and Bruce Stanley Lehman. The bride is the daugbter off Mr. and Mrs. Wilbent Craig off Salem and the groom is the son off Mr. and Mns. W. A. Lehman off Chare- _ The ceremony was perform. c d by Rev. F. Jackson. Miss rRuth Bragg playcd the wed- ding music and accampanied the soloist, Mr. Bob Craig, bro- ther off the bride, who sang "Because' and "The Lord's Prayer". Given ini manniage by her father, the bride wore a waltz ]ength gown off wbite embroi- dened nylon witb bouffant overskirts off net. The match- ing jacket had long sheath sleeves off embroidered nylon. Her fingertip veil off embroid- ered tulle was caught ta a pe- tai cap trimmcd with seed pearîs and she carried a cas- cade off white carnations and stephanotis. Mns. Elinone Guest, Hamp- ton, was matron off honor, \vearing waltz-length yelloxw nylon crystalette with match- ing headdress andf carrying a nosegay off blue and yellovw carnations. The bridcsmaids, Miss Beatrice Craig and Miss Gerda Craig, sisters off the bride, wore similarly styled gawns iii blue anîd dusty pink respective- ]y, with matching headdncsses, and canried nosegays off canna- x fions in complementary colon. Little Roberta Craig, niece off flic bride, was fflower girl ' wearing yellow nylon crystal- . cftc with matching headdrcss 4 anîd carrying a noscgay off blue and yellow carnations. Mr. Jack Lehman, Claremont, brother of the groom, perffarm- cd thîe duties of best man, andi uýhers were Mr. Dat-id Craig, Salemi, brother cf the bride, arnd Mr. Burton Porter, Osh- .. aWa. 1Thie reception was hlîed on flic lawîi at the home off tha ~ bride's parents, the bridc's- miother wvearing a dress off pik andI grey nylon slîeer wPth white bat and accessories and f corsage off pink roses. Tlu!f, groorn's niother assisted, weau- ing a clress off uavy nylon slicer xvitli xellow hat and ac- cessories and corsage off yelloxv r roses,. Ladies off the Salem W. A. caicrcd for flhc wedding For travelling to Quebec Ci-. tv andi other Eastern points, the bride chose an ensemble consistiuig off a wvhite dress with iavy polka dot, a navy duster coa' with w'hite trini, and w'hite bat and accessories. The bride and groom will reside ai 36 Liberty St., Bawmanville. The bride is a graduate off> Osbawa General Hospital and i s at prescrnt on the staff off Ivm-orial IHospital. Bnwman- - vil. The groom is employed AN with Ontario Motor Sales, Osh- * wl a N Out-off-town guests attended the wedding froni Owen Sound Goclerich. Detroit, Toronto CIaîcniýont, Oshawva, Roscbank, Gormley and Bowmanville. eN UT1 5110 -W 4.I Phone MA 3-3303 BLACKSTOCK' Miss Joan Hoskin obtained ffinst class honons in ber Grade 2 Theory Examination, a pupil off Mrs. Ruth Wilson. Mrs. Harold Martyn, Ronnip and Blair, are holidaying with relatives at Sturgeon Lake. Mr. and Mns. Ralph Eccles- tone and Miss Josie Archer, Sudbury, are spending a week with friends. Mr. Roy Turner went to To- ronto on Monday whene he is taking a summer couree as su- pervisor off Arts and Craffts. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer and family, Whitby, with Mr. and Mns. W. Archer. Mrs. L. Hammel and child- ren, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. George Staniland. an., time and reverse charzes svurîam, i oronto, were ~undav 'I Mr. and Mns. Alvin Heayn, Linda and Larny, Scugog, witb IMr. and Mrs. Wesley Pearce and Mrs. G. Crawford. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Wright entertained the following for Sunday tea: Mr, and Mrs. Gar- nef Wright, Hazel and Keith, Port Perry, Miss Vera Fonder, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wrigbt and children. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Devitt, Bowmanville, spent Sunday night witb Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton affer visiting witbh Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Port Penry. There was a good attendance in the annual Orangýe cburcnl parade on Sunday evening with the Cartwright Band leading the procession. Mn'MeraTronio, wFengunad CA Public FREE WALT FAMILY 1955 Bel Air Chevrolet guests with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill. Ail the members off the family called through the day as it is the iast visit before returning to Africa. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brad- burn and Jimmie, Toronto, with Mrs. Wesley Bradburn. A misceilaneous shower was held in the Recreational Cen- tre last Wednesday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dor- reil. Mr. Jack Green was the chairman for a good program off local talent. Helen and Stew- art were very pieased with the gifts and good wishes off their friends. A bountiful lunch and dancing brought the evening to a close. Mrs. H. Bailey, Neil and Ca- therine, visited Mrs. M. Wel- don at her cottage at Nottawa- saga. Mr. Dougal McDougal, To- ronto, visited friends in the village ast week. United Church W.A. Tlhe June meeting off the Un- ited Church W.A. was at the home of Mrs. Harold Swain last Wednesday afternoon with the president, Mrs. H. Short- ridge, presidiniz. Mrs. Swain told a story for the Devotional from Matthew, "When Love is there God is also." The roll caîl was answered with the name off birthstone and fhower. It was voted to purchase a new dust mop and a vacuum cleaner for the churcb. Several thank you no-Les Osnawa Memorial Service Natural stone monuments markers and corner stones Nd. 2 HIGHWAY E. 0F CITY LIMITS Canadian Legion IVA fo he feafured ai C.N.E. ihis year NANCY McCAIG - Accordionist and Singer reiurning hy popular demand A fruly oufslandîng performer ATTENDANCE DRAW To the Lucky Ticket Hiolders on the Grounds Merr y-go-round for the Kiddies REFRESHiMENT BOOTHS - NEW GAMES PROCEEDS FOR THE COMPLETION OF LEGION HALL were read. Temmbq4 are collecting Quatlkermcoupo to purchase more sllverwaré an& the coupons are to be left with the secretary. The July meeting is with- ; drawn. Mrs. H. Swain iadI group are in charge of flomwerP, for the church for July. A social haîf-hour with a de- licious lunch was enjoyed by the members and children. SALE of WOMEN'S SHOES Clearance of Discontinued LUnes Regular to $8.95 pair ONE LOW PRICE s2.99 pair See them displayed in our windows JOHN STUTT SHOES 15 King St. E. MA 3-5839 Branch 178 -p M 'r' Beverley McRobbie, Monica Schlingensiepen and Sylvia Cappler pose for the photographer after winning the girls' 12-14 years race. The races were conducted by the Goodyear Recreation Club. -Photo by Carson Studio, Fort Hope Announcing 0the OPENING of anewAi Bowmanvi*lle Legion FRIDAY, JU-LY 15 (In the eveni of rain Carnival will be Saturday, July 161h) AT THE at 6:30 p.m. Parade of Legion Pipe Band at 7 p.m. -ENTERTAINMENT -FREE Program consisis of T47 irqit eqÀ?JAnTAU errAmvc2lgA%? 8 d ON School Grounds - Acrobatics CY LEONARD - Ventriloquist DRAW FOR KIDDIE5' BICCLE DRAW

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