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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1955, p. 8

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TH CAMADIAN STATESMAN. BOWANVILL. ONTARIO- WESLEY VILLE Wt ouet as the it A . duction ta Mr. Hardmng's goa ________________________Summer holidays began with sermon on the memariai of t!, <1 IVewaca4e"; e ? r et real aid fashioned July heat sa Lard's supper. Truman Austi Y ffl é""children were doubly glad ta be was Superintendent in Murray out of school. Ciosing exercises absence and ail class teachei were held here an Tuesday even- were resent for Sunday Schoa Gordon Agnew, Edilor Phone 3621 ing when the children enterta-n- Mr. Harding will be absento ed their parents with a deman- holidays tili the first of Augu! stration of their year's accom- but there wil be regular servic plishments. next Sunday evening ini charg Per ona We jf St G org 's, New aste. Theenirs sang "0 Canada". of a guest speaker. W ed in t. eore's N wcatle Thee wresolos byBannie Nei Nichoils and Don Quir Social and P r o a Austin, Freddie Rush; readings haearie home rmte b y G w n n e o rd , L n a T h r - t rip h W est C o a st. N e il b His many friends in New- Talbot Alldread and tamiiy. t dyke, Gloria Nichais, Barbara 'plane and Don by motorcyci castle and threughout the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allun Dinner; recitations by Bill Bar- co)untv xi]] be sorry to learn and Paul, Miss Claire Allun and rowclough and Donna Oughtred; During the past weekend Mi that George Walton is a pa- Mr. Philip Veitch of Ajax,l piano solos by Marie Austin and and Mrs. Keith Caswell and Mr- tient in Memorial Hospital spent the weekend with Mr.! D. Oughtred; duet by Carol C. Payne, Part Hope, and Mr! where he xvas taken following and Mrs. Bey. Hancock at Lake :hrdk Yon ani;A. Thorndyke left on a moto a heart seizure on Saturday Chemong. trio by the Austin girls and trip ta Vancouver. evening We are sure ail will Mr. Boyd Harris of Sharbot other numbers by groups in Helene Barrowclough, accon join us in wishing him a speedy Lake spent the weekend 1t1 reading and singing. A gift 0f panied by Betty Jacksono and complote recovery. Mr n r.Rs obedick appreciation and remembrance Toronto, sailed an the "Homeric -Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rae Of and family. was presented ta Mrs. Craig on fromn Quebec on July lst. The: Toronto were weekend guests M.adMs lffHre behaif of the pupils by Bannie plan ta spend mast of July tour vith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Misited wt Mrs. G. ffH Hodg- Austin. There were tears from ing England and Scotland b: Ernest Alldread and family. son a t Gravenhurst Sanatoriumth cidrnadscreegtcradA utonheC ti virs.d wStella G H. ong the hlrnadsneergtcrndA utonheC ti Ms Stla Anderson and on Saudy.o h part of their eiders be- ent. Mr.J. Foley of Toronto were M.adrda. FakIrno cause of Mrs. Craig's leaving. Suyxday visitors with Dr. J~. A. M.adMs rn rno Donna Oughtred and Bill Bar- Mrs. Clarence Nicholîs, JaE Butler and family. and daughter of Millbrook viz'rowcîough wili be attending and Phillip returned Sunda: *Mr. and Mrs. Gordoc rw-o udy high school this faîl but with evening from a visit ta West riige of Flin Flon, Manitoba,0 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Allisonsoebinrstesoohremah tiited a few days last week and family, Mr. and Mrs. Les- will be well fifled. Joan Ashby and Bonnite Austir %Vth Mrs. Charles Hancock and lie Grist of Toronto, Mr. and Teewr 6cmuiat went on Monday ta C.G.I.'] Mis RthHacok.Mrs. Bill Allison of Bowman- at the Sacrament service oncap tProiafralda r.t and Jacquelne ad, ville and Mr. and Mrs. Newton Sunday morning. The choir pro-sty Ruhandlacusente hdoMr Selby, were holiday weekend i vided special music and iovely Jane Reeve of Niagara Fal Waac een vihsieting i tt visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. liles, hydrangea and delphin-i home for the summer. davwith r. nd Mrs. n tho- M. Allison. ium from Bests were the floral Phil Clarke of Utterson iý Brreonan fmiy.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade and offenings for the service. That spending the summer with hii .Mers.Ja as.Nsitt f or Douglas, Misses Louise and man is the only animal who at- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C HtpMrs. Jac Nesbitt fPrt Dorothy Trenwith spent Sun-___ Mi2. KM. F.ak e motcdnt day with Mn. and Mrs. Walter . 1Q K.F ie ooe oRichardson at thein cottage at I~-' Harmilton on Sunday to bring Rainham center on Lake Erie. Jc*n Paul home from hospital. Miss Madelon Dudley of To- Mr. Jack Nesbitt returned withrot ishldy- tlher for a brief visit at home Ger-vWltn Mr.Harvey Jones and fan- Gog atn li f omavleMs.Mc Mrs. W. R. Canveth and chl- ..... ieof Ricardsand lM a-M drep returned home on Sundav jo iardsMcRober. ndof .following a visit with Mr. and Q4f TyoeMrs. Thos. Reid and family in mw-re weekend visitons with De1N. ~. lvns. Mary Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Couch and Mrs. Ari ac Fis and B etty, spent Sunday visit- '- alid familiy a s Ariea. ing with Mr. and Mrs. Allin ', < s~~nSunay ohnsonea dRowe and family at their cot 'rs. Lon Jhson n tage at Gore's Landing. family of Toronto, wene Suri- Mr. and Mrs. George Alln dyvisitors withMnd Mr . and Mns. W. F. Rickand visited with Mr. Clarence Harvey at J~ F Hagensville hast week. Miss f "*« foiHelen Allin of Hamilton ac- companied them home. 0 r Mr. and Mns. H. B. Kelsey and Miss Jane Knox spent the~ weekend at Stevenson's Paint. e aSunday guests with Mn. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Charles Phillips cut the cake PITB R HMrs. George Kimbaîl and fam- following their wedding on July 2 in St. George's Anglican F I~ r~ ~ r ily wene Mr. and Mrs. Harold Church, Newcastle. The bride is the former Maureen I Barrowclough and Bill of Wes- McKenna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George McKenna, UN leyville, Mr. and Mrs. George TROOF Morton of Orono, Mr. Arthur Orono, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh of ewonvh and Mrs. c idba Phillîps, Kinmount. The young couple will reside 'n OUSE AINTMn. and Mrs. Louis P. Burns guests with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Tir 1 A re Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams amcieta a m Lennard and family. attended the Souch - Whiteside Mr Hrod ein o Trn-r J i wedding at otmnerCuc ta spent the holiday weekend ExD ected A t/\ in Oshawa. people like that at Don with Mn. and Mrs. William ' r.Hwr alr orîe vegetabie stands ...z MrsStorksd anylofamily.icf Mtr. and fMs. Ca. Gl spent a few days with Mr. and why shopping is so pI ÏCý ý and family visited in Coboung Lions C~arnevc.l Ms.AtuBewnsa.Fokar :roays UNPROFHose on Tuesday. There will be plenty of Miss E. Holmes, Oshawa, is >ýoant SbettROFHan eve e Mrs. Adam Cassie and dau- thrills and no doubt a few v nng a few days with Mr. '.ause it' FUME-PROOF! Wil ghter Ruth of Brampton, are spilîs at the Newcastle Com- and Mrs. W. Homes. .iVU HIE0 AITE -b k Zt darken or discolor from visiting for a week with Mn. munity Park tomorrow evenî Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clem- A ~ ,r r ~ coal smoke or industrial gases. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and ing when the local Lions Club ence, Ottawa, pont Satunday N j /'I\ r Self-cleaning, too. Removes sur family. stage thein annual carnival of ovening with Mn. and Mr. Jack D A. ('V ID SCO K face di.rt Miss Lois Martin of Toronto fun and frohic. Holme. Mrs. C. Clemence spent ________________________________ and Mn. and Mrs. Philp Wil-. The big show is scheduled ta hoe weed ihM. n r CLOVER LEAF - B.C. FANCY RED - %x's tin liams are vacationing at Stev- get undenway with the OronoHoes enson's Point, Lake Scugog. Opas elknw hog- Mn. and Mrs. Harod Skinner, * hoida H. C. Dennis spent tet t he isric ad te lre Miss o}d h SSkinnerEYEnS A L M 0 visîting with Mrs. Dan Taylor a game of basehaîl while Mns. R. Hawthorne and family, PIlSBu G" and Mns. Dr. Rice and taig mounte d on the hurricane dock Bowmanville, were Sunday vis- SOUTHERN CROSS -- LIGHT MEAT - %'s tin in the Centennial celebrations. of the Rocky Mouintain Don- itors with Mn. and 7 ins. Af Mn. and Mrs. V. O. Whytall keys, the stubbornist and most Brown. T A I tr and John of Kitchener were ornery critters in captivity. Miss -Ilanche Wotten, Mns ., ~ holiday weekend guests withI The orphans have intimateci James McGregon, Mr. and Mns. UAF AE Mn. and Mrs. Tom Lennard and that the game will ho a -'push- Robert Wilson, Oshawa; Mn. and family, Joan staying on for the loven" and the Ail-Stars say if Mns. George Lutes, Scarboro, SWEET TENDER KERNELS - FANCY QUALITY - holidays. te can tel] the animais £roî'-i Were visitons with Mn. and Mrs. BERNETHYS wih os.W iste vsitinA the Orphans they wilwin han- jC. Avery.IJ B E S i 'iv MBR E H ihr s w. ______A.Rey-____________O R N nlsand Mrs. M. Collins 'a Sharot Lke.Followîng the raugh and Paint & allpaper Mn. and Mrs. Richard Hew- tumble game the local Lions c o l R s t RCM LO-8P FETSI S-IN REA E Phone MA 3-5431 ard and son of Montreal were 'ill ho manning the various Sc l Re uIs RC ELO -8EFCT LCE -ITE EA E weekend visitons with Mns. P.booths i the park were pa- BROWN'S SHOS .5 -z F. LGresley. trons will be able to play bin- CARKE S S. 5, 8SU C ES go and othen games, eat at the CAK refeshen both r.thelades To Grade 9-Kathleen Brown, in patîcular will find many Evelyn Robinson. Cronfeits - 16-oz. bottie items of interest at tho Lion- T rd -ayFrn A it IN ewi, . s e eettes hooth and the kiddies T LGaaj8-a, D For MtuLmN E RY S RU 7 can enjoy the pony rides. Svlv i Laa Drs Mati L G BEY SY U37 IMarion MeReelis, Ardele Pick To end the big show, somo ering, John Sinclair, WylIonL Economcal! Thow-away cofltainer - 12-or. tin hucky ticket holdens wih bc, Wilsonî. Frigaidi re &-à onna Menray boatLGLD COONY SOT DRIN 2/2 andPatsv, Niagara Fa lîs: Mn. Mrs. L. Laverty, Oshaw~aa, d Se TAIT0M S L0ans.By.Jyes N 'S S T R A W S 2 F-,r25c were Sundy visitos with Mn. Mrs. A. Ellis. Stneetsville; Mnr. ~IIàt~I an r.E. Ellis and famil, .2 . 10051 u ra te M eats . . . . ... . .New Westminster, B.C., spent Fnidav with Mn. and Mrs. Gea . Grade A - Pre-dressed - Roasting or Frying Skelding. l. - vstdMr. and Mrs. R. Chap- -Cb ICKEIVS l- man, Kinby. on Sundav. ______________________ Mns. Chas. Alldned and familv_ Swift's - Sliced - Vac-Pac- 6-or. $39 e .5attended the Blackburn - Hardý* __ picoic at Sauina on Julv 1 -1 The New~ Super 9.1 cen. ft. Frigidaire Refrigerator Mn. and MIrs. Howard Týav. on j njoy a refreahing sun-filed vacato .ivailable in Stratford Yelloiv or Glistening White and Mr. and Mrs. Stani Taylor j'*Down Fast" thia year. L uncheori fV eat 30OC were Fnîda.v atternoon x isîtors iflexpensve holida-Y fares give vo,, a __________________________________ VV.nplete with 38-lb. Food Freezer and full width Hydrator witii Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Bedwý%in. 25day lbmit wtb stop-overe permtd. Other visitons with Mr. and Mn I Bedwin wene Mn. and Mns. Ait Maple Leaf - Ready to Serve M a o & f~ fjWilkins and family who spent E « 4 White, a SundaY evening visiton.P c i h u d rl- 9 - Il è~~~~~~~~~~ Il) ,~ ~ ~ ~~~~~I a n.d uî M is< rr. .X S)cjSi)dfl îcMm. H hdSùhiConsuit any Caodian Pacifie Railway agent___________________________________ ISIII(,j. S) n sýidavValues effective at your Dominion Store, Bowmanville, MA -548 owmnvile 36 King St. E. i y M ndMs.-Aaî. Tbursday, Friday, Saturday, July 7, 8; 9 MNi. and \hIrFAdJair., zptil Stn- diay cevening with Mr. and L1xâ. ___rat )ry ao- the tin y s rs >1l. on ast ire -e Ir. 's. rs. ey n. IS. Ry Is is A. Mandel, C.A v 9TT~TIAV ? TTV 1958 STARKV'ILLE Miss Alma Cutteil and Mns. McCulhough, Orono, wene Sun- day guests at Mn. Orme Falls. Mns. M. Shutka in Oshawa hast week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Loweny and Marilyn, Toronto, at Mn. Aif Beightan. Lois Parnell of Chatham, Ne IBrunswick, spent the weekend jwith her family here. Gwennie Woolacott of Port Hope is visiting her aunt, Mns. A. Austin. Mn. and Mns. Harold Barrow- clough and Bill attended a fam- Kimbali's, Newcastle, on Sun- day. Mn. and Mrs. Ken Ashby spent the weekend up north at Jack's Rumack, Seigel & Company Dobson's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier,7 ta, spent the weekend at ir. Lloyd Haloweli's. Mr. and Mrs. Lhew HalIowelX Jim, Mr. and Mrs> Brian Cas- well spent Sunday with Mral Mr. and Mns. Gardon Trimn and chihdren wene at the cottage during the holiday. Some of the children in the district are attending the swim- ming class in Orono. Wednesday last week the chil- dren from aur school and a num- ber of aduits enjoyed a trip to Petenborough, visiting the quak- V- er Oats Company, and aiter a picnic lunch viewed the lift- locks and park. They all ap. pnociated the fine outing. s Mrs. Ross Hallowell and Jack, Bowmanvilie, wene guests at Mn. Lhew Halloweli's and also went rPeppers 5 -Fresh Green Pascal -La ERY - No. 1 Marsh Seedless pefruit Pofatoes Chartered Accountants EMpire 6-4643-4 Licensed Truste in Bankruptcy 3. Rumack ifor 29C irge bunch 19 c for 39C~ en45C of modern 'science, no one bas yet invented nLue. Only people can do that.. . people who and want you to feel welcome. You'Il find ninion, ail through the store, at the fruit and at the meat counter . .. everywhere. That's leasant at Dominion. That's why everybody ' friendly at DOMINION V' 37C- for 35C 14-oz. tin for 35C iI N >kg. 2 5 Davy Crocket Design Tumbler - 9-oz. YORK PEANUT BUTTER Monarch - 24-or. iar STRAWBERRY JAN Picnic Brand - Sweet NIXED PICKLES 31C 35C Fresh'Fr'uts &Veget 25es CHERs R SIS-qtbo CHERRIES 29c montmoi CHI Florida - Wai Excellent Greei Ontario - CEL. Flonida - Graj 10-lb. bag New ie PAGE LPIGHT 147 Spadina Ave.. Toronto, Ontario RESIDENT PARTNERS: J. Rumack, C.A. WV. L. Seigel, C.A. H. Temple, C.A. rency - Finest for Preserving - 6-qt. bask. ERRIES*. sl.35 - Red, Ripe and Sweet rermelons 95C m, 29C

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