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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jul 1955, p. 3

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________ ________ THEl A NA 1IAN STATESMAN', BOW M ANVIILE' ONTARIO Camp'Stili Flourishing After 42 Years "MUSDAY. JULY 21st, 1955 First developed by Mr. James L. Moi-don in 1913, the Creamn of Barley Park and Tourist Camp has continued to expan d and flourish over the years. Now under the ownership of Mrs. Shirley Conneli and ber son Keith, the park's 42 acres stili draw scores of visitors every Sunday. Future plans include the building of a new swimming pool and re-development of th e nhne-hole golf course laid out some \-ears ago by Alfie Shrubh. manager of the park for many years. Buildings in the above photo house a snack bar, with living quarters at the back and above, and an open air refreshmeni. booih. --Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Many Animais Kept at Cream of Barley Park IRED &WHM T Stores in Ontario Feature d*eA je ac 370 STORES IN ONTARIO Among the animals at Cream of Barley Park which attract both children end aduls. are the deer. _Mrs. Keith Con neil is shown with one of the three at the 1,.Park. As can be seen from the photogra ph, they are very tamne. There were f ive dear altogether, but this spring txvo wandered off and have flot returned. Besides ý the deer there are at the park, monkeys, raccoons, guinea pigs, a bear, fox. mounitain goat, ornamental pheasants, water fowl, donkeys and. ponies. _____ _____-Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope Cream of Barley Park Stîli Mecca for Tourisis The Creani of Barley Paii. 1919. About 1922 when Canada 120 ft. x 41 ft-, was made in one mile east of Boxwmariv leland the United States were 13. Teteswihnow on No. 2 Hîghwxax is knoox.n suffering from n th934 depressionic fi-rn coast to coast in bath1 whichi prccedcd the boom, aîPoiesaewr lnc x Canad aod the United States. group of adx'enturers trant Mr. Shrubb in 1931, and the Owned and operated for the past Bowmanville took twa cars big stone refreshnwnt booth live yeaî-s by Mrs. Shirley similariy painted through the; building was huilt s5ometinie1 Conneli and her son Keith, the Canadian West. The personnel?1 prior ta 1928. The grass waz' park's 42 acres are visitcd vear "Mike" Osborne, Hilton Pearce 1mawn by hand up unti] 19381 ly by thousands of people, (deceased) Bill Witheridge when mnowers drawn bY a teami rnanY af whom % corne back (deceasedt Meredith CucranS .vere used. A nine hale golf &gain and again. n oxv of Oshawa, Scottie Elïis .co(rse w'as laid out. and this -Creami of Bariey brings v)u1 who stayed in California wh-n is being restored by Mrs. Cou- back," was the slogan ofi'the[ the boys got there; and in the; neli and son Keith. They arc' founder of the park arîd the! other car. Garnet Mutton andJ planning ta build a ncw and inventai- of the famous cercal "Monk"' Hearle.1 modern -swimming pool next~ made in the McKay Miii. This The boys owncd the cars.1 year toa. was James Lake Morden. a 11917 Fards, but Mr. Morden Later History flambox-ant ch aracler whose gave them $25 apiece and puýt Deatb put an end ta James appearance reimrided ane of al new tires an the vehicies. Mr Lake Mrdens interesting pro- Soutlhern Colonel. Whether th .J.rH.gNcedham painted the ]et- etadcrrin14.huh slogan applied ta bathi the cer- tcring in huge white letters on; he had not been well for saine eal and the park is no t knowo, 1i'he black cars. In Winnipeg the ýtime before that. His wife pre- but it was apt in bath css boys distributed pamphlets on 'deceased him a vear earlier. Though no langer processed at the wonderful praduct of1The famous Park was left b'. Bawmanville, ceain af harle.'ý Cream af Barle. They left the 'Mr. Marden ta a ncphcw', Jîn' is still made at a plant north of, cars in the West anid jaurne - S kinner of Lockport, Man. Dont Toronto, package l here, anîd 0c )an. working their way Mitchell w&as the next awner, sold in Bowmanvîie stores. through fa California. and 1 en Mcs. Connell, whose' Familiar Figure ..Alfie" Shrubh Arrives father was a cousin af Mr. Mr. Morden. wvho marcied Io 1916, Mc. Shcubb had ar- Morden and whase mather was Marjorie iMcKax'. w'as a fani il- rix'cd in Bowmanvill e f coin a causin af Mrs. Morden, sac.' iar figure au. Bownanvi1lte Toronto, having corne out frorn the property advertised, andi streets front 191.1 on mb toth- Etglanc ini 1909. andi jained bouight it. 1940's. Wearing a Scoî"h tant M,. i\orden'sý staff at il1w Mc- The Cannolîs had been v1511- and a b1une cape ovcer miiore or - KaY Miil. But he lîad a so- ýng the Park for vears, anj dinary apparel. oid wth Iii- journ back in England, front !Keith had alwavs lhad the ide -goatee" beard and heart ' vcx- i1.919 ta 1928, before lie kturn- he %vauld like la rua it. Fixe postulationîs (not ta mention 1 cd ta maniage the Creain of years ago that ws becanie characteristic proaaitY ~hd Ba rlce- Park. Incieicnalx-' "AI. realitv. His father died about no one seemcd o0 min d vyi fie, a c. arld famnous iîuoncriie,!six Years aga, after running a much) he could nexer ha\e caot seven prafessional races in1 store in Unionville for 26 years. been mistaken for aayn u 1919 and was coach at Oxford !In April ai this yeac Keith James Lake Alrdea. University fcom 1920 ta 1928. married Barbara Spencer, and When lie tirst mnet hiirn. AIB% 1928 thore were nians- naw Barbara hielps with the fie" Shrubb, who mnanagoci 1htnmore cabins a refre.shmeuýt fml nepie hr S park for him for' maux cVars, boaîh. arîd a whale caboodl. addition, quite a large staff iin thought he iooked niore likf, of animiais whieh attractecl the sumnmer tîme. "Buffalo Bill" (Col. Codx- (i .hildren and adtilts bY the hun- Improvements the American woollv osir dreds. There were 23 panies, 33 There are 23 cabins altoge- than an ' onec ctuo. Perhap,; ihs' goais (andI thcreby hangs a, ther, ten af which have been came ta mmnd becau5ýe tiie.taîlu taxes. moose. Persian moderaized ta prox'ide motel- Shrubbs andI Mrs. Shrtubo's lambs, raccoons, a Golden like accommodation, Light father had eotertained bth e e 1ag le. Arctîc owi. peacocks, lunches and snacks are sccx't',d Buffalo Bill at thoîr ha tel Mimink, tiirkoe s and 13 dccc who in the booth, and the grounds Sussex, England. i scrc later freed. but svauMt and animais have ta be looked 1At any- cate in 1913, Mc rane xs'hen Mr. Shrtîbb calletI after. sa thece is plenty of 14orden bought tihe farmi of thcn. work ta be donc. There are Norman Sotîch, draincd t11w About the goals, a "nanns-"i stili ponies for the kiddics ta swampy ground and proceeded wii klI anv but ber own off- 'ridle, as w'ell as a bear, coans, la make a paî'k and Lhildren's spriog, sa0i. i order ta be sure i donkpYs, nonkeys, fox. matun- playground out ai it. Lateî', six hie had the right "kids" with tain gaat. pcacacks, pheasantý- cabins were added. three ao tef ih mra M.Srubrand deer ta look at. Twa of the which ar'e stîli thero. In the iox'entcd the ingeniuts idea ofj deer escaped, had a biessed early days, horses anîd rigs tying similar colored ribbons event, and have not yet been were put up in the barn on Iotahue right families. The war*- captured. the property. At that lime, ît ry w~as finali 'v taa great, andI Sa. 42 Veacs after ils foîînd- is believed Ihat the Creani ai lhe goats liad la go. jng, the Cream of Barlev Pack Bariey Park svas buie oI. No Entry Fee issîifocsig îractin, "tourist' park between Torouuî. i tllBîrshn.at ta and Montrea], t helped L-) Big graups like the Danfortb more and mo rae eople Vt' blzeth tai ortoavs 11_Bii:iness Men's Association used year, and i sratrniet cort ad otk thc hasve thoi- picoles there, and know thaf it is stili in the Mor- 1 ebecome st.chbibg bu. itei1 the Rotarv Fair w'as aiso heid den and McKay- families moieae.tns here. Orono aod Lindsav tbrough Mrs. Conneli. And that thismobie ag. iBands allen prax ided music. Scotch tamn of Mr. Mocden's For Publicity; Bi.g groups paid a fee for la - is stili a pcîzed possession off Always a believer .., publi- bics and hot watcr. but indi% î. bis aId friend "Allie" Shrubbi. city, Mr. Morden had a s-an duals paid no lec of ans' kind OId Milli SuentE painted with the name 'Cre*r, ta enter the park. The sanie As for the aid mili, it has of Bariey" and the location -on lrule holds iodas' under M-.s. 'ceased ta be active. There w'as its sides. and drawn bx' poni,z 1cnils awnu-fi bîlp. a mi there on the cceck a3. This vanl toureà ithe M'et in A cement îw==nng ,Pool j early as 183Z. but thle present 1L PERSONAL SERVICY AT LOWEsT POSSIBLE PRICES INe00 OSHAWA AND DISTRICT "BEST BUYS" at AYLMER FANCY 14-oz. UP. "BEST BUYS" at RED & WHITE ]KERNEL o 9 E HT REGULAR OR CHUBBYco6f PICNIC SIZE - 6-oz. ]KLEENEX TISSUES 6 For 99C CLARKE'S 1-z CARNATION MILE 6 For 39c u Ip CANI HEL] SAV ING J I REDI & WHITE-SUPER SOFT TOILET TISSUE 6 For 59C CAIMPBELL9S - Vegetable Varieties - 10-oz. SOUP 6 Tin69c LIBRYS COOKED - l5-oz. tins SPAGHETTI LIPTON'S VANILLA and CHOC' ICE CREAN MIX ]BRUN SWIC-/T BLUE & GOLD - l5-oz. tins FANCY PEAS 6 Tins 79c COLATE 6 For 85C 6 Tins 49c RED & WHITE 7 FLAVORS JELLY POWDERS 6 for 43C PURITAN ASSORTED NEAT'o69 LSPIREADS 6 for 6 9c Tinsi 95C Fresh PRODUCE BANANAS Golden Ripe RED, RIPE AND FULL 0F JUICE GIANT SIZE - 26 lb. average WATERMELON ib. 19CI A PRIME THIRST QUENCHER - Large size LEMONS a.5c SERVE FRESH HOT BUTTERED CORN CORN ON THE COB Ioi. 49c FIRM & FRESH-New Crop-20-oz. Poly bag CARROTS 2 r 25c FROZEN FOODS Birdseye Beef Pies, 8-oz. --____29e Smith's Concentrated Grape Juice, 6 oz. 2/39c Supreme Sweet Mixed - 16-oz. PICKNL E S n 23c Robin Hood Marbie - 15.oz, CAKE MIX Pkg. 27c Free Tea Tovwel - Giant BREEZE DETERGENT 79c Fair Wind - Solid Light - 7-oz. TUNA FISH Tn25c Red & White - Pure - Reg. 16-oz. PEANUT BUTTER 31c There's a Red & White Store near you Yeo's Marketeria ORONO Cornish Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria BOLOGNA CHUIS lb. 35c I I ALLEN'S - 20-oz. tins OLD SOUTH - 20-oz. tins AYLMER - FANCY - 15-oz. tins CREAN CORN 6 KOOL AID - Assorted Flavors D-RINIKS6 DIXIE - COLOURED CAMPBELL'S - Chicken Varieties-10.oz. tins SOUP 6 Ins 95C Iasty MEATS CHOICE, MIEATY-Tops for that picnic basket Tins 75c 6For 33c POR SpeiE PEAMEALED-End Cuts by the Piece BACIK BACON Lh. 59C QUALITY BEEF-RoIled Plate BONELESS POT ROAST Rolledlb. 29C Plate SWIFT'S PREIMIUM 99C 1 r r- 7- ý .1 1 - - -l - j -- - ý Il --, - ---lltý---- .-- À Con etr ungry T1001 Grew UpInia Sa own 25-DAY SPECIAL Up RUN-RIP Knows Weeklies' Influence LWROUND-TRE TO Peopie who grow up in a both of the trustworthiness of . b em . smaller Canadian co unty our news reporting n 0 Lslr seldom, if ever. forget the vi- soundness of your editorial op- <AST OFMEGANTCLXVU..CHANN) tal role which the local ne is nions. In the same way", headth MA I ME paper plavs in the tomfn's lfe. added, "the Canadjans who dounthMA I ME And Aflan W. *'Scotty' Bruce, head of Canada's Household Fi- business with us must be con- nance Corporation, is no e:xcep- vinced that we offer them bath s- tion. an economie and trustworthv y Raised in the Ontario town means of borrowing money. t ~~~~~~~of Beaverton on the shores of ~ i o htrao ht Lake Simcoe where the week- for some years now, we have îy Express was a regular visit- been teliing the storv of House- or in his home, Mr. Bruce bashodFncehruhtec- alwys eena irmbeleve ~umns of this paper and other the value of newspaper adver- îNesarsaosCnd. tisng."We know that in local Pa- "We in Household Finance pers such as The Canadian Enjov à refrething eun-filled vacation are a service business, just as Statesmnan we flot only receive Down East" tbisyear. your newspaper i4:', he stated. high readership for ourave-Illexpenaïve holids.y far« giuv."u a "Andour 80 ranc oficstsing messages but that we are 25-day iimit wth atop-over@ permitted. and aver 1400 emplovees are telling Our Story of service ing intimatelv, related to the livesanaersngmdu whc of ]itera]il hundreds of thous- isie ofdne 45#«Weta ands of Canadians. 'The suberiers to our "We beliexe it spays to ad- JUNE 2Oth TO SEPTEMBER Sth The s bscrbers to N Iur ertise in a g ood new spaper Consutt ony C nodian Pocfic Roawey aouni Snewspaper must be convinced just as it pays to borrow mon- es', when you need it, frorn a Blacks1~ck*W.I.ing Mr. Buc concluded.eI______ -,Blackstock: The July Insti- tute meeting was well attend- Little Calh «v Moses, aged two, doesn't quite know ed at the Parish Hall of St. what to make of a baby raccoon being fed fromn a bottle,' John's- Mrs. Lorne Thompson just like a real baby. Mrs. Keith Conneil is supervising presided for the opening exer i o(D t C.L d feedi g tim for ne of the t ree b by ra coons at t e Ma of the wart Cole O d, and u C o t d ifee ing time for one f t e th ee aby acc onst se s ofry tewantitute Ode and ICream of Barlev Park while Cathy looks on. Cathy is thei business period. jdaughter of Mr'. and Ivrs. "Bud" Moses, Bowmnanville. 1 Miss Clara Marlow was th Reduces the Prices on -Photo by Carson Studio, Port Hope. guest speaker and gave a most interesting talk on ber experi- ences and work in the C.G.I.T U L ( I n T V I building dates from 1905. ac- 1!vas sold ta Mr. Lea Berman. ý organizatian. Clara stressed F cording Io John Squair-s, The machines have ail been re- that Camp life is a wonderfill "Townships a! Darlingaton andc moved ftram the miii naow. experience and broadens a Clre" otad erlbrlyPehpste l m, wl -tgirl's outlook on lîfe. She gaveE "i 1O8 Carke". Pn t ad earban rl ePes te old mrilgci iy tMrs. Fred Hamilton credit for STOVE 01 I 1910 cents per gal. wasmilod her an frr, e rstoed o rarig atixîtvthe work she started in Black- 1916 an. creamo of barleV. 111 by some new enterprise some; stock.I 1928 cacloads of pot barleY and dy Mrs. Murrav Byers, secretarv, FUEL QIL 16 cents per gal. baià1eýv'for feed were shipped gave an interesting paper on-2 a nd7t 8,000 cases a year of creamn of barlev. Rayon and acetate cotîh, current events. Then al went out to the shady east side of On Air. Morden's denth, the chemicals, plastics, photogra-'the church where races and FOR DELIVERY mill became the propecty of' phic fi=lm, explosives and trans- Isports were enjovedana Miss Beryl Percy and ic paetwapn aes acfne picnic supper. Mrs. George PO EOHA A510 Shrubb, both of whomn had made from a highiv refinecl Staniiand xvas hostess and Mrs.PH N OSA A510 been associated with the busi~- forrn of xvoodpuîp called alpha H. Bailey group leader for the ness for many years. Io 1949 it cceulose. day. PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 21, 22, 23 1 a m 1 YOI le TIns 75c lb. 45c

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