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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1955, p. 9

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THURSDAV, JMYA 28th, 1955THCAAANSASMN O A VLEOTAO pounds of weight connecteï, with 1 Faint: Treasure hunt - Peterta.- Srope in a pulley-, then for a!ýW r y -W i h h l sWry h letpro change, the blighter puts me onMsE.lfr;Teyugt- Ed Youngman's Column 1my back, straps a ten Pound w DryavihtidhipsWRy; he Ldre;Te new L è 1weight ta the foot soe and tares oLliId P ut H m t et Da ied ap are; The fn Th tatasa',GruRot oumitme ta cock my pedai extremity ucni avn on e t he arrid-No deisThecfa into the ar thirty times. He Mr. anti Mrs. John Treble, a l w y s i n s T h a n u a g a h e r n g f h e o m m t t e , M . a r o d W r r y s w Cit yth e M a n . ; T h e p e r - D a Yo'v , pe wr, pee n hehopial hae nIlieswasheId at Hampton on ing siate of officers was pre- dren, Mrs. mewst graindTheI s1- Yo'egot ta hand it ta your carnter w k, 1 lded tht: ntehsi ohv n Saturday, J'uly 16th with for- sented anti electeti for 1956.. tables were LaenwisSw ain Te Is t old scribe, he gets arounti. Just a hammer and saw always made' infra-reti îamp warm up the laden with .snfor21St tian now l'm al the Workmen's spotg before my eyes. She bar- knobby aid knee, and just when t-n rsn o inrar Past President - Clarence abundance of foodi andi ice ing m Compensation Board Rehabili-, rifieti me with -the 'suggestion, Morpheous starts ta embrace for o uppr dI re adeg h n Werry, o wmanvei le;D.ce a treat for ail. e,!n tation Centre, Maiton, Ontario. that I carry anti pile cortiwood me, feel the cool, trained fingersfo uprIlrvet banJh Wry, Bw nile 1~t eauethresmuhwrong (that would be too - xmuch like of Mrs. Exten (so help me, that's ideal picnic day andi relatives Vice Presitent-Bert Luke, To- for ind io eapat ( le therhorie.therbicyceion teatite tghtenaed mce g from Wootiville, Lindsay, Sý_ ronto; Recording Sec.-Mrs. H IIk Closbthe me-utvth r ta lther homrie).t her suge st in that her ig te n e im e ring up Catharines, Toronto, Port Per- M cGiîî Enn skillen; C rres- OClBS o se ;harts' in'out that egt made me dzy ry. Palmerston, Port Coiborne. ponding Sec.-Mrs. Elton Wer-~ ends ai hapylite ee bibt dzz. Our food is ample, tasty,. var- Biackstock, Crystal City, Mati., ry, R.R. 2, Bowmanville; Treu- A large gathering of parents and se regular training. But that female is very resource- ied, punctuallv served. There as well as Oshawa, Bowman- surer-Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, En- adfinsatne h n mS 1Mrs. Ludwig, one of my super-! fui, she finally procided me into are gooti bathing facilities. The vllaatisuruniîg resnskîln;Comttee fmnnulpaorciethlgîen yan naMot imsors, is a nice trim, brown- ; orking (with my feet) a sew- staff are caurteous, efficient, attendeti gmn-r ndMs .Ms . nScottsno r puls in thaalon eyed lady with a cute littie îing machine treatile - with noaepuawy ryn p gmn-M.adMs ln button of a nase, but wben she neetile in it, andi another withbepuaastrig a e In th.e afternoon the presi- Werr, aua Mr.adM s. Wolumbu s ' UnitedChrci r theip cracks the whip ail of us he- a bunk of santipaper that bonls tintscback ulaikn. t ~-deon, M.Calartenc WerryloKe- Dalton Dorrell, Blackstock, Mr. centîy. Lovely floral arrange- flot enc mnen tremble and cringe! She araunti and- coulti be used for urihai ication. arey -tiror aletitbie sso m e tog- anti Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees, ments matie a pretty selttng for cess ta mnakes tme carry weights UP smootblng off onshaven chins, eabiltaini flaage iug- t eo a rt dusinfs meet-Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Mau- the weil presented program of also Ne ramps anti down stairs; event or, if applied ta the right place, earvis, etrining lot anagelotsngbsentina ae of t.BhWryE e rice Jebsan, Osbawa, R. R. 1. piano salos anti duets. At the osedti t has nme weaving on a loom. If coulti be real handy for waking parts, coupled wltb lots anthltsnabsenceeof A. B. Werry, Eben she catches me talking, she*just'sleepy heatis in the marning. Sa! of self beip. Self pity is flot ezer, one of the oldest mernini- t asafor 156ieited tas tse endeofta prograatinx th is swlIvels those pretty brown eyes1 far, I've sharpeneti up three encouraged bore. In a way, you bers, now ninety.-twa. Mr. picn he fo r6eld a u s-ati e snain teahr. t thei RH my way ith a urt lok Tho' c ha ive n the"Resstanrsi yyuronFakWihti elco actions. But if you want belp words paid fîtting tributo ta Joly anti members are asked Rickarti as chaîrman the fol- A them, whiéh makes me feel s5,Te0 pi h Reitnelof any, sort, anti deserve it, it's the memory of Nora Werry, ta came for one meal only, lowing pupils took part: Betty gullty I go rigbt out anti do; Room", makes me sit an a bigh fe o h sig nii' h aidn ubae h dinner at 12.30. foliaweti bY Miller, Diane Powell, Mary double tiuty - I think. i bench, stick my taatsie into a1 service with a smile. years, in many ways for the sparts in the afternoon. Vasco, Gloria Miller, Eleanor It la When she asked me ta do stirrup affaîr anti heave a few This centre was starteti in weifare of the Werry clan. Mr. anti Mrs. G. White, Mr. Moore, Gary Hayes, Gloria in a 1947; totiay, there is a staff of On behaîf af the naminating and Mrs. A. Hoar, Mr. and Moore, Gary Powell, Jimmy can 1 160, iooking after 450 patients. Mrs. Percy Werry hadi charge Stark, Harry Visser, Donna of tlI k ~ M V P WI'm in Warti 7E, which contains of a fine pragram of sports. Hayes. Yelle Visser, Alastair\ woul, Mi, 1 ~ J23 cots, accupioti by pret rono rincipal The failowing were the priza" Rickard, Arnne Stînson,.Helen need D O* wel elow ro al ve, or. winners: Girls 5 and under - McDuff, Evelyn Corner, Grant Iea <ail o~~~~f a littie United Nations - Moves to M~iIbrook Margaret Werry; Boys 5 antid ih en hmsn ~o hl coi(yeur ph.. m nmber) Anglo, Italian, Ukrainian, Frencb onder - John Werry; Ail girls lino Webber, Larry Lamb, tVher mm s e'anti Indian. There will be two replace onder 5 receiveti balloons and Kaye McKenzie, Qrace Webber. stantl s. -skfe The W.C.B. will not aliow ments aon the staff of Millbrook boys, small cars as favours; Mr. Stanley Webber bas bien famil O t liquor or eam bling ere. Their ig b sc ool w en it op ns b i s 6 8 y s.- k innt - c nfln d a is o re w t b ar barsh, but still draws unfair heen, wbo was principal of Or- Peter Werry, Glen Werry; loy around soan. a lI M ~criticisms from same jerks who ana high scbooal will be the Girls 9-11 yrs. ý- Carolyn Wer- His many fnientis xvilb-c % nyrht t ogoi h nwpicpl H vi oi y, Anne Werry; Boys 9-1 giad ta hear that Mn. E. Wei) your "Centre" is a self cantainoti charge of the teaching of ma~- -David Werry, James Lane ; ber who bas been iii for sony' DRY CLEANING SERVICE community, witb ail that the thematios and science. Other Girl% 12-15 yrs.-E. Van Camp, time, is somewbat improveti al an 'A, word implies, about 14 miles schoois in whicli Mr. Gobeeîî Pat Treble; Boys 12-15 yrs.- time of writing. the iv from Toronto, anti two miles bas served as principal inclul- James Lane, Davidi Werry; *-- fromn Malton village. eti Waterfond, Haveioci: and Mannieti Ladies-Winnie PCor - Mr. Oliver McCullagb andi There's a lot of spontaneous Newc&stle. Ho is a graduate of dingiy, Muriel Jebson; Marrieti Mr. Walter Lucyk bave eacn humour arounti a place like tbis. Part Hope higb school anti Mc nîen-Keith Van Camp, Dal.- built a nico new borne for When one cbap was looking for Master University. h ton Dorroîl; Wbeel-barrow tbemseives anti are nicely set- a place ta plug in bis electric Miss Helena M. Searle, xvlo race (opon)-Peter anti David tieti in tbem. razor, a Giliette owner remark- wiil be in charge of commer- Wenry; Three-iegged race-Pc- Mr. Sobil anti Mn. Sandenson eti "tbat's the disativantage of cial subjects, is a graduate oif ter- anti David Werry; Rolling- are eacb building a home for being an aristocxËat." [the University of Tononto. Sh" pin throw-Mns. Kenneth Wen- themseives tixis sommer. Coi- 55 Ki One feliow toiti of a tiog, saol bas also hati practical office ry Naii-diving contest-Two umnbus is a nice place in wbichi;IIII smart that when it's owner experience. teams; Spot race Vaiente tao li e. * reacheti for a rifle, the tiog- _________________________ wauiti sniff for deef; wben Joe - bhantleti a sbotgun, 'the pooch . .... .would bont for rabbits; anti r when the man gat his fisbing out behinti the barn anti tig for GeSa@ROu r Mu. ittfDyn C l NO MOReI : E.S OT :' ish a nms. os eti i thelevingtt wageat TAR TSTO G#t OUM«@DktECOSTSNo ORE 1 ALL THE DIRI s A nexv arrivai was almost Clothes can'get so soiled that even b ~ ig three bundreti paunti satiist * SPOT AND I twisted the patients' tiamageti Saniiog Dry Cleaning won't beJp, a ST:AND arms anti legs so raughly that & teW.C.B. usually hîres another bu htsmgtmighty rare. So, DISAPPEAR 1 erson tao mit the agonizeti don'tdespair. Send it today for the.e screams, ta save wear andi tear mtinri, aannoe s on the patients' larynx. bc ndycenn.s iAPES ETIL Like the army, we are issuetiIdh o l ' i g s 0 r with two pillaw cases, two shoots, t e w rd . i q à tt s R155 LASTS qI blanket, saap, towoî, pyjamas. .0 The latter get a break because LONQER l I usually sleep in the buff. Like ls the army, we rise at 6:30 a.m., * * lights aut anti sottie tiawn 10:30 g ~ ~ p.m. From 4 p.m. tili 8:30 a.m. I aur time is aur own. The firat night a pesky miat- tress button warketi base, roll- GNRL Airport, I thaugbt it was flying back anti forth past my wintiaw,! but whn tiawn broke, niy jadotiP AR senses obsorveti that, while the1 plane noise was reai, the sup- poseti plane was a math flying back anti forth betwoon the wintiow anti screen. That's what's known as an illusion; DAILY PICK-UP AND DELIVERY many mare of such wili prabably mean tbe nurses will have ta Local Agent:- HOOPER'S LADIES, WEAR stop warking an tho leg anti PHONE: OSHAWA ZENITH 13000 transfer thoir ministralions ta my naggin. ar - When I sauntered i mb the-. tansoriai parlour, the blackhead e . chaser asketi me lta givo bis best *regards ta Bill Hackwooti of oPontypoal. A bloke from Wel- I *lanti, nameti Bill Nagy, wisbed lta be rememberedti t Antiy . W ie n'Tl e Andy were raiseti in tho same Scammunity in Saskatchewan. Isent greetings, with a Min- Youca nw re-wire on thme. d ten man, ta Percy Cassitiy, Chief ARanger, anti Mike O'Noil, De- bI .. uty Ranger, wbose beatiquar- 'Z jtors* are in Mintien. Ltd ~ A chap tram Cumbermere Hi gon EIectric Ld 9 helpeti me to spenti last week- .1. anoune thir Oenti at home by giving me a annonce heirride in bis car. Baptiste Dupuis Nt. coulti bave gane via No. 7 . "11RUuaIu ONau'Highway, but was generous J * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 __wu m IM-.eouh .a-o i-41 nt 15 traffic)--on top of this we hav'e lots of land avaiiable. I Why should we let Oshawa~, Ajax and Whitby grab ail thcx industry when we are capable ! of building them here. Bowmanville ' JuFt thinl; cf the work dt Sir,. wauld create (sornething wt! ýby your issue of Juxîv really need hiere) a7 nmost If .at somne progress is bn- aur own workers trax4l to Oýs i- nade towards attracti- awa ta work. and the better idustry to Bawmanville.' sense of job security we coui! town is idealiy suited have, if soineane wauld just get Lustrial expansion. started on tbis. e proximity to railras Sincereiy. in the north and south W. Browri )f tawn, adequate water,________________ ewer facilities avalilale j tawns bigger than tn's 1 1C K EI T make this baast,) shoulrl To EVERI'WIERE attract people ta bulii Air. Rtail or Steamihiv lants bore and if that is Consuit ough, we have easy ý.'ci J URIlY & L0 VE LL the No. 401 highway, . 3ovmanville . 2 hlihway, (whiCh1 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 carry ail the east -West iAdinsia Shower for Yocur Bathroou ithe greatest dlscovery shoiver fixture. Spray be directeti to any part 1e body just a5 you Id like to have it. No 1to get your hair wvet. Ifor showering the Iren or for shampooing. Se installed it is con- [y In use by the whoie y. The Adjusto is Lnteed for 10 years andi )ost is surprisingiy law. ('ail us fer a helpfut suggestion as to how to make bathrooni up-to-dale. If building a new home specify DJ;USTO SHOIVE1 anti Tub Filler, a fixture which whole family tvill enjoy using. FOR FURTIIER PARTICULARS PHIONE ~ *hobby is grousing, but we arent And Scores of W ire -Yaour New Home wearing a path to the discbarge OhrMreso r VVroom. Grousing is the beaithiest teMrvlofPgei t .. ~~form of safetv av e ivst The Miacl . eso at and Cold 0 Thé Drap ou Watoe wlh a song There is an easy budget paynient plan available %Isrmbless. o osnd0 fo vr letia o. In July 21 Star, a sab sister " fi/ jopines thali French Canadians!t NonIhy Pamonl ~.I *1500 Xdon't wan t ho egood French -adians, but just gooti Canadians. Aa Which prompts your friendiy Commercial AlteraionsEXtNAA PA - U . wR f-at * ckforthe past lhreo ude J years?" *I eP f. ~ Aste a i Brr:for yaur nice cand frommexico.1l' hursday, JuIy 28th to Saturd, 100O0N E_____I LIMITED Neariy 500 of Canada's Senior CLECTRJO WIEING, REPAIRS AND REFRIGERATION Citizens are careti for in UnitedtHWiAL pm o1 l AUTHORIZI ___Cburcb homes for Senior Cil - ' nox jwj u k- I." scas. cros -anaa. In MA 3-54E38 EECRI Bowmanville th, Toronto Cdnference. three: 38 King St. E. HOM APPLJANCI DRAME Ontario are bei'ng organizeti, in New Liskeard. Onillia anti an exten- sion ta the Ina Graf-ton Gage Home in Toronto. .1 i S. Blain Elliott Pluinbing - Heating - Tinsmithing ing St. W. Bowmanville Phono MA ~-3348 i DAY ýrvell!ng exposition MOTORS IT's lBiG IT'S SENSATIOH1AL, IT'S F~ IT'S FASCIHWATIflE OSHAWAl ay, JuIly 3Oth me. ADMISSION FREE .......L3tk a<. ! B 't THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAtqM]LE. ONTARIO L. 3-3348 1 PAGE NM

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