?HURSDAV. .TULY 28th. 1955 TEE CAKADIAN STATESMAII. EOWMAYVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE ELEVEN Origin of Place-Name Bowman ville By Dr. L. B. WillIamis Recently, I noticed in The Statesman that you. tbrougch counsel, were accounting for h ow Bowmanville got its name and that it was named a!ter r my wile's grand!atbor, William ,.Bowman-a great banor indeed ý44Rdwe are only sorry it isn't ttrue. I'm afraid you are barking 4up the wrong tree. Grand! ath em William Bowman, fathor of the late Mrs. Albert Arnot, whose daugbter is Mrs. Wil- B larsns an Englishman tbrough and througb wbo came S here !romn Devon, England, with al bis worldly «goods tied up in a red bandana. ~ .Charles Bowman, after wo Bowmanvilie was named, was a Scotsman fom Berwicksbire, three months in saiiing the At- iantic, wha established out bere a series o! chain stores- among them Bowmanville i824* ~- (thon caiied Darlington Mills) withbis beadquarters in Mon- tréal. At that time aur tawn's bus- :ness, consisting of tbree or four small stores, was ail on ..,-,-the West Hill with the road way down Wavenly Road to the barbon. There wasn't any road ta the barbon east of the creek. Theme was a census pop. ulation a! 118 persans in 1825, .exclusive o! Indians. ,c The first store was apened by are, Lewis Lewis, wha after four years operation sold to Charles Bowman & Ca., whose fîrst local manager was the father o! the town's once Post Master, the late J. B. Fair- bairri. Years later. a boy, John S Simpson, oniy twelve years o! age becane clerk, was in con- trai at 18, and eventualiy tank over the whoie local Bowmn interestsl--land, holdings, store, e- t rnlis andci dstilery, the latter acrass the road beiow the Van- s tone miii. Bowman owned practically the wbole site and more o! the present site o! Bowmnanvilie. (That Scotsman wouldn't like our present Tax Bill) Simpson, father* o! aur late citizen, D. Burke Sinpsan, K. C., later became Senator Simpson and in bis holdings iocated bis handsome three- storeyi brick residence a mile east o! Bowmanvîlle on the sauth side o! Hîgbway No. 2. now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hubent Stacey as a Tourist Home. Senator Simpson arganized the Ontario Bank of w3ich ho wps President, was for years agent a! the Bank o! Montreai *Lnd today we have the digni- Y ied architeçtural Bank of Mon- treal which graces King St. It's pretty bard ta keep fron digressing froin my subject. The Bowman stores sbelterd and out!itted the militia en- Sroute west tbnaugh town in the $.William Lyon Mackenzie Re- beliion of 1837. By this time the Bowman business, having large capital was able ta out- strip ail campetitars for in pia. neer days it was impossible ta carry an any kind o! ontorpnise on a cash basis. Thein I.O.W. was taken neadily as gald. Paper currentiy being thon very scarce, the Bowman & Ca. issued a 25c shin plaster o! their own and the late Mn. Rhys Fairbairn told me the Fairbairris had one that had of course nover been redeemed. I have a copy o! the wording. Mr. Charles Bawman, the abject o! this reviow, spent most o! bis personal timo in the Old Country effecting fru- gal punchase o! goads for bis new worid enterpnise. Perbaps some day I wiil give you the life story o! Bowman- ville in screen and commentary. Friends Hold Many Showers For Miss Adàir Pnior ta ber mamiago on Juiy 15 in St. John's Anglican Chunch, Bownanvilie, Mrs. John Wallace Dilling, the for- mer Catherine Frances Adair, *as guest o! honor at a nuin- ber of sbowers. The bride, who is a daugh- ter o! Mn. William Adair and the late Mrs. Adair o! Stoney Mountain, Man., is a graduate nurse o! St. Boniface Hospital, class o! 1952, and is prosentiy on the staff o! the Oshawa General Hospital. Membens a! the Operatirg Roon Staff there beid a cup and saucer shawen for the bride. Miss Mary Kolisnek and Mrs. Ron Adams were ca-hast- esses at the iatter's home, Sim- coe - St. South, Oshawa, at a kitchen showen when many usefui articles were neceived. The groom, wha is employed as a draftsmar at Fittings Ltd., Oshawa, was guest o! hanor at a party given for hum by the office staff o! that firm wben ho was pnesented witb an auto- matic eiectric sandwich toaster and G. E. Mixmaster. Followirg their mamiage and receptian an Friday evening, July 15, heid at the home o! the groon's parents, West Beach, a number o! Beach' e- sidents of long years' standing gatbered ta wîsh the young couple bappiness. On bebal! o! the group, Miss Editb Robin- son in a !ew fittîng words, pre- sented thon with a gift o! money fron their friends and summer nighbars o! the West Beach, Bowmanvilie. The groom thanked aIl for caming and for their kindness and genorosity towand bis bride and himself. NESTLETON The Nestieton W.A. an-d W. M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth Samelis July 2lst in charge o! Mrs. George Bowers' group with 19 ladies and somne children present. Meeting op- ened with the theme sang and Mrs L. Malcolm at the piano. [Prayer by Mrs. Bowers. Scrip- ture read by Mrs. Bowers fol- lowed by the devotional, "The Waten of Life" which was read by Mrs. B. Heaslip. Study book on Religion given by Mns. J. Hedge. Pragram: piano accor- dion music by Miss Anna Sam- ells; reading, IlHelp Yourself ta the Cream" by Mrs. D. -Tbompson; Reading, 'When Do We Really Live", given by Mrs. E. Mairs. Mrs. Bowens put on a contest. Mrs. Samelîs and group in charge served a damn- ty lunch. Ail were given a vote o! thanks and clap for anather' fine meeting in Mrs. Samell's borne. Next meeting in charge of Mrs. M. Emerson's group. Mrs. Edna King, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rankine, London, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Adelbert Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Aréher and Donald, visited friends at Midland. Miss Janice Sadler spent a few days in Bowmanviile with ber grandparonts, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sadien. Littl1 Miss Gail Malcolm spent a few days witb ber un- cie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis spent iast weekend with friends mn Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and family, Toronto, are spend- ing samne timo at their cottage near Lake Scugag. Service in the United Chunch was quite well attended. We wero all glad ta see Rev. Hut- ton in the pulpit again. Mr. Lloyd Hunter and Jamie, Port Penny, were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin. Mrs. Herb Taylor visited Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. Little Miss Bannie Malcolmn visited Mn. and Mrs. Howard Malcolmn and Terry, Yeiverton. Don't forget W. I. meeting at Mrs, E. Sues, Caesanoa Aug. 3rd in charge of Mrs. G. Bow- ers' group. This will be the Grandmnotb- er's meeting. The ice creaffi social put on by the W.A. was quito a suc- cess -a good crowd and plen- ty of ice cream. Miss Anma Samelîs visited Miss Gloria Sadier. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sam- olîs visited Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Thompson, Blackstock. MILLBROOK Mn. and Mrs. Jas. McMastem attended the Rededication Ser- vices at Zian United Churcb at Hampton. Giad ta see Mr. Herb Kerr drivingbis car again afte? his long seige in bed as a resuit o! being bit by a car ast win- ter. Mrs. Bruce Inghama and He- en left Tuesday for an exterd- od visit at Victoria, B.C. Dr. and Mrs. Hobbs and fam- ily are enjoying a holiday at Windernere in Muskoka. Mrs. R. C. Greene, Mn. and Mrs. T. C. Boan and daugbter Mary Beth, Kitchenen, wene weekend guests of Mn. and Mrs. Alex Gilbert. Mn. and Mrs. Homen Que- lotte and son Paul retunned Ihomo froin an extended trip ta the New Engiand States. Sanry ta repart the death o! Mr. Tom Douglas. a long time resident o! this district. Sympathy is extended ta the family. Mn. H. A. Kerr, retired Bank *o! Toronto manager, was ap- poiated Grand Steward o! the Grand Lodge of Ontario, A.F.A.M. Dr. Ellis is con!inod ta Peter- borough Civic Hospital. The bnown trout season is a bit lazy. these days. Howevor, a nice catch o! speckles were neparted !rom one a! the fain- aus Cavan streans. Miss Muriel Smith is enjoy- ing ber usual unique holiday this yean. It is a trip by freigb- ton down the St. Lawrence ta Sept îles. Work at the Miihbrook Re- formatony is progrossing ac- cording to schedule. Mary vis- htors are amazed at the sîze o! this new Ontaria Goverament Institution. .Miss. Marlyn Palmer retur- ed homo after a visa ta Mon- treal.* IMn. and Mrs. Ivan L. H. Gnav entertained Misses Phyliss Fos- ton and Phyliss Martin !rom Jamaica who are on route ta the British Isles. Mn. Carmen Ingram, Manag- er Toronto - Dominion Bank, Montreai, is hoiidaying with bis mother in Mil]bnoak. A number a! well tanned of!- ficers and mon o! No. 1 Piatoon o! the Hastings - Prince Ed- ward Regiment returned ta Millbrook this weok after spending a week at Camp Nia- gara. The Statesman SoId At Following Stores Reg. Edmurd's Store, Eethary Johnsor's Dnug Store. Newcastle T. Enwright. Newcastle S. Brown. Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Slemor. Enniskillen F. L. Byam. Tyrone G. A. Barman. Hampton Trull's Store. Courtice A. E. Ribev, Bunketan H. T. Saywell. Blackstack Keitb Bradlev. Pontypool C. B. Tyrr eil. Orono H. K. Reynolds. Kendal 'Gilbert Food Market. Millbrook Hendenson's Book Store. Oshawa -Bawmanville - R. P. Rickabv - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Jacks Smoke Shop Rites Smoke Shop Jury & Loveil Goheens Handy Store The Sute8i=au-offce Rice Lake Yacht Club Hold Cruisé and Picnic At Haldenby Summer Home Sunday, July l7th, and thie second annual invasion of bis- taric Spook Island is written into the log book of the club. Everyone had been looking forward ta this day and what a day it was in every respect. If there is a tinge of sadness it could only be that it is over. At the docks things were fairly seriaus and orderly as the skipper of each boat was given bis position and sailing orders from the chart prepared by the Sailing Committee. Then the motors hummed and the boats moved out into the channel ta take up their posi- tionis. The flatilla was led by Com- modore George Evans in bis cruiser the "50-50" with bis two motor launch escorts, the "Scram" skippered by T. Lyle Wallace and "My Sweetie" with Corp. Doug. Wilson at the wheel. Vice-Commodore C. E. Rehder in bis cruiser "Barbara R." followed and sailing in line were the following members of the club: Fred W. Belt-cruiser-"ýThe Duchess", Dave Winter-crui- ser-"Gay Venture", J. Armn- strong-cruiser --, "Lady Gil- da", Dr. F. McKenze-cruiser -"Daisy", Roy Hughes-crui- ser-"Louie K.", Manson Cath- cart-cruiser - "Paulene", A. C. Sandercock - houseboat - "Dorai", C. M. Thompson - launch-"Hi-Mac. II", A. E. Fulford, launch - "Summer- tyme", W. Bisset - launch - "Gingeýr", ~H. C. Bossert - launch-"Norjac". Overhead, Ken. Wyatt froin Peterborough in bis mono- plane, soared and dipped tak- ing pictures of the cavalcade. After the cruise down the main channel of Rice Lake ta Tic Island, the boats turned north along the aid railway, then west again, and as they approached Spook Island, fan- ned out in line-abreast forma- tion, moving in at low speed wfth sirens and horns wide open. The cruisers are a very stately lot but they looked par- ticularly nice with the after- noon sun giving thern an extra glint as tbey held their posi- tion. The club cari be extreme- ly proud of its fleet. Every boat was neat and trim, freshly painted and var- nished and the chrome glit- tering,-really a credit ta their owners, and every boat was loaded ta the gunwbales with happy familles and their friends. As each cruiser drop- ped anchor the runabouts scur- riéd out ta ferry the guests ashore. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Halden- by and their family were wait- ing ta greet everyone on the docks. and their warm, friend- ly welcome was most sincere as tbey turned their island home over ta these invaders for the afternoon. Boxes o! bright pink petunias decorated the docks, beds of geraniums flanked the walk leading ta the steps. At the top o! the steps were boxed Japanese Yew trees while on the terrace in front of the main residence, were large boxes o! Quince. The spaciaus lawns were love- ly and green which is quite surprising considering the pro- longed dry speli. Under some buge trees the, long buffet table with its snowy white cloth and minia- ture yacht sailing down the centre, waîted. A large crest o! the club and "Welcome" spelled out in the club colons, were the only decorations ex- cept the wonderful feast. Nov- er have there been such deni- cious salads, such sandwiches, (I wonder who made the out- of-the world three-decker bain and egg sandwiches?) If a per- son could only est more,-and such cakes,-and the tarts, and fresh fruit and iced waterme- Ion. Then the more sedate grown- ups relaxed in the shade of the trees and watched the fun and nonsense. The children made To print your awn, that l The Bank of 'Éngland bas made the counterfeiter's lot an even unhappier anc by pressing a thin stip of aluniinum foil inta the paper used for making bank notes. Stems the do-it-yourself entbu3iasts find it virtuaily im- possible ta duplicate. It is nice ta think that there will probably bc a little bit of Canada wb.rever this ncw paper currency circulates. Great Bni- tain imports 0% of ber alunui- num from Canada, and in turn represents ane of the major mar- kets for Canadian aluminure. ALUMIINUM lCOMPANY 0F CtNADA, LII). (A.LCAN) a bee-iine for the water and no boats were pcrmitted ta en- ter their particulbir section ha- side the runway ta the dock. They swam and spiashed and in turn rested on the gaily cal- aned air mattresses. It was a wonderfui day for them and 'It was just plain punishment wheri they bad ta leave the wator ta get ready ta go home. Fnom the dock o! the "ýady Gi)da" same young ladies gave a veny smart diving exhibition. whiie Daug. Haldenby thriliedi evoryone as he wove in and out between the anchored boats on bis water skis. The beautiful white birthday caetîbg heart with "congra- tulations ta Doug. and Kay" in pink icing, was eut and passed around, and "~Happy Birthday*' was sung; square dancing toaa trio o! Dr. McKenzie's famous "Dock Hands": a barber shop quartette, stunts galare, - all in ahl a picnic ta be romemben- ed. The Haldenbys bave been most generous ta the club sinco its inception and their cantin- ued interest is undoubtedly an 1important factor in its present bealthy status. When the Chair- man moved a vote of thanks ta the hast and bostess At was un- animous and three lusty cheers rang out and "For They Are Jolly Goad Fellows" was suîîg. 1 Indicative af this bealthy 1state is the !act that all ages 1of people,-from tiny children e i SWIFTS PREMIUM Ready to Eat - FuIIy Cooked Picnic Shoulder lb. 49c PEAMEAL - Mild Cured Cottage Rols lb. 4 7c SWIFT BROOKFIELD - Skinless No. 1 Pkg. Pure Pork Sausage 43c FRESHLY GROUND Lean Minced Beef lb. 29c SWIFTS PREMIUM BolognaSLICED lb.29c: BY THE PIECE lb. 25c Sunkist - Concentraf.ed 6-oz. LEMON 2 For 23C JUICE GOGD LUI41-b rg MARGARINE 29C Little National - 12 pkts. PGCKET19 MATCHES lc Golden Hour - Ige. eello jpkg. CELLO CANDIES 29C WHITEVINEGAR MAZOLA' CORN GIL PALMOLIVE - (4 Cakes Bonded) DEAUTY' SGAP HOME BRAND FOIL WRAP APPLEFORD'S FOOD SAVER WAX PAPER WHITE SWAN (Co JELLO INSTANT PUDDINGS 16-oz. 16C 16-oz. 39c 5 c COUPON 4 For 33c 25-f t. Roeli. 25c 100-ft. Roli '31C ,lored) 6' 17c (Assorted) 2For 25c Sliced 24-oz. loaf Table Queen Bread EAILY uISER COFFEE 15C RED & WuITE INSTA14T COFFEE lb. 85c lb.*91c 2 L57C ta grandparents, mingle toge- ther at these club events and thoroughly enjoy themselves. The remark bas been passed more than once, where else would you flnd such an organi- zatian vbere parents can bring their chilcfren and overyane, young and aid, bave so rnuch real good fun togethor. Again aur sincere thanks7 ta Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Haldenby for giving us such a delîgbt!ul afternoon and the Entertain- ment Comijiittee under tbrŽ chainmanshlp of A. C. Sander- cock, are ta be congratulated for planning this perfect cruise and picnic. Members o! the commltte are, Mrs. Harry Gadd, Mn. and Mrs. Vic. Harris, Mrs. T. Lyle Wallace, Mrs. E. W. Haldenby, Mrs. George Evans, Mrs. A. C. Sandercock, Mr. Chester Evans, Mrs. J. Armstrong. SWIFT'S PREN Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the wveek of July 17-23: Adm-issions ---------------- 40 Birtbs, 5 male, 3 fomale *8 Dlscharges - -----57 Major operations --- 6 Mincr operations ---- 15 Emergency troatnents------- 14 Theso facts are publiShed weekly in au effort ta acquaint this community with the services of our hospital. A Blrthday Present Mrs. Gardon: "What'll we gie Tammie for a l#mthday pres- ont? Last year be got a penny balloon!." Sandy: "Sa he did-weel he's been a guid laddio a' year s0 we'll let bim biaw it Up fao." WHITE TO-DAY AND EVERY DAY 12-OZ. TIN35 Swift's Cleanser 2F0R35c FpEsff pa d Best for Juice and Every Use - 252 Size SunkistOranges doz. 35c Direct from California-Golden YeIIow-100 Size Grapefruit 4 for 29c A Delicious Tbirst Quencher - 126 Size Lemons 4 for 19C Fresb, Colourful - Large Size Limes 6 forl15C Try a Delicious Potato Salad New Potatoes 10 lbs. 3 9c FROZEN FOODS Birdseye Garden Fresh Peai Blrdseye Strawberries 12-or. 2 for 49e 15-oz, pkg. 47e - I zoueirnntea-te Dur CANYT Rr i HELP lED WAGONEA PROM A MÈD WAG9U ON A COUNTRY ROADI100 flAIS MO TODAT Wl PROIIDLY aum o uiuCOMMENENCE *VARUEIT eVALUES B-EST FOOD BUYS'! YOLJR toLIDAY ;WMBEVERAGES 1 I3E LE J OANý l- RESOýý & 1GRFRUIT 1 169-R AYLMER il-OZ. BOTTLE TOMATO CATCHUP 2 FORp39c GREEN GIANT 15-OZ. TIN FANCYIFR3 [ Ausorted Coloru Size 36" x 60" BEACH TOWEL OeLY 1.49 WITH A $5.00 PURCHASE 4 Value $2.98 Tliere's a Red & White Store near you BOWMANVILLE Yeo's Marketeria ORONO Cornish Marketeria MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceterià MGRNING CLOIT COFFEE M.Mm.wwý . m RED&I WHITE 1:00D STORES IMMMAY. JMY 28th, 1935 Ci ý --- THE cANADIAx sTATEsmAif. BowmANVlýLE. ONTARIO PAGE-ELEVM --- i 0 _7,4. ', - Cl-