1~- PAGE TwwELVE- &£&rd 1ONVDLAq- ana ONiAMOynrar* We Nomînate Aif. Shrubb To the Sports Hall of Fame The Canadian National Ex- hibition at Toronto has hit on the commendable idea of estab- lishing a Sports Hall of Fame to perpetuate the, memory of Canadas great athletes. This new project will be officially opened on August 26 at the per- manent site at the C.N.E. park. The national committee o! the hall which is made up of sports editors and columnists; and sportscasters from everY prov- ince have met and selected the first list of famous athietes to be honored this vear. -In the list of -World Champ- ions" we were surprised and disappointed nat ta fiid the name of our fellow townsman and world renowned champion runner. A]!. Shrubb. Maybe the >v are holding Alfie to head the list of champions at a later date. But. so the cammittee will not overlook Mr. Shrubb wve thought it advisable ta ive publicity ta hîs remarkahle re- cord o! winning 14 world champ- ionshipq, in which he won oVer1 Shrubb's 14 World Records Distance Time A 2000 yds- ý------- 5. 72/1< A 1 12 miles _.-- 6--- .4735 a P 2 miles ----9. 91/5' A 3 miles- 14.17 P 4 miles - 19.23 1 P 5 miles 24.33 P 6 miles 29.56 2/5 A 7 miles ._____35.4 P 8 miles _____ 40.16 A 9 miles______ 45.27 2/5 P 10 miles-____ 50.40 A il miles -___ _56.23 2/5 P1 hour --Il miles, 1137 yds. A- Amateur; P - Professional. Ail o! the above records have ince been broken, with excep- tion of the ane-hour record, which is the English. native record.- a thousand first, second and third prizes in his amateur andi professional career of 23 vears,' which started in England in 1900. As further 'proof ta impress upon our readers that Alfie is rea]ly the outstanding world champion of champions as a distance runner bis successful efforts were not conf ined ta Aif Shrubb and. Somne of isl'op photo shows recent pictuî'e of Alf. Shrubb Manchester, England. trophx' whieh he won two xears Selford Harriers Athletie NMeet. The lower photo show gold and silver mnedals, he stili prizes in his home at1 tel]' vou when and where each troph 'v was won. Min or Bail League Issues New Schedule Franklin Park has becouîîe1 the Reureal ion D)ircu(tor re a beehîve o! activitv on weeîl-- Poits. The schedule s as ,folluwvs,: dax' evenings ,%-th the younp,- Pee aealShd est bail play .ers in Bowrnkanvi! l.p - tal;iiig Part ni organized leagLie 19--Team i 1vs. Team 2 basebali. uinder the direction afi (scor 8 - 7) the Recreation Departnient. 20-Teain 3 vs Team 4 Six teamis in the league pla.g (core 8 - 9) crn Tuesday. Wednesdav and 21-Teamn 5 %- Team 6 Thursdav evenings, stariing at t Postponed) 6:30>. Five local men and ai'- 26--Teani 4 vs Team 2 fromi Oshawa bave volunteered2-Tai 5 vs; Team 1 ta coach the boys, and are di-,u28-Teain 6 vs Team 3 ing an excellent jîob. DOL1g Rigq. Tpo0ýsponedi MUTUAL N SU RA N CE CO0M PAN Y i Protects the property of more Canadians than any other Company S EE YO UR LO0C AL AG EN T Arnold W. Wade Newtonville Stuart B. James Bowmajiville Nelse>n E.Osborne ______Bowmanville S. Everton White- Bowmanville Dirk Brin.kran -Newcastle-- one country. The official re-1 cords show that he ran ini Eng-1 land, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, United States and Canada. It is înteresting ta note he bas performed in the 10 provincesl of Canada. including Newfound- land in 1919. He bas resided! in Canada over .3o vears and is now 74 vears of age. Coyle. Douglas Gibson, Bobby Hellam, Michael Leddy, Dorr-1 ald W. Sweete. Walter Gibson,I Dougie Birne, Paul V. SWeete,i George Vanderschaaf, Gary Venning, Coach. Team No. 5 Captain Don Bagnell, Granti Flintoff, Davidi Bate, Don! Brown, John Oke, David Neads, Billie Taylor, David Thompsor, Wayne Wray, Bob . by James, Ronald Luxton, Danny Jones, Jahnny Connors, 1 David Williams, Joe McCon- Team No. 6 Captain John James, Bill Williams, Ken Parks, Don Mas-' tergon, Wayne Devitt, Bill Bar- ton, Doug Hooper, Pat Muar- phy, Howard Burgess, John! Bently. John Luffman. Irwin' Colwell, Stephen Barclay, Da- vid McFeeters, Jim Vanders- chaaf, Chuck Kilpatrick, Coach. sond war. H-e is Vice-Presi- The regular monthly meeting dent of the Queen Elizabeth of the W.A. xvas held on Thurs- - - Hospital, Toronto; Chairman of' day, July l9th, in the home of,* the Toronto Menidelssohn Choir; Mrs. F. Cornish, Port Hope. 12 Member, Advisory Board o! the members and 4 visitors were Boy Scouts Association. Toron- 1 present. The meeting was con- ta; Past President and Life Di-1 ducted by the president, Mrs. rector of the Canadian Nation-! Harry Beckett. Mrs. Wmn. Mc- al Exhibition, Past President of Holm in the absence of the sec- the Ontario Motor League as retary Mrs. H. Osborne called wvell as giving his services 4M the roll wbich was answered by many other organizations o! a a gift towards a fish pond later similar nature. on. The minutes of the June He has net lost the human meeting were read and adopted. tauch in spite of the many im- The business session was R. C. Berkinshawv partant positions he holds andc short, it was decided that the has found time ta know his annual bazaar be held in the dent, on behaîf o! the Execu- staff and many employees in SunayScoo o orabutth jtives present. the factory se well that he cao 26th of Octobeî-, details ta be Bath Mi. P. W. Ltchfield, always address tbemn by their warked out later on. Chaîrman of the Board. and fîrsi name. The president asked that a study book be bought for the Mission Band leader, Mrs. Mor-' ley Hiarness by September. Some discussion about the, in keeping with the newly - painted roof resulted in that i______________________________ this be shelved for the present. Mrs. M. J. Osborne kindly Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ewing, Fred Mottashed and three Koffered her home for the August Toronto, spent the weekend daughters, Simcoe; Mr. and meeting at 8 p.m. on the 17th. with Mrs. C. S. McLaren. Mrs. Jim Lamb and two The scripture was read by Mrs. W. G. McCulloch spent dauglbters, Toronto. Mrs. Dawson Beebe; Lesson a few days with Mrs. Wallace Mrs. Gordon Leamen, Judy Thoughts and prayer by Mrs. M. Scott, Columbus. and Paul, Scarboro Jct., visi- J. Osborne. A piano selection Mr. Gary Cooper, lSew ted Mrs. I. Winter and Mr. andL was given by Mrs. Helen Mc- Hamburg, spent the weekend Mrs. Wm. Leamen last week. Holm, and a reading "The Lav- with Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper Mrs. Russell Ransberry andi ender Lady" by Mrs. Wm. Mc- and family. Miss Rennie Hampton of Do- Holm were much appreciated. Mrs. Garnet Gamsby and.val returned home Monda v Mrs. Cornish then introduced Judy, Kingston, visited Mrs. after visiting Mrs. Fred Durn- ithe guest speaker, Mrs. Currie Ms Robert Allun over tne can for a few days. o! Port Hope who gave a verv weskend. Miss Auceey Billings anditrtngacutosoe! Ms.Sckae orts lintresingaccont f sineof Ms. tocdale ToonF, j Miss Muereta Hull, Lakefield,î the bighlights a! ber recent tripvitnghrsteMs rd at Holiday House, Port Elgin. i~ through Europe taking hier aud- Bowen. ience fromn city ta city, in imag- Mrs. Norman Rickard, New- Mrs. G. L. McGee returned i 4, ination until Canada was safely Castle, spent last week at Lin-. home from Taronto and the reahe wic i th seaer Jtonhurst Manor. Memorial Hospital, Bowman. own words - looked pretty Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley o e last week. Mrs. Ora god!Toronto, visited Mrs. J. E. Gardiner from Garden Hill'is Mr. . ndrsn av aweîRichards. with Mrs. McGee. rsýMis Dorothy Devine and M.. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Shevlin' tught out paper entitled "We Henry Leamen, Toronto, visi!- and sans Kenneth and Charles dees, ot ord." ng tbis week with Mr. and o! Forrestville, N.Y., visited Aduet "Nearer Still Nearer Mrs. Wm. Leamen. their aunt, Mrs. Ed. Dean and J1was sung by Mrs. D. Haines and Mrs. Fred Tambyln, Mr. faWily. Mrs.Harr Beckett in their and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn and~ Mr. and Mrs.BtGeo. Mrto piao b Mr. HlenMilerand sons attended the Mrs. L. Boumne, Tyrane, aid -. cHom.Cryderman Picnic at Woact Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson, A ery pleasant social time Park, Cedar Grave. Bowmanville, onSunday. le,~ was spent chatting with friends Mr: and Mrs. A. Grice, Cam- Mrs. Wm. J. Riddell, Mrs. Sduring which dainty refresh- boumne, visited tbeir daugbter, Neil Porter and Miss Shirley - -- -ments were served by the lunch Mrs. Cliff Cooper and Mr. Porter spent Tuesday with Scommittee, Mrs. Cornish and Cooper. Mrs. J. H. Leslie and Susani, eelMms. Beckett. Mrs. Wmn. Mc- Miss Fenwick, Toronto,vsi Peterborough. IHolm moved a vote o! thanks ted Miss Mabet Davy. Mrs. Addison Rickaby, To- -to Mrs. Cornish for the use of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. Mi!- ronto, visited bier son, Mr. hem home and graciaus hospital- 1er and Wayne, Mr. and Mms.,James Rickaby, Mms. Rickaby - -.ity aiso ta Mrs. Cornish for se0 Russell Van Horne, Whitby,1 and Norman. sÎ kindly caming ta help in the visited on Manitoulin Island, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cryder- program arranged by the hast- j ast week. 1 man, Mr. Frank Cryderman, ess, carried unanimously. Mrs. Viola Snmith bas re- and Nir. Wm. Burnett, Bow- 1 No one was in a hurry ta turned Io her home after sta.-y- man ville, vîsîted Mrs. Fred xdepart for the evening was sai ing with Mr. andl Mrs. Chas., Tamblyn. cool after the heat o! the day Mutton, Bowmanville. Mrs. Wilfrcd Sberwin and -and lingering was a very plea- Miss Mariîe Ammitage, C, i sons,- Brandon, Manitoba, are s ant ending o! theho Juyvni spending a few daý,-s visiting in Orono. with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. West Dr. and Mis. Milton Tuckeri hree members o! the W.A. and familv. and son, Flushing, N.Y., andl !ro Mrrsh ttndd te e- Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough, Miss Elva Tucker, Toronto,1 ligbtful Garden Party sponsor- 1Trenton: Mir. Artbhur Cloughi, xvere in Orono on Sunday. - ed by the Wesleyville W.A. onBeeile spent Sunday wih Mîs. Fred Duncan and Mrs. -Wednesday, July 2th, held aftem Mr. and Mrs. Jim Major and, Ruýsell Ransberv. Dorval, -~supper on the church lawn.! family. visited Mrs. L. G. Cann in St. Lunch was served in the base-1 The Evening Auxiliamy hel'i Josephis Hospital, Peterbor - ment and a varied program in j their July meeting at Mrs. ough. the curc. Judging fram thei Milton Morris'cotgVe Mrs. G. Roper. Toront.vs number present and the way'Lkeo T -sdav evening.. itiog Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gain- - i whicb articles for sale dis- Patsv' Jones. Donna Cowa'î, eY. appeared, the selI out of candy Sue Major, Mary Found, Judyi Girl Guides from Oro andfih ondths ffar asa Tmbynand Barbara Keast1 district attending two weeks' financial and friendly success! are attending the Explomers' camp at Pigeon Lake are Caral anda ret stifatio t ai Cama near Columbus this Grant, Leskard; Marilyn Ma- Sconcernied. week. or, Connie Tyrrell, June We ereforunae i seing \isitoms with Mrs. Tbornton Horron, Joan Allun, Marilyn for the first time a bright Wilson were Mr. and Mrs. Cobbledick, Ann Woodyard, Vorld Trophies Bloorning Crusa;roiunh mpo .oke mniHabedndJ holding the handsome silver at the home o! Mrs. Mrn n-Dnan, eahand hreyA sin succession, 1902-03, at the derson. It is a beautiful andChm in H ce Ruerod 's a few of the many trophies, wonderful flower, having ar Mrs. Morley Brooks and Bowmanville, and he cati Stijl rather perculiar perfume - ea m or D.O. & P. Co. Marion, Picton, are spending showing its beauty for so short Rthims1 w 0 7 oo e and Mr. adMrs. L O.r a time, even as we watched it ý Back "in1906-1907 Cooprand r.ad r.0 started to fold up its delicate Cwn IAugust petals and would soon be no-, I is rather unseasonable Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wat i 2 -Teaii 3 vs Team 5 thing but a dead flower. This' weather ta talk about-hockey, son, Betty Ann and Larry, :l--eam vsTeam6 Xas the second blooming in w but Our apology is dueFrk Toronto, are visiting Mr. Alex years for this young plant. Bottreil who brought a photo Watson. 4- Team 1 vs Team 4 A Twifigbt Meeting o! The into the Statesman office dur- 9---Team 6 vs. Team I Holstein and FFeisian Association îng the winter montbs o! a lo- 1t)-Team 4 vs Team 5 iof Canada was held on the farmn cal hockey team back in 1906- O IU R I l-ean 3 s Tem 2 - ,o! Mr. Fred McConnell on Thurs- 07. The photo becan-re mislaîd 16-Tearo 4 vs Team 6* day, July 219t. A large number among tbe "debris" in the Jdi- MISS HELEN MORRIS 17-Team 1 vs Team 3 Iof members and fiends were tor's sanctum and only camie 18 -Tean 2 vs Team 5 present, the evenîng was perfect ta the surface this week, wbile A!tem an illness o! nine Ail games ta go five înnings. for sucb an event, everyone the editor was cleaning up bis weeks in Memorial Hospital, present had al good time judging Office in anticipation o! tak- Bowmanville, Miss Helen Gem- Rained out and playoff - or trying te, some o!, the fine ing his well-earned sur.-mer trude Morris passed away on games ta be played during the cattle on this farm, listening to vacation now that bis partne'r, Saturday, JuJy 23. Her cheery IAugust 2-9 - 26th week. the special speaker and the John M. James, M.P., is back smile and vivacious personal- Team No. 1 selections given by the Farmers home from the sweltering fieat ity wîll be long remembered Captain Ben Tbompson, Lr-Quatette o! singers, also thel o! a record-long session a! the and greatly missed by hem ry Pper Davd Wrr L Gory- ""iful lunch served conclud-IHouse o! Commons at Ottawa. many rred n soits Rundie, Antoney Molloy, i ng a very pleasant and educa- This Photo is o! the Domin-1 Miss Marris was an ccom- MvcKnight. Bîlly Mlen, Lon-tional iget-to-gether. ýion Orga;n nd iPiannno a.bo- p]*ihedmusiian n cant.i-1 President of 'Has 3 5 Yeu R. C. Berkinshaw,O President and General Manager of the 'Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. of Canada Limited, was pre- sented with his 35-year service Pin at a dinner in his honor, at- tended by the senior Execu- tives of the Campanv held at the Mississaugua Golf and Country Club, Toronto, on June 21. The presentation was m-ade by A. W. Denny, vice-presi- 1 Goo dyear irs Service Mr. E. J. Thomas, President of the parent company at Akron. Ohio, sent their regrets at not being able to be present. Mr. Berkinshaw joined the Law Department of Goodyear on May 25, 1920. The following year he was appointed Assist- ant Secretary and in 1926 be- came Secretary and Generai Caulisel. in 1931 he was pamed Assistant to the Presiderit, andJ became Treasurer the follow- ing year. In 1933 he wvas named General Manager and Treasur- er, and became Vice-President1 and General Manager in 1945.a lHe was elected President and 1 General Manager in 1952. t Mr. Berkinshaw has contri. buted much to the community and ta Canada. He served as a major in the first world war and was honored with a C.B.E. held on Monday, July' 25, at the Morris Funeral Chape!, Bowmanville. Mrs. A. Col@ presided at the organ. Many, I ovely floral tributes exprê.-. sed the affection and estcCIÈ) in which the deceased w~as held. PaIllbearers were Messrs W. R. Strike, D. R. Morrisoni, Stuart R. James. Will,*am G. James, A. M. Thompson and Bert Johnston. Interment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. ,dÇ7 Among those from a i41ý tance w-ho attended the funer- al wvere Mr. and Mrs. Andfrewv Clark, a niece, of Toronto. Dr.> J. H. Fox and Mrs. Fox also a niece. of Washington, D.C., recently xisited tteir auint bill were unable ta be present for which she was a member for many years. The deceased enjoyed hob- bies of stamp collecting and china painting in her leisure time. She was known affec- tionately ta many, both in andi out of school, as "DDllY". Miss Morris was born in Bowmanville, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Morris. Two sisters and a brother predeceased her: Lii- lie (Mrs. F. H. Joness), Miss Ethel Morris, and Dr. Arthur Morris who died in Vienni,l Austria. One 'sister, Florence Edna (Mrs. G. W. Garner), Oshawa, survives. Rev. Harold Turner of St. Paul's United Church, in thi- absence of her own minister, Rev. T. A. Morgan, conductcd the funeral service whieh was EMBARRASSE OAT 'rVUR PLUMBIN0.? WELL, - MM0 SEIMOR Mod y CVIC GAitvs Oshawa 8 p.m. Thurs., Augusf 4f h London VS. Oshawa 8 p.m. The nienber holding the proper ticket will receive a cash prize of $1,000.00. Any child under the age of 12 years presenting a Canadian Statesman paper will be admittedýFREE. KINSMEN CIVIC MEMORIAL STADIUM OSHAWA This Week at the Royal THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - JULY 28-29 -30 RIVEOE . t etyormevloire 1 JOHN PAYNE SDAN-DURYEA On the- same program - "Appoinfmenf in Honduras" (Tech) Jungle adventure drama starring GLEN FORD, ANN SHERIDAN and ZACHARY SCOTT Thurs., Fri. - 7 and 8:25 Sat. - 630 and 9:20 Friday Eve., Saturday p.m. - Chapter ô of " PONY EXPRESS " SUNDAY NJD-NITE - JULY 31 12:05 a.m. "Revenge of the Creafure" Starring JOHN AGAR, LORI NELSON, JOHN BROMFIELD Extra color featurette filmed in Holland "A Gif f From Dirk" Sce Amsterdam's famous Keukenhof Gardens <ON. -TUES. -WED. - AUG. 1 -2 -3 "Rear Window"P (Tech) Suspense drama starring JAMES STEWART GRACE KELLY, WENDALL COREY Hitchcock at his Best Time - 7 and 9:10 PHONE TO-DAY lie "iii be pI.asd to, supply you with on your Heating or Plurnbing OUNTY 41ugusf 1sf TIO CANAIMAX 3MATMWAW PwfflAqmir. q - - -fflàà * ýwAmemktA ý;IUD» 011 , 1 - MORRISH iOLIDAY