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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1955, p. 13

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ICkssifod CSrds of Thoeiks Re>& 1 would like ta express my W C RD T TT Sincere thanks for flowers. fruit, IlWA CH REPIRING..1 cards, and many kindriesses; 0 a 8hoWn me whle in Memorial ML~ Ilospital, Bawmanville, and at MARR 'S IlorP. JEWELLERY Vred C. Honey. 30-1: 43 KInt St. W., Phone MA 3-5463 1 O WMAN VILLE '~lah to express my sincere i.1t tlUsto Dr. Austin, nurses and Sti!! of Memarial Hospital Tenders Wanted Bowmanville, for care and kind: tiols, also my friends, neiglibers,' Tenders will be teceived by rélatives and fraternal organize-: the uridersigned until August lst tiens far cards, gif ta and flow-1 for the caretaking c! the fol- Cri during my recent iliness. lowing schoois: Elmer Nesbitt, (a) New three-room achoal at Nestietan. 30-î* Hampton; (b> achoal at Maple _______I Grave, (c) new six-maamn schocl I wlh taexpess y sîcer at Courtice. Particulars may be 1 wsh o epres m sicer iobteined upon requcat. M. J. appreciation toalal my relatives, HobEnaile.PoeM friands and neighbors for the Hbs nikle.PoeM klnd messages, cards and a 3-2984 Bowmanville. 29-2 spocial thanks for ail the beau- T nes ' 'ne tiful f]ewers, boxes of fruit andTn es W m d special littie treats during mY! Iliness while at home and in tho hespital. A speciel thariks te Rev. Mr. Moffatt for his klnd visits and prayers. Also ta Dr. McKay and nurses et the Oshawa Generel Hospital. Again manv thariks toalal. Mrs. Maudie Travell. 30-1 IOw "Skinny" Girls et Lovely Curves -cab 5 te 10 Lbs. New Pop .ISD ,0 b nover '..-; uld gain weiglit b... S . no aeapely, atr. etive figureg. N, r.* bonmy lîsi ig 'oows. They tbank --yd. too Wb1ets. lielpa pt flesh a n hodiv ~~~ny~~ du tiard ptite because bloi kas p@pi. I e.,digestjoni. nourîshrncnt; t-se pp .T4qainted" 31ze only 60. e Oatroex for DcWàpoundq: ]ovely cury ez, SPOP. todaey. Ail duggiâts. Jeff rey CAR-MENT BAGS SALE PRICES Ladies $21 .00 Men's $20.00 Regutlar to $28.75 JOHN STUTT ISHQES is1 King St. E. MA 3-5839 Bewmanville Corporation of The Town of Bowsnanville Teke Notice That;- 1. The Council cf tha Corpcra- tien a! the Tawn cf Bewman- 4 ville interids te canstruct a cernent sidewelk four feet in width an the east side a! Oritario Street frem Nelson Street ta Liberty Street and an the west side of St. George Street from King Street ta 'Churcli Street, as a Local Improvement and intends te specielly assess a part cf the cost upon the land abutting dinectly an the work. 2. The estimmted cost cf the work is $1,700.00 cf wbich $680.00 is te be peid by the Corporation, and the asti- meted cost per foot frantage s $ 1.70. The spacial essais- ment is ta be paid for in twenty annuel instalments. 3. Persans desiring te petition against undartaking the work must do se on cm befora the l8th day o! August, 1955. Dated July 25th, 1955. A. J. LYLE, Clenk. 30-2 Hiigh School (Cantinuad frein page oe) knaw as the main ballway, wa sea thet doorways and windows have bean bicked in, auid other doorwaya choppad eut o! the walls. Dark racina with wine meshl walls edd a taucli o! mystemy ta the onlooker wha dees net know what la going to be the final resuit. It was latem revealed thet the dank roonis with the wire meali wells will ba a janitor's closet and wesli- meains fer bath boys and girls. These are where the principal's office wvas located. Principal L. W. Dippeil will now lie situated et the southamn end o! the original Bowmanville Higli School, in a modemn, well- lit, completely re-dasigriad and ra-built office. A riew vault bas been built right into the walls cf the ichoal, anid an outar of- fice lies been built et the front of the pincipal's office. What was et crie turne a cloak neoin, or twa cloak rooms, on the wast side cf the short corridor lead- ing into the aidait portion cf the school, is new a modemn clesîrooni. A glass-brick win- dow will také up moat of the west side cf this rom, contrait- ing shempl 'y an the outside with the round turats o! the original building. Busts Lana Dignlty Agein, et the end e! the short corridor nunning eest anid west ini the original ichool, will be an entrence ta the new building. On the second floor, et thus an- trance, two plester buats ara still festened ta the well, wliana they once looked dewn an stud- enta and teachens as they walked1 up or down the steirway between the finit ind second fleors. They naw it about two feet cf! the floor o! the second atarey, I flanking the deorway. Qucen Victoria bas lest ban cnewn semewhere in the cen-ý fusion of the construction work,1 and Sir John A. Macdonald has had a cigarette butt janimed firmly between his lipm.1 They .hav( both lost their imposing appearance. Basement Entarged Now down ta the basement of the aid school. Here, walls have corne tumbling clown ta enlarge the area whlch will become a cafeteria. Wbile students were stili stomping around in the halls1 In the Spring of the year, the walls had been removed, and the building was propped up on pales. Sanie arixious moments were feît by nmorn fthe wcrk- ers as the floors shock urider the feet cf hundreds cf students. Even before the steel arrived for the start cf the work, men were burrowing under the walls af the school strengthening it for the extra weight it was te bqar. At crne place in thej north-east portion, an additional foundÉtion 22 feet deep was built under the aid foundation. This was done under the entire east side cf the school. On the sauth, under the new gynasium, piles had ta be driven over 321 feet inta the ground ta provide a foundation there. At times, suspended in air an pales whilel the new foundations were being built. - - - - - - -1 Includes Workshop Joining what was formerly thE basement cf the scbool will bE the main workshop areas a! thE new addition. A sewing rocin berne ecanamics reain, wood- working shap, and agnicultunE leb, ail with cemplete equip. rment, will be buit. At thE greenhause la being built righi into the main portion a! thE school. A daorway bas beer left an the east side wherea tracter mey be dniven into tbf reani. This stcmay is et greund level here. The new eddition's main fleai will have an entranca ta the balcony o! the large naw gym- nasium which extanda westwamc freni the seuthar end cf tbe main structure. A stainwell al the seuthemrn end will aise have an entrance ta this balcony al ane end a! its baif-landings. The belcony will permit spac- taters ta wetch basketball anc ather sports without hiridaning playars. Aneund the tep af the gym, glass bricks and windows will provida adaquae lighting. Besides having antrances at tbe east enîd, the gym aIse basa fine escape exit fmom, tbe bal- cony, and an exit ente the campus from the floon level. Sliewema and locker facilitiax will be campleta in every de. tail. The fine escape from the balcony al; the east end c! the gymnasium. opens enta the roof cf the baller room, and continues dewn enta the area wheme the fuel tanks are buried in the gnound. Two huge bailers hae been installad in the boiler room. SplitLevel Structure The new addition, whicli makes Bawmanville High Schoal the anly split-level high schoo! knowrn, at least in this immed- iate 'area. was designed by the architects firm cf John B. Par- kmn Associates cf Tororito. Brad- fard-Hcrshal Associates Ltd. is deing the general contracting, with numeraus firins performing the variaus phases af sub-con- tract work. Excavation was done by Lightfoot Bras., and piles placed by Franki Pile Co. of Taranto. List Sub-Contractors Structural steel work was done by London Steel Construction, of Londori, Ontario. The gl3,ss- work, including the glass brick, which will be very prornent in the completed structure, is being done by Canadian Pitts-1 burgh cf Oshawa. Other sub-contractors include the following: Joyce anid Sweeri- er. Port Hope, (electrical); C. and G. Heating Co., Tortinto, (radiant heatirig):* McGrath Co., Oshawa, (plurnbing and ventil- atirig); Terrazo, Mosaic and Tile Ce., Toronito, (terraza tule); Lloyd Tule Co., Tarante, (asphaît tile); Wolsteri-Holme. Peferbor. ougli. (lathing and plasteririg>; Casewin Ca., Mimica, (steel win- dows); Quinte Machine anid Re- pair Ca., Treniton, (steel rail- ings); Murray Associates, Tar- onte, (precast coricrete roof); Minrieapolis-Horieywell Ca., Lea- side, (thermostatic control$). T. A. Davis cf Part Hope, is con- struction faremari, and E. R. Lloyd, aise of Port Hope, is construction supervisor. UINL>tIS p o~ Bigger and better than ever ..ail with 2" rings oi and heavy duty fittings. Smart colons and a variety of leathens. " Prices start at $3.95 I ' FRIE -t.y- Your naîne engraved ln GoId on any of these I ' ~ a 'ffI Bindena punchased before Septemben lat at My wt-f wm»u7amiw W& 8m"* 0 ~Dirk Brinkman "BIG 2 ~~~~~Opporite h eo Cl t.t - x(~~jNewoue Phne 87 e a it e t i ýr1 TNE CANADYA1~ MTAT~MMAN flOWMANV!tL~ ~N~AWW~ Twp. Gaàme Commission Releaises Phecisa nts Sportsmen will b. pleased to leamn that over the weekend, Darlîngton T o wns h ip was stocked with 3,500 eight week oid pheasants. Within a short tinie the De- partinent o! Lands and Famests wlll announce when the four day open season will be held, pmabably aound the end of October. In the meantime, the y o u n g pheasants will 1&e munching away on weed seeds and insects preparing them- selves fer the fateful day when they will grace someone's ta. ble. This is the fifth year the Darlington Gaine Commission bas sponsored pheasant stock- ing and their efforts have praved exceptipnally papular with residents and visitars. As in the past, special licenses will be sold for hunters, the revenue being used te plant a pheasant crop for next seasan. Over the weekend, nearly a Wii Celebrate 9Oth Birthday Mrs. Lena Heidge, sistar of Mn. Frank Crydanman, will be 90 yeans aid on Auguat 2. *Mna. Hoidge, who is et Strethaven Rest Homne, 264 King St. East, Bowmanviile, will celebrata ber birtbday on Manday, Au- gust 1, Civic heliday, and will be very happ)y to receive ceil- ers an- Mocday afternoon and evening. Congratulations and many mare happy birthdeys te Mrs. Hoidge. KENDAL dozen interested citizens ue smmli pick-up trucks ta trans- port crates cf birds te variaus parts of~ the township where they were released in lats of 20 te 25. Extreme cave was taken ta release the birds cnly where theme was sufficient cav- er te previde themn with nat- umal protection. The Commission, headed this year by President Howard Milison cf Enniskillen and Sec- retary Wallace Pasce cf En- field received the birds fram the Departnient when they weme enly crie day aid. They weme raised in four different enclosures, pmovided by Wal- lace Pacce, Tom Wilbur, En- 'niakillen; Miss Harris, Ennis- Iillen and T. R. Velliers, Tewrr Line East. According te Herni Sweetman, whose interest in this praject is widely known, the birds this year are the best they have raised in the five year eperation. KEDRON Sunday Sebool picnic is plan- ned for Tuesday, August 3, et 6:30 p.m. et Geneva Park, Everycrie weicome. Rapt attention was given Mr. A. Bohaker on Suriday mamning as be addressed the Aduit Bible Cleas. We look. forwamd ta the discussion next Suriday, July 31, when Mr. Boheker will again iead the clasa study. Mrs. F. Sriowden wea the selciat for the chunch service. She sang "There's a Beautiful Land on High." Rev. R. H. Rickard will preacli bis final sermon on July 3lst et Kedmon before leaving for a manth's holiday with his famiy. The service is cencelled for the firat two Sundays of August. It is expected Robent Werry wiil conduct the church service an August 21 and 28 et 9:45 ar. Friends here were somry ta bear o! an accident suffered by Mrs. Alvin Spencer in a faîl last week which, resuited in a fmactured leg and other injuries. To Mns. Spencer in Oshawa Hos- pital our best wishes for a speedy and perfect mecavery. Mrs. H. C. Bohaker enter- taîned a few friends most plea- santly an Friday afternoon. Tea was semved an the shaded lawn wheme a cooling breeze helped the guests forget the heat and humidity as friendships were revived, and new friends made. John Glover enJayed a mater trip ta Cornwall, Renfrew, Ot- tawa arid North Bay with a day's fishing as a featume. Mm..' end Mrs. Perey Mauntjey and Gloria, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy and menibers o! the Fosten Snowden famiiy attended Decoration Services and family gatheringa at Pinedale. Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Cross- mail jeined other members cf Mrs. Cmossman's famuly for a Naylor family pienic et Orono Park. Misses Joan and Donna Tip- pett, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Tregunna. Mrs. Walter Davis and chuld- ren were guests of the Allan Werry's at Enniakillen and en- joyed their first meeting with baby Sandra. John Rose wes guest cf hon- aur at a pamty at bis home last week, an the occasion of bis birthday. Ail the young guests enjoycd swimming et Geneva Park. Master Gardon Jebson lias been visitirig lis maternel grand- parents, the Clarenice Werny's, and Camolyn, the Harold Jeb- son's, while Muriel and Maurice have a holiday auting. Mms. Evensori Norton arid Craig, Brougham, are visitirig lier parents, the W. Mauntjoy's. Mr. arid Mrs. Schofield Irwin, Oshawa, and Stuart Murison, Columbus, visited Mr. R. J. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. Stenley. Kerr and Bannie were at the Lake- shore wîth Mms. A. Evans, near Madoc. The J. Elliott family visited Mrs. Elliott's father, F. Succee a! Highland Grave. With 'the Raipli Hunter's bere as weekend guests weme Mrs. Hunter's sister and family, the Wmn. Sargirison's cf Bancroft. Mrs. Stanley Graham and Mrs. Irwin Colwill, Newcastle, visited Mrs. Murton Walter and Dom- othy. Mr. and Mrs. B. Starr visîted Mns. Frank Starm wha lias been iii in Oshawa Hospital. Misses Eleanor anid Lyle Stainton, Oshawa, were guesta o! Mms. Ross Lee. A f'Iw cf the local Younig People attended the Jr. Fermers' Picnic arid several wene at the Jr. Fermers Dance at Geneva Park Fridey evening. Little Miss Karen Edger end Bettilyn Osbemn weme guests at Cloverlea fan holidays. Joining thein an Saturdey as guests o! the Rasa Lee's were Mr. and Mrs. 1 Kelvin Edgar, Oshawa, and Mn. and Mrs. John Dean, Tarante. Mr. and Mrs. H. Crossamen, accompanied by Mn. and Mrs. H. Werry viewed the nephylene' glass mine et Blue Mauritain, rîeaî- Lakefieid, mecently. Mn. and Mrs. Jack - G lover, Andy and Gary Babaker enjeyed1 a bail gaine et the Maple Leaf Stadiurn in Tarante. e Mr. and Mrs. A. Colan an( -Rager are spending a couple u d weeks bolidaying with Mrs e Hattie Martineil and othen meý ýt latives banc. e Mn. and Mrs. N. Kennedj tand Wayne, spent the week. end et St. Thomas. Wayne me -mained fer a holiday. Mrs. Mary Luxon spentz Efew deys witb fniendsaet hei cottage on Lake Kusheg. Guests with Mn. and Mm éMilt Robinson were Mmm. Dem. Smitb, Newcastle, and Mrs -Jessie Tremaine, Toronto, dur. ing the waekend. 1. Mis& Nancy Breraton, Toron« ste, h visiting ber friend, Mmi F. Stoker. Mm. and Mmi. Eddie Couroux Ray and Marie, left Friday fa. fa short holiday at Cache Bey. S Misa Katia Stewart, Mmi DReg Elliett and bar aiter and Joyce, on a trip tbmcugh west. rcer Ontario, tack in the Shak. capeamean play et Stratfard and visited et Simncce, St. Ca« thermnes and ather points. Robart Cellett is spending tbe summer in Port Credit. We are samry ta learn that >Daîbent Langstaf! .Who le! liane lait Sunday with Ljloyd Bennes for a mater trip west, ia in hospîtal at Pontage la Prairie. We hope ha wil soot' be better and able te retur Mn. and Mms. Leslie McBride and son o! Ragina, are spend- ing a few days with bis aunt, Mmi. Chas. Thempson and Ar- thur. Mn. and Mmm. Arthur Grant, Uxtbridge, and Miss Lettie Goumley, Tarante, spent Mon-. day with Mr. and Mra. Win Mercer, Miss Weese cf Saskaton visited Sundey with Mn. andi Mrs. Garland Cathcert. Rev. S. J. Pike who lias baccl away on lialidays will be home te taka the service Sunday momnlng. The ladies anc reminded of the bazan and beking sale be- ing beld by the Keridal W.A. in the Hydre office, Bowman- ville, Fidey afternoen, Aug. 5. Mmi. L. Thomne and Mms. AI. va Swarbnick weme dînner gueits with Mm. and Mmi. Bert Thompson crie evening laýt week. We are glad Mns. Thamne ha imprcving 50 well. Mr. and Mms. Collacutt, cm- ganist cf Meple Groe churcli, visited Mmi. A. Swanbnick and Mmi. Thomne Sunday efternoon and tried eut aur fine Ham- mond argan. Mr. and Mmm. Chas Cooper, Orono, called on Mn. and Mmi. Wm. Mercer, Sundey evening. Soe 27 yeung lads cf Ken- dal and Oreno lied the pleas- une last Wednesday evening of a trip te Toronto and passes for the Maple Leaf Stadiurn ta sce baw the big leagua teami- Tomonto and Syracuse, play. There lies been considamable intaraît in. and support cf, cur bantem teem thus yeam. New suits wena ordcmed for themn sametîma ago and we had ex- pected ta sea tham decked eut in them bafoma this but guess it wan't be long now. Friday niglit they plaed a 2-2 gaina with Welcome liera and an Manday evening won frem Newcastle on their home grcux)ds by a score ef 7-6. Mrs. Neya Little,, Miss Mol- lie Muirphy, Alec Little and Aylwamd Little left Satumday evening fan a mater trip te Chicago ta visit Dm. Rasa Lang and bis mathar. Mr. and Mmi. Alex Hcy vis- Ited Lavamne Hay, Sunday. Mn. and Mmm. Roy Vernon and Chenyl, were guests of Mï-. and Mrs. Len Adegecat and family nean Castieton Sunda..I Gucats with 'Mn. and Mra. Herb Reynolds wene Mr. enct Mmi. N. V. Mclntyre and son, and Mms. Olley, Taranto. Thene wene twelve guests, Young lads and lassica, at Ken- Gar-Hili Camp this paît weelçi whc seemed ta enjcy the swini- niing and bonseback iding very niuch. Look net znournfully into the pasi, it roturna no more; wiae- ly imrnove the prezent, and go forth into the sbadewy future withat tfeer end wuith a mac- Family Reunion TREWIN FAMILY PICNIC The Trewin Family picnic was held at the Creani cf Barley Park an Sunday, July i0th.! Everycne enjoyed a. picnic sup- per with tee, pep and ice cream served by the committee. After supper President Si Tre- win welcomed visitors frein distant points and canducted an election cf officers with the following results: President - Frank Smith; Secretary - June Trewin;, Sports Cammittee-Mr. and Mrs. Harry Collacutt, Mn. and Mrs. Jini Martyn, Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Scott. Racies and a variety cf sparts events were ably conducted by W vi l MQuade and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Horn. Before part-1 ing everycrie enjcyed a treatl a! watermelcn. The oamnittee in chargede serves a hearty vate o! thanksa for a very successful picnic. 1 See yau next year et Cre an, c! Barley Park an the Sunday nearest July l2th, îvhich as yaul know was Mr. Wm. Trewin,' Sr's., birthday. ENFIELD Our Suridey School Anniver- tsany services and cliurch recp- enlrig wes successful in every way. The weethem wes perfect, and e welcome change frein the heat. There wes a goad at- tendance et bath services. During the afternean Rev. R. B. Green spoke ta the chldren and the school sang several numbers assisted by L.A.C. 21 Albert Vos cf Trenton. In the evenirig Rev. Green addressed the aduits and music was sup-. plied by "The Four Gentle- men" froni Orano and vicinity anid a number by the acheol. The quartette numbers se! deliglited, everyone that by special request tliey sang eu'- aide et the door cf the churcli, efter the service. We are very fortunete in havirig as aur pes- ter a speaker a! sucli bigh cali- bre as Rev. Green. We feel that we bave mucli te look for- werd ta in the future. The floral decoratioris werc lieeutiful and were arranged by-Mrs. W. Gray and donated by the Enniskillen W.A. anid Mrs. Gray. The decorating by Mn. Aber- nethy is without a flaw. The walls are cascade blue with a ligliter shade on the ceiling. Monday evenirig Dr. and Mms. L. B. Williams, Bowman- ville, entemtained a large au- dience for' the entire evening. There were pictures o! local and fer ewey scenes and Dr. Williams stressed in bis talk and by bis pictures the vast and wonderful country we live in. Ha campered the scerias of beeuty, industmy anid agricul- ture o! Canada with that cf Eumapean cauntries through which tliey have travelled. He clased with pictures cf greet histanic interesi and stomies of early settling in Canada. il was enjayable, educetionnl and restful. Mr. Harry Stephenson and Mmi. J. Stephenson et L. Ste- phensan's. Mmi. W. Long, Port Penny, at G. Hubbemd's. Mmi. E. W. Pasce, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. F. Werry, Ennus- killen; Mm. and Mmi. W. Alex- ander and Canal, Oshawa, at W. Pascae's. Mn. Edwin Ormiston, Eban- czar; Mr. and Mms. Invin Puck- nin, Wbitby; Mn..erid Mmi. Stan Gray and Patsy, Oshawa, .at H. Ormisten's. Mr. and Mns. Wilfrid Alex- ander, Oshawa, et I. Ormis- ton's. Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Greeni, Judy, Daplire and Glennyth; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Marie, Ross, Ronald, Haydon; Mrs. Wes Bowniee, Leasidc; Mn. and Mrs. Russell Onmiston, Enniskillen; Mn. eand Mns. Glenn Allen, Mn. Donald Ste- pies, Orono; Misses Martin andi Fishes, Messrs. Jack Allen anid Merril Browni, Newcastle; Missj Myrtie Temblyn, Miss Mni Smith, Mr. anid Mrs. Rowland Smith, Tenante; Mn. Franklin Tamblyn eand Linde, Hemilten,l ~E THT1~TEEN 15 YIOURTV S'OUND TOO Low-- TMEIJTOO LOUD? CAIL US! MYLES RADIO TV SERVICE, Expert Repaira to Ail Makes 3 Silven St. MA 3-34821 1 O WMAN VILLE E- p ý 9 ZIPPER RING NEWCASTLE NERCHANTS DASEBALL CLUB Annual Civic Holiday SPORTS DAY Monda y, Aug. 1sf Newcastle Community Parkc 1 p.m. FIRST GAME - PORT HOPE BANTAMS VS. NEWCASTLE BANTAMS SECOND GAME - 2:30 NEWTONVILLE vs. KENDAL .&iewcastle Rural Team will play winners * of the second game. HUGE CARNI VAL Staris ai 7:30 at NIEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL Games of Chance, Bingo and a Draw for $100, $50 and a beautiful Brief Case. SALE Earrings Netkiaces Bracelets Ail Drastically Red uced Ho oper's Jewellery and Gift Shop PAC The best preparation fer the future, is the preseit weli seen te, and the last duty done. - George Macdonald. The past is clear as a mir- rer, the future as hard as lac- quer.-Hllda Doolittle. Dead Stock Removed Righent pries paid for Dead. Old and Crlppled Fgrm Stock. TELEPEONE COLLEOT Cobourg 1787 NTCK PECONI, PETERBOROLIGD Z-2086 TUE CANADUX STATESUM. nowIL&NV=. ONTAMO at W. Bowman's. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lee, Whitby, at E. Lee's. Mr. and Mns. L. Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis, Mrs. N. Stinsan and Marion at F. Samn- is'. Miss Ruth and Marie Pres- cctt attended three plays at the Shakespearean Festival at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Haskin Smnith, Miss Kathleen, Hampton; Mr. Allen Taylor, Tyrene; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gibsan and Keith, Greenbank; Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Prescott, Taronto; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Clifford and Derothy, Oshawa; Mrs. Mc- Mullen, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wood, Bowmanville; Mrs. T. M. Slemon, Enniakillen; Mr. and Mrs. Lau Rahm, Richmond Hill, at D. anid E. Prescott's. Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Miss Bes- aie Pascoe, Oshawa, at G. Bow- mani's. At the close cf the church services Mrs. W. J. Orrnistanl received a great many visitars in lier home. Old friends froni, near and far called on Mrs. Or- miston ta pay their respectsI and renew the acquaintance cf' aur oldest residerit who has lived het eritire life in this community. Recerit . callers at A. W.' Prescott's were: Mrs. Waltee; Groat, Columbus; Mrs. Ilsaac: Kerman, Thornton's Cornersý, Miss Marjorie McLean, Black- Stock; Mr. and Mrs. Lau Rahmn, Richmond Hill; Mr. and Mrs.1 Wilbert Smith, Clifford and Dorothy, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Found and boys, Eben-' ezer; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wer- ry, Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill, Enniskilleri. For Economy Short skirts were first worrt in Aberdeen. 'San¶ly! Sandy! 1 cari hear a' mari snorin' underneath thel bedr'" -Aye weel, dinria disturb bum till marnin' an' we'll charge bim fdr a nicht's ladging!" Hoopedr 's Jewellery and Gft Shop Annual Summer

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