rn~bî~rn VOLUME 101 Reeve Sid Little in Hospital t4te~t~t~m "tDurham County's Gireat Famil1y Journal" Sid Little, Bowmanville Reeve and ex-mayor, was injured last Thursday morning at the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company plant, where he is employed as Chief Engineer. A coal shute which was being dismantled for repairs struck him a glancing blow on the head when it fell. He required stitches at Memorial Hospital. His progress at the hospital was quite- rapid, and he returned -to his homp Tuesday. The irony of the situation is the fact that a whispered announcement in the Goodyear publication "The Wingfoot Clan," which was issued the same day, stated that the first six months of the year, had passed at the local plant without a lost-time accident. Durham M.P. Ur.ges Action to Correct Subway at Newcastle On Thureday, July 2lst, John M. tames, M.P. for Dur- ham made the following speech i.n the House of Commons, urg- ing the Minister of Transport to see that action was taken ta 1-correct the hazardous condi- Iion of the subway east of New- castle. Recently, a bus-trans- port -aWident at this point sent 23 passengers ta hospital for "Mr. Chairman, I shauld lîke -ta speak briefly on this iteir. Tbrough the Minister of Trans- port I would take this oppor- tunity ta lbing a subi ect ta the attention of the board af tran- sport cammissioners for imme- diate cansideratian. It con- oerns the subway of the Cane- Chan Pacific Raîlway on high- 'way No. 2 at a point just eest of Newcastle, Ontario. I amn sure many hon. memnbers are, laiiar with this subway, and probabjy know it better as the hale in the wall. In my memaory and exper- ience as a newspaperman in that particular area, there have been many seriaus fatal acci- dents at this particular point. The main cause of these velui- cular crashes is the fact that the subway is narrow and law. As a resuit, trucks and large transports are forced ta take ta the centre af the road ta get through the subway. Bc- cause of this, either the an- comning vehicle is forced to stop ta be assured that the road ahead is clear before pro-_ New Printing1 e ceeding tîrough, or it is forc- ed off the road. As a result there have been crashes bath from an-coming vehicles and from the rear as well. Just recently there was a very seriaus crash et this point and, ta bring it ta the atten- tion ai hon. members and, in particuler, that ai the board oi transport commissioners, I shauld like ta place on record some comments. which appear- (Continued on page seven) Set 'Hours 0f Business J3OWMANVILLE. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. IJLY 28th. 1955 Fire Destroys ILeskard MilI Leskard: Late lest Friday nigbt the sawmil af Brown and Thompson was burnt down. The fire was first natic- ed by Mr. E. Nicholson at 11.20. By the time help arrived the flames were toa fierce to ap- proacb. The saw, large tractor and twa trucks were complete- ly destroyed, along with a large quantîty of logs and wood. Neîghbours from Orono, Ty- rone and Leskard rempined et the scene until 4.30 in the morning. 4'hey helped ta stop the flames spreading through the cedars ta the house. They also managed ta drag one smaller tractor onta the road. No insurance was carriec& by Mr. Thompson. We hope he soon starts up again, as his work and mil, are. greatly miss- ed in the district. Kids 'in Free With Statesmani At Oshawa i Hey kids! Do you want to see a Senior Basebaîl gaine FREE'? Then teke this copy of The Canadien Statesman with you ta the Inter-County Senior Basebeli geme between Osh- ewe Verchents and Gaît Ter- riers Mondey, August lst, et 8 p.m. in the Kinsmen Civic Ste- dium in Oshawa. Any child under 12 years oi age will le - edmitted free ta this geme, or ta the next one, on Thursdey, August 4th, le- tween London Majors and the Oshawa Merdhants, if le pre- sents a Canadien Stetesman ut the gate. A lucky ticket holder will be the winner of a cash prize of $1,000 et the game on Thurs- day, August 4tb. Tell Mom and Dad ta take you along, and the rest ai the kids, too. One capy ai the Statesmen is the full admission price for each child under 12 years. Local IBal Team Defeats New Toronto An exhibition softball game was plyed et the Cream ai Barley- Camp Sunday aiter- noon, With employees ai the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company plants bere end in At a recent meeting ai the JULUIToront taing part. Retail Merchants Division ai The geme wes suppased ta thc Bowmanville Clamber aif be the first ai a home-and- weehorne series, but one of, the Commerce store hours wr cars carrying players froin set for holiday weeks. It wes New Toronto failcd ta arrive decided that for Cîvic Holiday, and the game was given to Labour Day and Thenksgiving, Bowmanville by defeult. Bowmenville stores would re. Nevertbeless an exhibition main closed ail day during the Mondy o whih teyfa,,. game was played when the New Monda on hichthey Toronto team drafted thrce Stores will close for their usual Bawmeanville players into their hali day on Wrednesday iollow- service. This did lîttle ta stap ing these holideys. the Bowmanville nine as they Armistice Day November il surged ahead ai their Co-work- was discussed and it was d(-- ers ta wîn 11-9. cided ta close irom 10.45 ta 11.45 a.m. so that awncrs and staffs may take in thc Ceno- taph Service. Plans for Christ- Over 25O0Pe mas season were discussed but1 these will be finalized et a la- 'D r amIo ter meeting. Over 250 people ettended a Press Insti d Garnet B. Riekard, on ih - way 2, Fridey. The meet wals under the auspices ai the Dur- hem County Crop. Improve- ment Association. A tour ai Mr. Rickerd's farm, "Ceresmore", started the day's events. Severel varieties ai ~Lograsses and wbeat were in- spected, ànd Dr. Huntley, head athe Field Husbendry Depert- mentette Ontario Agicul- tural College, Gu.elph, explain- ed somGarrythed îeweit- the varieties. spected on -the Riekard Farn were Hardome beans, Rodney, Parts of High'School Ready by September Make Rapid Proaress Nominated Walter DeGeer will become District Governor af Rotary District 246 for the next term, it was announced by the Bowmenville Rotary Club. Mr. DeGeer bas accepted the position, and has been essured by the nominating committee that bis will be the only name submitted for the position. He lias been under pressure. ta ac- cept this position for two years. Mr. DeGeer was president af ethe local Rotary Club in 1949- 50, and is a member ai the Board of Directors this year. His wiie, Edna, will belp bim as secretary, and will accompany him on his travels in connection with the governorship., "Now that I've decided ta take it," Mr. DeGeer stated, "I'm aIl for it."-' The club members supportedi the nomination 100% at itsi meet ing on Friday.1 Battie Farm Wili 'be Site New Project Bowmanville is ta -have a new 151 lot sub-division locat- ed east af Menvers Road on what used ta, be the Bob Bat- tie Farm. This was learned et ça special meeting af the Bow- manville Planning and Devel- opment Board held in the Council Chambers Tuesday evenîng. Fred Jones, 167 Central Park Blvd. North Oshawa, the own- er ai thle property and W. T. Dempsey, Oshawa Engineer, appeared before tbe board ta explain the new project. Mr. Jones plans on erectîng from 10 ta 15 N.H.A. 6-roomn ranch type model homes as a begin- ning. Al bouses in the sub- division will le restricted ta N. H. A. specifications. Plans for the yet unnemcd sub-division first bave ta be appraved, by the Ontario Plan- ning Department and then by Town Councîl, local Planning and School Boards. Mr. Jones asked ta meet the board prir ta sending bis plans ta Toron- ta for'their unoificiel stamp of approval.11 Mr. Jones bas develaped the Apple Hill Development in Oshawa, lacated south af Har- many lo the 401 Highway. DopIe Attend ýp Field Meet oats, and Barboff and Brant barley. From this farm, the group travelled to "Browview," tht, farmi of Jas. Brown, further east on Highway 2. Here, the main feature was an inspection of the irrigation system which Mr. Brown bas set up in bis .pasture land. Returning to "Ceresmore", the visitors were addressed by Dr. Huntley, Ken Fallis, Field Man of the Crops Branch, To- ronto, and W. W. Dawson, of Peterborough, Vice-president af the Ontario Crop Improve- ment Association. Filmis and refreshments completed the day's events. r_1 14' A tour>ai tIc new $500,000.00 up with steam drills), a breeze addition ta Bowmanvillc High bits hlm in the face. Down the School this weck reveals that stairs ta the leit, a long corridor the wark is progrcssing rapidly,1 extends ta tIc south. A doorway and the complete structure is witî tbrec partitions bas been now ready #for the "finishing -put in ta hld the schoàl Up, touches."fra opeescinfth This week, The Statesmans printing plant dQUuu d E. R. Lloyd, superintendent aifor l a competenctouft.hA new machine to take care of the ever increasing demand construction, stated that, despîte 1similar - doorway ieads ta thé in this area for fine commercial printing. This pr-es e i 6-week delay, duc ta a lack main. floor corridor. Up on the calld a ertcal iehi an is nc o th mos modm oa structural steel, it. is cxpccted second floor, another doorway ~ calleda Verical Mehle nd is ne ofthe ms oentat the school will le rcady lcads into another long corridor. - and best printing presses in operation. It wil print a for tIc opening af thc schooi lThis second storey section, thc sheet as large as 14" x 20" and as small as a postcard at tcrmn in the Feli. TIc final top floor, wves nat begun, or ev- I speds p t 5,00 n hur or il ts îghsped ter~details cannot possibiy le com- ten approved, until Februery ai - vibrpto5,00atiou. o r nd itsserb înk disrbtion auplt by that time. le pointed this year, and is actuelly an j.,s practically nlovirtoadisspr ndsrbuonu, but the old school building "addition ta tIche addition." AI- l"V/and versatility enables pressmen ta do thc fîinest multi- a nd a portion of thc addition!most 700 ncw lockcrs will bl colour work with a minimum of difficulty. It wiil pritit sbauid le campietelv ready. I luilt into the walls of thc cor-! on a wide variety of paper stock fromn tissue ta fairly Students who rcceived theirr ridars. Thc school, wlen cam- The addition ta the Durham County District High expected that a large portionofteadsoond ar education in the halls ai "good picte, wilIaccommadate 710ScolaBwaviiisnwbgnngtrceeth ofheew diin, ilberayorocacyw n heavy cardboard. Our many printing customers and friends aId B.H.S." would not recognize pupils. Sho tBwavlei o einn orcieteo h e diin ilb are invited to drop in ta see the pres% in aperation. We their Aima Mater. As one steps OdSho lee finishing touches. Ail steelwork has been completed, and the school term opens, as hadbenpned Brfod feel certain they will be convinced that when they wanti inside the southern entrance, OdSho led 1 known as the "boys' door," (the1 Wallcing alang thc corridorr much of the brickworki s donc. The work whîch remaîns Hoshal Associates Ltd. of Port Hp r on h eea good quality prînting quickly and at Leasoneble cost, the giris' door is ciosed while the ai tIc schoal lest year's students Is mainly such items as interior partitions, tilework, staîr- contracting for the work. JohnBPrinAscaeae VeUclM ieh le w4 Up;ovide them with the right answer. pavement inside ja b.ing broken i (Continued on Page thirteen.) case constrtiction, windows and decorating work. [t is the architecLu. -Photob aso tdo Pr ip C. of C. President Write s Letter to Clear Rumour It bas been brought ta my attention that there is a ru- mour gaing around Bowman- ville that the Chamber af Commerce was asking for an additional sum of money frain Town Council for operating expenses. Nothing could be further from the truth, since up until aur last meeting, money voted by Town Council ta be, used for Publicity and Industrial promotion had not been toucbed. It was discussed et that time, ta try ta decide the best method of bandling this maney, and it was felt that a special account should le set up, sa that Town Cauncil would know exactly how this money was used. It was also decided that Bowmanville's share towards the Lake On- tario Planning and Develop- ment Board should corne out af this fund. Early this year the Execu- tive af the Chamber ai Com- merce approached the memn- bers of Council with plans for hiring a Secretary- Manager, 50 that we would have- some- one with the time and ability ta promote Bowmanville, not only et home, but throughout the Country. In other words, we feit thý,t Bowmanville should be put "on the Map", so that we will flot always le a dormitory for Oshawa, as we are considered at the present time. The members af Council realize that unless something is done in the near future, re- sidential taxes will continue ta r'rise with no hope af any re- lief from additional Industriali taxation. Tbiey felt that the EChamber of Commerce was the ilogical organization ta carry jon ithis work, and offered us fi- nancial belp. It is always amazing the number of people that are only too willing ta criticize, but flot willing ta corne aut ta a meet- ing, find out the fects, and ai- fer their help. The reason morel has nat been eccomplished tal date by the Chamber of Com-1 merce is due ta the lack of1 support ai many af the citi- zens ai Bowmanville. One of the mast difficuit things for 1many af us ta appreciate is the fact that there is s0 littie inter- est shown by those wbo cZen benefit the most by the ef- forts ai the Chamber. The place ta get the fects is et a meeting. YOU are we]- came. 0f course The Statesman reports all aur meetings but there. is nothing like attending the functions and take part in, the discussions. The next time yau hear eny- thing about the Chamber of Commerce which you question, ask whether or not the persan spreading the rumour attend- ed a meeting. If not, call any member ai the Executive and, we will be pleased ta give you the truth end the facts. Better stili, YOU corne ta the flext meeting and get tbe facts. We will be pleased ta answer any questions, and will welcome constructive criticism. Elmer Banting, President, Chme1fCmec Utilities Wl! Paint Pumphouse Water Tank1 A meeting of the Bownihn- ville Public Utilities Commis- sion held in the offices af man- ager George Van Bridger Mon- day, July 25, dealt witl a coin- paratively small amount of business. AIl members were present. They are W. Ross Strike, Q.C., chairman, M.« J. Elliott, and Mayor Nelson Osborne. It was decided thet, the wa- ter tank situated et the rear af the Chùrch -Sti-eet pump hause will be painted, adding e touch ai neatness ta the town. A discussion ai the accaurît af Compressed Air Equipment covering repairs ta the air com- pressor disclosed that the com- pressor is used more by the Roads and Streets department and et the cemetery, than on P.U.C. business. It was decid- ed that a charge will be made ta the Town ai Bowmanville for the use of the compressor covering the men's time while using it. Accounts for May were as follows: Electrical Departmènit -$19,917.02, Water Depart- ment - $3,620.00. For June:ý Electrical Depertment - $20,- .03.57, Water Departnient - $1,364.19. The account fromn Cornish Construction disclosed that re- pairs ta a break in a 16-inch feeder main where it crosses the creek on the Wharf Road were quite expensive, casting $1 239.90. N in ety'Strong Leaside Band and Majorettes Feature Lions Carnival The Lions Club Carnival, on Friday, August 19, wîll featurel as entertaînment, the buge1 Leaside Lions Club Band and1 Majorettes, the Bowmanville Club decided Monday. The 90-member group, one of the finest in Canada, wll present a concert and specil performance in which their .30 drum majorettes will take part. Besides the Band, 4he carnival will be featured by a two-car draw as in past years. The many~ booths for games of chance and skill wîll once again be featured, in a show that is*planned ta be "bigger and better than ever". Mem- bers af the club have been working for several weeks painting and repairing the booths, and the bright colours will add a note of gaiety ta the carnival. The Central Pub- lic Scbool grounds will be the site of the fair. The Bowmenville Lions Club decided et their lest meeting ta send six children ta, a Sel- vetion Army camp et Rablyn Lake, Ameliasburg. The Kins- men Club is sponsoring four others et the same camp. A chair will be purchased by the Lions for the Board Room in the Lions Centre, witî mon- e y received from the Kinsmen Club for use of the romr dur- ing the yer. Octobér 17 bas been set as the date af the annuel inter- club meeting. The Rotary Club will le hosts, in the Lians Community Centre. Lion aend Kinsmen Clubs will le gtests. The Lions Club members de- cided that no memldr of the Lions Club in Bowmenville. or eny member af bis immediete family may win the Buick car et the carnivel, and that fio Lion member may win the sel- (Continued on page seven) JLJ%ýJL J.:.Ll %)%J.\ IN u vlT:'Di n O Local Firm Lays Pipeline A. E. "Sammy' Cole, top, is shown supervisfig som e of his men as they lay a section of the 3400 ft. watermain along Concession Street east from Liberty Street ta 700 ft. past Mearns Avenue. This is the longest section of water- main to be installed in the town for several years, and will serve a large area of prospective residential sub- divisions, as well as homes and farms already established. Three fire hydrants are to be installed along this section of watermain. Other shorter sections of watermain in- cluded in the contract are a southward extension on Waverly Road (400 f t.), a continuation from the middle of Frederick Avenue ta the western end (350 ft.), and a northward extension on Prospect Street from Veterans' Ave. (400 ft.). In this photo, top to bottom are Norman Bothwell, Jack Barrett and Bob Finigan, ail employees of A. E. Cole Heating and Plumbing. Plan Special Events ' At SUM'meér Playgrounds Special events et the five r ferecd, and the iudges wers pleygrounds in Bowmanvillei George Poulos, Bruce Colwell are being held eech week. This i cvening the playgrounds get rn et oan h ie tagether et the Lions Centre for was George Marlow. The re- a Penny Fair. sults were as follows: heevy. During the lest week, Ontario weigbt champion - Brenton Street Schoal and Central[ Hughes; runner-up- Paul Han- School pleygrounds combined cock. for a soitbell game between the At the Lions Community two parks. Cepteins Larry Centre, an Mondey, a decorated Piper (Ontario Street) and Larr bcyl contest was hcld in the Hancock (Central) lad good morning and a costume contcst teems lined up, but Hancock's *ginte feron tearn proved a littie tostrong heîneraiteroon. olow for the Ontaria Street icllows iThe Iwinners wer ete oo- as thcy sterted the game off byig ri owel etdcr getting cigît runs in the iirst: ated bicycle; Lloyd Graham, innig. t wa no untl lte bst ecortedtricycle; Susan in thc geme that Ontario Street BaIl and Linde Purd y, lest cas- rallied ta get three runs. Bv' I turnes (Hawaiien girls); Ann tIen it was too late. Central Mertyn, 2nd prize (ballet dan- won thc game by a score ai cer). Judges were: Mrs. R. 23 ta 3. Kent, Mrs. L. MeFecters and Aftr hebal gme FesieMiss M. Purdon. Over 120 wAitervdn the el ga ereishie children attended this event. stopped warrying if they lad A peanut scramble, Freshie Pnougb wlcn some boys camelr nd cookies, ended this day. back eight times in the line-up.i A treasure huint with suckers A tug-oi-war was held, butirand ha linons on Thursday, and neither park could win as thc a Pet Show on Friday aiternoon, rope brake. A peanut scramble completeci the events for the and a sucker lunt ended the week et the Lions Centre. The day.j pets in the show included flie-s, A boxing tournament was the e nts, becs, e white hen, a -baby speciel event et Central School1 robin, cats, dogs, and a monster Bowmanville High School Framework Complete 10e PER COPY NTTMRRP RA