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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1955, p. 7

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I j*~ "j f ?mJRSDAT. .TULY 2Mb. 1055 TEE CANWAfLTAW M'rÂ'ru15Aw OWIIV'U'YY.?.W M'AWOE PACES! ISocial & fPersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Mr. andi Mns. A. T. Fletcher and Mn.. L. 9. Dumas, Brigh- visiteci with ber sister at Lea- tan, Ont. side, Toronto, recently. Four B.H.S. cadets were homei Mn. and Mrs. C. Dawney andi last weekend on leave from family visited Mn. andi Mns. S. Camp Ippenwash, on Lake Hu- Yuchna at Frasenvihle. non. They are Sgt. Glenn Cros- SMr. Frank Kirkendaîl, To- sey, Cpl. Don Fonder, Cdt. Bil ronto, was in tawn last week Bradley,. and Cdt. Maurice renewing old acquaintances. Richards. 1 Mns. A. Hobbs is holidaying Mn. William H. Brault, San- with ber sisten-in-law, Mrs. ta Monica, Calif., wbo lefl Rolit. Sansam, Rosetawn, Sask. Newcastle 48 years ago spent Mrs. Chistina Duna, Elgin a few days visiting friends in St. visited relatives and friends Newcastle and visiting bis sis- near Belleville aven the week- ten., Mn. and Mrs. George Earl, end. Bowmanville., Dr. Margaret R. Riley, Chi- Mn. and Mrs. Clair Allen and cago, is vîsiting ber brother, son Wayne- Mn. and Mn.. An- Mn. Herbent Rogers, Jane St. dnew Crombhie and family; Mn. Town. andi Mrs. Henry Anthony, Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Knigbt awa, are spending a week's va- and son John, Detnoit, are vis- cation at Chateau Wembley, lting bis mothen, Mrs. We-s Bunnt River. Knigbt. Mn. Alfie Shnubb was an of- Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mrs. Bert fîcial at the Police Games in Colwell, Edward and Inwin, Toonto on Satunday, but the spent Sunday with relatives at weathen was so bot that Alfie Uxbridge.1 didn't, stay ta judge the beau- Mrs. Maude Penfound, Osh- ty contest which is an indica- awa, lias been visîting ber tian he is slipping. daugliter, Mns. Clair Allen, Miss Isabelle Davis, Presideni Scugog St. of the Business and Prafession- Mns. E. Ott andi ber mather, al Women's Club, and a party Mns. E. McNulty, le!t taday tao! members attended the Pre- take up permanent nesiderfée view o! the General Motors in Montreal. Parade of Pragress la Oshawa Master Inwin Colwell bas ne- on Wednesday afternoon. turneci home fnom bholidays Dennis Hughes, son of Mr. witli bis cousin, Douglas Ly- and Mrs. Hanny Hughes, Liber- Mr.Osaa r.Ln eyad ty Street North, left Monday Mr. nd rs. en enryandmornnng for. Blind River, On- son Bob Windsor, visited last tario, 'whene he will be em- week 1ýith her parents, Mn. ployed ia the office staff of a and Mrs. Ed Witherîdge. large construction pnoject with Miss Audrey Fletcher and Eastern Electric. Miss Nancy Kelso are spending M.adMs usl c twa weeks' vacation witb r n r. usl e O.P.P. C. Fletcher at Picton. Beth, (nee May Aldwonth) and family,' Dundas, spent the Mn. and Mns. Leonard Phil- weekend witb Mn. and Mrs. lips and Barbara Jean, Maid- Iilfned Aldworth- and family, stone visited Mn. and MIS.'Courtice. Theyl also visited Harry Collocutt and Joanne. their aunt, Miss RubyM.Ald- Misses Gloria andi Linda wortlh, at the home o!f Mr. J. Oliver and Master Ronnie Oli- Bird. ver, Oshawa, yisited Mn. andi M.FacsHal 2 ao Mrs.C. own~ an famly.Rd. East, Toronto 7, writes: Alex Muir o! Elderslie Farms Please finci enclosed $4.00 fo- is shateci ta jucige the Holstein subsciption ta The Statesman Cattle Show at the Peterboro for anather yean. We look fon- Exhibition on Tbunsday, Aug- warcl very much each wcek ta Ust 4th. aur papen coming. We wish Miss Nancy Van Bridger, you ahl every succcss ini your Mr. andi Mns. Dale Huffman endeavor ta produce a neal and son John are visiting Mr. aewsy paper. Huffm ansaewnsl. aa Miss Heathen Brown, niece duf! Sasatchwan.o! Mrs. J. McNulty, and hler Sunday callers with Mn. and fnienci, Miss Sandra Royd, o! Mrs. E. V. Hoan were Mn. and Downer's Grave, Illinois, are Mns. McNaugliton, Nancy and visitiag Mn. and Mrs. Jack Mc- Barbara, and Mn. and Mrs. Nulty for a few days. Heather Douglas Armstrong, all of To- liveci here with ber parents, ronto. the late George Brown andi Mn. Robent Noble spent a Mns. Brown, on Chuncli Street, week's holiday la Buffalo -andi about tea years ago. Clevelandi. Mn. Noble took inaa niglit hall game between the Editor B. J. Garbutt of the Cleveland Indians, and the New Drayton Acivocate and Mrs. York Yankees. Garbutt gave the editor o! MissMaryLews ani ~ Tbe Statesman a fratennal cal MiesFengson eisacdtison Wednesday wbile motoring Mari Fegusn ae atin asthraugb town on their vaca- counsellors fan tbree weeks nt tion. Mn. Garbutt is a native Camp Lakewood, a camp for o! Warkworth in Northumber- crppled chilcinen, at Wain!leet, landi County where he served near Welland on Lake Erie. bis apprenticesbip as a "print- Mn. and Mrs. T. Wesley er's "devil" on the Warkwonth Cawker, Bowmanville, and Mn. Journal 50 yeans aga. and Mns. Milton Tamblyn, Or- ana, visited their sister, Mn. A.B.A.R. Bill Calven bas ne- andi Mrs. J. #E. Leisbman, turned ta Saint John ta report Grimsby Beach, last week. fan duty on H.M.C.S "Maggie". While home Bill, Ruth andi Mn. Lawrence (Loîl) Min- children halidayeci in Montreal geaud andi bis sister, Mns. A.Îanci Ottawa. Whîle in Ottawa W. Tueker, Windsor, wene jla j at the Parliament Buildings town on Tuesday calling on, tbey met John James M.P. Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Pethick and and he personally toureci themn Mr. andi Mrs. R. G. Hamlya. ta several rooms o! interest Mn. andi Mn.. H. J. Babcock and had them sit la while Par- spent a few days as guests af liament was in session. Officen Commanding A. L. and Mrs. Ashton, Trenton, Ont., Mns. Byron Cryderman ne- andi while there calleci on Mn. turned ta ber home, Kingston _______________________Roaci East, after a ten week _____________________ oliday in Englanci, visiting re- ________________________ latives in Bniciport, Dorset, and - er home tawn o! Bourne- mouth. She made both trips on flÂli the Homenie and enjoyeci a dt- S.T. AULS light!ul sea voyage. While in London she visiteci Miss Arline Cox, daugliter o! Mn. and Mrs. UNITED E. Cox, Bowmanville. H A recent issue o! the St. Catharines Standard cannies a CHURC 1photograpli o! Mn. Thomas Ga-1 marvellous. There are no dîe- (Anglican> sels yet la Australia. There is no television eithen. Mn. Mit- chell lias haci a wonder!u1 time gighih Aller Trinity esan lisito well here sumnmen to reside pe nmanently. He sais iAug. 2 rrom Vancou- ver for the return trip ta Syd- ney. Mr. Mitchell lived in To- ronto many years ago, where 'he had a silver plating busi- ness. He left Canada and went first ta South Africa, thend Australia. Wed' in Ceremony at Cadmu*s One of many couples who chose JuIy for their wectding are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Douglas Campbell. They were. married in Cadmus United Church on July 9. The bride is the former Margaret Dawne Black, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Black, and the groom is the son of Mr. James Campbell and the late Mrs. Campbell of Toronto. Wed in 'St. John's Church Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tuerk, leaving St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, following their wedding on July 9th, passed through a Guard of Honour fonmed by the Girl Guides;, in tnibute ta the leadership of the bride. Banded Bird Returns Af ter 3 Years Away "Doa't take the bandi off a a raw. live bird. Just make a note o f jSinceestarting bis bird-band- the number and report it," ing hobby in 1939, Forrest Forrest Dilling advises persans Dilling lias bandeci over 1300 who find wild bird. witli bands birds o! all types. Reports bave on their legs. "Once the bandci cme hack ta hini o! birds lie- i. removed," lie tated, "th- ing found as far away as Flai'- birds Jose their identity ta us."; id, and the southern States. A Mn. Dilling is ane o! a large guil was founci by a fisherm-an number a! hobbyists who band; at Pigeon Bay, west of Fart birds for a past-time, andi for William, recently. The gull had the aid a! ornithologists whor been banded at Bowmanvifle study habits o! birds. Most of Beach. hiz banding is done near his Mr. Dilling receives help in summ~er homne at the Wcs-t bis hobby from sevenal o! the Beach, Bowmaaville. children at the Beach. Wben Bowmanville Police Chef tliey see a young bird, they Sydney Venton recently founid tell hlm about it so . le can a robin entangled inl the netting came witli lis bands and "mar- whicli le haci used ta prater-t ry lt't. Ta them, a bird whie^ berry vines. He founci a band bas a bandi on its leg is "mar- on its leg. Not knowing what ried." ta do with it, he passeci it on On Tuesday, Mr. Dilliong ta George James, editor of thelbanded a young Blue Jay Canadian Statesman. The hand1whicli le saw !luttering in was. eventually put into thie f ront of nis car as rie orove hands of Mr. Dilling, who past Jim Marr's residence on checked his own recordg be- I Lowe Street. He stopped the fore sending the number un car and caught the young bird, the band in to be identified. To whîch was just learning to fly bis surprise, lie found that the and placed a band on its le.. bird had been born at the He carnies the bands andi West Beach, and was bandiid equipment for bis hobby with by himself in 1952. Another him most of the time. robin which Mr. Dilling had Along with his hobby of banded himself was reported banding birds, Mr. Dilling aiso by Mrs. Leddy, on Chapel is an ardent movie camera Street, proving that birds do fan, and owns some very in- return to the same area frorn teresting movies. He shows which they started. some of his own films and Mr. Dilling stated that lie had some which he receives from ,found some red-wing black- the Oshawa Film Board in the birds in his traps at the mash West Beach pavilion every es near the beach six year nSunciay evening. w EDDING and yellow arnations. ace as best man, and ushers were BRUCE - BUIRDETT Mr. Milton Bruce, brother of St.Joh'sAngica Curcithe groom, and Mr. Grant St.Joh'sAngica CurelTherteil. brother-in-law of Bowmanvillg, was the scene of the bride. the marriage an Saturday af- A reception was held in St. ternoon, July 23, of Joani Helen John's Parish Hall, the bride's -Bundett, yaungest daughter of mother wearing hlue embroi- Mr.~~~~~~ an1r.J CalsB~ dcred nylon with w~hite acces- Mett and SaneyJ.Caes Br sories and corsage of pink car- det, ad Sanly JmesBruenations. The groom's mother son of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland assisted ber wearing pink bro- Bruce, ah, o! Bowmnanville. caded nylon with white acces- Pink and white gladioli de- sories and yellow corsage. corated the altar for the cere- Fo~r thei wedding trip ta mony which was performed by thegbridell and points south. Rev. A. C. Herbert. MIrs. Evc,-th brd chose a dusty pink lyn Marchant presided at the suit with white accessories and organ and accompanicd the corsage of yellowv and whQ'e soloist, Mrs. Kenneth Huil. carnations. Tle young couple Given in marriage by lier wvi1l reside at the Walker father, the bride Nvore a floor Apantments, Bowmanville. length gown of white nylon Present at the wedding were net with insets of pleated lace. the bride's two grandmothers Over the bodîce was wonn ai and a gnandfather, also the lace bolera embroidered with gnoomn's grandmother. Out of pastel colored sequins a"d tow~n guests attcnded from havîg log seeve e 9dn "1 Burlington, Oshawa, Scarbor- lily points o\-er f he hand7. A ough. Whitiby, Ajax, Pemnbroke peai embroidercd hcaddress and Troronto. held lier fingertip veil and she __________ carried a shower bouquet o! red roses and stephanotis. Only A Dream Mrs. Grant Thenteli was lier An Aberdonian dneamt he. sister's only attendant, wvearing, spent a fortune in London. He blue nylon net witli fitted bo- ls now afraid ta go ta lied. dice and full skirt, a brief lace An old Scots way o! prevent- holero being vorni over the ho- ing sea-sickncss is ta hold a! dice. She wone a s;mall hcad- -i:ýpençe 'between Youir teeth dress of blue fo r and car- and get vour bands tied behmnd riad à Colonial bouquet of Vink your back. NESTLETON. Durham M.P.- Lions Club P.ev. A. S. McLean and Mrs. Cniudfo PaeOe otne rmPge n) McLean retuie fram a month's (Cnnudfo Pae ne (Ctiedno Pge ne halidays wjl. amily and friends ed ln the Port Hope Evening ler's prize, the Chevrolet. If in Kirkfield and other northern! Guide af Satunday, July 16, the winning ticket is sold froni pitssRs ono dM. the day following a recent ac- the booth set up on the anrs Laenz Montjy .cident, when it said: grounds, the seller's pnize miil atn d ay witornzoMiss 'Yesterda1y. th itdSudy ih isAnnie Yetrdy tis newýpaper be donated ta the Bowmanvîlle Mountjoy who is staying with neparted an accident, which. Memorial Hospital and the Re- Mrs. Gardon McLean, Uxbridge. from ah accounts was directly creation Department. Meur. Oive an Ivn de t thi botlenec. Atra- IJohn Neal, a memben of the Mesrs.Oier -dahefnerIan u a hsof enek ta-Uniontown, Ohio, Lions Club, thi rter , Freed heaherat o sport storn2ed ta allow another was a guest at the meeting. He Mitchell on Tuesday. Sympathy ta pass through the "*hale-im- is associated with the develop- i.s extended lromn the community tbe-wall." A Colonial Coach ment department of Goodyear -ta the Rabrer familles. Lines bus carrying 24 passen- ini Akron. Mn. Lannie Chapman of North gens crashes inta the nean o! Presentations Made Bay joined, his family for a Birthdays were celebrated holiday. Mr. ànd Mrs. Chapman the transport and 23 people bv George White, Dr. Elmo vîsited lniends in Toronto and' were sent ta hospital for treat- Sisson, and Bill Yeo. A gift Hespeler ove#' the weekend ment. Some were quite senlous- was presented to Lion Bill Yeo, while Paul and Jimmie stayed ly injured. Fnom ail evidence the oldest member of the club, witb their grandparents, Mr. anîd at hand it is ta be assumed the whose 73nd binthday was on Mns. George Bowers. "hole-in-the-wall" was direct. the day of the meeting. Weekend visitons with Mn. 1y nesponsible for this accident, A presentation was also and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt and since othenwise the transport made ta Lion Henb Goddard, ia Mn. Elmer Nesbitt wene: Mn. and would flot have stopped wheerecontin of bis latest Mns. Russell Eldens, Orillia; it did. It was only a miracle achievement. He became a Mrs. Ida Eastwood, Oshawa; that ives wene not lost.' gnandfather necently. Lion Stu Mezsrs. Albert and Avery Dean- This is but one mpjre in a James made the presentation, bornn ofAnnaud, Manitoba, and long senies aofmon and ma- adding a touch of humour. Mn. John Nesbitt of Osbawa. jan accidents at this panticulan Roy K. Topping, of the R. Latest report from Mns. B. B~. point. On sevenal occasions I M. Hollingshead, became a Knigbt is that she is makinà have mentioned this during sit- member of the Bowmanville slîght improvement in Oshawa tings of the railway commit- Lions Club Monday. He was General Hospital following bier tee, and most necently it was sponsared by Lion Lou Dew- operation last week. brouglit up during the discus- ell. Roy is mannied, has thnee Mn. andi Mrs. Charles Marri- sion o! the bill ta 'increase the inandi is a memben of son and Felix and Mr. and M-s. federal contribution toward soin. nte hr n Warren Davison, al of par eir tand sayros.gale d ntyJakand Jill Club. Hope were Suaday visitons with crossingsan uwy.Iad 'Davison's andi Gist's. ditin ta my presentations in Th Convention Report Mr. and Mrs. R. Davîson took the m atter, bath The Canadian 1Tepnogram at Monday's Douglas ta Toronto ta begîn a Statesman o! Bowmanville, and meeting was conducteci by Pr,> six eek' curs tChiagot he Evening Guide of Port1 sident Wally Braden and Her- Vocational School. Hp on several occasions have bert "Deac" Godidard, wlio re- Donald McLeod hias fiiied urged that corrective action blporteci on the District "A" bis course with Chicago Voca- institu ted. Apparentlv up ta convention which they attend- tional School,* Toronto, and date n o action h as been taken ed at Quebec City on May 25- fniends ai-e pleased ta know lie eitlier by -the railway, the I128. received a very high standing.ighways department or the Bath expressed regret thp.t Congratulations Donald! board of transport commission- more members o! the club dici Mn. Jolin Hayer lias installediens. flot attend conventions. They an irrigation system on bis two 9Lt this time, ln tbe interests spoke o! the vanlous items o! hundred acre tohacco farm. Fe of public safety in that area I business which fwere conduct- has a Cliryslen Industrial engine would ask again that the board ed, and told of the hospitality pumping an enormous volume o! transport commissioners take they received from the people o! water, taking a week ta in- independent # action -without of Quebec City. 1igate the complete cnop of ber- waiting funthen for the othe-r A part o! the pnogrami con- ries, potataes and now tobacco. parties cancerned ta act. This sisted o! speeches by the win- This. is the first such irrigation is an exceptionally dangenous ners of the Lions Club span-. systemn in Cartwright Townshipsb a n a heavily travelled soreci Public Speaking contest.] and Mr. Hayen is greatly pleased igwy andi it should ble elim- iBath representatives expnesse:i11 witb nesults shown during the1 inated at the earliest passible 1 the opinion that Bowmanville1 present very bot. dry season. moment." shoulci take part in this public speaking praject. It is expet-' ed that somnething will be done towards this this year, and a comrnittee has been set up for the purpose. High School stu- dents ere the contestants in the speaking contests. iKeep Coolj WITH g IFresh Hui r rStyles COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ~d,.d.tSPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE Allie...ALL THIS WEEK T-.- I 40NSSWV rAPIu JOHNSON'S WTRRO ADHESIVE TAPE 0 STICKS SETTER *LASTS LONGER *A SIZE FOR EVERY NEEO, KLEIENEX PACKA@U or 200 tissus 9" x 10'" F Al1e x. We Deliver KILL FLIES with GREEN CROSS Inseet Bomb A sure way ta kîll flies, mosquîtoes, etc.------- - 6-oz. 89c - li-oz. $1.39 HEP kilîs flies, mosquitoes, etc. Aerosol Bo-mb ------ - $1.39 SAPHO Fly Spray - 38c-58ç-98e SAPHO Bomb ------------- -------1.39 SUNTAN and SUNBURN Preparationg Coppertone 011 on Cream . 81.50 Noxzema . 1. 65c-89c-$1.69 Noxzema Suntan Lotion in a Squeeze bottle ----- $1.00 Noxzema Suntan 011 or Cream ~ 39c-75r Tante-o GOc-98c * Velvetta Suntan Cneam --- Sunglasses Special Value-Aviation type in Icatherette case - ------ Kiddies' Glasses .... - Polaroid "Fils-on" -champ o reguhan eye glasses Glaremaster .Clip-aoven Polaroid Zephyr or Wlnsome Polarold Flightline ----------- CAI Bro jBro- FIas Kod jKod -FLA Kod Flam Kod Ha Ban Ban ( 12 e5-29c $2.50 69e $1.98 $2.98 WAX PAPER Heavy grade 100- foot rolis in dispen- ser box with metal Rg2eroll25cf 2 rails 49e Mineral i 1 43c - 87c' 16-oz., reg. 55e- 40-oz. iýcg. $1.10 Calamine Lotion - - 39c 8-oz. bottie - reg. 50c Siomach Powder 59c - $1.49 14-oz. reg. 75c - 16-oz. reg. $1.95 Alrol ALUMINUM FOIL 12 ladies wide 25 footroli 27a "Auer" LIGHTERS A triple-action ligliter engineered for beauty andi dur-; ability - guaranteedi by maker. Feature Value "Vacmaster" VACUUM BOTTLE, Canadian Made A xvell made x'acuumnhotthe for for travelling, lunch; kits, picnics. I 5-o-z. bottle 89e "Marathon" GOLF BALLS Fine quality durable halls at an economny price - regulan. low pnice 45c - 3 for 1.25, 3 for $1.19 Mpe tapkins 70 white emnbos large size nap Reg. 17o - 2 forî Toilet Tissue Foul size 750 sheet rolls of first quality tissue - extra sof t - extra white. Reg. 2 rails 25c 2 For 21c #1IDNEYSr I Reg. Six. 510 CAMERAS and FILMS onm i LMERAS FILMS ownie Holiday Verîchrome Lsh Camera -- -----55.90 120 and 620 - -- -47e ownle Hawkeye - 7.95 Duo-Pak - ------ -----89ec A LE N ownle Hawkeye 127 - 42e - Duo-Pak -- 79e Lsh Outfit ---- 5 - 15.50 Kodachrome 135 PR UDE ýdak Duaflex 111 with 20 exp. $4.25 - 36 exp. $6.55 ýdeb lens ..-- ----317.95 - Kodacolor, 8 exp. O TR AS I ASHOLDERSC17adC2A- 24 ialite Midget, fit& Holiday C 127 and C127A $2.70' th Model ..... .. 3.60 i Tri.TO THDEA tialite, lits Brownie r- wkeye and Duaflex 120 and 127 --- -___52e 1Cameras-----------5$4.50 135 - , ----------- -95e CH KSBD RET Ivania Flash Buibs Movie Film .M2 each 12e Kodachrome 8 mm. 50-ft. ntam 9 each 14c roll 34.8,5 M KSTEHWIE ntam 8 Gift Pack Super X Black and White, 1bulbs) $1.698 mm., 50-lt. roll $3.95; PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY MeGregor,- Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Pho ne MA 3-5792 I f HOLY COMMUNION 11:010 a.m.- MORNING PRAYER Evenlng Service withdrawn throughout Jujy. We specialize in FINGERWAVING Reduced Prices ON ALL CoId Waves Rab y's Beauty Salon 200 King St. E. MA 3-3408 ý - - 1

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