PAGU-m5w7' TRE CANADIAN STAT1'SMAN, BOWMAMTE2?.ONTARIO ?NURDAY, JMJY 28th, 1958 fl>.est Bea c/ Tlews. (By The Beach Comber) The weekly euchre was heid nt the summer home of Mr. and Mm~. Bert Hutchinson. Mrs. T. De-ne, Twellingate, was theý high scorer. Mr. Forrest DillIng is again entertaining the youngsters (and oldsters) with movies each Sunday evening. Tbrough the kindness o! Mr. and Mrs. Butler, o! the West Beach Store, the movies are being held in the Dance Pavillobn, each Sunday evenîng. Mrs. E. Ellis o! "Beihaven"' announced the winners of thz2 "Poster Contest". These posters were to advertise the Beach's Civic Holiday Sports' Day. The winners were: Over il years- 1 Evelyn Hughes, by reversion from Gary Cole; 2 Diane Hall- man, 3 Judy Hailman. 7 - 10 years - i Teena Hughes, 2 Gail Mulbholland, 3 Merle Cole. 6 and under - i Stephen Ryder, 2 Karen Mulhoiiand, 3 Ronny Parker. The Beach Association iý busy carrying to conclusion their plans for Civie Holiday. Ir. Bruce Murchison annount,-- c i that Dr. Ballard's wili con,- cluet'a dog show, with prizes for ail sorts o! classestof dogý, je-the iongest tail, the oidest dog, the best dressed etc. Sa rb:ng along your dog on Mon- da y at 7 p.m. sharp. Ail dogs are required to don their Icashes. So corne on, get your dloggie inta the contest and win the ]ucky prize. Monday will see the regular races for the children, with gaod prizes. Games wili follow the "Mut' show at 7 p.m. Sunday a fancy dress and costume parade will start off the chiidren's amateur concert at 7.00 p.m. So dig out that costume and corne aiong. You may be the prize winner when the parade gets underway. A draw for a TV set wiii climax this week-end,* accom- panied by several other prizes of considerabie value. Congratulations to Mr. Wal- lace Diiling and bis bride, the former Cathy Adair on their recent marriage. The residents of the beach join in wishing them health, happiness, joy in ih'- future years that lie ahead. The warm spel bas heralded din a spell of swimrning and wa- ter skiing. The young people are enjoying this new sport eand mastering it with much gusto. ri The Lifeguard is accompany- sing the children, who wîsh tc slearn to swim, to the Boyf àTraining School Pool by bus, ;They are taught by Mr. Win- -ton Bagneil and bis assistants gWe trust ail the chiidren whc ýcannot swim will avail them- selves of this opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole and Merle, spent Wednesday sat Crow Lake. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hallmari cand Diane at Little Lake. Mr. Art Dorney is recover- ing from a r 'ecent attack of pneumonia. We ail wîsh hirn a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice and family, Town, in Sandhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doyle and Mr. Pat Doyle, Toronto, in "Twellingate". Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hughes and Norma, Oshawa, Mr. an< Mrs. W. Pearson, Courtice, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole in "Waltz In". Mr. and Mrs. Kerfurey, Miss Nina Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. lMac Durno, Toronto, in "Chee. rio Cottage". Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cowle and family, Town, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMaster, Toronto, at "Latimer's". Mr. and Mrs. T. Sharpe, Mrs. G. Milien, Mr. and Mrs. Sic ,Smith and Scott, Toronto, in the "Lost Week-end". Mr. Gordon Lawson and Don Smith, Toronto, Mrs. Jack Nichols, Mrs. K. Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen, Ricky, Ran- dy and Cathy, Mrs. F. S. Allen, Mrs. Ron Allen, Danny and David, Town, xvithMrs. §usan Dunn in "Rusty Nook.'l Mrs. L. Dibbon and Mrs. Ly- dia Windsor, Miss Joyce Cur- rie, Mrs. M. Currie and Mrs. Jessie Graham, Toronto, Mrs. S. McTavish, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Currie and Mrs. Pethick in EEEE's. Master Dougie Oke, Town, with bis grandmother, Mrs. Haliman' in "Fyvie". Mr. and Mrs. Mel Burgess and family, "ftendezvous" at "CaIl Tour MiAUlER PLUMmER'~ f i "ý KN'OW ýE DOE 54t "rMAKE AN MMORE TRAN 'YOU t)O--BLrr TkýEtR PLU MBINMG CONTRPCTrOPR HELPE1D 1IEM CONVERT TREIR UP#-TAPP. INTO A. DELUXE APAPRTMENT!'" We SeUl! We Instail! W. Service! W. Guar0antee! Remember! Always Cali This MASTER PLUMBER L. A. PARKER & SONS PLIJMOING -HEATING * OIL BURNERS 47 KING ST. E. - BOWMANVILLE MA 3-5651 ? ? ? THE 5 MOST' ASKED QUL&77ONS ABOUT... Ys hÏ tru. tIat mon grols or@ gonor- alIy smortor thon purabrods? Ail the evidence points the other m'av. The kennel dog has ail the advantages of breeding and tra ining and mare often than not il; 'snarter' than the niongrel. You'II notice that sheepdogs, hunting dogs and othen highly trained canines are almost ai- wla's purebreds. And seing-eye dogs are always pedigreed. Do dogs fthrivo botter in the country thon in the city? :Strangely enough they dan't. _The reason is easy enaugh ta undcrstand. In the City the dog is a pet. H-e gets better care, more intelligent feeding and is.more likciy ta be taken ta, a 'vet' if he fails sick. There arc few statistics on the subject but such figures as are available tndicate that the tawn dog outlives the country dog by some two or threc years on the average. Should a dam hov. bon« i. o nw P Unless you can give your dog a big beef banc that ho capnot crack or splinter into dangerous fragments, don't give him a banc at ail. Many dogs are killed every year by people who give themi bones fromnchops or pouitry. Such bones break into sharp slivers that injure the dog internaliy and often thesç injuries Iead ta deathL Should a dog b. giv.n potato.s? There are many aid beliefs about starches being indigestible by dogs. But although these beliefs are untrue it is a fact that potatoes and bread are not a good diet for a dog. Dogs can digest starches but they cannot maintain good beaith and vigour without meai ... raw or cooked. For convenience most people feed their dogs one of the better dog faads containing the essential meat. How coa odog b. cur.d of jumping of peopl? The iiine ta cure this habit is the first timne be puts his feet up on you. As soon as he does it, tread very gently an ane or his hind paws. Ater a few experiences of this he will associate the dis- comfort wvith the jumping-up and neyer develop the habit. >~Ms~CROWN & ANCHOR "4e4 B REW ERY Li MITE D a- l, ýh es le ri s- Harwood on Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. V. Lockwood. Hampton, Miss Betty McNeil, Toronto, at Mrs. Wonnacott's. Mr. and Mrs. Don Masters and John at Mr. and Mrs. E. Varcoe's in "Rest-a-Whîie". Mr. and Mrs. H. Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buttonshaw and James, Town, in the for- mer's- cottage. Mrs. M. Cooper and Mr. Roy Rice, Mr. Douglas Rice in "It Soots Us". Mr. and Mrs. Murray Butler with their parents in the West Beach Store. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon New, Hamilton, n the News' Cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kelly, bas returned to their home in Augusta, Georgia, U.S.A., after visiting witb his sister, Mrs. Norman Mullholland. Mr. and Mrs. F. -Bottrell, Town, Mr. Jim Bottreil, Kings- way, ini Seldom Inn. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ford, Elaine and John, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ford, Patty and Lynda and Mrs. F. Ford with Mr. and Mrs. John Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Feather and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, Toronto, in their cot- tage. YELVERTON d Mr and Mrs. Ray McGiii, Bckstock, spent Wednesday 5evening with the Harold Stin- sons. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bowler, Joe Ann and girl friends, Osh- dawa, at the Harvey Mvacolms. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Stinson Sand family with her parenits, the Geo. Pages at Lifford, prior to the Pages ieaving for a ma- d tor trip with the Harold nPages to Edmonton, Alta. The visitors with the Non- man Wilsons were the T. Ja- sons and Vincent Jacksons4of Bethany. Severai from Yelventon at- tended Decoration Services at 1Union Cemetery 4t Cadmus. 1 Mr'. and Mrs. John Henden- son, Buckingham, called at -the Ray Robinsons. Mrs. Ralph Malcolm and girls with ber mother, Mrs. En- nestine Henderson at Bethany. Mayo h junior genera- tionattededthe Vacational classes sponsored by the Unit- ed Cburcb in Janetviile this week. An exceptional good at- tendance is reported wtW7 classes both înteresting and educational. The Cemetery Board are to be congratuiated on embarking on a program of extension and beautification in Yelverton wîth the purchase o! an ad- joining property to be added to church property to provide parking facilities when need- ed and to be later inciuded in cemetery land as need arises. retaining. The comp ensating Yelvertan folk extend con- gratulations to Mn. and Mns. Earl Weatherilt (nee Margaret Fowlen af Yeiverton) on the birth o! a son. The Norman and Jack Wil- sons motored to Toronto to en- joy a double-header bail game, Toronto Maple Leafs vs. the Havana Sugar Canes. Sure got their money's worth since first game went 13 innings. Enjoy- ed better luck than the pre- viaus week wben they motor- ed to Cobourg for the "Glor- ious Twelfth" to find on amri- val tbat no walk was scheduled there. More sunburned faces! Miss. Effie Wright and Mrs. Jabez Wright, Oshawa, Mr. T. F. Wright, St._Cathanines, toak pat-luck Tuesdiay evening with the Ralph and Rae Malcolms at the former's domicile. We extend congratulations on behaîf of ber many friends in this vicinity to Miss Crystal Failis o! Cadmus on ber ap- pointment as Supeintendent o! Port Hope Hospital. A weil merited fcather 'n that papu- ian yaung iady's nursing cap' Harvesting opeations with the ciatter o! binders, wbîne of' tractors and hum of combines bas stanted in earnest in Yel- vertan this week. With the kind co-operatian o! the wea- therman much bas aiready* been accomplished. The accasional farmer wîth limited acreage enjoying the benefits of customn combining is aiready finished, thers neariy sa, while we with les modern impiements and view- points ta match, hope ta finish with binder farthcomîng wecek and enter a periad af dnudger.:' known as field threshing. Oat cnaps in this vicinity have been sciausly afflicted with rust. We prognasticate that more rust-resistant varieties will Le sawn next yean. A limited number o! Family -Club membens was on hand an Thursday evening ta enjay the Theatre Party. An unfar- tunate chaice a! evenings dur- ing this rush-rush seasan con- tributed ta the slimness a! th, gathering. Penny Fair 1 At Lions Centre ' Starts Today Step right up boys and girls! Hurry, hurry!,Ride the "Rock-~ et"! Hit the clown! Visit the Kissing Booth... the House o! Hammams . . . Olan- da the Fortune Teller!! The Bawmvanville play- grounds have lots o! !un plan- ned far Thursday, Juiy 281h. (today). They are puttîng on a Penny Fair at the Lions Cen- tre. A costume parade wili go !rorn each park ta the Centre. Costumes are ta be judged, not individuaily, but by panks. Sa don't forget! At 6:30 p.m. today. at the Lions Centre the Penny Faim begins. By the way, kids, invite mom and dad ta came toa. Tbey'l have fun watching the Racket and the clown and the cos- tumes and evenything else taa. British Columbia's occupied farrn land is onl ' vtwa per cent o. the pro vince'& total area. F.......~..... ............... -C 1' MOST POWERFUL DIESEL IN CANADA-D. S. Thomson, vice-president, Canadian Pacifie Railway, and George A. Meuller, right, senior vice-president, Canadian Loco- motive Company, exchange a few wèrds during their inspection of the most power- fui diesel locomotive in Canada. Handed over to the C.P.R. at Kingston recently, the 2,400 horsepower unît boasts a top'sp eed of 75 m.p.h. and more pulling power than any other locomotive on C.P.R. limes. The power-packed unit -. another Can- adian Pacific firsf - is equally adept at hauling freight or passenger cars. The new "Trainmaster" will undergo tests on the Montreal -Saint John, N.B. line, and later on the Kettie Valley Division. Young IPeop Unit ed Chui ln Manvers A "Caravan" ta an English- man is a trailer. But the "Car- avaners" at Pontypool and. Jan- etviiie dan't even have a cari ta pull the trailer, if they hadi a trailer ta pull. That dioesn'ti stop them fmom getting anoundj and doing things. Far fram it! Their equipment consists o! a suitcase ful a! books, q big, parcel o! matemials shipped a-1 head, a great deal o! enthusiasm and a considerable amaunt of stamina. Marlon Hyland is a teacher from Windsor. Shirley Robin- son is a brand new teachen from Owen Sound; Edna Clysdale, is gaing into numsing this fail, and camnes fnom Warsaw; Dennis Jackson is attending bigb scbool in Fort Erie. Merle Stetier was here iast week but bas gone home ta Watenfard ta help bis f ath er witb the hanvest. Tbey are ordinary young folks doing an e extraordinary thing; they are giving away their boiidays ta the United Church of Canada. Tbey and 70 others are out now in Ontario. Some are in Camp Barden and Peta-' wawa, some in smail northern areas, some in fan-fiung suburbs o! aur cities. The group at Pontypool -Janetville is typical. These yaung folks are conduct- ing vacation schaol for two weeks, at Janetville ffiornings, at Pontypool a!ternoons. They are teaching about 120 chiidmen new sangs, teiling themn Bible stories, helping them put on plays, showing them bow ta make things out af papen, feit and wood. If you consider that, a peaceful way of spending a vacation, came and help them out - they cani use it. The chîldren came fnom five o! the six chtirches on Manvens Charge - fmom Bethany, Yel-,- venton, Janetvjlle, Manvers Sta- tion and Pantypool. Every day dishes go unwashed, beds un- made, and fruit uncanned, whiie mathers and friends drive car- ioads o! children ta the schoois and stay ta give a band xith the Vigor 011 are wisbing bier a speedy con- de. Operate Mr.s and Mns. A. H. MMs ter, Mk. and Mrs. Mervin Smith visited with friends in rch Cara van Picton on Wednesday. a iltonan son Ian, of Coldwater, Township were weekend guests with Mr. Tow nshipand Mrs. Mansell Wright. smal fy. ivig hlp n tis Mrs. Walter Rowan, Williami smal fy. ivig blp n tsRawan, Miss Brenda Rowan1 and in ail departments are Mr.j and Miss Launetta Rowan le ti Mervyn Lave, student assistant, an Monday for a motar tnip and Rev. R. R. Bonsteel, pastar' througb thé western provinces loi the charge. and wiil visit in Regina, Sask., witb Mr. Cameron Rawan, It is good wark the Caravan- who is a member of the Royal ers are doing. Just ask the, Nathwest Mounted Police chiidnen.' Clasing is Tbumsday Farce. night at Pontypaal, Friday night Mns.- Lloyd Capstick and at Janetville. Tbere will be chiidren, Sharon and Robert, calored movies and a proranm'o! Uxbridg e, are visiting with ,by the cbildren. Everyone is Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Weather- welcome. - it. Mrs. Howard Penkins and son Murray,, o! London , are B ET ANYspending lalidays with r Mrs. William Cavano w6s in Mn. and Mrs. Frank Mart - Hastings for the weekend visit- chenko wene in Kitchener for ing with Mr. and Mms. Williani the weekend. Their two daugh- Gillespie. ters, Mary Anne and Debonah Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McGili, who have been visiting w1th Toronto, were with Mr. and their grandmothen, Mrs. M. Mrs. James McKinnon for the Yonkus, retunned home with weekend. them. Mn. and Mms. Charles Cutts The population a! the village and family,af New Hamburg is increasing. A son was born are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. ta Mr. and Mns. Eari Weather- Ernest Stacey. ilt on Wednesday and an Sa.- The Young Peopie's Union o! urday another son arrived ta the United Chumch beld a share the home o! Mr. and swimming party and wiener Mms. Noel Wood. Bath mothers roast at the Miilpond on Wed- and babies are in Civic Hospi- nesday evening. tal, Peterborough. On- Sunday afternoan the Sunday morning service in Bethany Community Band pre- the United Church xvas con- sented another very fine con- ducted by two members o! the cert in the Atbietic Park. Canavan Team fromn Five Oaks TWo wins fan the mens' base- Training Centre, wha are cur'- bail team last week. Playing rentiy supervising a vocational in Janetville on Wednesday school for two weeks at Janel- evening the score was 16-12 in ville. Mn. H. Jackson led ti-e their favorand an Friday even- devotions and Miss Edna ing playing in Miilbnook the Ciydesdale, a graduate o! To- score was 5-3. On Friday everi- onta Bible Coilege, gave thec ing also the girls' so!tball teara sermon and the childnen's journeyed ta Courtice and won stany. Junior members a! the their game there 12-4. Sunday School, who are at- M. and Mrs. George Page, .tending the Vocational school accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. als asisedby epatig ibl IHarold Page o! Peterbono, bave ver stead b rpatinbiln left on athree' weeks motor trip .?Iymn. sg thnough the western provinces. Miss Lily Thompson, who bas been in Peterborough for B A K se'venal weeks arrived home on BLAUIJJ.C Wednesday. Hem many fricnds -el saa ______________________ Mms. Fmank Sayl, Osa. visited last week with Mr. and *Mrs. Howard Saywell and fam- iL Mr. Merlin Bailey, Winnipeg. C o. .I I hom for his holidays. Heý Co. U d. came ta Malton an Friday 1 night. Reduces the Prices on FUEL CIL and STOVE CIL STOVE OIL 19 "1 FUEL 0L1 1 cents per gal. cents per gai. FOR DELIVERY PHONE OSHAWA 5-1109 Why do more people borrow from HFC W/tv is HFC Canada's Iargcst, Most recommended consumer finance companyM BECAUSE Househoid Finance gives yau every service yau want when yov need extra cash. . $50 ta $ 1,000 simply an your promise ta repay. Fast, frie'ndly, one-day service. Sensible terms with up ta 24 monthW ta repay. Money when yo-. nced it1 N INOUSEHOLD FINANCE* 71 WaIton St, uo<ond floor, phono TU 5-5030 PORT HOPE, ONT. OSHAWA BRANCNÉS& 64 KIng Shtrlet, seond floor, phone RAi 5-6326 i111/ SImcoo Street South, seond fleer, phone RAi 5-1139 Mn. Creighton Lummis and. san Bruce, of Bergenfield, N.1 J., Mrs. Chas. Hall. Windsor, Mrs. Mark Weidon, Uxbridge, and Miss Eva Parr, wene Thursday guests of Mns. How- ard Baiiey. Mrs. E. Shantz and Merlin, Tyrone; Mms. J. R. Ruddeil and Mn. Wm. Ruddell, Leskarrd and Mn. Chas. Ruddell, Oshawa, with the Harold Martyns. Mr. and Mrs. George Stani- land are visiting the Hammel family in Montreal. Mn. and Mns. Ray Yates, To- onta. were weekend gueets o! Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham and called on other friends. Mn. and Mms. Ernest Belyea and Nancy, Bronte; Mn. andl Mns. Bruce Mountjoy and fan.-I iiy, Langstaff, with Mn. andl Mrs. Norman .Mauntjoy. Mr. and Mms. Merril Henry and family, Bowmanvilie; Mn. and Mrs. Frank Cartem and famiiy, Maple Grave, with Mn. and Mns. Lewis Henry and Mns. Wesley Bradburn. Miss Vera Fonder, Toronto, and Donald Bradburn, spent a few days iast week with Mn. and Mns. Wiil Farder. Mrs. Arthur Ruston and Jim- mie, Port Credit, are visiting Mrs. Robt. Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nes- hitt, NeStîcton; Mr. Avery Dearborn and Albert, Manizo- ba. %vith Mr. and Mns. Roy Tay- lon. Sundav guests with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright and Mr. and Mns. Fred Trewin were: .Mr. and Mns. James Thonrip- son, Mount Albert; Mn. and Mrs. Murray Tbompson, Mur- may and Donna-Lee, Uxbnidge; Mrs. Edna Gibson, Nestieton;, Mr. and Mrs. Llo ' d Glaspel and famil 'v, Tyrone: Mr. andj M rs. Percy VanCamp and Ai: ]ic'-n Mr. and MVis. Ray Yats' and Mvr. and Mrs. M. Grahar. Follow These Precautions To Prevent Holiday Accidents The Civic Holiday weekend may be a holiday for îome children, but many of them will die in automobile acci- ,dents-one of the. major causes of death of chlldren between the ages of two and 14-uniess more precautions are taken, warris the Ail Canada Insur- ance Federation. Officiais of the Federation. which represents more than 200 fife, automobile and cas- ualty insurance companies in Canada, said 150 Canadian children under 14 years of age die tragicaily each year as al resuit of traffic accidents. They recommended the fol. Iowing precautions again.~t tragedy over the holiday week- end. 1. Take long trips in easy stages; avoid fatigue by fre- quent stops and changes of dri- vers. 2.' Neyer drive with a full car; young active children should be kept as quiet as pos- sible in the back seat. 3. Neyer neglect the rules o! the road; when in doubt, yield the right o! way to the othter driver. 4. Don't speed. 5. If a tire blows, continue siowiy until well off the roao; keep passengers inside the car. 6. When making repairs at night, neyer block an oncom-1 ing vehicle's view of your headlights or tail lights. 7. Particuiwr caution shouif i be takeri ut ttr-et intersections,, railway c', an~ rd his. 8. When <lfW, c~mwet Pava- ment, tVurrknrxpljAng dis- tanc(Cs are ,ubktaiiaIly iii. creased. F ield Crop Winners in Winter Wheat Winners ln the annual field Crop Competition in "Winter Wheat", which is sponsored by Durham Central Agricultural Society are as follows: Jas. Brown, Newcastle; Bruce Tink, Solina; Garnet B. Riekard, Shaw's; John Rickard, Newcaz- tle; Chas. Osborne, Ebenezer; Arthur Blanchard, Solina; John Cruickshank, Hampton; Don- ald J. Metcalf, Maple Grove. k I 06(& e 7$3 6~ tqie FORDMONI DEALER LRCH USElCARS 'TRICkS I WHAT1jý>M EANS9 EVERY USED CAR AND TRUCK THAT RATE$ THE1 A-i SION MA.S BIEN 0 R«onditioned by exp.ff sorvicemon fer appeomco end poiormonco. 0 lnspeoddond ch.ckod for sof.f' 0 PaIcod for outufonding volup. 41 TnaNiIuIly end mocuof.Iy udv.rfsoo. 0 Warm',f.d by yeur Pord.Monach Dohr end hmEwk y liii ropuftion. .............t«- '4- "Have you heard?" Milk for pep is the word!" g s "Oh, 1 used -to be weary and full of woe, Just neyer had any get-up-and-go. But now I've Iearned the easy way To keep my pep on the busiest day. 1 eall time out for a glass of milk And do niy work ai smooth as silk!" Glen Rae Dairy-lý MA 3-5444 Bowmanville 1.' i i -T---,- 1 . 1 7