~T ~~UEID~Y~ AG.lBt. 195THER CMADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVXLLE. ONTAIOý I -tone Cairn at Cobourg anSLN Clarke to Spend $8OO M.adMrs. John Baker, Jr. #*J an anmiwo ve a owman- R ud Paving rgo To be Un veiled*Sept. 12 fafldanmo ve old her wma ro ra vilwer%, hanored by friends MF D n i V of the community at a social Ail members of Clarke Town-1 been an expenditure of $8,00 IY a k n e t gathering in Solina Hall, Wed- ship Coundcil were present on for paving wihCak on M ar'iP o wiIng v n nesday evening. Bruce Taylor Monday evening, Aug. 8, whecn ship Council would like to start was chairman and the address the August session was held. this year. This apparently wjil A fine stone cairn ls rising of the local plownien, with was rend by Wes Yellowlees. The Council carried on generali do about eight miles of road in as aj'eace Pylon' in front of their interested Associates, the The presentation of a card ta- business and received Mr. How-1the Township. ?Decision to com- the Northumberland and Dur- cairn began to take shape last ble and chairs for John and ard Farrow on his request for mence this work is not definite hamn Counties' Home. It was a week. It is being buiît under June and suitable remembran- improvement in a drainage for preparation o! any road inatter of considerable hîstori- the management of Stanley ces for the children, Terry, Lin- condition near his property. would have ta be complete< cal interest when the first Macklin of Cobourg, by the da, Maureen and Gary, was Mr. Farrow sought assistance 1 irst. Pýlowing Match on a world ba- Skillen Brothers, who are mas- made by Charles Langmaid. in having a stream directed A request for a refund on sis was conducted at Cobourg ter masons from the area near Following replies o! apprecici- back ta ils original course 1953 taxes was received fron ixiOcobr, 95. hic te ecod ard atch tion by the recipients, Eric and ta flow under the bridge Thos. Nobes who lost his barn wasfet b a power,193.wasconthsecod îstyerin rM hodeetrandwt uo-built for that purpose. -The at the time o! Hurricane Hazel Sthis fevet bysh o enm- land e atyari r-1os trainaddncing ta rstream has sought a new course and the homne by fire. The this ventshoul be om- lnd.usireadid da by ryce t and is causing considerable in- Clerk is ta handie the request. Alrated and after much Local cut stone will be en- Brown, leen Taylor, Harold convenience ta a number of Na action was taken by,-the consideration by World Chair- tireîy used and a large plaque Balson and Francis Wotten, property awners. Council are Cauncil on an accounit fram F. man J. D. Thomas, Canada with suitable warding is being was enjoyed, and re!reshments ta view the condition on Thurs- F. Morris Co. for expenses for President Alex McKinneyOn epared b the Metals and were served in the lower hall. day evening, August llth. an ambulance cal an Highway and PSreetrcyF. . Lsey rafts of Belleville. It is a ThSuaycoonetu- Correspondence received by No. 2, emst of Newtonvillk adPeietPryGoading ofhpeculiar intrest ta d Aun-sthe Council was as follows: where a traveller was struck. point ofpcla neett ay, Auut 21, will be at 10 Notification that appeals of An adjustment in a contraci find that the cement used inl o'clock with the church service assessments will be held in Co- to Farrell Construction for the TRAVEL RELAXED the monument bears a brand in charge of the Three M's at bourg an September 26th with Saper bridge was made. The featuring the clasp hand o! 1ocok AND CAREFREE jfiendship encircled with olive Mrsoclka. lran %o Judge Miller presiding. The ap- cantract was in error by $200.00 branches. This cement is mark- r.AlnTylo n o peals are being lodged by New- which the Council have agreed ed 'Made in Western Germany' Michael who have been visit- castle, Port Hope, Cobourg and ta pay. from which territory a team îng for two months with her Campbellford against using the On motion by Mr. J. T. campeted in the World Match parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. J. equalized assessment for Coun- Brown and Mr. F. Lovekin the f Iof 1953. The World Organiza- Balson and other relatives and ties purposes in 1956. The Clerk Clerk is-ta correspond with the Ition besides featuring better frienids left for her home at was instructed ta have the Department of Highways for farming practices also hopes ta Duncan, B.C., on Sunday. We Clarke Assessment figures in assistance in repairing entran- build world friendship artiong wish them a safe and pleasant thp hands o! the Judge pnior ces onto No. 2 and No. 115 high- farm folk by meeting together, homeward iourney. ta the hearing. ways the 3rd and 4th line and and by production of plenty. Mr. and Mrs. jack Marks o A sum. of $513.00 was receiv- also the west boundary. These Thecain wll e ddictedScarborough were Wednesday cd as a subsidy from the De- nescin n od hog aThe pcainrn l eday, S tem- guests at Mr. Wes Yellowlees'. pantment of Public Welfare for constant use cannot be kept in at 4p.m onMonaySepem- Tyrone W.I. ladies were the Home for the Aged. repair. It was pointed out that be lth ad pogamo!guests of Sauina W.I. on Thurs- Approval was received for traffic is being detoured anto speakers is being prepared. day evening last, and provided the 1955 rond expenditure o! Township ronds fram the above, The Cobourg Rotary Club a splendid program. $52,000. Also approved has mentioned highways. lhave very graciously offered ta r n r.Hre elw i entertain the special guests at lee MKn. and rs. Hatenedow a luncheon at 5.30 p.m. The Ru- es ae ndBed, attnd taryClu ha an pprpritecd the party for Sharon Lar V s t r e pi P g ~l~eClu ha anappopratemer of Blackstock, who V i it r ee s ig thyare a World-wide Organi- vesay zation and in each country the A trsaryn.ng an TOTEnearest gnoup ta the World During the heavy nain storm TO THE ~~Plowing match are lending co- accompanied by strong gusts of "hnyug oEgad resae prtsa28 O Trelation and help ta the plans wind on Saturday, trees were 'hnyug aEgad resae oeae 0 for the event. uproated and electnical power don't miss out in visiting the acre mixed farm whereclhe has Thî yar heWord a nd telephone service were dis- best part, Devon," is the advice Freisian <dairy) cattle, and De- Thi yer te orl Machrupted. We arc grateful that no offered by Pamela Greenslade, '! ~ HI IT ON ! thonii rthumWes laon nnMrs. W BrulC aylrand Departmet of Agictrend hired men, and four tractors of Hlto, i Nothumerlnd nne Mrs Brce aylr an aswel asother machrnery. ' UGS 2 O 7 County. Walter; Mrs. Harvey Yellow- the Junior Farmers Association Farm workers in England have The airnwi20be srmout- Ies, Karen and Brenda, were of Ontario. Pam has just left a union which guarantees thein Refr ai Paee byairnepl o e sGoldn guests of Mrs. Wm. Werry, Ke- Durham County for Grenville a minimum wage, time-and-a- ReurPRilFoesed myadreplinCofbh ourgeby the at a picnic honorng isshoe po! B e ay a hehafif they wr* fer5p.m. FA EADON 'A F lo a deound Cooursy the xMagaret Pellow o! Oshawa. fteof ettlyejMcHlm, Wel-land double-trne for okn FA EAI )E-f i I oalfudycuts fM.who left on Sunday for Jamai- came.o dy. They live in a cot- caln.Tetwno oor n Girls Stay on Farm tage on the farm for whicii FOR THE have agreed to place a perpet- Ms osAhoBalys aytmssnecmn o hypyol oia et ual light ta illuminate the cairn Ms asAhoBalys aytmssnecrigt hypyol oia et *ith the golden plow and is holidaying with her cousin, Ontario in Junc, Pam has been They have a garden, and are ROUheRI cmulticoloured stones of the Marlene Langmaid. asked,, Wa do you do nt allowed ta keep poultry, e- R U D T Iblc.Mn. and Mrs.Ro ag idhm inE lnI Pam an- haps, on the farm. Ail this Good going Friday, Aug 19 It is felt that Cobourg wiîî and gnand-daughter Manlene, swers, with a twinkle in hen makes thern more on a par with to Soturday, August 27, inclusive, have a fine cairn ta nemind ail visited on Sunday at Mn. Or- eye, "I kcep pigs." Invariably factory wonkers than is the thos wh pas tat wy o th vile unn', Pterorogh. her questioner smiles. But it case in Canada. Retm LmitAugst 9 tos wh pas tat ay ! te ill Lun's Peenbrouh. docsn't seem strange ln Eng- Marc Casual Here Retu Lirit-ugus 29 first cvent in what is hoped Mrs. Roy Langrnaid, Mrs. land for girls ta have interests Pau Information from any osent. will be a round the wonld mes- Charles Langmaid, Mns. S. E. such as this. Very few girls i* There are many differences sage of fellowship toalal fanm- Wenny, Mrs. Wes Wcnry and Inln ev tefr ag Pam has noticcd duning lier so- ens and encouragement Èo Mrs. Joe Snowden attcnded. a ta the cities or towns ta work. m orneinCanuada hr. Weoyrss getrfood production that shower honoring Miss Bernice Instead thcy cultivate sorne in- men csallyo ht er Bosucin peace and happiness may fol- Langmaid, o! Oshawa, bride-ta- tenest such as keeping pigs, or bright shirts, non are crew cuts1 food supplies.- and understand- Rabbins, Bowmanville. puty sPmadhrsse as popular. We eat more at a ing among aIl nations. Attempts Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd BroomedoToyasagatrg- ting her General Certificate in cihal, ndot e l. Lue anld jare also being made ta have and sons enjoyed a motor trip Education, Pam dccided t o el etc n _____________________Ithe Soviet agriculturists, flow ta NorhBy taa n as pgs h edafwt h omto would not be caten orth Bayj tttaiag Cnada, as observers ohen randean points roast bec! in England.i ttisg Cnadficat e rvrsohn eser oits ooson the subject, învested ___________________________________________________ Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomne in a new pair o! dungarees, and Level crossings here arc more had relatives o! the Johns bought a Wessex Saddleback pEntla and d avegerous i ~'aITour WASTER PL aMBIR --" 7 ý4. - family as gucsts on Sunday. sow which she crossed with an Egand theyai o he gates. '2 Mn. and Mns. Bruce Tink and Englisl-. Yorkshire, boar., Now .T~eaen rvlrasi f- family visited at Mn. Eddie she hans five saws, and at least England. All their roads aref j ~Harvey's at Scarbanough. thirty-one other pigs ranging tarned and are very narrow andt Mrs. Addie Tink visited in age fnom six weeks ta thnee wnigcrpndwt us ZtM) ZaMKsoc',mota The only time gravel is used inI C ý Thamesford, who wcne observ- Unlonized Farmers connection with the ronds i an irnsanty-ffhwe Pam is vice-chairman o! the when they are icy. Then it I Mr. and Mns. Walter Louden Bampton and District Young must be cleaned off in the o! Cambray visited at Mn. Ce- Farmers Club at home, which spring. Pamn insists that theyv cil Pascoe4 .is anc of sixty-seven clubs in drive on the correct sida of t Patsy Knox is holidaying atDev-onshire. Her fathen, A]rov the road in England, but since t Balsamn Lake with Mr. and Mrs.S Robt. Miller and family of I/i Brougham. Anne and Donna Glover of , y \\ \ Kedron retunned home after ~ ~K\~\ several day's holidays at John Mns. George Hamlin and - Nancy are visiting at Milton. jMr. and Mrs. C. Hamer and family visîted at Mn. R. Miles', Maple Grave. fflity 01 Mr~~~~. n ,,, Ca.Jonon ... Philip and Elizabeth, Landau, visited at Mr. J. Baker's. "THIS LOVELV D~OUBL.E SINK OUR MPASER -Mn. and Mns. Tom Baker and * PLUIA\BER INSTPILLE1D CUTS NW WOPiK IN HRALF! children, visited Mn. Edwin Or- AN1? JOFi-N, 0F COURSE, CUTS IT Ti-EF OTHER HPALF..." miston, Ebenezer. ___ ~PF I-IFDF ~I . - Corne in and look thern over early this year ... we have Iists of the books you wiII need ready céomplete M'ýth prices. Choose your books and upplies before the rush. Zipper Binders $3.95 fo $11.50 Have your naine printed in gold on your binder tiis year. We wilI do this free if the binder is bought before September lst. IThe Statesmnan SoId A( Following Stores JReg. Edmund's Store, Bethany Joh nssrug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Ncwtonville C. Pethick, EnniskWjen T. M. Slernon, Enniskillen F. L. Byam, Tyrane G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull'> Store. Courtice A. E. Ribe.y, Burketon H. T. SayweIll Blackstock Keith Bradley. Pontypool C. B. Tyrreli, Orano H. K. Reynolds, Kendal Gilbert Food Market, Millbnook I Eenderson's Book Store, shw - Bowmanville - R. P.flîckaby - "Big 20" W. J. Berry Goheen's Handy Stor The Statesinan Office ou li C .1 in te ie A rather startling plan put forwand lu Cavan Township' last yean was thaught at that tirne ta have great passibilities. 3According ta the Peterborough Examiner, progness on the pro- jeet bas been slow. Its abject was ta turu Cavan swarnp in-j ta a second Holland Marh which wauld supply manket, gardcning produéts ta Peter- baough and othen markets l Ontario. Pieten Grunstra, T ana n ta, building contractan, wbo first praposed the plan, said that tho farmens of the district who own, the swarnp land are asking too much money. Mn. Grunstra hoped ta boy j the land at something like $5 an acre. The farmers have so fan iudicated they want $50. Mn. Gnunstra's idea was ta get a srnall acreage cheaply for an expeniment. He praposed ta devclop a smallolt ta show what cauld be donc. If the ex- periment turned out as sur- cessful as he expects it would, he would have caucrete rcsults on which ta base a nequest for loans up ta $2,000,000 fnom th,, provincial gavernrnut ta de- velop the total 2,500 acres. But if he cannot get the land as cheaply asbhe wants, then lie will look elsewbere. However, j said Mn. Grunstra, the Cavan' swamp best fits such a land de- velopment. It bas a market nearby ta absorb some of the produce and it also is nat too fan fromn lange population cen- tres ta scîl the bulk o! the veg-, etables. He proposes usiug Dutcb people now lu Canada ta wonk the land. They are used ta such wonk. O! course, the 45 farmersi wbo owu land that makes up 1 the 2,500 acres <about a third a the size af the Hollaud marsh)' 1III'EST r it la opposite ta aur right side we maintain that it must bc the wnong side. There is more: waste land hene than in Eng-j land, and farmens in England would neyer dream o! feedingr skim milk ta pigs. Barns aven here are lange wheneas in Eng-. land thene ancernany separate buildings - one for the dainy, another for the pigs, etc. A truck here is a lorry in Eng- land, and sidewalks are called pavements. Need Our Dollars The many small English cars seen on the roads hene made Pam feel mare at home, and she hopes we will boy lots more o! tbem. England needs aur Canadian dollars. Since coming ta Canada Pam bas dniven a few a! aur cars. Until she came ta the Port Hope anea, she thought she would like to take back a Pontiac, but now she fancies a Hy-Drive Plymnouth is very nice. 'After travelling anound fram caunty ta caunty and liv- 1 ing with about eight different families,, Pam and the othen three Young Farmens will have a much better idea about a Canadian's way o! lîfe. We hope that wben they leave for England on August 20, tbey will take back the impression that Canada is a !niendly coun- try, and not so different, basic- aljy, as they thaught it would bc. Farmers Askingi Too Much for ? ? ? ý THE 5 MOST ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT.. Does the. body worl the. tome, and tomns quite a bit. He mnay asleep or awalcs? change his position from twenty No. When you sleep, your heart ta forty-five tmes a night. This works slowe. Internal organs movement helps you wake up receive less blood, while the siin feeling efreshed. Certain siclc is gorged with blood. Skin per- people, and verweights sleep spires more, giving off twce as without moving, and fel tired reflexes are affected. The kneé- jerk reflex virtually disappears. là ft wise toeut b. foe you go te bcd? Hunger pangs are strong enoogh ta wake yau up, so have a snack if you feel like it. Trouble cornes only %yhen yau cat indigestibles, or give the stamach toa much to do by overeating. Remember that yo use fan fewen calories while you sleep. Do heulthy people Ilsl.p 1ke loes? Maybe they think they do, but actoafly, a healthy persan moves Some husbands don't tell. How-' ever, for every wornan snorer there are three men. Mon ire more given ta talking, crying out and grinding tiieir teeth, too. Children hardly even suore; it's sarnething 'that cornes with aie. Con the. colur of your hedroo M' influence yeur lop? Not once the light's'out. Red& aud yellows are too cheenful and exciting to relax you enough to sleep. Best colour for a bedroorn is pastel blue or green. 1>((~n~CROWN & ANCHOR4&t BREERYLI MITED Fresh, new beauty with a silhouette that's the lowest and sleekest of any fuiF-size car! Long frant fenders reach far forward to forni gleaming hoods over Plymouth's smartly fraxned headllights. Plymouth has the biggest passenger conipartment in its field. Actually longer overail than the interiors of rnany cars costing far more! Bigger trunks than most cars. Plymiouth offers you greateet iegroom and widest front seat in its price range, too. roiL! New Plymnouth Hy-Fire V- 8 provides 167 horsepower-highest standard horsepower i the low-price field. Two brillant new 6-cylinder PowerFlow engines have 115 and 125 horsepower for plenty of zip with exoeptional economy. Manufactured in Canadb, ChrisUr Coi-poration of Canada, Limited See your Chrysler- Plymouth -Fargo dealer now for a ride in the new pLYMOUJTH a "'wu PUR IME FRJ WAKU LOOK OP FOR A GDOD BUY IN'A GOOD USED CAR . .. SEE DUR WIDE SELECTIONS NOW 1 -PALMER 20 King Street- E. MOTrOR - Bowma nvil I~ -. - I II~II~ IVII 'È % - SALES t, I S h i went inta e!fect on August 1. Boys' Sc o l J . "Wally" Braden, -a meruber of the staff since 1946 jAnnounces and a placement officer sine 1948, has been pnrnmoted ta the P a nol1e and Rehabilitation Staff Changes jBranch o! the Department af Re!orn Institutions. In bts ntev Kennth . Wnnyne~ly-position Mr. Braden will cor.- appointed Supenintendent o ainingta wokout o! e. By the Boys' Training Scbool bene DTaid Wiolhene.o ia has announccd sevenal staff D nl iha s h a changes at the school which been a placemeýnt officer at thi school for several years has been made Senior Placement want ta get in on a good thing. Officer. But, saîd Mr. Grunstra, if ttio Two local men; W. McLeari original cost is too high, the "Mac" Rahb and Walter Hall, plan is dcfeated before it stants. Ibath o! whom have been an the He has pointed out ta nesidents tf ic 96 ,v enpo and officiaIs that the township ots taf oei1946shave benapro would reccive secondany ben- entofhiesitional s orae fits from the acheme o! much Iment offied.MnH all asfan- moraue a nic o the oevhà has been succeeded in this madnda dpic orteposition by Stanley Smith, Who The assessment on the land'wasSeirupvsao!By would skyrcket, poviding the pior ta August 1. township with a new source of 1 John Graham, a staff men- tax revenue. When the swap' ber since 1947; and Russell aradveloped, the land sur-1 Spry, whia joined tire staff in rounding it wuld naturally 1953;' have been promoted front risc in value just as the land; Supervisos te Senior Supervis. anound the Holland marsh ors., jumped In value.1 Douglas Jackrnan has been "I'm in no hunry,"s said Mn.1 advanced fromn the post o! Sen- Grunstra, but he indicatcd that1 ion Supenvison and put ini if the Cavan project did not charge a! the B.T.S. Laundry. show sigus o! maving, he would , Mn. Jackman bas been on the PAGE vxm . 1 . . drap it. I B.T.S. staff since 1948. 1 How mony women inore? m r-%[\L 1 ILNL