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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 2

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PAGE ~ffo S -----.-- ---- - - rn~7ImD, ir ~ Chamber of Commerce on the Job Without a great deal of fanfare or ballyhoo, Bowmanville's most recently formed Chamber cf Commerce is putting itself on solid ground which should pro- duce good results for this cammunity in years ta came. Though there will always b. a short- age cf active workers, the various com- mnittees have done a commendable job ta date and are to be complimented. This faîl and winter should see more progress once the new manager has been appointed and begins his tenure of office. Most citizens will agree that much remains ta be don. in Bowmanville, bath Last of thE This Friday evening, the Lions Club here will hold the final big carnival of the season. At latest reports, they have been abl. ta, persuade Miss Shirley Camp- bell, the magnificent swimmer from Fer- gus ta be the guest of honor. It should be a wonderful evening for those who attend. The actual holding of a Carnival is not the most important part af a Lions, Kinsmen, Rotary or Legion program. Il is but the vehîcle for raising funds ta carry out a vast program of either building a structure such as the Legion, Hall, instal- ling artificial ice or' carrying on other work for the betterment of th. commun- ity. If a large amaount of funds can b. raised at a carnival, the.'club is able ta do that much mare good work durîng the year ta follow. Through their Carnivals, the Lions Club were able ta purchase what is naw te improve business conditions by attract- ing more buyers and in general improve- ment cf the town. We have lagged far behind in obtaining new industry, but the Chamber of Commerce executive has the utmost confidence that this tewn wilI continue ta grow and prosper and Ihat sooner or later additional industry will came te aur fair municipality. In the meantime, the Chamber is do- ing an excellent job of establishing ilseif on a sound foundalion which will not crumble, but rather, continue ta expand. We, and the majority of this cammunity's citizens will wish them every success. Carnivals awidely used and appreciated Commun- ity Centre. They were able ta build an extension which gave the Boy Scouts and Cubs and many other arganizatians a place ta meet. Their playgrounds and centre on Beech Avenue has become a valuable asset ta adult and child lif. in Bowman- ville. In ail of these clubs sponsoring carn- ivals, there are many public-spirited individuals willing and eager ta give up a great deal of Iheir all-too-ittle time ta make Ihese events a success. There is a Iremendous amounit of preparalary mwork involved in a carnival, plus considerable financial risk. W. can only urge, once again, every citizen ta give all the support passible sa the Lions Club may plan for another year of worthwhile cammunity betterment. S/n t/he (Sdïtor slnadi Dear Sir: complished is through practise. Aiter reading Councillor Re- As for instructions on what ta gan's uncalled for remarks re- do: The Ontario Pire Marshall ,s garding the recent Mutual Aid Office has a staff ai qualified Exercise held in Newcastle, on instructors that are operating behaîf ai the members ai the Pire Schools throughout the Fire Dept. 1 feel he is certainly province, giving insturctions aný misinformed as ta the purpase madern methods ai fire-fighting, ai thèse demonstrations. and, I might alsa add that the First, I wauld like to make it majority ai - theèse Mutual Aid clear that Bawmanville, alang Demanstrations are held under with ail the other municipalities the supervision ai an instructor in Durham and Northumberland fromn the Pire Marshall's Office. Counties having an arganized The success ai the Mutual Aid Pire Dept., have mutually agreed Agreements speaks for itself, as ta assist one another in case af you will recaîl in .the past year a major fire at no charge ta the at Aurora where a major fire municipality requesting aid. accurred in the business section Bowmanville is situated in a ai the tawn and by. Mutual mast fortunate position, being at Agreement nine autside Pire the westerly end ai Durham Depts. assisted in bringing the Caunty, in that when the Mutual fire under contrai, also at Bur- Aid Agreements were drawn up fard i ive Pire Depts. assisted in Bawmanville was included with controlling a fire in the business Ontario County, making it pas- section and at Elora where a sible in case ai a major fire in factory fire required aid from Bawmanville ta be able ta cal uv. outside Depts. in help fram bath directions. In closing I might say that While we are most fartunatf, Councillor Regan wauld b. wise, without a major lire in tawn as a member ai the Pire Com- for a number ai years, this does. mittee ai Council, ta be a little nat mean it wiIl neyer happen better acquainted with the ac- here. tivities af the Pire Dept. before The purpose ai thèse demon- being se critical ai the present strations is ta better accustam part we are taking in Mutual each department with the athers' Aid. equipment, and have a standard Thanking you for the space ofDert mn lF nts.yaur valuable paper. I remain Deaiirtegting amongsiacePire1 The only way this can be ac- Pireman Walter Hately. I ch &I c7Lo211 1 Wilh the publication last week of the complete list of forîhcoming Fail Fairs, we are reminded that the summer is almost aver. Each year, we hold off pub- lication of the list as long as possible, try- ing ta persuade ourselves that summer stilI has a long wa y Ib go and autumn and winter wan't b. along for many znonths. Once Ihat list has appeared - and we only publish it after several people have asked for il - we know that the hot weather won't b. wiîh us for long. In Ihis area. Oshawa, Lindsay, Part Hope, Orono and Blacksîock Fairs will continue ta hold aur initerest as they have in the past. 0f course, the Toronto Exhibition demands attendance, but we like the smaller fairs where we can meet our friends and dontI have 10 tire aur feet te se. everything that goes on. Probably, the greatest drawing card of Ihese small fairs is .never advertised. W. don't believe people go primarily ta se. the exhibits or the races or the show in front of the grandsland. We like te believe they go ta rneet their friends after a tough, busy summer. Most folks have Last week, we published a short *editorial on automation, but developments since have confused aur lhinking even *more. News releases from the "Aloms For PeacçeýiConference at Geneva indicabe that it may net b. long before the Russians will have solved the secret of photosyn- Ihesis. As we understand Ihis amazing atudy, when il is successful - and let ne oe say il can'b be don. - we shaîl then -b. able to capture and store the sun's rays for use haler in growing food-sluff s. In anather article, bath the British and Americans have indicaled that lhey have invented "mechanical cows" which lake grass, forage or grain and produce The untime]v drowning dea th of Ross Robert Lowe, well-known prof essiorial hockey star of Whitby, and brother of Bill Lowe, who played here with Mike Osborne's Imperials, adds but another in the long list of drownings which have taken place this summer. Fortunately, Bowmanville has flot experienced similar tragedy this year, ta date, an d we hape our luck will continue. With less than three weeks remaining of the general holiday periad, this might be a good time to once again urge caution on citizens, swimmers and boaters. Most drowning accidents are the resuit of over confidence or carelessness and can easilv b. avoided. Young begînners should be watched and not allowed ta go beyond their depth. They should neyer swim alone, nor indeed should those with more skill and exper- ience. Cramps cari rnake the more expert swimrner helpless in the water. Diving Etablithod 1854 with whieh in lacorporasted l'h. Iowmazvill News, The Newcaste ladependoat and The Orono N.wm 101st Yom ci Continuous Service to the Town ci Bowmanvilie and Durhamn County AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER SUBSRDPTON RATES $4.00 a Yomr, atrictly in advance 35.00 a Yomrin the United Stotos TM JAMES PUBLISMIG COMPANY BowmoevilI., Ontoerio £LuMbetd seo»Coi s Me n Fm OaS. D.moe~ nt usf GEO. W. JAMES, Bm been so busy either on the farms or in the towns, that there hasn'I been too much opportunity for relaxed conversation with friends and acquaintances. The Fall Fairs provide that opportunity for getting ta- gether at th. start of the faîl social season; there w e bring ourselves up-to-date on what aur fzriends hav e been doing al summer and it may even provide us with a few new friends. lb is a most enjoyable af ternoon. This week, while reading an aid copy of The Stabesman, we came across a story and pictures telling of the sale in 1930 of th. aid fairgrýounds and the buildings in Bawmanville. That item brought back many memories of the pleasant limes citizens had together in Ihose days and once more we regretted that public sup- port at thal lime was sa meagre Ihat 1h. local fair was forced la close. There is somebhing about a Fall Fair Ihat is good for any community, large or small and we would indeed b. sorry if any of aur remaining local fairs did flot continue le secure sufficient support f rom 1the general, citizenry. high protein, low calorie food. Bath in- ventions do th. job mucil quicker Ihan a cow can manufacture milk and the cow doesn't have ta be present. Al 1h. operator has ta do is pour in the feed, turn a crank and out cames the fW»ished producl. It is admitted that se fâr 1h. taste doesn'l compare wibh f resh milk, but that too may be avercome in lime. lb certainly is an amazing world in this bwenbiebh century. W. can only wonder what wiil be next in the lin. of astanishing develapmenîs. Maybe some- one will invent a machine ta improve u marais, cure selfishness, deslroy hale and instil kindness. Thal machine is neaded mrthn U -- --- -11 ail s. ¼Jbt1ne O. or recklessly jumping into unknown waters should neyer be pracbised. A shal- low spot, a sunken log ar a hidden rock could cripple the best swimmer or a care- lessly tossed bth. could gash a foot or l.g. If you are boabing, wear a lif. preserv- er if you can'î swim. Even 1h. sturdiest boals have been known ta capsize and sink. Always have the greatest respect for the hidden talent any body of waler has for making you one of ils victims and don'î foal when yau are baating on ils surface. Last, but net least, especially ini Lake Ontario. Watch out for an undertow. Those seven'drawnings aI Wasaga Beach recently need neyer have happened. Il is great fun ta leap and play when the breakers are rolling in four and fiva feet high, but if there is a sbrong underlow present, it can aIse be disastrous. If you pay attention ta these ruhes which are based on cammon sense, we shall b. only too pleased to report in aur Social Column Ihat you have relurned safely from your holidays. We'd much rather do that than feature your namne and picture an 1h. front page as th. most recent drowning viclim of th. summer. Observations and Opinions A neighbouring weekly newspap.r featured an unusual heading hast week: "SNORT in high tension lin. causes four heur shut-off". Jt's the same with people, but usually mare Ihan one snert is required. A recent large advertisemenl in the Peterborough Examiner fealured 1h. halest in Geiger counters and 9îher equipment for prospecting uranium and other precieus mataIs. Around thal area, many cilizens muist be spending their holidays exphoring the hinterland where the black files reign supreme. Any day now we expecîta osea Ihos, enlerprising auto dealers offering fanlasîjc deals on cars wviîh built-in Geigers. No car should b. without one! M U R . W A N ~ L , O ? 1 A~_ _ W R D A , A G j mu CAIADU B ATE5J in the Din and *Distant Pas Fren, The Stalaii Fil4 *. 25 YEARS AGO (1930) David Morrison (Sr.) was suggesting the need for a par) in the centre of the town. Does this sound familiar? He saic the, property opposite the Pres- byterianm Church and Organ Factory was the right spo-t This would b. where the Bel] Telephane building is now. John H. Tait, Chicago, bro- ther af the late Harry Tait and Archie Tait, was in town visit- ing oid friends. He was 82. He let Bawmnanville in early youth and after wotking his way on a sailing ship across the Atlantic, returned and set- tled i Chicago where he wyorked for the U.S. Govern- ment. About 300 of the Tamblyn clan gathered at Hampton for their family picnic. Members camne from as far away as Moosejaw and Manor, Sask., and Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hadgson were giveq a cammunity party and presentation at Tyrane oni leaving that vicinity. Dean _ran the White Rose Station ini Bowmanville for some time andi Mrs. Hodgson *the Snack Bar there. They now operate theý well known summer resort of Glenverdean at Hall's Lake, a'nd Dean is 'salesman for Roy Nichols.1 Mr. John Elliott in London, former principal af Bowman- ville High School for seven years beginning in 1906, rernin- isces in a, letter, saying that at- tendance then neyer reached 100. J. B. Pairbairn was Boa--d Chairman here when M.. El-1 liott was first principal, thenl W. B. Couch. ai 18 ta 19 knots an hour. (By Benjamir Il maY b. years yet befai the issue cancerning pay-a! Yeu-go television reaches Ih boiling point in Canada, espt cially since the C.B.C. gays' cannot charge TV set awner ta see programs it has alread, paid for through taxes. But i the United States th. quarre -and quarrel il is-is giviný the Federal .Cammunicatior Commission a real migraine. There are twa sîdes ta th, question : some good reason for and some gaod reason against. But I ar neft the re ieree and do nat chaose ta maký mare than a few passing cam ments. The thing that impresses ME first ai ail is that those who ar. leading the fight for toll TI are the three campanies thai have deveioped teol videa sys. tems and theatrical and spartý agencies which hope ta iinda mare lucrative market for thèii wares. On the apposing side are the major broadcasting campanies in th. U.S. anc graups ai motion picture thea- Ire owners. On the one sida me- tered television wauld be pro. fitable. On the other side it might be financiaiiy disastrous. As I se. it, the kind ai ex- travaganza shows that th. ad- vertisers are asking' for cast taa much for either the spon.sor or the teieviewer at home in his liv;ing romr. A single Mil- ton Berle performance casts $162,000. Jackia Gleasan's show caste $130,000, and 'Praducers' Shawcase" sets the sponsor hack aver $350,000. The abject ai tel devices atîachad te TV sets is ostensibly go that the viewer can p t bis coins in the box (irom uv.ý cents ta $2) ta unscramble the images on th. screen which depict the World's Series, the Metrapolitan Opera, and other first ciass pragrams freed ai abjectionable adverlis- ing. Other pragrams would be free as usual. But ana might net axpacîtaa omuch af pro- grams Ibis side ai the mater box. Surah' sormeone aIse must have seen Ibis malter ai high caste fra;m the Vantage poù*Ins'iccu- py -aI tb. moment. From the saur grapes section, the Ihought Occurs la us Ihal the salariesI paid TV parformars are un-I realistic. This May b. the reg- &en . the bettgr pragramsarae too expensive, Even iii the sur 'rn * New factory of the Durhami k Rubber Ca. was apened and jcitizens were ivited ta anspeci -the premises, witneasing the xnanufactyre ai some ai the ï goods for which the factory is noted. James A. Youngwa MngngDirector; Narris Wl 1 son,"Secretary-Treasurer. Wil- liam Brock was sole- cantractor for the construction af the buildings. James Morrow, skilled hors.- shoer ai Bowmanville was re- quested ta go ta Mr. Donnelly's, an American millianaire wi.th a summer hame at Cobourg, tao sho. 15 ai his horses. H. H. Todgham who had been with Mr. P. R. KCersiake, druggist, went ta Toronto ta take a position with J. W. Mc- Dermid's drug store in Toron- ta. Mr. Morley Cawker was vis- iting bis homne and irientis here aiter an absence -of fiv. years in the West. Mayor Archie Tait and Mr. J. H. Cryderman' representedl Florence Nightingale Lodge at' the Grand Lodge I.O.O.P., at Peterborough. A new boat was being buiît for the North ?hare Transpor- tation Co. and when finisheri would run as far east as Co- bourg daily instead aif.twice a week. The Argyle was ta bc taken off this route and put on the run ta Oakville and Grim;.- by. The new vessel was ta hold 1,000 passengers, cost $40 ta $50 thousand and have a speed Yelvertonjans were shocked ta learn of the passing of Jh Wilson Robinson in bis 71st year, suddenly of a heart at. tack. Wilson, a past resident af Yelverton, made bis home for years with the Richard Wrights....... (now the G. E. Robinsons) was citieknw a nhe rl manner, I 9AYW U D O LK aiie wllknwna nd e rfimescerY,/ùLDY U L EPIi a fund af humorous stories ready ta b. related with a No thanks very mnuch. We know Y'ou provide for the twinkle oi the eye, a real op- wsinter by accumulating a hoard of nuts, but with people timist contributing much to it's different. They have a more advantageous way, mnake this life a more cheerful they invest in.. one. He was a member of the Canadian Order af Faresters 3V2% GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES for over 50 years; was ta have been given a public presenta.. * Autfirized investmnent for trust funds tian ai bis 50-year pin at the 0 Short termn-five years annual banquet this fal lt Jan- 032goyul neet aal ofyot etville C.O .F. being a charter / % y rl n ret pa b e h lfy a y member ai that organization. . In just 5 years, on investmnent cf $42036 occumuffles Sypthy af this community $50000 for you. Write for frot descriptij fo/der today. isymexPten.ded ta close relatives who mourn his loss.TH MoýVr. and Mrs. Harvey Mal- com nd Mitzi were Sunday S E LN R S evening dinner gueits of Mr. ST R I GR US . tus. Mrs. Stan McCabe of La-CO P R T N Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kellett af HEAD OFFICE SRANCH OFFICE Oshawa, were last Sunday 372 "y, SI., Toin. 1.3 Dunlop SI., Brde, guests af the Geo Heaslips. . Mr. John Kerr has been con- Io naw the vilage of Bradford, lowo, more than a. century ago. The wooded vals inspired him, neverthelesa, to write a hymn which h. called the "Little Brown Church i the Vale". And later, when tlb church he had envisioned waa flnally buiilt, the sang was given its f irst public presentatian in it. "Little Brown Church" is. with "The Old Rugged Cross". one ai the first hymns we learn in aur youth, and on. ai the last we sing in aur aId age. Most people do not realize that there actually is a little brown church, and they think af it as they think af the little red school house and the old oaken bucket. Through the years, however, 25,000 niarriages have been performed in the LittleI Brawn Chierch. It is as famous as many cathedrals, a»d the cangregation hs preparing ta mark its centennial. Arnold W. Wade* Newtonville Stuart R. James Bowmanville Nelson E. Osborne Bowmanville S. Everton White Bowmanville DirkBrinkrnan Newcastle "if hat's tit dernir': nue.9?" LOOK IN THE n Beveridge)I can make $40,000 a week. Pay- igme n bhear r I e rs as t ar!o ... ... aVin dimes a wd hare talad aITundobtdyour owmntme wau undoubedlelp cmaitanths til 1,,*'*Y*,**' . -. - hihou leel a inc oriame " ti " *-**Wh*PtOW18 ,teFrmaados h tlpeenm@ saaits hout h easrnicarwhsai IiiFImtadrute êyhn.ame professors and scientisîs -, t say nothing ai bank clerks and newspapermen - an inferiority complex, mare suitabie, plain TV shows might be passible. r o o c i e if we can really afiard modern One ai the programs 1 enjoy emost an the radio-and there e still is such a thing as radio, V yau knaw - is C.B-C.'s Alan kt Milis and his repertoire ai Can- -adian folk sangs. It is quite Ssurprising ta most af us that w. a have such a rich heritage ai r folk music, and since w. sing esa few ai aur awn sangs it is ggratiiying ta know that such jballads as "The Squid-jigging -Ground" and "Saskatchewan" are being recorded for poster- ity. t There are others, ai courset which have no known origin in Canada but which have been, handed down by word-of-mouth tfrom family ta family. These, rtaa, are being added ta the her- 1 itage, because they are mare - than just son s ai love. They 9are son gs af ¶11e, ai work, ai achievement, d i a appointment and triumph. Most countries have their wealth ai folk sangs, sung ta simple tunes ta the accompani- ment of mouth argans, guitars and concertina. Britain is as rich as any country in its variety ai folk- lore. (Mtich ai aur awn has probably camne idirectly fromn Britain.) The B.B.C. is naw i the procesa af collecting as! much ai its local music as pas- sible. Not only "Caller Mer- ring", "There is a Tavern in the Town", "'Strawberry Pair" , and ather well-known ditties, but the. fargotten songs ai the1 provinces are also in this cal- lection. This is a sure way ai making past traditions a part: of the living present and of-the future. There wa.mn't a church in the valley by the wildwood when Dr. William, S. Pitts rade through b>' stagecoach 'i what Toronto Exhibition Specials Going DaiIy Fvom August 2.7th Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy traf f l, parking or crowding for street cars Buses lake passengers int Exhibition Grounds and remain ther, for convenience of* passengers until 15 minutes afler evening gixlndstand performance. Reserve grandsîand tickets naw aI Garton Coach Lines office. BUSES DAILY FROM August I7th to September lOth Daylight Saving Vine Lv. <Goint> Read Down A.M. 7:25 Kawartha Mapies 7:30 jançtvl1e 7:45 Pontypool 7:55 Enterpris. 8:00 Kirby 8:10 Orono 8:45 Bowmanville Arr. 10:15 a.m. at Toronto Arrive Lead Up Rtn. A.M. Pare 1:35 4.20' 1:25 4.20 1:15 4:00 1:05 3.75 12:55 3.55 12:45 3.35 12:35 3.15 12:15 2.75 Pares include Admission into Toronto Exhibition Groundg Lv. (Going> Read Down 7:35 7:45 7:501 8:001 8:101 8:201 Yelverton Nestieton Blackstock Burketon EnniskilIen Hamupton Arrive Read Up Int. A.MX Fare 1:15 4.00 1:05 3.75 12:55 3.55 12:45 3.35 12:35 3.15 12:25 3.00 12:15 3Z75 Fýr Ifokmaion hone: ldrenv-it F Are-81 Patrons using aur buses may Idave their cars in parking space at Kawartha Maples, 7 miles South of Lindsav on Highway 35 Fali Fairs WiII Soon Be With Us Progress Beyond Our Understanding Needless Waste of Life 1 fined ta Hospital for smre Urne. colin and girls. on Sunday wtth Better health is wished- Mr Mr. and Mrs. Harold Quarry Kerr-Yelverton's summer vis and Mrs. Tom McMulIen ot itor. Mrs. G. B. Robinson spent a Hampton. few days with daughter Edna - Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Browj% at Cavan. were Sunday callers at the Mr. and Mrs. Miurray Mal-; H. Stinsons. ' M UTUAL1IN SU RACE ,'COM PA Ny Protects the property of more Canadians than any other Company Il 1 lu. a Alm A Ab Ab& ah Ab ------ ------------- Mr. and Mrs. Geardie Kerr. ofa Yelverton were feted at Pantypool Hall an Priday even- ing an the occasion ai their 3Oth wedding anniversary. A large crawd af friends and neigh- bours was present ta wish this couple luck and cangratulate them aon their anniversary,. The address ai presentatian was read by Mrs. Earl Argue and their status in the neighbour- *hood was reassured with the presentation ta the newlyweds af 30 years ai an electrîc r.- frigerator. Geordie and Laura ,made fitting replies. Evening was spent in dancing. AlSO present were 10 children and 12 grandchildren. Evidence on hand ta prove that their wedded lufe had fot been iolishy or selishly wasted was the presence afin1 children and 12 grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Stan McCabe and Aleck have returned home fromn a vacation spent an Bal- sain Lake at Killarney Bay- Sounds like an rishman's a .49 YEAIRS AGO (1906ý 1 - 1 PACM T" Lindsay FA 4.5381 k

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