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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 5

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ý5 *T!RmRSDAY, AtTG. lSfth, 1951 ,Bantam*sTg Defeat Porh Second Ga The first gaine ln a three. out-of-five series for the Lake. shore Bantam "B" champion. ship was played at Memorial Park Monday evening. Bow- inanvile Legionnaires camE out on top, with a score of 12-6 over Port Hope., *Bowmanvjlle finished at thtE pof their league, then played ~f with Newcastle, the top 'D' eeam, to win the Hon. John Foote trophy. BillyBates once again pitch- 'ik ed the entire game for the Legionnaires. Larry Piper did a fine job behind the plate for ýhe home team. Don McGregor TIC K ET S I TO EVERYIVUERE I IAir, Rail or Steamshiv I ConsuitI J JUR Y & LO0V EL L I3owmanville I15 King St. %V. MA 3-5778 cike Opener BLÀCKSTOCK Hope 12-6 CartwOiht ith chol Bert Bowers -Eng.Comp ~ I ~ L A 'Phys.,'hm. llan Jackson- iiie ~ EIIJfJ~ Geoin., Zool.; Merlyn Jackson- ,Eng. Com. Hon.; Lorne Mc Laughlin-Elng. Comp., Zool -crossed up Port Hope by hitting Hon.; Heber McLean-Geom, two seccessive singles into the Don. Poole - Geom.; Bet Swrong field. Bill Osborne had Proutt Eng.- Comp., Hor -two doubles to his credit and Zool.; Phyliss Strong - Zool ePollard had one. Joan Venning - Eng. Comp 6 The second gaine in the ser- Mon. ies is tonight (Thursdlay) in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes en Port Hope. joyed a motor trip to OttawE j A draw for several prizes b a fMdcadPr *was held, with prizes donated last week. They were throug] by local merchants. With the the Parliament Buildings ar( money raised by this draw and saw mnany other triterestiri -fromn gate receipts, a complete places. They returned home bL enew set of catcher's equipment Smiths Falls and Kingston. 1has been purchased. Miss Lorraine Dayes visitec r Winners of the draws were: ber cousin, Miss Joan Elforx Picnicker Jug, donated by Mc- in Port Perry. Gregor Hardware, won byI Mr. and Mrs. Percy Var Charlie Morris, Bowmanville; Camp visited for several dayý Silver 'Cake Dish, donated by wîth Mr. and Mrs. Norton Var iMarr's Jewe]lery, won by A. Camp in Listowel. IYodel, Bowmanville; Basket of The children of St. John' Fruit, donated by thc bail club, Anglican Church and several won by Mr. Walter Woolner; parents enjoyed a picnic at the Smoke- Voucher, donated bv Parish Hall last Wednesday Rite Smoke Shop, won by Don with contests, races and films, Morris; Boxvmanville. Mrs. Luther Mountjoy, Osh. Pfr .. . STEADIER, CLEARER forfor MUCH LOWER ýictures and longer set MAINTENANCE costs life Mil f.i... . VALUE YOU CAN'T BEAT. Beautiful hand-rubbe( WOODEN cabinets witl modern and distinctivi styling by DIELCRAFI TM CANADIAI# STATEMAN. !OWUA<VTLLEONTARIO PAGE PmV awa, with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swein. Mrs. Garnet Murray and the Sgirls, Port Credit, visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor hast weeE. Miss Betty Noble, Uxbridge, P. t Mr. and Mri. Arnold Tay- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mar] l-and Heather, Port Perry, witl )IMr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham. ri Mrs. Philip Campbell, Janet dhand Gail, Edmonton; Mrs. John n:Hambly, Winnipeg, with Mrs. Fred Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. ~'Arthur Balley.. ~'Miss Eva Parr and Mr. Clar- ence Parr, visited Mrs. Mark n- Weldon at ber cottage on Not- ,a, awasaga River. I, Mr. Harry Gibson, Didsbury, gh Alberta, (whose mother wasa id sister of the latte S. A. Fergu- 19 son) is visiting Ferguson anc Y Gibson relatives. Congratulations to Mr. and d Mrs. Jim Emerton, (Ethel d Wood) on Itheir marriage last Wednesday.*1 in Also to Mr. and Mrs. Sleep es (Patricia Bowles) who were in married in the United Churcli on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holmes, arlshwa ihM.ad r le MarsWright. y r.George Fowler is visit- S. ing friends in Teeswater. Mr. Don Bradbury, Scugag' 2Point, and Toronto, was guest arganist at St. John's on Sun- day morning. Miss Doris Hamilton, R.N., Toronto, is home on holidays. Then she is going tb Vancouver to take a course in aperating room technique. Misses Bonnie Saywell and Shirley! Snooks attended C.G.I. T. Camp last week with Mn. and Mns. Stephen Saywell. Miss Mary Bnadburn holi- dayed with Mr. and Mrs. Will Forder. Miss Kathy Carnahan, Nor- wich, is visiting Mn. and Mrs. John Carnahan and family. Mn. and Mrs. Alex Johnston and Mr. Harry Gîbsan with Mr. and Mns. Fosteiz Ferguson, Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McLauah- lin, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Sug- gitt are on a motor trip this week. The Swain family were in Toronto on Saturday to attend the wedding of Mr. Roy San- derson and Miss May Baker at North Parkdale United Church by Rev. M. R. Sanderson. Mr. and, Mrs. Norman Mal- colm, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Van Camp and son. Mrs. Ira Argue is visiting Mrs. Edward Darcy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Car- gili, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, Bowmranville, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn Lee, Markdale; Mr. anxd Mrs. Wil- mer Fitze, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Fîtze. Mr. and Mns. Roy Sanderson, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow Sunday night1 before going on to Havelock. t The Cartwright Agricultural Society Street Fair on Friday evening last was very success-f ful. The Enniskillen Orches- tra provided splendid mus.ct for the dancing. The lucky draws were won by Mrs. (Dr.)s J. Marlow, Stât'r Rahm, Mrs. Thos. Hodge, Mr. Peters and Lanry Ashton..0 Mrs. Cecil Hamilton was in Lindsay on Tuesday to visita Mrs. Erie Capstick in the Hos- pital where she had an opera- tion. The Rev. Fred Riding fam- ily, Union City, Pa,, are visit- ing Mrs. W. A. Van Camp and other relatives. fi t M I Ix e r coul Assn. Spon sors Two From Jamaica Twa Boy Scouts from Jam- aica will be attending the 8th International Scout' Jamboree at Niagara-an-the-Lake this week sponsored by the Bow- manville Boy Scouts Associa.- tion. Leray Fleming, o! Spanisb- tolwn, and Edward Williams, o! School Stony P.O., bath sent letters o! thanks ta Bob Ken-1 nett, secretary a! the local i arganization, for the donation a! $100 which was neceived through tbe Central Boy Scout Association. The money wil! be used ta pay expenses o! the boys in Canada and the .~- can scouting organization wilh pay their way ta this country from Jamaica. "I wish ta convey f0 you my sincene thanks for this verir valuable contribution which iýs a grand gesture an your part as a supporter o! Scouting in Canada," one o! the letters stated. "It helps us ta- realize the real meaning o! the Scout brotherhood." Bowmanville boys at thc Jamboree, the first ever held on this side o! the border, will be Richard Biggs and Don Welsh. The Jamboree starts tomorrow, August 19 and ends August 28. Almost eveny couii- tny whene Scouting is carried out will be represented. i u I~MyTJ4 I WANT lb STP14T IT0 GEl' TRIS PRESCRIPTION -l FtLD. LLCOME W1114 YOU. IM ALMOfl OUI 0F COSMETICS! J ýPee-Wee's Play CAt Lindsay On- Saturday h An Ail-Stat team from the Recreation Department's Pee na tournament with teams fromn Liftdsay, Oshawa, Peterbor- ough, Aurora, and several oth- -er centres, in Lindsay, this kSaturday, August 20. An iînvitation bas aIso been received from the Community Recrèation Association in Osh- a'awa to send an.-aIl-star teamn -there to play against an' Osha- wa t eam priar to an Inter- County basebal game at the Kinsmen Stadium, August 22, at what is ta be known as t"Neighbourhood Night". Plans for both these games Eare being made this week. The Pee Wee league here ends its séhedule this week. At present, Ross Turner's team is ahead in the league. Fallowing his teamn, in order, are Ben Thompson, John James, Paul Hancock, Jim Moorcraft and Don Bag- neli. Ken's-Cowan 's Tied in Battie For Town Title- Ken's N4en's Wear squeezed through a narrow 9-8 victory over Tom Cowan's Harvetr Sunday afternoon at Memorial Park in the third gaMe of a best-of-seven playof! series. The first game xvas tied' when it was called for dark- niess, and the Hanvesters won the second, sa the two teains are naw tied at crie ganie each.t The next gaine in the Townt League finals is this Sundav aftennoon, at 2 p.m., at the Cream of Banley Park. Last Sunday's gaine went ta ten innings, and was a battie aIl the way. Frank Hoopen was the gun for the Harvestens and included a home run in bhis hitting spree. Lionel 'Boom f Boom" Baker, a recent bride-. groom, was best man for Ken's t] Men and had two doubles anat a single. I. A gaod crowd attended the si gamne, and saw two evenly S matched squads in exciting ac- a tion.r YELVERTON Harvesting in Yelverton has been tenminated for this faîl with one sad exception. We bere at Malconia finished mero houns before Connie coquet- tishly cavarted thnough this community thus losing out ta aur next-door neighbour hy a few sodden sheaves the awand af being chosen the 'Mope of the Mùnth". Once more is aur threshing separaton relegated ta its win- ter resting place away from weathen and termites till an- othen season. This antiquated monstrasitv, a hangover - of yesteryear, should soon he eligible for ad- mission into aur Over Ninety Birthday Clubs. This venerable "New McCloskey" a misnomer if ever we saw one-came out originally without benefit a! feeder as we today recognize j, still travels on original wooden wagon wheels on front. For neanly 40 years this machine rhid custom threshing for its owner, the late Mr. Thornton of View Lake, Janetvil le. At -lis sale we were the victims o! rnuch poignant wit when for $19.00, we purchased this re- lic. Now, thnee years later the oily- expense worth mention- ng has been o! a new set o! stare teeth (bal! a! whîch r.- pose untouched in a drawen in fashion cantemporarily human) and sevefal rods of belt lacins1. We have had the questionable privilege o! stuf!ing its insati- able maw with "wheaties" ar oaties" till anms threatened to drap off at shoulders as th~Ž f n a Back in the nineties a patent was issued for an irrigating device cansisting of a balloon, per- forated water pipes .. . and an active farmer to haul the whole contraption alorxg by its guy rome. Today, of course, irrigioin is a lot easier proposition. Alu- minum irrigation tubing, for instance, cýn be laid, lifted, moved about with the greatest case. With it one man can water more land than an army of balloon operators. Shous how lightweight, lÔw-cost aluminumn (Canada is the world's moq efficient producer of the metal) makes a simple job out o! a tough one. ALUMINUM COMPANY 0F CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) 1 1 Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week o! Aug. 7-14* Admission ------------ ---- - Births, 3 maIe, 3 female - Dischanges -- ---31 Major aperations - - i Minor apenations ---- -i--- These facts are publishe( weekl 'v in an effort to acquain this cammunity with the ser vices o! aur hospital. Alternate generations of the Monarch butterfly migrate from Canada to the southern United States. Way You Look Ati i! . . . the Personal Property Floater lu BIG Insurance protection. It covers your clothing, luggage, camnera, sports equipment and other personal belongings at home G-r away . .'. also your furn- iture and household equip- ment. . . agalnst nearly ail risks of lous or damage. Let us tell you the comnplete story of this grartd, broad- coverage poîscy! STUART R. JAMES: Insurance Real Estate' Office Residence, MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493' King Street E. Bowmauville ClecraîCE sheaves doubIed -and trebled their weight between morn ;and night -while she cheerily huned the refrain "In the -Mood", meanwhile belcbing dust.. dirt and Étraw from ifs stack with the occasionainoa or burp as of acute indigestioni brought on in an attempt toi regurgitate wet or musty gheaf, we have acquired the deepest admiration for the pioneer workmanship which gave the separator the abilityl to stand the' ravages of time and steady season usage. Additional information bas come to light since last week's Publication re farewell party beld in honour of Lloyd Ijeas- ]ip, B.A. Lloyd is sailing on the "Homeric" fromn Quebec City on Aug. 20th for Hemer, Ger- many, where he expects to, re- main for two years as instruc- tor and teacher o! children of soldiers occupying that section in Germany. Lloyd was presented with luggage for his trip overseas by his sîster Helen on behaîf of tbe gathering following an ad- dress read by Gordon Fleming. Also present at this farewell gathering, but not previously mentioned, were Lloyd's grand- mother, Mrs. W. Fleming of Hillhead, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright and family, We o! Yelverton shall folo this Loyd's latest enferprisýe with interest and wish the best for him ir? this endeavour-a combination o! educatian and travel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Malcolm o! Oshawa, were callers at the Harvey Malcolms this week. Mrs. A. E. Grainger and Bev- erley, Mrs.. V. Birtwhistle, Sherry and Rickey of Brace- bridge were visitors of the Geo. C]arkes this week. Mrs. Clarke returned to spend a two-week's vacation with them. at their cottage. Misses Vaneeta and Lor- raine McGill enjoved a vaca- tion with their gr andparents, the Rolland McGills of Lind- iay. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hum- Plhries of Castieford, Ont., were .veekend guests o! the Ray' Robinsons. Mr. Lloyd Wilson is enjoy-1 ng a holiday with the Vance WTilsons of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan and farnily enjoyed a motor trip via Bohcaygeon and Buckhorn bhis week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Page of Lifford were Tuesday evening supper guests o! the Floyd ;tinsons on arriving home from a motor trip via Banff to Ed- nonton and home through U. S.A. with Harold Pages. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Taylor, Sharon and Betty, were guests bis week at the Jack Wilsons. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jack- son and Ronnie were last week visitors of the Art Rowans. Congratulations to Mr. and 4rs. Clarence Page on the ar- rival of their chosen tlaughter n Tuesday, aged 7 weeks- Niary Adelle; a fair-haired, lue-eyed littie sister for Ion. Mr. Flemn Thompson and far]ow with the Ed Lawsons )n Sunday. 'Also recently, Mr. ând Mrs. Talbert Finley o! rhornhill, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Xalker and !amîly o! Willow- aIe, Mr. and Mrs. William Jannan and Ross of Kirby. Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson ritertained on Sunday, the ar1 Dorrelîs of Blackstock, so cousin Harry Gibson o! AI- )erta. Mr. Geo. Werry and daugb- er, Mrs. Rich o! Omemnee, were ere callers on Sunday at the *E. Wilsons. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilson nid girls on Sunday with Vin- ent Jacksons o! Bethany. R Id I ci RI RI GREAT VALUES 3RESLIN'yS Ladies' Wear BGWMANVILLE I Odds and, Endi s Il faiwi BRESLIN'! Thursday - Frida> and Safurday MISSES' DRESSES$,00 REGULAR TO 19.95 PEDAL'-PUSHERS ' REGULAR TO 3.98 ---O1C0 BLOUSES 1. REGULAR TO 2.98 ____ Allwool SWEATERS REGULAR TO 2.98 ----M 0 COTTON SKIRTS.0 REGULAR 1.98 -- - 0 PLAYTEX GJRDLES 10 EXTRA SMALL - -- 10 COTTON T SHIRTS 10 REGULAR, 1.98 - 2.98 1 o GIRLS' COTTON DRESSES 10 REGULAR 1.98 and 2.49 1 0 CRINOLINES '1 RGLR1.98 .00 MISSES' COTTON DRESSES 10 REG LARTO 4.98------------- 1 0 COTTON 3RUNCH COATSI EGULAR 2.98 .00 HILDREN'S ;wIM SUITS ZEGULAR to 2.98 .00o >IISSES' BLAZERS EGULAR 7.95 __ .0 m k 'P I I I I I a MANY OTHER

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