Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 7

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Banting rcplied ta oni orant potwder and get a Free Allergi--tabs.0,25 i~ PRu LVE L 5 asben nfnmdthat ithe 47-daY tise Stopette 20's, 60's -- ----10,25 P RIME RIS ROAST u 4c POR LI..a1-.C2 ci aveîafî beeuiîdt bt thet *Deodorant - Bth for 1.25 SprAnha -1s6 E ruil Smoked Rindless, Super-Rigbt - Noeued lices Lake Erie, Fresh Caught White1 othen bîghway constructionanFIMN-" u whih heDeprten ofHih-Kodak Cameras ranging B 20's 1.00haleL--U-- 75 wavs considers ta be more un- from - ----- 3.50 to 39 75 Bez rxInar- . 5*u SIDE BACON Lb. Pkg. 59c BASS FILLETS Lb399, hc heDprmntc ih.outfîts 1l.45, 15.50, 21., 25:75 Pyribenzarnine ---- 12's 65e By te Pice Coie@gent wîi be campleted frat. Iuhvea ompet lneof 0'e-uP.0 By thePiece heiceFILM always in stock Idaphedrin, Nasal Spray 65celIEU l'RLLK BEEF OLOG A Lb Uc OLE ILLE S Lb43c AST ELIE FOR1<11 Flies Banish the anfloyance and threat of disease *6~ $hude ssx- t.pg-dflm* Store as a complete stock cf different, reliable fl îln tf~îeI 'VEAL CHGPS Lb. 49C P E P P E Ra NI Pkg. 49C isFo-o pay3e 5c 8 *vaew iy lsi Maple Lea!, Pure Park Skhale. Burns :0-t oia<k SmalI size 98c Large 1.59 Hep Acresel Bomb 1.39; curilrs SA SA ELb 7cSUNR ÀSAE b 6cBox of 12 40 Green Cross Inseet Bamb Sapho Fly Spray 43c-62c-98c________________ 6 oz. 89e Il oz. 1.39 Sapho Bomb. 139. Country Style fBurns - __________________ _____ __________ catil I Dr -. IÉI..un .wtu ,te.a nEn- -. D JtT'T?TMI IL 'PnT A T TV 1 avar&.u ai uoaIIU Lb. DUC FUL15JIâAUâAtiI Grade "A" Oven Ready, 2 te 3-lb. Average CHuc"ICKEN Frrtor Broillnt Lb. 57c Grade "A" Oven Ready - 4 to 6-lb. Avenge TUIKETS ]Broller Type Lb.. 63c A1ex Phone MA 3-5792 I 1We Deliver rarwi r £LaJ.JIALJ.11J 0 . Ift Drrà .,I 11 MeG.0re go r, Your Local l.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Iter Shirley at Winnipeg. Shir- was Miss Ida Binghamn. Behind sterilizer contrais and many lTTU R ley then accompanied thera on her in the photo stands Wes other time-saving pieces of ap- IJJ i no aktcean r ad1Shw te angradsetdparatus. These ail add *ta the LPers nal nto askachewn. M. andShawthenmanaer, nd satedinitial expense but, when con- ROSSIELCIFODHL through the United States. brother, Wallace Shaw. Furn à viewpoint, resuit in a consider- In falnhethfrtepi j, Phonie MA 3-3303I Mrs. W. I. Smith has been ishings are typicall of the period P able saving. This has long been yertoswl Cifr Jvisiting her mother. Mrs. J. W.inciuding a comfortable looksng Iporec taedi ntofcursi astr.fe rl fBwmn Wilson in Smiths Falls for two rocker and a very fancy stove 1 lImoran, f ouse l te sed wyattefaxy weeks. Her son, Alan, accom- in the middle of the romr. # fact that medical science and sdneh05Kgsretes Miss Anita Murphy, Regina, mance of "Qedipus Rex" at thi panied by Allan Wray holiday- Bowmanville's octogenarian " skill are steadily advancing Ousa fen is visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Stratferft Festival. ed at Perth for a week, folio w- traveller, Mr. W. J. (Billy) G AVYAN W D with the resuit that many more Prower. Miss Gladys Jamieson, Wind- ing which Alan Smith joined Berry, has returned afiter a two .H RE t E ,MD pieces of complex scientific Auut14onrir8h er Misses Nell and Sybil Burke srbabenvitnhrmthis mother in Smiths Falls and month trip by bus wbich took PRESIDENT, ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION equipment are required in bas- 1918 hel a h o fGog re rsnl naigamtp ta Montreal. er, Mrs. R. M. Jamieson, and a rvrtre oe i onit eiofr1 ARTICLE NO. 10 are in use twenty-faur hoursbu permit us to save more Henry.Aabohemvd it Mrs. D. H. Jamieson. Flying Officen Bill Murdoch, days. He also visited New Or- ihntepsfwyasadyvr a oteya.lvsadt hre heim hsj MrrJimi Huhe, oroto Ms.u.h.eutcinonTofrsatoteoa Cmox BC. wth eas;Grad untio ad en- Wihi th pstfew yersa dyevrldayofts;yerGriesnndtashote te tmehi paensdo Demn-ll is visiting bis gnandmother, r.M .Htcisnlf the R.C.A.F., is visiting bis par- ver, Col.; Rapid City, S. Dako- most communitiei cf any size! Since the modern, fine re- in hospital. where b teddtepbi Mrs. G. E. Pritchard. last weekend ta visit lber dau- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mur- ta; Chatanooga, Tenn.; Lexing- in Ontario have either been sistant hospital will probably The modern bospital must and hig col.H ope Mr. nd M~ Ld andghter, Mrs. K. C. Bley, in Char--! doch, Martin Road, on a months tn, Kentucky. On the way through a bospital expansion be in service for the next 60 provide more space for new ed hisedcin tte shw ~ng Mr. and Mrs.. R. G. Ham- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ham- i at Comox, Bill has trave]led on1 Charlie Brown in Detroit, largement of present hospital saund economy ta put only the for a much more active x-ray stitute. monn.d ad M 'ry, spent a1 training courses ta Mexico, Mich,. who is improving follow-faitesbsto dubllnlsig department, for metabolic de- He wi vros nOtbr Mrs.Adoph oldosky Holy-wcek's vacation in Montreal, Alaska, Newfoundland, and ýing an illness. Mr. Berry ne- This situation is common in and easily-maintained material partments, for cardiac surgery 1938.,ttetm fteMnc Ms dlhKlosy ll-Hamilton and Taronto. many othrpacs e wil e ot n eesenttimercm- evervcuiy and bas been lonto its construction and finish. and for other new or enagedConfernc ad oed e Wood, Cal., is visitiniz ber broth- Misoae anl n istr 0hrpae.H il prsa xeln n.Tcmuiyelr ýer,-Mr. and Mrs. Alan Williams s.MblBge ad istunt Newfoundland when h peratureswr oeies as oai oned by the marked in. This is economical in the end,' departments. Many of the lar-; RoyalAiFac inDeme and Dane. Lena Taylor have returned finîshes bis leave. bigh as 102 degrees, but buses crease in the use of hospitals There is another reason, too. ger bospitals today bave cobalt of tbesaeya.H srvda Mr n r.MevleDlfroni an .enjoyable cruise on the; Football fans will recail sev- and botels were air-condition- everywbeTe. Few people realile, yet it is a bombs which require elaborate a wirelesargne n ae Mr.andMrs Mevile DleGreat Lakes up ta Fort WiI- cral y-ears ago when Frank ed and for the most part hp Durnmg various expansion fi- fact, that the maintenance costs bousing ta provide the neces - as anaigunrHe asc- daugbtens Janet and Norma, are liam. Bray ýf Enfield was one of the did net find the beat uncon-j nancial campaigns and drives, of a bospital equal the initial sary protection and others now missione, sapltofcr' eloaiga oelBiana Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jefferv! star forwards on the Enniski- fortable. Readers of The States- people ave been eard te ex- cost of construction and equp- have isotope laboratories to Jnuar,14:a ligofi MissBarbra Mrdoc ardand family bave returned frorn1 len team, champions of thei man are looking f orward ta an press ooncemn about the cost ment every three or four years. utilize newer discovenies. cen in Jnay 91ada Miss Barbara Crdrmandar their cottage in Algonquin Park.i Darlington Football League. account of Mn. Bernys trip at of modemn bospital construc- Therefore, an initial outlay of Today no one wants hospi- flight letnn nJnayc MoidsBaayin a d ' Pntr Mrs G. L. Wagar also returned 1 We sec acconding to the Aura-! a later date. written in bis us- tion. Some ask why hospital a few thousand dollars, say for tals ta be too forbidding and the foloigya. eJae hoiàn aiek. Jackson's Poin t ththem. ra Banner Frank bas desented ual interesting style,.osruto csaar amuh better floing, or doon bard.asee tl ato.h ra- ulfe sagneyîsrc Mn. and Mrs. M. Vetzal, Mere-th moesrnusg efr more today than. they were a wno etisltow] ment ta make the patient feel tor. Miss Donalda Creassen recent- ih ua n in en- the leisunely pastime of lawn generation or so ago. rdc ot fmitnnea otne n smc t H ]y attended an evening perfor- dth urne afomandainghatvte r bowling in which be was a \ .I It is quite 'rue that hospitaliand depreciation. Such an ex~- home as possible during bis rank o ctigSudo e Sound district.- nament on the Aurora bowling iall construction today and, for1 would mean that, eventually, son it la advisable for hospitals R.A.F. b okpr n3 ob Mr. and Mrs. Donald Millergre.<C tiudro paene comparable items, hospital con- hssmwudb ae ayta bave a pleasant and inviting ing misinadhamayar andfailyan Mr. ermn1 Mrs. Sid Tomîjoson and ling ail modern conveniences. struction costs have probablv times over during the lifetime entrance, comfortabîe waiting row lesae an thiig x of nna Ilinis viitd bs~daughten Pat spent an enjoyable Duning the process of renova. not îisen higher than the cos,,ofth bspoi.nos, well furnished moins, periencs S . UN b brother, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 1holiday in North Bay anid Otta- i tion, wonkmen discavered the of oTh rulembiins. th p ersonel. toray asalare csartri lasanive d rapemsgodtay teeo f heahecur Mil B dwa early this month. While ait original fîreplace i h i - Tefact rmisthat te Arontel.n f actrie cstandifape apclu ees odtai- Floigvsdshre a CH R HMr. and Mns. Ronald h e PrimetBilig in, en. which was designed for 1cost of hspital costucio t age (fro avcry large serVice. Nanc an Jimyretmne tO urhrn .P. Jaes, buningsixfoo los. he it-high and, in view of the in percentg (rm 607c toe70%) Truc, these ail cost money-,cted ih bsfte i h ChRC atcyanim y, n Suned ate aDund heM.. w showed them chen xvas completely modern- ces nme fbd eun fahsia~ oa prtoa a lot of money! But once the orain o Ne Srvc peg y Mn. and aned the buildings and ex- ized at that time and now e d, the large amount which the costs. Consequently, as a plan- money is raised and the up-to Cleaner.H asatram - (Anglican)>pnighldy ihM n lie h workings of the contains an electric range, the 2 Board of Trustees in somne ned measune of economy ta date efficient facilities arc in ber of teRylCnda i IMs. ane. al. of Ne ery p nesessith.t tiîer emer aetelectrica a dpa nit.ncommunities bas bad ta raise keep hospital rates within. rea- operation. everyone will be de- ForceatTnonfrwoers IMrs.FJaE Hal Commons in ple sessha in. MeBat ere atelectnic al au drypa nian bas been staggering. The pub' son, it la considered advisable lighted. The investment is an Bsdsbsprnslelae Eleventn Iplae stierd.ay afted oon of atimta metheir vitme eThe blending of the 2th Cen- lic sbould know why this la ta instaîl vanlous labour-saving cxceedingly sound anc in the tamou i s asn i ie jlane u fay whoare visiti itetigandenjobe . vsi ortury with the l9th tbnoughaut so. devices which can enable the lgto h iehatadte formrDaaBriod Alejrio~inM C Mi asvwo e Hiif, nt sild anCd ermoan, emn-the historie bouse, gives it a Thene are a number of very bospita] to reduce aperating happiness of our loved onus tohe (ie nEnln Aie rn z r.C .Msn Missla Cyemn en charm and'graciousness whicli reasonable explanations wh'y casta. For this reason, during and friends. wo j Mr. and Mns. W. J. (Bill) an, B.C., and ber sister, Mrs. is lacking in the mass-pmoduc- baspital construction casta are new construction or expansion, __________ in Septebr 93 w luh ILeask, Bowmanville. spent last Clifford McKague, San Fran- cd homes of today. high. For anc thing hospital bospitals now instail new type ters, Syv<adJuib n HOLYCOMUNIOMwMUNIOidNinfwib MrianicicoCalehaeebennisiingsrignalKpatiesnvt-fanuriesreceve n uusul paien-nuse aîl ystrnsaThroraestor otfo 3,00( acosnnechlas Mes. G. L. Button, at Button's numenous relatives in this vicin- amount of wear and tear and mechanized food service, tem- acres in Bellefontaine, France, A pnvt1uea evc 8 and il aj. i. Resont, Parry Sound. ity. On August 7 they enjoYed Dr. and Mns. Hendry intend must be built to withstand perature control arrangements, that bcEs been continuously was belda h ueMIt~ * Mn. and Mrs. Dave Higgon a p ioe. dinner in Hampton ta preserve this mellow charm tbis strain. This applies ta autamatic laundrv eqquipment, managed and barvested for FuncralHm. sawo Evnn ervice Withdrawn1 and family attcnded the Elcc- Park wft h their aunts, uncîcas which is maintained by sucb floors, doars, hardware, plumb- mechanical stokers, conveyor aven a thousand yeans. and still Wednesdy uut1.Itr durng ugut Itnical Contractons Association and cousins. Misa Cryderman items a b rgnllc nigadpatclyalprsc ctnel ahrs, rubber- produces a good living for ment wsivh Ohw no _______________Idiréctors' meeting at Owen, and Mms. McKaguc arc now in the front door, hand-wraught i thc hospital. Hospital facilities glove conditioners. autamalii many people. Cemetery - Sund aven the weekend. Ottawa attending the annual and opencd by a brass key sixI Mrs. Hary E. Hosback (nec meetingofteCnda ah-icslng ers' Federation, Miss Cryder-, Dr. Hendry brought witbC MPTTVEPICSPUSPRSN LSEVC tersAGice) and Jen an, f iv man beîng preaident of the .B it- hlm bis pony, "Melody Qucen", ii -M EIIEPIE LSPROA onia, Mich., wcrc guests of ber ish Columbia branch. They will one of the original egl rTRIIIITY ut .T bore each returna home. fonmed at the Royal Wint-1 IVisitons with Mra. C. A. Wight ,~ omniheFf id Faim, the Canadian Nainl The Bowanvil FiBostona ColbITED abb r. ooh Black Prcccptory, Lodge No. dens. He intends ta build a' Mr rd Forward, Elkhart, 763, at the bead of sevemal stbefrtspiz pnya Indiana.banda and lodge,! ,in Royal Black Itbe rear of "Erakine Hall". Derry Day Parade in Halibur- As well as maintaining theGS0 C H U RC 1 M. Jo O'Nill nd M. AItan Satu rday, AuÊust 13. Wind physical assets of their historie D ' U Re TA oran Pstr ye eroespo ent fourd and nain cut dawn the size of home, Dm. and Mrs. Hendryý Re.T .MraPso erplant espnfordy the parade considcnably, but also hope ta retain its neputa- I__________ last weck as guesta of the Bowmanville had a 30-man tien fan graciaus- hospitality a â» - Goodyear Tire and -. Rubber band smartly turned out in built up in the 155 years of Mdeperidaat SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFETV Compny a Wigfao Islndtheir white unifofms. TyroneI transition fmom "The Manoer" iUtiAL THS EE St al' n the firm's summer resont near was rcpnescnted by two bands. 1ta "Emakine Hall". ALL THS WEE StPal adi 'Temagami. both senior and juvenile. Sev-1 Trlnity Congregations IMr. and Mns. J. H. Needbarn eral Orange and Black Lodge ________________Shop at YOUR DRUG STORE, the safe, legical and 1 haveretrnedfro tw wees' embes fom his reaat-dependable place to buy drugs, niedicines and other' worshlp in Trinlty. bolidays, the firat spent with tended the mareb. M ajo Foot their son, Mr. and Mrs. Ccdric An interesting article appear- 1ForBcb ' o fr" i pout o elhadbat ae Sitting Service for Babies Ncbmadfml taCt ing in Maclcan's Magazine of. Cnj Bdfompgeoe I and Young Chlldren Itage ocam Newboro, and accomr- July 9, an long distance telle- (Cniudfa1aeoe o fr"peutsfrhat n cuycr.R L R panying them home ta Syra- phone calîs, callcd "Operatorp and cinders as he bad ripped1"" *',TH PEEC rvlee- use NY.. for the second wcek. get me the Qucen!" carried off bis aboes wbile wading in 1 B B-JD R ~ ~ ~ j J .It I~i U ARDESN No Evenlng Sere Mr. and Mra. Wilfred Kitson among ather phatographa anc of the watem ta beîp bis comnades __________________ ER jand Audrey have rcturned from -the interior of the Bowmanvillc Tbce next three years hie was ahudmelr _____________ an enjayable 10-day mator trip, Exchangc in 1889. One operator pnîsoner of wam, maving froi aiFsnest quality at the Iowest prices-.-backed by ta the West, visiting their daugh- casîly bandled calîs then. She anc German prison camp tean-'~ -IA ~ money-back guarantee of satisfaction other as a teachen and Chap- ... f lain amang allied pnisoners bc- \35e. Heavy Grade ' hidtue fore bcbng releaaed at the Nnr1O AROMATIC war's end. LreM nrlOl CASCARA ONE PRICE -AeS ADVERTISED wSince that grim but gallant 59 An odorleas, atls and bemaic Auguat day in 1942,1 4a il, rcfined for internal Rg 0 3 Major Foote bas neccived manyi administration MT onos, ncldin Caine rak 116 oz., reg. 55e --- 44r Reg. 50c _39e More mon SU P R -R G H Tas Minister of Reforma Intu 40 oz., reg. 1.10 89e1 - hu BRYLCIE esngnti.wr Durbam Count.. t is probable Cascara Tablets_____________ that the' Victoria Cross wbicb ihle won by bis courage and gai- i rilOrg 9 3 laotry on the Dieppe Beaches i__ran_00seg_9e3cPEI- means fan more ta hlm, how- leetan the other high lion- AB.S. & C. Tablets, 100, reg. 23c 19e wa ole hmat since receivcd. OLIVE OIL IAnalgcsic Balm, 1ý14 oz., reg. 50c 39ce His constituents in Durhamr Ezm itet zng 5,5eWt 0u UAL fyME AI S know that Major Foote will 1Reg. 35o29efcý itn1a2 oz., reg. 75c, 59e GWithICS i ae an vecme is present i o ijoela o .Begu0e 3 A re the eats you have been bu yin g flav orful, ten der, juicy? ph si agha da ip5wi h b44 P ne ra ln Li i m ntt4oze eg If net, they're ne bargains REGARDLESS 0F PRICE. If flot,, samne fortitude and determina- 59ecg. 98e 79 tr *Super-Right" and discover the delicious difference! Select- j tien wbich be displayed on thatConRmvr /ozeg35,2cDsnc efrom the best meats avallable they're bound te be better 0 uutdy1 er g. ~~- guarantced te pîcase yeu or your meney back. Corne and MjrFoel unabiel<Sllt edr,7s .2c2e FRIAR'S fo yuref ha &P"Spr-lgt mat iv YI ;ptem*taed elocal constitucncyl T ". ~Castor 011 BALSA me or o vryscorhtAP 'ue-iht t ie sh pould rs Durham nesidents i~%, -4 oz.. regl. 40c 33e 8 oz.. reg. 60e 49eA AmTrà M 4 ý- - - y =U MMAT. AIYO. lm ipso &Jaxi VIN-Kjuuu PAOB SEIM L'L 1 N'i M E N h le ic t- a e r 3 r a If r e t e r TEE CANADL41q STATZSIL4m. noivilAmvrLtie- ANYAlqTn m à j"m mwviý - *

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