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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1955, p. 8

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J s d A Hooper"sJowellevy & 'Hoopew'suGft Shop 28 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5747 Mn. and Mns. Keith Stainton,j Mn. and Mrs. Bert Beckel at Balsam Lake for the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Halliday, Audrey, Barbara and Bob, ne- turned home fnom bholidaying at Crow Lake. Beverley Camenon bas re- tunned home aften holidaying at Lawrence Henny's, Hamil- tan. Mn. and Mns. Russell Penkins and Margaret visited Mrs. Fred Ashton and Merle at the co-- tage at Lake Scugog. Mrs. Charlcs Naylon was bostess for a W.A. miscellan- eous shower for Mrs. Lawrence Henry (Inez Camenon) an Fni- i day evening. The bride was the recipient af some very lovelv igifts ai-d expressed ber thanks ta the ladles aiter which a de- liciaus lunch was senved and a nice social time enjayed. Mns. Lawrence Henry, Ham- ilton, witb ber parents for tbe weekend. (Intended for Iast week) Mn. and Mrs. N. Hincoçk, Gail and David, Oshawa, Mrs. Edith Bimacombe and gran&ý son Russell, Osaca, Mrs. Walý ter Langyean, and Ross, Eliza-. bethville, Mns. Arnold Thorn. dyke, Canal, Sharon, Lynda and Lewis, Wesleyville, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wilks, Ajaiç, E Mn. and Mrs. Lawrence Henry, Hamilton, Miss Janeen Camr-3 I f Safford Bros. j 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Precise warkmanship and careful attention ta detail are your assurance when vou choose from the wide selection af imported and domestic Granites and Marbies in stock. PR!~%?fljuanAI UAfgDA. -- - -- ...w.TAirant. W W W UWMRAWwry 2V f ELM Levening. wellknwn teacher (Miss Flor- Co r ic r Mrs. Thorne and Mns. Alva ence Kerr) in Kendal sehoolce O E Mrs. Mabel Smith, H-ollywoad, Swarbrîck went ta Oshawa Sun- about 50 years ago. She gave California, la visiting her maoth- day for a few days. very interesting and earnest tea Inklflgt er ad brthe, Mn Chales Mr. and Mrs. Vance Allen vis- on the work wamen <an do Dinn t Thompson and Arthur. ited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mercer, the church., starting with the Miss Marion McKelvie af the Sunday. "Female Society, etc." formed Regular Darlington Footi nlursing staff af Sunnybroak Hurricane Connie at least gave in 1825 by Mrs. E. Pigeon in P. night and play-offs got under w Hospital, has been visiting Miss this lacality the good heavy rain E. Island, and bringing us up-ta- senies af semi-finais, Courtice a: Katie Stewart. Mrs. F. Stoker that was sa badly needed. Some date with the splendid work The following dates have been spent Tuesdày afternoon with fields of corn were flattened being carried an naw. Auut î7th-.Solna them. and an occasianal tree blown Miss Gail Manson, Thornton's UOrat Sunday guests wth rs Mary aver, but on the whole it did Corners, pîayed two very plas at Courtice; August 24th-Courti Luxon were Mr. and Mrs. mare good than harin.* ing instrumentais. Zion at Sauina; August 29th, Orval Zealand, Campbelcraît, A fine crowd and good tirne The contest "Traits Needed by Courtice; August 3lst, if necessa Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hughes and was had at the basebaîl team's Teachers and Mthers" required are for 7 p.m. E.D.T. Gloria, Port Hope, and Mrs. barn dance held in Allen Fas-cosdrbetogt ihMs. Teolongaeteta Hughes, Toronto. ter's barn, Fiday evening. ConTiebble thand t Mrs. .e ercerar te ta Delbei-t Langstaff arrived home Mr. and Mrs.. Cy Elsey and C ebeadMs .Mre Sunday after undergoîng an ep daughters were weekend visitors coming highest. A tasty lunch, Senior eration in a Winnipeg 0oPitl with Mr. and Mrs. George Mer- partly provided by Mrs. Gay and Team G haspîtaon cer. served by aur hostess rounded G Guets n ednsda wth r. ndMrs~ Sevns ndout a very pleasant evening - Courtice 12 Wedesdy ith Mr an Mr. I Sevns ndeven if we found the road home Solina ____ 12 Miss Catherine Stewart were sans spent the weekend in her sister, Mrs. Lofthouse, Mary, Toranta and enjoyed visiting the shrouded in mist. Maple Grave 12 Jean and David Lofthouse and museum. Zion 12 Misses Joan and Lynn Manson W. A. MeetingNe H ptn1 of Thornton's Corners, also Mirs. ThH.ameeptetietoiiflUL.LUJ nnikle ___ _ 12 Harris, Petenharo, who, asMiss TeWA eeetrand N slfn SaiEnsiln1 Florence Kerr, taught hene abou Wednesday evening at the home yoe1 a0yasao e agtr routaiMiss Catherine Stewart. The Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Mount-Tyoe2 50yrs andgo; her daughterMs scripture was read by Ms. W. jy and Miss Rose Mountjoy Junior AnMoro n r a nddaghe Mercer and a talk an it given visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil emG Anne, Mntreal.by Mrs. G. Cathcart. The rail Slemon, Hampton.TemG Mr. and Mrs. AI Stevens and caîl was answered by a verse ai Miss Muriel McKee spent the Zion --10 Bans returned Friday from thein scripture. It was decided ta weekend with hier mother, Mns. Maple Grave 10____ vacation, the last week af hold another bake sale, etc., in S. McKee following a trip ta Caurtice 10 which they spent i Nothern the Hydro office at a laten date. the west coast. Quebec visiting the beautîful A sum af $31.55 was realized MissMa on MukaTyne1 falîs at Fort Colange, etc. They from the one held. Mrs. Stevens Ma'No, uso a pton _______10 returned by the St. Lawrence, was commissioned ta purchase and Mrs. Gardon Collins, Scu- Hmtn1 viewing the Seaway activities the book "Anna" for Mrs. R. gag Island, visited Mr. Noan Enniskillen______i and stapped over at Presque'ile Mercer. and Mrs. Emerton and attend- Bowmanville i Point with its wonderful beach. Miss *Stewart then introduced ed the wedding reception ai Mrs. Pearl Comstock, Bow- the guest speaker, Mrs. Harris, Mn. and Mns. James Emerton. inanville, called on Mr. and Peterboro, President ai W.M.S'. Mr. and Mrs. Walter De Vries .......... ~~of Palos Pak lios are vis- 91 st Birthday Cý 5 A N, iinghisparetsMr.and Mrs. ýJohn De Vries. Bill De Vries àreturned with them aiten an enjoyable week visiting in Chi- 'cago and vicinity. SMr. and Mrs. Ronald Knight AMNAo Detroit, Mich,spent the ~~~~~~~~e d ',, ;1 P1I' o ays Friends are pleased Yo rF m l can owVV iD ta earn Mrs. Bert Knight is im- - AA~ê1AAIA in ncely following ber an AMII ANV/ Sunday visitors with Mn. and Mns. Marvin Nesbitt were SRev. and Mrs. W. Midgely and e children, af Hamilton and Mr. Home Freezer and Mrs. Robert Fard, Trno liants and Janice, spentth Y s il he.. weekend with bis parents, Mr. reswî~~o and Mrs. Clarke Williams, Port SHope. SMr. and Mrs. Francis Gist ~ and family af Laing, spent Sun- M A N~ ~ day with Davison and Gists. -~=wuw m~ ~The girls, Susan, Kathnyn and N i ary, remained for a holiday. Dr. R. P. Bowles M A D. ad Ms. . N Malowyesterday celebnated his 91&t iand Johnnie and Mr. and Mrs. birthday with family and FO O D P LA Ný.jGrant Tbompson spent Sunday fniends-at Nestleton. Dr. Bowles, i n Toronto, wth Mr. and Mrs. Chancellor Emeritus af Victoria J. J. Watson. College, University af Toronto, any family of Iwo or more people can have Mr. and Mrs. George Chant igodhatan flls C an ,family M tiss Yonne farm where he lives, and neigh- 1. GR ATER VAIRIETY 0F FOOD M Agnqin-ar.TnhrouChn enineet as au ~" fmil reunnd t Lodonai-had the pleasune ai officiating 2. MO EMMO ter spending a week at Lake at the marriage of bis grand- NUTRIIGUS~ Scgog.daughter, Miss Patricia Bow'les, AMn. and Mrs. Howard Lec- and Mn. Douglas Sleep, in Black- 3. C UNT ESS SAVNGSand Mr. and Mns. John Ballini- stock United Church whene he 3. C UXT ESS SAVNCSgali eure from- a motor tnpl and the late Mrs. Bowles wene 4. PLUS A BEAUTIFUL Conthrtulatinswar. .P h State sona n joins with the tw Bowles, also Rev. A. S. Mc- many friends in many places who r X Lean 1-kho- each celebnated -wish- for Dr. Bowles cantinued t AMA A ]ON1 ]PEKAar birthdays on August l5th. health and happiness and further iý The best wishes ai the cam- yeans in which ta contribute the s B u yurFrezr hee ouca L ~munity are extended ta the benefits ai bis keen mind, his Buy ourFrezer her yo canhie linewlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- fine character and spirit, ta his C assured of a conlinnus supply of wo ar hcommunitg i Mus quality food Emerton (nee Ethel Wood) ZMON - PH O N E, W RITE O R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w hle ft for a tip ta S asa - Mis A y C r th s ba n - a « PHONE, WRITE OR DROP IN TONeil Bailey (nee Elaine Thomp- isAyCruteshsr- Sson) wbo have neturned îrom turned ta hier home at Outlook, 'd aboneymoon in Quebec and Sask.., aiter spending severai New Yrk Sate.days at Ray Canieron's. NwMrs. Lloyd Gare and Reta, b Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gordon Sauina, visited Mrs. Fred Cam- ( ) * ~and Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Brawn nn ;$were Sunday visitors with MS. Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Stana K lSNJas. Samelîs. tandn aredanLaurel, have ,returned SMn. and Mns. John Pollon af home aiten bolidaying at Geon- URA EA E A UManitoba ànd Mn. and Mns. Jas. gina Beach. ilil IlMI i i gi ii iRobertson. af Saskatchewan, Mn. and Mns. Douglas Skin- àwjth Ontario atie adOshawat Jfrn Stainton's frVEns. . r.Panttis. andrg K.lanM 73 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE M.fnensAlnBaokad by nfmyM. and Mrs. Rb ADivision Of the Bowmanville Frigid Locker System son are home inam bospital. ent Killen at Niagara Falls. M Mns. Harold Beacock af Part Mrs. H. Switzen, Mn. and Mrs. Ai Penny is staying with them for George Billon, Fred and Mary, Cc ~~~~~~ f e*y~* w days. i Toronto, at Russell Perkins. Champions mn Schedule lall schedule finished Up- Monday may on August 17. There are twc ind Mtkple Grave, Sauina and ZMon. set up for semi-finals: Zion; August 2th-Maple Grave ice at Maple Grave; August 27th- ýif necessary-Maple Grave at 'ry-Zion at Solina. Game timnes ndings of Senior and Junior teanis: rLeague W L T GF GA t@. League W L T GF 1 48 0 16 0 38 1 20 2 8 1 9 eron, Toronto, at Ray Camer- on's. Master Brian Hircock, Osh- awa, spent a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron. Mr. and Mrs., Jack Cameron and Brenda, W-hitby, Mr.-and Mrs. Fred Ward and Ross, Kingston Road at Wes. Cam- eronIs. Mrs. Wes Cameron, Mrs. Rob- ert Killen visited Mrs. William Michael, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron at Percy Bryce's, Mauntain Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart and Kenneth at J. Thomson's, Scar- bora Jct. and William Dart's, Sr., Woodville. Mr. and Mrs. Elvyn Brawley anid' son, Orangeville, at Fred Cameron's Mr. and Mrs. R. Dart and Bruce, West Hill, Mr. and Mrs. S. Maybury and Leanard, Scar- boro jct., at Henry Dart's. Miss Eva Carruthers, Cooks- ville, and her sister, Miss Amy Carruthers, Outlook, Sask., at Ray Cameran's. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hoskin, Thornton's Corners, at Ray Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stainton and David, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stainton visited Mr. and Mrs.t R. C. Stainton at Georgina Beach. The W. A. picnic at Lakeview1 Park was very well attended.1 Games were enjoyed and a bountiful supper was served by the ladies. Master John Pritchard has returned ta bis home in Mana- tick, accampanied by bi& auni, Mliss Mildred Snowden, who is spending part ai ber holidays vith ber sister, Mn. and Mns )tis Pritchard at Manotick, also visiting the Eversons in M4ontreal. Mn. Ross Metcaif is spending a well -earned holiday in Flan- ida, aiten putting in five weeks .t music in Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Clarence An- derson, Peterborough, visited with Mn. and Mns. Fred Stev- 2ns, Clarence wanked a num- er ai years ago for Fred. Mn. and Mns. Morley Flintofi nd family, spent Sunday with \. and Mrs. Charles. Green- arn, at Rice Lake. Mn. and Mns. Ross Stevens re spending tbis week with elatives and friends in and iround Sarnia. Mn. and Mns. Wm. Onton, Iiss Canal Tnimble, Windsor; Enr. and Mrs. Ross Maîkin, lugbter Jill, Apple Wood cnes, nean Dixie; Mn. and Mns. 'ephas Staples, Mn. and Mns. ,awrence Staples, Barry, Da- Id, Betbany; were Sunday vis- ns with Mn. and Mrs. R. D. 'rimble. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Oliffe, toufiville, wene Monday even- ig visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Ied Stevens. Don't forget the vacation Bi- le School open bouse in the unch basement a n Friday evening, Aug. lOth at 7.30 p.m. Vil itc st inI Fr b]E chi NE WTON VILLE "'o Mrs. Daniel Taylor, London, La is spending a fe*. days with Mr..an and Mrs. Wm. Milligan. annu yMr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow. e 0Mrs. Roy Burley. Mns. Clarence Rv Burley and Mrs. Hazel Robinson ths lett on Monday for a motor tnip 5PiIri through the States. 1 lengf e Mn. Pattenson, Toronto, spent task -the' weekend with M. and Ms.ws IArnold Wade and attended the Cha Decoration Day Service. Mn. and Mrs. Willard Lock -_ hart, Niagara Falls, N.Y., spent a few days with ber mother, Mns. John Lancaster. Miss Danlene Bowen, New- castle, is staying with ber aunt, 9Mns. Clinton Farrow. 7 Mns. George Ovens wbo bas j 4been visiting Mn. and Mrs. Keith 4Stephenson, Port Credit, return- ed home on Satunday. 7 Mrs. Sid Brown is home from 7the hospital with ber baby . sdaughtèn and ber mother, Mrs. Victor Wagg ai Markham is stay- ~ ing with ber. Mn. Elmer Randali, Oshawa, spent the weekend with his 3sisten, Miss Minnie Randaîl. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Gannet Hallo- well, Taronto, attended the 1Deconation Day Service at Lake- 3view Cemetery on Sunday. His fathen, Mn. Wmn. Hallowel ne- turned home with them. Mn. Allan Jones, Toronto, spent the weekend with Miss Bertha Thompson. a Mrs. Hammond Brown,a patient suffener for- the past' eight yeans, passed away at the, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Toron- : ta on Friday. Interment wasI Pat St. George's Cemetery, New-' castle on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Henb Alexander, Fart Erie, Mns. Georgie Beane, Gneenbank, and Miss Elsie Wal-; lace, Toronto, spent Su nday evening with Mn. and Mns.C. M. Jones. Mrs. Chas. Reid and Mn. and' Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Wilined Wood and attended the' Decoration Day Service. Mns. Zena Carlaw wha basi been visiting ber sisten, Mns. Willis Jones, leit for Graiton on Tuesday. Miss Louise Martin, R.N., I Pont Credit, who bas just ne- Il tunned fnom Bermuda, spent a few days with ber cousin, Miss, Darothy Stapleton. Othen vis-' itons at the home ai Mn. George Stapletan wene: Inspector and Mrs. A. A. Martin, Pont Cnedit; si Mrs. Dave Shaw, Newcastle; Mrs. Manson Patton, No. 9; Mr.~ F. B. Nickle, Bancroft. Miss Donothy Stapleton, wbo' attended a summen course for teachers at Dalewood School, Hamilton, was pictured with a group ai fellow students in the Hamilton Spectator recently. Four hundned attended. Mis Stapleton is a daughten ai Mn. and Mrs. George -Stapleton, Newtonville. Miss stapleton was also pictuned in fineman's regalia as she visited the Ham. Courteous, Friendly Service for 74 Years INTER-COUNTY SENIOR BASEBALL ,THURSDAY, AUGUST- 18 (iflchener Pant hers vs. Oshawa Merchanis MONDAY, AUGUST 22 Neighhourhood Nighf Pee Wee Ail-Stars B owm anville Oshawa C.R.A. Pee Wee Ail-Stars - 8 P.M. - fThomas Elgins vs. Oshawa Merchants hildren under 12 years cf age presenting this advt., will be admitted free. KINSMEN .CIVIC MEMORIAL STADIUM OSHAWA ks is 'S S. WE'RE NOTMAI\GCIAN5--BUrWE DO liNOW TV PREPAIRSLt.SERVIIN&.' RADIO TV SERVICE? Expert Repaira to, Ail Makes 3 Silver St. M~A 3-3482,1 BOIVMANVIL Oshawa Memorial Service Natural atone monuments markers and corner itones No C IY LIMTSB No. Y 2 IAYE.0 Dial OSHAWA RA 5-6611 an,, trne and reverseeare j' See. these Buys of the Week I LINCOLN '53 Studebaker $ 9 Cosmopolitan %1 9 /-ton PICK-UP s9 I Near perfect shape- A real steal Ruas and looks like nev. An economical car ta buy and ta run Perfect-condition. Be sure ta see this one J '40 Chevrolet MAKF "49 FORD COACH US AN SEDAN$49 A Good Solid Car OFFEb 1 A Real Buy ! SHave your car checked NOW! For a Iimited tirne only We are offering the following - FREE! 1. Check Front Wheel Toe-in (Adjust if necessary) N O T E - We have the best equipmenl BEAR TELALINIER 3. Check Front Wheel Cambei 4. Ch eck Steering Gear F:R EE! Weas Ffer and Paint Repairs o i oy Robson Motors Ltd. 166 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE MA 358 Buick Pontiac - G.N.C. Truck Dealer PAGE EDTI 2Pire Department's «'Open! Board, brought the need of the e." % cemnetery beforg the people. Decoration Dayj Many were present to enjoy tis st Suday 4th int. the be autiful service which is one ual ma Serice w ofthe highlights of the year. 1 in L ak eview C em etery .*' e y C n a i n t bi t , b - S. J. Pike was in charge ofcoev eCnadin tof45rt es service and brought an c estennei-ro 5 ce rig message. It was a chai- of his country's forest, ealled "',- ýto the hearers ta d,~ the Crown Lands. There are over a,- the pioneer fathers would million square miles of Crown them ta do. Arnold Wade, Lands in Canada that belong to irman of' the Cemetery the people. 50 HILLMAN $2 '50 Chevrolel 79 TKUFMAYI à%'UG. lm 1 lm

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