PAGE to~m L Th* Suti~sticî Of une fairly puerpenal. foyer wus nul well 4ag citY n Ontario shawed understod andi all tucmàny taI n a Iwelve rnonths' peril mothena confined in hospi- all the births necundeti, with tal cantnactet it. In the major- the exception ai two, occunrrod ty of instances i proveti fatal. in thul particular city's hospi- Early records of leading con- tel. Il mniglit juil be, although tinentl hospitls ehoweti that theé athstica do flot elubonate, more than une woman in ten thel the lwo yôungsters who having chiltibirîl in hospitâl diti flt final sce the light cf day tiieti of pueperul fever. Il wtiB ift I hongpil were -- borni on the observant, -but dscredited, their way thaee perhaps in a Semmelweiss of Vienna who tmxicmb. It hue happeneti be, demonstnateti that uncleanil- fore; t %will happen again. ness and pon delivery tech- Be Ihat us xl may, this cm- niques wera the main causes phusis upQon confinement n for the spreading of this rulh- hospital ta typical of rmost com- less kller. nuunitiea'- Where hospitals are Unfortunately for cou ntlass rOaduly. acceùible. Taday, n moîhers of thal periodi t wus Orntario, more than 90 Out 0f a long lime before the urgent *very 100 babies. Ihat corne ill- recommandations of Semmel- tô the world ara born in hospi- weîss were generally adopteti. tais. n;In gben communîties, the Then, almost overnight, the in-. prcentage la usually highcr. cidence ai puerperal sepsis Iii orne rural, communilies droppeti dramutically. where ferma and hamlets are Today the whole piclure of somnçwhat Isolateti on where childbirlh s vastly different. roadâ are nlot improveti or win- We now know what causes puî- ter-plowed, the parcenlage s erpenul favar anti other such not quite se high. cuntaglous diseuses. Doctors TFhis situation was nul al- anti nurses have developed ni- ways the case. In medieval id techniques which make n- days hosital biths ware us- factions of this nature a rarily. ually limiledtel homalaîs woîn- On the very few occasions -en. la thoae wilh complications when they may occur, the new preventin.g normal dalivery. "antibiotie" druga can., Usually very wlaely expectant mothens stop the infection quickly anti were confineti aI home. ln effactivcly. 'It s excecdingly those days the dreatied diseuse rare loday for a woman ta die ~ of puerperal feven in hospital.' Other complications of chilti- birth, toc, are being controlled te a remarkable tiegree by gooti g rI Lprenutal cana. eiaprt- '-anîlglonseare now able te deust and changes or abnornrulities whicli d later monlhs of pregnancy I l . Furtherinore, lhey can usually alinanerinellain ativance whethen or net1 acuesarean operâliôn ;ilb needeti. It s now ganarallly Let our skillçd painters agreeti that whathen an expec-f tant mother s anticipating a and paper hangers re- normai or an abnonmal dcliv- finsh c~u hme or he ery, she will be much bellerc finih yor hoe fo the off n hospilal whare ail thet Fuli and Winter season. facilities are available ta coni- Wc ae nw h a osiion trol the vanlous emergencies We ae nw l a osiion which may anise tuinng the to give you fast service confinement period. on uy o yor deor I- f complications ana antici- on ny f yur ecoat- pateti, the propar p lace un- Ing problea.ns. doubtedly s in hospital whcreC the equipunent anti supplies, i anti the traineti personnel for Cali in to-day for Ammediate Inealment are al-S: A FEEESIM TE ways readily available. . A FRE ESTIATE ha new baby likewise sv safan n hospital. Somnetimas 'il s difficult ta gel the baby -to Slipapers properly or* thÉre Mav -W A1pape be blooti disturbances. The chance of restoring the childt ta Sec our extra large stock a normal condition s much e ofWllme1.icldn greater An a hospital.--. b of Wllpaersinclding For some rnson Or other we %rhony of the- new 1956 seem te ha havinâg a higher c percentage of premature births e pàpers being shown ut than n previaus generations. r th., C.N.E. Variaus theonies have been. adi- vancedi, including Ihal of pres- c cnt day nenvous strain, exces- i ~' sve moking, greater uctivily R and various physiological chan- A BERNETHYS v ges. Pramatune babies- have 'a Paint & Wallpaperv much better chance of survivai t Phone MA 3-5431 in hospital Ihan elsewhere. 81 Most of, oui' hospitals today Pý Shave ngentous infant incuba- X tors which have a high humi- or Make Not -de I.àea.N t To- Check... Their School Wardrobes! Send your youngstcrs back to school welI groonied for their cureer of lcarnlng. Thair school clothés, llJ&e Dad's business suits and Mom's dresses are essential te, good appearane. and self-respect. Be sure your ehildren'u wardrobe's are spurkling çlean. We'll dry dlean their school clothes efficiently and promptly so that thcy look like new. We pick- up and deliver right on time. Cull us to-day. Phono NA 3-5520 For Free Pick-up and Delivery Dowma ' ille ,Cecners & Dyers Ltd. itýr, keep the temperature et praCîicaliy the internai tefpar. ature of the miother's body and provide the neoessary iainount ni oxygen. As a resuit, our boa- pitals are savmng many babies now which, a jgeneration a"o, would haye hadl practically tio chance of survival. Such Meatures as nurseries for premature babies, poat-na- tai as welI as pre-natal care, and spectal waing morne for nervous fathers are part and f arcel of the provsion mmad. for the birth of a baby ln mAost Ontario hospitale. It la Ail payin1 big dividende ln the aaving u livea. Month alter month the hospitls of Ontario have thousandi of de- liveries without losing a molli- er. Newborn infant mortmltty ha reduced lu what seeme like a minimal rate. And, believe it eor not. there in not one jingle Instance on record where a hua- pitl in Ontario ha ever lIt anexpectant father. Conulder- ing what the poor, frail, btf- fering fathers have to endure at childbirth this s, Indeed, ap enviable record. Nesilelon Station Mn. anci. Mns Bruce Heuslip anti Mn. J. ;». Irvine were weekend guests wAlh Mn. and Mns. Wilcy MclCeown Mano Roati. Mns. Irvîne remaineti for a visi. Mr. anti Mn. George Ëowers anti Ralph are visiting Mr. anti Mrs. Lonnie Chaprnan anti tam- Aly North Buy. Mr. and Mns. Wm. Jones ar ICalamazoo, Michigan, calleti on Mns. Alice Fonder anti broughi. a treat ut peaches from the Harris' for the netghboura*. Mns. R. Dickey anti Mn. R. Riâticîl visiteti with Mn. anti -Mn. Wm. Laurenson ut their cottage aI View Lake. Mn. anti Mrs. Ivan Rohmer anti family spent the weekand with her parents, Mn. anti Mns. Mailon MAlts, Tilsonburg. Leo- n. returneti homne wýtb thein aflar à holiday wtth, her grand- parents. Mn. anti Mn. Marvin Nesbittî Messrs. Elmer anti Reggie Nés: bitt wene Sunday guests of M,-. anti Mn. Hugh Taylor, Linti- say. Bert anti Jerry Buwers, Clit- fond anti Allen Duyes anti Don- ald Elford, spent. a tour-day camping trip in northern On- taria anti Mitlanti. Mn. anti Mrs. Jas. Emerton .nec Ethel Wood, are homne rum a honcymoon trip ta Saskutche- Wan, where they visiteti ler -futhen at Regina andi also calicti on Mn. anti Mrs. Herbent Mc- CombA Raymond anti Moira ut Kviglon, Sask. Mn. anti Mrs. Jack Bedfornd, 8r, Toonto; Mr. anti Mna. Jack .Btiford Jr., anti family, Oak- ville, calleti on Mr. K. Burton anti Mn. Emerton, Mn. Ernie Wanden of Lindsay was a vis- itor with Mn. Noon. .Mn. anti Mn. Bert Thompion, Peftcnlaw, were Salurday caîl. ers with Mns. Wesley Câmp- bell. Mrs. Grant Campbell anti chiltiren, are vxsiting han par- entS, Mn. anti Mn. Stewànt, To- ronto * ' Mn. anti Mn. Marshall Mal- colm anti Ann of StrutfurtiVis- ited Mns. John Proutt anti Miss Rluth ProuIt. Mn. andi Mn.. Wnu. Lewis of Tronto, visiltid the Knighls. vins. Ronald Kntght retunneti1 to Detnoit wxth han hushanti1 aten a two-week viAut wtth hie i parants, Mn. anti Mn. B. R. Knight. ý Mns. Alice Fonder visitet Mn. c ânt Mrs. O. Wright, Blackstock,c n Sunday anti Mn. Jas. For- anr was a guest of Mr. anti Mn. [ary McLaughlin anti Law-, i ence.s Frientis will ha pleaseti to .arn Ihat Mns.. -Walter Law- i unce As necuvering nicely fol- i owîng han openation An SI. ç qichael's hospitul, Toronto, on t] >aturday, anti wish lier a F )ecty nclun lugooti hcalth. Mrs. Arthur Hannu spent a 2 ly v isiling friands in the vil- v age. Congratulations ta Mns. Jas. umelîs on hen 81s1 birthday! .hose who calaeti lu xtenti any gooti wishas wera: Miss leen Crockett, Mn, Gant Bar- Ilt antiMn. Altfredi Samalîs, h iwmanville, Mr. anti Mns. 'aller Rogers, anti Lanry, Osh- in wa, Miss Ruse Mountjoy, Mn. Ol id Mns. Lorenzo Mounljoy bc ti Mr. anti Mrs. Malcolm R nerson., fi lu rE le r, lo SE lai Sa TI mi Ef nel Bo am un an En Ti J'à en Ob to Mourning Afier HME DAY APTER a lire... 1 Yu weren't Inaured . . rou'il elther iom yens home or spend yeur bankrefl (if rsu,. lucky cmough te have oe) rebuilding. )bvleely. it's uuch botter ab. Insus'ed. Call on va day. I STUART 1. JAMS Ring Street E. i3owmamvllle flTCSDA#SÂUM# *WMVLOfA Young People's corn rouit was ýelti ut the home of Joe anti "arth McGil on Satunday aven- îg, Aug. 27, tinder the auspices )f C.G.I.T. membani anti T.U.C. :oys, wlth about 50 present. .ereuion was conducteti by Iva girls utter which a dalicious înch wus senveti. The evening Ïoseti wtth Tapa. C.G.I.T. was helti August 29 villi Gloria Wright anti-Shirley ,tusi tn ha g e.The pragrum 3iîttiof Iereport ot thair veek ut WhlIby Ladies, Collage )y Gloria Wright., Ruth Lamb id Revu McGill. Gloria Wright uve a contesî. We closeti with ,aps. Next meeting wili be on leptember' 17 with Ruth Lamb i id Mary Gniffin An change. Mr. H. E. Vosbung, Rochester, i.Y.; Misses' Gail andi Kathy 'rssise, Oshawa, visitet Mr.. nd Mns. E. Wright, Miss Mary Výirlue, Toronte; Irs. H. Stevens were visitors of nr. anti Mn. Allun Warny. Mn. and Un. E. Sciulch, !oluzrbus; Mn. anti Mn.Jh &,Randy anti Sherry, Oshawa, ri1h Mr. and Mira. Walter Oke. Mr. anti Mis. E. J. Gregory, ultcienen, spent a few day. ith thuin cousins, Mn. ant i Mn. rH. Meure and Fr. W. Becketts.r Mis Florence TI, Rpeckmrod; I. Henb McDonald, elwout ,re weekenti guests ut Mn. and Ir. Russell Griffin., Mr. and Mnu. William Lamb, earea, were with Mr., andi ýrs. Lamne Lamb. Mr. anti Mn.. Howardi Glnib- tt anti Simuone, Oshawa, vAgit- Mn14. anti Mn. R. McGill. PM. andi Mus. Herbent Wmlght id chiltiren, Toronto; Mn. andi sa. Pal Tressisa ot Oshawa, 'ne visilons ut Mn. anti Mrs. eman Wright. Mr. CÇordon Fleet, Mr. anti M.. Thwaites and Munvin,l )rnto; Mn John Fleet. were ut'î Mn. A. L. Weann's (tasIP x.A.Page, Miss Clara w wi an TE SE an N. ar Mi Cc w! wi W. we Mr Mr leti ed unc wel Ne] Mn Toi Mn. -b 1 LUsMaWBe r.wn, i. and; Mia.PbTo M Is. ouglas ftli. M!t. ahd WMn, Stn li Toronte, spnt twe week-e h iih I.andl Mrs. Henry Ash.w ton. Mr. and >Mns. Jtm Graham., Gmrtild andl Gornnow- mnativifie', wort Wodesda evenin eblators ut Mn. asis Mms. Leslie Graham'a. ]tA ad Mn.. Corrigan andl Vilda, Tronto, Mr#. Drew mîidý tamnil »awmanvlle. At Mt. Mr. and Mns. Jack Oieson, Trentba, were Sunday visitais wlth Mne. Oleson andl faîntly. Mn,. Bilasn"rewin, Toronto, was lea guest uf Mr. and Mns. Leslie Ctrahain on Friday, -andl called an several fitndo An th" village, Mr'. aundMrs. George Berînlint andi son at Mr. and Mi'. M. Bortrlm'a on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mns. Harold GaY, Oshawa 1Mn. 'lue Jackson South kaônagh*an, at Mr. ana Mne. C. Garrard'. Mn. and Mça. Stan Cowling und fmmily, S lemn ut Mr. and Mis. George Tabb's. Miss E. Collier, Toronto, spent the weekend wtth Mn. andMrs. J. Alkenhead. Air Force L. Tabb, New Jer- sey, having a fourteen day leave, visited Mr. and Mns. T. Tabb on Sunday. Mi'. J. Graham, Bowman-, ville, at Mr. Kenneth Ciraham's,' on §unday. Mr. and Mns. R. Orniiston, Ronnie Forsythe, Enniskillen, Miss E. Collier, Mn. and Mns. J.' Aikenhead, were tea, guests uf Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton un Suznday. Miss Davwn Bell, Newcastle, spent the %weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Ross Ashton and' family. Mr.. andi Mn. J. Potts and family, Mrs. W. Martin visited1 Mr'. andi Mn. C. Myles, Orno,; Mr. ~can.Mrs. A. Perger and, family, Watendown, were Sun- day visitons ut Mr. andi Mrs. ro. and Ms. Silas Tnewin and Judith, Bowmanville, Mr'. andi Mn. W. Smith, Mns. Wil- ma MeQuade, and family, Osh- awa, aI Mr. and Mrs. WYm. Tre- win's. Mi'. John Graham, Bowman- ville, Mns. H. Çrossman, were tea guesta ai MÈ. and Mr$. Les- lie Graham on Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. T. eH. Tabb vis- ited Mi' and Mns. W. Arm- strong, hethanit. ad -s Mrs. LloydLho adMn Ross Ashton attended 'the School for Leaders at Whttby. Canol Blackburn, spent a day with Mrs.. Cole and Miss Blackburn, Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mr. and Mvrs. *Clayton Reati, on their rnarriage on Saturday aI Camp- belîford Unitedi Church. Rena qjid Ian Graham are attending Vacation S c h o o wbich As betng held ut Tyrone Ulnitedi Churcli last week and continuing . this week. Mns. Cowling, Miss Lily Tabb, Mn. andi Mn. W. Black- burn and family, and Mn. andi Mr(s. Malcolm Alfredi and fam- ly, Port Penny, enjoyed a pic- nic ut Lakeside Park, on Sun- uadr nd Mns. C. Garnard ut- tended the Exhibition on Fri- day with Mn. andi Mn. Harold Gay p f Oshawa. Holiday& are neuniy over. School will open on Tuesday, Sept. Oth. Mn. George Tornance, )f Rockwood, will be teaching ffs year. Mr'. and Mns. T. R. Tabb vis- 1ed Mr. and Mrs. Hanry Fra- ;r, orono, on Friday. Mns. Roy Graham and fam-ý ly uttendeti a family gathering n honor of. Mr. andi Mrs. ,M. ;miley, nee Doneen Rahm,' aI he home uf Mr. and Mns. Ron ahm. Sunday school will be held aI p.m. Sunday and church sen- rce at 3 p.m. ENNISKILLEN 1 t il ir ti R 2 vi Pkg. 3 PLANTERS IPeanuls Cello4,c BE ES<OV4U VS BIEST BUY_! - Save 9e Rose Brand lbs. G Ma rga rine 3for u81 BEST BUY!- Save lc - MI0S Crown Brand Tea Bugs 8 7 B3EST BUY! - 16-oz. Jar McLaren's Bar-B-G RELISH £2Y9 BEST BUY!- Save 6e johnoniMakes Joh~SnsFurniture like new PRIDEBo :zle73 SUPREME PUIRE Popper LIPTON's Purpie Label TEA %- 5 5 ST. LAWRENCE SALAD 3 AEROXON FLY cons 6 ~i19c 4-or. I e ____ TIfl3ESflA?, SE??. lut, ISSI Mrs. Hanry StrutI ut Bunketon. birthday. 1, M DYSON'S Sweet LIFEBUOy TOILET fo sonP 2 19< Contains N0o lodine Pickling SHOP RED & WHITE TODAY and EVERY DAY I1 SWIFýr'S FREMIUM FULL Y COKED5 LEAN - PEAMEALED lb.I MILD CURE Cottage Rols4E SWIFT'S pREMIUM - TENDERGROWN CHICKENS lb-. 53c oveure&dy - 3 lb. average Picnic Basket Specials Swlft's Premiuml - LÀrge D OLOGNA By th. Fiece Sliced Swift's Premîusu - Sliced CGGKED HUN BOWMANVI LLE Yeo's Marketeria Golden Ripe - Firn Bananas 2 bs. 3 5c Pepper Squash 2 for 21c For Fineat Pickllng Silverskin Ofi f$21 bs.2.9c Niugara's Finest - Blue or Green S 6-quart basket69 .Daily Arrivais of N4o. 1 PEACHES for your Canning needs at Lowest Prices FROZEN FOODS Sun Pcp Orange Juice, 6 oz. tin-- 2 for 35£ BL BIr' ye Green es, 12oz. pkg. - 2 for 40e MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceteria ORONO Cornish Marketeria Il. It's Preserving Time CERTO PECTIN - -__ bottie 27e CERTO CRYSTALS - 2 for 27e SEAL-A-WAX 2 pkgs. 3lc CAPS and RINGS - Mason -_ doz. 39c WHOLE SPICES - Suprenie- Bag 12e PICKLING SPICES - Supreme --3M Lb. 15C Lb.M % Lb. 4 (RED H T Marketeria IA YDON j- ýj -- QUA Ltry NABISCO Shiredded pg Wheait 2 P~31 1 RED & WHITE Instant Coffes 4-.5 7C RED & WHITE Jellyfo Powders 3 fr25 and son George, Burwah, Ont., and Mrs. K. Wright. 4re spending holidays with Mr. Mr MdanaMa. W. H. Moore %nd Mns. John E. Griffin And attended the funeral of their other relatives. cousin An Osjiawa last week. bfr, and Mu. ICeith MeOxUl, Mr. 'and Mrs. Wallace Griffin, 1kn. and Jitm EwYn Dickey, Hemîher and Dale were teu Misa, Elva Orchard, Bowmian- guesta with Mr. and Mn. Russel »ville*, Mr. An4.Mrs. Roy Lang. Oriffin. maic lin&, Mr. and Mrs. Roy M.mdMs onE rfi MCIIand hevm, wort visitors ay Mr. and Mrs hB. Georgen Otf_*. and Mra. M. litatâton. a ad ly, Mr.daneor&. erge- Mr. ýand Mre. W Robinson, en atMt . and Mm', W. Rahm's, ICwm'd.l W..Ma.iMn. W. M Martin Prince Albert, Mr and Ms et rxtvstde Mr».ler, Wnnuake, ,ta-Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Treuats'., grave, wr with Mr. an m uu Oshawa. Adam Shrp. Mi Margaret Aluin Bow- Mr. and MUs. P. Doyle and manville, la vîsitung wih Mr. athoint àtJbhna, qtebec; AndMra Frank borland. frto4, were V141 orse ,t Mr. Imiter and £va Ann, Hamnilton und Mia, W. ifoweîl ani tain- wero Sundmy caltersAat Mr. ana4 ilr. Mm. Russell Grltfin'a Mr,_mnd Mrs. Franik borland Mr. and Mn.. A. Leadbeater worm "'VAatorg Mr. And Mns. and boys visittd in Toponto. MurayMuIs ,Smndford. Mr. auicd Mrm.BaanJohnson, Mr.. mcd Mm. Allen Wàrry and AUlaton; Misa M. E. Virtue, Sandra, were Bunday- eveninif Toronto, vistted theire cousins, viaitors of Mr. and Mrs. Rloss Mr. and Mi'.. H. Stevens. Le Kdron. &;ter George Leadbeuter la Riosa Doris Wright wlth Mr. holldayltig wtt hbis grmndpar- and Kra. P. Wnlght, 'Maple etaMr. ndMn. ead- Grave. beatr r., In Toronto. .Mn. and Mrs. Boss Page andl Mn. Addie Trewin vistted famAly, Newcastle, vialted Mr. Mis. T. M. Blemon this paI and Mrs. Floyd Beckett. * week and also visiteal other Misa Florence Van NesI of tniends. % Toronto, spent holiday, wtth Mn. Mr'. and Mns. Robt. Burgess, SOLINA. Mr. and Ms. -Charles Lang- jtldatended the présentation a- t.andi Mn. Morris Sleep forzaerly ilertha Puaoe), Sut- urdày night. M.adMn. Roy Langmaid visitld on Suftday ut Mr. Milton Staitbn's,* EnifisTkilleri. Mn. and Mn. D. Flett. Mur- ray andi Marie viuiteti ai Mn. Thos. Flett'a, Cëolumbus. Mn. Ross Knox and Paye of Brougham, vialteti ut Mr. Harry Knox'a. Mr. andi Mn. W. J. Spires, Millbnook, viaileti un Fntday at Mr. E. Spire',. Mn. and Mns. E. Spires andi family *ýisIed ut Mn. fHaroldl Moxon's, Janetville. Mns. Wes. HAlls andi Anne spent Baverai days with Mr. andi Tyrone, visited the formner's brother, Mn. andi Mn. H. Stev- ens. Mr.-anti Mn. A. Leadbeaten andi Tommy visited frienda at Port Penny. Miss Kathryn Slemon spent holidays ut Rice Lake. Mns. E. Struît and Miss Ruth Pethick visiteti with Mr. und 1 <7 air urAVnRpLb 1 Mns. M. McCarrell at Omemee. Carol-returned home with them; on Suhday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce *Mont- gomnery, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and Walter attended a fan-ily picnlc at Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. John Mils, Ajax, viisted at Mr. 1E. R. Taylor's. Miss Evelyn Taylor han e- turned ta Peterborough wherè she wifl reaume her nursing duties in thie hospital there fol- lowtng a montha vacation. She spent several days with friends at Brampton lait week. SM. and Mns. Muray Vice and ICtherine, Mr. and Mns. C. Vicê and Donna visited Mr. and Mrs. ifarold Jebson aI Lake Simncoe on Sunday. M.f M.Mn.$ ti F ergusonI Oshwu Mr,. Harry Gibson otf Dibury, Abeta, visited ut M. Bruce Montgomery's. Misses Jean and Elma Cryder. n, Mesora. Georgé Bitîner and eler ]Pireitag, Oshawa, and Mr'. Jack Fneitag, Eganville. visited nt Mr. Everett Cryder. man's. Mr'. and Mr$. George ]Kntx, Carol and Marilyn, Russell andi Eldon Sloan visiteti aI Mr. H. Farrows, Starkvllle. Mrs. N. C. Wotten attended a parly honouring Miss Ettu Will-, moît, Bowmanville, on her 8th mil 6c Off 19 c A Weekend Treat Golden HOUrLIUgO4 Cello Candies. Eeg 2Y9 c ANGELUS NARSIINALLOWS 16-o. ~ WEEK ENDI uiwiu w Cornish 401K Admilk 1