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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1955, p. 14

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PAGE 7~RTEEWTE CANADIA3x STAT&SmAir, OWIuANVn=zz.OTAIUO gNt17ISAY, UMT. 22M.,ii - "'fl'op -,~ 1_ - Artir~csFor Serle Turn Page for ÂAddiiional Classified & "L . - J6WJ &Uu 200 APPLE barrels. 273 Sir son Ave. ý3 SPACE heater. Phone MA BI.RTHS 340aferfie 200 BALES wbeat straw. N GIBSON-Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Green, Leskard. 3 GibsQn (nee Ina King) are TRE4-a.o rm Proud to announce the birth of HE 45glcidrm their daughter Marilyn Marie, taps, $3.50 each. 39 Duke Si September 15, at Oshawa Gen -_____38_______ eral Hospital. 38-1 BOY'S bicycle excelli X 1 LPATICK-r. ýshape. 72 El gin et, Bowmý KIPARIK-r.and Mrs. ville. 38 Charles Kilpatrick are happy to: announce the birth of a son,'ONE cook stove with oil bu. Douglas Chartes on Saturdav, r.todus!$5 hn September l7th, 1955. at Memor-: .3-2675. 3 ial Hospital, Bowmanville. A i brother for Dianne. 38-11 GIRL'S white figure skates,s two, good condition. Phone? LUNN-At Peterborough Hos-' 3-5697. 3i pital on September l4thb 1955 to Mr. and Mrs. Orville un RE ED baby basket, Coney (nee Muriel Langmaid> a Lauh -, coant and rnuff, size 16. Phc fer, Karen Marie. A dauth- frýMA 3-3062. 38, Teddy. 38-1'ý FIRST quality potatoes. G. B. chop. R.R. 2, Burketon. Ph< VANEYK-Paul and Bessie Van- MA- 3-2016. 18. eyk (nee Yeôî, bappily announce' -__________ the birth of a son,. Paul JIan,; TURKEYS for Tbanksgivil 8 ]bs., Il 14 ozs., on September fresh killed, 10 to 20 lbs. AIl l7tb, 19.55. at Memorial Hospital,. Macklin, MA 3-2202. 3ý Bowmanville. 38-1' -___ CARROTS, beets for picklii ENGAGEMENTS F. Zegers, 4th Line, Orono,o If you would like a private! USED John Deere corn bind, slîowing of our extensive stock with loader, good conditi( of diamond engagement and Phone Brooklin 616 r 14. 31 wedding rings Phone MA 3-5747,! Hoopers Jewellery and Gif t APPLES and potatoes. E. M( Shop. 38-tf' tert, first farm south-east of ný row subway, Newcastle. 3E Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinner,.LDSw tTiue kts Tyrone. announce the engage-' 6ý man's C.C.M. hockey outf ment of their daugbter, Dorothy size 8. Phone MA 3-3461. 38- Eileen, to Rose4 Andrew Sharp,!-____________ son of' Mr. and Mrs. Adam! RADIO $15, piano bench $7, t, Sharp, Enoiskillen. The mar-; sma]l tables $3.00, kitchen ca riage to take place on Saturdavy, iet $10.00. Phone 51ýA 3-29z October lSth. 38 -1 3 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Purdy an- PAIR of boy's skates, size 8, nounice the engagement of their excellent condition. $6.00. Pa daughter, Joyce Marie, to Mr.r Allun. 'Phone Newcastle 3366, Ralph Rowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. 38- Victor Rowe. Port Hope. The1 marriage will take place on Sat-; WHITE enamel cook stove wl urday, September 24 at St two Sulent Glow cil burners, e: Paul's United Cburcb parsonage& cllent condition. 39 Duke Si at 2:30 in the afternoon. 38-1 38- Mrs Criten HpknsWid-APPLES for sale. Pick yoi Mrs ChistnaHopins Wid-own, 50c a bushel. Bert Jobi sor, Ont., announces the engage- son, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phonoe1M ment of ber youngest dau ghter, 3-2290'3 Evelyn Joyce, to Ronald A lbert I 90 Pbilp, only son of Mr. and Mrs.! KEYS cut automaticaîîy, whi: Howard (Hap) Philip, Tyrone, v,ýou wait, at Mason & Da le Harn Ont. The marriage is to take w;ýaro, 36 King St. E., Bowmai place on Saturday, October 8, ville. 46- 1955. at 3 p.m., in Tyrone Unit- ,ed Churcb. 38-1* KINDLING wood, fence raul $10 cord, delivered. Ivan Mour DEATHS joy, Burketon. Phone Blael BRIGGS, Stella Louise-On Fnl-, FARMALL Cub tractor, equil day, Septembor I6th, 1955, at oed with plough, wbeel wcight Queeo Elizabeth Hospital, Toron-! P.T.O., starter and ligbts. Phor to, Stella Louise Briggs, in ber 627 - 12, Brooklin. 38-1 58th year, late of 57 Homewood! Ave. Beloved wife of Charles DOMINION piano., eigbt-piec Briggs. Dear mothor of Thomas dining-room suite. kitchen tabl, Charles and William Edward, four chairs. 41 Liberty St. I itear sister of Mrs. L. Mountjoy Phone MA 3-3093. 38-1 (Vera), Nestîcton, Ont., and Cecij Slemon, Hampton, Ont.CLEAN swamp muck, suitab' Rested at Joseph P. Thompson'1s for tobacco grecnbouses, or idei Central Funeral Home. 32 Carî- for top dressing, at Pontypoo ton Street, until Monda 'v morn-.: Sanm Manetta, Pontypool. 35-9 ing at Il o'clock. Funcral VENETIAN blinds-Newest col serviece Mondas' afternoon at'outrs with plastic tapes. W -1 o'clock at Carlton UJnited 'esr n ntî.Mri Cburcb, Il Carlton St. Inter-, Phono MA 3-5480. 6-t men St J mes C nie cr . 3 -I DO you n ow n floo s - ent VAN CAMP, Margaret Swatn-~ sander or a floor polîsher fror At ber home in Cartwrtght Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E. Township, Saturday. September BowmanvjIl. Phone MA 3-5774 17, 1955, Margaret Swain, wife;3- of the late W. A. Van Camp, and'- --___________ clear mother of Harrv'.% Jessie., LIGHT brown cbcsterfield suite <Mrs. A. L. Bailey). Percey, Stai-, chrome kitchen set, large Frig ford and Jac'k of Blackstock; idaire and man's bicycle. Mrs Norton of Listowel, Annie (Mrs. MI. E. Sherwin. Phone I1144 F. W. Worr *v) of Enniskillcn;i Orono. 38-i Sttsan (Mrs. S. C. Sa'wl~___ Oshawa: Olive (Mrs. Rev . FSUFFERINO fromn backaches Ridineg of Union Cit «v. Pa., in rheumatic pain. sciatica, lumba- ber 861h vear. Funeral s;ervice 2o 'S over if >vou, let Rumacap, ui-as held in the' chapol at North- help xou ta relief. Ask voui r'utt & Smith Funcral Home. ,5-) î1cluýgiSt.38-1 Division St..ow xil. Mon- ONF I.H.C. corn pieker, nearly riay, September 19 at 9 p.m.* fn- newv on rubber; 1 Fox forage fe-rment Union Cometery, (Cad-ha'cte with corn unit only. m us.:?.3' D.Piciorin .RR. 2. Gormlev. j Phono Gormlev .5522. 38-:2 SNIITH-At lhe ro ':cir.ncE-, 49 _______ <ueen St., Bowman- '11e. on DRAPERIES and venotian blinds Mondav. Sc'Pfllbo"-- Q.i 9a5. CuLstom macle, or draperies sold Harr EdardSm:ii. aeofd t67 v the vaiýd. Our represontative y'pars. belox'ed husbijid of Rtir'Aia "'il ciil at vour home any time Alberta Stccvind rl"':, ith -iler x' a comnoleto range of samples or Bill. Frank an'd H"'-b. Rrst- irrd i c-tgc(,tions without obliga- iný! Pt file Morris unra Chi- lion. Fabrie Town, 59 King St. Pcl. Bownmanvillr. Scxoili V'. Phono MA 3-3609. Bowman- the Chanci on Th'îirsdsx' 5nt ville. '48-tf o coc.Interment Bovx'nu , 11 Cemneter"-. * .flM AL 0N E Y STEPHENS. Chiar!ro'" In D $55-00 - Jnstalled Free ington Township titiWernesdav, September 21. 19.55. Charlotte Bos Wilim . Stphnsino- 3r1 1 KBngs. E. Bowmavil Mrs. Bradfordl Kay. Newcastle. 1 wull be at home to ber fricnds on Tbursday, September 29th, from 3:30 ta 6 p.m. 38-1 Reit Home ACCOMMODATION f6r eldierl v folk. Ail conveniences. Con-' valescents welcome. Telephonc, Orono 1771. 3- WVVnarLi~ NEW green Oilvie Play mioney.- Mrs. Wesley Down, R.R. 4, Osha- wa. 38-1 DEAD STOCK removed trame your lar= promptlv for sanitary disposa. Telephone colleet: Ca- , bourg 1266cor Toronto EM 3-3636. Gordon YowxgI Limited. 50-tf! Seed Cleaning ! S. SWAIN 1'e Cleaneriz. apen ev- ~b i appoîrtyent. Phone MA blÎtok89 r 11. 38-2' Rentais or Repair Phono OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service 44-tf ALVMINLM DoORS ýINDOI%'S and AWNINGS -Noiv Available in BOIVMAN VILLE Cail MA 3-3871 LORNE ALLIN DECORATING For the Latest Papers For the Finest Paint. For the Boit Workmanshlp G. Preston & SonlI 3-5912 PonsMA 3-37011 9 Articles For Sale Articles For Sale NOTICES T1p- LADDERS for sale. Telephone WATER-Hard or soft. Robt. Anyone wishing te, send old THE 8-1e Clarke 4132. 38-1 H. Cale., MArket 3-5476. 29-tf woollens to be made into blank- Phone -t ets telephone MA 3-2735 or MA - L3- PIANO, apatment size, alsa MAN'S tuxedo, sîze 36, in ex- 3-2856 before Oct. 1. Spansored TWOi 38-1 walnut cabinet for, radias. Phone cellent condition; will seil cheap. by Haydon W.A. 38-1 bathro - MA 3-5492. 38-1~ Phone MA 3-5403. 36-tff rirs. Tap, ballet, baton - Register 8-If GIRL'S coat and bat set, size 6; ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, Saturdays, 10 - 12 noon, for les- FOUR - red nylon snawsuit, size 1 year, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone sons, at Canadian Legion Hall, rage, vith good condition. MA 3-3224. MA 3-2473. 31-tf 84 Queen Street, Bowmanvilie. Newca t. 38-1SAEo lu erdietfm Teacher, Dawn Jones Abramaff. LIGHI -INSULATION, blawing method, miii ta you. Phiflips Lumber 382tw1 ent with rock wool. Warkmanship Co., Kinmount, Ont. Phone We are now maîtufacturing Phone an- guaranteed. Free estimates. 17rl1. 13-tf cernent blocks. bath interlocking APAF' -l' Hanry L. Wade. Phone Clarke y w pleScprand standard, and would beApr rn 24039fPK pleasod ta serve you with a good Dial 0 ~VA OFAT elcticstve odbushel. Apply Lance Beath, product at a reasonable pnice. MA MOFAT eectri stov, oldR.R. No. 2, Oshawa, 4 miles West Tip'osrcin hn 9W W 31style, working condition. Will of Enniskillon. 3-*Part Penny. 40-tf raoms sell or trace for small cook -72 TipC srut10 hno32 , WO sisto vo. 28 Queen St. E., Bow- FRAME building, 48'x8', built THE CORPORATION 40 manville. 38-1 * in four 12-ft. sections with sides 8- and roof b6lted together; easiîv of the TWO-r CORDWOOD, $3 a cord and eut moved, cave* siding. rail asphaît TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT1art fur it yourself from trocs clown, haîf rof ls anty chieken bouse monrtli one dry, at Pontypool. Contact Sam 6'x6, insulated, almost new. BY-LAW No. 1005 mnh ___ M.notta, Pantypool. 35-4* Fred Ly)cett, Orono. 36-tf A By-Law te raise $20,000.00 te ýis HEARING aid service, testing flTIVTTC'iTr aid in the construction of THREI on service and complote stock of DO "IT Y URSLrTie Drains apartrn batteries and cards at Higgon Apply nElectnie Limited, 38 King St. E., TILE0 The Cauncil of the Township ville. ing, I LE ofCartwright, pursuant ta the Ian Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5438. Tile Drainage Act, onacts as FARIV 8-2I 20-tf 71/2c eacb and up - AIl kinda follaws: hydro, in.PRINTS of photos of public Expert instructions supplied water; ng.vnt perigi hi ae 1. That the Reeve mav froni Malcoli 8-1 taken by Carson Studio may bo CUSTOM FLOORS LAID time ta time, subject tai 66 r 4. --abtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch the provisions of this By- I OU G.Law, borrow on tbe credit ofFOR fr, glassy prints. Carson Studio, H. G.11.AL the Corporation of the Munie- bouse, 0on. Part Hope. 48-ifmet 8-1 - Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville ipality such suni not exceed-met 05-chies;ne an usd. orsal 28tf ing in the wbole $20,000.00, able 0C -TYPEWRITERS, adding nia - ________________ as niay ho detormined by the MA 3- ar- ar ront; also Colo steel filing SHOES-The fallawing brand- Council, and niay in manner FOUR- 8-1 cabinets, office furniture, cash Iname shaes are naw in stock: hereafter pravided, issue de- heavy 7"registors. Walter Frank, MA 3- ehiidren's Savage shoos, Brouw- bentures of the Corporation' West i LZe 2403. 3-fo eerbsos imnwr in sucb sunis as the Council al fit, ~- boots, Sisman Scampers, Scott- ra em poe o h Phone .*USED-Forty ft. windmill tow- McHale shoos, Dack shoos, amount s0 borrowed. with___ wo r. space heater, pressure sys-Grebb anch support work boots, Coupons attached as provid- FOUR- a-toms, band - umps, electrieom Tedsipes ais cd in Section 4 of the said man1 niotor, kitchen ,sink, 15 eu. ft. Gracia shoos, Lograllers, Dr. Act. young 8- depree(enntaoî e eols foot remedies and sboe 2. That, subjeet fo Section 10 of th - rgrtr ieec hn Asuîpports, plus many ather linos; THE TILE DRAINAGE ACT,--at--st in -220.38-1 Kiwi, Esquire, Panda, Holly- when the Council is of FOUR- Lu PO SHRE a itmst 1 wood Sani-wbite and Properts opinion that the Application montE 1, makes of plows, plastie and steelso olse;moe he ne- of any persan ta borrow boards, - pipe, roofing, eavestroughs, pair service in the rear of store. monoy for the purpose of central] tb wbeelbarraws. Carona s p a c e Lloyd Ellis Shoos, 49 King St. canstrueting a tule, stone or trance. x- heaters, $66.50 up, fixtures, deep1 W..,Bowmanville. Phone MA 3- timber drain should be grant- Apply tand sballaw welî pumps, water: 5941. 26-tf cd in wbole or in part, the Qucon 1*bowls and stable oquipniont. Caîl Council may. by nesalution Partoor, MA 3-2240. 38-3 Help WNanted direct the Reeve ta issue unL4 - --_____________ Debentures as aforesaid and i- CHESTERFIELD suites. bcd- T IA noom suites, continental bodsi TMATO pickers for Saturday, ta borrow a sum not exceed- 4mattressos, floor covering bv the .eptomber 24; 15e a hampen. îng the amaunt applied for, yard, space heaters, nefrigerators, Robort Stepbhenson, Newcastle. admay ln h same ta h AK le angs, ashrs.at ery~xvi 3-1 Applicant on the completion whito,1 ileranes wahes. t erylol 3-1 of tho drainage works. Phoneo -- prices; also, trace-in rangettes,:' CAPABLE man for general o- radios, refrigcerators and forn- cleaning and caretaking. H ours 3. A spocial annual rate shal ONE S' tf iture, easy ternis, bank intorest,' 4 ta il p.m. ApplY Box 412, c/o be inipased, levied and col- Lot 25. - no finance company. Speca-; Ca;nadian Statesman, Bowman- lected over and abave al Newcas: ls, G.E. Irons and kettles, $0.95.lIville. 38-2 other rates upon the land in____ t- Murphy Ca., King W. 38l-1 respect of which the mnely NORTH à-*.CLERK, maie or female, witb is borrowed., sufficient for tht' fiv'e-nit tf NEW Philips 21" television, con- knowledge of typing and book- pavment of the principal and black ai -solette mode], regular $389 for1 keeping. Write stating par- interest as providied by the )891. 1- $275; M\,otorola 21" tele vîstîo n ticulars ta Box 408, c/a The Act. t $215, new Thor washer withý Canadian Stafesman. 38-1 Read a first and secodfinie REWAJ neelectric pump, regular S179 for o b Sh a fAgut o 2 $129.95: new 9.6 eu. ft. Inter-1 RAWLEIGH business now open 1955. case, srn 'enational refrigerator, free7er'in Bowmanville. Trace well Passed tbe lSth day af Sep- Highfiel lacross the top, regular $349 for establisbpd. Excellent opportun- tomber, 1955. S 295: 24 montbs ta pav. nt Farr-n' itv , Fulli tue. Wrife at once. ONE li~ NEquipmenf and Automotive. 134 Rawleiglis Dept. 1-140-189, CORPORATEcoha .-K ing St. E., Bowm-anville. MA' Monitreal, P.Q. 38-2 SEAL \va nar le 1-.5689. 2-8-1 ' lost. Re !al UE trcosDo -~' ADIS $25 fa $ 40 to your weekly Signed. mation , SE tacor-De o trlargo incarne. Even if - ou nover sold C. W. SWEET, Reeve. Phono turnovor in new tracto)rs duriga; thing in yoîÀr life it makes no Signed, -the past 10 weeks we are offer- difference. Write for free de- HENRY THOMPSON. Clenk. &- ing a largo number of used !ails. Fam-ilex, Station C,R e tractors at large discounts. all Montreal. 38-1 RS.O. 1950, Chapter 392.W a. overhauled, repainted and guar-'rYUGmnwt xeineh FORM 4 Ifanteed: McCormick W-4, Pr-YUGmnwt xeinei -alI "H". McCorniick 0-6 Orch- ceneral office procedure, in- (Section 2) PLUMEI aard model, Massex- Standard' cluding typing, book-keeping, NOTICE Partner, rn "44", John Deere "B", Gibson ' etc., for maoufacturung plant in "H', International 15-b0 vith! Port Hope. Apply in own hand- CORPORATION 0F THE SKATES 4. good power unit; Farmail Cub! wnting, stating ago. qualifica- TOWNSHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT iesan's1 'f with, plough, cuit ivator, se uffler, 'fions, etc., ta : Agricultural and Silv -and mawer. Ternis may be ar- Ch omicals Limited, Port Hope, Take notice that the above is - - e, rangod for Pny of the above Ontario. 38-1 a truc copy of a By-Law passed BABY-si hi' the Council of the Township ttrdays. tractors at Farm Eauipment and SINGLE experienced fanm hand, of Cartwright o n the 15th day of 3-3770 ci 4, Aomotie 134KinS.E.,A abstainer, with good referenees. Septeniber, 1955, and all Persans phono M 3-5a689. 3T8-1one MA Dairy bord and modemnnia- are irequirecd ta take notice that EXPERI] 35- . ~~cbinery. $100 per month. good anyane who desires toa apply ta s, roani and board. Phone Toron- have the Bv-Law or any pa rt desires t- Livestock For Sale to WAInut 1-7254. or Agicourt, thereof quashed must servec/omare 1s - -- Amntr3473 rcnab oieo is apiainuo c r SEVEN pigs, 7 xvoeks old. Tele-, George Symons, R.R. No. 2, the Head or Clerk of this Munie- aviP 1 phono MA 3-2.268. 3q8-1 Agincourt. 38-1 ipality within 20 days affor the date of the last publication of iMason * 15 PIGS, 7 weeks aid. Donaldnod this notice, and must make bis t *Stapleton, Clarke. Phono 2820. E precdapiain t h urm RC SMLLmae,6 O~.38H-iry L oprs court af Ontario withhn one 2 SMLL arc 6 ear, sadle Hosery Looers monfb af or fthe said date. This -broken, quiet. soundi. Harry, Bart- frh ew r notice xvas first publisbed an theo A s lett, Bownianville. 38-1 * frho ew r 22nd da >y of Septeniber, 1955, MA 3- 1 - ___________--Vark Delivered and Picked Up and tbe last publication will ho SAAMEN milking goat, 2 voars, on the 6th day of Octohen, 1955. aid. Excellent niilker. Appl.v Apply in writing ta S s6.50King St. E.. Oshawa. 38-1H reî * Signed, SANDGATE English Yorkshires ,iiisHnyThnpaCek purebred boars and giîts, servics 45Cx lAe. Scton. 90,8-3 O, 92 425Cox elARe. Ston . 1fihpen32 age, available. P. H. Hintan I. I1949 MRUY,-- 4'8' ALL khnds of live poulfry waot- tr M~ ew motrY Panel body N u iis I~ewcastle tuknwmtrjob,.o ad O p rtntis or considei ed. Top Toronto pricos paid at condition, $225 cash. Phono MA-_______________ yaur doar for large or smnall 1 3 2875 38- BOOK.KEEPING, salesmansbip ca50 acres quantifies. We have aur awn 1 - '- -l pstenagrapbv, typing. Lesgons 50c. croom bun miarket. M. Flatt, Betbanv R- R 1 1952 G.M.C. three-tan dm Canadian Carrospondence Cours-. basniebn. 1I. Telephone colleet ta Be.thanyt truck, I l' combinatian box. VOry os, T290nto. Steet, Tarant o. 7 r 13. 28-tf: low mileage. Alec Nimigan, 3,190By-1eeas$,0 Pontypoal. 38-2' for langer Had od os 1955' MERCURY demonstrator, Personal We hai $650 off' list price: 1947 Oldamo- available i $ Î200- 1949 G.M.C. Iý-ton pick-up goods) mailed postpaid in plain For the Elm, Beerh, Hard and Soft Mapie truck, 1949 Dodgze-,2-fan stake, sealed envelape wvitb price list. 1 Mondas'. Baswood and Ash 1949 G.M.C. 5-tan ciunp. at §ix samples 25c, 14 sarnpesîH C H. M. Kyte, Blackstocki Farm Eouipnient ad Autao: Lo- .0 Mail OrderPpe. T-2a H. . P 35-10.' -iUe, Phone MA. 3-5689. 38-1 ilton. Ont. TFor Rent ÎE rooms, hydro and bath. ie MA 3-2487. 38-la unfurnished rooms. private room. Phone MA 3-2863. 38-1* R-roomed house with ga- east -U-ewcaste. Phone zastl :Ï7-Ird.38-I T housekeeping roomn for people. Apply Mrs. Clarke. MA 3-3093. 36-tf RTMENT in Victor Manor Iments in Bowmanville. b e a t e d house-keeping sat Pontypool. Writé Box c/o Canadian 6Statesman. 38-1 roomed bousekeeping ,ient, central location, $30 tly. Phone MA 3-3801. 38-1 EE-roomed pantly furnished nent, reasonablo nent.- y6 Brown St., Bowman- 38-1* b ouse, brick , 7 raams, )furpiace, hard and soft 7on county road. Neil )m. Telephone Blackstock 4. 38-1 Z-roomed newly decorated three-pieco bath, base- central]y locatod, avail- 'et. lst. Adults only. Phone *2433. 38-1* -room winterjzod cottage, 1duty stove, hydro, water, Beach, Bowmanville. Avail-' Dct. lSth, $40.00 per manth. SOshawa RA 5-6897. 38-1 t-room apartment in States- block, not suitable for 1ehldren. Available Oct. Applxr at The Canadian nan, Bowmanvillo. 37-tff anu bath, ouiît-in cup- Prospect St.. $7.500. Ternis, swasber, janitor service, on ic lot, 6 roonis, 5 on main lly located. private en-0 floor, modemn cuphoards. 3-pce. Available Sept. l6tb., bath;' forced air heat. See this Apt. 1, Arthur Apts., 90 anc.' 1Street, Bowmanville. Two fice bungalows' an Jane 34-tf St. Priced ta sel]. Lostrze. uried4-roon $2.000, witb $1500 down. <ER fox bound, male, High St., $8,500, nice ternis, black and tani. Reward. gaod lot. 7-roani franie. 2 bath- RA 5-5379, Oshawa. 38-11 roomns. firenflace. Sec Ibis anc. -- Good business site on King W. Shorthorn bull, vicinit.y Proverfy includes ice plant witb ýCon. 2, Newcastle. Phono equipment. Prieed ta soîl. Phone iso 2165. Bill Dykstra. for vartietîlars. 38-1* Fanms froni $6,500 ta $40.000. 'H of Maple Grave Sebool, If seling give lis a try. îth aid Springer Spaniel, Came in and talk it over. and white. Phone MA 3- .J. Van Nest Real Estate 381 * 118 King East MA 3-3230 LRD for this watcb. wrks 38-1 694328, gold-filled bunting'PAUL naîl size, Walthani. J. H. eld, 177 King St. E. 38-1' RISTOW REALTOR argo black and tan maIe flOUSES mud, gun-shy; bad Osha- ne-plate on collar Wben, 2 storey, 6-roon solid brick, ýeward ta findor or infor- comprised of 3 bedroonis, dining leading ta bis reeavory. rooni, living rooni and, kitchen R. Rahni, MA 3-2226. witb cuphoards and many extras. 38-1* Also 5-roon attached apartment with separate eotrance, bringing Vork Vanted in a steady revenue. Lot sizo 160 x 235. BING, beating, caves- 4-rooni and bath on Liberîy ng, free estimates. HarveyvSt., newly deeorated. New ail r, Tyrone. 384tf furnace recentiv iostalled. Lot PS sarpened. See Ja-1 size 50 x 160. One of aur week- Tire Shop, corner King. ly bargains. Act fast. 'cm ,Stroets. 36t Near lake, nice 4-ra9ni mod- - sitting, evoings and Sat-!1 cm home, hardwood fonrs, tled Betty Pake, Phono MA batroom, laundrv tubs, heavy or Lorraine Harpo, foe- wiring. Hot air heat, with full MA 3-2069. 38-1 celar. Reasonable down pay- r nient, with fernis. t [ENCED farm. worker W hvebilin ot f eniploynient, rnarried BW aebidn oso 'bildren. Apply aox 411, Brown. Liberty North, and Scu- c tadian Statesman, Bow- gag Streets. S 38-1'*p PHONE nry ConstructionMA 3 51 - BLOCK - CONCRETEh Free Estimatesv ~'P'D DDfC'After Heurs c 9GER BROS. OWEN NICHOLAS -MA 3-3982 3-2273 or MA 3-3375 12-tf ORME GERRY - ORONO 1191 AVE MONEY AT 37 King St. W. Bowmanville 38-I1?N )AVE'S NIXON REAL ESTATE Si E AIRk4-raam new bungalow, mdr IE RE AIR iteben, bardwoad floors, 3-pce. bath, insu lated, gaad basement, Promp Servce jail fumnace, boavy wiing, at- 'ERACE T. In ear tached garage, many extras. PERANCEST. ( 23-ff ý$9.000. 2-f 4-roani insul-stane bungalow, heavy wining. insulated. gaod ULLDO ING ellgarage, good lot. law taxes, [JLLDnZNNG 2 Highway. $3,700. Pos- X CAVATING session arranged. sil CHING - LGADING fruit, 7-raamn insul-brick, hydro, INE - CLAM wORK haro, stable, iniplenient shed, cks and Lader for bard and soft water. $8000, haf avl and F111 Jobs cash. Possession arranged. New 4-roon frame an bigh- IEE ESTIMATES way, heavy wining. 3-pce. bath. Constrction fu mace, venetian blinds, electie p Cntuto fixtures, sane floor caven'ings, IERRY 392W storms and sereens. $1,500 down. 32tf Possession aranged. 6-roanframe bouse, insulated. Estte or ale heavy wiriog, '-acre land. 7-raom n1 1î'starey brick, 2- iell Real Estate piece bath, hydro, n King St. Open for offers. ,,4 acres bush and riv-, Large fanm for sale an rent ice aIl workable land, on shares. se. 6 fooms, bank haro 3-rooni frame bungalow. base- siîuated 3 miles froni, ment, hydro. waîer. on one acre e$12.000. Haîf cash rwif sorne wood. Sale or reot. er a bouse. James Nixon, Broker s 2 miles from New- 160 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville iBase Lino. New 6 - Phone MA 3-5682 ngalow with full sizel 38-1' \Vill ho jaining 401' $7,000 with as low Found down or will neduce_____ rcash paymonts. O' iyWa ae we avo mortgage funds iBYSbccea ae we n amounts up ta $4,.000 cao have same by identifying it. erest. Phono MA 3-3671. 38-1' ?abave ads., telephone unPg fo Pedwell, Broker Trn Pg fo Pno3859 ,,-,i AddLtoflal ClassifiedsL le nt. ýve kce iai Les 4- ile Real Estate for Salf REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Propertieu SoId, Rented, Managed and Appra.ised L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, On Two blocks north of traffic signal, Newcastle 32-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE We have some prospectiv huyers waiting to buy homes ai farms. We offer financial assistanc in the selling of your home. e give prompt, persona service. We have several new home for sale. We want vour listings. Consult Peter Kowal. MA 3-5868 Representing E. J. Saunders. Realtor Belleville '38- LEASK REAL ESTATE 5 roomed new bungalow,4 piece bath, hardwood and til floors, oul furnace, aluminun combination door, televisici acrial, garage. In immacula'i condition, f r e s h 1 y painted Terms. 6 roomed wire eut tapestri brick bouse, bardwood upstai: and down, 3-piece bath, furnace on 21'2 acres land witb fruit treet and berry bushes. Double garage pig Pen, ben bouse. On No. ý Highwrav,, 2 miles from Boxi manville. Terms on this pro pcrty. 1M. E. Leask, Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmaovill] Phone MA 3-5919 38-1 J. VAN NEST Reai Estate For Sale RIDOUT REAL .ESTATE LT*,t Several attractive homes. varied in price, style and loca- tion, that are open for offer. Must be sold. Farms from 9 acres to 300 acres that are priced to seil. Want a business? We have it 52 King Si. W. BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2453 Affer hours cail: Chas. D. Rankine MA 3-2762 or Alvin Boyd, MA 3-2487. 38-1 -y rs ýe, o. 0- /', j ------. * ~'* ,.~'- - ~ ~ t - - - :2 - 'lqmm@mý -- ipp, 50 acre farmn, situated 2 miles from Newcastle, ail workable 7land, with good wells, two 30,x 540' bank barns, implement shéd, garage, milk bouse, water bowls, 7 roomned frame house with oil furnace, running water, heavlr wired, etc. Price $7.500. 200 acre dairv farmn, ý mile off highwa v, 125 acres workable, 40 acres wood, crcek. wells, 75'x 34' bank baý .î with running watcr, milk house with electric cooler, drive-in shed, garage, hen bouse; 9 roomed frame bouse wilh 4 Piece bathroom, furnace. electrie heater, water pressure system, etc. Asking price $14,000. Haif cash. 100 acre farm, 80 acres work- able medium, clay-loam land, If acres wood, creek, 53'x36' and 40'x30' L-shaped bank barn, hen, bouse, Pig pens; 8 roomned solid brick bouse with running hot and cold water, new furnace, hardwood floors, etc. Price $14000. Terms arranged. 162 acre farm, 120 acres work- able, 20 acres wood, s(ream, bank barn with water bowls, drive-in shed, pig vens: 10 room- ed frame house witb furnace, 3. piece bathroon,, hot and cold running water hecavy wired. Askîng price S17,000. 156 acre dairv farm, 110 acres workable. creek. 10 acres wood, 60'x40' bank barn with rlnininq water, milk b'Ouse wi1ilk.lectr1c COOler, imPlement ~ hen house, garage: 8 roomond frame bouse %vith hardxvood floors, heavv v wrpd. Price $13,500, $4.300 down. 6 roomed bungalow witb fr"t basement, oul furnaco., 3-pim bathroom, hardwood floors. ,lfnt and 'cold ruiýning water with 15 acres Of land, 30'x2n' barn, garaee, imfflrment shed. Sit. uated. 12 miles from Oshawa, Price $10.500. Terms. 7 roometi solid brick bouse in Bowmanville with 3-piece bath- room. furnace runnine hot and cold water, kitchen cunboardr. earage, heavv dutv wrirrod. Cari be bougbt with $1.000 clown. 4 roorned bouse with 1 acre o~f land, barn. wel. heavy dutv wiring and basement in front for another houqe. Price M3000. 14 roomed solid 'brick house wAitl, 1-iece bath, full] hasem-ent. Ilreplace. h-vdro. well and 3 acres of land in village. Asking price $5,000. Terms arrangpÉd. 6 roomed bungalow in Bow. anville with 3 bdrnoms, 4. riece bathroom. bardwood and! tile floors, oul furnace, bot and cold running water, kitchen cup- boards, aluminum stoims and screens. Garage' fouindation. Asking price $11,000. Terms. Besidos above mentioned we are able to, show you approx- imately 95 more farms and homes in the Oshawa, Bowman- ville. Cobourg and Trenton districts.. Contact: John F. De With REALTOR Newcastle Phone 3341 alesmen: Donald MOunîtJoy, Bowmianville MA 3-3950 Paul Diamond, Port Perry Phone 246 R 38- t The Canadian Statesmau CLASSIFIED. ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELp wANTED CAM F0ORSALE LOST- FOUND - ETC. cash IRat. - . 3c per Word with a minimum ci 50C Muit 15a Paid by date et Insertion Ul charqed, on additiaaal 25c WîII b. added. A ehorqe Of 25e wîil b. made for 0.11 replies directed ta this Oflice. NOTICES. COMING EVENTS, AND CABIDS Op TANWS te a word with et minimum oj $1.00 for 33 wards or lues. uITTS E?<GAGEM!fnT MARRIAGEs « DEATIiI $1.00 pez Insertion IN MEMO AME 1.00 Plus 10e a li.*for Versa COMMERCIA CL.A1SIFIEDS Inluds ail advertisinq f, pesn i rma selli qservices ides or qoods of any desciptIOn -3e pr word; minimum Charqe c6 cas witb ordar. To raquicj advertisers payable monthly . N PAM pouaitu u 1

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