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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Sep 1955, p. 7

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- - - -~.2~--;:r ~ -~:~$.t:~ -. _________ ___________________ J f 80 ceai & fkersonal Mr onKent, Ottawa,1 Xrn.and Mms Bob Kent week. Misa Lillian Cole Ieft 1week ta attend MacDonald i atitute, Guelph. Misa Diana Webber has uedher studies at MeMi fÇnlversity, IHamiliton. j, Mrs. W. H. Denseni spent Weekend wthMr. and Mrs Mrs. Mac Rutherford, .. brne, la spending a fewd with Mr. andi Mmi. C. M.C ruthers, Mr. and Mrs. Ji Maybe andi baby. Princetob. -N.J., w recent vxsitors with Mr. and h M.L. Roenigk. Mr. and Mr.. Wiliand Si Lifa rd, Ont., visiteci their co is, Mn.. H. Humphries andh W. H. Densemn. Miss Joyce Lawson. M.S London, Ont., upent the we end wlth Mr. andi Mm.. Wm. James andi family. Mn. and Mns. F. R. Scf have neturneci fromn an extent trip ta Europe. They intendt ing up residence in Toronto. Mn.. H. Humhphnies mccç Vanieci Mrs. W. L. Rowe, Ton ta, on a waak's visit ta Mr.à Mrs. B. S. Rowe's, Montresl Mr. andi Mm.. P. E. Greenfie Mrs. W. A. Edgen andi Miss A] ]Bragg spent Sunday with1 and i Ms. Hugh Anderson, Tor( ta. Mr. and Mmi. William Di ton, Fresno, Cmli!., were nect Ivisitors with bis sister, Mrs. If. Gerry, and- renewed adi quaintances ini town. Miss Lerma Fletcher and' M ]Beverley Ash ieft by 'pla fromn Malton Airpont on Sali day ta spenci twa waaks' vai tion at Beimont Manor, Eg nud a. Mr. Ralph H. Caruthe New Yorkc City, is spending1 vacation with -his parents, ? end Mn.. W. H. Carnuthe scugag St. Mmi. Annie Willoughby li by Trans-Canada Airlines Baturday ta visit hem brothi Mr. Bert Thompson and fai liy at Lakewoodu Ohio. Eighteen Rotanians fre Bown'anville Club were int Mator City on Monday, atten ing the annual Friendship D; sponsoned by, Oshawa Rota: Club. The Haspital Marathon Brud will soon be underway agi If you haven't playeci befone as wîsh ta da sa this year, -cli of 4the original committee once. On Saturday Sept. 17i Trenton Lawn Bowling Tou nament, Mr. and Mm,. 0wE ,-ieholas won second place It ,MIinee wiris, with a scorec y19plus 1. Mn. Sing Satao! the Comoni t ion Ciaei. in hospitai sufferir Sto bronchitis, compiicatedb -~baci attack of hay laver. H Itany friencis wil wish him spaedy necovery. Mr. aci Mn.. William Ta w'ere visiteci last weekendb the'!n son, Mr..and Mm.. Jac Tait. Kitchener. andi their daugl ter. Mrs. A. J. Wynn, Bnantforc anci hem hushanel. Mmi. E. Passant's maxý friends whl be glaci ta ha MT.»UNI'S CHURCH (Anglican) Harvesi Festival 8:00 ar.- MOLY COSOIUýNION CHURCU SCHOOL 10:00 &.m., - Seniors 11:00 a.m. - Juniors ýho: dec talc rom an Èl. ield Mr ron. )US. ienl mc- lane tun« ica- 3er- bis Mn. Lefi or m- ithe ici- Day ary Ige ain. ny at at ur- Fen for of ing b .lis a uat by Lek bh- n Mr. and Mm.. Norm. Broa! ,n ing, Mrs. Lucy Brooking ai dMrs. Bennice Tuerk matomaci -Crystal City, Man.. ta ha gues at the Golden Wedding Annive -sary of Mn.. Lucy Brooking -only brother, Mn. andi Mr Thea. Greenawav. Mrs. Lu. Brooking ramainad for a visit Mr. and Mns. Charles èVàrti ie New Westminster, B.C.; Mni. ar r.Mrs. Thos. Martin, Mn. and Mr -ILen Martin andi Malena, Oshi wa; Mr. and Mrs. E. Marti, -IKendal; Mr. anci Mms. Wmn. Ma: It tin, Orono; Mm.. E. Wintenbuni Hanmpton, weme Sundàv guestsi Mr. and Mn.. Arthur Martii Martin Rd.. 3 Mn. and Mrs. J. 3. Stawai e have returned ta their home j -Clearwater. Fia., aftdr spenc i ng the summar with the daugbtar, Mn. andi Mns. Ke Maguire andi Donna. Whil here tbay celebrateci thein 40t wedding anniversary and a tE and dinner party wame heicii their honor. Mn. Ted Colwail wbo i tteaching this yaar at Counti< iPublic Schoool, is studying tc wamd a B.A. degmae anci th- yemr took a summer coursei first yean French at Toront University in which ha securei second class honors. Ted ex pects ta be taking two subjact next summn for wbich hi will also studý' extra-mural]ý during the winter. Ted is th son ot Mms. Bert Colwail. Among those attending thi 1Ritter - Gibner wedding in Si George's Anglican Church, Osha wa on Saptamber 17, wena Mi and Mm.. G. K. Dynan, Mn. an( Mrs. T. Anderson, Mr. A. Bell ingh4m. Mr. and Mms. R. Walke. Misses Margaret andi Gertrud( Jones, Miss Geraidine Lae, Mr anci Mn.. Ray Martin, Mr. anc Mrs. F. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs John Smart, Mn. anci Mns., D Burley, Mr. Hugh Smith, ah o' Oshawa; Mr. and Mms. Gardai Gray, Mr. and Mrs. Rass Cobble. dick, Newcastle; Mr. Albert Lin. gard, Rochester, N.Y.; Mrq. M Mangor. Mr. andi Mn.. K. Brown Mr. aci Mrs. C. Clow. Mn. and Mn.. H. Evans, Mn.. Maloty, Mr and Mn.. F. Dutton, ail oi Mantreal. Rev. and Mrs. C. P. Muinhead Toronto, and their son and hiý wile. Mn. amd Mn.. Pency A. Muirhaad, Windsor, wene in tawn Monday, calling on oic friends. It is 33 yeaas ago that Rev. Mr. Muinheaci was Rectai o! St. Jchn's Chunch here anc lthough ha -is now 85 veans of age bis baaming face and spark- ling eyes still nadiate opTimism and evidanca o! parpetual youth. At lamst that was the thoughl which went through the editor's minci when ha gave the States- man office a fiandly call. Percy Muinheaci wili be ramembened by bis school pals of B.H.S. as a brilliant studant and outstand- ing athiete in track and field ,*vents, Percy holcis the naspons- ile position o! Supaintandent' of Production at tha Ford Motor Ca. plant at Windsor. A happy, yet sad occasion Was balci at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Chunch St. ta bid adieu to Mrs. Man- son Comstock anci ber daugh- ter, Mns. Cliff Anderson, who are noving ta theirnenw borne on Prince St. Mrs. Avery Joh- I ton reid an addness andi nre- sented Mrs. Comstock with a travelling clock. Mns. Fred Densem made the prasantation of a chrome insulataci tea pot ta Mrs. Anderson. Mrs. Siemon ini addressing the ladies ex- pressed the regret of the neîgh- boums an Church and George Sts. at losing tham from the&r district in town. and hoped each time thev used their gifts it would necali tbe manv veans of friendship. in this neighboun- boad. After nefreshments were served Aulci La!ng Synie was sung. Trinity United Church Minister- Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A,~ 11:00 A.M.- The Somrment of Infant Baptism ."The God of the Propheis" 7:00 P.M. - The. Bek of Daniel 3 - "The Fiery- Furnace" Orgn st-Mr. Arthur Collisoru, Mis. B ach., L.R.-S.M. )k- nd ta ;ts r- rs. ýcy ýt. n. -Id rs. ýa- r- ýn. of in, r in lia in is :0 is t. X- 1 rjs le lej l. id, le Toronto Wedding of Interest Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Roy Sanderson sign the register foliowing their marriage in North Parkdaie United Church, Toronto. The ceremony was performed by the groom's father, Rev. M. R. Sanderson. Both parents of the groom are weli known in thiC district. The bride is the former May Baker, daughter of Mrs. Baker and the late R. W. Baker. Newcastle Couple Wed Hockey Tyrone Leads (Continued fromn page one) R ra ea u receive' an equal share of any t"cut' on profit at the endi of the Ted McLaugbiin naileci the season. hg igegm f29i 6. Each player wouid havebg igagm !29i an equal voice in team affains Man's Rural Bowling League such as eîecting a captain. etc. action Tuésday night. Ted 7.% A method could be warked Chant turned in tha iow game out giving Orono equal repre- o h ih.Fioîgi h sentation on the executive of the leagua standing; combined team.. Team Points 8. Arrangements could ha Tyrone ---- --7 macde so that Onono coulci hava Bîackstock - -. _-----___5 a Junior "D" team with homei Enniskillen Sr. 5 ice andi practice time in Baw- Enniskillen Jr. ._____2 manvullh. This teamn would give; Maple Grave - - 2 the Orono and Bowmanvilae Hampton 0~- youngsters an oppotunity to play Junior " D" hockey andi perhaps graduate ta highen V nr ~ categony Junior teams or a com- .LALI5.LEJ bined Orono-Bowmanviile Inter- mediate Ieam. Coaching would Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor be supplieci by the Intermediata and chilcinen visitaci Mr. andi team. Mrs. Earl Stephens, Sutton. 9. We wxene assureci bv aur Mn. and Mn.. W. McLaughlin, Arena that in the future arrange- Bunketan, with Mn. and Mn.. ments could he made that Eanl Prescott. yaungsters fnomn Orono could ba Mn.. Otto Virtue accampaniaci granted the pivilege of belong- Mn. and Mns. Percy Byers, Bow- xng to the Minor Leagxie set-up manville, andi visiteci ber sister in Bowinanville. Mr. and Mn.. Ira Emba, Carson- 10. We did not stipulate that ville, Michigan. any contract or agreement be Anvone wishing ta giveaa signeci, and either party wauld donation ta the Women's Aux- ha fnee ta withdraw at the endi iliany o! Mamonial Hospital,I of any season. Bawmanville, kindlv contact These were some of the more Mrs. Hènry Staintan or Ms.. important points that wene sug- Harold Skinner. gesteci by us andi we feht that by Mr. anci Mrs. John Lawria. cambining these two gooci teams Oehawa; Mns. B. Kiipatrick anci we wvould have better bokey, son George, Part Penny, racently bath for the plavers andi fans visited Mr. anci Mrs. Lama o! what actually is one big cam-. Phare.j munity. Mr. andi Mm.. Gannet McCoy, We have heard it mentionoci Bawmarville, wera Sundav cali- that the Bowmanville B asebal r fMs eriaPae Club bas angeneci the fans in IMr. anci Mrs. J. W. McMahan Onono, Thpre is absol jitelv no a nd John, Toronto, visited Mr. cannaction between the Bow- andi Mrs. Alden Hoa. manvihle Basebali Club anci the' Mr. andi Mn,. WilliamRn ail andi hockey club. Wandy, Bowmanvilla; Ross Hall, Yotîns 'eny tnuly, fZ ion, with Mm. and Mn.. Horaoe Blaîn Eliiott, Hall. jTyrona W.M.S. ladies enjoyed 1 Prasidant. an evening wîth Salem W.A. Bowmanville Barons at Salamn United Churth hast Hackey Club. Tbursday evening whan Mm,. C. Ives, Bowmnanvile, was guast speaker. 1 Neyer regard study as a dut>-, Mrs. S. T. Hoar spent last Fri- but as the available opportun- day with Mm.. H. Courtis, ity ta Ieann ta know the liber- Orono. ating influence o! beautY in the Mr. andi Mm,. H. Pbilp andi realm of the spirit for vour owni Ronald. Misses Jean Philp and pej rs' na r o',an-i ta the'profit of -Ie 0nic u"- ' wh eh V-1l' rkbelongs.-Al- beit 1i;j. 'Jo-,ce Hopkins visiteci Hon. Znd sW. A. Goodfellomw. Codring- ton, I hPt .x E. Edwarcls, Camp i hIÂCLEÂNS 1 P EROÔXIÎDEi toOTHi Fe.T To CHECSoIZ )TPEAT ,D sE T TH WHTE nu& AijU a aasa a uDEi al a ku BEANDS AT TOUR DRUG STORE Shop at your Drug Store, the safe, logical and deperîdable place to buy drugs, medicines andi other products for health and beauty cara. G ILLETTE BLUE BLADESj SLEEP. TONIGHT 25C 500 $1.00 Get Super Spead Razor Ki-$1.29 SEDICIN --------- .00, 4.95 * I.DA. BRAND SACCHARIN TABLETS 1/4Grain j 3 Grain Reg, 20C 15e Reg. 23c --19e ORIENT BUBBLE BATH CRYSTALS 79e ORIENT TALCUM, 16-oz. cm _____- 29c POWDERé PUFFS, 3-incli diameter--- 3 for 29è A.B.S. & C. Tableis - - - 19c 100 - Reg. 23e Aromatic Cascara - - 23c, 39c 3 oz. - Reg. 30c 6 oz. - Reg. 50c HJYDROGEN PEROXIDE Ioz., reg. 19c - 8oz., neg. 29e 16 oz., ru. 45e - Vif amins MALIBUT LIVER CAPS ULES 1.15 2.0'9 1.15 2.29 4.29a o Ml and Cod Liver Oil - 1,2 & 4-lb. Jars 75c, 1.29, 2.29 Genîtol - Tableta, 40's 3.29, 8'. 5.49 Liquid, 12 oz. 3.29, 24 oz. 5.49 Ayarst Alphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50, 8.00, 15.00 Fronst Neo-Chemlcal Food Llquid 1.55, 3.35, 5.90 Capsules . 1.65, 2.95, 6.60 Wampole's Cod Liver Çxtract ----------------- 1.35 Waterbury's Compound 1.50 Allenbury's Haliborange 1.00 - 1.75 - 3.25 - 11.50 Vita Diet, 100 capsules 4.50 OIL 50'. OLIVE O]IL 4 oz., reg. 35c 29e 8 oz, rag. 55c - 44o 16 oz., reg. 98e- 79e For Ray Fever I.D.A. Brand IDAPHEDRIN NASAL SPRAY 20 ce Squeeze Btts.. -95c Allergi-tabs 20'., 60's ------ -- 1.00, 2.50 Super Anobit, 12's 65c, 20's 1.00 Benzedrex Inbalaj - '5c Pyribenzamine 12'8 - 65e 50'8 2.05 Ephazone Tablets --. 1.65, 2.75, 7.50 Templeton's Raz-Mah k. Capsules- 79c, 1.50, 5.00 Frosst's Pyrithen Conmpoundi Tablets-------- 65r, 1.90 Coicidin Tablets (Schening) 12's - 70e 25'3 - 1.15 Lantigeri " 6.00 per bottie PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Vour Local l.D.A. Drug Store URYLCREEM THE PERFECT HAIR DRESSING - ,ndis.me lors h lndy tubes .Mot mon Luy BRYLCREEM thon cny other hoir dressing i tIi worid "SPECIAL LOW.PRICE OÎFER! Gillette Blue TREAS Dispenser $2.00 VaIub NEUTRALIZER! *b. couse Prom nOutrolizos arutomotically *"Takes" everY time a Wav« wlfh any plastiC curl.rs OnUy $1.75 Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 OUDA, ET. lm g MA 3-3303J with that the has been released luat from owmanviile Memorjal Hospitaliand is now convalas- laut 'ing at ber daughterla home in 1lI- Oshawa. Mr. Alan Richards who has are- been a member of the States- aster man staff duning the summer months bas left ta resume his Ithe studies in the Journaiism ,i. L. Course at Ryerson Institute, t. Toronto. Col- Mr. Ronald Turner, son of days Rev. Haroldi Turner andi Mrs. Car. Turner, left this week for Vic- toria College, University o! erry Toronto, where he is majoring were in Languages and Litematuma. Mrg. Ron is a graduate of B.H.S. It was announced Iast week kue, at the Annual Convention of the cous. Canadian Weekly Newspapems MrIs. Association in Vancouver that Bill James of The Statesman staff had been aiected as Chair- rk- man of the Advertising Commit- 1 à 9 f'!~'AWAV*qqq'vta uwage,,wVM rNA- Dkooqà,h . Ile mimi""W.T-v ovumiLlBw% %PM PAGE SEV)Ut CLLIV Bordén, la spending a few days Oshawa, with Mr. and Mns. I ~ r p,,sored by the Chamber in the with l]is sister, Mrs. Trewin Thos. MeRoberts. C. ,of . Pln s l Town Hall last Thursday night. Scott and Mr. Scott, befare leav- Mr. andi Mrs. Hf. W. Jones, He feit that this haci been a ing for Germany. . orntvistecj Mr. andM.* (Continud from Page One) o0d meeting in whxch everyene Mr. and Mns. W. King, Miss J. A. Rosevear. nadbîgpîte.Mnts~ had an opportunity tQ ex- NinaKîngandfrie~, shaw; Ms D.Shepard Mis Li- t e as execte.Meingeo- press their views on the subject. N i n K i g a d f i e n , O h a w , r s . D . h e p a r d M i s L l - h e l a s e x c u t v e e e t n g e M e m b e r s f e i t t h a t t h e i r w a s Mr. andi Mrs. Stanley Rahm and lian M'cRoberts visited at How- vealed that the slogan "The little more that the Chaniber children; Blackstock, visited Mr. ard McRoberts and Thos Mc- Friendly Town" has been chosen coulci do in regard ta this matter and'Mrs. Arthur Rahm. Roberts. for Bowmanville. and the next move re5s witkt Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Du- Membership Chairman Art Town Council which already bas Mrs. Harvey Partner, a girl, and byk auci Diane attended the Hooper reported that member- the Chamber's recommepdation a boy. aTorontoul on Satlwka- urld. i ship fees are coming in better that by-laws be passed c ontroI. a bo . T o ont on atur ay .ling garbage collection and the Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Robertson, Apple picking is the order of but that he hli experienced op- town dump, and that a garbage Sudbury, visited Mr. and Mrs. the daym this community. To- position from one industry which collection be arranged for the E. A. Virtue. bacco yi zing 15 about cgra,- fait tbiat rnembership fees are town either by' municipal em. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown pleted fo another year. too.high an the graduated scale ployees or by contract. and Jack, Newcastle, were .tea Mrad rsWatrRh beeio tenu erfem guestaad of Mr.terRaand Mrso.thenHarolo em SkiessoMr. adMs a were dinner guests of Mrs. ployees. The Chamber mnem- Skiner.Georgina Niddery andi Mary, bers fait that it is too late in the HIGHLY STYLED Mr. and Mrs. Georgze'Alldread Hampton, Sunday evening. year ta make any change in the MODERATELY PRICED were Sunday evening visitors of C on gra t ul1ations to Jim scale of fees, but hoped that the LADIES' WVEAR Mr. and Mrs. J. Welsh, Bowman- Coombes on receiving 3rd prîze good program of civic*improve- ville. on his caîf andi lst prize for ment and industrial pronmotion La Vogue Diane Siobodian visiteci with showmanship at Orono Faîr. wbich the Chaftiber plans will Mr. andi Mrs. John Mitruk, Osha- Mrs. W. Hughson is visiting make any reluctant industries wa. with Mr. and Ms G. Arnold cag their mincis about o- attanded a sbower for Miss Miss Jane Hodgkinson, Miss President Banting reported on Shirley Hoskin and Mr. Elgin Marie Stephens, James Wood- the public meeting on the subject Cor. Athol & Celini, Oshawa Mason at the home of Mr. and ley, Bowmanville, with Mr. of municipal .garbage collection Mrs. Glen Hoskin, Oshawa,,Mon- and Mrs. C. W. Woodley. day evening. 1Mr. andi Mrs. C. Mellerup, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent Port Arthur, visited Mr. and A duioSo e o orDlro were Sunday visitors of Mr. Mrs. Lamne Annis. 1ànA jsoSo e o orBtro and Mrs. E. Tnimble, Green- Bob Coombes and Miss Ci-J wood. mone Hogan were-Sunday sup- Mrs. T. Bradsbaw, Miss Ma- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Tt la the greatest discovery bel Awde, Toronto, spent the Stonehouse, Whitby. weekend with Mr« and Mrs. Sunday morning Rally Dayi in a shower fixture. Spray eau be dlrected to any part Russell Wright also Mn. and sriewl ahl tSna' of the body just as you eMrs. W. Jewell and Boyd vis School at 10 andi Church service would like to have lt. No ditaci their home un ý;unday. i .. need to get your hair wat Mn.andMrs H.Perect ~ Mns. Walter Bryant, Burke- Ideal for showering the borvie Mr. and Mrs. H.P e T, o ton, visitaci Mrs. Annie Hath- children or forshampooing. e bbg iied.adMs. . erl. Where Installed it is cons- Mn.GnibMs. ClfodCo Lv. F. J. Jackson spent tantly ln use by the whole eand family. Georgetown, visit-Mna n usa tFv famlly. The Adjusto is ed Mn. and 'Mrs. J. C. CookOk Tanng Cnrenp guaranteed for 10 years and wit Mn. J C.Coo Sr, m' aris, "A Ministerial Retreat". its ca6t i. surprisingly low. wit Mr. J C Cok S., e-Thane weme lectures on the I turning home with them. function of,, the Ministry and Mr. and Mns. John Bnoomn vneim and family visited Mr. and vnels.Cal! Us for a helpfui suggestion as ta how ta make Mrs. Archie Keith, Oshawa. your bathrgom up-to-date. If building a new home specif y Mr. Cynil Coombes, Oshawa, an ADJUSTO SHOWER -and Tub Filler, a fixture which visitad bis brother on Sunday, te hve amlywK E zy sig Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Coombes. T URKte hlofmiywlleno uig Mr. andi Mrs. W. Little, Cal- FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS PHONE gary, Mr. and Mms. Walter Kil- Cholce Young Birds burn, Oshawa, were Monda AUl Welghts visitors of Mr. andi Mrs. D. Da- asdadDeiee . B l i li t Co~ngratulations to Mr. and Phil Finney Plumbing - Heating - Tinsmithing Mrs. Rowland Coombes who MA 3-230 55 King St. W. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3348 wene racently married. 1 Mr. and 'uNls. H. Wood and Mapla Grave family, Miss Venna McRobents,,. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE DRUG STREId. i SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK - à PASTE

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