TTIURSDAY,_SEPT. 29th, 1955 B0WMANP!ýGE- OLTVR1 veilFedCosn 23toef'eyas17bls'r D"P charge of Mrs. K. E. Courtihe.' M i y P i e W n e sCochrane: Single Horse M NiH peT wnha)10r- isbsiped aLl1ILLlf, ~~U E 7 r u z e n~~~~~~~ess with vehicle, (Heavy), R.' 0 o n s eid s a sa1rt p a d M s o ll~ Cochrane, Fred Cookson, R.1 (lntended for last week) parcel sent to a flooded village Woa' Ascato n*anx' ine t1hr-uglts ,'1*1I A tchrnO;SpaFil F inhar 1Saturday evening a vrmjl- in England. The value was A cainme Rci~dnsWr ic o osa raBarrowv- hard to estimate but psi lyAbcao o etoretice Beans 1-EjonoreancDIiic; (Contlnued from Iast week) ne, Mrs. F. Munroe; Fruitj R. Cochrane. clough s Beach, Wesieyville, as $100 for each large bale. Th ey' The theme sons "Let the BLa 1,.«Gcre -ad rs %. R i loaf. Nrs. C.W, Downe, Mrs. IPercherons friends. neighbours and associ- contained much that was tneof ' ThisBeroughtithytoea CHILDRE'S WEAR MS. MoMror Pandong. G. Robir- aes from the surrounding dis- as well as good tised doting. oaiess BSennichI S M oore Pan of Bjnykri't 1 -are o e n . G . R b n vas sung and repeated suf i cl o u a orlu i ich. \i . w Chilas mîts, fncy ntWr.Cobbledick, Mrs . 2Munrotp, son, V. Cookson, F. Wheeler, tricts gathered to honour Mr. This work has been done as a prayer. President Mrs. IL ma n and M-s N ois src: -a }lryWigî a rsn, Mr. urayCote, rs F CehaBuns, 1Mrs. Win. Co,-- Mr n ol .Sehno;a9Ms rhrMnilîey, a Wt he1oertO o e-Barber read a bulletin iroai1 icîosln, th tw fldig iuinu ýVunro: Child's -.ocitS, fanuy bledick, ;s .Moe eFa o 94 .Sehns' recent bride and groom. There eral other than W.A. members.I Mrs. Kinsmen, President cf The girls xvilI]Meet agtain 'nw n hisbih mlvc knit, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. E. Biscuits, Mrs. R. G. Bowman, IFiiIy or Geldng, two yr. old ùL. ofwa a nrg thraing ui wte M rapnts in r t heusp in'd D ç M c e for aht h o f 1'f ralnrandM sthr1,_ omatnonrsouncW.l.wnrs.BranOuffier oatGSuind, Brown; Child's cardigan, Mrs. Scones, Mrs. R. G. Moffat, Mrs. Stephenson, V. Cookson; Flv er trm, a yteigtu o rafn apr h Asi'found gave a reading Mrs.h per oonc ore a pt .' o f th e% l oman acn. S. Moore; Gir1's dresz, cotton, Mrs. R. G. MoÎfat, Mrs. J. Bow- phenson; Span Horses in har- glowing bonfires the young and the mailman recognized A. Wilkins and Mrs. W. Parker! and bring a fricnd i,ýdies. here eet( iransClS. or. r.JkBv-manitW.Cbbei ness, G. Robinson, V. Arche,', couple were called to the and looked after the money read seripture passages and Th prstainw m e hnn hl' ntlelmet, Mrs. Banana cake, Mrs. Stan Allun, 1L ehno;Mare anod 2front.Kelly, master o1aldfu îe er u i r.C efud ilsrtd The Douglas fir is iarned in tW ilii i eiein np . alclrE Yug rs..G.Mfat el rlprgnL. Stephenson; Best ceremonies, made the purpose icarîng for clothing and mon- oture ofuDhvto ourgWosanas As- Va:Child's Sun Dress, Mrs. Mrs. R. G. Moffat, Mrs. S- Horse on rein, J. W. Boyd & e gatherin known and's As tj- - Malcolm; Child's d res , Moore; Angel cake. Mrs. . Son. G. Robinson, Ted Graham.~ ft ey, and practiced ability In sociation. Miss Dorothy BarberSots oaitwoitoue atr. e. cxc.M oK .nocked, Beo4 rlMsgEioroMr.SanenAln then called on Mrs. Harry Kel- packing the huge parcels which played on the piano a vey itAino ropein 2. dii f cnill r24 o oe Browji, Mrs. N. Malcolm: Laver cake, dark, iVrs. Win. Blin ly, who read a most beautiful1-v more than anything sent this lovely piece entitled "Chris- A odo ewrnw~dwP24cr ni i elhha Child's dres snîmocked, 6 ',o 8 Cobbleaiick, _Mrs. E. Brown- 'Marc or Gelding. 1, 2. Tei phrased address written in work of mercy on its way for tian Endeavour"ý. give, as much heat asa ton of forcidhmt ae ihe o ~ ers Ms.N.Macorn Ms.Laercae.hgtMr. . lî',Graham, Mel Skeldin: Fiillvor! gold and blue lettering, which tnvas nal ý ~Mr.C imnsto h oal . l1,aivil, ' . ne-as ahna hiSpmb' Murray Coatesc; Infants niglît.- Mrs. S. Moore. Date Loaf, Mis. Gelding, 2-yr.-old, Ted bra- 1 both writerndecvrma longer, Mrs. Tuit askcd to be Ms qurte th aioun 0fashs. 951 gowý%n. Mrs. N. Malcolm; I- R. G. Moffat, Mrs. S. Moore;hamn, A. Stephenson; Mare ori vell feel proud of. Names of relieved, but clothing wvi1l still isionary topic on India. The' fant's jacket and bonnet, knîit, Cup cakes, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs Gelding, 3-yr.old, L. Stephen- 1ail the friends were listed and bercie1yMs .Asi people of India are wilng to Mrsi*. N. Malcolm, IMrs. iMurray J. Bowman: Spice cake, Mrs. S. son; Tean, R. Cochrane, L.1 signed on tlheir behaîf by and Mrs. E. Barrowclough. give their laatt1hee Coates. Mrs. Win. Hooey; In-, Moore, Mârs. C. W. Downey, Stephenson; 4-Horse Hitch, Ted Messrs. Fred Kelly, Zonie Les- ___________ elps with their food and cloth- fant's jacket and b6nnet. cro- 'Apple pie, Mrs. F. Munroe, Grahamn, Fred Cookson, R.1nick and Maur'ice O'NeiI. ing problems. Their daily cx-i cheted. Mr l Murra.v Coatos, Mrs. R. G. Mvoffat; Pumpkin Cochra~ne, Reg. McCool, L. Stle-, The presentation was then lTT7IIf~ istence is so precarious that we Mrs N Maconi rs E. ie Mr. . G Mffa, rs . phnsn.made of a beautiful mirror .U1\Lr must be on our tocs to meet Brown; Infant's romIpers, Mrs. Moore; Raisin pie, Mrs. E. R. Carrnage Horses t oor lamp, TV lamp, occasion- terness htte a N. Malcoini. Mrs. E. Browni: Raine-c', Mrs. Gordon Watson; Mare and Foal, Delbert Rob- al çhair, and smoker's stand, by (Intended for last week) be led ini the Christian way. Child* to.. Mrs. Ed. Young- Lemon pie. Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. bins: Foal of 1954, D. Robbins. several Young meînbers. Arthur Board of Stewards hcld the Miss Barber again piayed mai .M s.N. aloîn. C W.Dowey Shrt rea, i1î'~ Gedîn, 0e caroî~ jand Lillian thanked their manv fali meeting in the church Sept. very beautifully "The Blacký FAi.IVr.N. Y WjolRK Mn.-W.Doumn , Mhotbeailý rs. en ethH]]dil oyr eld rienas for their kind thoughts 14, with a good attendance. Hawk Waltz". Cushion. siik, Ms Murra-,Bowmaiît; Tarts, Mrs. R. G.x 2-vr. -old, K. Hill; Single Horsaè and good wislies so tangibly JThe WomanClus. Assocýr rscî Jolly wor.Moor;kSadClubresheldd otheirey j Presbytery meeting will be Coates, Mrs. S. Moore. Mrs. N. Mof ,.s.S MoeiSnd- îarness, Raîph SaddlerePesd ad hpd te September meeting at the homeihl nCutc hnho c Malcolmi: Feit Knittîng ba- , r. .Mor, r.Frank Baldwin; Single Horse ool oet e hma 1 f Mrs. George Alsnwt Mrs G.H.Dea. ns.N. Mai Mnroe; Potato Salad, Mrs. E. i ansudr1' ad Hope St., Port Hope. A bounti- Alsnwt tober l9th and the followingi R. RaineH.,DMrs. MGondNWatson Frn Ba dn, 15a2ph ad' u or o oloeadagood attendance of Young pea-I ladies wili act on Supper C.on-1 com; Bezt dresSed dol], Ms . ny Mrs od asn;FakBadih aD ad[l,"i- MisrCnisina atcellis mitee:MrsaCardAdaisae. E.Y ng n. n.LeleCandv, Mrs. E. R. Rainey, Mrs. Frank Ross: Pi oss ~ god time was had by aIle. mte:Ms aiAasad Gu, rs E Bwmn:Necie oore; Salad dressing, Mns. nsFak Blin RapîMany taking Arthur oip on11_MsR.D ocnvorad S.nM ehi: rMrs.alR.n.De Coe Tronnvenorsl Han']a Goin, Mrs. . Dunai, M:ede E. R. Rainey, Mrs. C. W. Dow- ader invitation, dnopped in on theirTrnGnralHop tto Mrs. G. Johnson, Mrs. H. M(-,~ Poin, Mr. F.I)LllUa), 1Sadder.undergo a serioos operation. Lean and Mrs. S. Taylor. It was Mort av Coates, Mrs. F. Munroe ne.-; Four xvaYs to serve apples, odtrHss way home. We wish ber a speedy recov- dcddt u w oe Peitpont Ms.F.Duca'Mrs. R. G. Moffat, Mrs. E. R.RostrHss Mrs. E. Ruthven is spending env atch se twof dshe. Mrs. F. MVlnro. iMrs. Mvurray; Rainey: Four xva\s to scîve Mare and Foal, J. W. Bovd Wednesday and Thursday O ur sympathy is extended' ivtto ilh xed Coates: Needlewxoirk picture tom-atoe,is. E. R. Rainev, & Son; Foal of 19.54, ý . W this week in Toronto. t h famiîyanretisof A ivttonwl xed- Mis. Reg McCool. Mrs. E' Mrs. J. Boxvman: Chili Sauce. Bo\'d & Son: Filly or Gelding, Mn. and Mrs. Charles Aniden- t the ndrlati r.W . Ves offp ed for the' 1956 Faîl Worna-.'s - Brown;Pot hodens. rs. ~Mrs. Wmn. Hooey, Mis. C. w. 11 -yr.-oid, Gloria Brent. J. W. son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur An- h aeMs .A a ap Missionary Society Pn-esbyter-- Morooreuna CaesDwnv Msar els, r. lvd&So;Fil o elindesn n fmly nila if4ngnigburad oadtielurh.r Boyd& Sn; illy orGeling deson and amiy, riliaial meeting to be held in Cour- ; Box gftw'aoed Ms.Re ~ Hoey Ms.J.Bowrnan; 2-vr.-old, Ivan Cochrane, J. W. spent Sondav. with Mr. Fred by aIl.rch IMcCool, Mrs. j. Bowman, Mrs lBread and btter pickles. Ms. Boyd & Son; Filly or Gelding and Hilda Rahy. Mh ..ln. a nd Msn n tevt ob-vitews ecdd h e hi MuryCae;Lde"h C W Downey, Mrs. E. R. Rairi- 3yr.-old, I. Cochrane; Single Sevenal ladies of thew ictresndigtervaainvt Maple Grove and Ene- Muray oats: adis' atev ouof canned fruit, Mrs. Horse in Hanness, O. W. Rolph,I met at Mrs. W. J. McCullougah'satPto.. zen gnoups to join with Cour- Mrs. J. Bownian: Article in Cl. r Caughill visited wihtc oa' Ascain a Icather cnaft, Mrs. E. Brown,' J Bowman; Jani, Mrs. .1. Bow- I. Cochrane, T. A. Reid: SingÏ2 Wednesday, afternoon andtE. StrutAsoiaiot. S F A. Grny Mn. S Mone. man. Mrs. S. Moore: Jelly, Ms àHne in harness onden l1i weighed and panceled the wool- jM. Chester Hoskins and Mrs. the next evening meeting on FIRE PROOF * 0 YE0FFE SD ;J. Bowman: Luncheon plate, - hands Frank Baldwvin, I. Cochen.rayfrsipn.Dc BzaComtes ee BOY'S WEAR i Mrs. Lawrence Hooey, Mrs. J. rane, F. Baldwin. Congratulations to Mr. and .nt cea ida o.OToe ar oth. ACID PROOF Boy's sleeveless pullover, Mrs. C. Game\. Pony Mrs. Elmer Green who became a few days. radoven and the date set for Murray Coates; Boy's Overalis, NEW EXHIBITORS Best Single Pony in harnesg theproud parents of a baby Deenbelt Mrs. T.ambmslymii Mns. N.Mral cm oatesMs. Rt O ionwEhbios n.22had,1 ,Fakdaughter last Tuesdaï. 1dMs A dnswr nPresident of Woman's Associa-j Mrs. N.MaylConi Bs, shiRt,:Ope denewE1hbisadd isCongratulations to Briewtfind and ea-tion, will be asked to open Ba- McCool; Bov's cardigan, kni, Reg McCool, Mrs. Gord Wat- oss; Best Pony under sade, Mrs. Max Moore on the birth tives Sunday. zaar this year. Mrs. N. Malcolmi, Ivrs. M' sol', Mrs. Win. Cobblediclç,j Frank Ross, R. T. Cunrelly 2, Mrn. r.BllPdr ots.Mrs. E. Brown. and 3nd.; Teani of ponies, Frank of a son. etraned anmr. ofil edsntIt was decided to boy the* Appr~od by IaionalpiFe U-n-- RUGSes Canada Packcrs Special, pie, Ross; Single Pony in harness I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mene ' entcntOsaiwda.numbr of niend baskets for C.G.I.T., ir Mn.S.MoeMs.R . o-1, 2, Ralph Saddlcr; Tearnfil 1 anh Ms R Gn ttn Mrs.shawa. eytand rs R erwCarnd ter and Fred enter- Explorers and Mission Band as' Recommended by Architeas ryMr. . ron;Hent rgMns.E.S. Raey, M ns. R. G. hans, Rlph addar estMoih sunay evig. at tie h aiyadrltvS required. The presîdent, Mrs. Heart rug hookd, A Ger fatMrs.C. W Downy; Cke, oniesin hrnes, ove 121 Mooirh cnosedvenwithtipnayheefrnAppandrelatve BrberalosanditNaraor.aAprBvd byLocalanddats. ra, booEd rs F. onror , i Moff.ER. RC. WM. . Don . Sanddle Mralse, Mlon Laes Misse s Audrey and Shirley froni Toronto and Peterbor- Lunch was served by the coin- Mrs. N. Malcolmi, Mns. Murray iMagic Baking Powder Soc- Eleanor Dickson, Gloria Brent, Tufford fr te wOo efrnd, lougMr.Snday. R rmsnEeee uiir Coates; Bedroom rug, any kncial. cake. Mrs. R. G. MfaGnlea Munut .Cc-trborod fo .rath e s eekend, lomte 1 MoffMr.GennemaMrs.urFrancesCoch and Carson, Niagana-on-the- EbeTezNrL.uxiliary Mrs. S. Moore, A. Gerny, Mrs. Mrs. Reg MeCool. rane, F. Baldwin: Special Best ToffordonjLake, with Mrs. E. Caughill. Septéember meeting of Eben-NA I AL SW RIP LM TE M. Coates; Monarch knittingi Bowmanville Locker special, Single Horse in harness 1Mr R R ofBncoBrampton.n Axiiay a Special, Mrs. N. Malcolm; Mns. S. Moore, Mrs. C. W. Cochrane, Frahk Baldwin, 'T. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruthven a- wt Mr. aR. Rw ee r B ancrof atthezermeniofAuilir s P Woodcraft, Mr. Walter Verboe- Downey. A. Reid; Special, Best Team, t1 ed Pr Tw Ui e it . adMs.Ptr a edma th hm of M. NiH. OICIsr Wi yen.CohaeT.A Red rn hrh anvray sris Mrs. Peter Gatcheli is in To- ais assisting. Mrs. H. Gay read SWANSIA AITP Cyedl oss Baldwin; Bcst Ms Laura Hamr Sndy ve iltoi visit- onto wîth relatives, a short poem to open the meet- ONTA ieIrCAKO WONMEN'S INSTITUTE DEPTi. Mare or Gelding. J. W. Boyd Mrs-Frnk adye udwi.Ms a a m ve ing on. . Mn. and Mrs. Frank Allison,; ing after which a few moments lst pnize, Bowmanx'ille W.I.;, & Son; Foal, R. Cochrane, T r.Fan di. ing fricnds in Toronto t i Oshaw;M.adMs o n fsln ryrfrmsinr 2nd prize Tyrone W.I. 'Reg McCool: Marc and FoalJ week.aa;M.ndMsCxadofsltpryrormsoa- DOMETICSCINCE . Byd So: Cot, ne earWoman's Association wiîl family, Oshawa; with Mrs. les was obscrved. WhiteSTIC , SIENCEu . Byd&So;CotIoeyerPrsiet r. ifndBrw Wht bedMs.F Mn ld . ohrn. ~ TTA Vmeet - at Mi.s. Arthur Walker's Pearl ýAver and f amily. PeietMs ife rw j1 lR ohae home, Port Hope, Thunsdax ai- Rse Mry and Elizabeth1 conducted the business. An i- roc, Mrs. C. W. Downey; Whole Commercial HorsesJONW IBRtron etme29 nsedAnGer Oha ,say 'ainfo.teMplGov wheat bread. Mrs. C. W. Dow- Single Horse in banness with JH .GLET trnon Sptmbr29 istadAn rgamera,Mst .aye viaonfo meet Maplerv of the 22nd as pneviousîy an-wth hergadohrM Axiayometwtten - - The following obituary.which nounced. W. Bnyan, xvhen their parents[ at their meeting on October lbÀ appeared in the Sept. 15th issue 1 Sonday. Saturday and 27th was aIeten of the New Toronto Wingfoot Dvtoa eîd wsl Clan will be of interest ta many TIYYT?_______________ of oui. older readers who will WES~LEYILLEr remember the deceased, Jack oGilbert, when ha was a Good- (Intended for last week) ~'iyear ernployce here and also Fifteen ladies met at the jworked for F. C. Van6tone at home of Mrs. Howard Payne M tl . 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bragg thg Womnan's Association. The ÀRE at Shaw's: prograrn was in charge of the John W. Gilbert, of the Tire group let by Mrs. Payne. Mrs. i as ackKen Dinner read the explana- aferoo a btief i nsJgotc3, tion dealing wîth the theme of pased way on ack st W1, ingHands". Mns. Snell afte a riei Goody Jcar for read a story of "Hands That over 37 yeai.s. He first startcd Cut n m .PyeHG<WD 8 ~with the Company in Bowman- rtoeadnateraton"om ville making belts, compound-SetHoeAerVcin" îngrubcrtredin ties nd The business for the month thn rbuil eding t iren was conductcd by the president- Mns. Arnold Austin. and Ber-A01 - ~land, on July 14, 1890, and camee absence of ars. K. Asby n te o "e to Cnad asa yong bap HePlans were made for the churcli was a vei.y quiet fellow, always clcaning bec en Thursday, a gentleman, and respectcd by September 29, beginning as bis fellow employees., eanîy as possible in the morn- UIA%»ç4-«o ~~His foreman could not speak ing. Refnesbments were scnved OI0#qè 1I $EE WRP,,T \OWJRE THINK<ING. U RELAV! I'S too highly of hlm for bis relia- by Mrs. Payne, Mns. Snell, Mrs. 01FR SAME OLtD BATIR00M-- MERELY MADI>E o bility; ha was neyer late or Dinner. 1- &EY(PENSI'ViE WITM NEW FIY(.UE!'- absent cxcept for a good mca- H. Barrowclough and Mrs. K. W.Ssi!W.IntaliW.Sevie!WeGuratel son, and the quality of bis work Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Nich- #h n "JV Y We 511! e lntall WeServcel * Ocraneet as ecelent.He ws a redt ols tok Toes ontooont alat Alwys ou hisPLU BIN COTRATOR to himself and the Comnpany ne week foi. a check concerning Alwas Cll hisPLUMONGCONRACOIR worked for, and duning al bis the surgery for burns and years wîth Goodyear there was frîends are pleased to hear an- neyer an occasion that it was other visit will flot be neces- necessary ta citicize bis work sary for severalý years. L.A ARKER & SONSe _but fe.w-records. TH - NDI * qAT .c 4A Url.J ' LJ..L'4V lln.<NA ymany ;duties be connccted witah(' rnetnhe ay an 1h woe w y w t h u ch s f s x g l o se rk o nh S the Childr 1n8 poerBuck s i hlev hit tnbIardopsa neve ma n's Assr oceiTron o. 1946weIrifecCaiud adextri aur or m rbfg sln ep rswas et t n tn gian: fo o ntp oft elo g al ciAl 6'prng rde, uiczfextde /t fia grl, wh oStcscap d ito Sweden al orances ebaeben si and o omae n d Riviro. ad *aialsochDnfow h across he Balow thi onp e n y a kin l CENwer ddn sldty rostr uct remAndyPoWered c it'd oaY liglad sonod wne from Vienna,. y opAnd looaat the natexi' for fnite 'chMagazDuine s ,e bnuwcs alwne fgueswil eli Binoulthe perftrmnce lthmre fteyerVnaePth ya or moe o! gasoine a . ettae Wer.e nit e regild n -o u O&o fh I c l d ~ k a o m k VIGOR 4onanogn Giaoftl.akn l yaewer din oldt f tutre n yuI isc in, ody.i stanaon OD HIG ESTnt eudedmnlys to ToganVi GASOLINE 4 110 Tax lnc. th or tueilieshof foodteacilTTR UTMOILE AE UI//RIC WLL UID . w erl s]tefogh engish n10 nt ~ Tha eA sie tio. She opes t Gai. j e xpre~~~ berz. I t ý"lîanks n er lK f fl O . f hi f f f f nlue oeav sent to Toron- ü o trs 0 'Ien Edriv to Canada ext year 1 ci w seostedLrfees and to-