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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1955, p. 14

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PAGE YOM3TEM ' TME CANADIAi STATESMAI(. BOWMANVILLE.ONTARIO THVRSDAY, SEPT. 290i, £955 Many Compete at Seventh Annual Police Garnes Pictured above are some of the highlights of the Seventh Anrftial Police Games held at the Boys' Tràining Sehool on Wednesday of last week in which 31 sehools and 455 athletes took part. At top left, Sgt. Stanley Palmateer, District Sergeant of No. 8 District of the Ontario Provincial Police, is shown with Jim McGhee, a junior contestant from Oshawa. At top right, Mrs. Margaret Brown, widow of the late B. T. S. Superintendent, J. J. Brown, is shown presenting the J. J. Brown Memorial Trophy to the Whitby High School team which won the 3,000-yard medley relay. From right to lef t the boys are: Bob Crawford, Bill Baldwin, Ryan Gibson, Bob Barlow, Neil Wilson and Keith Lane. At middle left Sgt. Palmateer is shown presenting the O.P.P. Trophy for the highest total aggregate points at the meet to an O.C.V.I. athîcte. In the middle row, centre, Cpi. Charles Holman of the R.C.MP., Toronto, is shown presenting the RC.M.P. Trophy for high Senior total poihts to another O.C.V.I. Ôver 450 Contestants ln Police Games Here Oshawa Wins Top Spot The Oshawa Collegiate and Memorial Trophy, placed ir Vocational InstitUte walked off competition bv the Junior Po- with major honors at the Sex'- lice Garnes Committee for the entE Annual Junior Police ýwinning leam in the 3.OOt-yard Games held at tEe Boys Train- medley rela.. vas won by ing ScEool track here on Wed- Whitby HigE School and pre- ncsday of last wcek. Compet- sent&l by Mrs. Margarel ing against 30) other schools and Brown, widow of the late BT a total cntr ' Est of 455, thc S. Stiperintendent. The Bo%,; O.C.V.I. athletes won tEe No. 8 manville Police Shield for the District On tario Provincial Po-, tug-of-,wýar comrpetition vas lice Trophy, for the highest to- won by' the Boys Training tal aggregatc wiih 159 points, Schoel for tEe fifth time in six tEe R.C.M.P. rlrophiv for- higli' vears, Senior standing with -40 pointý,! Final Standing and the Ontario Provincial Po- Following are the first threc lice TrophY for high Interme- tearns in the three divisions and diate standing ivith 89. 1 their total points: Senior-O.C. Ritson Road Public School, VI., 70; Whitbv HiîgE School Oshawa, won the Oshla\x-a Citv 59; Boys Training School, 31. Police Trophy for high standi- Intermediate-O.C.V.I., 89; Rit- ing in the Junior division 'hI son Road Public School, OsE- 43 points. The J. J. Brown av.a. 34: WE'thv HiOi Sehool, Anita doing? Anito Srnolil is fiiing some of the thousands cf hospitol bis glue Cross pays every month for benefits totalIing more thon two million dollars. 'AL ASSOCIATION athiete. At middle right Const. Alan "Dennv Dcen,()! the lBow-man- ville Police Force presents the Bowmanville Police Shield for the winning tug-of-war team to Michael Quinn of the B.T.S. team. At lower lef t B.T.S. Superintendent Kenneth Werry presents the Ontario County Police Trophy awarded to the winner of the open mile ex-cnt to Bruce Colwell, outstanding muler from Bowmanville High School. At bottom centre R.S.M. Carl Jefferson of the R.C.O.C., Cobourg, is *hownvi present- m-g the Oshawa City Police Trophy for high total points in the Junior Division to a pupil from Ritson Road Public School whichi won it. At bottom right, Sgt. Palmateer, Cpl. Holman and R. S. 1M. Jefferson are shown with six of the attractive cheerleaders from B.-H. S. who added color to the event. Front roxv, left to right, are: Bveî'lv Co wling, Eleanor Osborne and Faye Piper. In the rear row ai-e Dianne Austin, Pat Conway and Norma Dale. 17. Junior-Ritson Road, , 43; *King St. Public Sebool, OsE- Iaxva,36; Whitby Public School, 20. In total aggregate points the top sehools were: O.C.V.I., 159; Ritson Road Public Sehool. Oshawa, 77; Whitby High School,, 76; Boys Training IScEool, 45. iBowmanville District HigE in ScEool Ead 20 entries in the )-gaines and placed in two events. ie Bruce Colwell. the fine miler 'd from the school, won the open y mile ini the good time of 5:11.6 -1to end a four-year winning z1 streak established bv R Jv rBeauniont of tEe Toronto Red j Devils club. In the Intermedi- eç ate 2.20 event Charlie Trim is came in third. 9 The Boys Training School did xwell in Senior and Intermedi-; ate events. R. Trudeli won the 80-y ard Senior hurdles and G. c Dmytrus placed fourth in the d 220. The BT.S. relay tearns kplaced third in tEe 880 event 1, and fourth in the 440 relax-. 1Orono High School was fourth in tEe 880 relay. In tEe Intermediate division tEe Boys Traini ng ScEool plac- edi third lin the quarter-mile ob- stacle race. Bowmanville Central Public School and Ontario Street School Ead entries in tEe Jun- ior division but a B.H.S. stu- dent under 13 years, Greg Coo- per.,%vas the main local winner in this division. He placed sec- ond in the high jump and third in the 75-ya'd cdash. David O'Rourke o! Ontario Street School was third in the run- ning broad jump, and the On- tario Street team placed fourth ia the 220 relay event. New, Records Set Three new records wvere set durîng the afternQon. In the Senior quarter-mile obstacle! race Dav'e Esterbrook M, O.C. 1 V.!. set a new mark of 2:27.j The old Intermediate record for tEe 100-yard dash was sEa*- *ered by Ron Barniage o! O.C. V.I. who did it in 11.1 seconds. In the Junior division. Din- Eam o! tEe E. A. Lox-ell School, Oshawa set a new mark o!f4ï feet 4'z inches in the high jump. The BowNmanvýille HigE Schoffl chee rleaders gave a very smar àt4çw red tu- I. - tan shorts and white sweaters, and not only led the cheering for their own school but for several other higrh schools as well. TEe Royal Canadian Or- dnance Corps band from Cu-_ bourg played for the inarch past Of contestants which ,vas part of. the Officiai opening ceremonies Eeld at the start of the afternoon events. TEe band also staged a smart 15-minute d'-' mU Lzm Troday's SUN-PROOP House Paint is better than ever be. cause it's FUME-PROOF! Will flot darken or discolor from coal smioke or industrial gases. Self-cleaning, too, Remoi'es sur- face diut. ABERNETHY'S Paint & Wallpaper Phone MA 3-5431 precision drill under R.S."M. Carl Jefferson. Kenneth G. Werrv, Supeî-în- tendent of tEe Boy's Training: ScEool, welconied the contes- tants from the rnany schools taking part in tEe games and large numher of police officers xvho were preserit to assist the B.T.S. officiais in î-unning off tEe events. Municipal police officers -ere prezept from Bowmanville, Toronto, OsEh- awva and Peterborough; Ontaria Prov-incial Police officers fromi Peterborough, Bowman v i il e, Lindsay and Cobourg; R.C.M.P. officers from Toronto and Co- bourg, and Cariadian Army personnel from Cobourig. Cpl. Charles Holman of the: R.C.M.P., Toronto, and Distr-ictI Sergeant Stanley Palmateer of tEe O.P.P., Peterborough, were in charge of staging the x-aiouis events duriog the dy J. H. ParkEill, Assistant Supeninten- dent o! the Boys Trann ScEool, was qcEief scorer, and Bill Bagnell, Athletic Diî-ector of tEe school, was co-ordinator between the school and -, h various police forces in making arrangements foi- the ex-ent. 1The cornmittee in char-ge ofl the events expressed gratitude to the Halliday Building-Ma-' terials Companv: of Bur-lington,1 for prox-iding a large trailerl truck on wE:ch lEe pubMc ad- clress system was mounted. and whjch m' as used by officiais as a base of operations. They iv-ire alzo grateftè. to tEe OsE- alva Corps o! the St. Johns Arn- bulance Brigade for setting UP a first aid tent. -BETHANY Mr. and Mrs, Ralph 'Whet- lauffer, Toronto. were guesf3 with lIr. and Mrs. Mtlton; Wright for the weekend. ;Mrs. R. W. Price spent sev-, eral days in Peterborough la-t week and also visited v.ith her sister. Mrs. Alice Dawe, '~'ois a patient in Gravenhur:t Sani- torium. Bethanv friends are pleased to have her report tEst; Mrs Dawe is improving in Mr an Mrs. Larnrv grm Cleveland, Ohio, are guests tEls, week wvith Mr. and Mrà. IJames McKinnon. son were in Toronto for the weekend attending the weddmng of their niece. Mrs. Hannah Cairns 1 spent several days last week in To- ronto withMr. and Mrs. Paul Stanley* Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ryley were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Thurston at Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr and Miss Marie Carr were guests at the Nicholls-Jackson wed- ding in Keene on Saturday. On Wednesday Mrs. Isabel Perry quietly celebrated her 89th birthday at her home in the village. Her niece, Mrs. George Hutchinson of Peter- borough, spent the day with her. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryley are on holidays this week, mo- tormng through the Algonquin Park district. In the Editor's Mail Ontario Department o! Lands and Forests Toronto 2, Sept. 16, 1955 The Editor, Canadian Statesmari, Bowmianvile, Ont. Dear Sir: 1 thank you very much for forwarding to me a copy of your issue of September 8th. 1 have read with considerable interest your editorial on the United Empire Loyalists' for- gotten monument. For your information I may say that the matter of the crea- tion of a Provincial Park a, Adolphustown wîll be placed before Cabinet, we hope, bc- fore the end of the month, and, provided the consent of the Cabinet is obtained, a park wil] be designated and the burfal ground given proper mainten- ance. Y ours very truly, W. B.'GreenWoort, Chief Division of ParI. Stafford Bros. Monumental Works Phono WhItby MOhawk 8-3552 318 Dundas St. E., Wbltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND Precise workmanship an'4 careful attention to detail are your assurance wheni vou choose from the wide selection of imported and domestic Granites and Marbles in stock. I NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Ontario Municipal Board bas appointed Wednesday, the Twelfth day of October, A.D., 1955, at the hour of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon at the County Council Chamber, at the Town of Cobourg, for the hearing of ail parties interested in support of or opposing the hereinafter set out Restricted Area B.y-Law Number 1760 for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. The Municipalit y of the Corporation of the United Coun fies of Northumberland and Durham BY-LAW NO. '1760 A BY-LAW TO REGULATE THE LOCATION 0F BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ON LAND ADJACENT Tg CERTAIN COUNTY ROADS. WHEREAS it is deemed to be necessary and desirable to regulate the location of buildings and structures on land adjacent to certain County Ronds; and -,WHEREAS authority is granted under Section 30a of the Highway Improvement Act as amended by section 2 of the Highway Improvernent Act 1954 to exercise such power subject to the approval of the Municipal Board; NOW THEREFORE THE COUNCIL 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTHUMBERLAND XND DURHAM ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. No person shall erect any building or structure any part of which is located dloser to the nearest lirnit of any of the county ronds or parts of county roads hereinafter defined than 32 feet where the road is 86 feet ýwide, 42 feet where the rond is 66 feet wide and in no case dloser to the centre line of the original road allowance than 75 feet except as hereinafter provided. (a) AIl incorporated Towns. Villages and Police Villages. (b) . (1) Where the new building is being erectea netween two existing buildings not moue than 300 clear feet aparsi set back line shall be flot less than the average set, back line of the two adioining buildings but in no case need the set back line be more than 'seventy-f ivq* feet. ý. (Il) Where the new building is being built within 150 feet of only one existing building, the neéw building shall have a set back line of the said existing building plus one-third the clear distance between the new and said existing building but in no case need the set back line be more than seventy-five feet. (111) Where the parcel of land held under distinct and separafe owner- ship at the date of the passing of this by-law on.which the new building is to be erected bas flot a sufficient depth to allow a minimum set back lino of 'seventy-five feet together with clear distance of fifteen feet at tbe rear of the building, the set back line shall be such as to allow a clear distance of fifteen feet at the rear of the building but in no case shall the set back line be less than forty-three feet. 2. The County Ronds or parts of County Roads defined by this By. Law are as follows: (a) AIl of the County Ronds in the County Road System as described in By-Law 948 and subsequent amencling By-Laws. 3. "Set back line" is defined as being the nearest limit of the building or structure to be erected to the centre line of the road allowance. 4. Any person convicted of a brcach of any provision of this By-Law shahl forfeit and pay, at the discretion of the convicting Magistrate a penalty not exceeding the surn of $50.00 for each offence exclusive of costs. 5. This By-Law when it shaîl corne into force shall be administered by the County Engineer. 6. This By-Law shall corne into effect upon the day that ib is passed by the Council subject to the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ a first and second time this 2Oth day of April A.D. 1955. ALLAN BEER, Warden. K. SYMONS, Counties' Clerk. READ a third time and finally passed this l9th day of July A.D. 1955 ALLAN BEER, Warden. K. SYMONS, Counties' Clerk. 1 hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of By-Law No. 1760 passed by the Council of the Corporation of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durhamn on the l9th day of July A.D. 1955. K. SYMONS, Counties' Clerk. i ~ ~'- THMSDAY, SEPT. 291h. qe5s

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