?HUIWDY, SE'1'. tb, 1pso r.. ~ z Gordon Âgnew, Edilor Phone 3621 Social and Proa Mr. andj M. Hirry Wade of Newtonville, were Sunday vis- ,4itors with Mr. and Mrs. George imbali and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bernard .f Summerside, Prince Edward Island, left for home on Wed- flesday following a wcek's visit Swith bis brother, Mr. D. M.' Bernard and family. Miss Melveen Fisher of Vic- toria College, Toronto, spent Sunday with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Fisher and fam- lly. Messrs. J. H. Connor and George McIntosh and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Edgar, ail of Osh- awa, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis. The members of the New- tonvile Woman's Institute were Wednesday afternoon guests with Mrs. George Kim- bail. Mr. A. R. Randaîl attended the second annual reunion of the Canadian Provost Corps Association in Guelph on the weekend. Mrs. Rita Embley is visiting wîth ber son and daughler-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Em- bley and family in Wivnnipeg. Miss Beatrix MeIntosh has returned home after a thrree months' visit in England and on the continent. Messrs. F. L. Agnew and E. G. Brook of Peterborough vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Agnew on Saturday. Sunday visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dennis were Mr. A. M. Waltoa and daugh- ter Helen of Agincourt. Miss Cora Butler and Miss Hattie Mason visited in Toron- to on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Bou-_ cher of Grafton visited with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hare on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mitchell of Newmarket were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Gould and family. Mrs. George Smith spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Budd at Dale. The canvass conducted by the local branch of the Memor- ial Hospital on Monday, Sep- tember 20th, netted the Auxil- iary $366, flot $66 as was erron- eously reported last week due to a typographical error. Ac- corcling to the President of the local branch, Mrs. Rudeil, more donations have been received and wben the other promises have been fulfilled, the Brancn is confident that the objective of $400 will be realized locally. Midgets Drap Final Lase ta AtwoodI11- 8 The Newcastle Midget Base. bal team, Eastern Ontaric champions, put up a valiarl fîght on Saturday afternoon ir an effort to tie up the fin,, series with Atwood, Wester. Ontario champions, but it was &Ili in vain as the local boys were definitely outclassed and the Atwood lads took the ser. ies in two straight thus becom- *Ing the 1955 Midget "t)" cham. pions. The local lads did show a' decided improvement over the first game of the series however, losing here on Satur- SPECIÂL OFFER! $1.50 SFRENCH FORMULA Lanolin HAND ANoBODY LOTION Reg. big 8 or. size plus FREE DISPENSER RIch wlth Lanolin end bene. ficlol Lomnon Oil, this famous Lotion Is a "must" for Wintry woother end a big velue et ony time . . . but with this FREE Dispenser, which gives eoctly the rliht amnount, pro. vonting waste, it la somnething te hurry In for durlng this lmted Spocial Offert Jury & LovelI MA 3-5778 BowmanvilleI - 1 day by a score of il to 8 as icompared with the first game it when tbey were trounced by [i a twelve to 0 score. al Witb the local Midgets elim- ninated and the Orono Pee Wee*s Shaving been massacred by SBothwell in Brantford lasI SWednesday 27 to 1, the onlIy -remaining hope for an O.B.A. -championship in the Lakeshore -Minor Loop is the Port Hope VJuveniles who enter the O.B.A. ,r finals in Strathrov on Saturday Safternoon with the second game -in Port Hope the followingy week, but we will have more about this series next week, along with the results o! the County Championsbip series, 'Will Organize Teen Town Club Tonight at Hall A meeting will be heîd at seven o'clock Thunsday evening in the basement o! the Corn- munity Hall to organize a Teen T own group. Those who,. are planning the organization meeting have a number, o! excellent projects in mind and aIl teenagers in- terested are asked to be on band tonigbt so that the or- ganization can get off to a good stan-t. FARMERS! *Cut This Ad Out SHOW YOUR FRIENDS Act fast and - SAVE - up to $900 on very popular makes of new Forage Harvesters and Crop Blowers. Offer good only until present stock liquidated. For Information WRITE BOX 413, c/o THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE Bo wman ville Nught Tarantoa Home for Girls Described t'O W.C.T.U. At September Meeting Mrs. Kenneth Werny, Bow- tîful vocal solos "Bless This manville, was hostess to the House", and "You Neyer Walk members o! the Newcastle Alone" were sung by Mns. Ken- Woman's Christian Temperance neth Hull of Bowmanville,! Union and their friends on with piano accompaniment by Thunsday afternoon, September Mrs. Cole. 22nd for their regular .monthly The speaker, Mrs. Shaw o!ý meeting whîch was conducted Bowmanville was intnoduced by the President, Mns. T. G. by Mns. Werry. Mrs. Shaw took Sowden. as hen subject the "Victor Mrs. Sowden opened the Home" in Toronto, o! which she meeting with the reading o! a bad first hand knowledge hav- short poem. W.C.T.U. Pledge 'ing senved on the Board o! tne were repeated in unison. Home for four yeans. She ex- During the business part o! plained the onigin o! the home the meeting, a letten from the in the year 1900, and the work Bowmanville T e ni p e r a n c e that bas been carried on sinc2 Workers thanking the Union that time, by a staff of only for their $15 donation was rcad three pensons. The Supeninten- by Mrs. Awde, and the secre- dent, a trained nurse and ai tary and treasurer gave their bousekeeper. She also gave aý reports. The graup decided ta very vivid description o! the purchase three dozen "No layout and the funnishings o! Drinking" leaflets ta be distri- the present Home wbicb will buted in the schools. accommodate 30 girls at one Miss Ferguson nead an an- timne. ticle from "the Temperance Ad- The appreciation o! the W.C. vocate", stating that Ontario T.U. membens was expressed motorists who have Iost thein by Mns. Hane and Miss Black- driving licence for drunk driv- burn to the soloist and ber ac- ing will be issued a special Èed companist, the guest speaker, licence with the word "rein- Mrs. Shaw and to Mrs. Werry stated" printed across the front for opening ber home to the when the suspension bas been Union for their meeting. li!ted. This new systemn went At the close o! the meeting into effect on Septerme lst. a very enjoyable social time The Devotional period was was spent with the hostess and conducted by Mrs. E. Hoar anîdlher daughten serving delicious Mrs. George Allun. Two beau- re!reshments. r-ump Agair Urges Villa Ta Lake Sh Trhe annual banquet o! the Newcastle Merchants Basebal Club was held on Friday even- ing September 23rd in the IQueen's Hotel with past Presi- Ident Keith Aiken presiding in the absence, due ta illness, o! the Fresident, Milton Waker. Douglas Walton, manager o!i the team, caled upon Arnold Wade o! Newtonville, Vice- President o! the South Durham League to make the presenta- tion o! the Trophy given for the member of the team with the highest battîng average during the regulan schedule. The trophy was presented to Don Legree who had a batting average o! .446 for the season. Intnoduced by Arnold Wade, the speaker o! the evening, Frank (Dude) Hilhs spoke o! bis experiences in sports, both hockey. and basebaîl duning bis sojourn in the Army and then went on ta speak o! basebaîl in our own county and bis exper- ierices as an umpire in tbe game. Speaking of imports, the speaker deplored their use,' particuîarly in the Lakeshore' Intermediatq League and toiJ prove bis point mentioned the i case o! a pitcher brought in tai Port Hope in 1951 fromn Otta- wa. He explained that the pit- I cher was nothingc special and' the other players resented play- ing for the good o! the coin- munity, when outsiders were brought in and paid ta, play baîl. Heý said even a!ter having won an O.B.A. championsh~p in the Juvenile section in 1953, Port Hope was unable ta field a team in the Lakeshore Inter- High Schaal Classes Night Classes will be offered in the following subjects, provided the registration is sufficient: Typewriting, Sienography and Dook-keeping for beginners Woodworking and Meialworking. Nonme Econrnuics In Home Economics, there will be three courses, each of six weeks' duration. See next week's "Statsman" for further details. Ail Middle aîd Upper School subjects In alI courses there is a registration fee of $5.00, to be paid the first nighit of the course. $3.00 is returned to those who attend 80 per cent of the classes Students will be responsible for cost of materials Accommodation in all classes is -Iimited. Registration will be accepted in the order received. Night Classes are open to allinii the High School Area flot attending day schools. With the exception of Home Economics, there will be two courses Octber 18 Io December 15 . January 10OIo Narch 15 Tusdays and Thursdays, 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Regisier af ihe High School - 7:30 p.m. to 9:30-p.m. Tuesday, Ociobèr I1 and Thursday, Oct ober 13 .ra '~rs lxMairs were photographed as they celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary recently at a large gathering of relatives anid friends in the Legion Hall. Gifts wre presented to the couple and a delicious turkey dinner enjoyed. Mrs. Mairs is the former Emily Towner. They were married in Toronto in 1920. Friendship Club Holds Happy Wie ner Roast Auxiliary Were Guests The September meeting cif was enjoyed by ail present. the Friendship Club tookc the A short devotional period form o! a wiener roast as the followed the refreshments, wich ist Im ports members, and their guests, the Mrs. Kay Powell reading tdl, members of the Evening Blrnch meditation. The secretary renda n iof the Woman's Auxiliary o! St. a letter from the Woman's Mis- ge i~ ru ri George's Church, gathered at sionary Society, invitingth ge R eturnthe cneek on the !arm of Mr. membens of the Friendship Al! Perrin. Club ta attend the W.M.S. Au- ?ore League owin a few words o! tumn Tbank-offering meetingi gue welome bythe President, Mrs. on Tbursday, October 6th at 8 Helen Ruddell, to the guests o! p.m. A special vote o! tbanks medateLeauethi yer. uethe evening-, the group, 60 was tendered to Mrs. Manjorio einste Ureagun 43 i year The w strong, seated arcund a blazing Patterson's group for arranging o1 ortmHonp3 ewas wthoutoan fire, wene led by Mrs. Evelyn this n'ost enjoyable evening. ofteretHoeteaHsith is a Northrup in a lousing sine, Everyone joined in the sing- is vrey ad fote.He town, par- song. Then games and square f 'isver bd fr he ow, pr-dancing wene enjoyed, witîî ing of'the ymn, "Abide Witn ticularly since they have a Misses Anne Thomas and Mary Me" and the meeting was Beaver Club which openates 15 Dewdney doing the calling. brought to a close with prayer or 16 hockey teams and 8 or 9 A delîcious repast o! bot by Mrs. D. R. Dewdney, follow- basebaîl teams in the minon dogs, watenmelon, t oa s t e ded by the repeating of the leagues annually. Wby can they marsbmallows and hot coffee' Lord's Prayer in unison. not field an intermediate team?______- Mr. Hilîs deplored conditicins in the Lakeshone loop this past season wbert, he said, thebIl c u borne played at times, hie said , witb only one Coîbonne player, 11a the remaînder o! the teamn be-W isS uh D r a Trenton and Belleville, m'ostlY 0' fnomn Belleville. He 'said the<11h for their games in Bowman-aiCh rpin hp ville and Orono because it was After a long drawn out play- Thus with Millbrook, the aîmost impossible for a man to down series lasting nearly two North Durham champions wait- quit wonk at five in Belleville months in ahl, the xvelcome ing for the county champion- and be in Bowmanville ready Basebaîl Club have fînally won sbip senies, Welcome invaIded to play bahl at 6.30! This year the South Durham Rural Baje- the nonthern village on Satur- was the pay-off, be said. baIl League championsbip by day afternoon to take the first Speaking o! the South Dur- beating out the Coverdale teara game o! the best two in three bamn Rurar League, he said it 3 games to 1 in the final series. series by a score o! 8 to 5, was"THE" League at the mom- with Don Lord going the route, entin tis aea, ut ugedfor the Welcome club whille h is' Newcastle to retunn to the MAR E Tt' E temas were pudn thre Lakeshore League, stating that,. Millbrook pitchers. ine bsopon ta i.he Mns. Aylmer Beech spent last This final series for the theybelng.Tbursday with ber sister-in-law, "Jobnny" James Trophy, em- Other speakers called upon Mrs. Ross Richards, town. bielilatic of the caunty cham- by the chairman included Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Snowden, p.inship is scheduled 'to wind Reeve J. H. Jose who spoke Miss -Marion Snowden, Toronto, Up in Welcome on Saturday a!- briefly on bebal! o! the village spent the weekend with the ternoan, October lst, wvhen. and Councillor Ross Dickinson, fonmer's daughter, Mr. and Mrs. these two teams meet again at one of the coaches o! the New- Albert Brown and family, I-am- two o'clock. castle Minor League teams, ilton. Should this game be won by who spoke bniefîy on behaîf o! Messrs. 8ýdney, Winthrope the Mil lbrook team, tying Upi the Bantams and Midgets, both Lodge, Mrs. Sydney Lodge Sr., the senies, a third and decidingi o! which made a good showing Maryland, U.S.A., bave been' game will be played in the! this yean even though they dîd visiting the latter's brother:;, same place, on the same aften- not win any championsbips. Roy, Gordon Van Camp. noan at approximately four Head table guests at the ban- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olliffe, e.. quet were, Reeve J. H. Jose, Stouffville, spent a week with So, weather permltting, the C. R. Carveth, Keith Aiken, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Stevens. Durham C o unty Basebal George Kîmbaîl, Frank (Dude> Mrs. Roy Metcalf, Mr. Ross Championsbip will be decided Hilîs and Arnold Wade. Metcalf, Base Line, accompanied on Saturday afternoon at Wel- by Mrs. Ida Trenoutb, Bowman- came. Sbould be worth seein.g. Napanee, where Ross attended ______________ the seminar of church music. Mrs. Aylmer Beech was a Sat- urday visitor with Mrs. Ross Grant, Bowmanville. Mrs. Lil Kayser, Mrs. Leila B Hunt, Toronto, were visitons last, 7 Wednesday with their cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Vaný Camp, ýi Base Line, also had a visit with fU.S.A. c Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Muinday, *son Donald, accompanied by bier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles >Johns, towxx, spent the weekend with the latter's daugliter, Rev. and Mns. Stan Snowden, Ban- croft. Mrs. Joe Bollons, Willowdale, visiting with Mn. and Mrs. C. H. e Snowden. Sunday School at 1:30 p.m., church service at 2:40 p.m., com- munion and baptismal services, conducted by our pastor, Rev. L. M. Somerville. Miss Jean Flintof! spent the, weeen wthMiss Kay Jack- Tuesday, son, Leskard. Elvening Auxiliary September meeting of the Evnn uxlaymet at the F home of Mrs. Ted Folcy with Mrs. Jack Ovenden's group in u u y 1 charge. Theme o! worship serv-SU D Y ice "The Cail ta Discipleship",O was presented by Mrs. Jack 'Ovenden, Mrs. Ken Flint and. o Mrs. W. H. Brown, Our study for the coming year 1 includes three booklets, No Van- j! ishing Race, Coming Our Way, T edy and Home Missions. They were intnoduced by Mrs. Tom Mc- Guirk, Mrs. Howard Bradley and Mr.Cecil Milîs. Seniors,I President Mrs. Howard Brad- ley took charge of business period. Ebenezer Evening Aux- S aigas iliary are ta be our guests, Oct. 27th. Meeting to be held in the SKATE EXCI basement of the church, 8 n.m. i;Mc Sulent pra:.er observed for ouriM appointed m-issionar-v. Collece- tion. $3Anrlçpren , Erecting Signs Will Enforce Parking Laws Signs are being enected in the business section o! the vil. Ilage negulating the parking of vebîcles, and according to the new village tra!!ic by-law the varîous clauses o! the law corne into ef!ect when the signs are erected. The by-law nestrlcts the parking o! vehicles in the area .mentioned ta a two hour limit and Chie! Randahl warns that the by-Iaw will be strictly en- f orced. Angle parking will be allow- ed on both sides o! King street, f nom Church ta Miil Streets; on Mill street, south 100 feet from King Street on the west side only; on Chunch street 100 feet soutb o! King street on the east side only. Parallel parking wili be al- lowed on King Street from Miii ta Beaver Streets on bath sides; on Mil street north from King street ta the Manvers street junction, on both sides. On all these streets parking is limited to two houns. The above howeven, does flot mean that parking wili be ai- iowed at the entrance ta drive- ways, or in places whene No Parking signs bave been erect- ed. The reason for the above parking negulations is ta stop the practice o! allowing cars ta be parked on the street ail day in the business section o! thej village, thus using space which is requined for customners park- ing for places o! business and 1 shotid neceive the co-opeation J o! al motorists in the village and Cw.trict. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Bellamy o! Winnipeg, who are visiting relatives and frîends, are the guests of their niece, Miss Berth Cain. Mn. and Mrs. Alan Duesbury, Dunnville, spent the weekend w'lth Mr. and Mrs. Jack liud- son and Jim. Rev. Willis Hancock of Cal- gary, Alta., arnived by plane to visit his brother, Mr. Eger- ton Hancock, Mrs. Hancock and other relative. Rev. Han- cock, who is in bis 9th year, enjoysî good health. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer and Mr. and Mrs. H. Luxton, Bowmanville, spent a long weekend in Buffalo the guests o! their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith. Mr. Donald McLaren, St. John, New Brunswick, is visit- ing bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. iC. S. McLaren, and xvas pleased to find bis father improving in health. Weekend callers with the Foster Fergusons were: Mr. and Mrs. R. Lansing, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. P. Philp, Dave and John, West Hill; Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna and Rosellen and Mr. Bruce Ferguson, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Venning and Linda, Bîackstock; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hooey and George, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. John MacPherson of Winnipeg. Mrs. Jas. Ross has returned home to Port Coîborne after tbree weeks' with Mr. and Mrs. Foster Ferguson. Mns. Geo. Butters visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Saunders, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Keats, Chatham, and Miss Elizabeth Porter, Penetanguishene, visit- ed Mrs. J. E. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Watson Miss Carolyn Jones, Oshawa, at ber home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rundle and Miss Allie Wood, Hampton, visited on Monday wlth Mrs. H. Curtis, Mrs. R. A. Delve and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. Mrs. E. Keat, Toronto, was an overnight guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Blewett last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Clough, Trenton, and Mr. Arthur Clough, Belleville, spent Sun- day with Mn. and Mrs. Jim Major. Mrs. J. E. Richards visited Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Wight, Bowm a nville. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Samuel and daughter Lisa returned borne on Tuesday from visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. J. Rosenfeld, Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. John Kitchen and son Olav returned home from New York City on Mon- day. Mrs. C. L. Powers visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Scarboro. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Van Homne of Whitby visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Watson Winnifield, Georgetown. Miss Mabel Challis, Bow- manville. is witb Mrs. Frankc Hall again. Mrs. H. McGowan, Scarbono, visited Mrs. Robert Allin. Rev. Erie Smalley, Toronto, was the guest speaker at Onono This Week at the Royal THUR. - FR1. - SAT. SEPT. 29 -OCT 1 "A in't Misbehavin" (Technicolor) Musical Comedy, starring RORY CALHOUN - PIPER LAURIE MAMIE VAN DOREN Also "Law vs BiIIy the-Kid (Technicolor) Starring SCOTT BRADY and BETTA ST. JOHN MON. -TUES. -WED. - OCT. 3 - 4-5 Irl A WONDERFUL, MOVEI"Devil TEE£iEN Take Us" Special Traffic Safety Film Feature Welcome, 4-H Clubs! Time - 7 and 9:15 owmanviMle ating Club Registratia'n and ineral Meieting TOWN HALL October 4 m 7:45 p.m. maly Skating OCTODER 9th - 3 Io 5 p.m. Mure Skating Octob 11thrt and ruesday Evening, 7 Io 10 pa. on Thursday and Saturday Affernmons MANGE WILL BE IN OPERATION AT NULTY'S SPORTS and CYCLE _______________________________________________ . . .O W W VL1LN LLJ.ij, rCiAMLO ............ 1 Tm CANAD" STAW-quAm itàýMmAmmrim f Thurs., Fri., 7 and 8:30 Saturday, 6:30 1 4 Io 6:30 p.m.