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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1955, p. 6

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PAGE IX A THE ~UN Z Ladies Open AIIey Season In Good Forrn We gat started one night in September, It was a night ta remember, With scores high and law, WVe were rarin' ta ga. Ta start aur league with a bang. Sept. 19 marked the opening night of the Durham Lades Bowling League and with it b-aught a number of 200 Narma Gay 258, Kay Beau- pr e 245; Kay Hendry 244; Ber- niece Budai 237; Sadie Buck- nell 237; Helen Vivian 234; Ma- rie Yea 233, 200; Ev Sweet- mnan 229; Hilda Brack 228, 211; Lydia Bates 225, 213; Daris Joli 221, 200; Lii Haaper 221; Edna Degeer 219: Joan Engley 219; Onie Etcher 218; Dat Crambie '217; Alyce Hodgsan 215; Mel MeNulty 210; Helen Dunn-207, 200; Fae Reynalds 206: Helen Piper 204, 203; Ada Richards 203. Gaad bowling girls. Nar- nýia Gay takes tap hanours for Hgh Single with 258 ana Pauline Elliott had the La-,v game with 56.c Lemon League These are the sour notes. Lucky thirteen Lemans. We are the littie lemans, L We tried with al aur might, E We cauldn't get 100, On aur first bowling night. Lillian Brine 99; Wilina Scatt 96; Beverley Disley 96; Hilda Simmick 95; Narma G-y 95; Babe Brawn 93: Nancy Kel- Eo 93; Ina MeNaughton 92; Rena Bathgate 91; Bannie C Cowle 85; Duaine Palmer 84; PI Jayce Majar 77; Pauline El- f liatt 56. i Name Ave. M Marie Yea 205 T: Doais Jal -- 201 W Ililda Brock -----------201. Lydia Bates------- 199 H Ev Sweetman ----------------- 198 BE GENERAL MA&NAl for newly-formed Lake" Association, to work underi close association with local municipal and provincial responsibility to promote r industrial development. Ex for active, aggressive man career with good future.C with photograph to Box 40 Statesman, Bowmanville. Memorial BOWMANN PUBLIC >SI Friday, Seple Sa! urday, Oci Wednesday, Oci 8-10 . SADMISSION -Ad ICE RENTA AVAIL49 For information on tin Phone Immediately to Roy Neads at Mi JXDAN STATESMr.q BOWMANv'ILLP. oNTARfO Sadie Bucknell _____ 195 itors-Mrs. R. Virtue and Mrs. BericeBudi 193 A. Boyd. l ao B w er Dot Crombie ______ 192 The ladies have decidcd ta Kay Beauprie- 183 have a bazaar and Penny Ar- 0111e Patfield -____ 188 cade an Nav. 23rd. . Got Underwv ay Kay Hendry 188 Lunch was servcd by Mrs. A. Helen Dunn M-~5 Leadbeater, Mrg. N. Wilson, Helen Piper .______ 185 Mrs. H. Ashton and hostess. Norma liaoper 183 Next meeting at Mrs. W. How-.W d es a Lii Hooper 132 ells' on October 4th. Onie Etcher ____ 180 MnGlnHdsnBo an The Men's Major League go: Anita Nickersan -___ 171) ville, was a Sunday visitor underway on Wednesday iiit Eleahor Larmer 177 with Mr. Ralph Lamb. with Past President Ray Fjy Mally Badger ---- 177 Mr. and Mrs. P. Tressise and welcaming the first shift bow~ Helen Vivian 176) family, Misses Annie and Eff je ers and President Dr. Keihri Ada Richards 1-,6 Wright ' Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Slemon doing the honons fort Mary Harrison 172l Fred Wright and children, tte lite shift bowlers. Dorc Mution 1711 Maple Grave, wene recent vis- The league has some new Edna DeGeen r 170, itans of Mr. and Mrs. Norman membens this yean and the ex- Fae Reynalds_.------- 169 Wright. ecutive liopes they have a good Dot Virtue ------ 168 Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fenguson scason. Thé new bowlèns arab Dcli Vinson _ --- 163 and family wcre with Mr. ad Ralph Kelly, Bill Stevens, Gar-1s Norma Gay 166. Mrs. Edwin Sandercock, drono. don Sellers, R~ae Rundie anda Vi Coale 166 Miss Susan Weann visiteri Byran Vanstone. Bawlens wha t Viv CoWan---- 164 Miss Býtty Jane Werry. have been out sick for a year 0 Alyce Hodgson, ------ 164 Sympathy is extcndcd ta re-,and have returned ta the battleil Mel McNulty----- 163 latives of the late Mrs. Char- are Sid Nichais, Aif Saineils h High Single, Norma Gay 258. latte Stevens of Hampton. and Bill Shotter. Ted "Baldý-"m Mr. and Mrs. Bsice Ashtan Hoan has retunned ta town and High Triple, Marie Yca 614. and family, Purple Hill, visited wili see action once againi. S High Average, Marie Yeo 20J. at Mn. and Mrs. H. Ashton's Jc a trtdofwt Teamn Standings Mýr. and Mns. K. V. Svanefeit bang and had high triple of 779_ ta attendied the gift show at the Bill Polley 760, Ted Bagn'ill je Points Pins Exhibition gnauinds and heard 728 and Morley Vanstone 704. a Ev Sweetman ------ 7 2551 Billy Graham at the Caliseum. Bill Pallcy -,von high single Lii Phillips------- 5 2650 Mr..and Mrs. John E. Griffin 319 and Ted Hoan had 304. ar Bernice Budai ----- 5 2 58 7 and farnily wcrc Sunday vi'st- These were the only 300 games Pr Hilda Brock . -------- 5 2183 ors with Mrs. Gea. Squibb, registered the first night. dz Onie Etcher - 5 2533 Churchill. Mns. Russell Grif- The lpw bowlers were in th,2 ý Joyce Major ------- 5 2512 fin and Miss Mary Griffin ac- ly Eledinar Larmer _ 2 2477 companied thein as fan as was "You and Your Homne" de- ec Vi Coole --------- --- 2 2472 Br-adford and visited with ber signed ta instnuct teen-agers in e Doris Joli-------- 2 243t sster, Mrs. Tom Williams and an appreciation of ail the as- f Lydia Bates ------- 2 242*2 husband. pects of home-making. ""he de Ena Etchen --- 2 2376 Mr. Frank Lee, Oshawa- Mn. highiights of a lecture on pre- w Anita Nickerson ----O 2292 and Mrs. Ross Le ad Îiimfl: paning foods for the fneezing 01 Kedron, were recent visitons of locken were passedi on to the I Mn. and Mns. Allun Wenny. members with detaiied instriie- Moguain s ta Mn. and tian as ta the prapen wrapping ENNIKILL N Ms. Arthur Leadbcmten on th2 papers, containers, etc. for dif- arrival of a fine baby boy. ferent types af food products. Te Service Club met at the homle Mn. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- In concluding ber repart, Miss Be ilf Mrs. E. McNair with 14 ton and family wene visitons Rowan expressedi appreciation La pesent. The election af ai- of Mn. and Mrs. H. Stainton, ta the 4-H club leaders and to Po icers resulted as follows: Prýe3- Hampton. the Institute membens fan their HE dent-Mns. E. McNain, Vice- Mrs. Venna Wood, Mrn. d ' financial support in sponsoring Ru >es.-Mrs. R. Vitue, Treas.- Mns. Floyd Pcthick and Robin, thein yearly pnojects. Ok /Irs. W. Howells, Sec.-Mrs. E. Toronto; Mns. Mabel Humph-1 Mrs. Walter Rowland gave a Ta rnewin, Ass't. Sec.-Mns. N. reys, Bowmanville;. Mrs. LOUu neading "The Weathen And Its Mc Vilson, GitCammittee-Mrs. Rowe, Etobicake, v3sited at Mn. Fables" an amusing accaunt of La .Sleman andi Mrs. A. Wenny, and Mrs. S. R . Petriick's. fc n ac nrgr o0 lospital Convenons - Mrs. F. Mn. and Mns. A. L. Weann weathen predictions ai yeans Ba 3eckett and Mrs. H. Milîs, Auci- and family were visitons at Mn. mgo. Mns. T. Jackson gave an Ho -~and Mrs. A. M. Wearn's, Clare- interesting tlk on *"Hardships mont. af The Pioneer Wife" including.N GER W NTEDMn. and Mrs. J. A. Werny the mmking ai soap. "In ounr GER WANTEDccompanied Mn. and Mns. E. grancimother's day thene was a Onaro evlomet A. Wenny ta visit Mn. and Mns. no somp bought in the store. Bil Ontaio Dveloment Willis Woods, Millbnook. Mr. Evenyone made soap ai home Tee a Board of Directors in andi Mns. J. A. Werry weîe frein ashes siaked with water Mc organizations and with Sunday tea guests ai Mn. and in a leach, which formed the Elt goermets Min Mns. E. A. Werry's. lye. To ibis iye, ardinary Gu 1 goernmnts. Main Mn. and Mns. K. V. Svanefeit, household fats and tall6w were Bil regional, economic and Mn. and Mrs. N. Wilson attend- ad ded and boiled in iran ket- T. xceptional opportunity. cd the Lawson-1*ndenson wed- tles until ôf the desiredca nsis- Ai to develop interesting ding in Toronto on Friday ev- tency." Ec Elnfdetil ppictin ening. / Mrs. R. Canr told af a holi- Mu 9, c/o Thel apiadian Mr. Allan Cale, Bowmnan- day trip through northern On- Bti A9, co Th Candian ville, spent the weekend witii tarioanmd the Manitoulin Is- Bil Mn. anci Mrs. Allan Werny. landis, menîioning parîicuîanîy Roi -1 Mn. and Mns. W. Spaans and the anea anaunci Geongian Bay, Ma family, Weston, were Sunday Indian countny expiared by Rcr visitons with K. V. Svanefelt Samuel Champlain in 1610. Jaq and Mrs. N. Wilson. . Thene were sevenal highway Dic Mn. and Mns. Roy Trewin, signs pnepaned by the province Nor Mimnico, speni the weekend which neaci "Samuel de Cham- Bil A e a with Mn, and Mns. Earl Tre- plain, by eanae, year ai 1615" Fa. A re n aw'n. andi continue wîth this question Rus Mn. Claude Smith and Mns. fnom the exploner's diany 'As Bi]l V IL LE M. Hunt in company with Mr. for me, I labon always ta pne- CI& and Mrs. Wmlter Smith, Osh- pare a way for those willing Bil awa, spent Sunday with iniencis aiten me ta foilow it". Ai at Woodstock. During the business session Har Mrs. E. Bull, Oshawa, was a announcemeni was made ai Dr. Sundmy visitor ai Mn. and Mrs. this year's short course ta be (A T IN ~ 0. C. Ashton's. held November 12th when Mi-s.i Liton Armstrong cI1 1, Ui~ vi1e provini- cial board will lecture on "Pro- E gram Planning". Mrs. H. DeGeer and Mns. D. Smcli wene ne-appointed as c leaders ai ihe girls 4-H club.* Thein study course this year H will be "The Milky Way" andci will give ideas for using milk in the daily menu. T. The annual convention will JCli be helci in Toronto with tf1 Sixt pnagramin heme "Putting Cul- i y -fi ture Into Agriculture". It was Tý decideci to urder. new band- wer books for li members of the Mn. executive. Mis. A request was received irom Ti the Peterbonough Cancer Sacie- tend tyt fonm a sub unit in the. stitu village and the secretany was app( insinucted ta write for furiher ht details. ai e Two minutes' silence was ob- ta ti senved in memany ai the late A Mns. Wellington Fallis. pain The hostess ssisted by mcm- for bers ai Gnaup Two senvec Mi lunch and Mns. Ralph Preston ingi expnessed the thanks ai the scho membens ta Mrs. Rowan ion for the use ai ber home and toalal ing those who hmd assistec i i theJ brou pnograim. adjoi abr30 ober 1sf lober 51h m.t lults 35c, Children 20e LL TIME t &BLEa nes and pricen bMA 3-5728 or [A 3-2852 ai Ar»'time is Time for a Glass of MILK "Time out!" is the eall. "Milk for ane and ail will help keep us an the bail!" Play's the thing for an active boy'; Mi]k'i the drink to give him joy. It's a treat. that's sure to score. And keep him caming back for more, For flavor, nutrition, and econamy. Count on milk ta orovide al three!" BETHANY Mn. mnd Mrs. Evencti Hales, Peterborough, wenc Sundmy guesis with Mn. andi Mns. John Wiie. Their grancison Penny Bothwell, Peterborough, is mIsa spending sevenal cimys with them ibhis week. Miss Gmyle Bristaw, Oshmwa, was home for the weekend with hier mothen, Mns. Hilliard Bris- tow. Mrs. Rhada Johnsion, Pe- terborough, aIsa visited with hrie on Sunday. Congratulations - ta Wajden and Mrs. Allun Been on the birtb ai their infant son in Ci- v'ic t-iospiiml, Peterborough, o'n Sunday. Women's Institute Women's Institute ai Beih- mny met mi the home ai Mrs. Clarence Rowmn fan thein Sep- temben meeting with Mns. Thbomas Jennings presiding. The pragrm emtuned bis. orical reseano and curresut events. Miss ELnar Rowmn vho bad campleteci eighi units if 4-H -club' work aci ibis yetir1 was mwanded a tnip ta the On- taria Agricultural College ai Guelph, gave a description of her holiday'mi MeDonalci Hall. The iheme ai the conference t Ei e a vw 't G "h Glen Rae Dairy MA 3-5444 Bow'manville : Look Around! DON'T LET your Insurance problems care for them- àe1ves ... perhaps lose your home, business. car or other property. Cal en us. Let us give your Insurance affaira ex- pert attention . .and provide you with dependable protection! STUARTTIR. JAES Insurance Real Estate Office Eesi<ience MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 King Street E. Dowmanvile Roy Gah am nd fai o Sunday. __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _U 1 L O lt, B Lr. zrnzh là inieleîght and Jack Cale was the Wnn, with a 9 single game. Ceeil Mutton w8s next 103, Rae Rundle 107, Dave McKnight 112. Phil Cancilla 113, Sid Ni- chols and Jim Callan 115. Jim misa haci lo-ý triple 417, Phill Cancilla 424, Ray Broei, 428,1 Bob Kent 442 and Jack Cale 449. ALLEY CHATTER This season George Elliait, manager ai t.he bowling eni- porium is pmying a bonus ta- the major league if the bowi- ers do nat miss a certain num- ber of lines sa it is up ta cmch bawler ta sce that he is out ta bowi on Wednesdmy night. Il bowlers do flot show up tbey shaulci drap out of the lemgîîe as thene is a waiting lisi for the major Icague. Let's ail get* out andi bowl an.d accept this maney fnom Mn. Elliott who 'ias been mare than gencraus wvith aur league. The mlcys are in tip to)p shape and have neyer loakeci better and George Ellioti ci- ainly has donc a wanderful ob this summen in mmking this abetter place ta bowl. This looks like a good season and president Dr. Keith Slemon 'nediets it will ha the best to date. Oh yes, old maney gnmb- ben Fned Cale is waiting foi' our treasusa makedit ay eorltesueync.a Cngrtlin.aei ortul watin are in ale Rses"Bowmanil l " aIenn h Rose" Baea C Dnaing. the ntermedamE nhimna Bsbal Cm Me' aprBwln.e ~nStMador Botwn e StaningltW cekPi 3el W L P33 anei231O338 anen - 2 1 331 ialleyn---------- 2 1 2979 Zle ---man ----- 2 i2976 une ---- 2 1 2936 ke-------- 1 28450 aylorgh 1 2 3036 ,armer ...1i2 3076 a'orme------1 2 2848 'Roes----- 1 2 278 laes -- - ----- 01 32 32708 amn--- Oa3300 lameages ne ame Gayes .11l Polley ----- 3 1 i e B a g n el - -----------3 aniley Vanstone---- 3 tan Brock ----------- 3 arc Sellers -----------3 hil Westlmkc 3 Hoar3 ,r Spicen 3 d Runcile --- 3 snrray Larmen 3 ruce Milne -----3 ill Oke ----3 'n Richards ---- 3 latt Harrison --------- 3 on Maynard .-3 ik Bnough -- -- -3 ick Little - 3 'rm O'Rourke 3 il Hearle------------- 3 irewell Blmckburn - 3 ss Hailman --- - ---- 3 il Begley --- ---3 lanence Oke --------2 1 Stevens 3 1Osborne ----- -3 raid Bennetti------- 3 %Keith Siemon . -3 eachers of Iarke Twp. old Meetinc 'be finst meeting ai nrke Teachers was helci <th Line schaoi with ixw 'ive teachens present. rhe officens ion the new fE 'e elecieci and are, presîd( ýA. Branscombe; secretî s Joyce Kilpmtrick. wo representatives ta id the annual Temcher's ýu meeting in Oshawa w~ aoinieci. t 'as decided that a rep each meeting shaulci bes the local ncwspmpers. Sbanquet cammitice was nted ta make annangemne aur annual banquet. nr. Webster led mn interE discussion on the use ai ai1 libranies. The necess bath sulent and oral neý in the clmssroomn ught oui. The meeting-tl unncd~ them Iorder Brook- lub in ie "B,' pion- eague ti ms P t is 8 5 al '95 '54 82 C 3 2 nc 8 2 1TI the wen- termn lent, tary, a-- lui- were sent ap- ýnts .st- the sity vas Discuss a Farm lmprovement Loan with your '~Y ~NH' rearest Bank of Motreal manager. J3ÂNKoiF MoNTREAL workla wt Cudons le *very walk of lif. aince.loi? Bowmanville Branch: GEORGE MOOI)Y, Mlanaget Oshawa Branci: JOHN HUGHES, Manager lDedicated at Ebenezer At a cambineci church and Rally Day service on Sunday marning, Sept. 251h, a new Bi- ble ion the pulpit mi Ebenezer cbunch was neceiveci acidcci- cateci, ta the glary ai Goci and in loving memony ai Mrs. Lloyd Cra,«o.' On bebaîf af the donon, Mn. Liôyd Crago, one ai tbe eiders, Mr. Stan Caverly presenteci tbe Bible ta the ministen, the Ricv. Mn. L. M. Samerville, who mc- cepteci on bebali ai tbe cbunchi, thankeci tbe giver andi dedicat- eci it with praye. MVr. Hilton Tink, superinten- dent off the Sunday scbool, con- ducteci the service using the service ai worship fan Rmlly Day 1955. Mrs. Alex Muir told a stony ta the boys andi girls. The choir wiih Mns. Erie Cauriice onganist, sang the mn- thîem, "Put On Yaun Armaun". For the bni sermon Mn.1 Somerville useci the theme forl the day, -Lord off the Lani,j hiake Canada Thine Own." i WESLEY VILLE The annual raliy ai South Hape Sunday Scbool was heid t Pennyiown,1 on Friday even- ing and-' 42 were thene fmain the local Sunday School. There ian axerage atteniancc here if 48 so this school won the tiendanice banl'ier for the third onsecuhveyear. Sunday morning. the regulan mli raliv back ta Sunday School was belci bere but as ais school cloes nat close for re summen months, it does io bave the sanie significance. bhe service was canclucteci by Ie superintendent, Murray ayne anci the Sciptune was ead by Bill Barrowclaugli. wenty ebilciren ai the begin- ier andi primany classes sang 'can the Pennies Drapping" id "Jesus ics Us Shine", mnducteci by Mrs. Carroll Ni- 'uoll. A iovely stary xvas wcll ld by Mrs. Clarence Nicholîs (d Bannie, Pearl, anci Marie ustin sang "Land ai Our lirih, We Pîccigre ta Thec". Speciai music by the chair ;as appreciateci by the congre- atian in cburch service as wms I'. Harding's senon on the 7otb ai a lie. Aiten considenable doubi as the definite date ai the an- ivensany, it bas been set fi- aliy ion Octaben 16 ta the 'caten satisfaction ai evnr>- e. Tomatoes anci cucumbers ve gone their way fan 1955 cid ladies can neally get down )the business ai housebalci ities andi ai quilting. The In- itute were it wak on anc ai 's. Reeve's on Wednesdav; iher was donc ai Mrs. K. hby's on Fniday and Satur- i. Two more are planneci for s week for the Reci Cross. Several have been Mi wilh Mis andi a 'type ai ilu but the lanke chilciren, Gloria Nich- sandi Berniece Besi anc mli ill again anci we are veny glaci s Theysmeyer.,who bas been -y ii, is much better. MIn. anci Mrs. Percy. Snell 'ni the weekend in Roches- felene Bmrnawclough with diy Jackson ai Toronto, was ne for part ai the weekend, ile Mrs. White anci Herbie lloy wene in Toronto. 'be righi thinker abides un- i he shadoxv ai the Almigh- His thoughts can only re- et peace, gooci wili towards a, healtb, anci holiness.- ry Baker Eddy. r #4BAClit r Rit4 r 69ÀIN THANKS 0 IAVING1MIS PçrEsCRIpI',tS] FILu.EB AT R.ELIASLE LOVELL'S TrHERE 1$ ISKILL '<OU-CAtI 1 recall an instance where a rali on the icy steps and a min off sixty yeans ialling beavily an his back saw double for sevenal mnonths excepi wben wemring a correct.ion ta pnopely ca-ondin- aie the iemponmnily derînged muscles. This proves thai fune- tional disorders anci accidents mmay be contribuiony ta ibis con- dition. If yaur eyves cause trouble ut may be nature's warning that attcntion is necesâan. - (Copyriglited> ý U 'IP lpit Bibl : F% 1. - a 120 WALTON STREET PORT Tel Mr, J. S. Hinman 1875 Resident Manager, rHOPE Jephone l New Toni Low Prices Faster 10-minute procefl Vacuum Botties .-- 9e Frizz-frec Waves Odor-Iree Waves 40e size Noxzemna - 29e 6 oz. Noxzema -_____98c 2.00 100 A.S.A. Tabs -____19e 'rIP TONI-------- 1.25 2.75 size Net 1.95 Absorbine Junior Halibut Oul Dettol Capsules 75e - 1.29 - 4.79 Sal Antiseptie Nyal Multiple Capsules 3.00 Hepatica 63C-1.10-1.90 Alphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 43c-85c.09 Oieum Percomorph. 1 Caps --------_- 1.25, 3.75 Halo One-A-Day Multiple Kkovab Shampoo Vitamin 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 Sî 39C-65c-98c A & D 1.35, 2.50 35C-59c-89C Forfiy Yor Bod Enols or Wi Yor 1no9dy -Sa.09 qi Creophos - Stops Coughs J & J1 Baby O11 89e, 1.15 Large hottie ------ - 1.50 Bucklcy's Mixture 50c, 83cJ&JPwee -3c g Mason's '49 -.j45e, .75eJ&J ra69 - ----- ---Mennen Baby Magie - 79e j Vick's Cough Syrup-- 5e Mennen 011 -- 69e, 1.20 Pinex - Prepared ,50c, 85e Diaperash - 45c, 1.89 Hoi Wafer Boffles - 1.29'- 1.79 - 2.19 - 2.59 (Guaranteed) Xilly Kat Baby Hof Waier Boifles 1.891 COWLINGIS PHONE DU TOEW INT MA 3-5695 DU T R TRUSSES w -~ ~ LONG BRANCH Jus! Off -Onleen Elizbaeth Way and Highway 27 WEST 0F TORONTO 1:15 P.M. Sept. 28 Ample Parking Space Firsi Class Resi aurani Full Course Mteals from 75e -Oct, 21 Announces the opening of an office for the practice of his profession 221 McGILL STREET, COBOURG PAGE SIX fruv. ObA m à 1 APMTI$Onà%p mumm -- .--- 153. 1 Mr and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Harveat Home Service on attendeci the Church Serv;ce Sunday evening was fairly well at Trinity Unitd Chureh. Bow- attended. The gueat speaker, manville, an Sunday, whei Rcv. 9. R. Bonsteel of Bcth- their gandson, Gardon G r- any gave a fine message. The ham, was baptizcdd c wer. yaung ladies quartette, Bowv- dinnen guests of Mn. and Mrs. manville, rendereci a cou ple of1 Jini Graham. numbers whlch were mueih ap- Mn. Bruce Garrard and Pal- pneciated. A number af baskets sy, Pont Credit, wene Sundt v' ai flowers grmced the front of visitons at Mn. and Mrs.C. Gar..e the church and choir loft. rard's. Several irom here attended The cammunity was shoced Lindsay Fair on Saturday. ' ta hean of the suciden passinte l' Mr. and Mrs. Shackleon., af Mns. Leslie Thompson ani Salem, were tea guests of Mn. Sunday afternoon. Funenal ser- ad Mns. W. Blckburn ad vice xvas helci irom Nanthetit famly on Sunday cvening, and & Smith's Funenal Home oui aitendeci the Harvesi Home Wednesday aitennoon. Inter- Service, men Bethescia Cemeiery, Sy~t Mn. and Mrs. Clifford Tne- patby is extcnded ta Mý win, Mns. T. Prout, Bawmm,,mn- Thompson and family in thefr ville, were Sunday visitons ai bereavement. Mn. ad Mrs. Wm. Tnewin's. 1 Sacrament will be obsenr'cd Mn. ad Mns. Wlten Rmhn, i at the cburch service on Sun,ý Tyrane, visited Mn. and Mns. day aftennoon. 'Noirman F. W. Piragneil Cliartered Accountiant je OSHAWA HAYDON ri il Tel

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