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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Sep 1955, p. 8

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PAGE 10RT -- ~, -** " w ~. '~&..' THUR8DAY, SEPT. 29e. TW~ ~A~a'AnTA?< WrA'I'lr<IRAM U~WIIA V¶T?? TV P~IZ~ A Ut#~ Ed Y oungman's Col umn J The Statesman's Grass Roots Columniat il Associate Grand Matron of Ont.1 Some people neyer lose an Church where we enjoyed a opportunity to show their loy- chicken pie lunch with 120 Bell aItY. One day at Malton, so-me Telephone Pioneers, i.e., peo- of hefelow wre ouiypie with %enyfieor more, of te fllow wee lodlyyears' service to their credit. praising the milk they were Then egie h he u drinking, vhen Les Pike but-, en, we gs undthe thrToee u ted n with the observation that iHlads aross ounythe Toera if the Purity Dairy of Windsor 1 Project, to Orano, where they' were supplying the iactic flul'd,j terminated 'their day's sight- ail crutches and wa]king sticks! sceen artr aTrno wouid be immediately discard- j n ortr oTrno ed. You guessed it! Les is a At the barbecue, just north saiesman of the company le of McLean's School, Butch and boosted; whose president has Bob made and served coffee been knighted by the Pope. Les (with cookies) to the entire is aProestnt.group. Judging by the corn- H a*ronteatati tpge vrments, the visitors enjoyed the A. sysptent namedorea h phase of the trip, and the .A.systm, amedJoewere especialiy surprîsed and Canaian mae m wo de '~pleased ta each receive a côm- sucli a person existed. Later,1 plimentary copy of the Sept. 22 we met! His parents emigrated! issue of The Statesman, con- from Arkansas to British Col- taining the front page welcome umbia quite a few years ago, to them, ànd xvhich they intend where Joe was raised. Ho is keeping as a souvenir of the an Apache Indian, and 1 a occasion. nice chap. Says lie gets- te A bus bumped into a stump a bang out of those corny Apa-J and shook some passengers tir, che Indian-Paleface movies.1 asn one lady to faint. A Looking at Joe, with his high few minor injuries added ta cheek bones, aquiline nose and the general excitement. Onie f ierce. glittering eyes, it doesn't i lady toid me she had a good require mucli imagination to laug h at Tower Hill, seeing nme picture him, with war bonnet' ,in olwdb am breech clout and paint, snea]:- î oiwdb omn jwomen. First time I was ever ing up on an unsuspecting pale- cha sed by samn 50lsa face, with upraised tomahawk ayfmlsa Ug- one time, and tie first time I ever saw so many "Hello" girls * * *in one bunch. On September 24, Butch and~ Forty odd years ago, there Tdrove to Markham Uniteî ,verc no dm1l phones in Toron- Vigor Oit Co. Ltd. Reduces the Prices on FUEL CIL and STOVE CIL STOVE CIL 20 10 FUEL CIL 16 1 FOR DELIVERY a Duffl t'ir.nQX T? A m1 Èf cents per gai. cents per gai. Mrs. Edna Anderson was rnstalled as Associate Grand Matron of Ontario at the 4Oti~ annual session of the Grand Chapter of Ontario, Order of the Eastern Star, which convened in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week. Sessions were held September 21 - 23, with the installation ceremony taking place on Friday evening and attended by about 3,000. Mrs. Olive Adams, Hamilton, is the new Grand Maktron, and Mr. David Kennedy, London, Worthy Grand Patron. Mayor Nathan Phillips extended a welcome on behaif of the City of Toronto at the banquet held on Tuesday evening when Kate Aiken was the guest speaker. Those attending from Bowmanville included: Mrs. Duaine Palmer, W.M.; Mrs. Vivian Piekard, A.M.; Mrs. Velma Sutton, P.M.; Miss Velma Gay, P.M.; Mns. Elizabeth reeple, P.M.; Mrs. Ada Found, P.M.; Mrs. Florence North- Dutt, P.M.;-'Mrs. Elsie Alldread, P.M.; Mrs. Emma Ruthven, P.M.; Mrs. Greta Brown, P.M.; Mrs. Jessie Marr, P.M.; \'rs. Ann Stephenson, Mr. William Found, W.*P.* The session was known as the Happiness Through Faith Session. .il iNL nbIivWiA5-1109 to; whcn a penson liftcd tic ne- s M ceiver off the hook a plcasailt female voice wouid chortie owner. Sometimes it worked! But I quit after a couple ôf withing onthe desgnateà stet withcoper lit h lkrd ityh nice curvès, laughing eyes, turned up aise, cunly, auburn haie', -> UP R 'l "' TELE VISION. ki9sable mouth. What did I A buck toothcd, knock- #etýd straight-haired, horse- C4oosefrom afaced srpecmen, guaranteed to 1ho.fb give a romantic youti ofI 13 lrge sele'ctlon of . tender years, a bad dose of thc - ' s;es nd mdels galloping heebee jeebees. Judging by tic group of beautiful ladies I met last Sat - Alumllzed ubes urday, I must have picked tie oriiy two "dud -ay ck w;hen. d"aa ak Miss Gertrude Lilley told NEW EXCITING Butch and me tiat, sic has LIVEPERORMNCE known Dr. Dorotiy James, To- LIVE ERFORANCE ronto, for 20 years, and tiinks tic wiole James family a.-e O.K. Not wisiing to provoke an If oilat h B - argument, we didn't express IM " Buy Rogers Majestic our candid opinion of the James by.Miss LTlle, acarii lady, native of Birmingham, n i England; Bell Company pen- sioner; operated a foster home ~ao nfor chiidren for twenty years M asonDole foliowing retire ment from "Bell", and comes from a fam- H A R DWVA RE iîy with- an interesting back- MI A 3-5408 Bowmnanville 36 King St. E. ground. _______________________________________________ Hem great great gnandfatier ____ was John Joinston, wio work- pi BRING US YCJR MONEY PROBLEMS If you need cash to pay niedical t or dental bis . .. te consolidate your dcbts . . . to buy an auto- mobile . . . or for any other worthwhile purpose, we have the boan te nîcet your needs. A low-cost loan is the sensible wvay te solve your financial preblcms. Tailor-made te fit your budget, it provides the cash when you need it, with a min. imum lof red tape . . . allows plenty of time for payment. Our experienced advisors will consider your problemas in confidence help you work out the boan plan best suited te your particular needs. Stop In and talk it over with us today. BELL VUE CORPORATION LTD. 29% SIMCOE ST. S. FINANCE OSHAWA G. H. WILSON, Manager DIAL RA 5-1121 lWally.Denny Awàrd ed ,Pin For, 25 Years a A. W. "Wally" Denny, Vice- President of thc Goodycar Tire and Rubber Company of Can- ada Ltd., whosc office is in New Toronto but wio is wcll known in Bowmanville, rcciv- cd his 25-year service pin and a cheque for $100 reccntly fnom R. C. Berkinsiaw, President and Genemal Manager, before a large gathcring in Goodyear Hall, New Toronto, on Scptem- ber 9. Wilf' Murphy, President of tic Twenty-Five Year Club, actcd as Chairman. On tie platform werc Lou Hurley, Manager of Interplant rela- tiqns, Akron, who conveycd to Mx5. Denny tic good wisics of tic world-wide Goodyear or- ganizations; Ciarlie Cattran, Plant Manager, Bowmanville. brouglit tic congratulations of bis organization. Harley AiH- man, on behaîf of tic New To- 'ronto Plant, wammly congratu- latcd Wally on having rcacied tic 25-year mark, and witi a twinkIe in his eye, suggcstcd tiat most men begin to mellow wien they have reache d tisi stage. Mr. Berklnshaw Presents Pin In plbescnting tie pin Mr. 'Berkinshaw was very plcased to have tic privilege of repres- enting tic entire Canadian Goodyear organization, in ex- tending congratulations to Wai- ly Denny on the completion of his 25-year service witi the Company and prescnting his -pin and cheque which goes with He mentioned that even since lic came to tic Canadian organ- ization in 1938, Waily had taken a prominent part and fuifiiled an important role in our activi- tics and operations as a Dirce- tor and Vice-President of tic Company and tiat it xvas fitting to foregatier in this manner ta clcbate this iandmark. Mr. Berkinsiaw said, shortiy afler he graduatcd from. Pur- lue University with a B.Sc. De- gree in Mecianical Engineen- ng, 'Wally joincd what was lien known as tic Goodyear Zeppelin Corporation, tic pre- iccessbn of Goodyear Aircraft. At tiat time, tic Corporation vas actively engaged in tic construction of tic two large 'igid airships known as tic "Akron" and tie "Macon" and Wally was engaged in construc-, ion activities. He remained until 1934 whcn he was tran' cmrred to the Efficiency Diepant- ment in Plant 1 at Akron. A cxv years later, he was moved ed side by side with tic fam- ous James Watt. building steam engines at a time xvicn thcy were quite a novelty and when plenty of people wcren,'t too une the '"danged" 'things ,rouldn't blow up and kili1 evcrybody within miles. Ht-n fther was, for many years -tic political secmctary of that 1 dougity oid British politician, ild Joe Chamberlain. During the twenty years Miss Lilley acted as foster mother, she took cane of f if tyj children. So, although Genty even married, sic beat her mother's record of raising 13 ýhildren. Our thanks to Clarke nuncil for arranging for ýrdln of road for tic Bell wur. and to Art Tennant fort ioing his ubual good job. ' él tc ir ri I fe ve eè p1 C 11 Li associated." Tic tour of tic gardens be- hi M B Jade Roast to California as Manager of the Efficiency Department, and then on Junè 15, 1938, was transferred to New Toronto as Assistant Plant Supérintendent. In 1943, he was made Factory Manager of New Toronto, Bow- manville and St.. Hyacinthe plants. Three years later ho be- came Vice-President in charg-e of Production, and he is now Vice-President and Director of the Company and occupies the same position in the Goodycari Cotton Company. Qualities of Leadership Mn. Berkinshaw refcnred to his qualities of leadership as outstanding' and that lie had the goodwill and co-operation of ail sections of our organization. He rcferrcd to his participa- tion in affairs apart from Good- year which were of wide inter: cats. He holds licenses for fly- ing balloons, blimps and liglt 'planes. During World War 2, he was Commanding Offîcer of an Air Cadet Squadron. He is kcenly interested in tic Boy Scouts movement, holding many offices. During the necent Boy Scouts Jamboree at Nq-l gara - on - the - Lake, lie' xvas chairman of the Toronto contin- gent. He also takes a promini- cnt part in Churci and com- munity activities. He is on the Queensway Hospital Board and Vice-Chairman of the Board of GovernorÉ. He has serviced on the board Of many community projects and is a committee member of the Commtinity Chest, Ein- ployees' Welfare Service Fund, and nmany othert. Mr. Berkinshaw concluded by saying '-Wally is an ail-1 round man and type of person1 with whom xve are proud to be Queen's to Honor Lord Tweedsmuir Lord Twecdsmufr, son of the former Governor Genenal auf Canada, is to be given an hon- orary doctorate of laws by Queen's University next monti. Honorcd with* himn will be Adlai Stevenson, 1952 Demo- craticcandidate for preidency of the United States, and Dr. W. P. Tidmpson, president of tic University of Saskatche- wan. 'Lord Tweedsmuir servcd with tic Canadian forces in Wonld Wan II and wvas, for a time, commanding officer of tic Hastings and Prince Ed- ward Regiment, wio plan to honor iim during his visit to this country. Wbile at Qucen's he will give the Aima Mater Society lec- turc. At tic same * time, tic Douglas Libnary's John Buci- an collection. pnesented to tic University by Col. and Mrs. R. S. MeLaugilin of Oshawa, wil be officially opened. U. E. Loyalists HoId Party At 'rkwood A numben of citizens fmom Bowmanville were among tic invitcd gucsts wio attended a mosf dligitful Garden Party and aftcnnoon Tea sponsored by tic Toronto Bra'ch f tic United Empire Loy *lists Asso- ciation at "P:ark,ýood", tic lovely home of Coi*. and Mrs. R. S. MeLaugilin, Oshawa, on Saturday, Sept 17ti. BACON Foxhaven Brand i lb, pkg. 69~ Beef Pies for 79c 2 For 25c 5iC Lipten's - Beef Needie gan at three oiclock with guides showving the guests through the loveiy grounds,-the banks- of beautiful autumn flowers-the sunken gardens-the fountains -the swimming pools-Italiaii garden (thing uof beauty wlth liles and gold-fish ponds) and then the extension vegetable gardeni with beds of ail kinas. This was foliowed by tea on the terrace where the several hundred guests were served most delicious refreshments. Several U.E.L. ladies took turns in pouning tea at a central marquee glass table, whlle un- iformed maida of the home passed trays of sandwiches and cake to the guests who were What's Dolores D6ýlores Deckin is preparing payment notices for 150,000 Blue Cross subscribers who have Iept their Blue Cross protection ofter leaving their groups. You con keep Blue Cross if you change your job or retire, ONTARIO HOSPI RED & WHITE - 2-oz. INSTANT COFFEE 5 7c DALTON'S - 6 oz. - RED Maraschino CHERRIES lic Wh ite Bu/bs 24-o. 25 C SUPREME BRAND Sweet Mix. Pickles 16-oz 2 for 3 9c Quaker Muffets 2 for 29c# WheNEL lECRI 60 watt 2 for 49C CALIFORNIA- Valencia- Sunkist - Size 288's lb. 45c1 SWIFT'S PREMIUM Spring Lamb Leg lb. 65c SWIFT'S - Either End Bon eless Uam FRESR Pork Liver lb. 79c lb. 25C SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Rindless - Sliced Ingersol - 5c Off - CHEESE SLICES 1/2-1b. pkg. New Pack - 14-oz. tin NIRLETS CORN 2/37c Reeve's Whole - lO-oz. tin MU1SHEGONlS 39c Beehive - 2-lb. tin CORN SYRUP1 31c Five Minute - 28-oz. pkg. CREAN 0F WHEAT 31c Old Dutch Ogilvie Chocolate - 16-oz. CANE MIX Robin Hood GATS Dainty I - 5-lb. bag - 16-or. pkg. ORANGES CALIFORNIA - Red Malaga GRAPES ONARIx ew Curps 2doz.63 Ibs. 23c HOLLAND MARSH - Crisp New Carrots 20-oz. 2 for i 9c POTATOES 27C Johnson's - Iù Extra Wax K Ken's - 4-oz. tin Free 59C Parke's - Bottie CATSUP F4AVORING 29c Supreme PurJ 4-oz. tin BLACK PEPPER 37c B3lue Bonnet 'Yellow Quik SGUP MIX 2 For 35v MARGARINE Lb. Pkg. 39v ED ïI'RW& H ITE IPOOD STORES È' à y> 1! Pure Plum Jam BLUE BRAND BEEF' -RO- E- vA" w-, . 1 THERE'S A RED '& WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Yeo's Marketeria MAPLE GROVE - Maple Grave Groceteria ORONO - Cornish Marketeria Imm seated at dozèns of smal tablesj which were covered with lac* embroidered cloths. The event was in aid of a fund for the restoration of his-', torical landmarks at Adoîphus- town, especially the old U.E.I. cemetery whene the pioneers first landed. The President of the Toronto Association, Mn. Wilton, is a son of the late John Elliott, a former principal of Bowman- ville High School. He and hii wife, were in the receiving line with Col. and Mrs. McLaughlin, aiso Mr. and Mns. Jas P. Love- kmn, Mr. Lovekin being clýw- man of the Restoration Fur~ 1 . 1 PAGE MORT TEE CANADL« sTATmmAm- inwmAwvmT-P- nmrAwtn 9 1 FROZEN FOOD Foxhaveit Brand 1 - -i 39c lb. 4c BACON 1 IL pkg. 69c, 1 1

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