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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1955, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVN *-4'ITHE.CN Z.ÂAD. IAN i. bEM. BOM* MAW.VIA4VLL.E , UNTARJO TNfURSDTOC.7!.15 High School Football Team Out to Take Lakeshore Titie Although they have lost two games ta Pickering The team has a strong line and good backfielders. and is1 Fairey, Bob Marjerrison, Ron Clemens, Hartley Lewis, Alexander, John Dippeli, Collegiate, which plays Junior "A" football, the Bowman- coming along well under the coaching of Len Swatridge Charlie Trim, Dave McCullough, Marvin Walker, Jerry iAerry, Garth McGill, ville High School Junior "B" squad shown above expects and Athletic Director Jack Ross. Members of the squad Hasiuk, Co-Captain John Fowler, Jim Mitchell, Bill Reynolds. to* win Lakeshore League honors in their own category. are, left to right: Doug Cattran, Captain Dan Cattran, Ted1 O'Neill, Norm James, Fred Vanstone, Bob Smith, Alex Bob Abbott, Ron Dickinson, Bert Ken Williamson and David Barons Lose Game 18 -1 Against Whitby Seniors WVhitby Dunlops demnonstrat- ed the difference between Sen- loir,"B" and Intermediate "A" hockey in convincing fashion at the Memnorial Arena on Wecl- nésday night of laFt \week hY, submerging the BowmanvilleI Barons beaeath an 18-1 oe In an exhibition tilt. 1The better-conditioned Dun- laps, who had been practicing longer and had a game with thxe Kitchener Dutchmen uncler their belts, were not content to ease Up after apening a big léad but continued te pour it on. The Barons were not as bad es the score would seem to indicate and wilh shape into a good, strong teamn with more practice and conditioning. Playing Coach Ernie Dick- ebi, Don Gilhooly, Maxie Yeurth and Lloyd Hamilton dif not play in the gamne. Newcomens Impressive amnong the best of the recruits %vas a Bowmanville boy, Clint Ferguson. He worked hard and shawed good sticl-handling abilîty. 0f the other newcorn- crs Lou cil DY kstra, Art Ren- ick and Gordon Deeth impres3- ed the most. but Jed Wilson and Bobby Bird will probabiy show more ,when they get inta better shape. The Hooper, Berwick and Girardi line was the only onel which seemed able ta hold the fast-skating Dunlops, although the line of Ron Burgess, Deeth and Rcnick xvas going fairhy well by the end of the game. Captain Frank Hooper saved the Barons from a shutout with a fairly long shot mhich caught the right corner of the cage inidway through the second period. For Whitby, Sinclair, Fred Etcher, Bob Attcrsley and Bon- and O'Connor and Williams scored singletons. Denny Palhister and Joe Me]- nick each played haif the game in the Bowmanville goal with about equal success. The Dun- lops scored Il goals on Pallis- ter and seven on Melnick. A good early-season crowd of 354 turned Up for the game. MhitbY - Goal, Donlevy; defence. Redmond, Treen, Mc- Beth, Gagnon; forwards, Neil Attersley, O'Connor, Williams, Sinclair, Ayr, Bonello, Etcher, DeGray, Bob Attersley, Brank- ston. Bowmanville - Goal, Pallis- ter, Melniclç; defence, Terryl Masters. Jack Marshall, Low-j ell Dykstra, Ernie Stoneman;j forwards, Frank Hooper, Bill Berwick, Dan Girardi, Gordon Deeth, Ron Burgess, Art Re n-j ick, Bob Bird, Jed Wlson, i Clint Ferguson. Referees - Moe Walsh, Jimi Crombie. HAMPTON -SeveraI newcomers to the I ello notcheci three 'goals each. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Graham, Blrons showed promise andl Coach Bus Gagnon and Russ Ahana and Kevin, Feneloni one phayer who looked to be Brankston added two apiece Falls, spent a few days withi _____________________________________________Mr. and Mrs. Harland Truli. Miss Lorrenne Warrack, To- ront,spenl the weekend at 5 5, home. ~vior JI LO LT J. Miss Florence Grdine~r, Caifornia, were Sunday even- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. (MfJ. Hdsn :FTUEL OILand STUVE QIL M.adMs aln ri E. S. Nayhor, Bowmanvihle. 3 Mr. and Mrs. R. Shackleton 10 cents per2ga0 and Freddie, wîth. the Shack- ST VE CL 0letons a aen Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Strang, FUEL CIL 16 cents per ga1 Bowranville, and attended Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddyvean, 4 - Orono. visited her sister, Mrs. iA.W. Prescott. Other recent F or Delivery visitors and cahiers at their home were Mr. Henry Eddy- vean, Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gray and children, Phon Osawa A 5109Kinsahe, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Phon Oshiýà A 5' 109Prescott, Oshawa, Mrs. Gardon Vani Camp, Ebenezer, Mrs. Ma- __________________________________________ bel Tennant and son, Mr. _______Ralph Prescott, Mrs. Lloyd Smith and famihy, Enfield. Church Thank-affering Ser-j vice will be held on Sunday St. Nicolaas - En Kerstreis l afternoon next a .0 uî JulI of Scarboro. Special music onder persoonlîjk geleide I1w the choir assisted by M--. il?\'M. MCoy of Burketon as Solo- met de populaire moderne ist. Quite a number from Hamp- AIton attended Harvest Home Il 1111services at Salem on Sunday s.IIII MSD A M when Rey. Ted Kersey a! Scar- Vertrk va ~a~x 25Nov.1955bora wvas guest minister. Ms VrrkvnHlfxo Vrijdag 5 ovf155 1J. Huis from aur community, Yk W 1 Nov ' andhav m oed t Tyr an of van New York op oensuag23 Nv.1955 1adhv ovdt yoe Among those from Hamp- Iton attending the banquet at f New'castle on Tuesday evening JUKT nd LUVILL of hast week celebrating the JU Y and L V 55th Anniversary of the Dis- rRAv~L AENC trict Women's Institute, were TRAVL AGNCYMrs. T. M. Chant. Mrs. A. E. ___________________________________________________ Billett, Mrs. Gea. Gilbert, Mrs. Sam Dewelh, Mrs. Wilfrid ISmale, Mrs. J. W. Balsion, Mrs. J. Macnab, Mrs. K. Caverl3', Mrs. M. Mountjay, Misses Nor- ah Horn and Florence Werry. (~A c lIA I LTThe evening was enjoyed by S U A L Mrs. Don Adcock and Mrs. i W" White who have been pa- ~tients in the Bowmanville lias- RU ..pitl, and Mr. N. C. Yellow- O A T Jýlees n a Toronto hospital, ai'e row at home and we trust are frconvalescing fvrby FALL c FROM 4 CoMing b o U? 2 FOR LEISURE WEAR ~2 WTiIHO knouws n'hen they may V i be! That's why it Is impor- 2 tant ta have enough Fire V NEl casual styling ls .ust i Insurance to adequately E right for you. In the new " caver today's value of your k~ mohair and -wool and al rpry wcooI fleere, made lilxurîous Doouaethsvtlpo a - ini soit rich shades. D o aeti ia r. a tection? S i (ail on this agency today D SUBU BAN OAT4f aor competent insurance Bruce Minns' avîe Bos'Wer TUAIT B. JAMESN Men s & oy W ar[nsurance ielEtt Gary Venning, 'Manager ~ Office ResidencO as MA 3-5681 MA 3-5493 Ji 29 King St. E. BoNvnianville King Street F. Bowmanville 9( - U______________________Z Barons Will Play First League Game Here Nov. 5 The Bowmanville Barons were again given Saturday night dates for home games at the meeting ta draw up the Lakeshore Hockey League schedule held in Orono on [Sunday night. The team wil play its first game in Part Perry against Orono on Friday, November 4 and its first home game the following night, Sat- urday, November 5. Each of the six teams in the league will play 30 games, 15 at home and 15 away. All ai Bowmanville's hom~e games ex- cept two wihl be piayed an Sat- urday nights, and these will be played on Wednesdays. Games wiIl start at 8.30 p.m., except in the case af Friday nighit games in Cobourg, Lindsay and Port Hope which wilI start at 9.00 1p.m. Different Playoff System A departure is being made this year in the playoff ar- rangements. The team which ends the seasan in first place wiil pick the team among the first four that it wishes ta play off with. This decisian must be made within 24 hours of the . end of the regular league scheduhe. The other two teams wihl meet in the other bal! of the semi-finals. This new method of deciding whichi teams will meet in the semi- finals was adopted for the pur- pose of eliminating any "Jack- eying" for playoff position near the end of the regular sehe- dule. It was decided that bath the semi-finals and the -finals wil be wan by the teams winning four out af seven games. In1 case of a tie for fourth place at1 the end of the league schedule a sudden-death playof! game will be arranged on neutral ice1 by the O.H.A. convenor, Mel1 Cunningham of Peterborough.1 Mr. Cunningham will also see that the playoffs are finished as quickly as possible so that no team will be kept waiting unduhy long for the other serni-2 finalists ta conclude their ser-2 ies.2 Murray "Prince" Gardon ai Cobourg will act as league sta- tistician and a copy ai the re-2 feree's sheet will be forwarded3 to hirn after each game by the 1 home clubs so that he may keep the league standings and scaring leaders up ta date. 1 Fallawing is the league sche- dule: %ovember - 4-Bowmanville at Orono 5-Cobourg at Bawmanville 7-Port Hope at Lakefield Orono at Cobourg 9-Lindsay at Port Hope 1 [0-Cobourg at Orano .1-Bowmanville at Cobourg 1 Lakefield at Lindsay 1 12-Port Hope at Bowmanville 14-Lakefield at Orono1 5-Bowmanville at Lindsay 1 6-Lakefield at-Port Hope 18-Lindsay at Cobourg Bowmanville at Lakefield Part Hope at Orono 19-Lindsay at Bowmanville 21-Cabourg at Orono" 22-Part Hope at Lindsay 23-Orano at Lakefield 25-Orono at Lindsay Cobourg at Port Hope 26-Lakefield at Bowmanville 28-Bowmanville at Orono 30-Cobourg at Port Hope Lindsay at Lakeiield December - 2-Orona at Port Hope Lakefield at Cobourg Bawmanville at Lindsay 3-Orono at Bowmanville 5-Part Hope at Orono 7-Lindsay at Bowmanville 9-Bowinanville at Port Hope Orono at Lindsay Cobourg at Lakefield 10-Part Hope at Bowmanville 12-Lindsay at Orono 14-Lindsay at Port Hope Bowmanville at Lakeiield 16-Lakefield at Orono 1Port Hope at Cobourg 17-Cobourg at Bowmanville 19-Port Hope at Lakefield 20-Cobourg at Lindsay 21-Lakefield at Port Hope 23-Lindsay at Cobourg 28-Lakefiehd at Bowmanville 30-Lindsay at Lakefield Orono at, Cobourg .Tanuary - 3-Cobourg at Lakefield 6-Lakefield at Lindsay Orano at Port Hope Bowmanville at Cobourg 7-Port Hope at Bowmanville 9-Lindsay at Orona Port Hope at Cobourg 11-Lindsay at Lakefield 13-Lakefield at Cobourg Bowmanvilhe at Lindsay Orono at Port Hope 14-Cobourg at Bowmanville 16-Bowmanvi]le at Cobourg 18-Orono at Lakefieid 20-Cobourg at Orono Port Hope at Lindsay 21-Lindsay at Bowmanville 23-Orono at Lakefield 24-Cobourg at Lindsay 25-Bowmanville at, Part Hope 27-Lindsay at Orona Part Hope at Cobourg Bowmanvilhe at Lakefield 28-Lakeiield at Bawvmanville 3l-Orono at Lindsay. E'ebruary - 1-Lakefield at Part Hope 3-Lakefield at, Cobourg Bowmanvilhe at Orona Lindsay at Port Hope 4-Oronb at Bowmanville Cobourg at Lindsay Port Hope at Orono 6-Lakefield at Orano 7-Port Hope at Lindsay 8-Cobourg at, Lakefield 10-Lindsay at Cobourg Port Hope at Orana 11-Orono at Bowmanvilhe .3-Orono at Cobourg Port Hope at Lakefield 15-Bowmanville at Port Hope .7-Cabourg' at Part Hope. Lakefield at Lindsay Lii Hooper Roils 314 In Ladies Major League We have a girl named Lil Name Hooper, Doris Joli Now she bowled a real super Onie Etchei duper, Ev Sweetmi Of ail the games some round Berniece Bt some hean, Hilda Broci' She came up with a neat one Kay Beaupi aif'"314". Helen Pipet' Manday night and another Anita Nicke night at the bowling alhey with Lii Hooper aîl the teams daing their best EeNora G ai ta try and get their name up Edna DeGeE on the top. A number o! the Olive PatfiE girls rohhed some good "200", Dot Crambi gams s hee ges iththeMolly Badg gams 5 hee ges ithth Marie Yeo -lames ai those whose faces Vi Coole_ beameL when they could help Sadie Buckî their team with their "200" Mary Harri! Kay Hendrý games: Lil Hooper 314; Onie Norma Haaî Etcher 255. Loha Wright 254- Mel MeNuit 220; Hilda Brock 251-210; Mary Helen Dunn Wiicox 246; Hilda Simnick Ena Etcher Lorraine Ma 245; Helen Dunn 244; Doris Wihma Bate Jail 239-209; Kay Beauprie 233- Edna Kerr 208-206: Muriel Halroyd 233; Ruby Yandt Lydia Bates 229-202; Berniece Ada Richard Budai 228-225; Edna De Geer Mary Wilco, 223; Marie Yeo 226; Helen V.. Joan Engley 'ian 225; Ev Sweetmnan 221- Fae Falls- -.- 213-312; Molly Badger 220-209; Dot Brooks Wilma Bates 220-207; Lorraine Alyce Hadgl 'Iartyn 220: Norma Gay 214; Dorc Muttor Eleanor Larmer 214; June Ba- Viv Cowan :er 210; Audrey Burns 203: Lii Ann Gav Phillips 203: Joyce Major 202, Lola Wright It. was also a good week for Tean Ill the iitthe hemons. with onhy Name seven girls with their names Ex' Sweetma 'in tife news. Lil Phihhips Did 1 see right when I checked Berniece Bui this hist? Lvdia Bates Seven girls were lemons! Ima- Hilda Brock gine this! Anita Nickei dbe. Pauline, Hilda, Jean, Eheanor Larr Kay, Ann Doreen too, Joyce Major No wonder their faces are a Ena Etcher reddsh ue.Doris JolI reddis hue.Onie Etcher These were the lucky seven Vi Coole _ is follows: High Singh Jean Firth 99, Hilda Simnick High Trip )6: Beth Chartran 89; Paulino 64î, Ev Swe, Elliott 88: Dareen Holroyd 86; fHigh Av'er Kay L=xon 82; Ana Whute 7D.1 207. Ave. 197 idai --------195 k ------19.1 ýs 192 rie 187 erson 185 - -- - 133 im er ----------180 'r 178 Ild - ----------- 177 de 1 176 er 176 17 4 174 :e1 172 ison 172 y 172 )per ----170 ty -- - - - 169 - -- -- -- 169 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 16 9 artyn 168, s ---- 163 16" t 167 ds 166 cx 166 165 . -----165 son 164 ,n .__..164 162 161 --- --- -- --- - .- 160 m Standing Points Pins an--- 26 131.551 ~a ~ 25 140751 ----- 22 13149, S21 12733 ýson -.21 .12677 ner 16 13842 r 14 13685 13 13383 12 13412 12 130192, - 4 12001 le-Lil Hooper 314. le-Kav Beauprie, ýtman 647. age Doris Jo.l~ f HAYDON1 Mr. and Mrs. C. Van Heu- velen, Enniskillen, visited Mr.ý and Mrs. H. Van Heuvelen. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and family, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Ashton and family, Toronto, at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Abert Lockc, Mrs. Lock. Sr., Mr. Reuben Ashton, Port Hope, were Sun- day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham's. Mr. Reuben Ashton remaining for a visit. Mr. Lloyd Thompson. To- ronto, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson and family, Bow- manville, visited Mrs. W. Thompson. Master Donald Thampson spent the weekend with bois grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Bill, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Read, Bowmianville, xvere Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read's. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cowling and family, Salem, were Sat- urday evening callers at Mr. George Tabb's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Martyn and. family, Mr. and Mrs. Cliffo.rdi Trewin, Miss Judith Trewin,1 Bowmanviile, at Mr. and Mr.5. Wm. Trewin's.11 Mr. and Mrs. G. Trevail, Taunton. Mrs. James Nokesl and Jeff, Oshawa, were Sun- day visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright and Joyce, Oshawa, Mr.. andi Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin, Burke- ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton's. Mr. Elmer Slemon, Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. Mil- ton Slemon and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. David Malcolm. Mr. and Mrs. D. Colbary and family, Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. T. Cowling and Mr. and Mrs. W. Black- burn and family. Mr. J. Walker, Mr. Kenneth Walker, Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. MacAlpine and Aileen, Toronto, on Sunday. Mrs. Roy Graham and fam- ily at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm's, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and Mr. Milton Slemon, called an Mrs. W. White, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rahm , Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mepstead spent the weekend at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton were in Toronto on Mondav' and called on Miss Emma Werry. Kathy and Judy Rahm spent the weekend with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wnm, Dawson. Orono. Mrs. W. Thompson attended the funeral of ber sister, Mrs. L. Eaton, Buffalo, on Thursday. Sympàthy is extended to Mrs. Thompson, in her be- reavement. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabla visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fraser, Drono. C.G.I.T. Girls are having a &Hallowe'en party in the school house on, Friday evening Oct. HAMPTON Mrs. G. Adcock and Harry visited relatives in Toronto on Wednesday. I Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Yellow- .ees, accompanied by Mr. and VIrs. Donald Yellowlees, Taun- ton, were Sunday dinner guiestt of Mr. Vernon Powell, Colum- bus. Womnns Institute meeting wyul be held this Thursday af- ernoon. Oct. 27th. Program in harge of the east group. Tapie. Mrs. Gaud. Rbl caîl, 'A help- nil hint in housekeeping". Ail ladies welcome. Showers were prevalent on ;unday night and ahl day Monday-and snow flurries i the evening when colder air was felt, and the ground took n a wintry appearance with ts white carpet.1 YOUR EYES and Vision~ Re-written f rom previous - copyrights of Optometrist Disney BIdg,. e: 31 King E., Opp. P.O. OSHAWA Phone RA 5-6143 316. When e.ves became so afflicted that instead ai fusing images sterîoscopicalhy and seeing one, it is cammon for two abjects tai be seen where anhv onexss it is possible by scienti c m ea ns ta measure the amauto!tr frarn normal that theee r taking. Fram these findings! mayv be mathematicaly vfaund or figured the amaunt necessary ta campensate for this hoss. Lenses for purposes of this kind are speciai in that each correction is created ta suit the particular ero. (Copyrighted> 28. Corne in costume and bring lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon attended the Thanksgiving ser- vice. at Enfield on Sunday evening. Mrs. C. Garrard, Mrs. T. Cowling and Mrs. Lloyd Sie- mon attended the W.A. Con- vention at Courtice. Several from Havdon attend- ed the Thanksgiving services at Salem on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stu- art, Hamilton, on Sunday. Mr. Jim Webb visited his brother, Russell Webb, Ham- ilton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trevln visited Mrs. M. Anderson, Bowmanville. Mrs. Leslie Graham, Miss May Trewin and Mrs. Arthur Trewin were co-hostesses at a linen shower for Miss Bessie His, bride-elect, at the home of Mrs. Leslie Graham on Thursday evening. She receiv- ed many lovely gifts of linen. Sunday School on Sunday at 2 p.m. , Church Service at 3 P.m. There are more than 4,000 DUFFERIN PARK, TORONTO1 Oct. 22-mNov. 8 1 p.m. Oct. 22 m Nov. 4 AND 12:-30 pem. Nov. 5-I8 ADM. (Inc. Tax) $1.15- No children under 16 Firsi Class Lunch Counier -I 011 Heater with POWER BLOWER YOURS. FOR si109.95 Camasmn 011 Hecor----,$99.95 Coleman Power blower $ 29.95f Cost Norma ly 129.901i Spocal Offu SOSasYou $ 19,995 j Lander Hardware 7 KING ST. E. PHONE MA 3-5774 1 PAGE TWIELVE "rr eqAlvAnTAU eprAnqv«"AY p%%9fflAýv- 1

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