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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1955, p. 13

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TBURDATOCT. 2Tthl, 1955 <Continued from last weelvj GLASS A . LIGHT HOUSES, PONTES Brood Mare Foal by Sida- Garmet Cochrane, Raph Sa, ler, Gam-et Cochrane. Two, year aid Colt-Karnae Hil$. One year aid Colt-Gari- * Cochrane, Ken His. Foal by Sida of Mothar tRaiPh Sadlen, Gai-et Cochran Gam-et Cochrane. Roadster Team - Bill Rai Ivan Cochrane, Gai-et Coci mae. 1 Pony Teani - Ralph Sadle: Frnank Boss, Raiph Sadien. Roodter Single undar 15 -Ivan Cochrana, Bill Rai' Gam-et Cochrene. Roadter Single ovan 15% - Bill Raid, Gernet Cochrane Ivan. Cochrane. Carniage Single undex- l51/- iIalph Sadien, Ralph Sadien. *Carniage Single aven 15h- llalph Sadien, Ralph Sadien. Gent's Turn Out - Ivai Cochrane, Gai-et Cochrane. Lady Drivr-Reiph Sadler Ralph Sadler. SIngle 3 yean aid in hernas. .-Ralph Sadien. Single Horse in Hanness - Ivan Cachrana, Bill Raid, Gar. -net Cochrane. Roadsten Teamn-50 % speed, 50% quality-Bili Raid, Ivan Cochrane, Garnat Cochrane. Single on Rein-Ralph Sad. 1er, Raiph Sadien, Garnat Coch- rane. Pony Clamse Brood Mare and Foal- Ray Cochrane, Ralph Sadier. Pony Foal - Ray Cochrane, Ralph Sadier. Single in Harness othèr than Hackney-Ray Cochrane, R. A. Wannan and Son, R. A. Wan- nan and Son. Single Hackny-Ralph Sad- 1er, Ralph Sadier, Ralph Sad- ler. Pany Team otl<'ar than Hack- mey-R. A. Wannan and son, RaCcne.emRlhSd RaHacrnTa -ahSd 1er, Frank Ross, Frank Ross. Single Saddle - Ray Coch- rane, Frank Ross, Ross Pol- lard. Pony Race, - Ross Pollard,' Ross Pollard, Ross Pollard. Osmond Wright Special Pony Tandrp-Ralph Sadler, R. A. Wannan and Son. Heavy Horses One year old Gelding or Filly' .-Russel Cochrana. Ona year aid Yeld Mare or Galdnm-Vince Baker, Vince Baker, Reg McCool. Brood Mare Foal by Sida- Russel Cochrane, Leonard Ste-1 TIM CANqAD phenson, Leonard Stephenson. Two year old Gelding or Fil- Iy-W. G. Shea, W. G. Shea.' One Year old Gelding or Fil- -Y iW.- G. Shea. d, Yeld Mare or Geiding-W. G. th Shea, W. G. Shea, W. G. Shea. Beigian, two year old Geld- et Legord, ly - Ted Grahami, LenrStephenson. * Belgian Yeld Mare on Geld- Sing-Ted Grahami, Ted Gr-a- hanm, Leonard Stephenson. ËH.avy Draft Taam - Vince Baker, Vinca Baker, Reg Mc. -Cool, Reg. McCaoi. Bel gian Team-Ted Grýehamn, Len Stephenson. "à Percheron Tearn '- W. G. SShea, W. G. Shea, Len Stephen- son. Commercial Tearn - Rus. Cochrane, Rus Cochrane. Foui- Horse Teem, Dnivan Tandem-Vince Baker, W. G. Shea, Bus Cochrane. Reg Mc. -Cool, Len Stephenson. Commercial Single Hanse - Rus Cochrane, Rus Cochrane, Rus Cochrane, Rua Cochrane. Single on Rein, Percheron, Draft, Commercial or Baigian -Vince Baker, Ted Graham, W. G. Shest, Reg McCool. GLASS D - SWINE Boar ovan 1 year-Frad Tre- win, Marinl Van Camp, Les Taylor., Boar, B months ta 1 yean - Les Taylor, Fred Trewin, Las Taylor. Boar, under 6 months Keith Van Camp, Mernihi Van Camp, Les Taylor, Les Taylor, Keith Van Camp. Sow, oven 2 years-Fred Tre- win, Glen Lai-mai-, Les Taylor, Les Taylor, Merriii Van Camp. Saw, 1 year ta 2 years-Fred 1 Trewin, Les Taylor, Keith Van Camp, Les Taylor, Marinl Van1 Camp. Sow, 6 ta 12 months--Glan Lai-mer, Fred Trewin, Fred Trewin, Las Taylor, Kaith Van Camp. Saw, under 6 months-Keith Van Carnp, Glen Lai-mer, GlenI Lanmen, Kelth Van Camp, Les Taylor. l4erd, 1 maie and 3 famalea ' -Fred Trawin, Keith Van s Camp. Best Sow on Grounds-Frad Trewin. 1 GLASS B - CATrLE P Short4ornsL Bull 2 yeers or up-Les Tay- lor. Bull, 1 yaar and under - b Lance Beath Walter Beetn, 01 Lance Beath, ý..es Taylor. _Cow, givlng milk or in cal! a: -Garnat Rickard, Lance Beath, B Lance Beath, Garnat Rickard. Heifen, 2 yaars old -Lance le Beath, Garnet Riekard, Lance tI ------------------ ------ Need money to pay M Clean th em up ail at one fime! Loans of $50 ta $1000 made at Hausehold Finance on your promise ta repay. Simple requirements. One-day service. Up ta 24 months ta repay. Today ... keep your credit. good, start fresh with an HFC loan! Need money ? Bis ta pay ? Oall HFC today @HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 1 1'/ SIMn oe St. South, seo@nd fl..,, phoe.RA 5.11 39 OSHiAWA, ONT. PORT NOPO BRANCHa 71 W.f,.n St., 2wd fMe.r, phono TU 3-3050 LA. PARKER & SONS PLUMWING e NEATING - Oit DURNERS C7KMG ST. L. BOWMANVILLE - MA 3-5U] 1 IBeath, Garnet Rickard. JHeifer, h year aid - La Beath, Walter Beath, Gaz Rickand, Les Taylor. Heifer cal! under 1 year David Beath, David Bei Gai-net Aickand, Garnet Ri ard. Bull Cal! unden 1 year Garnet Rickard, David Bei Les Taylor, Les Taylor. SIýorthorn Grade* Cow giving milk-on in cel Marinl Van Camp, Les Tay, Les Taylor. Heu cx- 2 yeans aid-Mer Van Camp, Merrill Van Car. Les Taylor, Les Taylor. Haifer 1 yean aid-Les Ti Ion, Las Taylor, Mer-ill I Camp. Heifer Cal! -Mennili «V Clamp, N. Green and Sons, I Taylor, Lai-ny Brown. Aberdeen Angus Haifer Ceif under 1 year Keith Van Camp. Herefords Bull 2 years oId and upwar - Jas. Wintei-bottom, -Gi Shea. Bull I yeer aId and und two-Jas. Wintarbottom. Cow giving miik or in calf Jas. Wintarbottom, Gea. ShE Jas. Wintarbottom. Heifer 2 yeans aid-Jas. W! terbottom, Jas. Winterbottai Gea. Shea. Haifer 1 yean aid and und 2- Jas. Wintarbottom, Ge Shea. Heifer Cal! under 1 yaar- Jas. Wintarhottom, Gao. She Carol Yeo, Geo. Shea, Bull Cal under 1 year-Ji Winterbottona. Special-Any Beief Breed- Bast Fat Steer-Lance Beal Alivin, Quinnui, Larmer Rot vear, Larmer Rasevear. Best Hard of Cattla - Ja N'interbottom, Lance Beath, Holstein Heifer 1 year aid and undE two-*-Wes Yellowlees, Vern< Asselstine, Keith Van Camp. Heifer Cal! ufidar 1 year- Vas Yehlowiaes,. Vernon Asse tine, Allen Woodlock, W.C Shea. Caîf Race - Sponsored b Faroîd Martyn - Carol Yec dilan Woodlock, Clema Wilsor Lai-y Brown. GLASS E-POULTRY Bar-ad Plymouth Rock hai red ta lay-Mrs. ei-I Brath anr. Bai-i-d Plymouth Rock cock ýr laying strain-Mrs. Bar 3rethour. Bai-i-d Plymouth Rock Pul et hi-ad to lay-Mrs. Bai-i Bre hour. New Hampshire han- Mna ýarl Brethaur. New Hampshire cockeral - àna. Bai-h Brethour. New Hampshire puliet-Mrs 'ai- Brethour. Leghorn White cock- Mrs :ri Brathour. Leghorn White hen - Mns :i-h Brethour. Leghorn White Cockerel - Irs. ei-i Brethour. Leghorn Whita Pullet-Mrs, ai-I Brathour. Liglit Sussex Han - Mrs. ladys Thompson, Mrs. H. kerratt. Light Sussex Cockei-el-Mrs, ai-I Brethour. Light Sussex Puliet - Mrs. nrl Brethour. Turkay Mala-Mrs. ei-i Bra- ioui-. Turkey Female - Mi-s. Berl rethour., Gander-Mrs. Bai-I Biethour, awrence McLaughlin. Goose-Mi-s. Bai-i Brethour, wrence McLaughlin. Drake - Mrs. H. Skerratt, rs. Eai-I Brethour. Duck - Mrs. B. Brethour, 's. Bai-h Brethoun. Pan Chickens, 1 maie and 4 males, any breed - Vernon 5seline, Mrs. Bai-i Brethour. Open 'Chas - 'Best pan o! )ulti-y, any braed, 1 cockenel id thrae pullets. - Ronald aeger, Lloyd Trawin, Ciain ison. GLASS 1 'EGETABLES AND ROOTS Peck Potatoas, early, named fi-s. E. Brethaur, Bilean Mc- tghlin. Peck Potatoas, lete, named- s. T. K. Stewart, Lawrancel .Laughlin, Mrs. B. Brethour.. Hlf Dozen Turnips Feed-1 )UN STATESMAN, BOWMAYV!L.LE, ONTAMO Mrs. E. Fines, Mrs. E. Brethour, Larry Ashton. Hal dozen Mangoida, Rd- Mrs. E. Brethour. Hall Dozen Mangolds, White -Keith Van Camp, Mirs. E. Brethour, Allen Bailay. 6 Mangolda any other variety -Bill Ferguson, Keith Van Camp, Mrs. E. Brethour. 6 Tomatoes -N. Green and Son, Allen Belley, Ardis Mc'- Arthur. 2 Waternielons - Mrs. Freà1 Dayes, Mrs. E. Brethour. 2 Citrons-Mrs. E. Brethour, Mrs. E. Fines, Mrs. H. Skerratt. Sheaf Ensilage Corn, 10 stalks, coba grown on stalk ta which attachad - Mrs. Fi-éd Dayes. Collection of Vegetables - Allen Bailey. Two heads Cabbage, Feu - Mrs. E. Brethour, Mrs. H. Sker- i-att, Ardis McAnthur. 6 Parsnips-Mrs. E. Brethour, Ardis McArthur. CLASS J - FRUIT Fiva Spy Appies - Mrs. W. Park, L. Passant, Mrs. L. Skin- ner.. Five Russets - L. Passant, Stan Taylor, Mrs. F. Dayas. Fiva Snow or Fameusa-Mrs- W. Parka, Mrs. L. Skinner, L. Passant. Five Beldwins - Mrs. W. Park, Mrs. L. Skinner. Fiva Delicious--Mrs. L. Skin- ner, Mrs. H. Skerratt. Five Talinan Sweets- Mrs. W. Park, Mrs. L. Skinner, W. Panks, Mns. L. Skinner, Mrs. Five Starks - Mrs. L. Skin- ner, Mns. W. Park. Five Wealthys-Mrs. Norma Wolfe. Five St. Lawrence - L. Passant, Mrs. L. Skinner, Mrs. WV. Park. F'ive Alexanders - Mer- 'ill Van Camp. Fiva Wolf Rivera - L. Passant, Mrs. L. Skinner, Mis. WT. Park. Pive Rhode Island Greenings -Mrs. L. Skinner, Mrs. W. Park. Five Mclntosh - Mrs. H.c Skernatt, Mrs. L. Skinner,1 L-Passant. Collection of fruit - 3rd tan Taylor. LASS L-TEEN-AGE GIRLS c Baby Dress - Winnifred 3chwartz, Sylvia Kozub, Mer- T_ ,rat Hooey, Doris Griffin. E Smocked Blouse -Bath Mc- S Julien, Aileen Van Camp, Su- inne Schwartz, Gloria Sadier, E Blousa-Ajleen Van Camp. Ci Skirt-Bath McMullen, Glor- aSadier, Susanne Schwertz, G ileen Van Camp. Dress or Jumper- Suzanne - ;hwartz. E 2 tea towals or 2 pillow slips Syl.yia Kozub, Ailean Van - 'amp, Susanne Schwartz, Bye- gý n Whitfield. Sockees, Glaves or Mittens-- atricia De Vries.R Pin Cushion - Aileen Van imp, Doris Griffin, Eleanor T chmelt, Audry Van Ryswyk. Pot Holder - Ailean VanL !amp, Miriam Swein, Lorraine, lnry, Margaret Hooey. Fancy Article, Wovan, Knit- o1 i., Crocheted or Embroidared Li -Aileen Van Camp, Miniam Oý wain. aN EIighest numbar o! points in lass L-Aileen Van Camp. DJ LASS L-TEEN-AGE, BOYS Oi W ad Turning Lamp-Don- Ov d O&reen, Bill Hutton, Ray rmer, Lloyd Wilson.O Corner Shelf-Lloyd Wilson, rry. Ashton, Lorne Lee, Ar- ËMcArthur. Cookie Cutter, Set a! three- onald Green. rie Rack-Ray Larmer, Don- aci dGreen, Martin Mantel, Ar- Fr sMcArthur. ad vlilk Stool-Wayne Weston. Li] CLASS C-SHEEP Leicesters ac( Aged Ram - N. Green and SY ,î' N. Green and S on, Keith Vil a Camp, F. Snowden. wil Shearling Ram, - K. Van anc [p, N. Green and Son, N. -een and Son, K. Van Camp. Gr, Ram Lamb- N. Green and lin n, K. Van Camp, F. Snow- pio n, N. Grean and Son, anc Agad Ewe-N. Green and ta n, N. Green and Son, K. Van inti np, F. Snowden. hearling Ewe- N. Green are dSon, N. Green and Son, F. for owdan, K. Van Camp. truý wa -Lamb - N. Green and1A Shropshire Aged Ram- H. Skinner, IH. Skinner. Sheai-ling Ram-H. Skinnar, H. Skinner. Ram Lamb-H. Skinner, H. Skinner. Aged Bwe- H. Skinner, H. Skinner. Sheaning Ewe-H. Skinner, H. Skinner. H Southdown ing this paSt summer. Agad Ram-Lloyd Ayre. Mr. Kitchener Burton received Shearling Ram - Keith'Van word that Mr. Arthur PaY'ne has Camp. Passed away in Toronto. HisI Cam. m -Lod ye wifa was the well-known Cart- Ret a Lam p, Lloyd Ayre, wright ]ady, Jane Anne Gardon, AgdeKeith Van C ,lodayre. aunt of Mrs. Wilford Jackson. LoArEe-Kelohdan Camp Johnny Arscott suffered a Lloy Ayr, Llyd Are. painful accident while .working Shearling Ewe-Lloyd Ayra, et his home last Wednesday. A Lloyd Ayra, K. Van .Camp, K. nail flaw up and entarad the eye- Van Camp, baIl just grazing the iris. A Ewe Lamb = Lloyd Ayre, spacialist's services wera naaded Lly e ;Van Camp,K. 5 friands and naighbours have Van amp.provided transportation to and Oxfords framn Oshawa and Mr. Gist is Agad Ram-F. Snowden, F. carrying on the stage-mail route. Trewmn, F. Trawjn. 1 It is not knawn yet if he wilI1 Shaarling Ram- F. Trewin, lose the sight of his left eya but1 F. Trewin. F. Snowdan. averyona trusts when stitches Ram Lamb-F. SnoWden, F. and bandages are removed word Trewin, Everett Mark, H. Skiai- will ha good. ner. Eight mambers of Nastleton Aged Ewe-H. Skinner, F. Women's Institute joinad the Trewin, F. Trawin H. Skinner. Blackstock niambers on a char- Shearling Ewe - F. TrawhI, tared bus ta, the S5th anniversarN' F.Trewin, H. Skinner, H. Skin- banquat of the faunding of the iier. Lm West Durham W.I. atNawcastle Ewe amb- F. Trewin, H. an Tuesday evening, Oct. 18. Al Sinner, F. Snawden, F. ýtrý- repart a mast anjoyable turkay wi.d in n er and entertainment. Hampshire Amang Nastlaton's number wera Aged Ram -- R. B. Glaspell, Miss Ethel Thompson, charter Lloyd Ayre, R. B. Glaspeil. member, and Mrs. Joseph Ford- Shaarling Ram-R. B. Glas- I r. 111e member of Nestleton pelI, Lloyd Ayre, R. B. Glas- amrenas Institute. peh. Ram Lamb--Lloyd Ayre, R.1 Chînese first used paper at an B. Glaspel], Lloyd Ayrc, R. B. 'uflkiiqw.n dite. By 156 B.C. thev Glaspell. %vare making it TraM t.he pulp~ Azed Ewe - Lloyd Ayre, of the Mulberrv trac. ai ing ha Mc] wo: her Me dcaý can Lloyd Ayre, R. B. Glaspeil, R. B. Glaspel. Sheal n w-R. B. Glas- peul,Lly Ayre, R. B. Glas- pal, Lloyd Ayra. Ewe Lamnb-Lloydý Ayre, R. B. Glaspaîl, Lloyd Ayna, R. B. Glaspeil. Aged Ram-T. C. Glaspehl. Sheariing Ram-T. C. Glas- peU, T. C.. Giaspeil. Ram Lamb - Bayd Ayre, Boyçl Ayra, T. C. Giaspaîl, T. C. Glaspell. >Agad Ewe-Byd Ayne, T. C. Giaspaîl, Boyd Ayre. Shealiîng Ewa-Boyd Ayre, T. C. Glespail, Bayd Ayra, T. C. GlaspehI.- Ewe Lamb-Boyd Ayre, T. C. Glaspeli, Boyd Ayre, T. C. Giasprset Dorsam - ett ak Aa am - Evs LeetMak ChaLana, Cas.- Lana.e makSha.ng am - Everett mark, Chas. LanaEer: Mak, CaLa na.veet ak Cha. Lam has ae Ever ak Ch a.aaChsLaaEvr a d Mark.s an, v ed EwMake-Chas. Lana,v Crett ark vaet ak SeriEeChas. Lan SeanlinMarks,-Chas. Lana, Everett Marks, Ca..aa Ear amark. . an, ewet armb-Ches. Lana,v erat. ark vaet ak d F s dý L Si Bi G G Bi LE LE Races ý.25 Clas - lat D. Chips, wner. J. Raad, Orono; 2nd, ýucy Hah, ownar, F. Camai-on, )shawa; 3nd Vivian Sutton, wner, F. Conlin, Oshawa. Free For Ail - Ist Dwight ilion, ownar. J. Sheppard, )shawa: 2nd Fi-eddie Richards, wnrni, A. Brown, Oshawa, 3i-d, nnia Dea, ownar, F. McNeîly, ýshawa. Nesieton Station Mr. and Ni-s. Bruce Haaslip, 'cmpanied ,by Mn. and Ni-s. ed Bradburn, Janatville, visit- d Sunday in Toronto with Miss ,lian Lawson. Mn. and Ni-s. Nelson Marlow -companiad Mn. and Ni-s. Frank 'mons and family of Bowman- ia for a family hirthdey party th Mr. and Ni-s. Alvin Marhow d famiiy, Toronto. Congratulations ta Donald reen and Lawrance McLaugh- - who won the GrainCham- nnship Competition et Guelph id w'ill receiva a week's trip Ottawa, Niagara end othar enesting pointa. Mrns. John Bond and Ai-cher 'moving doser ta hanr family r the wintar manths. Friands ist thay enjoy thain new home. M,'r. and Mra. E. J. Downes .'e gone ta Toronto whara Ni-s )wnes entera hospitai for f!unth- tnaatment. Friands ai-a wiah- hanie a return ta much bettar ýath. Masten Brian Barber has heen! iting his grandmnothar, Ni-s. S. ýKea. fi-s. Jos. Fonder neceivad )rd hast weak of the death of r bi-other John's wife, in initobe. This is the second ath in the family o! thosa who me ta visitNi-s. Watson and n T F Durham Tobacco Crop May Brihg High Price Delhi Growers Unhappy Blackstock Fair Winners Ke ndal Couple Honored by Many Friends On Wednesday evening, Oct. 12, friands and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson gathered at the Kendal Church to wish them happiness in their new home in Orono. Familiar hymn. singing-was enjoyed by ail. Then Mr. Chas. Gay and bis sons, Ross and Ronald, provided some lively instrumental numbers. Miss Juidy Foster sang, ne- companied by Miss Shirley Quantrill. Grant Greenwood of the Sixth Line school and Carol Little of Kendal were present- ed with Waterman fountain pans as a prize for being the best "ail around pupils in their school."' Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were asked to come ta the platform. Ain address wvas raad by Miss Catherine Stewart, expressingi appreciation for the many years Mr. Robmnson had served on the Church Board whîle M'rs. Robinson was treasurer r ha Woman's Association. They will be missed in the Kendal community. Than Mrs. G. Martinaîl pre-0 ented them with a Westmin- ster chimes dlock, Mr. Stan Roy carried in a gaily colourad has- sock and Mrs. Mary Luxon presented Mrs. Robinson withi acup and saucer from the W.A. Communit.v singing and a 2cial hour brought ta a close 1pleasant evening. E c t] m si SI ci S( p a m Sc a bers o! the OntarioFlue..Cured Tabacco Marketing Association, they cxpect the graatly redue- cd crop ta resuit in the amal- est dollar return in five years. The sauth-wastei-n Ontario growens also dlaim that some of the Association menibens are Izeureily financing the free- lance grawers who ara not mambers o! the Association and tharefora nat suhjact to acreege restrictions. A resalu- tion was auhmitted ta the di- nectars o! the Association that they aither champ down on thia unauthorized activity hy thair membens or disband. Thia was discuasad et a meeting held on Octabar 14 but no dacision was reached. The question waa put oven ta the next meeting ta be hehd in Decemben. Total tobacco drap in Ontaio this year is 102,819,251 pouxads, down tram more then 170,000,- 000 pounda lest yaar. Associ.a- tion growena produced 102,819,- 251 pounda this yea. Non-asso-q ciation grawars produced about 13,000,000 pounda - an approx- imetae increaea oa!6,500,000c aboya lst yea. Flue-cuned tobaccc gnawers in Dui-ham- and Nai-thumber- land Counties are weii satisfied with the minimum average price o! $44.25 cents par paund set hast week hy the Ontario Flue-Cured Tobecco Marketing Board. The prica is two cents more par pound than hast year. Graders-fi-rn the tohacco- buying fi-ms and cigarette manu!actuning companies wai-a in the district lest waak grad- 'ing the tahacco, P. G. "Peta" NeWel O! Newcastle reports, and huying wil stant on Octo- ber 25. Their astimatas con- f irm Mr. Nawall's previous as- ti'mata thet the crop in the Un. ited Counties this year is ap- praximataly 400,000,000 pounds Since most o! the tohacco in this district is of vary good quality it is iikely that much O! it wii sali weli over the minimum prica and may hning as much as 50 cents par pound. Proceeda !ram this compara- tivaly new cash cnap wili gi-eat- ly increase the prosperity o! thia ai-ca. Top PnIces ExPected Mr. Newell beiiavas that soma of the hast ci-opa in this districtpmay hring the highest prices peid for tohacco in the whole province. This yean's fine cnop is funther confirma- tion a! the faith held hy the pioneera o! tobacco-growing in this district thet it would de- valop into ana 'a! the fineat in Ontario. Tha Durham - North- umberland district is continu- [ng ta grow, and 14 more ferma around Castiaton have heen sold ta tohacco growars in the past few waaks. Gnowers in the Simcoa-Deihi district are not as happy about marketing arrangements as lo- cal growers, since thay hast a considerabla portion o! their crops ta fi-ast. On top o! a 30 pan cent cut in acreaga which they, elong with Durham and Nor-thumber-land g ro wears, SETTER GASOLINES on Community Fniendship, Ni-s. CANNOT BaUT A SALES OFFICE 100 UEIN S. West SWANSEA ONTA RIO NOTICE PLArTs SWANSEA HAMILTON4 <LA RKSON DO WMAN VILLE MOTORISIS 1 Approed by Nationai Pire Uaaderwri Recommended bg Architecis Approped bp Local and Nationa Building Code&, NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITED "I bmow, toachor!l" LOOK IN THE YZUÛW Pt46g-i tell"wh.,. to buy if City and suburban car and truck ownerý are warned that snow and ice will creata winter drivîng hazards. You will be wise to investigate the Suburbanite (made only by Goodyear) befona buying any winter tire. In test a<ter test, under every type of winter driving condition, this tire with its patented tread design - pnoved it will out-pull, out-stop, -out-perfoi-m any other tire on the market. And it i-uns smoothly, quietly, even on bare pavement. Protect your car or truck investmant -and maybe aven your life -with the most dependable tira for winter driving safety. Order a pair of Suhurbanites taday fram your Goodyear Dealer. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 0F CANADA, LimmUed Suburbanîte: Reg, T.M. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company of Canada,Lita 1 Ha 1 1 i qmuw m quw Chas. Lana Cod mT. C.oldselT A.gad amT.C.GspiT Shaln a -.C. Glas- Shal, .n.g Ram-Tl. C l pam.C Gsal. C lsel Ram ' Lape-. C lse AgdeT. C. Glaspel T C.Gae Ea.C.GapiT SerigEeTC. Glaspa- Shaan. . lE-TC.Gas- pe L T. C. Glaspel T.wC. Lamb-l.T.CGapa, T. C. Glaspaîl Cheviam-oterSod AgdRmFoster Snowden , Shaln ai-Foster Sodn Shearlng FtRam - Fosta Rnwdamn, Fost Snowden Ram, Lamb - ostar Snaw iaFota Sne-owdarnwe Agsed En'wa-osernwdn oSharlSnowde-ot Shaarlng osEr w -Fota EnwdanLater-Sowdcrnw eaFLamb -ostarSnow Maen, Foserbnowan. re MdareL, any Br le - Evyd ayr, R.N. Gaspean, Son.tMr, .Gea n MaktLabn.ybed Mosaketlmb, ny br10eR.B loas and Glsder 10R.B llaspal Llod rewin . B ast lackLlod Sheep .B icsaycloyacBysr2e5. r BicrylesRtce, Boys 12-15ys. -arry Fshtor. oobs irycFisha. oy nr1 BDaiycl Rae,BoysvidBallin- ral, Larry Hoskin. Honse Shoe Pitching Man's, Doubes-Harold and oy McLaughlin. Man's Singles-lst, Roy Me- ,aughlin, 2nd Harold Mc- W.A. and W.M.S. Nestleton W.A. and W.M.S. mat in the abemant o! the United Church on Thursdey, Oct. 2Oth in charge o! Mrs. Adalbart Beacock's group with 17 ladies and soma childran prasant. Meeting openad with the thama sang foilowed with prayer by Mrs. L. Malcolm. The devotionai "The Bread o! Life" was given by Mrs. J. Haoyar. Rail caîl, "Thanksgiv- ing reading" was weil answar- ed. Mrs. Mackie gave us a telk PAGI qwmqqmw ' 'q L. Malcolmi sang, d'My friand». Mrs. Beacock gave us a talk on her holiday. Ladies decided to clean the church and place flowers iu it for the annivarsary Sunday. Meeting closed with the MIz- pah Benediction. Mns. Beacock and her group servad a dainty lunch and cup of tee. Ail wara given a vota o! thanka by Mrs. W. Camp- bail. Next meeting, Novemnber 17 in charge of Mrs. Raiph Sîd- lar's group.1 Mi-. and Mrs. Lawrence Mal- colm and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolmp, Bowmanvjlla. We arealal very sorry Mrs. Malcolm has flot; bean s0 well. Mr. and Mrs.' Dan Black, Jean and Donna, Courtice, Mr., and Mrs. George Johns, were visitars with Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin ofi Sunday. - Mrs. Victor Malcolm, Brenda and Denise and Mrs. L. Jo lin called on Mrs. Lloyd Hu tz er Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sa&- edis, Oshawa, visited M. a". Mn. Kanneth Samalîs. Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson visitad Mr. and Mrs. Dow Stutt, Bowmanvilla, on Friday. Mrs. H. Vina raturned !roni her daughtars, Mrs. Reg M1id-. dleton, Malton, on Thursday- avening. We area ah so glad little Gardon Middlaton is re, covtring from his humas. Mr. Rosa Beatty, Manvett Station, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and family, Bunketan-, ware Sunday suppar gueats, with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mal- colm. Services in the Unitedý Churcheat 11 and 7.30 next Sunday, Oct. 29th, which is Thenk-offering service. Reve- Týýo

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