qnm-d '..leif.PLWL TT5AI O M NIL.OTJ! I.C A A D A S T- -T KUtD Y. O C . ITt . 198 -PAGE FOTJRTEEN The Orono News j Mr. and Mns. Ross Taylor, cock spent the weekend wi St. Catharines, visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hancol Mrs. Chas. Taylor. Belleville. .Mr. Jack Wilson, Huntsvile, Mrs. Mary Ellen Buttera,v 'Visited Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wil-1 dow of George Buttera, pass _son on Sunday. away Sunday morning at Mei Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leishman, anial Hospital, Bowmanville, Grimsby Beach, are visiting her Blst year. Funeral was Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblvn. Tuesday from St. Saviaur's A Mrs. Myna McCulloch leaves glicani Church. Interment this weekend for Bradenton, Orono Cemetery. Florida, wbere she will spend On Saturday, October 221 the winter. a happy family gathering w Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bigelow, beld at the home of Mr. ai 'Victoria, B.C.. visited Mr. Chas. Mrs. Vance Cooper, Oshaw .Awde and Mr. and Mrs. D. in hanor of Mr. and Mrs. C.' ]Rooper. Cooper, Orono, it being theo Congratulations to Mr. and casian ai their forty-seccr Mrs. Gea. Jones on the birth of wedding -anniversary, twent their son Robet-a brother !9r two immediate members ai tl DJEebbie. family being present. The bric Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and and groom were presentE daugbters, Lakefield; Mr. and with a beautiful basket( Mrs. Gea. Crowther and sons, 'mums and other gifts. A del Newcastle, spent Sunday with clous turkey dînner was servi Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood. and a pleasant evening enjcj Mr. and Mrs. Harold Awrde. ed by aIl. Toronto, spent Tuesday with M',rs. Chas. Awde. Miss Marie Armitage, Cavan, epent the weekend wîth Mr.HA P O and Mrs..A. E. West and fam- ily. W.M.S. Mrieeting Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Meadows, 'The Women's Missionar Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Socieysl himetn o Mitchell and iamily, Oshawa, eycl hi etn visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mit- October 18th with Presider chell. Mrs ' Warrack in -charge. Mr. A. Abbott and Miss Wi- Many thank you cards wer la Robb, Ottawa, were week- end guests ai Mrs. A. Abbatt read. This society ia sellini and Mrs. Foster Ferguson. Mrs. 1956 calendars. -Abbott returned ta Ottawa Plans were completed fo with tbem aiter visiting with aur W.M.S. anniversary di her mother. Nov. 20th with Rev. Dr. Hun Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyninisett ai Fred Victor Missian ,were Sunday guests of Mr. and Toronto, as the speaker. A goc( ,Mrs. Wesley Cawker, Bow- attendance is baped for frai *Mr. and Mrs. Robert Han- aIl surroundin huchae: cock and family visited Mr. and PnogH.nam lwasin haMrge -Mrs. Glen Hancock and îamiîyMs.H Tuiwth rs at Warkworth, on Saturday. Truil and Mrs. Salter assisting Mrs. Robert McHalm, Rose- taken fnom the manthly. Mcs 1berry Hill, is visiting Mr.. and Lewis Trull and Mra. K. Smith Mrs. Don Stephens. favored with a duet. Rev, Mr. and Mrs. D. Harness Reed then gave an address on r spnt te wekendwithMr."Racial Segregation" and new- and Mrs. S. D. Keats in Cha- crest u ad u r tham. blems toward missions. Man'. Mrs. H. M. Asling and Miss colour plays no part in God' Ada De Lottinville, Toronto, sight, be also told ai inter- ,Mrs. Florence Gardiner, Bouw: racial expeniences ai his. 0wn znanville, Mrs. Margaret Woad.- during bis years af mission ]ey. Santa Monica, Calif., Mr. work in ather lands and places. aiqd Mra. B. Bigelow, Victoria November pragram in charge 13Cwene recent visitars witt ai Mrs. Tyrreli and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hooper. Mrs. H. Salter. Congratulations ta Mr. Rab- Mrs. Wm. Hollinger, Ethel, *ert I,.unn on bis 87th birthday. was a guest last week ai Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguso--i and Mrg. Charles Warren. e nd iamily, Peterbarough, Mr. Mrs. Lorenzo Trull and Mrs. rand Mrs. Bah,. Millbraok, visit- Harold Salter attended the fun- ed Mr. an4i Mrs. C. V. Caoper. eral af Mrs. J. R. Hoidge in Mrs. S. Jones, niece ai the Toronto last Wednesday. late Mrs. Gea. Buttera arrived Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clem- by 'plane Saturday evening ens arnd family, Toronto, visit- 1rotn England. d M.ad rs Lven Mrs. R. R. Waddell visited CeMen. a SndaMr.Laen 'her cousins Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ceeao udy ,ý1 '.ittron of Coîborne wha re- Mca. Garnet Glynn, Mont- cently last their home by fiz-e real, is a guest ai ber sister, re sta-inq with their son, Mrs. C. E. Jeffrey. :Douglas and Mrs. Mutton and Mr. and Mca. C. E. Horn 1 were recent visitons at Lorenzo Mr. and Mrs. Egerton Han- Trull's. COLBEAR'S GARAGE Blackstockc Fornierly Blackstock Motors WHITE ROSE GAS AND OILS GENERAL REPAIRS AND WELDING FRED COLBEAR, Proprietor Phone Dlacksiock 38 This Week at the Royal THURS. - FRIS - SAT. OCT. 27 -28 -29 JAMES A. MICIIENER'S j BIDGES cE M TOKOu I ILLIAM MILIER IRACE EEL n~ FlREiEIO 1MACI MICKEY lOUEI -Excellent family entertainment P Thurs., Fri., 7 and 9:10 Sat., Cont. 6:30 CC NON. - TUE&S OCT. 31, NOV., 1 l "Rogue Cop" v starrni, S ROBERT TAYLOR, JANET LEIGH B ANN FRANCIS, STEVE FORREST, GEO. RAFT B Aduit entertainment V Tinie - 7 and 9:05 C WED. - TURS. - NOVENEER 2.3 "This Island Earth" SO (Technicolor) m JEFScience-Fiction Draina, starring - JEFMORROW -FAIT!! DOMERQUEim l mE X 9 1 A S O NS cC Tie - 7and 9:035i . I et iith .ck, wi- sed in on ;in ýnd was and wa, V. oc- ond the dce ed af el- 'y- oy nt ýre 'fo o. 1 b. V.Successful Field Day 0HeId et Cartwright By Doris M.arIo« Margaret Davisan, June Fow- 7n The annual Cartwright Righ 1er. )n School Field Day was held an Soithali throw - Margaret S.Tuesday, October 11. With the McColl, June Fowler, Patricia ge mrury in the 70's and the DeVries. mtuentinfine Lurm, the day Softball trwadcatch- pcoved ta be a vecy great suc- June Fowler and Sylviai Kozub, cesa. Witb greater participation. Evelyn Whitfield and Patricial than in past yeans, the coin- DeVries, Margaret Davison and rpetitian was quite keen. Winnifred Schwartz. The students were divided Hop, step and iump - Mac- sinto teams this year, so, that garet McColl, Margaret flavi- 1- it was a struggle for individual son, June Fowler. npoints as weîî as team points. High jump - Margaret Mc- The teamn captains-Doug Davi: Coîl, Margaret Davison, Win- son, Delton Fisher, Darrell nifred Schwartz. -Watson, Ray Larmer, Wayne Standing broad jump-Mar- ,Venning. garet McColl, Margaret Davi- JoanHosinPegg Brwnson, Patricia DeVnies. Joa Hokin Pegy raw, Iunning broad jump-Mar- >Josie Hooyer, Margaret McCall gacet McColl, Margaret Davi- r, and Joyce Hooey are ta be con- son. June Fowler. gratulated an their efforts in îst- agrtMCl,2 ninspiring their fellow team- po -Magaettcs. 2 0 mates.2nd - Margaret Davison 22 A*ards will be-'made at--thie-, points. *Commencement Exencises in 3rd-June Fowler 10 points. November ta the variaus ciass Senior Boys wmnnecs and the winning teams. The results ai the var- 75 yd. dash-Doug Davison, ious events were as follows:- Bill Marlow, Bert Bowers, 100 SeniorGirlsyd. dash-Doug Davison, Bert Bowers, Bill Manlow; 220 yd. 50 yd. dash - Joan Hoskin, dash-Doug Davison, Bill Mar- Mae Werry. Manion Haines; 75 low Bert Bawers; 440 yd. dash yd. dash-Joan Hoskin, Mae -D'oug Davison, Wayne Ven- Werry, Joan Venning; 100 Yd. ning, Bert Bowers. dash-Joan Hoskin, Mae Wer- Standing bcoad jump-Daug. ry, Marlon Haines Davison, Bert Bowers, Ted 3 legged race-Joan Venning Schwartz. and Mvarilyn Jackson, Joati Running broad jump-Doîg. Haskîn and Phyllis Strong, An- Davison, Bert Bowers, Wayne na Sammelîs and Marion Venning. Haines. Hop, step and jump-Doug. Softball Tbrow-Mae Werry, Davison, Wayne Venning, Bert Josie Hooyer, Joan Hoskin. Bowers. Softball thcow and catch- High jump- Doug Davison, Mae Wecry and Josie Hooyer. Wayne Venning, Bert Bowers. Phyllis Strong and Joan Hos- Pale vault - Ted Schwartz, ki, Marion Haines and Annal Beri t Bowers, Doug Davison. Samehîs. Sht put - Doug Davison, Sack Race-Mae Wecry, Jo- Wayne Venning, Bill Maclow. aie Hooyer, Joan Venning. Rugby kick -Lawrence Mc- Hop, step and jump-Josie Laughlîn, Wayne Venning, Ted Hooyec, lVae Werry, Joan Hos- Schwartz. kin. Softball thnaw-Wayne Ven- High jump-Joan Hoskîn, Jo- ning, Doug Davison, Bert Bow- Sie Hooyer, Joan Venning. ers. Standing broad jump-Joan Javelin thraw-Doug Davi- Hoskin, Josie . Hooyer, Joan son, Wayne Venning, Bill Mar- Venning. low. Running broad jump- Mae 880 yd. race-Doug Davison, Wercy, Josie Hooyer, Joan Has- Wayne Venning, Bill Marlow. kmn. Mile race - Doug Davison, lat-Joan Hoskin. 22 points.1 Wayne Venning, Ted Schwartz. 2nd-Mae Werry, 20 points.j Intermediate Boys 3rd-Jasie Hooyer 16 points. 75 yd. dash - Ray Larmer, Intermediate Girls 1 Delton Fisher, Jim Grieve, 10q) 50 yd. dash-Joyce Cochrane,' yd. dash-Ray Larmer, Delton Gloria Sadler, Aileen Van- Fisher, Jim, Grieve; 220 yd. camp, 75 yd. dash - Peggv dash - Ray Larmer, Delton Brown, Joyce Haoey, Dianie Fisher, Jim Grieve; 440 yd. Blair; 100 yd. dash - Joyce dash - Delton Fisher, Jerry Cochrane, Aileen Vancamp, Bowers, Darceli Watson. Peggy Brown.' Standing bcoad jump- Del- 3 legged race-Peggy Brown toný Fislier, Clifford Jackson, and Aileen Vancarnp, Diane Ray Larmer. Blair and Joyce Cochrane, Running broad jump - Jimn Muriel Forest and Beth Mc- Grieve, Clifford Jackson, AI- Mullen. Ian Bailey. Saftball thcow-Joyce Coch- High jump-Darrell Watsan, cane. Peggy Bcown, Catherine Clifford Jackson. Jim Grieve. Bailev. Hop, atep and jump-Mllan Softball thnow and catch, - Bailey, Jim Gnieve, Clifiord Peggy Brown and Aileen Van- Jackson. camp, Diane Blair and Joyce Pale vault-Jim Grieve, Clii- Cochrane, Beth McMullen and ford Jackson, Dacreli Watson. Mvuriel Foreat. Shot put-Allan Bailey. Del- Sack race-Peggy Brown, Ai- ton Fisher, Jerry Bowecs. [een Vancamp, Joyce Haoey. Rugby kick - Jim Grieve, Hop, step and jump-Diane Allan Bailey, Ray Larmer. Blair, Peggy Brown, Aileen Soithaîl thraw-Darrell Wat- Vancamp.- son, Ray Larmer, Allan Baîley. High j imp-Joyce Cochrane, Javelin throw-Deltan Fish- Peggy Bcown, S uza n ne er, Allan Bailey, Dacrell Wat- Schwartz. son. Standing broad jump-Diane 880 yd. race-Jerry Bowers, Blair, Aileen Vancamp, Peggy Deiton Fisher, Darcel. l Watson. Brown. Mile race - Jerry Bowers, Running broad jump-Aileen Wayne Weston, Darreli Wat- lancamp, Joy-ce Hooey, Joyce son. Cochrane.JuirBy lst-Peggv Brown 20 point s.,u rBy 2nd -Aileen 'Vancamp and 75 yd. dash-Larry Azlhton, Joyce Cochrane 17 points. Clifiord Dayes, Barry Fisher; 3rd-Diane Blair Il points. 100 yd. dash -Larry Ashton, JuniorGirlsCliiford Dayes, Barry Fisher; JunorGils220 vd. dash - Larcy Ashton. 50 yd. dash-Margaret Davi- Barcý' Fisher, Clifford Dayes;' ;on, Margaret MeColl, W'inni- 440 yd. dash-Clifford Dayes, frou Schwartz. 75 %d. dash - Larry Ashton, John Feddema. Nlargaret Da' ison, Mlargaet Mc- standing broad jump-Clif- MI. June Fowler. 100 yd. dash fard Dayes, Larry Ashton, John -Margaret Davison, Margaret Feddema. McColl, Winnifced Schwartz. Runrung broad jupLarry c3 legged race - Winnifred Ashton, Clifford Dayes, Glen chwantz and Patricia DeVies, Wilson. largacet Davison and Margar- Rap. step and juni-Larry ,t McColl. June Fowler and Ashton, Clifiord Dayes, John ia K ozub. Feddema. Sack race-Margaret MçC-oll, High ýu.mP-.C1ir.ord Dayeï, 14 Cheerleaders Pep Up -B.H.S. Teams 'The new cheerleaders of Bowman ville District High School shown above have been putting plenty of pep into the s chool football games this Fali. Standing, left t b right, are: Eleanor Osborne, Doreen Ogden, Margaret Goheen, Gail Bagnel and Camille Smith. Kneeling are Darla Marie Palmer, Beverly Wilson, Pat Hckin. Larry Ashton, John Feddema. Pale vault - Larry Ashton, John Feddema. Shot put - Larry Ashton, Clifford Dayes, John Feddema. Rugby kick-Clifford Daycs, Larry Ashton, John Feddema. Softball thraw-Larcy Ash- ton, Glen Wilson, Clifford Dayes. 1 Javelin thcow - Lacry Ash- tan, Barcy Fisher, Glen Wil- son. lst-Larry Ashton 35 points. 2nd - Clifford Dayes 24 points. 3rd-John Feddema 8 points. Winners By Tèams Gics-Captain, Joan Hoskin; Joan Venning, Aileen Van- camp, Patricia DeVries, Su- zanne Schwartz, Sandra Fergu- son, 54 points. Boys -Captain, Doug Davi- son; Lawrence McLaughlin, AI- Ian Baile,,v, Larcy Ashton, Lloyd Wilson, 89 points. BLACKS TOCK W.A. lmeeting The October meeting of the W.A. af St. John's Church, 'Blackstock, wvas held in the *Pacish Hall on Thursday aiter- faon with the presidient pre- siding. The meeting opened with de- votional exercises and the mnemberýs prayer in. unison. The raIl call was answered by nineteen members. It was de- cided ta have the Thank-offer- ing boxes brought ta church on Sunday, Oct. 30th. In con- nection with a inemorial ta Dr. Mabel Cartwright a motion was carried that a donation be sent. A motion was made and car- ried that an invitation fcom the O.N.O. ta cater to a banquet Nov. '26th be accepted and the usual turkey supper be dispen- Allan Bailey were at Kingston IIm~ Admission NO RESERVED SEATS Tickets miay be obtained from Ken's Men's Wear, Lloyd Ellis Shoca, Hooper's Jewellery and Gif t Shop and L. A. Parker & Son Plumbing or tickets ivili be delivered il you telephone MA 3-5423, -I sed wlth this year. A reading The Living Agent from the Living Message wa given by Mrs. A. Baiiey. Th; Imeeting was closed with pray er by the rector atter whici lunch was served by Group with Mrs. Geo. Staniland con vener. The Cartwright Public Schoo Pupils are getting ready thiý week for their Annual Publi, Speaking Contest ini the Re creational Centre on Thursda evening, Oct. 27. Mr. Vernon Asselstine re, Iceived the sad news that hi youngest brother Victor Assel. stine of Trenton had died sud. denly early Saturday morning IVictor, his wife and'three small cildC'n had attended thc C artwright Fair two weeks Iago. Sincere sympathy of thE community is extended ta Ver. non Asselstine 'and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Moûnt- joy and Miss Rose Mountjoy, Nestleton, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Russell rMountjoy. Miss Shirley Hamilton is ini Port Perry Hospital where she had an appendicitis operation on Monday. We wish ber a speedy recovery. .Attend Christenlng Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright were in Toronto on Sunday ta attend the cbristening of their grandson, William David Fair- thorne, infant son af Mr. and Mrs. David Fairtborne. The service was at eleven at Donlands United Church by the Rev. Perkins. There were 21 babies christened. Rev. Per- kins has a christening service every month. Guests aiterwards at the Fairthorne home were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fairthorne and Vic- tor. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Me- dick and Allan; Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright, 'Mr. 'and Mrs. G. Faint and girls. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook, Beaverton, witli Mr. anid Mrs. W. Archer. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Thomp- son, Mr. Alec Dever with Mrs. .'Wm. Cobbledick, Orono, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Erneste Hale, Mr. and Mrs. On, Venning at Mr. Harry Kerr's, Claremont, on Sunday. Mrs. 'Charlotte Farder, Bow- manville, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Farder and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beacock, Prince Albert, on Sunday and attended churcb. Rev. R. B. Harrison was preaching there. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowman at G. Bowman's, Eniield, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Carley and Anne, Cavan, with Mr. anld Mrs. Clarence Marlow on Sun day. Mrs. Gardon Hughes had an operation in Oshawa Hospital lýst week and we are glad ta bear she expects ta be home this week. A representative of the Bible Society preached in Cartwright churches on Sunday. Anglican Men's Club The Anglican Men's Club held their reorganization meet- ing recently at which the fol- lowing officers were elected: President-George Wolfe; Sec- retary Treasurer - George Staniland; Committee - Geo. Saunders, William Campbeil, Tom Hodge. Fred Hamilton. The club held their first card party last Thursday evening with, the following winners: Mvrs. Clarke Williams, Mrs. Ur- sula Gibson, Charles Smith, Keith Van Camp and door prize Mrs. Oscar Graham. Mr. Frank Staniland's sale of farm stock was held on Satur- day. Mrs. W. Archer attended the W.A. Convention at Courtice Iast Wednesday. Misses Joyce Graham, Joan F{oskin and Glenn Larmer andl May We Estimale on Your P1uM~bing :P and }Ieafing __Requiremenfs %?k, MA3-61 £PU BN H0 AE-.ATN BONANIL a. BY POPULAR DEMAND Bowman ville Kinsmen Club again presents The Golden Mile of Toronto in the Town Hall, Bowman ville ai 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday November 4 and 5 An outstanding evening of entertaininent featuring musical numbers by the 35-voice mixed chorus and several outstanding guest entertainers fro Fldy vening until Sun- Las day evenin t the Yfoung Peo- s Ple's Convention. M 1r. and Mms Roy Ferguson 'were leaving for their home in ,h Penticton, B.C. on Monday. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright 1and children visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Don ff Gray (Joyce Scott) at Rex- is dale. Ce Mr. and Mrs. Henry Arm- .-strong, Burnt River, at Ray 'y McGifl's. Mrs. James Campbell, Mr. Alvin Campbell,, Fenelon Falls, 'at M. Graham's. - Aý double birthday celebra- -tion was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hector Short- Sridge on Sunday. Billy was onie Syear old and it was also Mrs. s Shortridge's birthday. Their e guests oou the happy occasion -were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leighton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis *Fitze and Mr. Joe Colley. s On Wednesday evening last, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamilton were given a shower in the Re- creational Centre. Mr. Garyi Venning was the chairman for the program and presentation of gifts. These included a bridge set, ironing board and other gifts. Hap and Josie were very pleased and grateful to their friends. Lunch and danc- ing brought a fine evening ta a close. On Friday evening in the Re- creational Centre Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask (Clara Sophiat Marlow> were the guests afi honor at a shower. Mr. How-1 ard Saywell was the chairman1 for the pragram and presenta-1 tion. A bridge set, ironing, board, corner table and many other gifts were given the hap-1 py couple. Clara and Ewarti were very happy and grateful ta their friends. A bountifu] lunch was served 'followed by dancing. On Thursday aiternoon, after school, 29 children met in the United Church basement for their Mission Band meeting. President Lorraine Dayes pre- sided for the opening and bus- iness. The program was a read- ing "Counting Their Presents"', Anne Gibson; Piano solo, Lor- raine Dayes; Mrs. Roy Taylor told the story, "Tippy Finds Friends". Mrs. C. Hill led in the Thanksgiving worship. Rosemary Lubsen took up the VERN'S D ELIVERY Now Delivering Groceries A& P- Dominion - IGA SIarfing Monday, Oct. 241h On Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and 4:30 pa. Wednesday - 11:30 ar. Friday - 10:30 a.m. - 4:30 and 7:30 pa. NE WTON ILLE The morning service next Sunday, Oct. 30th, is witn- d>'awn in favour of the Odd tFellows' Service at 2:30 p.m. n which the congregation wil participate. It will be held under auspices of Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, Bow- manville. The Rebekahs and other lodges will attend. Mrs. Sid Brown and infant daughter spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Victor Wagg, Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie DaviqO - and son Sheldon Davis, lEganl.C ville, spent the weekend withý Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Stapletop were Miss Velma Mallough. Toronto, and Mr. and Mrsý. Cyril Maxim, Richmond Hill. Miss Wîlma Kirkpatrick of -Trenton, spent the weekend with her sister, Miss Joyce Kirkpatrick. Recent visitors with Mrs. R. S. Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Verdun Johnston and son My- les of Soperton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Spiers and daughter Joyce and Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Shaw and family, Bolton. On Saturday Crystal and JO Ann Shaw held a birthdav pàrty for their littie playmates-. Mrs. Frank Gilmer and son Philip visited Mr. Frank Gil- mer at Weston San. on Sun- day. We are pleased ta hear that Frank is doing nicely. Mrs. Cecil Walkey accompanied them ta visit her brother, Mr. Harry Holdaway. Mr. and Mrs. Lennard Raum, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Reich- rath. c m m m m 75c