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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1955, p. 15

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.7 .. - 4 A Durham 4'-H Club Wins- Troph'y ~mm The Durham 4-H grain judg- Potato Team Slxth ing tean won provincial honorea In-.campetition with '18 01114 in th1e 4-H Inter-Club Campet- tenis ,1the Durham potato team titian beld at Ontario Agricul- carisisting of Kenneth Porte; lui-il College, Guelph, on Fcéday and Ralph Porter, R.R. 1, Ponty of hast week and tbereby quai- poolpae it ib8 Ified ta nepresent Qntaria in the poinistis. clasihws wa8& Dominion competituon ta be hehd the Gloucester 4-H Club. at the Royal W inter Fair on TeDra eftaacn Navember. 14.ThDuhmbetai o Durham County thus con- sisting of Bai-ny Smith, R.R.ï tlnued ils remarkable record of Cavan, and Douglas Hall, R.R..1 success aI Ibese provincial cama tillbrok, placed 15111 among 3' cet.Illions i Guelph as teamâars The dairy teani wa ~romthis county have won fat made up of Jini Coombes, R.R. 4 least one juding class there for Bowmanville and John Sander. eveny yean but two since 1933, son, Bàilieboro. On several occasions they bave The 4-H Initer-Club Coin. bad mare than anc winning teni petition Ibis year attracted lbe and in 1953 had no less Iban langest number of competitors four winning teanis. nhe îeamâ in ils long history. There were have been coached during this 245 teams and 490 competitons. period by veteran Agricultural The Durham teams wene again Representative Ed Summers. co4ched by Mn. Summers, assist- The grain team Ibis yean, con- ed by Bruce Taylor of R.R. 1, sisting of Lawrence McLaughlin, -Enniskileri R.*R. 1, Nestleton and Donal4 Jn addition ta the provincial Green, R.R. 2, Nestleton, toppechampion grain teani, Durhamr la40 teanis fi-rn all aven OOntario, County wlll also send a livestoc4 gaining 996 out of a possible* judging teain ta the Royal Win- 1,020 points. Tbey were 49. ter Fair. Il wil be made up ai points ahead of the second phace Ran Brooks, R.R. 3, Bewman- The 'Durham 4-H Grain Club won the Seed Growers' Trophy for the top Grain teai, -thie Walaceburg 4-H Club, ville; Ken Bulteny, R.R. 6, Bow- Club at the Provincial 4-H Inter-Club Competitions held at the O.A.C. on October 21, The Durharn swine -team, manville; Clifford -Bristow of shown here from left to right: Donald Green, R.R. 2, Nestieton; Lawrence McLaugh- made up of Jack Allun, R.R. 2, Carnpbelcroft, and D o n a 1 d RR.i Nstiton E.A. um ers Agicuturl Rpreenatie, urhm Cunî. Newcastle, anq Harold Moffatt, Green, Nestîcton, as spare man. lin, RR eteo;E .Smes giutrlRpeettvDra ony R.R. 1, Orono, placed second ta Thse boys bave already begun the Caledon 4-H Club with 919J training fanr1the livestock judging Nar ed Gr nd ha inout of a possible 1,020 points. evnt ~~Jim Hancock Leaves ~ .~. ~ Dept of Agriculture The above beadin in a ne- mate t11e various Junior Farm- cent issue of Barrie Examine r en enterprîses. 1 1 caught tbe eye of th1e editor of Now Mr. Hancock intends ta The Statesman as James A. devote bis whole time ta de- Hancock, the subject of the an j vclopîng bis mixed farin neji- liche is a wehl known and popu I Wasaga Beach "I don't lhink -I han Durham County boy, beîngI shall have much lime to do th1e son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace anythîng cîse but just work on HIanco0f Courtice. We need th1e fanm' ftelaborate on Jimmy'a ca- In an interview with The neer for th1e, following aritce Barrie ExaminerSear pyadeervîng tribule ta bis Page, agricultural representa- aclîîtie wble i Barie. tive for North Simcoe, said: JamsA. Hancock, associate "henstalJm H- agricultural representative for cock, associate agricultural ne-1 North Simcoe, today announc- presentative for North Simcoe,1 cd thatli1e is leaving the On- is retiring frian the Extensiona tnria Deparîmenl of Agricul- Service of th1e Ontaio Depart-ç ture ta take up resideiice on a ment of Agriculture wîlbe ne- farm wbich 11e bas purchascd. ceived wilb surprise and regrett The farm ha near Ehmvale, twa by bis many associates andE miles fi-rn Wasaga Beach, on friends who have known ofE Highway 92., bis work, particuharly among Having been brougbt up on a Young people, during th1e pastc farrn and closely connected six and a half years. Jim wil with t11e land in bis work, Ibis not be leaving Sîmcoe County, is th1e fulfilîment of a personal however, as lie and bis family ambition and a desire for more ai-e moving In th1e near future family life. Married, lie bas ta thein farm betweeni Elinvale five childi-en, four girls and a and Wasaga Beach, sa we rnay Qunt District, Bull iS ~ WESLEY VILLE boy. xethsaivistacnnu Jià Hancock came -ta Barrie ina somewhat different capa- G ra d C ç.m atChi ag The'basic work of th1e renova- stnaigbht fi-rn O.A.C. ta hisciy lio u 11e huic~ baerent~spresentsition i May 1949. "r-. ancock's work ithe. about finished and th1e decorat- In11 i ears that bave pass- county bas been prirnarîly in -Rockwood Racket Tone, th1e vania, declared "Racket Tone I ing commiîîec is busy witbh11e'jnon' field, 4-H Club oustndngHolist ein bull one of th1e immortal show bulîs sanders, paint brusb and elbow wokadJuirFhmrai w1fich bas already won top of all lime, cetainly anc of 1the grease sa il looks as if 111eraoin vities, and bis lborougb and Canadian honora for its own- greatest I bave even acen. He wauld be aIl ship-shape ilime painstaking leadership with ens, th1e Quinte & District Cal- is a beautifuly-balanccd bull, for th1e pot luck party. There these lwo groupa will be moat tle Breeding Association, was aînazinghy srnooth in t11e bhend- was no service bere on Sunday appi-eciatcd by th1e Young peo- naincd Senior and Grand ing of bis parts. He walks well but t11e choir with several others p lle theniscîves, thecm parents Champion aI 1the International on a good set of legs'. wenl ta Zian ta share i their , and- club on group leaders. Dat-y Show In Chicago on Oc- The bull was bred bir Rock- ajniversary services on Sunday "The 'Junior Lislcning Post' tober 13 and 14. waod Holstein, St. Norbert, evcning. Service wihi 11e witb- '-~ sfauc nTeBri x A large numben of Durham Manitoba. drawn bei-e nexl Sunday also. asfatrd nTe ari x ~'~t amner for a number of years County dairymen belang ta t11e He is used for service by There was a good attendance aI - now, was initiated by Mr-. Han. Quinte Association and Rock- th1e Quinte and District CaIlle Sunday School, in charge of cock and pnoved ta 11e a most wood Racket Tone bas numen- Breeding Association throVîgh- Clarence Nicholîs in th1e absence - ous progeny in this district, oIDraNrtubrndofahspredes. valuable and stimuhaling cal- Winning top honora is f0111- Hastings, Prince Edward, and C.G.I.T.-Pearl Austin, Manie 'j-~uniorchemflot onhy keplt Izxg new fan Ihia truly outstand- Lcnnox and Addingtan Coun- Austin, Bannie Austin and Joan ~-~as la activilica in 11he , county,I ing bull wbich was purchascd tics. A number of bih pognY Ashby wiîh Mrs. E. Barrow- < b'unioarstembyaîvesinforred 'by th1e Quinte breeders in 1950 werc sold aI 1the Qu intre CIl luhwn o iea a. nee $2,000. Hie was Junior Chami- October 24. sainie of 11e intcresting bollows -- uable and original contribu- pion aIt1the Royal in 1949, Re- Wesley Werry Sauina, is Pi-e- north of 1the nailroad tracks and ~- tions made by Mi-. Hancoci< serve Grand Champion in 1950 sident of th1e buiham' section enjoyed ahi 111e tbings ta 11e dur.i . inghsyaswt h e and Grand, Champion in 1951 of t11e Quinte Association and seen in 1the fields and woods aI .t durimn bisfAr ichlture Dc and 1952. Rockwood Racket a Director. Jack Cruickshank, Ibis lime of year. Gatherîng NoprthmtofwAgrctu renin Tone waa also Al-Canadian Salina, is Vice-President of th1e beechnuts was a disappointment zation of 1the farm boysa' camp Bull in 1the years 1949-52 in- Durham section. The Associa- but il was a lesson in gaod at Basa Lake during th1e past clusive. lion was organized in 1949 ta harvesting ta sec bow 111e squir- " thi-ce years. This camp, jointly,1 He was Grand Champion aI improve dairy berds iniIbis dis- i-cia bad taken every good fruit ponsoncd by the Barrie Lions th1e Internàtional Dairy -Show trict by making better sires and knew without apcning 111cm James A. Hancock ubadteDprmnso two years ega. Commenting on avaihable and a large number wbich were empty and warmy. Lubdsand 111esDcpatnts 0fi bis repent win, Judge W. K. of Durham dairymen ai-e mcm- Bannie spalîed twa dcci- drink- cd lie. bas become an integral cltunds yand Foresîs ad Agr Hepburn of Dalton, Pennsyl-1 bers. ing aI 1the creek but ail wcre 100 part of t11e cornmunity and an cultur achearb, ave a som excited ta remember la be sîiîî important principal in t11e Jun-40t45arnby,1la2 111 wods nd f curs 11eior Fanmer movement in 1the yeara of age, a neyer ta 11e for- SALEMters. They also calhed on other deer departed in a hunry. Pai~ bsee ajor pathey eweed at evmpsim SA E red.In t11e sainie evcning Perneispaedamjrpr ing instruction, lcarned sainie- W.. eh tei Otoer Mr. Hcrb Craig, RCAF, Char- Austin entertained bier frienda in dcvcloping this particuharly tbing of waodscraft and refor- W.A. eld hoe o Mr esholin, Alberta, is spending aI ber 13111 birtbdey party. important aide of agricultural e8talian and gencrally enjoycd meeting aI 11e hm fM two wccks lenve at home. A crib 'quilt was put in the life. In about th1e fahi of 1952 theniselves. This summer camp Les Coombes. The president, Congratulations 1a Mi-. and fremes late in tbhe wcck aI Mrs. 11e belped ta found th1e Centre fryugfrnby ae 1g meetin S. d Btcyon ed th- Mrs. David Craig (nec Bessie Rcve's and finised by Satu- Flos Junior Farmers grupin oui- opinion and should cc-- metingss.dP an ýdiucîe h Hill) who were married in day night. and in 1the following year th,-' ainî 1e cntinued. forholinge hme-nkig sle church hast Sunday. Mn. Brewer, Kingston, spent Ril-O-Don gî;oup. "In th1e more general work foi hlodnin ahoe-bner satue Mn. and Mrs. L. Savei-y, Mr. th11e- past week with bis nephew, Credit muasot g ta hlm of our deparîment, Mi-. Han- Mrs. G. Shacklcton and ber, and Mns. E. Savery, Oshawa, Ai-chie Ford. f nîaig11 ulcsck okbstkna ciepr Fnienda ithis community tevcralhladesfrM. i-. aI- sDonna Vice, Mn. Francis John- 35 ouh cng si-ervrieing nov-T-rmY,,~ Ien ed th W M. . al y t ostn and M . R y mn ond O sborne for 111e co mingN are sddened tla eof 111e Hampton on Tuesday. spent tbe weekend with their ember.seictaN- L1LU1I dden and t-agie death of Mr.-. Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Munday munI et Renfrew. He is also an active niemben Mns. Win. Steel and Miss 1 aident af Ibis, acomeri and Mary Lau, with Mi-. and Mr-. and Mrs. Fred Fergu- of the Bai-rie Lions Club, where Margaret Steel, Toronto, were enr ofmpthyis cexutended . Sam Buttez-y, son, Salemi, with Mn. and Mrs. bis main sphere afiunteresl was guests of Mrs. B. NeshilI, Or-, n. Wymah nd augters.d A. Million Saturday cvening. agaun agricultunal. He scrved illia, and Mi-. and Mrs. Sîanhdv Sicrsypatby isd mihtsa x-Mi-. and Mns. Freenientle, To- anthie commtttee rgiponsible Haeker, Midhand, last wcek.* Sneesmah sasex EWTON VILLE nna eeSna istisa a 1e aul lai-rn boys' )dr. Richard Rowan and îdcd~~Mr aaMs vrtnWi n d Mrs. John Johnton. camp eld at Bass Lake. Maser James Rowan, spent the massing af ber mother -No services at th1e Pi-esby- Mn. and Mes. Bob Camnenon Toe111e ,eaders of Ibis paper Saturday afternoon with Mn. er a jengthy illness. Iciian Church, Newtonville, on and Raymond wcre Sunday 11e i well known for bis negu- and Mns. Steel.I Mr. and Mns. Wlker and Sunday, Oct. 30111. on account supper guest of Mi-. and Mns. Ian contribution of Junior Lis- Mns. B. Nesbilt, Orillial,and iMj4', Long Branch, were aof1the church parade of th1e C. Penwaî'cen., tening Pest, which 11e atanted Mis Margaret Steel, Toronto, 4 Sdsy dinner guests af Mr. Odd Fellaws anj Ret*kahs at Don't foret your lfalloweien in Maey 149 and wt* 1< - wilh_ Mr.mnd Mrs. Steel, Nes- this Thompaoaand daugh- 1he United Churd..-i---. -Parîy* - - -- eves hada rnù., , ta.h - TmCNDAfSTT8AN OWMVUOT Dur~ham Grain Judge! Win Provincial Tiffe Will Compe te: at RoyaJ ONE YEAR GUARANTEE *ON ALL TUBES and PARTS *ON ALL SERVICE *WR ITTEN SERVICE CONTRACT Af no Extra, CosftIo you! This Deluxp 1956 Console tan be installed ini your borne today SATISFAÇTION GUARANTERD Bowrnanville's LARGEST dlsplay f Television te choose frorn Tele vision Service 33 King St. W. Protection ?hone.Com3-388 EASYFîoneMA 3-3883 EASY T~RMS ARRANGED - . - 1 4- . - - --- n w V4'>> uÇW11..lJ i le t fi t 'i ai til O i a ine Si te ter, in . . PACM rnprlmf LONG SAULI e ae ol 3 Mi" Grace Smith Mattoeended3 3 th1e tro=seu tea giv"en dForrh S ng e G Mrs. David Craig (nee Misim e Bessie ighhSingleTuGame Hr selasnTueday Ml Dale nosed out Bill Lander 8 7- 19 Mrs. Walter Vaneyk ietur- egley by 8 pins ta Win igh Rundie à8 7 19 ed horbe froni the hospitai sin 'e gaie on Wednesdy Laimer 8 7 -l8 Monday night and ita* n 33 Mel had a 338 W1 Bill Oke - 8 7 18 with bet, daugher, Ms.sH. D e 330 The only, other 300 score Bagnehi 7 8 17 Mille, for a fewt days. r.I.D a recorded by Bill Polley O'Raurke 7 8 J16 Sypterf h cmunt 3R19H. ma adsors of ayourke 7 98 15 ~ symextede f ta e cMrs.Evetn 29 39 272foan 770 tcries fHaor 5 9103i ..Wis e hexte d a, ed r.Eeth w259-ch39was72ord en770htl oBaer __5__ I10o .y of ber mother, Mn thi ath ndwinhih triple. Ron Richards ts 0 1 »7 ta Mirs. A. th er and fllitand iy, had7 ih Piple y 751,icardsvrae .Bowmanville, ini the sudden Gay 734, Frank Blunt 710 and Name Gaînèu Ave. ýn tragic 'death of Mr. Walker, Ted Hoar 709. Ted Hoar -- 15 232 ~,Monday afternooon. Bob Cale and George PiperiRuss Halîman - 15 :tg28 Mr-. and Mrs. Wilfred Blaney, were tied for low single game Bill Hearle 15 223 37 David and Anne, Bowmanville, 106, Big Dave McKnight 11 Ron Richards 15 ý23 as wene Saturday supper gues!s and Ted Miller 114. Bill Westlake - 15 222 4, of Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Dave McKnight had a 419 Bill Mutton 12 222 x-Mi-. Frank Peterson, Oshawa, triple with aur new bowier George Elliot-I - 15 2,22 was a Wednesday visitor at the Byron Vanstone next 420, BOPa AI Osborne . 15 220 a-Gibson home. Cale- 424, Jack Cale 425, BoO Elton Brock 15 2 ie Mr. and, Mns. Wm. Johnson Kent 440 and Bill Oliver 441. Bill Polley-___ 15 219 rs and family,,were Sunday guests This is the best effort we have Jack Gay 15 2.17 re of his par «ents, Mr. and. Mns. bad in the low score depant- Ron Maynard 15 21G Bert Johnson. nment this season. Norm O'Rourke 15 21.4 Mrs My obs sen te edALLEY CHATTER . Morley Vanstone 15 2i I M s Meeayn Jit h M n. a pn sthe T d H oar la sti ll leading in T ed B g e l1 1 wekndwthM. n Ms teaverages with 232 for 15 BhBgel1 h Roy Barraball, Whitby. aean RusHlm h Bl Oke --- 15 20 9 Mn.andMrs GadonBakr gmesandRus Haima lbs BillSpier IZZE 12 2109 Mr adMr.Godo akrtaken over the runner-up spot Art Begley 15 208 an-d family spent the weekend with 228. Frank Williams- 15 207 kwith friends in Dundas, Ste- Hahlman's team is stili îead- Bruce, Milne 15 205 phenville, Waterdown and AI- ing in the team standing withJckBog15 20 def ht 6 clear points aven second place Dick Little .. 15 2o4 * Mn. and Mrs. Donald Wilkin- Polley. Bob Williams '12 2ý, *son and family spent the week- The bowlers were ail sar-y Doug Taylor 15 1)4 endt wlth bis brother and fam- ta bear of Ross McKnight's ac- Dr. H. ude 1 1 d ily, Mi. and Mrs. Stanley Wil- cident and hope that Ross will ,ri ude .1 0 1kinson, Belleville. soon' be back bowling. Jimni Se mon .ct152 1)30 M . and Mrs.' F. G. Smt Fair as consented ta p mnch hit Bo.bK.S oer12 203 9and Miss Grace Smith with Mr. for Ross. and Mrs. H. C. McClure, Hap- Glen Lander is on the aiig Bill Steven ____15 03 py Valey, and attended Salem list and hie is expected ta i-'- Reg Hearle n 5 12 03 Anniesry services. turn ta battle real soofl. Karl Bickel - 15 201 Plan ta attend the Hallow- Standing 5 Week Ist Schedule Ed Rundle 15 201 e'en party in the school Satur- Team Won Lost Pts. George Piper 15 201 day evening, Oct. 29 sponsored Halîman - 12 3 29 Frank Samis 12 201 by th1e H. and S. Club. Polley - 9 6 23 Be-t Engley 15 20> An average attendance turn- ed out for the first Home and School Club meeting beld in th1e school Friday evening, Oct. 21 eeting opened with Pi-es- VN 1WL E ident Paul Vaneyk ini the chair. Election of officers then took and bis music Pl ac conducted by Mrs. Rose- ývear, th follow ing officers be-* L J e N D I v Pi c k r' ing. elce President, Mrs. With Canadas IL.LI L'....III' Partner; Viae-President, Paul Vaneyk; Secretary Treasurer, Vocalist - BILL JAY Mrs. Millson; Ass. Sec. Treas., Graee Smiith; Sick Committce, South Line, Mrs. Youngman North Line, Mrs. McLaggan a . c o e ,2 t and Grace Smith. Committee a h for November meeting wbich a h will be beld Nov, il are the families of Murphy, Baker, Sim and Smith. It waa decided ta go back to> th1e original plan of the lunch Dancing 9 Io 12 and pi-agi-ar committee for each month. Meeting closed Reservations- Phone Oshawa'RA 5-9015 with "The Queen" and a so- cial time was enjoyed by ail. 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