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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1955, p. 16

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PAGESIXEEN HE AKADAN TAT~MAN ~OMANVLT Owr Rii L '.J, . * dWLU £W iTmi TaAL.. IN ME~MOI¶AM COUCH-In loving memory of a dear father, Harry Couch, who passed away Oct. 25th, 1950.* Gone from us but leaving memories Death can neyer take away, Memories that will always linger While upon this earth we stay. -Lovingly remembered by Den- elda and Sid. 43-1* FOWLER-In loving memory of a dear mother who passed away1 Oct. 17, 1933, and a dear father1 who passed away Oct. 27, 1939. What would I give to clasp their hands, Their happy faces to see, To hear their voices and see their smiles, That meant se much to me. -Lovingly remembered by their three daughters. 43-1* SPRY-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, iMildred Spry, who passed away October 28, 1943. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps ber near. -Ever remembered by husband Fred, children Lyness, Jean and families. 43-11 Cards of Thanks To aIl my friends who remem- bered me on my birthday I ex- tend my thanks and aise for cards and parcels. Mrs. C. Curtis r 43-1 r Mr. Lester Dow and f amiy tes Dr.o express speciai thanks toD.K. Siemon, the nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville and Morris Funera] Directors for came and kindness during our recent sad bereave- ment. 43-1* I wisb te tbank my friends, relatives and neighbeurs for kindnesses when I was ill. A speciai thanks te Dr. McKay and Dr. Austin, nurses and staff of Memerial Hospital, Bowman- ville, aise te Rev. Warren Turn- er and te Mrs. Percy Leach. Mms. Charles Nesbitt. I wish te thank Dr. Storey, Dr. Sturgis, nurses and staff of Memorial Hospital for came and kindness. I aise want te tbank my relatives and friends, my teacher, Miss Young, and class- mates for flowers, gifts, cards and cals during my stay in bos- pital. Murray Brown. 1 wisb te express my sinceme tbanks te Dr. Harold Slemen, nurses and staff of Western Hos- pital, Toronto, for came and kindness, members of Goodyear Hose Room, Baptist Church and Tbe Patbfinders, te my relatives, friends and neighboums for cards, calîs, fruit, flowers, candy and baking received during my stay in bospîtal. Samuel C. Adams. 43-1* We are deeply indebted te the people of Oono and its com- munity for the many ceurtesies extended te us in the past few days in regard te the death and funemai cf our beleved mother, Mms. Ida M. Lang. The strain on our family -was lessened, by the many acts of rcindness from such as The Rev. John Kitchen, Rev. H. B. Neal D.D., Mr. Anson Gilroy of the Orono Cemetery Board and the members of Heather Rebekah Lodge, No. 334, and many others. Ross S. Lang lia B. Noden Neya E. Little BACHELOR or basement apart- ment. Apply Box 430. c/o The Canadiari Statesman, Bowman- ville. 43-1* HOUSE or greund floor apart- ment urgently needed by Widow and two children. Phone MA 3-5445. 43-1 BUNGALOW or duplex on one floor witb 2 bedrooms and bath- reom, garden; within waiking distance o! lake. Toronto couple contemplating retiring, away from city. ,Write Box 432. c/o Canadian Statesman. 43-1 Articles For Sale Singer Sewing Centre For Used or New Sewing Machines RentaIs or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5443 for Prompt Service 44-tf iRnvirl BROMELL-Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Bromeil wish to announce the birth of a baby girl, Debra Lynn. on Thursday, October 20, 1955, at Memorial Hospital, Bow- Ynanville. Baby sister for Rickie and Joanne. 43-1* JOHNSTON-Ruth and Keith Johnston are happy to announce the arrivai of a baby girl, Pearl -Ellen, 7 lbs., 4 ozs., on October ,,ý..9th, at Trenton Memoriai Hos- -pital. A sister for Linda. 43-1* JONES-Mr. and Mrs. George -Jones are happy to announce the -birth of a son, Robert Stephen, 2,9 lbs., 1 oz.. in Meinoriai Hos- pital, Bowmanville on Friday, October 21, 1955. A brother for *Debbie Lee. 43-1* PEEBLES-George and Nancy -Peebles are happy to announce the birth of their son, Thomas George, on October 17 at Memor- il Hospital, Bowmanville. 43-1 ROSS-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross are pleased to announce the arrivai of their son David Erie, on Friday, October 14, at Mem- criai. Hospital. A brother for Johnnie. 43-1 ENGAGEMENTS If you would like a private .,showing of our extensive stock~ of diamond engagement and wedding rings Phone MA 3-5747. Hooper's Jewellery and Gifi Shop. 4041f Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Fowler of Hampton announce the en- gagement of their daughter Gertrude, to Howard Francis Bell, eldest son of Frank Bel] and the late Elizabeth Bell of Oshawa. Wedding to take place in Trinity United Church at 3 p.m., November l2tb. 43-1* * DEATHS CÔLMER-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville on Sunday, Oct. 23, 1955, Caroline Colmer, in her 76th year, wife cf tbe late Frederick C. Coimer and dear mother o! Gregory, Brace. -bridge, Herbert and Harold, Bowmanville. Service was helc at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bowmanvilie on Tuesday, Oct. 25 at 2:30 p.m., then at the Hill & Robinson Chapel, Brantford, for serive on Wednesday ai 3 p.m. Interment Geenwooc Cemetery. 43-1 DAVIS, (Miss) Ada Marguerite -At Peterborough Civic Hos- ital on Monday, Oct. 24, Ada Marguerite Davis, formerly cf 191 Eglinton Ave. W., Toronto, daughter cf the late Mm. and Mms. John H. Davis, dear sister cf Mrs. E. J. Hotston (Nettie): Mrs. E.'Byers (Wiima), Mrs. E. M. Barry (Grace), al cf Peter- borough; Dosey L. Davis of Toronto-, Alvin H. Davis o! Bow- raanville. The late Miss Davis is resting at the Kaye Funeral Home, 539 George St., Peter- borougb, for service on Thurs- day, October 27 at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Little Lake Cemetery, Peterborough. 43-1* ELLIOTT-At R.R. 4, Bowman- ville on Saturday, October 22, 1955. Patience Chase Elliott, wife cf the late William Thomas Eiliott andi dear mother of Gaie Elliott, Lakehurst, and Mrs. S. Evereton White (Elsie), R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Mrs. Eiiiott rest- ed at the home cf ber daugbter until Tuesday noon. Service was held in Knox Preshyterian Churcb, Lakehurst, on Tuesday at 3 o'clock. Interment Lake- hurst Cemetery. Funeral ar- rangementý by F. F. Morris Ce., Bowmanville. 43-1 LANG, Ida M-At Chicago, Ill., on Saturday, October 1Sth, 1955, Ida M. Lang, beioved wife of the late Alexander Lang and dear mother of Dr. R. S. Lang, M.A. MD. of Chicago, lia (Mrs. John Noden) of Toronto, Neya (Mrs. *WlimLittle) ef Kendal, in hem 89th year. Rested at the Lang Memoriai Chapel, Orone. Service Tues- day, October l8th, at 2:30 p.m. '-nterment in the Lang Maus- oleum, Orono Cemetery. Fun- eral arrangements by Nerthcutt & Smith. 43-if SIMPSON-At the home of hem -daughter, Mms. H. M. Estail, 414 ZElmwood St., Kingston, on Wed- xesday, Oct. 19, 1955, Eileen Mary Thorne. wife of the late David Burke Simpson and moth- erc o! Molly (Mrs. H. M. Estail) and sister of Olive, Newcastle, and Charles, Wilmot, N.Y. Mrs. Simpson rested at the Morris lfuneral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Friday noon. Service was held in St. George's Anglican Cburch, Newcastle, on Fiday, Oct. 21 at 2 o'ciock. Intemment ýýt. George's Cemetery. 43-1 -WALKER-Suddenly. at R.R. 4, =owmanviile on Monday, Oct. -84, 1955, Alexander Walker, _,ged 56 years, beloved husband ....a Vanda Bradley and dear fath- --er o! Betty <Mrs. Cli! ford Mack. ,:Mn) and Wiibelmina (Mrs. -E4verett Wod). Service was héld %~ the Morris Funemal Chapel, wmanville on Wednesday. Oct. 26 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Orono Cemetemy. 4- 43-1 PETS FOR SALE SHOES-The following brand- COLLI pup forsale twonamne abees are now in stock: COLLE pps or sletWOchildren's Savage shees, Brouw- montbs old. Phone MA 3-2982.erRsachho, imnwk "-*boots, Sisman Scampers, Scott- DEER bound, black and tan, MeHale shees. Dack sboes, maie, two yeams old. Phone jGebb arch support work boots, Biackstock 72 r 3. 43-1* Foamn Tread slippers,> ladies' -Gracia shoes. Logrollers, Dr. TWO maie black and tan hounds. Schol's foot remedies and shoe 4% months old, niake excellent suprts, plus rnany ctber lines; hunters. Phone Clarke 16 r 33. Kuiwi, Esquire, Panda, Holly. 43-1 wood Sani-white and Properts shoe POlishes; modern shoe e- RECGISTERIED Scotch Colin ai service ini the rear cf store. Duppies, twelve weeks old.' Ideal l oyd Ehlu Shoes, 49 King St. peafor children. Cal Orono W., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3- Aricles For Sale CARROTS, 75c bushel. Phone 15 r 12, Clarke. 43-1 APPLE butter. Apply Joe Craw- ford, Hampton. 43-1 SPACE heater. Phone MA 3- 3426 after five. 43-1 SINGLE unit milking machine. Phone MA 3-2721. 43-1 PIANO, in good condition, $75. Phone MA 3-3085. 43-1 QUJANTITY of dry cob corn. Phone MA 3-2646. 43-1 WATER-Hard or soft. Robt. H. Cale., MArket 3-5476. 29-tf ONE International miiker unit, good as new. Phone MA 3-2038. 43-1 QUEBEC heater, good condition, reasonable. Phone MA 3-3484. 43-1* ELECTRIC ironer, table model, almost new. Phone MA 3-5863. 43-1 DOMINION, piano, $35 or best offer. Mrs. Clark. Phone MA 3-3093. 43-1 CONTENTS of house, also cloth- ing, must seli; moving. Phone 1MA 3-3941. 43-1l' MAN'S tuxedo, size 3e, in ex- cellent condition; wiil seil cheap. Phone MA 3-5403. 36-tff ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf QUANTITY of new bushel apple1 boxes. J. A. Carscadden, Orono1 North. 42-2* SMALL cook stove, coal and wood, excellent condition. Phone1 MA 3-2729. 43-1* FINDLAY Ovai cook stove, in good condition. 53 Duke'Street. Phone MA 3-5490. 43-1*. * GIRL'S 3-piece Mauve velvet *winter outfit, size 6. Mrs. V. cJeffery. MA 3-5748. 43-1 EIGHT-pîece dinîng-room suite, excellent condition, cheap for quick sale. Phone MA 3-3273. 43-1 SAVE on lumber, direct frem Mill te you. Phillips Lumber fCo., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 117r11. 13-tf WE have our stock of anti-freeze in now, $3.00 gai. E. D. Knapp sAuto Wreckers. Phone MA 3-5756. 42-2 AFRICAN violets.- Say happy hirthday with beautiful new violets. Stewart's Seeds, Bow- manville. 43,-tf' IF backaches are slowing you -up, take Rumacaps and help 1yeurself to relief f rom Pains and raches. Ask your druggist.. 43-1 TWO pair black skates, sizes 12 and 1, medium size tricycle, kiddycam, small red wagon, brown metai crib. Phone MA 3-5519. 43-1 POTATOES for sale, $1.25 at the farma, $1.35 delivereti to Bow- manvilie; aise, hay for sale. G. Bisschop, R.R. 2, Burketon. Tele- phone MA 3-2016. 43-1* $4, BOY'S overcoat, 12-year size; $4, boy's Utex jacket, 12-year size; $3, youth's skates, size 7; $6, lady's coat, mauve, black velvet trim, size 14, ahl in good condition. Phone MA 3-3429 after six. 43-1 DISH gardens, arti ficial and Christmas arrangements f o r tables, or fnade to order. Mrs. Edith Johnston, Turkey Brae Farm, two miles east of Newton- ville, R.R. 3, Port Hope. Phone Clarke 13-12. 43-tf DRAPERIES and venetian biinds customa made, or draperies sold by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time with a complete range of samples and ,suggestions witbout obliga- tion. Fabric Town. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman vil. 1 8t CLARE Jewel 30-inch electric range, regular$ 239; 9.6 cu. ft. Internatic frigerator, regular $369 f( 8.2 cu. ft. International erater, egular $339 fo: Pbilips Television, 21-inc record player, for only1 Farm Equipment and A tive, 134 King St.E., Bc ville. Phone MA 3-5689. USED farm machinery:1 -International XW-4,1 "H", International 0-6g model, Fordson 3-plough John Deere Model "H", national 15-30 on rtibbei Chalmers 2-f urrow piougl spreader on rubber, Inter ai 45 power take-off b, Farm Equipment and A tive, 134 King St. E., Bc ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 43-11 Reasonable ROSS CLARK Bowinanville PHONE MA 3-3801 41-tf N" 4.1 ýr; Allis ýh herse rnation- aler at Ltomo- owman- * 43-1 Articles For Sale ELECTRIC stove, heavy wired. C. Barr, East Beach, Bowman- ville. 43-1* SMALL cedars for hedges, 10ec delivered. Aile de Jager. Phone, MA 3-2017. 43-1* FOUR boxes of .30 Remington rimless deer hunting cartridges,1 new. Phone MA 3-5487 or MAI 3-5401. 43-1 BALED straw and loose hay. S. E. Thompson. Phone MA 3- 2377. 43-1 ONE white enamel Empire cook stove and one McClary coal heater. Phone. Biackstock 76r2. 43-1 VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and instail. Morris Co. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf KINDLING wood, fence rails, $10 cord, delivered. Ivan Mount- joy, Burketon. Phone Black- stock 87 r 4. 38-tf KEYS cut automatically, while you waît, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf APPLES for Hallowe'en. Choice Snows, Mclntosh ançl Tolman i Sweets, delivered. R. Osborne, Newcastle. Phone 3021. 43.1* CLEAN swamp muck, suitable for tobacco greenhouses, or ideai for top dressing, at Pontypool. Sam Manetta, Pontypool. 35-9* APAETMENT size Moffat eiec- tric range, Simplicity washing machine, both as new; moving to 25 cycle area. Phone MA 3-3959. 43-1 DO your own floors -rent a sander r a floor polisher from LanderlHrdware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf SMALL size cook stove with oven, in good condition, will seli cheap. Jack Brough, Plumbing & Heating. Phone MA 3-5615. 42-2 NEWLY upboistered settee, one lady's leopard skin coat, (12); a few coats (men's, good) cheap. Phone MA 3-2890. 4-4 CLEAN, dust free potatoes, in new bags, $1 for 75 lb. bag at farm. Excellent for storing. Mantel, R.R. 3, Burketon. 42-2 HEARING aid service. testing service and complete st'ock of batteries and cords at Higgon Eiectric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvilie. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf FERGUSON tractor, O 1 i v e r double disc, 8', i year old; Cock- shutt double disc, 10'; McCorm- ick No. 4 hammer mill. Tyrone Garage. Phone MA 3-2882. 42-2* PRINTS of photos cf public events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtained for $1.00 on 8xl0 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-tf TYPEWRITERS, adding ma- chines, new and used, for sale or rent; also Cole steel filing cabinets, office furniture, cash registers. Walter Frank, MA 3- 2403. 37-tf QUANTITY of used bathroom fixtures inciuding three baths on feet, three toilets. three wash basins. Will seli separately Jack Brougb, Plumbing & Heat- ing. Phone MA 3-5615. 42-2 HOUSEWIVES save up te $3.00. A package of Log Cabin Concen- trate makes one pint of -pure vanilla fiavouring. Simple di- rections. Price $1.00 pestpaid. Leg Cabin Products, Ajax, Ont. Agents wanted. 42-2 - FARM machinery-W-D Aiis deluxe Chalmers tractor; Model 'B"I $359 for Ailis Chalmers tractor; Case "S"~ onal re- tracter, Massey twin power 101 lor $275; Jr., used 6-feet cut Allis Chai- 1refrig. mers aIl crop harvester: we aise )r $239; have twe new Allis Chalmers eh, with Baiers and 3 new Allis Chai- $3 15. at mers barvesters at the old price ý,utomo- until November Stb. 1"55, atl ýowman- Palmer Motor Sales, 20 King St.1 L 43-1 East, Bowmanviile. Phone MA Trcos3-5487. 43-1 Fammal erchard DO IT YOURSELF tractor, TT~ Inter-TILE 71,.'c each and Up - Ail kinds Expert instructions supplied CUSTOM FLOORS LAID The quantlty is limlted at tis price S. S. Morion & Sonl FARM MACHINERY Maple Grove Bowmanville 43-i DECORATING S. INA 1 Help Wanted GIRL flor general housework, [young children, nine to five, 5%- day week. Phone Newcastle 3326. 43-1 E XPERIENCED apple piekers. Meadowmnount Farms. C ar i Payne, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 2811. 43-1 WANTED at once - Rawieigh dealer in Bowmanviiie. Write Rawieigh's - Dept. J-140-R, Montreal, P.Q. 43-1 ACCOMPANIST for Bowman- ville Choral Society. Appiy Mr. Hugh Martin, 98 Binswood Ave., Toronto, and state qualifications. 43-1 WANTED: Two young men 18 years of age, to work as Juniors in our Engineering Department and eventuaily to quaiify as first grade mechanicai draughtsmen with the possibility of promotion into executive positions. Educa- tional requirements are at least four years mathematics, physics and English successfully com- pieted; the ability to work with your hands at things mechanical is an indication of necessary mechanical ingenuity. The de- sire and ability to continue the study of draughting and junior engineering subi ects is a must. We want young men who will get along well with people, show a wiliingness to work, a serious minded attitude towards their work and at play to be light- hearted and happy. If you qualify you can create a very good future for yourseif in this Company. Make your own in- vestigation of the progress and success of Mathews' employees - out of eleven top executives in Port Hope, ten came up from the ranks. If you are interested apply to the Secretary by letter only. Mathews Conveyor Co., Ltd., Port Hope, Ontario. 42-2 Livestock For Sale TWELVE Muscovy ducks. Phone MA 3-5803. 43-1 ELEVEN pigs, 10 weeks old. R Phone MA 3-2885. 43-1l 1NINE pigs, nine weeks oid. Phone MA 3-2485. 43-1 SHEARLING Suffolk ram. How- ard Malcolm, Janetville. 43-1 SIX Tamworth pigs, seven weeks old. Phone MA 3-2008. 43-1* PUREBRED Tamworth pigs, 7 weeks old. Phone Blackstock 80 r 3. 43-1* FEEDER steers and yearling steers. Phone Allan J. Werry.' MA 3-2521. 43-2 TWO Holstein heifers, two years old; one goat, black and white. Phone MA. 3-2778. 43-1 PUREBRED English Yorkshire boars, breeding age. P. H. Hin- ton, Orono. Phone 14 r 12. 43-1* PUREBRED Suffolk ram, three years old, will also trade. Apply Oscar McQuade, R.R. 1, Burke- ton. 43-1* 18 PUREBRED Leicester ewes, 2 ram lambs, 2 yearling rams; priced to sell. Keith Van Camp, Blackstock. Phone 41J. 43-1* 20 HEREFORD cattle, pure-bred, cons isting of cows with calves at foot, several heifers and two young bulîs, also one herd sire. Write F. S. Papple & Son, R.R. 6, Brantford. Ont. 43-1 Cars For Sale 1936 INTERNATIONAL dump truck. Apply 85 Duke St. after 5 o'clock. 43-1 1946 DODGE 5-passenger coupe, $200 or best offer. Phone New- castle 2212.431 '48 HALF-ton G.M.C. truck, '48 Pontiac sedan delivery; used electric iefrigerator. Phone MA 3-3636. 206 King East, Bowman- ville. 43-1* USED cars-1952 Plymouth 4- door; 1951 Chevrolet sedan, 1951 Ford coach, at Palmer Motor Sales, 20 King Street East, Bow- manville. Phone MA 3-5487. 43-1 TRUCKS-1949 Dodge 2-ton stake; 1956 International ¾/-ton, $550 off list price, at Farm Equipment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 43-1 '53 PLYMOUTH B elvedere sedan, green, white walls, over- 'drive, undercoated, tinted glass, slips, radio, perfect condition, trade-in price. Apply 4 Conces- sion St. E. Laird. 43-1 1953 CHEVROLET two-doer, radio, heater and signal lights, $375 down with 24 months te pay ait Farm Eciuipment and Automotive, 134 King St. E.,1 Bowmanvilie. Telephone MA 3-1 5689. 43-1 For Sale or Rent HOUSE on Cburch St. Apply te F. Williams. Phone MA 3-5801 Work Wcmted F. A. 'OSMOND, storm, sash, and iight carpentry. Phone MA 3- 5881. 43-1* BABY minding by day or week, also evenings, experienced. Dial MA 3-5548. 43-1* PLOUGH your land before winter. Caîl Aile de Jager, MA 3-2017. 4-' PLUMBING, heating, eaves-1 tiýoughing, free estimates. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. 38-tf SKATES sharpened. See Jam- ieson's TireShop, corner King and Silver Streets. 36-tf LADY wisbes bousewplk two days a week. Apply e5x \433, c/o Canadian Statesman. 43.1* OSBORNE FUELS Best Quality: FURNACE OIL STOVE GIL Phones: Office MA 3-5897 Yards MA 3-5410 Masonry Construction BRICK - BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estimates ANGER BROS. MA 3-2273 or MA 3-Z375 12-tf Concrele and Masonry Ail types, of CONCRETE - BRICK BLOCK WORK L. TURNER Estimates Free P.O. Box 177 BOWMANVILLE 35-tf TILE BEDS - TRENCHING SEPTIC TANKS CONCRETE WORK BARRY & LEE 3-3Ç93 MA 3-3828 34-tf A. E. COLE PLÙMBING AND HEATING Authorized Mor-Sun and Lennox Dealer 26 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phone Night or Day MA 3-3473 16-tf TRENCHING - LOADING DRAGLINE - CLAM WORK Trucks and Loader for Gravel and Fi Jobs FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Construction PORT PERRY 392W 32tf For Rent THREE furnished rooms, suit- able for business couple. Phone MA 3-3273.- 43-1 APARTMENT in Victor Manor, King St. West, Bowmanville. Phone Oshawa RA 3-3559. 43-1* HEATED three-roomed apart. ment with bath, hardwood floors, kitchen cupboards. Phone MA 3-3446 after 10 a.m. 43-1 NINE-roomed bouse, two baths, double garage, large lot. Write 10 Peter St.. Port Credit, or Phone CRescent 8-2729. 42-2* APARTMENT, 3 rooms, kitchen- ette and bath, heated, built-in cupboards, tile floors and laundry. Apply Apt. 4, 63 King West. 43-tf FARM house, brick, 7 ooms, hydre, furnace, bard and soft; water; on county road. Neil Malcolm. Telephene Biackstock 66 r 4. 42-2*; THREE-moomed self - contained apartment, bot and cold water, near scbooi and hospital. Almost immediate possession. Cbiid welcome. Phone MA 3-5548. 43-1* APARTMENT, four ooms and bath, beated, private entrance. Suitable for couple with smal baby or three aduits. Available Nov. lst. Write Box 421, c/o Canadian Statesman. *43-1* ENNISKILLEN, upper duplex apartinent, four rooms, sepamate entrance, 4-piece bath, bot water heating, $12 per week. Hydro and beat included, beavy wimîng. References. Phone MA 3-2887. 43-1 CAESAREA-For ent with op- tion te buy, ail. ycar round 3- bedmoom bungalow; partiy furn- isbed, fumnace, pressure system, inside cenveniences, 30'x46', va- cant Nov. *lst. Reasonable ent te preven reliable paty. Write Box 426 c/c Canadian States- man. 41-3 For the Latest Papers or M 262.42-V' I IN Pontypool village. 3-moomcdj ground floor aparmnent, private, Frthe Finest Paints entrance, newiy decorated, neti FurW anted heated, electric, bard and soft For the Best Workmnshlp1 water at door, parking space fori O So DEAD STOCK remnoved fromn car; refemences exchanged. Pre- G. Preston & 1 orfr rmtyfrsntryfrfml fpraetades Phonesdisposal. Telephone coilect: Co- Net suitable for more than one Phones Ibourg FRanklin 2-3643 om Toron- Icblld. Apply Mr#. N. D Cham- 3-591Z MA 3-3761I to EM 3-3636. Gordon Young bers, 404 % Roncesvalles Ave.. jLU1~I~±Os42-4L UnD~PgywI n.4-2 Real Estate For Sale Real, NINE-roomed bouse, two baths, double garage, large lot. Write 10 Peter St., Port Credit.o Phone CRescent 8-2729. 42.2*- .iea SEVEN-roomed residence of the late M. J. Underhill, Liberty St. N. Write Box 429, c/o Canadian Statesman. 42-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties SoId, Rented, Mýanaged and Appraised L, M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phene 2566 - Newcastlé, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signai, Newcastle 32-tf LEASK REAL ESTATE 4-roomed bungalow, on ¾/-acre of land, beautifuily iandscaped,' television aeriai, floor coverings, etc. Full price $3,80.0. Terms. M. E. Leask, Broker' 65 Ontario St. Bowmanviiie Phone MA 3-5919 43-1 HAMILTON'S REAL ESTATE $6,000, Newcastle, new bun- galow of four rooms and comn- piete bath, very attractive de-ý sign and construction, full ceilar, neyer been occupied. $500 cash willi handie. $6,500, at Orono, one and a half storey, five room1s, ail newly decorated, some tule floors, new oHl furnace, heavy wiring, large workshop and garage, one acre of ground with several fruit trees, choice location, haif cash. Leroy Hamilton, Broker Orono 1. r 16 De With Real Estate 160 acre farm. on lakeshome, Clarke Township, 120 acres Eworkable, 10 acres weod, creek .105' x 41' bank barn. pig pens, b len bouses; 8 roomed brick bouse witb running bot and cold water, beavy wired, bath. Ask- ing price, including ail cattle and macbinery, $30,000. Terms ar- manged. 100 acre iarmn, 85 acres work- able land, 10 acres wood, sprîngs, wells, two 60'x30' bank barns, lien bouses, pîg pens: 8 moomed frame bouse, heavy duty wired. Price $8,000. ,$2,500 down. 165 acre famm situated 10 miles from Oshawa, 90 acres womkabie, 30 acres valuabie Wood, stream, 7è2'x36' bank barn with water b.owls, 40'x25' L-shaped exten- sien, steel dmiving shed, lien bouse; 8 roomed ciapboard bouse with bardwood floors, nicely decorated, beavy duty wired. Close te schooi, village,,etc. Price $15,000. Terms ammanged. 162 acre farm in Clarke Town- ship, 120 acres womkable, aimost ievei land, 20 acres wood, stream, wells, good fences, bank barn with water bowls, implement shed, pig pens, lien bouse; 10- roomed frame bouse with aIl city conveniences, bamdwood fleors, etc. Asking price $17.000. 150 acre famm in Cartwright, roliing sandy ioam, 100 acres workable, 20 acres wood, creek, wells, 81'x36' bank barn, imple- ment shed; 9 moomed frame bouse witb cellar. Asking price $10,000. Open fer offer. 6 roomed bungalow with barn, lien bouse, garage and 15 acres o! land. Has oul fumnace, bath- room, kitchen cupboards, heavy duty wiming, bot and coid run- ning water on tap, etc. Price $10,500. Terms. 5 roomed bungalow at Bow-1 manville with 3-piece bath, run- ning bot and coid water, kitchen cuphoards, venetian biinds, ga- rage. Price $4,500. Ternis ar- ranged. 6 roomed bungalow at Maple! Grave on 60'x250' lot witb 3-1 piece bathroem, 3 bedrooms, full basement, running bot and cold water. Cernent block garage. Close te, school and on paved road. Price arranged. 9 moomed solid brick bouse with 3 acres e! land, in village. Has 3-piece batbmoom, hydre throughout, firepiace. storms and screens, garage. Price $5.000. Terms arranged. 4 roomed house at Hampton with beavy duty wiring, garage and extra lot. Price $3.500.* Ternms. Besides above mentioned we are able te 'sbew approximateiy 95 more fax-ms and homes in the Oshaa, owmnvileCobourg and Trenton district. 1Newcastle REALTOR Phone 3341 Salesmeli; Donald Mountjoy, Bowmanvllle MA 3-3950 Paul Diamond, Port Perry Phono 246 R 43-1 Notice Io Creditors AND OTHERS NOTICE is hereby given pur- suant te the Trustee Act that ail persons having dlaims against the estate cf WILLIAM HARRY MUSSELMAN (commonly known as William H. Mussel- man) late cf R.R. 3, Pontypool, in the County cf Durham, Re- tired Farmer. Deceased, wbo died on or about the 4th day of September, 1952, are requesteti ta send particulars of theiri dlaim te the undersigned Ad- ministrator on or before the 3tb day cf November, 1955, aftem which date the Administrator wiil distribute the assets cf tbe Estate having regard only te the claims of which they shahl thene have notice, and wili net be responsible te any others. DATED at Barrie. Ontario, this Ilth day o! October A.D. 1955. Sterling Trusts Corporation, 1 Dunlop Street East, Barrie, Ontario, Administrator with 411 .WiU Annrxed..413 Estate for Sale VAN NESTQ 1Esiaie Broker Houses, businesses and farme te offer. Listings wanted Give us a cal and taik it over 118 King St. E. Bowmanvillo MA 3-3230 43-1 Pedwell Real Estate 200 acres with creek, 2 bouses, 8 and 1Q rooms with bath, 2 barns, double garage, 6 kiins, greenhouse 125'x27', $18.000 down, 42 M.B.R. Price $75.000. Daniel Boehm, Salesman Phone MA 3-3512 10 room house on Beaver St., Newcastle, hardwood floors, bath, aIl conveniences, double garage, chicken pens, etc. For a quick sale, $8,500. 117erms to suit. 25 acres garden land, wiil be adjoîning 401 Highway. $2.500 with terms. à acres in Newcastle, ail gar- den land, good 6-room house with ail conveniences, on a pav- ed road. $9.500. Terms. 150 acres on Lake Scugog. 8-room house, ail conveniences. Bank barn 40'x100', newly paint- ed cernent silo, 10 acres heavy timber. Wili seli equipped or farm .alone, $17.000 with $6,000 down. We have a large listing of goed farms, bouses and generai stores. Money to boan in large or small amounts. H. C. Pedwell, Broker Newcastle - Phone 3856 43-1 NIXON REAL ESTATE 4-room bungalow, air-con- ditioned with oul, 3-piece bath, modemn kitchen. attached garage, on nice lot, $9.000. 7-room brick house, 11/2~-storey, 3-piece bath, hydro, needs re- pairing. Make of fer. 4-room frame bungalow,' good basement, hydro, garden, weli, $3.500. 7-roem frame 11%-storel? house, modemn kitchen, hot and cold water, 3-piece bath, insulat- ed, over J/ acres, barn, garage, different /kinds o rip to sell. hue ffut r 6-rom hosehydro, well, on haîf acre of land, $1.000 down. 5-room frame up to the roof wi h foundation, $1,000, tern> $540. Dwellings, farrns, etc. James Nixon, Brolter 160 Liberty St. N. Bowmanvîlle R.R. 5 Dial MA 3-5682 43-1 BOUSES Liberty South. 6-roomn insui brick, 3 down and 3 up. beavy wiring, ceilar, lot size 66x169. Few minutes walk te school $6.300, bai! down. Liberty South. 4-room bun- galow, beavy wiring, newly in. stalled oul fumnace, ecently decorated. A goed buy at $5,200. 20 minutes drive te Oshawa or Bowmanville, 5-roomn pamtly fin- ished bungalow, 3 acres o! land with some fruit trees; heavy wim- ing, full cellar, 3 minutes te school, $5,000, $2,000 down. We have other listings te choose from, in Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax, Port Perry; also building lots in town. Alter Hours OWEN 141CHOLAS - MA 3-3982 ORME GERRY - ORONO 1191 37 King St. W. Bowmanvllle 43-1 ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI FOR SALE rOBR lENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND - ETC. Cash Rote .- *Uc par Word with a minimum of soc Must ha paid hy date ai insertion Ul charqed. an addltloaol 25c wxillb. added. A charqe of 25c wiii h. mode tes ail replies djrecied to this offIce. NOTICES . COMINO EVENTS AND CARDS 0F TRANIS 3c a word with a minimum or $1.00 for 33 words or lois. SIXTES a GGyJE< MARRiIAGES E . ET $1.00 pet insertion in MEMORIAMS 01.00 plus o a lUn. for verse COMMERCIAL CLASSIFIMD Includes aff advertlsinq toi pe adns r rmns sUinq services. fdeos or goode of any description -3c per word; minimum charge 75c cash wlth order. To requlas advertbsers payable monthly 'Diapiay Clossified aI $1.50 Pol Iich ith a minimum ci can. inch- Additional Insertions ai the. suorates AU CIassilied Ad, must ho e 1 this office not later thon 12 o'clock noon. Wéduesdoy. gond cash, stomps orimenai order and gave marrer. Clip fis out toi handy relerence F 1 - 61 - TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOÇýý. ONTAMU mmum.cn Av eV mma . . PAGE SIXTEM

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