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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1955, p. 3

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* THUSDA?,OCT. 27th, 1935 Wed ,in October Bridai A&P DOES LLtRCA ..$NALILN STA I EbI1Ad*BOWM£A"ILLLE, ONTARTO -PG H Milford. Wedding for..Co'uple "Duyiom#n" the homeofo the groorà's parénts at Tyrene. The bride's mother wore a grev suit with pink accessories anti corsage of pink carnations, andi the groom's mothen wore rusi silk crystalette with black ac- cessories and corsage o! bronze Pmumns., For their wedding trip to Buffalo, the bride chose for, travelling a grey suit with aqua accessories. The young couple will neside in Tyrone. -Guests attended, from Peterborough, and Binghamton, N.Y., Kit- chener, Toronto, 'Brighton, Col- borne, Brampton, Oshawa, Or- ono and Springfield. Prier to ber manriage the briewve ententained at sïow- esgvnby Mrs. John Colley and Mrs. Allan HarbQttle, both of Oshawa. The wedding party and friends wene entertained at the groomn's home following the' wedding rehearsal. GALLAGRER -WALKER The marniage took place on Oct. 8 in* Holy Cross Roman Catholic C'hurch, Oshawa, o! Mgry Helen Walken, daughter of Mn. and Mrs. Richard Walk. er, Oshawa, and Robent Joseph Galagher; son of Mn. and Mrs. Robent Gallagher, Bowman- ville. White 'mums decoratgd the church for the occasion. Rev. P. Coffey officiated and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Roy Falls were married in Mn. Jack Dniscoll presided at ?riity United Church, Bowmanville, on Saturday, Oct. 8. the organ. Soioist was Mr. The bride is the former Fae Marie Reynolds, daughter of FranRosetaig y Mrs, Wilfred J'ohn Reynolds and the late Mr. Reynolds. father, the bride chose a full T1he groom is the son/,of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Falls, Bow- iength gown o! wbite Chantilly ianvile. * lace and tulle over satin with ---Photo by Ballard & Jarrett, Toronto scoop neckline embroidered -with pearîs, and lily point sleeves. The bouffant skirt swept into a chapel train. A k. cononet of net embroidered witb sequins and peanis beld. ber fingertip veil and she car- r ied a cascade of pink roses and stephanotis. e - !4JP 'I1IrIo ~The bride's attendants were W edd nLysMrs. Bernard Jones, matron at honor, Mrs. Robent Wilson and k Mns. Jim Walker, bridesmaids, -\ and Susan Walker, fiower girl. T.hey wore% identical gowns of shaded blue crystalette in waltz length, featuring a loiv V neckline with tight bodice. thnee-quarter sleeves, and bouffant skirts Shaded pil boxes matcbed their gowns. PHILP- HOPKINS wure a Waltz length gown of The fiower girl was in blue Tyroe Unted hurc waýnet over taffeta with wide in- crystalette with scoop neckline TyrneUnte Curh alsents of Chantilly lace on the and short full skirt. The atten-. %the scene o! the annriage on side panels of the bouffant dants carried cascades o! shad- Saturday, October 8,' of Evelyn skirt. A long-sleeved jacket of ed pink carnations. Joyce Hopkins, daughten of i natching lace was worn over ,Mn. Bernard Jones was best Mns. Lawrence Hopkins, Wind- the bodice. Hen fingertip veil man and ushers wene Mn. Gary son, Ont., and the late Mn. Hop- was caught to' a crown of Tighe and Mr. Jim WalKer. kins, to Mn. Ronald Albert matching lace studded with For the reception held in Al- ,gehilp, only son of Mn. and Mrs. seed pearîs and she carried a bent St. United Churcb hall, '7V oward (Hap) Philp o! Tyrona-- bouqVet o! red roses. the bride's mother wone cocoa The double-ring ceremonv Mrs. John Colley, Oshawa, brown crepe with accessories was performed by Rev. F. was the bride's attendant, in paie green. The groom'z: Jackson against a background wearing waltz length mauve mothen was in navy silk taff!4- '~Of white and mauve asters. net oven taffeta, fashioned withita' with mauve pink accesson- I Mrs. Bob 'Babcock, Leaside, bouffant skint and worn with a les. Each, wore a. corsage -oft ~cousin of the groom, piayed lace jacket. Her headdress was yeilow roses. "-the wedding musi'c and accom- a circlet o! matching net andi For 'motoring to New York - panied the soloist, Miss Mango she carried yellow and white on their wedding trip, the bridev Rankine o! Haydon, w ho sang j 'mums. chose a thnee-piece box style "O Perfect Love" an d "Te' Mn. Warren Cross, cousin of suit of black wool flecked withc Lond's Prayer". mr the groom, was best man, and 17,hite, worn with white andr The. bride was given in I -u shers were Mn. Louis Phillips lack àccessonies and a corsagec niage by ber brotherin-law, and Mn. Grenville Byam, Ty- of pink roses. The couple'will S Mn. G. Planche, Oshawa. She rofte. A reception was held, at reside in Bowm anville. F FOR FOOD SHOPPERS WITH E VER IDA Y' LOW' PRICES PLUS SPECIALS Too! Tea Bags Mil-ko Crackers A&P Nectar l SAVE 16c bçx of 90 77C Powdered Skim MiIk SAVE 6c Christie%, Carlton SAVE 4c i-lb pkg 29C 1-lb pkg 33C lueim g Powders & Pie Fillngs PUuings Jela - SA7VE 4c 3 pkgs 25C 1 pfyFR"SUPER-RIGHT" MEATS! LARGE Fr.ai, Park AShoulder Roast lb29c Freth Pork .ai4C Butt Rocas't n>39c Extra LEAN MINCED BEEF îb 29c PeameaIed, Whole or Haif JANE PAnKepR COTTAGE ROLLS îb t5 c HALLO EENRindietsaSuiper Right LAieNe SMOKED SIDE BACON 1-lb pkg 5 9c C4A FUH FRUITS & VEGETABLES *&Cach Plorida Marth Soedis No. 1, Site %'s GRAPEFRUIT 1Ofor49C Prie«s Effective Until Floride No. 1 New Crop. turday, Otober 2#th, M ORANGES large size 175's coz 49c V. veeta Imported Pancy, Frosh and 8we.t i-ls 1b pkg 49c (UCUM BERS 2 for 19c Vigorous & Winey - Custom Ground Fre3h Curly Leaf No. 1, Washed, Ready te Cook Bokar (off.. lb 99c SPINACH 2 colla pkgs 25c Jane Parker, Oaily Oated W1t.eadW 24-ozlocafl5 cÀ Pp pq(il lgs 15C a Coboù rg SceneQ Wedding Mr. and Mrs. William Keith Aiken are pictured as they sîgn the register following their marriage in Saint Michael's Roman Catholic Church,. Cobourg. The bride is the former Ramona Roberta Smith, daughter of Mrs. Isobèlla Smith of Cobourg, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith F. Aiken of Newcastle., FALLS . REYNOLDS FRANK - GREER Standards of white and yel- Albert Street United Church, low chrysanthemums, feruis Oshawa, was the scene of a and candelabra decorated Tr'rn- pretty wedding on Saturday ity United Church for the re- afternoon, Oct. 15, when Shir- cent marriage of Fae Marie ley Marian Greer, daughter of Reynolds, daughter of Mns. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Green, Wilfred John Reynolds and the Oshawa, became thS bride of kate Mn. Reynolds, to Mr. Gil- James Robert Frank, son of bert Roy Falls, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frank and the late Mrs. Arthur Falls, Bowmar.- Mr. Frank o! Bowmanville. ville. Rev. T. A. Mýorgan offi- Large baskets of giant and ciated. Mr. Arthur Collisoxi Shaste 'mums with lighted can- played the wedding music and delabra decorated the cbunch Mr. Douglas Ross of Oshawa for the ceremony which was sang "The Wedding Prayer" performed by Rev. S. C.- H. and "Because". Atkinson. Mr. Ron Kellington The bride, given in. marriage played the wedding music and by ber brother, Mr. Arthur Mr. Douglas Ross sang "The Reynolds, wore a white satin Lord's Prayer" and "The Wed- gown with net overskirts pan- ding Prayer". elied in confetti lace, the back Given in marriage by lier fa- sweeping into a tiered lace ther, the bride wore a gown of train. The scalloped neckline white rosepoint lace on net was embroidered with tiny over taffeta with fitted bodice seed peanîs to match the en- and a full skirt o! lace appli- cnusted satin bandeau heati- qued in points on net, and dness which caught together a forming a short train at the finger tip tulle illusion veil. back. The dress was short- The bride carried a cascade of sleeved, and long buttoned mit- pink roses and carnations. tens o! lace were wonn with At. Attending the bride were A haîf-hat o! lace studded with Mtrs. John Cattran, Shawinigan pearîs and sequins held the Falls, Que., matron of honor, bride's fingertip veil o! illu- Mtrs. Robent Williams and Mis:s sion. She carried a white Bible Varlene Falls, Bowmanville, with rosebud tipped streamers bridesmaids. They were gown- and crested with a corsage o! d alike in garnet velvet waltz gandenias. length gowns 'with scoop neck- Mrs. Gordon Greer, sisten-in- mes, trimmed wîth satin and îaw o! the bride, was matron atin sashes at the waist, which of honor, Miss Beverley Frank, re into streamrers at the back. the groom's sister, was brides- rhey cannied bouquets of ronze 'mums. maid, and a niece o! the bride,, Miss Colleen Greer, was flow- The best man was Mn. Jack er girl. Ail were of Bowiînan- Traham of Toronto, cousino!f. ville. The.matron lo! honor and he groom, and ushens were, bridesmaid were gowned alike tir. Robent Williams and Mn. in heavenly blue crystaiette en- iary Tighe, both of Bowman- sembles whîch wene full skirt- 'ie.1 ed, in cocktail length, and At the reception beld in the worn' with a cuffed duster. .hurch hall, the bride's mother Blue feather bandeaux and -eceived in a silver sheath matchîng shoes completed their Iress of teal blue wooikasha. costumes and they carrie\d cas- ;e chose silver grey patent cades of white and yellow ccessories with winter white Shasta 'mumis. tat and gloves. The groom's The flower girl was also in iothen assisted bier in a brown. beavenly blue crystalette with )rocaded taffeta gown fashion- bouffant skirt, puf! sleeves and d with a portrait neckline and bib neckline. She wore a cor- hree-quanter length sleeves. onet of yellow and white Shas- he wore ail brown accesso-r- ta 'mumis and carried a basket s. Both wvone onchid corsages, of similar 'mumis. For a motor trip to VIrginia Mr.. Ron Frank was best man nd points south, the bride and usbers were Mn. A. Lobb onned a beige tweed box- and Mr, Jack Munday, ah o! tyle suit with a black Persian Bowmanviile. mb coilar. Her accessories Receiving the guests in the ree a pink cloche and gloves, Sunday School room of Albert ith black patent shoes and Street United Church, the unse. On their retunn the bride's mother wore navy ny- oung couple will reside ~in on mesb witb bat o! dusky ýowmanville. rose Italian 'velour and match- Out-of-town guests attended ing accessonies. Her corsage -o Minden, London, Toronto, was o! deep pink Sweetheant rono, Healey Falls and Pont rosebuds. The groom's mother redit. chose an original model in rose- s 'b n bý th SI ie ai di wi pu Bc fr( O1 Cr T'one United Church was the scene of the marriage on Octoier 8, of Evelyn Joyce Hopkins and Ronald Albert Philp. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Lawrence Hop- kins and the late Mr. llopkins .of Windsor, ard the groom 1the only son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard (Hap) Phip of wood lace over taffeta wit Picture hat of. navy velvet an( navy accessories. She worei I corsage of creamny rose-tippe( Sweetheart rosebuds. Mr. Byron Edmondson, un. cie of the bride proposed thi toasl to the bride. A pleasin feature was the presence 0j three great-uncles of the bride Mr. Charles Simmons, Oshawa Mr. Bert Simmons and Mr. Ed Edmondson of Toronto. FOr a wedding trip to Otta. wa, Montreal and New Yo;r the bride chose a black wool 1 tweed suit with coral and greer Ifleck, worn with coral acces. sories. The young couple will reside on Edsall Ave., Bow- manville. The bride is a secrp. tarY in the Sales Promotion Dept. of General Motors, Osh- awa, and the groom who isi graduate of University of To- ronto, is with the Engineering Dept. of General Motors. Guests attended the weddin.s from "South Porcupine, Stoney Creek, Toronto, Ottawa - and Bowmanville. BROCK - COPPINS A ceremony performed in Trinity United Church, Bow- manville, on Saturday, Oct. 1. united in marriage Shirley' Loreen Coppins, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coppins of Lindsay, and Ronald Law- rence Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Brock, Bowman- ville. White and pink gladioli decorated the church for thp occasion. Rev. T. A. Morgan officiated and wedding music was played by Mr. Arthur Col- lison. Given in marriage by ber fa- ther, the bride wore a floor length dress of white, the molded bodice fashioned of Chantilly lace over which was worn a matching jacket, the long sleeves ending in points over the hand, and the Peter Pan coliar encrusted with ir- ridescent sequins and pearis. The bouffant skirt ended in a flounce of nylon net. A finger- tip veil of nylon net was held by a band of sequins and pearls and she carried a bouquet of red roses with white feathened carnations. The brîde's sister, Miss Don- na Coppins, Lindsay, was ber only attendant, gowned in floon length blue nylon net and Chantilly lace worn with matching bolero and gloves. Hen headdress was a band of blue braided straw with short veil and she carried pink and white 'mums. Mr. Elton G. Brock, brother of the groom, was best man, and ushers were Mr. James j Coppins,_Peterborough, brother 0 of the bride, and Mr. Everett lhan Jewell were co-hostesset at King, Bowmanville. a miscellaneous sho-wer in For the reception held in the Lindsay when neighbons and Legion Hall, the bnide's moth- relatives were guests. er wore light blue and black Mrs Anton Kozak and ber printed silk with corsage o! mother, Mrs. Berniece Tuerk pink and white 'munis. The who is an aunt of the groom, groom's mother wore peacock entertained for the bride when blue taffeta with black acces- about 25 relatives and friends sories and corsage of yellow gathered. and white 'munis. For their wedding trip to Fellow wokers at Palmer Sudbury and Ottawa, the bride Motor Sales where the' groom wore a blue crystalette dre'ss is employed, pesented him with dusky rose accessoies and with an occasional chair and corsage o! pink roses. The cou- smoking stand. pie will reside at 9 Fleet St., Bowmanville. Pnior to her marriage the T 1 C K E T 8 bride was entertained at a TO EVERYWHERE number of showers. Mrs. Thel- Air, Rail or Steamshiz, ma Statham was hostess at a Consult1 miscellaneous shower at hier JUR Y & L OV EL L, home in Lindsay when about 3owmanville 25 friends were present. Mrs. 15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 B a rb a ra G ra n t a n d M iss L il - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JIK the postman left* sn't it-or did the )W you know how ste with ttat famous weren't you amazed dissolved with on. r-cold milk! Stayed st delicious sip. sQUIK ii bot mil )r as a Riotrishinh r-ups alike love whencver and WEEK! tr ample of Quik fi )îng ist. It's to help ourishing chocolaty at saviag. Quik is CIOUS EITHERWAY. j SAVE MONEY /1] ~ ~ ~ ~ o an /i 4l'is 'Joa/I;î<4terest ýd l- ie cal Un the Mr grc Boi i I HOL-OR .COLD - DELI< 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Arnold Turney cut the weddirf g ke at the reception following their marriage in Milford ited Church on Saturday, September 24. The bride 'Is eformer Ellen Elizabeth Marie Roblin, daughler of rand Mrs. William Thompson Roblin, Picton, and the )om is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Claude Turneýr, )wmanville. The couple will reside in Bowmanville. -Photo by Hodgson Studio, Picton, Ont. j 4 t t

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