s ~ 't .5.' ~ ' ____________________________TES.wAN'ADIA1¶_5TATESMAN._EOWMA"nV Current , and Con idntial Br zeta CarUthoeaLwU=. B WEEZT- MTAINS AND STRICT RULES *In the year 1877. Hamptoi liad a Cornet Band, completi wlth a wefl warded Constituý t1on whlch pravlded rules an( regulations for members an( officers. The littIe bookiet con. talning thme Constitution anc B -Lawu came inzto the handi 01 Mr. Elmer Wilbur et thf Urne effecta ofthte Ruse Estatf at Hamipton were auctionec The Ruse family Ivere prom. ient membens of the band Ji *arly days, Frank Ruse being d.puty leader, another Ruse &,&lyn ¶lit E Plat Tenar and amue Ruse being drummer. Alfred Hogarth, father of J. D. Hogarth, Township Clerk, was als a member. I The By-laws provided that strict order must be maintain. ed during practice, penalty for en offender belng a fine of ten cents. Members failing toaep- pean onUie, or et all, at prac- t4ce without the legitirnate ex- cuse of slckness or absence troni home, were fined lBc, thougi other excuses mlght be accepted or rejected by the Band as thcy saw fit. Under tbe heading: "For -the overninent of the Band in public" this rule follows: ?,Any Mnember appearlng in a state of Intoxication or bccoring intox- Icatcd mter appearance, the queétion 'of his intoxication tu be decided by a vote of the ,thr lmto~rs ln case of dis- ut%, shai ay a fine of $1.00." Cr thl.s it would appeer that tbe prablem was anc ta be con- tended witb, othctwise it would mot have nierited a by-law. Arnong the naines signed as fledglng therasellves ta support the code of By-laws "bath in letter and spirit" besides those ;tb'eady mentioned, are Edgar Hurîbut, WVm. Pye, R. J. Clarke and John T. Cale. Hampton has not had a Cornet Band ln niany yeans, we understand, »but there may be those who tecan remember lb as a flounlsh. ing organlzation during theLr yot.If anyone bas anybbing toadd on tbc subject, we dwould be glad ta have lb. ,d * * 0 [s "ME A BRIGHT FIEE" Le Wbile we havé' beneflbec ce greatly by niany inventions Lduring tbc pest 50 years, and -the coinforbsaerislng tram thern i have become comman 'toai-l 9 niost everyanc hi this country, e wc have thereby hast bouc>, d wlth sanie of the simple phees- unes which have deep roots in Man's nature. Wc anc leit with * î'feeling that samething la lacking. This la flot ta minimize t thc wonden, camplexity, coin. * fart and convenience wblcb rsclentlfic progregs bas brougbt ius, but in these cool Autumn days when we came haine and draw the cuntains against the early.dank, fine cames ta sind as mn example. Heaven forbid that we should retumsi ta Uic fireplace as bbe rnians of heabing our homes, for lb la totaily inadequabe. But bbene arc few who, when Lexposed ýta the atmaspbcre af ,a firchit naom, do not faîl un- 1der its speli. We tbisik Ibat tbe attraction oftheb flanies must be anc of bbc oldest iMan's bistary. Pire bas been of prime importance ta hum ever since he discavered how ta mpke it, and is speli stil hes power aven many af us. Pire satisfies tour out ai five of aur senses, and in eanly days tbc open tire aven which cook- ing was donc, wes bbc means af satisfying that boa, bbc sense of baste. Today aur autdoor fireplaces do the same-witb whet wandenful nesulta! But consider bbc athers. The tire is kindled, and tbc flames lcap. It's the Pla ytex Baby Paýnts > Jamboree! Wonderful products to keep baby Rn at, swe, comforable and PUATER SIT FAIM Sjnoorh liquid latex. Wateri proof. Ventilated. Stretchable.; Wash and par dry. Pick, white and blue. la bcautifuT silvery box. .890 FLATTE TRANSPARENT BAIT PARTS Light, cool, durable, sueOih' able. Wash and pat dry. la beutfUl silvery tube. ,98l PLATÏEXSUAP-ON SAIT FAIM Soft, suftooh, stretchable Iiquid latex. Cross ventilated.; Wasb -ad par dry. In beauri. fui silvey nurMcr block pack- sge.$1.29' PtAYTIXDuISS4iIr lABY PARTS Pastel checks on Iight, sofit plastic. Waterproof. Wash and par dry. Pink, blue and white. .ln beautiful silvery box. .980 (FtArM PRY-A ijacquard-weave nylon !ined withwaerproof plastic. Tail- oted for boys, with lace for girls. Pastel blue, white, pick and maire. Silvery box faf boys, golden box for girls. $1.69 PUYM IL uEPARTY 0f pure band-loomed silk. Washable by hand or machine Paus dry. Pink. white and blue. $1.29 Ail Pisyrex Baby Pants Accunre!y Sized bo Baby's Weighrt "Pimytex;:ý; CanadaSoiet Known Baby Line. .«VMb" JURY & L@VELL B0WMA&NVIILLE Intended for lest week The October meeting af the Woman's Association was beld et tbc home of Mns. Ken Ashby an Wedncsday, October 12, with 12 ladies present. The bus- iness was in charge ai bbc pre- sident, Mrs. A. Austin. A com- mittec was appointed ta work with bbc Sundey achool in pre- pening a Christmnas concert, tentative plans for a pob luck supper and arrangements for bbce tollowing Sunday's special service completed bbe business. The program wes i charge af Mrs. Ken Ashby, group lead- er, and guest speaker for bbc day was Mns. Harold Ceswelh of Zion. She rcad and discuss- cd letters written by ber 'moth- er from South Afnica wbcre she bas been working as e nurse on dubyi a baspital et an age when niany folk bbinl< tbey require-and do-a nurse ta walt on thein. Hen descrip- tions ai lite there are very vivid and interesting Afnican articles brought by Mns. Cas- wchi eddcd much to bbc en- jaymcnb. The group and speak- er wcre bbanked by bbc presi- dent and et bbc close ai bbc meeting seasonable refresh- ments-pumpkin pie and whip- ped crcam-wcnc scrvcd. The 95 annivcrsary ai this cburch wes held in bbc midst af bbc wet, wet spell an Sun- day, Octobcr 16 but surely all bbc feithful folk who nurtuned the cburch congregation bere for well pat bbe hundred years would surely have felt bbc present day adherents were kecping faitb with theni. Stili working et a praject whicb wili complebely renovate bbc basement, bbe men ai bhc cburch girls of thc dccorating commiÎtcc, as well as Mn. Hard- lng. have put in iany hours this year ta bning about bbc changes visible for this anni- versary. Bath services werc weil atbended, and bbechcurcb beld such a profusion ai beau- tiful tlowers, ahi bbc grey day was lcft oubside. The local choir in tbc mornlng and Be- tbcsda Choir in bbc evening provided special inspiring mu- sic and led thc congregation In berywonship af sang. Rev. C. Clarke ai Frankiord was bhc vislting minâter and bis compelhing me~ssages of faitb and trust in God were well HAVE A7Jq)5MID T141MIDS EST-TASTNGCIARETTE z;;_- rizmàlç VUT TAMO195 Post Office,/Problems Discussed pf Meeting .App.rox. 210U Pres.7ent 1 up, aatisfying aur sight i they are beautiful. Theo Wu and tic smoke have their oY fragrance, and the e lew us for whom thts.wlld, bitte sweet perfumne doos flot Xecà znemonies; -The - erse of smell Sound. What a wondeil crackling and snappine them Is from the wood, an«Z son ies. if «a lot ina alittle wetq * reen, it sings'quigtly to ltse, ccel -,- Uic lovely warni spreada and -we stretch out oi n legs and curl aur tocs towai , ItL Then 'wc, most of us, gi' 0a big si gh and sit, raiaxed ar 1. quiet thinkng dreaming. just eing, W nh fa h4 au, only 'sensaton e ai 9 content. e One thing you wil conccî perhaps ls that we are ini nee of content today, and the re laxed mind and bod hat con wlth it. There are t mes for s the wonderful pleasures an entertainnients we have tode -tbey enr 'ich aur lives iminc surably. But there arc timg too when juSt by ourselves,c with a friend or two, a wintd tire i.s a wonderful source c enjoymnent. In this era of autc matic heating, many who hav îfireplaces do not even use ther, --oh, whet waste. And man yaung people now gra*ing ul indeed some of tbem growi up, could not ligbt a tireJ theirlilves depended on it. Poo things, tbey do not know wha tbey have mlssed; hI ny cas it is a very good thing ta knov how ta do. More power ta thq Scouts and ail campers. ;0 RADAR Birds anc apparently no, equipped with their own radai systeni. Every year migrator' birds are killed by flylng intc high buildings. This year 181 birds were kiiled wheii. flylni i fog, they came int conflicl with an IimQovable abject - the Empire State Building Ir New York. One wceps for-tht So or little birdâ, mostly War. blers, who arce mong the smallest, pretticit and mosl tunef ul singersai Brdland, When we say srnallest, we ex- cept Hummingbirds. There sems ta be nobhing that cen be donc to prevent this dreadful death toîl. A bird just doesn't expect anythlng tran the carth to be projecting up that fer, and as for the Empire State, they çan't fold it up ai night or on toggy days. AIl We cen hope is that if there weré any survivons, thcy have the means of warning thelr fellows and passing on the word ta tbe next gencration. Unfortunate. ly, sanie people-and nmybe birds-oly learn by experi. ence. WESLEY VILLE fr >o- Bu IL e- or eif. 4h tun Lrd ve ad et ne de le- ne Lu ad es qr tr 0-i If Pt t )t Good Grooming Tips Given Inter-Club Group By Clothing Salesman ýn Members of Bowmanville's e threc service clubs; Rotary, - Lions and Kinsmen, gatherebl e et tbe Lions Community Cen- ýt tre 120 strong for the f al In- 1ter-Club meeting on Monday *nlght, 'Oct. 17. The Rotary Club was hast for the meeting, the gKinsmen Club erranged the senjoyeble pragrani, and the ýt Lions. Club members were a gucsbs. Hlghllghts of the meeting *werc a deliclous roast beel din- tner scrved by the Bowman- ville Home and School Club, several close barmony sangs by a quartette miade up of Ivan Wooley,, Ken Hockin, Ted *Ott and Roly Coombes, and an ad- *dness by Harold Weston, On- tario. representative for the *Warren K. Cooke Clothing Comnpany. / Rotary President Keith Jack- son was chamrman ofthbb meet- ing and introduced tbc head table guests. These were: Ro- tarian Howard Rundie, Kin Ir- vine Brown and Lion Lloyd Ayrc, chairmen af bbc inter- club committees of their res- pective clubs: Kin Gar Ven- nlng, Mn. Westan, Kinsmien President Lionel Parker, Lions President Waily Braden and Rotary Secretery Jim Stutt. Unique Sint Song A novel method of singing the club sangs was lntroduced by the chairman, who had sang leader Rotanian Al Stnike lead the Lions in singing the Kins- mnen sang, the Rotarians in singing the Lions sang and the Kinsmen in singing bbc Rotary sang. He alsa led the singin af ather old favorites, wlth Ro- tiarin Dave Morrisan at tbc piana. Guests welcamed ta the meeting were Secretary-Mana- ger Ken Morris af the Chami- ber of Commerce, Dr. Al Syl- vester, and Kelth Connell. Lions President Braden intro- duccd Lion Ray Thompsan, a new member since the lest i- ter-club meeting, and Kinsmen President Parker introduced new member Kin John Living. The Presidents of the three clubs presented honorany mcm- bershlp badges in thein argan- izations ta Recreetioni Director Doug Rigg. Kmn Gary Venning inbroduc- cd gueat speaker Harold Wes- ton, painbing out that be . was educated iToronto and, has been wltb the Warren K. Cook Clothing Company since leav- ing acbool and is now lis - On- tario representative. Mr. Westarr gave a very In- tcrestlng address an personal appearance and goad groornlng, pointing aut that this subjcct is important since people jiudge us equally as much on how we look as on haw we talk oi act. He statcd that it is flot neces- sary ta spend large aniaunis of money ta be weil dressed' but that a basic wardrobe of tbree suis là sufficlent. "Sultability la the- keynobe of being -weýi dnessed", be declared. "The. clathes wc wear should always be suited ta aur age, station and the occasion at whlc4 «e are ta appear." ed E si ti wantb hearlng and remember- ing In sltc of rainy wea.tber thisya s annivensary was a cantreat ta hast ycar whlck feil on bbc Sunday fahiowing H~urri- cane Hazel wben thc flower conittee did their bcst 'witb thse few bednaggled flowez* bit by Uic Starm and bbheca' tak- en threw bbahm eut emrI n Sunday morning thlnlrlng! they wene lefb over tram aflother service. Rev. A. W. Harding conduc- ted services on Mr. Cianke's charge and whUl be absent for tbe next two Sundays when service will be withdnawn bore for Mion and Weiconsc anniver- garies. Mnr. Harold Austin retunned haome tram Port Hospital lest Tuesday wbere Bbc had under- gone gurgery. AUl anc glad ta ses her malte auch a rapid ne- covery. Mr..and Mm. Czabo and chUl- dren vislbcd the latter's par- ents, Mr. and lins. C. Bcigbtan, during Uic weekend. Ifelene Barrowclough and ber r#ottser ipent bhe boUiay weekehdhI thse Ottawa valy. Ladies bave been busy'quilt- Ing* at Mir&. Pcrcy Snehl'a, and many frein bore attended thse sbowing aifbthe aionary fIgm in t e in - -ite a Every wardrobe sbould In. ,clude anc grey or blue suit, he à seid, and bbc accessoniet worn -wibh anc of these suits willl .blend wel wltb bbc ather. lie 1polntcd aub that a man must D wcar a bat ta be well drcssed; >and his bat, as wcli as bis shirt, Dtic, socks and sboes, sbould eblcnd harmoniously wibh bbc >colon of bis suit. *Qoad Quality Important 9 Mn. Weston stnessed thbc mi. partance ai buying good quel-8 îty clathes, and 'stated that Mihile a cbeep suit may cost less et the oubset lb will be sbapcless and worn out long before a good quality anc. The speaker gave several1 tips on prolonging the lite af suits. They should not be dry- clcaned marc often than ne- cessrary, he said, since tbis is bard on theni. The wearcr sbould also avoid cremming boa xnany items into bis packets as bhis brings about excessive wear. Wldc woodcn hangers anc preferable ta wirc anes for hanging suits up, bbc speaker said. Prequent brushings wil hclp bbem keep their shage. The tashion trend et pneu- cnt turne is ta lighbcr-wcighb suits and topcoabs, he said, and ta a neater, stralghter, trimmern look isuits.1 Mr. Weston was tbanked fort bis address by Kin Clarke Wli-à son. Kinsmen Pirsident Parker1 introduced bbc quartette con-c sisting of Ivan Waoley, whot - also played their accompani-c ment Kinsman Ken Hockln,t Ted Ott and Roiy Coambes and this graup of yaung singers made a big bib with bbc gab4i- ering. Tbey'abtained saine real berber-sbop harmany on "The Wbippenpoof Sang" and "Shine On Me", and their nendition ai "Dry Bones" and "Joshua Fita The Battle ai Jericho" were aiso very wcll donc. Rotary President Jacksonh expressed bbc appreciation of memnbers of bbc bhree clubs for bbc excellent dinnen served byE bbc Home and Scbaai Club and lnstructed Rotary Secrebery Jlm Stutt ta write tbc argeni- zation a letter ai thenks. Caliect $27 For Scoute 0 Rotenien Howard Rundle an- 1 The Oztarfo Postmmt.rs As- Sociation held Ibm Annual Coù- vention Oct. 11, 12 and 13 e thc Shearaton Brock Hotel a Niagara FaiUs. Pasbmasters and thein wivea from ailcorners of Uic province atendcd with a total attend- ance of approxliately 210. tlnder. bhe able direction of Assoclatlbn P<esident Mr. J. Stukle, Postmaster of Batewa Ontario, a very fine Conférence was beld and many hIteresting Pont Office problems were lroned- out. District Directors tram Lan- don, Toronto, North Bey and Ottawa were lni attendance and eech anc held a group discus- sion wltb their own group and gave Postmasters under their chrea'chance ta discuss any probl:ms wlth them, whigh proycd very helpful and infor- mative. Mr. W. McLean, retiring Be. " onai Director for Ontarioaend Reglonal Dlrpctar edccl Mn. W. Pierson, fortnerly District Di- rectar af London, were also inV atendance. cago, Mlinois, with be r -. son, The funeral, held from th e Lang Memoriel Chapel, Ororio, Ontario, on Tuesday, Qtob«x 18, 1955;' was largely attendcd.1 The, servce was conducted by Bev. John Kitchen af 0 'no United Church, and Rey. H.0B. Nemi, DMl., af Lindsay. A gs;eat nay lovely lowers ,attested, tota e Ui ovpand affection feit fôr Mrs. Lag ýy ail wtip knew ber;. The pallbear'ers werc the grandsons, Donald, Alexader and Aylward Little; bhree ne- pbews, Clinton i Bgelow, Han- oid Wood and Alan Wood. A beautiffl ail painting was given te Mr. MeLean an bis re- tirement and a'corsage of red roses b Mns., MeLean fram tbc Ontario Postmmaster AÈsocia- tion. Mr. McLean made a very Offiel fro tcePast Office Dept. in attendence wcre Mn.I Argyle MeParhane, Supt. ofj Revenue Division, Ottawa, andI Mn. Rex Boyd, Director of Per- sonn~el et Ottawa. Twcnty-flvc badges wcre also preuented to naine 25 or 30 Postinastens and Postmus-' tresses by Mn. McLean and Dis- trict Dinectors. Camplmentary dinners and entertainnent were tmndcred Postinasters by Lite, Time and Fortune Magazine mec. of Chi- cago, -i., b y.bbc T. Eabon Ca. and by tbe Simipson - Sears Ca. Postînesters froni this erea in attendance were Mn. C. H. Lane &f Newtonville, Mn. J. S. Wade, Newcastle; *Mn. J. C. Gamey, Orono; Mn. IR. Rodd of Brooklin; Mn. R.. Batten of ASh- burn and Mn.r. XBennon, ai I f~fU~i *o~gL family meusoleum. There were four children:â Edna Mac, Mrs. M. E. Nixon,j ,dpceased (Milton); -Ile -Mlle, Mu. Wz. J. Nadeh, OrG#J'n- i~t;Neva, Estelle, Mis.-m. Lr*g1e%'a'Iendal, Onta&'io Ross 'flhce armsix grandclUldren pnd six great gra*hildo. TIC RETS Te EVERYWHtU" Cansult JURY & LOVELL 3owmanvllle ' là Ri"g St. W. MA 83779 Solution: A bank boan You mïy need efrra cash for doctors? bils, for bouse repairs, te save on a season's fuel suppîy -or for any sound reason. Don't hesire-sce the batik about ir. It's thse raturai rhing ta do. The chartered banks, rhrough inexpensive.personal loins large and sinail, inake ik possible for people ro Meer pressing needs or take advantage of bargains. At any branch, you cati courir on consideration, courtesy, prnvacy. It is a simple marter to arrange a loin, repayable out of income ini italments that suit your convenicnce. Tise local brach of a charrered batik co oly iprovides personal boans but many other banking services cf value ro everyone in thse communiry. Only a cb<rterd bank offers a fiui range of bonking .ervice.s, including:- SAVINOS ACCOUNTU Kcep your rnoncy sale; pay you steady interest, encour- age the habzt cf thrift. LUTTIRa 0F CRIDIT For travellers on extended trips,, or ta finance business uas- actins st a distance. TEAVILLuIS CHIOUIS Prarect you against the& mo Jass cf cash. TheY are resdily aegotiablc snywhere. NOME- IMPROVEMENT LOANS Por- repaifs, &seragioft& Or additions ta your bo=ne THE CHAETERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY IPAGE pou PHONEC MA 3-5778 neunccd that the ap pes placed at each placý had bendonat- ed by Rtaran Forbes Hey- lan4, anld 11 the gueats cantri- buted 3M centi ta the Bowrnan- vinle »oy Scouts Association la appreciationi This resulted in P 7.55 being coflcted.Li> orm O'Rou*)e, dnkated an- other Àbughel of apples for the !Clnkien 'President Par anhfouncéèd that Chalrmahn Clarke -Wilson bail tickets for the -Golden Mile Varlety Con- cert ta be staged lp the Town Hall an November 4 and .5 for distribution ta Kinîmen !nem- bers. Mee alsa stated tha< he and VicePresident Don Me- GregQr would be attending the Kinsmen FeUl Council mzeetings Ini Timmina an the weekend. Lions President Breden aak- ed Lions Rosi Hetberingtan and Stu James ta conduct t he club's hockey draw for the Toronto Maple Leafs gaine on October 22. The two pairs of tickets were won by Stuart Candier and iCarl BlckeU. Re announc- ed that following the dinner nczt Monday nigh the Lions Club meeting -wQuld be devot- ed ta collecting saleble items for the Lions Communlty Auc- tien Sale on October 29. Mr. Braden also expressed the thanks of the Liorps to the. Ro-; taClub and Kinsmen Club for 7actlng as hosts and arrang- lng the program; Rotary Presi dent Jackson expressed the general opinion that the meeting had been the livelleat Inter-Club Meeting tIn several years and thankedr the members of the three clubs for turning out In such large nuni- bers. Clarke Schooj Teachers Plan Annual Banquet, The Clarke Teachers met nt Leskard school for their Octo- ber meeting The committee ýserved a lovely lunch prior to the meeting. The minutes of the previaus meeting were read and adopt- ed. The treasurer's report was read and adopted. Program sheets were distributed for the meetings whlch are held, the third Monday each month at 3 p.m. The banquet committee re- ported that the annual bànquet wlll be hcld et Ncwtonville on Monday, November 21 et 6.30. Entertainment for the even- lng has been securcd but as yet no speaker has been con- tacted. Mns. Stapleton annaunced the public speaklng coritest to be reld at Crooked Creek school on October 24. The county contcst wlll be held in Orono on November 14. The represen- tatives te the Teacher's Insti- tutc reported that this year, the convention will conslst of four neetings, two in the etternoon and two in the evening. The firet meeting was hcld on Sep- tember 30 with Mr. Hall as speaker. Mr. Branscombe was called upon ta give a bnief summary of Mn. Hall's speech. Miss Cain thanked Mrs. Millar. and the commlttee on behalf of the teachers. OBITUÀARY >MS. EDA 1%L LANG Mns. Ida M. Lang passed âway et ber home, 7201 South bhore Drive, Chicago, Illinois, October 15, 1955. She was in àer 89th. year. The deceased was Ida M. Bigelow, a daughter of the late ,mina and Phillip Bigelow and ras born i Clarke Township- illage of Enterprise. Mrs. ,ang wes a real mother and a mithful member of the Meth- iist Episcopal Church. The ast 31 years were spent in Cbi-) Mfl. Nov. liii TO SAT. NOYAU " Champion Livestockl e Queon's Guinias Competi.tonl " Cattie Auctions 1 le Colourful Flower Show! " Cooking Demoqnstration!l " Dozens of other featuresi ROYAL MORSE SHOW Eveninga *300-42.00 Matin..., Weds. andt Pris., *1.00 Saturdays *1.50 Hemoton. 1 a 1 1- Smnd cheque or money order, with ROYAL ACRICULTURAL Wl NTER FAI P, selfaddmedenveopeto 0YAL COLISEUM, s el -a d re s e d e n v lo p te T R O N T O . 1- Come tothý MIX. ONTARIO qlqtnifflAv-