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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1955, p. 7

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luAN.AVWZLI N S I LE.LA. BO~W MAIN VILEONTARIO Mr. L. B. Nichais hes bee 'Visiting friends in Calabog; and Barryvale. ,Mr. Olaf Lindberg, Chal RIver, with Mr. and Mrs. Gec W. Graham, Jr. *Mr. and Mrs. Bud, Waike ign children 'Toronto, calli 'Mrs. F. Cator on SunçIay. WCongratulationa ta Rober Corbett, Pontypool, whoj ceiebrating hig 9lst birthda. 4o-day. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freemar St. Catharines, spent the week end with Mr. and firs. Lesli Jackson and Mr. anti Mrs.B G,., Freeman. Mr. Howard Lapp o! Brocki ville, a former manager o! thý Canadian Bank of CammercE ii Bawmanville, retired lasi 'Week alter 48 years' service. Mr. Warren Williams frair Calgary, Aita., who la attend. ing Queen's University, King. stan, spent the weekend w'itr Mrs. W. J. Leask and family. Robert Leask, son o! Mrs. W, J. Leask, and 3rd year student in Electrical Engineering ai the University a! Toronto, apent the weekend at his home. Mrs. Merwin Dickinson, Osh- awa, was a Sunday guest wiIh Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James when she renewed acquaint- ances with the Phillips families from New York City. »Ir. and Mrs. Lamne Kleînsti- ver and Peter, Dashwood, vis- ited over the weekend witJ- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams, and his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott. Last week Chie! and Mrs. S. Venton had as guests Miss Ger- trude Silverthorn, Woodford, Ont.; Mr. Geoffrey Rickard ai London, England and Long Branch, Ont., and daughteî Audrey. Mr. and Mrs. D. VT. Howardl Gibson left earlier this weelk for Edmonton, Alta., ta be pre- sent at the marriage of their daughter, Ruth Audrey, ta Mr. James Wren o! Cobden, Ont., on October 27th. A gigantic pumpkin weigh- Ing 36 Iba. was grown in the garden of Edgar Cator, R.R. 5, Bowmanville, near Salem. Any- one interested in seeing this whopper is welcome ta view it at the Cator home. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn E. Cougle, Mars Hill, Maine, are visiting Mrs. Caugle's sisters, Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Nadeau, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Powell, and Mrs. S. M. Mathews, Nas3h Road, East Oshawa. Mrs. Harry Smith and sang, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Mr. arMrs. Frank Smith, Bw- T.JOHN'S SCHURCH (Anglican> 21sf Aller Trinity 10 and il amn.- CHURCH SCHOOL MORNING PRAýYER 7 p.rn. - EVENING PRAYER ýn manvilile; Mr. and Mrs. He yle Smith, Oshawa, attended t funeral of her brother, Willia 1k Stuckey, Damascua, on Thui o.day. Miss Neli Burke, Dictitian :er the Orillia Hospital, has be( ed attendîng the Ontario Haspit Association Convention th rtweek at the Royal York Hoti is Toronto, and also visited i ay mather, Mrs. T. S. Halgat SBowmanville. i, Winners in the Lions Clu k- draw for hockey tickets fc lie Wednesday night's game o!' t. He Toronto Maple Leafs were Wi frid Carruthers and Narma Aluin. Wînners o! tickets fi k- this Saturday were BillSco, le and Bill Harrington Jr. et The Trinity Young Mer 5~Quartette accompanied by Mi5 Margaret Goheen sang at th In Anniversary Services at Eli2 ~abethviile Sunday mamning 9- The quartette consists af Tor fl Park, John Dippell, Bruce Cal .well and Harvey Webber, Boy V. manville. It Dr. W. F. Banister, ministe 3' o! Chalmers United Churcl C), Kingston, and former ministe o! St. Paul's United Chumch i-Bawmanvilie, made a !ew call Il in tawn last Saturday on hi ýs way ta Toronto. On Sunda, t- morning he preached in Yongi ýs Street United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hancoel * njoyed a very pleasant moto -trip through western Ontar.( I ta celebrate their Silver Wed ding Anniversary. They visi, ed with friends in Brantfor( and Guelph spending a deligit fui weekend with Mr. and Mus Bill HaIt and littie son Philii 1of Niagara Falls, formerly ci fB.T.S. teaching staff. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Peth. rick, 55 Queen St., Bowmanvillc celebrated their 57th weddin2 1 anniversary an October 20th Hearty congratulations are ex- tended from their many lriends and best wishes for continued health and many more happy anniversaries. King St. hasn't seemned the same ince "Barb' ietired fram his ald stand, >Pethick's Barber Shap, next to Hoaper's Jewellery. Mrs. Norman S. B. James returned home on Friday a!ter spending five weeks with her sister-in-law, Mrs. James A. Phiilips, and other relatives in New York City. She returned by motor and was accompanied by Mrs. Phillips, Miss Marior Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Philiips and son Billy, 'whc spent the weekend with reia- tives here, rcturning ta New York Monday mamning. Mrs. J. R. Hoidge, the former Laveday Ann Cotton, daughter a! the late Steve Cotton af Bowmanville, passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, Toronto, on. October 17th, in her 9th year. She is survived by her daugbter, MisEr Marjorie Hoidge a! Toronto, and a son, Reg Hoidge, New York City. Mr. Harold Gully, Toronto, is a nephew. Those attending the 'funeral from Bowmanvillc and vicinity were: Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy, Mrs. Wrightson Wight, Bawrnanville; Mr. Lance Phare, Tyrone: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, Orano; Mrs. Lorenzo Truli and. Mrs. Harold Salter, Hampton. qw Trinity United Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgati, B.A. A nn iversary Th ank- Offering Services ANNIVERSARY SPEAKER Rev. A. E. Armstrong M.A., D.D. of TORONTO 11:00 am "The Church in the SWorld Neighbourhood" Special Music by the Intermedjate and Senior Choirs ~.7:00 p.m. "The OnIy Business of -the Church"' Special Music by the Senior C Duet - Mrs. A. A. Merkley and Mrq The Young Men's Quartette:- T. Park - J. Dippeli - B. CoIweII We welcome the members of St. PauI's to our evening service Organist-Mlr. Arthur Collison, MUus. B< C. of C. Denies Taking Sides In Plebiscite ýer the outcmofathe voting yes- the terday were using the namne ain of the Chamber of Commerce rs- in offering ta take voters to ~~ the polis, Secretary-Marnager o! Ken Morris reported yesterday. >en This would impiy that the . tai Chamber of Commerce was rus endorsing one faction, he said, . el, and he wished ta deny this er implication. Mr. Morris point- te, ed out that the Chmerf Commerce had taken a neutral lub stand on the liquor plebiscite 'or and had endorsed neither the he wet or dry faction. The use aof; ril the- Chamber of Commerce ýan name in any way in connertion for with the plébiscite was entire- . -~:" Ott iy unauthorized, he said. he Man KiIIed i-(Continued from Page One) g.« A tow truck was obtained with- n in 15 minutes fromn Alexanders )-Garage about a hall-mile east -of the accident scene and it hoisted the tractor off Mr. ar Walker's body. He had been C. J. Garton, lef t, of Garton Coach Lines, Bowman- ,h, conscious until this time but ville, is seen in discussion with Ken Aston of Twin Coach er lapsed into unconsciousness of Canada Ltd.* during the 25th annual meeting of the hs en h resr asrmv Ontario Association of Motor Coach Operators in Toronto. lis Mr. Walker was rushed to ny Memorial Hospital in an F. 1'. ýe Morris Company ambulanee Council Only Two Day but was pronounced dead on karrivai by Dr. Derry Hubbard. <Contmnued from page one) S a o CoroeDr.tChalsAustin de-charge is only 60 cents per onth cO pen heasns d- not be necessary. month for business firms. The d_ The deceased worked for the majority af the towns also limit- o h a a t *d Downham Nursery Company ed their collection ta household Sfor the past 41/2 years and prior waste, he said, but made special Local hunters will have ta *to that had been employed by collections in the Spring and work fast if they wish to get 'P Russell Bragg, w4o owned th- Fali for other types of refuse. Ofproperty on which he was kili- The weight of the filled garbage their quota of pheasants this ed before it was purchased by can or tied bundie of waste was year in Darlington Township -the nursery firm. He had mov- usually iimited ta 75 pounds. In for the season lasts only twru ~ed into Bowmanville from îhis Coilingwood, Count. Higgan re- days; tomorrow (Friday) and l' former home on R. R. 4 only1 ported, the annual cost to the Saturday. The hunters get a 'two months ago. town was $9,840. littie better break in Clarke * Born In Scotland Two Vital Considerations Township, however, as the sea- Isex son there lasts from today un-' d -Born in Scotland, Mr. Wal- Mayor Nelson Osborneex yker camne ta Canada when lie pressed the opinion that the first Iwas 14 and had ]ived at Pari important point ta consider in 1Port Hope and Pontypool be: drafting a garbage collection and lfore coming ta the Bowman.. disposai by-iaw was whether it Sville district about 16 years ago. should be done by municipal He is survived by his widow, employees or under cantract by ýtwo daughters, Mrs. Cliffor,_1 private collector. The second SMacklin (Betty), and Mrs. important consideration was rEverett Wood (Wilhelmina) o! whether ta caver the cost r Bowmanville; one brother, Jack throilgh the mili rate or as a LWalker of Aidershot, Ont., and sparate charge on the Public none sister, Mrs. Tom Bennel' t tes Commission bill. Whiie 1of Wiliowdaie. Two grand'- h eodmto h ar 1children aiso survive. est, he said, since only those us- ri ing the service would pay for it, o! Mr. Waiker was a member the fact that the cost is there 0 fthe Pontypool Orange Lodge. every month ta be seen ieads ta dpedn - Funeral services were held a great number o! camplaints. rnse vyesterday afternoan (Wednes- This has been irorved by theé1iu day) at the Morris Funeral special sewer rental charge now Chapel, conducted by the Rev. listed on the P.U.C. bills. John Kitchen, Orono. Inter- On the other hand, he said, if ment was in the Orono Cem- it were coilected through the j fetery. miii rate, industries and owners «oB ~ ~ 5 of farm iland flot using the "or Days 3.,Omfort-l service might object to having E nnlskiiien Sr their taxes raised ta help pro- vide a service which they were L e not using. Coun. Rehder and La d inRura Reeve Little expressed the àÂBY POWDER obta the town colleçting the \ .\'SmaiI Bowling Lea guea municipal collection Bo ln e g essenon the mili rate sinceI Enisile S. 0 666they wouid probably stili look 1L1 35 Ennikilen r. --- o 1606after their own garbage disposai. Biackstock ------L-- 26 17054 Alter discussion of same other'Lag Tyrone ---- 25 16157 points councili eft the matterLag Mapie Grave .- 22 16894 with the special cammittee for 49 Enniskillen Jr. 21 169î7 further consideratian before pre- Hampton ----------- _ 2 14532 paring a draft by-iaw ta rn High single-H. McLaughlin bc acucl 304. bc ocuel High Triple-D. Wearn 757 0 Pass Election By-Law Lemon League-Ivan Thomp- A by-iaw was passed ta pro-j son 93, Adam Sharp 87. vide for the holding o! muhicipal elections an December àth ta Wood pulp is the basis af 95 eiect Town Cauncil members, - Der__cent __of _____________ three members ta the Public per ent f al paer.Schooi Board and one member ta the Public Utilities Com- mision. The nomination meet- Appointment igwl be held on Friday, Nov. * I'fr'25 at 7:30 p.m. * ~ Chairman Jack Braugh af the F ire Cammittee reported thet sgme of the wire in the fire o îtp, alarm systemi is becoming de- ~ fective, resulting in false alarma being turned in. He stated that some o! this wiring is being re- piaced. ,% i fHe received permission for the lire committee ta purchase 100 "i iu u~ Ar ~feet of 2½/-inch lire hase witAout coupiing, at a cast af $1.73 per Sfoot from the Goodyear Tire &2fo 45 Rubber Company. Coun. Brough reparted that the. present type af rubber boots used by the lire dep'artment do flot have insula- tion, aihd that one fireman had burned his legs at th Sgimpkin, A L A S Attends Discussion 4 4 4' 4 4 4] 4' 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 i 4 i 4 4 4] n 4h 4 41 4 V Choir Sc -~sa 5S. Black 4i 4e' IFr -H. Webber i Congregation Ï0 63 ach., L.R.S.M./cu riccc'-rcc~thi dent of the McGil în.ternation. - un. ±reston asicec if the firu ow il RlatonsClu in 952 an 1Goodyear Lane was gaing ta get N vas elected chairman of thel a stree sign and also signa for- BoOf1 rt ad cene ndrrauaebidding parking on either side40 ýrae ScieDebatn eragu in ofit. At present there are onlv amcetyDbtn egei the "No Stapping or Standing" ýame:cer. sgnson one aide, he saîd. Keelyinerete i lagug--Tere's hable ta be some s.Mr. Friend also speaks trouble i o o' prohibit r. Friands prants. r.adparking on bath sides."' he de. Mr.FYind' prens. r. ndciared. Mayor Osborne com- [rs. Otto Friend, formerly resid- m sign ta. A iow sre îg at Tyrone, are now living at Lovers ae ssil ihu 3Delisle Avenue in Toronto. srèt4Laeil eiU x .hu The Statesman joins with ________________ regorvý.s fî'iends ini Dîrhami iJLIIt\ and Bowîniian%-ille in ex-J Interest on the federal publice i eie 'nding cordial congratulationsj debt casts about nine million! eDiie alus appointmenL. i dollars a week. cSoci*al & [ersonial Phone MA 3-3303 ________________________________________________ I Auguat 15. Township hunting its moral principles. A con- licenses are also needed ta hunt fident faith is what is needed, Jewellery pheasant. The quota i.s three ta see hIe against the back- cock birds per day. ground o! eternity. We muat $ilGSZ:zz zss:se~ COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE Z> SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIV' ALL THIS WEEK le----' For Quick Relief Frorn Colds BRONCHIDA Cold Capsules 30 eapsute. ___- ___1.25 BRONCHIDA Cough Syrup 7cI 8o.bottie S.ID.A. BRANDS Carnphorated 011 20c, 40c, Soc Friar'a Balsam --- --- 25c, 45c Special! ASA. Tableta 5 grain strength 10', 19e 300's 49e Boots Melolds .. -35c Dr. Chase Brand Tablets ------- 59c, 1.49 Buckley's Mixture 50e-85c Buckley's Jack & Jill *FRUIT SAL?' ORIENT BUBBLE BATH jho 12 oz. bag sufficient for 100 baths - in Apple Blossom UUiUVess W Pine and Rose fragrances 79e E Ni O Sweet Pea, Gardenia, Lavender, Rose fragrances PLEASANT 16 oz. tin -- ----------- -A----G- - 29c ABSORBENT COTTON 1 lb. (gross weight) roll hospital grade cotton 69e PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Mc-rGregor, Drugs Your Local I.D.A Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792 Musterole, reg. and Child's -53e Pertussin --69c, 1.19 Suerets ------- --- ---35e Hankscraft Vaporizer 9.95 Vick's Cough Draps 15c Vick'g Inhaler ---- 43e Vick's Vapo-Rub 53c, 98e F r .h-Air 0 waving lotion. Iono!in.gpoI.d 4 end poP.r :.o.-do 1, *etrelliO. 11,rI LA S SUPER VERT CENTIE )C fi. ZZ-free wava con b. r- mé 1 - Ar - - , 1 ln DRUG STO,,RES a i TRYMPAT, OCT. 27th, 1055 face world problm and figbt Lag Cngegton tthe ius, armed wt htcnt dent faith. LargeCongrgatio s a The anthem, "HIark, Hark, My evening service, with Mrq, R. S.Pauls Anniversary Su"Thhelywssuga h ~Lunney and Mrs. K. Hull as soloists. Following the o!fering, Mr. Donald Williamsa sang the ..Hear Cobourg MinisterJsioSy" b ahin ro tthe concluding hymn, Mr. Thoughtful and well delivered those about us that we can make Kelloway camplimented organist messages from Rev. E. C. Kello- the greatest contribution, said and chair leader, Mrs. Retig Dud- way of Cobourg, and special Mr. Keiloway. ley, the choir, and soloiats, on musi by he coir nderthe In the Morning the choir sang the fine music présented at bath musi bythechor uderthethe anthem, "The Lord Is My services. Sdirection of Mrs. Reta Dudley, Light" by Perey with solalats made the l21st anniversary Mrs. K . Hull, Mrs. Roy Lunney,, services o! St,. Paui's United Messrs. Wilfrid Carruthers and~ Church last Sunday a memorabie D. A. McGregor. These four' event ini that church's long chair members also sang a mix- history. cd quartette at the morning Mr. Kelioway, who is mninister service, "Thy Way, Not Mine, a! Trinity United Church in Ca- O0Lord" y Briggs jbourg, spoke ta a large congre- In the evening xvhen the con-0q > gatini the morning on a text gregation o! Trinity United ý from -Job which in a modern Church joined with St. Paul s, translation is rendered: "Friends Mr. Kelloway's sermon was should be kind ta a dcspairing based on the question from. nii man else he wili give Up his Isaiah, "Watchman, what -o! the cr faith in the Almîghty." night?" Rev. Harold Turner, St. A generation or two ago, the Paul's minister, was present and fine points af thelogy and'doc- cnducted the service in the trine were the main concerns o! evening, and Mr. A. A. Merkley h Icbît10 religion, said Mr. Kelloway, but a member o! Trinity Smsian, to-day people are concerned assisted in the service by read- with the heart of the matter - ing the Scripture lesson. Rev. Is there a God? Is there mean- T.'A. Morgan was not able ta be ing and proei ie present owing ta anather engage- ,Io Frledly ordMr. l(elloway contrasted the To-day, social relationships two extreme attitudes in the face'i - 't' are more important than theoiog- a! the worlel's troubles ta-day, icai studies, and we should lase shailow optimism and despair- no appartunity ta put aurseives ing pessimism. The shailow in the places where others find optimnist says, "This is the best themselves. It is aften the case a! ail possible worids. There us that a !riendly word or act keeps no need ta worry. it can't hap- a despairing persan from lasing Pen ta us."' The pessimist thinks bis faith in God, and frequently that yauth is going ta the dogg, SETO those wha seem ta uj ta have an te ord s eaedbmVALERhL everything, are the lailiest ad ad estcto. Becaseheessim- 17 ilwoe17 >.whls destuctin. Bcaus thepessm- hock reslstanf unbreakobe mulnwrln mast in need. It is in this field ist has no great faith, hie is Ufbreikable lfitlm hi4*asslos bM.Ioet o! human relationship with psesdb ra er h malnspring attitude towaril religion ta-day, $4250Pnso &n f? til November 2. Mr. Kelloway painted out, is apt Jack Wilson, issuer of hunt- ta be one o! indiflerence, but ing licenses (gun licenses) in "yau can't have the fruits with- have been very brîsk the last Faith in God must be an in- MR e few days. Altogether he has tegrai part a! aur lives and aur MR ' sold neariy 500 licenses since eidren must be brought up an 1 ton

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