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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1955, p. 14

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X-acm TH CANAM~AM STATEsmAK, WWMANVn.jLONTARIO _______________ TUWA.NV Oh 95 d'iliiU/'\%\~ J/1, Imvrj-u~~Of M*E qq - BERI For Rent HEATED apartment. Phone MA 3-5784. 45-1* TWO-moomed cottage, 3-piece bath, immediate possession. Tele- phone MA 3-5655. 45-1 * ENNISKILLEN, 4-room apart- ment, sepanate entrance, bath, beavy wiring. Phone MA 3-2887. ,45-1 THREE-roamed self - contained apartment, bot and cald waten, nean scbocil and bospital. Im- mediate possession. Cbild wel- came. Phone MA 3-5548. 45-1 FIVE-noamed bouse and bath, heavy wining and garage, avail- able at once. Write Box 437 c/o Canadian Statesman. 45-1* HEATED 3-moom apartment and bath, hardwood floors, kitchen cuphoards, adults. Apply P.O. Box 67, Bowmanville. 45-1 THREE large roams and bath, s e p a r a t e entrance, heated, central, immediate possession. Phone MA 3-2588. 45-1* APARTMENT, 3 roams, kitchen- ette and bath, beated, built-in cupboards, tile floors and laundry. Apply Apt. 4, 63 King West. 43-tf SIX-noom brick apantment witb garage, centrally located on Church Street. Possession Dec. lst. Phone MAmket 3-3595. i ~~IT.f 97'TT~ ir.nMTMnft DTLTrt ici rimi MOIR-To Dr. and Mrs. John S. Moir, (nee Heyland), 885 Hemblock Road, Ottawa, a daugh- ter, Helen Christine, at Grace Hospital, Ottawa, Nov. 5, 1955. 45-1 * ROGERS-Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rogers are happy ta announce. the arrivai of a baby daughter, Nancy Darlene, on Nov. 4th at Memoial Hospital, Bowman- ville. Both are very fine. 45-1* WALLACE-To Mm. and Mms. T. C. Wallace, Newcastle, on Satur- day, Nov. 5, at Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanyille, a son. 45-1 WELSH-Mr. and Mrs. John Welsh of Tweed are happy ta ~announce the arrivai of their daughter, Jill Christine, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, October 31. A sister for Jimmie. 45-1 ENGAGEMENTS_ Mm. and Mrs:' Perce Ellis of Enniskillen wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Shirley Anne, ta Gar- don Thomas Gettins, only son of Mm. and Mrs. Thamas Gettins of Caesarea. Tbe wedding wil take place in Enniskillen on Sat- urday, Nov. 19 at 3 p.m. 45-1 Mm. and Mrs. Francis C. Crawe wish ta announce the engagement of their second1 daughter, Caroline Blanche. of St. Louis, Mo., ta Vernon Howard Joyce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. Joyce, of St. I Louis, M., U.S.A. Wedding ta take place in St. Louis on Nov. 26th, 1955. 45-1 If you would like a private sbowing of aur extensive stockJ of diamond engagement and wedding rings Phone MA 3-5747.E Hooper's Jewellery and Gift0 Shop. 40-tfv -MARR'IAGE furnE 50 soul stabI roon, price Car I65 Or I ____________________________________ iCULLY-In loving memory of 5my beloved parents, Mr. and Mms. W. J. Cully, who passed away Nov. 12th, 1952, and Jan. 3Oth, 1951. Till memory fades and 111e depart s You live forever in my beart. 0-Sadly missed, Elsie McDonald. ________ 45-1* DUBEAU-In loving memomy of William Joseph (Joey) Dubeau, who passed away on November llth, 1952. Though you're gone. You're in aur tboughts. --Sadly missed by Uncle Art and Auntie Merle. 45-1 DUBEAU-In loving memorv of my son Joey, wbo passed away November I lth, 1952. He was a flower too sweet for earth Sent here for but awhile, God marked bim when He gave bim birth And took him with a smile. -Sadly missed by bis mothen. 45-1 POLLARD-In loving memory of a dean husband andi father, Scott Poliard, who departed this life, Novemben 14, 1954. -Even remembemed by wife and boys. 45-1 POLLARD-In loving memnory of Scott Pollard wbo died Nov. 14, 1954. Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, The world's wearv troubles and trials are past; In silence he suf fered, ýin patience bore, Till God called him home ta suffen no more. -Evem remembered by Mary and Elmer Pollard, Lynda and Jane. 45-1 SHIELS-In loving memory of aur wee daughter Deborah Pearl, who passed away November 16, 1953. She was only a little white rosebud, A sweet little flower from birth,, God took hem home ta heaven Before she was soiled on earth. -Sadly missed and lovingly me- rnembered hy Mommy and Daddy. 45.1*1 GREY doîl pram, excellent con- dition. 'Phone MA 3-3688. 45-1 QUANTITY of Fali wheat. Phone Blackstock à r 13. 45-1 CRIB, large size, good condition. MArket 3-3179. 45-1* GIRL'S 3-piece green winter outfit, size 6, like new. Mrs. Lloyd Alldread, Tyrone. 45-1* LIGHT oak table and tour chairs in good condition. Phone MA 3-3071. 45-1 GENDRON baby carniage,- good condition, $15. Phone MA 3- 2987. 45-1 GIRL'S three-piece winter out- fit, 6X, brown fur trim, like new. MA 3-2010. 45-1* LLOYD silver white baby car- riage, $15, and baby tenda, $10. Phone MA 3-3239. 45-1 SPACE heater, slightly used,' reasanable. Pbone MA 3-5506. 45-1 POTATOES- $1.15 at farm, $1.30 delivered. Phone 204 r 2, Millbrook. 45-1* BEDROOM suite, skates, skis, tricycle, baby bath. MA 3-3941. 45-1* ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanvifle. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf COLEMAN heater, pipes, two oul drums, taps, $46. Pbone MA 3-3477. 45-1 inflb 1[N MJImUItAVI j Articles For sale 1 BATE - MILNE-Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Milne announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Carole Ruth to Mr. John Murray Bate, son of Mr. Roland Bate and the late Elizabeth Henderson - Bate. The mamiage took place quietly Saturday, Nov. 5 in St., John's Anglican Chumch, Bowmanville. 45-1 DEATHS' ALLIN-At Newcastle on Fmi- day, Nov. 4, 1955, Celena Ann .Ashton, in ber 86th year, wife of the ,late- ,lomna Allin and dear mother of Clarence, Nw castle, and Marion (Mrs. Murton Walter), R.R. 2, Oshawa. Service was beld et the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Mon- day, Nov. 7 at 2:30 p.m. Inter- *ment Bowmanville Cemetery. 45-1 KOENDERMAN - At Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, Nov. 5, 1955, Willemina Koen- demman, aged 27 yeams, beloved wiie of Leonard Koendemman, 15 Mill Lane, Bowmanville, and dear mother of Leonard. Nellie and Jobnnie. Mrs. Koenderman rested at the Morris Funeral Chape], Bowmanville, then et the Robinson Funeral Chapel, Bmaoklin. Service was beld on Monday, Nov. 7 at 2 o'clock. Intemment Groveside Cemetery, Brooklin. 45-1 MILLS. Lillie May-At hem late residence, Short St., Port Hope, Sunday. Nov. 6tb, 1955, Lillie May Brightwell. wife of the late Stanley Milîs. Service was held in the George Funeral Chape], Wednesday, November 9th et 2 p.m. Interment Lakeview Cemetemy. Newtonville. 45-1 PETHICK, .John Harold - At Hamilton, Ontario, Monday, Nov. 7th, 1955, John H. Pethick. bus- band of the hate Stella Edwards, dear father of Clarence and George, Toronto, in bis * 7th vear. Resting at the Pethick Funenal Home, 127 Bayfield St.. Barrie. until Wednesdav even- ing. Funeral service in Newton- ville United Church. Thursday, at one o'clock. Interment Lake- view Cemetery. 45-1 Reception Mm. and Mrs. Bert Montgom- erv will be at home ta their fiends and relatives on Mdindav, Nov. 14 et 108 Rosedale Ave.. Oshawa, from 7 ta 10 in the evening, an occasion of their 25tb wedding annivemsary. 45-1 * Cards of Thanks * I wish ta thank Dr. Hubbard nurses and staff of Memomia Hospital fan came and kindnesý during my recent illness. Mns. Mary Sim. 45-19 1 Mms. Wallace J. Miller and lamily. wish to thank' relatives friends and neigbboums for thei: kindness, sympathy and flower received during their bereave- ment. 45-1* We would like ta tbank oui many friends and neighbours for flowems and cards sent us at the tume of aur mothem's passing. They were greatly appreciated. Mr. and Mns. Walter Lawrence. 45-1* I wisb ta tbank all my rela- tives and friends for the beauti- ful cards. gifts and flowers I received wben in hospital; also for thein many acts of kindness since I returned home. Mrs. Will White. 4- We wish ta express aur tbanks ta the Bowmanville Fine Depant- ment and the many fniencis and neîgbbours who came ta our assistance duning and after our recent fire. Bruce and E. R. Taylor and family. 45-1* We wish ta thank friends and neighbours fon their kinci wonds and flowers and the many ex- pressions of sorrow at the pass- ing of aur brother, Tom Thorn- ton. They will be long remem- bered. Arthur and Ulla Tennant and family. 45.1* 1 wisb ta tbank Dr. Rundle. nurses andi staff of Memorial Hosputal for came and kindness, I also Rev. Herbent, St. JIohn's Evening Branch, also friends and neighbouns for flowens, fruit, smokes and cards and those who caileci. Mrs. R. Westlake. 45-1 * We wish ta express aur heant- felt tbanks ta relatives, friencis and neigbbours for kindness, messages of sympatby and beautiful floral offerings in the loss of a dean husband and fatb- er. We especiallv thank Dr. Fenruson; Rev. L. M. Somenville 1 PIANO accordion, 48 bass, sligbtly used, sell reasonable. Phone Blackstock 50 r Il. 45-1* THIRTY-two foot, fully furnîsb- ed, factomy built, house trailer. Apply Louise Stewart, c/o Cream of Bamlev. 45-2* PIPELESS furnace, $35 or best offer. Write Box 438, c/o The Canadian Statesman, Bowman- ville. 45-1 CHILD'S wooden rocking horse, gaod condition; make nice Christmas gift. Phone MA 3-3393. 45-1 GIRL'S three-piece Winter out- fit, wine, size six; also some dresses, size six, and a piano. Phone MA 3-3877. 45-1 SOFTWOOD slabs, $10 per cord and mixed wood $14 per cord, sawed and delivered. Phone Newcastle 3776. 45-1 SAVE on lumber, direct fm mil to you. Phillips Lumberi Ca., Kinmount, Ont. Phonel 17rll. 13-tf Singer Sewing Centre1 For Used or New Sewing Machines Rentais or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5448 for Prompt.Service 44-tf ALUMINUM Windows and Doors Reasonable RO0S S CLARK Bowmanvllle PHONE MA 3-3801 41 -tf OSBORNE FUELS 1 Best Quality: FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL Phones: Office MA 3-5897 Yards MA 3-5410 4 5-tf T IL E Ceramie - Glazed - Quarry Walls - Ail Kinds - Floors H. G. HEAL Phone MA 3-2902 Bowmanville 44-tf CLARE Jeweh 30-inch deluxe electric range, egular $359 for 239 9. cu.-t.International e- frigerator, egular $369 for $275; 8.2 eu. ft. International efrig- enaton, egular $339 for $239; Philips Television, 21-incb, with record plaver, for only $315. at Farm Equipment and Automo- j tive, 134 King St. E., Bowman- ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 45-1 DECORATING *For the Latest Papers *For the Finest Painta JNtJI~,b an~hs onalngwods p-l-,Fo te;e11Wrkanhi I45-.1* On Wednesday afternoon, Nv bearers, F. F. Marris Funeral & S FV om nfamhue esan:3 pm. hromembem- Would the Party wbo drove Home for kind and efficient S.G.'restSoonV thsunfrmbus,2 2 ers and ma lers f mmbrs HO R onmiles North of Newtonville, self- of th!BwanHeSatn RE P Ai through my fence, Lot 21. Con, services.G. rrso , containeci, $40.00 monthly in- Club are invited ta attend. i 3, Dalington Townshup, at noon Mrs. Jas. Brown and familv. Phones cluding hydmo. Phone 3616, New- 45-1.Faf,~i. Prompt Service on the 3rd of Novemben. have it 45.1* MA 3-5912 MA 3-3701 tanville. 45-1* ____.UL repaired befone action is taken. _______________________ bachelor aat Spode Coffee Party featuring Skates Sharpened _____ Robert__________USE fam acbnealeracorrmetxcohdanoogemivtenew filmn, "The Story of Fine 3.5 TEMPERANCE ST. (In rear) 451USDfar mcinr: rcor engrud lor riaeChina" at Lions Community] 42-ti Wear ow muifatrigONE Leicester rami ta excbange. -International W-4, Fammaîl entrance, available Dec. lst. Centre, Nov. 17 at 8:15 p.m. oe e nos, aitemlcking W ak.Poe1r1,Ooo "H', International 0-6 orchard Phone MA 3-5534 aftem 5 p.m. Door prizes, display of Spode and standard, and would be ~45-1* model, Fomdson 3-pîough tractor,451 chn.Tkesfmanmm-B LD ZN aneasedtasrvevond with a go John Deene Model "H", Inter- THREE-roomed heated apart- ber of Bowmanville Business proasdctoatareaonabl pni VafteTo Uy national 15-30 on rubber; Allis mn nmi lopuaeand Professional Women's Club, E C V TN Tp o nst t arucio.onbe p392W, edTo-BChalmers 2-furrow plough, Inter-.mentane an ah odeo n- SOct . 45-1 E C V TN TAP dancingrustios. Phzee1392on national 45 power take-off baler enrencesanWri e rnBo co436.(c/o TRENCHING - LGA.'DING port Perrv. 40-tf 13Phonnge M A 3-293 1 251,2orat Farm Equipment and AutomavCnainestaWtem-,Bowman- c/o Free adult dance instruction jDRAGLINE - CLAM WORH tive, 134 King St. E.. Bowman. ville. 45-1 by John Rodway, BowmanvilleI Trucks and Loader for O SBORNE FUELS HIGHEST prices paid for live ville. Phone MA 3-5689. 45-1 S kating Club Professional, Tues- j Gravel and F111 Jobs poultry, goose feathers, feather. day evening, November 22nd. FREE ESTIMATES Best QualitY: ticks, scrap iran, ags andj SHOES-The followung brand- Wcznted at the Bawmanville Memonial C ntuto FUNAE IL metals. Phone RA 3-2043 Osha- nm he r o nsok ______________Amena. Everyone interested i n %Tr; STOVE 011. wa. collect. 26-tf chidrens Savage sboes, Brouw- JTWJO roomers or boarders, priv- social dancing on skates, whether . rippCnsrcto Phones: er Research shoes, Sisman workorntCu ebsaeiv-POT ER 92 Office MA 3-5891 FARM. West of Highway 35. boots, Sisman Scamnpers, Scott- ate rooms. Phone MA 3-53 o n telubfmembes.esinv9t ORT RY32t Yards MA 3-5410 Must have woodlot, stream, faim McHale shoes, Dack sboes, after 5 p.m. 4-1 d a1 ttnd re ssson,45a-1t 45-tf buildings with hydro. Full Grebb amch support work boots, USED childmen's c10 p.m. 45-ILos ~~~ ~description and pnice. Write FoarniTead slippers, ladies' 6 months ta 13 cloth. C from - N tic aail Holstein breedens _______________ George Crombie's Watcb Re- Box 434. c/o Canadian States- Gracia shoes, Lograllers, Dr. vation Army MeArs.37Cai or S al- te Nometice llbeNER L st enl o pair wiiI close an November 30, man. Bowmanville. 44-2* Scholl's foot remedies and shoe bring clothing ta Citadçl,3 el auda -Nv 26 inM. hound, nearly ail white, black 1955. Customers wisftung watch- 35sppots, lusmantothr hnes DivsioMr. es ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ suprs orpclupie rwshn ~Lknso io olr at ii sremanda, holly- DiisonSree. ý45-2 Summers' office, 2 p.m., with spot on each flank, tan head. les o clocs repired r wising AL kins of ive pultrywant-Kgwiodsqspeakera, and theod annualanPthonenuBmohone r no54. 54.45-1 ta buy Christmas merchandise ed. Top Toronto prioes paid at wood Sani-white and Properts DEAD STOCK removed from tumkey banquet will be held ini ne after this date are Màked ta see youT door for large or small shoe palishes, modemn shoe e- youm farmn pramptîy for sanitary the Legian Hall, Bawmanville, ONE white, black andta fe -Mr. Crombie at bis residence, 30 quantities. We have aur own pair service in the rear of store, disposai. Telephone collect: Co-1 Friday, Dec. 2, 6:30. with Padre male hound with No. 57 painted liberty St. S. Please cail for market. M. Flatt, Betbany RAR. Lloyd Elhis Shoes, 49 Ki, St. bourg Fnanklin 2-3643 or Torofi- Young of O.A.C. as guest speak- on sde tattooed in Ieft ear. ieft for repair i jnd . Teepione coliect tc> nethany W., owmanvi1e. Phonae ý - oE 3-3636. Gardon Younug j r. Maple Grave ladies caei g- Phone R'. Rahni, MA .3-2226. - 59 1 intj4 . Ji Articles For Sale AFRICAN violets. Say happy birthday with beautiful new violets. Stewart's Seeds, Bow- manvilie. 43-tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf KINDLING wood, fence rails, $10 cord, delivered. Ivan Mount- joy, Bumketon. Phone Black-' stock 87 r 4. 38-tf VENETIMq blinds-Newest cal- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and instaîl. Marris Ca. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf î SPACE heater, capable of beat- ing 4 - 6 roams, complete witb ail tank and pipes, first class condition. Phone MA 3-2972. Maple Grave Rd. N. 45-1* DO your own floors - rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware, 7 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf ELECTRIC brooder stove, 500 cbick capacity; DeLaval Separa- tan, No. 12, witb new electric motar. Gea. Walton, Newcastle. Phone 3261. 45-1 INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39,-tf WHY suffer the agony of rbeu- matic pain, sciatica, lumbago, when Rumacaps will help you ta weléome relief. Ask youm druggist. 45-1 HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock cf batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville, Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf1 PRINTS of photos of public levents appearing in thîs paper taken by Carson Studio niay be obtained for $1.00 on 8xl0 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, PartHope. 48-tf TYPE WRITERS. adding nma- chines, new and used, for sale or ment; also Cale steel filing cabinets, office furniture, cash registers. Walter Frank, MA 3- 2403. 37-tf DISH gardens, artificial and Christmas arrangements f o r tables, or made ta orden. Mrs. Edith Johnston, Turkey Brae Farm, two miles east of Newton- ville, R.R. 3, Port Hope. PhoneC Cflarke 13-12. 43-tfV ['RADE-IN - Space heaters, kitchen table, 4 chairs and buf- fet, radios, refrigemators, new 'besterfiehds, space savers, bled- roam suites, kitchen sets, etc. Priced ta clear. Murphy Ca., gý King W. 45.1* s5 DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom mnade, or draperies sold y the yard. Our representative wil caîl at your home any time ' vith a complete range of samples 8 and suggestions without obliga- Pl Àon. Fabric Town, 59 King St. 2 W. Phone MA 3-3609, Bowman- Pl ille. 48-tf ['S ) are show e on 30 ta )aint- '.O.C. semv- stu- 45-2 cup gton Id at Il onI 2und1 pro- yen- 'here ý75.00 .ined cam- 4fuir, Zion, Ray hant; nnis-c 44-2î Cars4 tors,( g, ate Ap- sold.c used 1 àine.C 1iuto 45-2n Lions tate )t 7, sbip, esda auc- r12, larmm ain, b mms h eid, il 44-2 i 1by iy ham fi Fmi- pI lth, ai ree- uece H aite, a( )om w, ,ook st ass- i rack s ec -Pl :!ub ac es- 44 vev wi 8-tf hc I.m- fn ,ing fic -tf A5 nd a: ork 36 i97 ba - ro( or nit Dck wi oof $1 94 2* aci - SI 8-r rE ci( scf ter loa anc -tf sou ym Gr( wau dut 7 gar tert -lox util hat Pric rwitl e bas( wir 1 3 d o % % f tia: rang 6 15 Real Estate For Sale Real Estate. for- Sale C HA LES RAN INE COTTAGE, 12'x24', wired i Real Estale Broker Phone MA 3-5144. 4- THREE-bedroomn brick veneer 52 RING STREET WEST bungalow, landscaped, basement, laundry tubs, heavy wiring, B ow anvllestorm windows. Phone NtA 3- B w avle 5008. 45-2 MA. 3-2453 - Anytine MA 2-2762 RA SAE0 SL Several flice Properties Sold, Rented, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Managed and Appraled Have Clients Walting for Fan.s L. M. AL L ISO N COMEANDSEE S o PHOE PoneReal Estate Broker C O M E A N D S E E S o P H O E P o n e 2 5 6 6 - N e w c a s tle , O n t. Whether BUYING or SELLING Two blocks north of traffic Farms. from $5,000.00 up. signal. Newcastle Bungalow, 5 rooms, full price - 32-tU $2,ý800oO,' only $500.00 down. . V NN S Balance $45.00 monthly. $3,000.00, fuil price for tiiis * V N ES storey and haîf insul-bric, good Rea Esn R by condition, heavy wired, good Rel saf roe small barn, only $1,000.00 down. In village on higbway. Oshawa Houses, businesses and farms 16 miles. One two and one tbree-bed- to offer. room bungalow in town. itnswne 2 acres of choice land just offLitnswne 401 Highway, haîf way between Give us a cal and talk it over Oshawa and Bowmanville, an excellent investment at $1,650.00. 118 Kinig St. E. In what we consider the omnil choicest location on outskirts ofowavil town, lot 60x250. Approved. MA 3-3230 Only $100.00 down. 4- King St. home, two apart- 4- ments. Rentals $100 per montb. a r, r' Reasonable terms. reaWeli Reail sfafe 451 115 acres on paved bighway; North of Welcome. No. 1 soul De Wifh Real Esiaie all workable, church adoijino 235 acre dairy farm, 140 acres ahl conveniences. Bank barr workable loam land, 50 acres 50'x90', number of other build. wood, stream, wells, 92'x36' steel ings, hydro, lots of water bank barn with steel stanchions, $18,000, terms to suit. hen house, silo, garage, milk Daniel Boehmn, Salesman house with electric cooler; 8 Phone MA 3-5512 roomed solid brick house with wrater in kitchen, heavy duty 143 acres on No. 2 Higbwày, wired, full basement. Has 3 cans 115,4 miles from large town. Thit milk quota, and situated 2 miles is one of the best farms- in fromn Higbway No. 2. Asking Ontario. Large brick bouse wîth price $ 13,000. Down payment bath and ail conveniences, oa1k arranged. floors, oul furnace, pressure 120 acre dairy farrn at Port system; large painted bank barn Hope, 90 acres workable land, 5 36'xlOO', cement barnyard, new acres reforestation, spring pond, steel implement shed, 24'x50y well, large U-shaped bank barn, new modemn hen house, 10 acres steel stanchions, drive-in shed, bush, river at rear end of farm' hen bouse, garage; 7 roomed Price $30,000, haîf cash. DonIt olid brick house with 3-piece miss this real farm. batb,; hot and cold runnîng 12 acres of land, good 12 room vater, heavy wired; 2% cans a brick house, built-in garage, Iay milk quota. On partly pav- hydro, spring water, $7,000; easy ed road, close to school. Asking terms. price $13,000. Haîf cash. 5 acres in Newcastle witli 156 acre dairy farm, 110 acres good 6-room house, ail cqpvei. almost level dlay loam land, 10 iences. on 35 Highway. 1pso,50 cres wood, large stream. 66'x haîf cash. 4' bank barn with running 1 acre, 6 room insul brick water, implement shed, hen bouse, barn, plenty of small fruit ouse, silo, garage, milk bouse for home use. $6,800, haîf cash. witb eiectric cooler; 8 moomed 50 acres good land will be [rame bouse witb 'jiardwood adjoining 401 Higbway* , onBae loors, beavy duty wired, etc. Line. $5,000, haif cash. ,sking $13,500, down payment 5 acres with new Ibungàloe.- rranged. $4,500, terms arranged. House 150 acre farm on paved road, cost more than asking prîce. 110 acres workable clay-loam, 10 Money to lban on residential ires wood, stream, wells, 95'x property, also commercial and i6' and 35'x50' L-sbaped bank industrial loans. )arn,. implement shed, 2 hen iuses, 3 pig pens, garage, 10 H. C. Pedwell, Broker oomed brick house witb run- Nwat.Poe35 ng water, full basement. heavy NwatePoe35 vired. Close to school. Price 45-1 .5,000. Half cash. 7 107 acre farmn in Manvers, 30 PAUL cres workable, 50 acres wood, SO >ring,. wells, 65'x42' bank barn; RDT D'R TPfl roomed frame bouse with ful~ asement, heavy duty wimed. 'ose to village, cburch and Orono, 7 room centre hall with hool. Price $4,200. Easy aIl modern equipment. New rms. pressure systemn with plenty of 30 acres almost level clay- bard and soft water on tap. New )a land between Bowmanville glass water beate-. Two car id Oshawa, situated Y4 mile garage and poultry house. Ex- Duth of 401 Highway. Price cellent garden on quarter acre ,000. Terms arranged. lot. Offeming at $9,000 cash with 5 roomed bungalow (3 bed- Spring possession. :oms> on paved road at Maple 'rove, close to school, with full Liberty Street North. 7 mooni sement, running bot and cold stucco výith fumnace, 3-piece bath. ater, 3-piece bathroom, heavy One of the best locations in town ty wiring, cement block and approximately 3 acres of age, 60'x250' lot. Price and excellent garden soil. Closing ms arranged. estate and offering at $9500, 6 roomed ranch style bunga- with baf cash. 'w with 3-piece batbroom, 5-roomn partîally f i n 1 s h e d Àlity room. Has 3 bedmooms, bungalow, full cellar and fur- )t and cold running water, etc. nace, 3 acres of land and some ice $5,500. Terms. wt fru4t trees. Fifteen minute drive 6raomed frame bouse wt to Oshawa. $5,000, with $2,000 /acres of land at Newcastle don itb 3-piece bath, furnace, fuill~ sement, running water, beavy Liberty South, 4 rooms and red, septic tank, storm wIn- bath, heavy wiming and newlv ýws and scmeens. Nice loca- installed ail furnace. Priced te )n. Price $8,500. Termns ar- sell at $5,200. nged. 6roomed new bungalow with We have a cash client waiting acres onf land, 12 miles from for an20 ace a- puposefar roomed frame bungalow on SEVENTY.five White Leghorrn acre land, 2 Years old, some pullets. Apply Newton Selby. bing to be done. 3 bedrooms, Newcastle. Phone 2354, 45-1 ice bath, full basemnent, nace, $4,000.00 full price, with ONE big Muscovy drake and twd !0.00 cash. ducks, gond breeders reasnn-, 0acre farm, good clay loamn able. Phone MA 3-3430. 45-1,- large bank barn with good E----orshie ig,% )e, new steel garageý ' 7 old PhT onrk cs ock 31 r 8 I )kd med ouse, heavy, wrng, od P4e5lcstc 1 l îe h a md w o o d f lo o r in g . Fu ll _ _ _ _ _4 5 -1__ _ _ _ _ _ _ ý$8,000. Terms. 90 HYBRID puhlets, L.S. and re have many farms, houses, N.H., starting to lay. Manson iesses and lots for sale. Patton, Orono. 4-0 onsult us before buying. -___ S. e e is

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