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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1955, p. 3

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THE CANADIA!N STATESMAN. BOWMANV!LLE. ONTAMO PAGE THEE "~WOOD - WEEKES Cooke's Tea Room, the bnide's The mamother wore black silk crepe Te Miage was solemniz- with pink accessories and cor- ed4 in St. Peter's Church, Co- sage of pink roses and carna- .bourg, on Satunday afternoon, tions. The groom's mother Oct. 29, Of Barbara Eilien Weekes, daughter, of Mr.an wore bronze silk tweed with Mrs.Jame yeilow accessonies and a cor- and H amaed Weekes,' Cobourg,saeo lowmu . an oadLewis Wood, sonsaeoylow mms Of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Woodj The couple left on a wed- Bowmnanvie. The doub]le rin- ding trip to northern New crernony was penformed ; York State, the bride weaning Rev.Hug Bedord- byI tor travei a box-jacket suit in wblite and ycilow 'mumis and I avocado green with rust acces- fern decorating the church for s ories and corsage of bronze the occasion. 1'mums. They wili reside in Miss Kathleen Warne played1 Bowmanvilie. the wedding music and Mrs,. Malcolm Gebrge sang "The SHARP - SKINNER Lord's Prayer. The bride, given in marriage In a ceremony perfonmed at by her father, wone a bailerina the homne of the bride's parents, length dress of white net and M r. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, lace over taffeta in strapless Tyrone, Dorothy Eiieen Skin- style with matching lace jac- n er was United 'in marriage on ket. A headdress 0f pleatcd net Saturday, Oct. 15, with Ross and* lace embroidered w.th Andrew Sharp, son of Mr. and pearlized sequins held her fin-1 Mrs. Adami Sharp, Enniskilleni. gentip veil and she carried a 1 Rev. M. R. Sanderson, Toronto, bouquet of pink roses and uncie of the groom, assisted white 'mums. Rev. F. Jackson in officiating. Miss Beverley McMahon, Co. White dahlias decoratcd the bourg, was ma-id of honosr, anti rooms for the occasion. Miss Miss June Wood, Bowmanvilîe. Marie Ashton played the wed- bridesmaid. They wore simil-.1ding music. arly styled gowos of green and The bride was given in mar- mauve respectiveîy, in baller- i rage by her father, and wore ina iength lace and net over a waitz length gown of white taffeta, with jackets over the [embnodiered nylon over taffeta strapless bodices. They wore 1 with matching mittens. A vel- mnatcbi.ng halos of pleated net vet headdress heid ber elbow- and peanlized sequins and car- length veil of nylon tulle, and ried yellow 'mums with fero. she carried a cascade of pink Mn. Everett Wood, Bowman- nosebuds and white carnations. ville, was best man and Mn. Mrs. Arnold Geisberger, Zion, Alan Weekes, Sudbury, and was matron of bonon, weaning Mn. Carl Carey, Cobourg, werc a waltz'length dress of gold ushers. crystallette in stnapless style For the eception heid at Vi ,vith matchîng boiero. Misses Royal Conservatory Of Mu.,ýsic of Toronto MIDWINTER EXAMINATIONS WALK OUT WITH YOUI MAKE NO PAYMENTS1 Buy Now For Eu fv1ARR'S TJJE INES GIFTOF A TFilFýNE T WA CH O Lee and Lynýn Skinner of Ty- none, twin hieces of the bride, were flower girls, wcaring short smocked dresses of blue crepe. Ail wone bandeaux of yellow 'mums. The matron of h onor carried a cascade of bronze and yellow 'mums and teflower girls had nosegays of yellow and blue 'mums. Mn. Ivan Sharp, Enniskiilen, brother of the groom, was best man, and Mn. Lloyd Skinnen, ITyrone. brother of the bride, was usher. A reception followed in thej home of the bride's parents, the hnide's mother wearing blue silk with a pink bat andC accessorirs. The groom s moth-a a A F T1 a] f( iv. bi C a] o vi v. *m in Ec * thi -Bo TOE17 jeswels, Soif. TIEwi ndîng, Unbreai. anj jewIbis 2 b mainsrin, A dees,2 ia- S.hock Isistant, Vs, Unbreak- .imgoi, M 0 minpiog.Ctarm oand coor 1cr gra 1P, i stri $5950ter 61 $,930cha SULOVA 112r, lice 2318wels.Timedosixprici, Pre sen adjustmenits, soit. Vie pIDid', Ijreakable main. Gai spr ing. Rasd gold num. sor magnet C. Swwep seond a Bib visi d on TILL AFIER CHRISIMASI IV. nier Shppig. .. Grooter Ash Ouftdoeding Values! am rarc Jeweiiery ber B ALL S A ULOV, Mý any But t ton ,rs for 1956, are as follows: ýsident-Mrs. Lloyd Slemon; ýe-Presicin-nt - Mns. Charlie ïrrard; Sec.-Mr. L. Thomp- n; Tneas.-Mr. M. Siemon. t was decided to carry on île Study for the year. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton ited Miss Emma Wenry, Tlu- .to. and Mn. and Mrs, Gar- n Werry at their cottage nt urgeon Bay. Mir. and Mrs. L. Graham ted Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus hton, Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay, Osh- t,a at Mr. and NIrs. C. Ga-î Mrs. Chai-lie Garrard visit- M.adMns. Russell Gil- t, Bowmanville. British Columbia spends re per capita on schools thani eother Canadian province. tit bas the lowest propor- 0i f people who can name ir Member of Parliament. Parn'shes Say Farewell With Practýicai Gifts To Rev. and Mrs. Gault er was . in navy blue w1t] matching bat, and each wor a corsage of pink carnations. For the honeymnoon trip t the Northern United- Statei the bride donned a Dior blu dress topped by a blue tweei coat. worn with blue bat ani black accessories. Her corsag was of pink carnations. Th, -young couple will reside at En niskillen. BATE - MILNE Carole Ruth Milne, daughte: of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Milne and John Murray Bate, son c sMr. Roland Bate and the lati eElizabeth Henderson B a t e were united in marniage in ceremýony performed in St John' Anglican Churcb oi Saturday evening, Nov. 5, b3 Bey. A. C. Herbert. The bride wore a pale green gabardine suit with jewelled 7 tnim on the coliar and pockets. iWinter white bat and glove! worn with black accessaries completed her ensemble.- Her corsage was of red roses. Miss Eleanor Bisbee, Allis- ton, was the bride's attendant, wearing a turquoise suit with black accessonies and corsage of pink carnations. Mr. Stew- art Yake, Toronto, was best man. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, 13 Carlisle Ave., when the bride's mother received wear- ing dusty pink taffeta with a corsage of white and pink 'mums. Receiving with her was the groom's grandmother, Mrs. W. J. Henderson, who wore navy crepe with a cor- sage of gold 'mums. The young couple lcft on a wedding trip to points in New York State and on their return wiil reside at 34 Central Park Blvd., Oshawa. Prior to her marriage the bride was honored at miscel- laneous showers given by Miss Pat Bagneli and Miss Barbara Cryderman at the former's home when a number of girl fniends were present; by Mrs. Bob Bickle, sister of the groom, at which relatives and frienis were guests; and Mrs. Jack Hayes, Wellington St,, whesî neighbors and friends were present. HAYDON Come to our bazaar at the church on Wednesday after- noon, November 16. For par- ticulars sec Coming Events. Mr.' and Mrs. W. Bennett N4ewcastle, at Mr. and Mrs. D. Cameron's. Mrs. Bert Ashton and Lea, Tc)ronto, at Mr. and Mrs. H{enry Ashton's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. E. ..ox, Islington, callcd on Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and Bill, Toronto, Mr. and vlrs. J. Potts and family, Mrý'. W, Martin at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Read's. Mr. and Mrs. George Bert- 'im and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ron M¶orrison, Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Arm- trong, Mr. and Mrs. EarI Fallis, Bethany: Mr. and Mr--. Murray Tabb and boys, Bow- nanville, ýat Mr. and Mrs. T. Tabb's. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin and Judith, Mn. and Mrs. Clil- ford Trewin, Bowmanvil]e, at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn and family, and Mrs. T. Cowling were visitors of Mr. nd Mrs. J. Shackleton, Salem, )n Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon Kere supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. EarI Trcwin, Enniskillein, )n Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Trewin isited relatives at Downs.. riew. Mrs. Ross Ashton spent Sat- rday with Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. IcLaughlin, Burketon. Sorry ,o hear Mrs. McLaughlin is >nfined to her bcd. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ran- ze and Margot spent th- veekend with Dr. and Mrs. 'orrigan, Toronto. SVsnday they ce. OlveRakie wsgu- Bcthany: A farewell socýi evening held in the Bethai2 Town Hall was arrangedb the Wardens and their wiîvE ro o~the three parishes of ný churches, in honor of théi SRector, Rev. Thomas S. Gauli ehis wife and family, who ar e, being transferred to Feneloi a Falls. ýt. n Lawrence Staples was chair yman for the evening and.ai enjoyable prograrn was givei nby Mrs. Ernest Lamb and Mr3 SH. F. Rayson in vocal duet daccompanied at the piano b. *Robert Sisson; accordion selec 's tions by Ingrid Rajski; duet b. S Nancy and Thomas Lowery ac: rcompanicd by Miss Ruth Mc. Kinley; violin selections b. *George Timms, accompani-e<l by Miss Doris Timms, and *guitar solo by Wayne Morton. Each of the Wardens spokÈ tbriefly. William Hannah, Seni ior Warden of St. Mary's, the oldest church in the Parish anc in Manvers Township, in Iii! remarks spoke of how Mr. and Mrs. Gault had endeared thcm- selves to everyone in the com- munity irrespective of churcn 'or creed. The doors of the Rectory were always opei with Mrs. Gault always a grar- jous hostess. He recalled Mr. Gault's faithfulness, not only in church affairs, but in actudl physical labor. A bce was called to paint St. Mary's church. Many promises of help were given, but on the s tated day, only Mr. Gault han turned up and together they completed the paint job. His generosity, his special visits ti sick and shut-ins, continualiv running an unpaid taxi service, his help in producing the A.Y. P.A. plays will long be re- Couple Hold Anniversary At Pontypool Mr. and Mrs. Charles Neal, Pontypool, celebrated their 45th wedding anriiversary on Friday evening. To mark this happy event, Mrs. McNeil's brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard McNeiI invited them back to the McNeil ancestral home on the eighth line, Cavan, for dinner in the evening. The various members of both families were present. This was the first time in many years the family was united under the family roof. ,ai y )y e in t' vy d q MA 3-5408 Bowmanville 36 King St. E. Lunch was senved. Kendal is well to the fore ~n The SAN DIEGO Model 2V4K Combining the distinction of a fine full console cabinet with the functional smartness of swivel- base design, the "San Diego" is surprisingly compact and thrifty, too! And the 21" aluminized picture is really a revelation. You've neyer seen a picture 50 clear, s0 bright, so f ree of interference, so amazingly perfect, even on hard-to-get distant stations. For the smart "San Diego" console gives you ail the latest Wcstlnghouse features, including Area-Proved 20-tube "Silver Safeguard" Chassis, wide-angle 21" Luma-Ray" Aluminized Picture Tube, interference- trapping Noise-killer and extra-long-range Super 100-Cascade Tuner. Viewing comfort is increased with heavy, Glare-Free Black Tele-Glass and new Copper-Tone Picture Mask ta reduce the contrast between picture and room illumination. M~Fason ADal HARWmARlE 3 igS.E PRE 'CH RISTMAS Loop Mats Rubberized Back 24 x 42. 2.29 LADIES' FABRIC GLOVES A special purchase of fine fabric gloves in your choice of many styles 88cV TARTAN SKIRTS -~Ail wool Tartan Skirts Sizes 12 to 16 » Reg. 7.95 Now 4.99 SKIRTS, reg. 4.98 to 8.98 Now 2.98 to 5.98 il Only ALL-WEATHER COATS Regular 19.99 Now 13.95 4 only Shortie Coats 5.00 2 only Spring Coats 6.00 Nylon Garfer Beits Reg. 1.25 for 89c CHENILLE SPREADS Double Bed Size Baby Chenille Type 12 Lovely Colours 6.99 CHILDREN'S Mit ts and Gloves A special purchase of WooI Mitts and Gloves just in time for Winter FAMOUS "Texmade" Ho me stead1 Two big! 81x100 Corduroy O vera ils Sub-standards of a 2.98 line Sizes 6 nionths to 4 years Quality sizes 72xl00 VENETIAN BLINDS Steel . siats, cotton tapes, mostly eggsbell, few white. Ail 64 in. long Regular 3.98 ta 6.95 2 Only-22 inches ide 5 Only-24 inches wide 2Only-26 2 Only-26 Ony-39 inches wide OnlY-30 inches wide 2 Ony:34zn :s wd. 9 9 1 3 ouly Corduroy Jackets R-iddies' Nylon Cardigans 1.99 ea. Boys' Caotan Longs Reg. 1.59 - Sizes 3 to 6X 1.00 1 OnY-41 inches wide 1 Offy-42 inches wide RIeg. 9.95 f or 6.95 ~ktu r i 2.88 Bath Towels Thickly looped jacquard Bath Towels Choice of four colours on white 20 x 40 79c each NYLON HO SIER Y . 51 Gauge *15 Denier *First Quality *Latest Shades * Sizes 9 to il Wool Jersey Blouses freg 1.98 Unbleached Terry Towels 20 x 29c 3R Bras, rotton rir< ular stitched Brassieres Regular 2.,50 Now 1.75 30" 9Whiteo Broadcloth 39c yd. 10-yard bundies 27"" White Flannelette Makes a dozen dlapers t inhe wdeail Inches wlde - 1 S AR IL E good tobacco again this year day, Nov. 3 and also received STAR VIL E 1.yih 1Roy n Ned F oster get- pretty good prices. Now v ery- 1 i O 5c and many otens up one is busy stripping their to- Mr. and Mrs. Melville Sam- close ta that. Those on the de- occo and getting it ready 'Io is, Newtonviiie, visited Mr. and ferred list soid theins Thurs- deliver to their buyens. M rs. M orley Robinson.i- -- - _ _ _ _ _ Mn. and Mns. Lorne Todd' were guests of Mn. and Mns. Don Stapieton, Newtonville, and attended anniversany ser- enjoying bydro in their home. W e tn hse T Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls and son, Toronto, visîted at M r. Llew Halloweli's, Sunday. - -------- ---- Mn. and Mrs. Jim Stark. and -, Ted spent Sunday with friends M in Kitchener. ' Shiob W.A. beld a success- S fui bake sale in Bowmanville: ast Friday. Mrs. M. Shutka vstd i Toronto rcenty. - sic w Recent visitors witb M. an d ~ Mrs. Bnian Casweil were: 6Mr.1 and Mrs. Alec Moffatt, Orono, z Mn. and Mns. Harold Bebt, Wesleyvilie, Mn. and Mrs. Mor- ley Robinson and famîly, Miss- es Beulah and Helen Hall'ow-« cll, Toronto. M. and Mrs. Ewart Robin-... son and sons at Mr. Orme Fals *I 1 yqu eveny success in your new Ms. s Parish. Our prayers and good- Ms lIa Tbompson and Ar- Iwill go with you ta youn new1 thur visited Monday with Mn. home." and Miss McBride, Cobourg. The chairman equsted Me. Miss McBride had suffered al andMrs Galt a ocup setsfaîl but did not receive any of honor on the stage, whlch eiuinres was deconated with baskets of Miss Colicen Lowe calicd on bronge and wine 'mumis. The Mrs. G. Martineli recentiy and *address, expressing deep ne- is feeling better. gret at their transfer and wishi- Mn. and Mrs. Earl Burley ing them happiness in the and daughtcrs wcre recent future, together with God's guests with Mn. and Mrs. Jim 1 guidance and blessing in their Gordon, Oshawa. work in the new Parish, was Mns. Jessie Tremaine visitcd read by Emory Smith. bier sister, Mrs. Mult Robinson Walter Todd presented Mr. and Milt. and Mrs. Gault with a sub- Gucsts with Mr. and Mrs. stantial punse of money fro-n Garland Cathcart, Sunday wenc the members of the thrcc Mr. and Mns. Cecil Crawford' churches; aliÉo envelopes con'- of Bethany. taining money to their child- Mrs. Ted Cdjatham and farn- nen, Mary Rose and Patricia. ily visited Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Gault was presented with and Mrs. Wm. Mercer and Mr. a bouquet of mauve 'mums hy and Mns. George Mercer. Donna Todd. On behaîf of St. Mary's Guild, Mns. Willianm Bill Turansky and helpers jHannah pnesented Mns. Gauit bave been busy this last while with a hammered aîuminum digging out a full sized celiar tiered sandwich and cake plate, and putting a new wall under with Mns. Lawrence Staples bis bouse. The cemnent along reading the addness. in front of bis store is also Mr. and Mrs. Gault each ex- quite an imprvement. pressed their sincene tbanks Sunday visitons witb Mn. and for the gifts, stating that many Mrs. Percy Burley wene Mrs. happy memonies of their eiglit D. Vannatto and Cecil and Mr. yeans spent in Bethany would and 'Mns. Eanl Burley and dau- go with tbem to their new ghtei-s. home. "The friendiiness of the Quite a number of people people here is something ta turned out for church Sunday carry with us always." morning unaware that thene The nemainder of the even- was none as it was withdrawn ing was spent in playing pro- when the anniversary services gressive euchre with 20 tables were beld at Newtonville. of pla '-ers. Pnizes for high Ladies, don't fonget ta g et score went to Miss Winnifred your sewing and baking eadv Nesbitt and Bruce Smith: con- for the W.A. bake sale and ha- solation awands, to Mrs. Bruce zaar in the Hydro office, Bow- Ryley and Hector Morton. manville, Friday, Nov. 18. 'W- 1 1membered.' Lawrence Staples, 1also of St. Mary's, added bis rpensonal thanks for ail the 5Gault family bad done in the community. Harold Morton an-d Walter T o dd represcnting Trinity Cburcb at the Marsh; Emory Smith and John Palmer repre- senting St. paul's Churcb at Bethany, each spoke briefl.Y Iwishing Mr. and Mrs. Gauit success in their new parisii and expressing thanks for their unseifish service in the past eight years. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel of tha Bethany United Church saiai: "In this village, our churches have worked together for' the funthenance of God's Kingdom. We deeply regret losing Mr. Gauit, bis wife and family from oun midst. They will ion gbe ncmcmbened for their commua - ity service, apart fromn their MA 3-5408 el ee only-25 i: 1.00 1.98

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