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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1955, p. 5

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?!!USDAY, NOV. loth, 1955 Marjorie Hunt of Detroit and Oshawa, who is a graduate -)f 10; and Bill, 6: who slan Hope or Hockey Career ing to skate like his dad. Hope To Step Up There are now six referees Became N.H.L. Officiai fulltime in the NH-L. as wl t ~and fvealimoe whoworkong (BY ION ABBOTT> and again bis wbistie-tooting weekends and on a game-to- A fractured skull ended the ability impressed the powers game basis. Bill hopes in due hopes Bill Morrison of Bow- that be. The following season time ta graduate from the ganville had of becoming a 0f 1950-51 saw him workia.g ranks of the lînesmen to the Sajor league hockey playeir ful-time in the National Hoc- position of referee. it he finally made the Nd'- key League as a linesman, and He works 'for Beaton's Dairy tnal Hockey League anyway he has been at it ever since. ian offjcial's, rather than a In addition ta working as a in Oshawa during the off-sea- Splayer's, uniform. linesman in the N.H.L., Bill has son,, but stîi manages ta get il The also done considerable referee- considerable time at bis fav- TeN.H.L. linesman, who ing in the American Hockey orite hobby of fishing. Last bas made his home here in the League. He handied 10, games summer he brought home two 1 frve years he bas officiated in Iast year and 42 the year be- speckled Irout weighing 5121 the world's top hockey league, fore. Altogether last season Iti and 4 pounds from a fishing1 very nearly realjzed his ori*g- worked in 9 oky a .-trip ta Haliburton. He admits,! inal ambition. He starred f9r 9 okygms however, that be does not have 1 the Galt Terriers and the Osii- More Officiais Now as much patience at the sport awa Generals of the O.H.A. Acting as an officiai in the as some of the local fishermen, Junior " A" League before the bigger hockey leagues is less such as Frank Jamieson. \vitIl unfortunate accident in 193,3 strenuous tban iA was when he whom he sometimes fishes. ended his playing career. ±îrst began bis wbistle-tooting __________ Bill bad just graduated from career, Bill admits. At that the Junior ranks in the spring time there was only one re- of 1938 and was playing that feree and hie had ta do ail the o e t r fall for the Senior Oshawa G- work himself, calling off-sides F rstr Men in an exhibition game. He and rule infractions and hand- was caugbt off-balance by an ing out all the penalties. Thz- W in A iis opposing player and knocke-d O.H.A. then began ta use ane down, in sucb, a way that bis linesman who watcbed for off- F o t~ re head struck the ice' vioîently. sides, icing the puck and sim- Fr nt Stee He suffered a fractured skuil ilar infractions, thus taking and wvas advised by bis doctor same of the load off the re- ta quit hockey for good. teree. For a few years in Juia- Foresters pasted a 7-5 upset ion "A" hockey two referees wIn over 'Front Street in the Began Refereelng having equal authority were Town Hockey League 1aýA He did just that for several uised, but the top classifications Thursday night to drap ilie .years before becoming înterest-, are naw using the same systèm main drag boys inta a fird ed in coaching a team in the as the N.H.L. - one referee place tie ,witb Courtîce, wha Oshawa Juvenile League. Hie and two linesmen. were edged 4-3 by Miller 's Taxi. alsobegn t reere soe ~The Taximen and Foresters ai-, venue egam o e and ome1944 'Haw does it feel ta officiate now tied for second spot in sted so gme se ndsficiat4in a big leàgue hockey game.' the loop. statedsom seios oficati.y"You're nervous, just like th*e i nls e h oetr in Intermediate "B"', Intel-me- players, untii the puck - Ji'egss e teFretr diate "A" and Junior "B" dpp",Bhsi.'Octh in their surprise win with two games in andl aiarounde thegoals, and Frank Mohun, Don 1 gand eterbandrou. Lindsay game gets under way, you're Masters, Ralph Kelly, Jim Le-I and Peterborough.al nright, tbough". He is not itadPuRoesl erd After two years of rfereeing allowed ta make statements ta sittgandgal Rgesah c0 in these cla'ssificationg tbe O. the press about the ability ofsigeoa. H.A. officials had become s'il- the variaus N.H.L. players or Don Rundie turned the bat ficientiy impressed with hi5z the fights and Donnvbrooks h, trick for Front Street wi!h ability ta handle games that bas been involved in. He bas three goals, wbile John Ford they moved him up ta referee- been in some dandies, however. was close behind with two. ing Junior "A" and Senior "A" including the incident last De-. Larry Cbant fired two mark- hockey. The O.H.A. Senior "A" cember when Maurice "Rocý- ers for the Taximen, Don League at that time was made ket" Richard went after Bob' Childs natcbed one on an assi'st- Up of Toronto, Hamilton, Strat- Bailey of the Maple Leafs. He from Tim Cox, and Bruce Cale ford, Kitchener and Owen was not working in the famous netted the other on passes from Sound, which meant that Bill game in Montreal Iast Spring Larry Chant and Hank Lane. did considerable traveiling in wbicb Richard attacked Hal Gerald Sayers, Norm Sayer.; around Ontario. His refereeing Laycoe of Boston and was sus- and Scotty McLellan were the took bim further afield during pended from the playoffs, hOw- goal-getters for Côurtice. the 1948-49 season when he ever. handled the Junior "A" East- ern inal an wen wes to Bill explained that the lines- rndoinal and Wnnpegwere men cani call major and matchH MPnL trandoCandanWinalspet wee penalties, but do not caîl minorHA P O the MontralRoyfials and Win penalties. The referee often 1f tieg Mona arc s were in- checks with tbemn on a play, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stevens inieg onachswer hed. however, to determine if a spent a few days last week The next season saw Bill penalty should be calhed. "The witb ber sister and brother-in- rnake the N.H.L. as a big- players are generally prettv law. Mr. and Mrs. Wiil Hart league linesman. He officiated goocl", be said. "We don't often at Palmerston and also visited in tbe N.H.L. weekend games bave too much troub],e"I. friends at Drayton and Kenil. while stihi working in the Juri- rtnzigF2d wthL iorandSenor A" -ages The referees and linesmen Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bilett st are forbidden from fraternizing spent a few days hast week w with the lyr altbough they with her sîster, Mrs. Wes. I ay in the same hatels in Bas- Reeds, Fenelon Falls. G IF tn Detroit and Montreai. Any Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith 4. "cr oversatiothey may have and Anna, Oshawa, visited Mr. st witb phayers in hatel hobbies, and Mrs. Lewis Truil and th t h'1dining cars etc., are supposedi family on Sunday. H ~herI tta be kept away from the sub- Mrs. Hilton Peters, Toronto,.Bg ject of hockey. Tbe officiais visited the Saiters du Bt have the best of botel and tra- week.*rn te velling accommodations and TI these expenses are allowed on Miss Florence Werrv spent bý top of their salaries. Bill works the weekend at the home -)fBi on astrigb catrat wth h er sister and brother-in-lavv, wý N.H.L. calling for a specified Mr n r.Rwn ehn.t salary for the season. Mrs. S. Kersey spent the Cc He knows at îeast two weekend with Rev. and Mrs. Hi weeks ahead of time what Ted Kersey and family, Scar- gamnes h% will be working in bora. C sa that be can make his own Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilbur 7-( travelling arrangements tao e vîsited Mr. and Mrs. John W in the çity wbere tbe game is Cowling, in Bowmanvjlle, on se: ta take place. He does prac- Sunday. (B ticalhy al bis travelling by Miss Ruth Prescatt was a we train. The Bawmanvilie uines- Sunday tea guest of Mn. and thi iman states that Montreal bas Mrs. Edgar Prescott, Enfield. the rnast nabid hockey fan.-, Mn. and Mrs. T. Wray, Mrs. wiethe Chicago fans are W. G. Doidge and Miss N. a pretty rawdy and hiable ta Horn were dinner guests of t w sbawer the ice with anything Mn. and Mrs. Jackson Wray af Wi from pennies ta overshoes. To- Oshawa on Sunday eveni ng. - ronto's Maple Leaf Gardens is Vstr tA .Pect' the nice5t arens in the circuit, Vstn IA .Pect' he finds. The building is kept were Misses Lynda and MarI- P h D spotless and everything is weîî en e Harris, Enfield; Mn. and cared for. "The showers in our Mrs. WLm Hemphill, Mricand dressing room there are ris r.LneHmhlRc.' - th Iihtet a moem ean as you would keep tbein Cathie and David, West Ton- t e ghtst o moern in your own home", he said. on ta; Mn. and Mrs. Haveloctz Fa, a Annis and Miss Doris Anniý, of orluebggg. Bilh works more games in Beatb's Corners. fwil Here' new ashin elea Toon ta, Detroit and Chicago Hr' e aio lgnce 41-I- U ---ý Hampton citizens wbo ateri- folV -~~ Elephant Lake.IMr EXE RCI SE S 1terana bnigtp The W.M.S. are holding their Fall Thankoffering ser- vice on Sundax' afternoon, Nov. 20th at 2:30. wben Re'. 80 W AN ILL HIG SC OOLWesley Hunnisett of the Fred BOWM NVILE IGH SCH OL Victor Mission. Toronto, will " Ce b guest speaker. bY1 fi An interesting ex'ent of thsan week is the choir cancer t pre- road FRIDAY, NOVEM BER 18 isented by. the Canterburv d at 8:30 p.m evening. CahnieMcobik Wigbam: Miss Mary Lamaont T] Address- Mr. W. B. Reynls himno or and Mn. Melville Lamaont. Et- v l, wand w'eekend Ruests of Mr'. Bill an Ms Charlie Warren. ad The Graduation Diplomas -elecd Academic and Athletic Awards wilI be presented IDL d~ ot Valedictory Address- Miss Janet McGregor r the publie is Invited Admission Free Nov. gave Coni I'Tr:STA AT'? -5e?' A I4A El MANV-.-. OTAI PGE- Explains EbetaiIs to Son Bill iMorrison, National Hockey League linesmani who lives in Bowmanville, 15 shown above with his son, Bill Jr. in their home on Concession Street. Mr. Morrison hîad just arrived back from offîciating at a game in Chicago when this picture was taken and is filling his son in with the details of the contest. MVinor Hockey S farts With Fourteen Teams Playing in 3 Leagues Bowmanville Minor Hockey the Bruins. Ray Crombie nat- Leagues got off ta a fhying cbed the goal for the Bruins. start hast Satuî'day morning In the second game tbe Leafs w'ith fourteen teams in action. shut ouI the Hawks 3-0 an Bantm Hokeygoals by Brenton Hughes (A!- Bantm Hokeylin), Jim McKnigbî and John The Banîam, League goI Allin. tarted at 7:00 arn. and saw The third game was a bard ýe Cornets vs., Huskies. The1 fought battie beîween the Can- luskies weî'e victorious 7-3 on' adians and Rangers with the ,cals by Irving GuIl 3), Garryý Canadians baving the edge 3-1 agnehh, Garry Cox, John Webb on goals by Dave Williams, 'heehan) and Bihl Sheehan. Mike Dickens and Ross Turn- Fhe Cornets goals were scored er. The onhy Ranger goal was )y Lemnon (D. Osborne) and scored bv John Goode with 3iII Osbor'ne (2). Penalties, Don Bagnieil getting the assist. ere ex'only divided bx' thý' on hmso fteCn eams with Lemon, of the i Lane bopson of p the Can- 'omets and Bagneli of the 1penalty of the game for trip- uskies neceiving an each. p ng. ovte rpseond gae t hgerAosH c e 'ubs vepwoe th ies " In the first game of the Atani a0yn Trols il e (2), îhCo-League the Barons shut out tha2 Vaye Tertll 2).Bil Crs-Hornets 3-0 on goals bx' Bob ey (Polhard., Don WIillsnn Dunn. David Kerr » (Forsey> Bates) and Ron Pohlard. There and Brian Bradley. jere no penalties issued in The second game the Beais is game. sbowed a well bahanced teain Pee Wee Hockey as tbey ouI scaned the Indians The first Pee Wee garne was .5-1 on goals by Doug Nichais closely foughî contest be-1 (3), Blaine Adams, 1I«ianel. Van Acn the Bruins and the Redl Nest. The lone Indian goal ings ending in a h-0 win for j was scored by David Allision. vocal solos by Mrs. Carson, as- Fam o um companied hy Mrs. Best, oi Farm.Foru s 1-adies fî'om OÔrono. Mrs. F. J. N Reed tahd of ber trip ta the S.S. No. 4 DARLINGTON United Nations building while The S.S. No. 4 Darhîngton visiting in the U.S.A. rr Forum met at the home The group, Mns. Glen Glas- .Mm. and Mrs. Allan Down, peli, Mrs. Ed. Hoskin and Mrs. itb an attendance of 22. The i Fred Dant served dol iciaus ne- ho\ving discussion xvas held! fmeshments. Mrs. Nelson Fie ithe subject. 'Fire on the, on behaîf of the ladies, thank- lrr." ed the gmaup for a nice after- 1. How manv farm tires were nofon. ere in a radius of 10 miles Special graup for Decem- thin the last year? Four. ber program: Mrs. Hans Geiss- 2. What* action couhd bho berger Mrs. Aigust Geiss- ken: (a> To prevent tîre3: berger Jr., Mrs. Charles Nav- ieck wiring periodicalv and ]om. Mrs. Glen GlaspelI, Mm"s. ýp elecîî'ic lighî bulbs free' Arnold Geissberger, Mrs. Her- ni cobx'.ebs; use proper fus- 1 man Haass, Mrs. Harrv Fisher. :check inotors on fari 1 Lunch-Mms. G. Trevail, Mrs. iiprncnt as mri,- produce aI Harold Bennett, Mrs. Wes Camn- 'rk when starting; instail eron, Mrs. Frank Pascoe, Mrs. Jitning rods; keep inflamrn- August Geissberger, Sm. e inaterials weli rnarked: Personal Items ep 'No Smokýing" signs in a ominent place; keep tahl h Mur'ray and Marie Flett, Sa- ss and \weeds cnt around lna, at Norman Leach's for ldings; check chimneys andi the weekenid. .ting units; make sure bay IMr. and Mms. Boyd Ayre at- )p iýdrv.j tended the tunkey supper ait hb To control tires: hav2 Coluîmbus. arponds; or a cancrete stai- MIr. and Mrs. Arthur Rae, -r Markbam, at Russell Penkins. c an]% for water suppl.V; e g-ood tire exting-uishers in Mrs. Perey Davidson visited itegie placez: have a hoz.ei or daughter, Mrs. Elmer dv a apresur ssern Down and attended the bazaar he hostess serx-ed a at Ehnezer ih a fier everyone had plaý - jMr. and Mrs. James MMs cards. The next meetin t e r and Ashton, Millhrook;Mi' ho b at the home of Mm. and "oe iMcMvaster, Mn. and Mrs. Don etcafe.Alex McMaster visited Mns. Don eteafe. John Smith, Onangevil le: Mnr. I Alfred Laird and Mr. and Mrs.i Murrmay Laird at Narval. MON Mr.and Mns. Wes. Cameron w'..~ i~îetin Stanley Caverlv's, Ebene.. i .A.meeting was opened~ Messrs. William and Douglasi the president with a verse Skinner, Oshawa. and Jirn iprayer. Seripture was Stainton had a couple of days" d b *v Mrs. Fred Dant. Mî's. bunting at Belmont Lake. Hoskin nead the Devotion- Mrs. Jim Stainton and David reading, followed b «y pra ' - IVirited Mrs. Douglas Skinneri b Mrs. Glen GlaspelI. ROIl an'd familv. Osha<va, for a cou- Iwa., answered bv "The pIe of dax's. nv sîde of farming". Mn. and Mrs. Bovd Avre and I ricro were '25 memnber7, .1 familv at Harvevy Cro'ssman's. I ors and 4 children present.I Kedron. Ifor S3.45 recei'.'d andi Mr. Ivor Gerrv. Tononto, at J. Mn>. J. Cruijckshanks was Mrs. F. B. Glaspell's.' ctd tu urder the Missionary About 60 relatives and: thlvs for 19,56. friends tram Scarboro. Toron-. t vas decided to finance ta, Woodville. Malvemo and ecorating of the study at West Hill. galbcred ai lb" i paz><onage. Il \vas a Iso de-1home of Mnr. and Mrs. Henrv ir ta have a quihting in the Dant on Satumdav evening 10 ~a Sho n Tuesday, celebrate the 2.5t1h Neddin~ 8. Nhrs.. Charles Nayhor anniversarv of Mr. and Mns. S. a report on the W.A. Mayburv. Scarboro Jet. M re. Jri.00e hehd at Courtice. Mavburv is Mr. Danî's sister. rogramn was as Lollows. twu Mr. and Mrs. Han& Geissber- 17e cfroh o,,e new 1956 Simcoe fleav'ier than ever chassig - 22 tubes - full transformer operated *Largest 21" Aluminized picture tube made *Steadier than ever picture with razor-sharp focus *Field-tested in Bowmanville area before production *Two large Hi-Fi speakers - finest quality sound in TV * Tone control * Record player plug * Rotlor plug *Handsome genuine "Dielcraft" designed cabinet Television Service 33 King St. Wý. Protection Phone MAo3-388 Phone MA 3-3883 il * I 1 Iger attended anniversary ser-1 mittee-Officers in order named. 1 erford. 0w'bo bes been il], a vice at Victoria Corners and' Floral Commiittee-Mms. Jas. 1 speed -v recoveirv. visited Mn. and *Mrs. Edwin! Lowery, Mrs. Win. Rutherford. 1 Miss Enha Cbapman and girl fGeissberger. IMns. Gs Wilson, Miss Jean ifriend spent the weekend at ber Mrs. Ray Camneron is visit- Wana. Visiting Cammitt ee -- home. îng at Lawrence Henry's, Ham- Mns. C. Harris, Mms. F. Graham. i Mr-. and Mns. Cooke and f ama *J'lson. Mrs. S. Cbapman. Pansonage1 ils. Orilla, spent the weekend (Mr. and Mns. Joe Allen, To- Cammittee-Mrs. C. Harris, Alrs. i with Mrs. W'. Reid and family, ronto, at Norman Leach's. G. Wilson, Mrs. R. Chapman. Mn. Reid is away* on a huntiný Mr. and Mrs. Henny Keeher, Social Activities-Mrs. Wm. trip. MavenatHeryDat'. '~CocrnMns. Wm. Alhin, Mns. Sundav guesis with Mr. and Man ad Hnry Huh WsonK. Henderson. Mrs. Wm. Wannan wene Nt. and iToronto, at Russell Perkin's. The meeting closed with one Mrs. Marwood McKee, Colurn- Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Down verse of "Blest Be The Tie That bus. and Larry. Ebenezer, at Perey,! Binds" and the Mizpah Bene- We wisb 10 wehcome our new IDavidson's.1 diction. neighbours .ta the village. * Mn. and Mns. R. C. Stainiton*s 1 Mns. Fred Graham had a, SYmpathv. is extended ta Mrs. and Laurel, at Douglas Shack-1 quilting on Thumsdav afternoan. Chas. Harris on the sudden leton's, Oshawa. Pictunes wene shown at the death of hem brother. Mr. Boyd Ayre is shawing Yschodil an Fridav night. Lunch h is sbeep at the Royal Winter was senved by the ladies of the fFair at Toronto, this week. W.M.S. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mn. and Mrs. Davies, Lake- Mrs. Grant Williams, on the field, wene Sunday guests witb iarrivai of their second daugh- Mr. and Mns. Wmn. Rutherford. M 330 ter, also ta Mn. and Mrs. Law- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Patt'en rence Henry (Inez Cfimeron), son and GarY. were Saturdav t or ! on the arnival of their daugh- supper guests with Mn. and Mrs. i ter. Bill Wannan. W NA MrLeach, Oshawa, at Non- ed a wedding WANTADryclê SRVC man Leach's. liration at Leaside on Friday Master Bihhy McMaster, Mill- night. brook, visited bis cousins, Joan Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rutherford,ý and Ross McMaster. Toronto, visiîed Sundav with hîii; jThe new bouses being built parents. Mn. and Mrs. Chas.1 are coming along fine xith Rutherford.. We wish Mm. Ruth-1 sevenal more started. - KÇIRBY SEILTI EK The W.M.S. and W.A held P CA THS W E ! thein monthiy meetings at theI " church on Wednesday afternoon, --a November 2nd. eS URB Mrs. Lawrence Harris. vice-SUBU[\-" 'president, opened the W.M.. witb a wonshîp period based on t tetefe-h alta Fellow- ,:'CO? TS ship." Mns. H. Lowery piayed > quiet music, foilowed by the; 'Rglr$49 singîng of "Shine Thou Upon Us, Lord." jMrs. W. Alhin. Mrs. Wilson -ý and Mrs. Wm. Rutherfard read SPE'A soiptunes from St. Luke's gos- jpel. After each reading Mrs. THS W E Hanris led in a discussion period.P Trench's Sffnnet was read in unison as a. prayer. After the minutes, rail cahl,; offering and reports, Mrs. Win. $ 4 . # Allin intnoduced the new study! books on home missions. Il 'as1 decided 10 pack a bale of cloth-; ing, donations to be lef t at Kirbv i The very latest in sma.rt by Nov. 15th.1 Winter wear. See our Mrs. Wmn. Wannan opened the, W.A. meeting with a h.vmo, large variety ln all-wool prayer and nesponsive reading. r Suburban (oats ln gray, Mrs. Stanley Chapman gave a devotional paper entithed "Short' - hancoal, sand and Cuts" showing that the sbortest pplr hea way i not ahways the surest and we must always be watching for the danger signs. ALL SIZE8 The devotional period was fol- lawed with the minutes, reports and business,. The eection of officers for; 1956 resulted as folhows: Pres B wan il -Mns. Win. Wannan: Ist Vice- omni l Pres.-Mrs. Gus Wilson: 2nd Vice-Pnes.---Mrs. Wm. Cochrane e Rec. and Cor. Se'y-Mrs. S.' Chapman, Financial Sec'y-Mrs. , Surplus Sales F. Graham. Treas.-Mns. H.! Lawery; Organîst-Mrs. L. Ham- 42 King St. East Phone MA 3-3211 ris; Asst.. Organist-Mrs. R. TRE CANAMAN qTArr-qmAm 1 ri

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