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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1955, p. 7

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T H T Y R S A Y , N V . ! O t , 1 0 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a A. N AM.Z L Z L A I I S A T E SL M A N . O W M A& N V UM L E . O N T A R I O _ _ _ Social & £ersonali Phone MA 3-3303I Mrs. Wesley Cawker and M W. H. Birks have left on a vo age to the West Indies. Mr. A"chie Thempson wl is a patient in Memorial Ho pital is recovering nicely. Winners of Lions Hocki Draw for Saturday's game a. VMorley Oke and Jack Coole. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Lyst Montreal, were guests of h aunt, Miss Margaret Alît Beech Ave. Mr. Claude E. L. H. Lai Winnipeg, Man., was in tom last week calling on old frien( ini his native county. Miss Eleanor Moody, Ma donald Hall, Guelph, spent t] weekend- with her parent Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Moody. Mr. Noel Dudley, Albe College, Belleville, spent t]- weekend with his parents, M and Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Cou tice. Mr. Douglas Alexander, BP timore, Maryland, was a gueý with Mr. and Mrs. Eric Co well and family, Horsey S las t week. Mrs. Seward Dowson, M: and Mrs. Norman Brown visi, ed on Sunday the former's siý ter. Mrs. J. S. Black, Pete: borough, now a patient at th rest home in Millbrook. Mis Marilyn Spicer and Mis Betty Dalton, Bridgenortii student nurses at Peterboroug] Civic Hospital, spent the week end at the home of Mr. ani Mrs. A. H. Spicer, Queen St. Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Van stone, Toronto, called on Mr. ani ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) I Twenly-Third Aller Trinity 8:00 a.m. - HOLY COMMUNION .1:0a.m.- Chureh School, Senior 11:00 a.m. - Church Schaol, Junior 11:00 a.m. - MORNING PRAYER 7:00 P.m. - EVENING FRAYER 4rs. Mrs. F. C. Vanstone Saturday ,y- afternoon after attending the chrysanthemum tea at Col. and ho Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin's, Osha- [os wa. Miss Mary Alldread, Reg. N., kFy Toronto General Hospital, spent are the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Alldread and tetook her accustomed place in the her choir at Trinity United Church ýeon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. McLeod, jw, Niagara Falls, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. wn Harry Jackman, Diane and ds Ricky, were guests ôf Mrs. J. W. Jewell and Mary and visited ac other relatives and friends while te in town over the weekend. It, Mr. Frank Jamieson, one of the town's most ardent fisher- men, landed four beautiful etsteelhead trout ranging from [rc one to four pounds at a local VIstream in about two hours' i time on Tuesc'ay afternoon Ladies - you won't want to Pl miss the Spode Coffee Party on etNov. 17 at the Lions Centre at ol 8:15. Film, "The ýStory of Fine St. China," door prizes, display of Spode. Tickets 50c, Business 4r. and Professional Women's Club. * t-45-1 rs Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Roenigk were Right '~Rev. F. N. Wilkinson, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Toron- ss to; Mrs. P. Gallagher, Winnipeg, Ài, and her daughter and son-in- gl law, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Raynes, k-Toronto. d L.A.C. Ken Davies, his wife Mildred and children Janet ani n-. Bobby, are speniding L.A.C. .d Davies' 30-day leave with his -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert *Davies. He is stationed at Lachine, P.Q., with the Royali Canadian Air Force. Miss Muriel Reynolds of the Junior Nursing Sehool, Guelphj General Hospital, and Missi Margaret Reynolds of the staff1 of Scarboro Township Sehool,1 spent the weekend with their1 Iparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. jReynolds, Centre St. We welcome Mrs. Cecil Wil- liams of Winnipeg, Man., te town as a resident. She is a sister-in-law of Dr. and Mrs. L.t B. Williams and came east with1 her cousin, Mrs. Lawry Cryder- c man who had been on a tript through Western Canada. 6 Mrs. Willii am Paterson'sc mother, Mrs. John Pringle, n marked her 9lst birthday on !- Nov. 7th in a meat unfortunates way, by entering Oshawa Gen- tý eral Hospital to undergo, treat- 'm ment for a broken hip. Kind thoughts of her many friends C here are with Mrs. Pningle. a Mr. Alan "Casey" Richards m~ who has been attending Ryerson 9 Institute and a former member si of The Statesman staff, has ac- a: cepted a position on the report- E ing tf of the Peterborough Examiner. He was at home for I WHO0 ARE THESE "LATTER DAY SAINTS" What do they teach about Heaven and Hell, bap- tismal regeneration baptism for the dead, addition of "The Book of Mormon", etc. Hear Pastor Haise at the 7 p.m. service of BOWMANVILLE BAPTISTCIUC (Nelson at Liberty) Tune in to "Friendship Corner," CKLB, Sundays at 6:15 Trinity Unit ed Church Minister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11:00 A.M. - "Hearsay or Experience?" 7:00 P.M. - "God's Power"fi A Song-Ser-tice at 7:00 p.m. wiIl be conducted by Mr. A. A. Merkley Special Music by the Choir. Oranis-iIr.ArturCollison, Mus. Bach., L.R.SM.J 'YOUTH FOR CHRIST features DR. BILLY GRAHAM TV FILM "Things God Cannot Do" Musical Numbers and Lively Singing Speaker 1ev. C. E. Bell from Listowel, Ontario SAT., NOV. l2th, at 8 p.m. BOWMANVILLE TOWN HALL "Everyone Welcome» Celebrates 8Oth' Birthday Although her birtbday was on Monday, October 17, Mrs. John Luxton's children surprised her with a party, on Saturday evening, October 15, beid at the home cf ber daugbter, Peari (Mrs. Alex Edmondstone), when al ber cbjîdren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren could be present. As Mrs. Luxton entered the bouse, ail joined - int singing the birtbday song. After greetings she was presented with a -corsage cf pink roses, and then escorted te the living-room wbere she was presented> with a Kroebler rocking chair by ber oldest son, Oscar, on behaif cf ail. Mrs. Luxton expressed ber tbanks witb mucb bap- piness and ail adjourned to the dining-room where she cut ber bitbday cake. A delicicus lunch was enjoyed by al and the rest of the evening spent socialiy with ail wisbinig ber many happy returns. Mrs. Luxton bas f ive cbildren, ail living; 18 grand- cbildrexi and 16 great-grandcbiîdren. Her five childnen are pictured witb Mrs. Luxton" From lef t te rigbt: Ruth (Mrs. Wm. Cowling), Edna (Mrs. Norman Brooking), Pearl (Mrs. Alex Edmondstone), Norman and Oscar. the weekend with his parents, I Mr. and Mns. Geo. Richards. P r Bowmanville Reeneation Di-1 Thena Cheque rector Douglas Rigg leaves this (Continued frem page one) weekend for London, Ont. Th Arena Management Com- where he will take a one-week itehsrqetdta h training course for Ontari io ttepie hasreques tdth h e Reereation Directors at the tn poicg epbi tte sAtnn Ujniversity cf Western Ontarie. on heveningschek public sat In hs asenc Mr Tom ar.tendencies towàrd nowdyisrnL will be in charge cf the twn s Chairman Tom Rehder cf the recreation program. Police Ccmmittee stated that Bowmanville has the distinc- this is being arranged. ion, if it can be calhed that, cf Chairman Jack Brough cf theý reading the list cf communicable Fire Committee reponted that a- diseases neported hast week bY sign for the fire hall is being he Counties Health Unit. 0f buiht. His motion that $422 - 63 cases, Bowmanviile had 10 haîf cf the sum neceived by the ases of chieken pox, 13 of red town for fine cails outside the Teasles and one cf mumps. municipality during September :iretty tough on the kids, with and October - be turned over te kating se good at the Arena the fine brigade, was passed by these days. Oh, wel, it's a long council. winter ahead! Bills amounting to $21,240 for Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Rundle, the month cf October wene pre- Col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaughlin sented by Finance Committee and Mn. and Mrs. Gea. W. James Chairman Wilfrid Carnuthers ,vere among.the several hundred and passed for payment. They uests who attended the chny- included a bill for $6.489 for ;anthemum tea on Saturday paving and street nepairs from ftennoon held by Col. and Mns. the W. A. Ryder Construction .S. McLaughlin at their home, Company and one for $1.847 'Pankwood", Oshawa. Reeeiv- fnom S. G. Preston and Son for rig with them were their daugh- painting the Town Hall extenion. ers, Mns. M. E. McEachren, Mrs. Seek Property Deed kChurchill Mann and Ms Deputy-Reeve Carruthers re- sabel McLaughlin. ported that Mns. Robent Clarke In oun write-up atwe is anxious te receive payment Lbout Arthur McKowan's visit for hen propenty on Liberty St. o his native town aften 50 at the foot cf Wellington Street reans' absence we mentioned which was acquired bv the town rie names cf several families for a road into the Vincent vho were active in the Con- Massey Sehool prcpert.y. The regational Church at the turn clenk was instrueted te ask ýf the century. Two wP-1l Donovan & Richards, who sur- -nown f aniy names were veyed the pnoperty, te make out overlooked, photographer Harry a deed se that Mrs. Clarke can Tait with thnee daughters be paid. nd six sons, and the George Mayor Osborne poînted eut Maynard family. that someone in addition te hlm- Mrs. A. L. Woodhey cf Santa seelf and Town Clerk Alick [onica, Calif., who has been Lyle shouhd be empowened te, siting her numercus relatives Bsignvheqe sforthte Town c -i Durham County while .a eBowmanvihl se ha thetif uest cf ber niece, Miss Flor-epoee _l b adi ~ceGadinrBowanille, either cf them were sick or ncuGaditener ome a.taway on business. A motion was erek. Atohgho smore spassed that Reeve Little and rean 25Arsog i since mshe hfAssistant Clerk Clarene Oke be ein2 vilacfrne, she lwftempowered te sigi cheqtues in ie vllae o Tyrneshewasthein absence. ihi interested in the commun- A routine by-law was passed y and left a donation cf $100 authorizing the corporation to r the Memorial Hospital obtain a temporary boan cf rhen nenewing ber subscription $35.000 from the Bank cf The Statesman. Montreal to pay for the cost cf Mn. Charles Carter, Sr., 1 o e a h improvement projeets hairman cf the Advisony pending the issuing cf deben- ommittee of the Sehool of tunes te defray their cost.. An- E ~ (Continued fromn Page One) AI Free malmers' and Funeral Di- All Fo Freerectors' Act and a Cemeteries Act. Everyone in Bowmanville Who -Municipal matters such as is înterested in dancing on skates assessment taxation and zen- will have the opportunity to ing are covered by the Assess- have free adult dance instruc- ment Act and the Municipal tion given by John RodwaY, Act. The Statutes of Ontario Bowmanville Skating Club Pro- also govern education through fessional, on Tuesday evening, the Public and High Schoul November 22nd. Acts and the Board of Educa- The free adult dance session tion Act. Other matters With will be held frcm 9 to 10 p.m. which practically everyone us in the Bowmanville Memorial concerned are covered by such Arena without charge, and ahl acts as the Election Act, High- are invited te attendwhether or way Traffie Act, Labor Rela- net club members. It is expect- ti;ons Act and the Deserted ed a large number will en *joy the Wives' and Children's Main- fun and thrill cf dancing on tenance Act. skates. Poeso oee Next Wednesday afternoon, MrPSrfe in Cved otta November 16th, there will be a Mh bn. ties ointd poetsthat meeting cf the Winten Club in the busineses ndrofhessOns the Council Chambers, Town tareiovaes bed uer t On Hall at 2:30 p.m. The election tare PSrae y ucthe ats-a cf officers will take place and teParmaoliitysActh arrith- nominations will be received ters' andulctoMreAtind At from the floor. Women memn- TarePouts Markeptng d. bers and mothers of members of Th cots etu tadl the Bowmanville Skating Club with cases under these many are eligible te attend. acts are the Division Court, Magistrates Court, County Court, Supreme Court, the On- Some 28,596,438 barrels cf tarie Court cf Apteal and the crude petroleîim gushed from Supreme Court of Canada. The Canadian ail wells in the first Division Court is for small civil quarter of 1l95-a recordL ._ cases only whie the Magz-J a ti y t] o: k c C -ai E ir jel jrf st it' te ec la: hc Se. BE scý sh inj Bc toi wî thg . L Minr oeraion ---- ----- 7 COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE 3;w SPECIAL VALUES AN» )REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK Sop at YOUR DRUG STORE, the safe, logical and dependable paet buy drugs, medicines and other products for health and beauty care. dwâký Soft! Strong! Pops Up! The sparkling 1 it's ELEENEX TI1S SU E Time Canada's Favourite Fre h-AIr odor-free NEW fri.zz-free endpaies. trouible -free NEW as no-dob a waive fer1znO. con b. REC-ULAR SUPER $0 VERY GENTtE $0 -- 1 . t à r v v t r ti h d ti 6: ci rr p SI ti w c ai w gi sa al R ý1 in te. [si at Lo YE th gr :V D. in 44 . riE n ru m :el VE hý hE ti ' ty 01 VI 'h '0 la d ,y 93 is, or ýh ýal ýh ig 01 ýe With Biue Blade dis-. 12 penser and travel case. 12 Your ehoice Featured on iIlette's World Serim IV and Radio Broadesata L ULJULAJJE Glucose drink - 16 oz. 39c z- Digestive Tonic and Mild Laxative. Especially useful in the treatment f Chronie Constipation BEEF, IRON and WINE with added Vitamin Bi Recommended as a general tonic, aiding in building up strength and restoring normal health. Useful in anaemia, impaired nutrition and general debility. 16 ounce bottle, reg. 1,00 ---------------------------- 79e SMILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS Used as an antacid for treatment of heartburn, sour stomach and flatulence, also a laxative. 100's reg. 39e ------------------------------ -------- 29c .300's reg. 89e --- ------- -59C SEIDLITZ POWDERS Sparkling Antacid Laxa- tive - relieves headaches caused by intestinal con- gestion. ing. Reg. 29e------------23e Evelyn Howard COLD CREAM Theatrical Type. Gives vour skin exquisite dlean- 'Vitamins FOR GOOD HEALTH I.D.A. Brand Halibut Liven Oil Capsules 100's 89c, 250's 2.29, 500's 4.29 Idamait Extract cf Malt and Cod Liven Oil 1 lb. 75c, 2 lb. 1.29, 4 lb. 2.29 Aiphamnettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50, 15.00 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamîns 1.40, 2.50, 3.95 Wampole's Ccd Liver Extract - -- -1.35î Vita Diet. 100's - - --- -----4.50 l's Christmas Card Time SPECIAL VALUE An excellent famnily asscrtment at an economny pnice 50 fine cards 98( Other Assortments at 12 for 29c 20 for 1.00 2for - .00 etc PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Cough and Cold Remedies i9 . ý- I.D.A. Brand il Il BRONCHIDA COLD Take them at the first sign of a cold to alleviate sneezing, runny nose, headache . .'and fever within 24 hours. 30 capsules 1.25 BroneiÏhida Cough SYruP, 8 oz. --- 75c Idaphedrin Nasal Spray, 20 ce -- -- 9:)c Idarub..............---------4 9e Buckley's Mixture 50c, 85e Jack and MI Co)igh Syrup -50e Pertussin ------- 69e, 1.19 Vicks VapoRub ---- *53C. 98e Vieka Cough Syrup -59e Vieka Va-tro-nol - --- -53e SPeclal Cleanor TOOTH BRUSHES 2 for 33c M ~A~IE 5EVEI M >~ I PAGE SEVEZ trates court deals with minor criminai offences and prelirn- inary hearings cf more serious criminal offences. The nemain- ing courts hear both civil and criminal cases, with the Sut- preme Court of Canada being the final court cf appeal. Mr. Stnike stated thai Can- adian Judges and Justices are appointed for life, which' gîves the Canadian courts an impar- tiality and fneedomn from in- fluence which is lacking in many othen countIries. He stat- ed that he has a very high re- gard for Canadian law 'and courts and for the'judges, ma- l gistrates and justices who ad- minister the laws and preside over the courts. The young Bowmanville bar- rister was introduced by Ho- tarian Blain Elliott whe stat- ed that he attended public and high school here and Victoria College in Toronto, graduating in 1950. He then studied lawv at Osgoode Hall, from which he graduated in 1954.,He was ad- mitted te the Bar cf Ontarioin June cf 1954 and has beeni practicing in Bowmanvul Holds Several Positions Mn. Strike is Secretary-Trea- suner cf the Northumberland- Durham Law Association, President cf the Bowmanville Tennis Club, was Campaign Manager cf the Bowmanvilie Citizens Committee in the ne- cent plebiseite and stilh heads the Committee. President Keith Jackson thanked him on behaîf cf the club members for his fine classification talk. He also wel- comed four visitors te the meeting; Rotarians Lance Beath, Ken Coulter and C. H. Jehkins cf Oshawa and Paul Stafford cf Brampton. . Attendance Chairman Brune Miller presented a one-year perfect attendance pin to Ho- tanian George Moody, ànd Pre- sident Jackson made a birth- day presentation cf a Rotary silver spoon te Rotanian George W. James. Mr.- Moody conducted the weekhy draw for a pair cf tic- kets to the Toronto Maple Leafs home game and theFe were won by Rotarian George ENFIELD M. and Mrs. George Bray, 1 Raglan, visited with Mrs.Wi Ormiston. Misses Anne and Charlotte, McKenzie, Mrs. M. Morrison and Anne, Toronto, were weekend! visitors with the Okes.i Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Johnson,! Kemlile; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin! Puckrin, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs.! Stan Gray and Patsy, Oshawa1 were visi .tors cf Mr. and Mrs:, Harold Ormiston.i Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, Missi Ruth Prescott, Hampton; Mr.! and Mrs. Allan Taylor, Bow-' mnanville, were visitor's at Messrsj Donald and Edgar Prescott' s. 1 Mr. and Mrs. George Gilroy and sons, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parr and family visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Prescott. Mr. and Mrs. A. Endersby,l Bowmanville; Mr. and Mns. C.1 Niddery- and family, Toronto, were at W. Pascoe's.1 Mrs. James Parr stayed sev-ý eral days with friends' in Tor-' onto. There was a large attendance at our Sunday School and church service Sunday. During the baptismal service the following children were baptised: Janice Darlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prescott; Catherine Lillian and Karen - Anne, twin daughters, and Jamie.s Alexand- er, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Ronaku Oke. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Simpson have opened their home for our annuai W.A. At Home Friday night. Becent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will Gray: Mr. and Mrs. A. Pettit, Mr. Ron Pettit, Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. H. Ceasar, Reed and' Glen, ah cof Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Oshawa, had Sunday tea withJ the E. Lee's. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week cf Oct. 30 - Nov. 6 Admissions ----------------- 38 Births-4 male, 7 female- il Diseharges ------------------ _37 Major operations ----------- 4- h am TRUMAT. lqov. lm, 953 orw1p MAVA"?Àlkle m 1 VITA DIET CAPSULES 7 essential minerais and vitamins 100's . . . . $4.50 Now! Your choice of 3Gillette SPR SPEED RAZORS!I One lins exactly the riglit edge angle, edge expasure and weight to match your face for superh shaves. Clean, comfortahle, Iong.lasting &haves are guaranteed. r

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