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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 9

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TIU S AN V 7h l15?E CAIAD!N STATEPSM I. OWMANM L. ONTAM PACGE U 4.1 IGordon 'lke Vewc"deMetu AgflOw, Edilor Phone lantreal Agnew Forbes King- tys last K. A. Stone- Gerald Well- Jesse 1 Phil- ,eekend* Mrs. irol. ,ennard itheir ds for eek. nd ber lintock )Mar- h Mr. Wed- H-. Jase at b10.45 a.m. and thý hynin "0 God Our Help ir Ages Past", was sung by th( sehool children under the di. rection af their teacher ai mu. sic, Mr. A. Collison, who pre. sided at the piano for the ser. vice. The Rev. D. R. Dewdney of St. George's Church led in the reading ai the Scripturc Lesson, Psalrn 124. The names ai The Fablen from Newcastle and ClarkE Township were read as fol. lows: Newcastle 1914-18, W. E. Lockhart, D. M. McDonald, D. W. Parker, W. W. Jase, G. N. Noden, E. A. Coulson, P. C. Gamme, G. E. Howard and A. B. Bloonm. 1939-45, Murray Butler, Abfred Alldread, and Glen Brooks. Karean War, J. E. Belsey. Clarke Township 1914-18, D. C. Law,,%F. W. Gibs on, Leyland Hooper, Lewis Spry, Roland White, Sam Gianville and Leoneal Bowen. 1939-45, Cccii Bruton, Norman Bruton, Al- fred Waddell, Joe Goldstînk, John Grady, Maynard Clougli, Sidney Morgan, Jack Barnes, Gilbert Dent, George Forbes, Sebert Hall, Milton Morton, Sidney Reid, George Ralph and Donald Powell. Wreaths were baid at the foot oi the Honour Rails at the en- trance ta the memorial library ,by twa, mothers ai Fallen sol- chers, Mrs.'M. Alldfead" and Mrs. Ed. Belsey and by two schaol children whose fathers were war casualties, Louise H-ughes and Helen Charlton. rxvo minutes oi silence was ob- served at il arn. fallowed by the Last Post and Reveille sounded by Mr. Jack Allun, ['rumpeter, and prayer by the Rev. Mr. Dewdney. A chorus, 'Unto the Hills"', vas sung by the pupils ai the wo senior Loonis in the school. and the ReW. M. C. Fisher ai he Newcastle United Church gave a short address. The ser- vice ciosed with the singing of the hynin "0 God ai Love, O King ai Peace"' and "Gad Save the Queen"'. Germany has replaced Cani- da as the second biggest tra- der with Mexico where buyers want bargains which, in many ases, Canada's high-wagres .igh taxes policy, make im- possible. j- le in Cen tenniliCommittee Checks Village Dump ln Cie an - up Campaign At the November meeting of again for the third time this the Newcastle Village Council year. Council menibers were on Monday evening, Reeve J. most critical of the practice af H-. Jose announced that the citizens who dump their refuse meeting of the Centennial anywhere inside the fence ra- Conmmittee scheduled for Wed- ther than in the hole which is ne9day evenirxg, November left for that purpose causing 16tb, had been postponed ta extra trouble and expense ta Monday, Nov. 2lst, in order ta the taxpayers. This situation zit fit in with the schedule ai Mr. the village dump has been a G. S. Jourdan of Markham wha perpetual headache ta succes- has been invited ta advise the sive councils for years because cammittee. Mr. Jourdmn 'was citizens just will flot use coin- most active in the 50 year mon dccency when disposing celebration held at Powassan af their refuse. last summer. The members decided ta have the flag pale restored and The council appointed Mrs. put bac k in shape. This is th-: Evelyn Northrup as secretarylag poe tth muny of the centennial committe hlrele ic a then omm i la ore qu oadeMr.an P$20eyadurîng a recent storm. A build- thae comeea ay of 200 t ing permit was granted ta Mr. te exptee. A gy ant ai ack Wade for the construc- ate xpenes. geat of$35tir_;, af a grge and the re- was also made ta the Newcas. mainder af tntý evening was tle Horticultural Society. spent in canducting the routine Fallowing a lengthy discus- business of the council, read- sion on the condition af the ing and considering of com- village dump, it was decided munications, passing ofaills, ta have the durnp cleaned up etc. Mr. and Mrs. EeetBon Kecent Bride and famiiy, Orona, and Ms Alf. Brown and family, Bow- LI Imanvilie, were Sunday vstr 7nonourea Db with Mr. and r.BlLae 1 y Mr. mnd Mrs. N. Simpson, Coîborne and Mr. and Mrs. H. kAanv rlefus Simipson, Brighton, spent Sun- day with Mr. and r.Bv The niany iriends ai Mrs.- Jaynes. Donald Bernard, nec Patricia Mr. and Mrs. George Skeld- Schram, in Newcastle, Oshawa Jing Jr. and family, Newcastle, and Mapie Grave, honoured lier visited on Sunday with Mr. and with showers on sepafrate oc. Mrs. George Skeling. casions before and alter ber re- cent marriage. Prior to her niarriage, Miss Dead Stock Renioved Nellie Hlbnowshostess ietPrcsad at a miscellaneous shower nt 4hout r SicePi the home ai Miss Anna Bykow- 4HuSevc sky in Oshawa whcre her i ci- TELEPHONE COLLECT low workers ai the Parts'and COBOURG 1787 Service (South) ai Generai NICIC PECONI, Motors'gathered ta honour the PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 bride-to-be.________________ Monday evening, November 7th Mrs. Bernard was the guest of honour at a miscelîmneous shower held in the Lions Rooin of the Newcastle Community M. ToPy as Hall when sixty ai her friends -mPa Ps gathered ta honour the young L Due Bills bride following bier returni froni ber wedding trip. An en- jayabie evening was spent by To Consolidato li and the bride was shower- ed- with .many-. iwaiedi, giftz. MIt4 Mrs. Alicia Spencer, Mrs. Ross Pyet Cobbledick and Mrs. Barbara camet Hockin were joint hostesses for [ the evening.A Mrs. R. Bennett, sister ai For Home Mrs. Bernard, was hostess on Friday evening, November 4 Repairs1 llth, at ber home in Maple gathered ta honour the new c bride at a cup and saucer Fo1e shower..ilf FoNet Lioneties Plan Annual Outing To Ice Capades The November meeting ai the Newcastle Lionettes Club was held at the home ai Mrs. Verna Agnew on Manday with the President, Mrs. Helen Car- veth presiding. Several thank you notes were read by the se- cretary. A report ai the cammittee in charge ai the recent card party sponsored by the club, was giv-. en by Lionette Mrs. Dora Kel- sey. Showing a net profit ta the club ai $52. There was con- siderable discussion of plans for future parties emanating froni the experience gained atj this the first such aifair spo.-i sored by the club. The club represent9tives on the Centennial Committec Lionettes Mrs. Dora Kelsey and Mrs. Dunreath Walton repart- ed progrcss ta date ai the cani- mittee. Final plans v.-:2re made for the annumi outing ai the mcm- bers which, this year, wiil In- clude a trip ta Toronto ta see the Icecapades at Maple Leaf Gardens on Thursday, Noveni- ber 24th. It was decidcd ta have the annual Christmas pmrty on, the regular December meeting night, Deceniber 12t1i at the home of Mrs. Charlotte Rick-- ard. Names were drmwn by the inembers for the.exchange afi gifts on this occasion. At the close ai the meeting deliciaus refreshments were served by the hostesses for the evening, Lionettes Mrs. Jean Lewis and Mrs. Elsie Koropai- va. e r c t c ti ti ti n h d SE e L w Lake Shore, Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Martin a,"e tor jand Doris visited Mr. and Mrs. j such a bio W. W. Patterson, Fenelon Falls, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Cronsber- 1 o' u ry, Palmerston. 1Dntte Miss May- Armour, Toronto, poeto spent ,the weekend with Mr. poeto and Mrs. Alec Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and family and Mr. LesAln Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Aildred' STUART and fainily and Mrs. Paul Hot- son spent Saturday in Toronta Insurance with Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Wood- Office harns.1 MA 3-5681 Mrý and Mrs. W. Holmes. and Kîng Street Mrs. Jck Holmnes and ' 3eaiï Jsîted Mr. and Mi-s. H £owànge . Quoâ, âlnimdab,_ Iflsrnany friends ln the vil. Jage and througliout the Unit- 'd Counties wilI regret to learn P7M the serious illnees ai Mr. C. R. Carveth former Reeve of the~ Village and Warden af the Counties. Mr. Carveth suffered a heart sei.zure last Tuesday and is confined ta his bed, na- turll, ornie Urne. Mr. Car- Veth wil flot be allowed ta sec viitors. The Rcv. M. C. Fisher and 14r.- W. P. Rickard attcnded the, sessions oi tic Oshawa Pres- byterya i United Church on Friday aiatflernoan and even- ing at the Port Perry United Cliurch. Messrs. Cliii Savilie and George Szoke ai Hardisty, Al- berta, visited for couple af days this wcek with Recve and Mrs. J. H. Jase. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Marshiall Pickering and famlly, werc Mrs. R. D. The citizens oi Newcastle gathered at the Community Hall on Friday marning, Nov- ember llth ta honour thc men of the village and district wha e ve up their lives in twe World Wars and the Korean confllct. Sponsored by the vil-. lage council, the service was weil attended by lacql war 'veterans, who attended in a body, marshalled by Mr. George Meadaws. Students of the Newcastle Public Schooi alsa attendcd ini a body witiî their Pýiiicipal, Mrs. Ethel Ly- cett ând the teaching staff. The service was called ta or- decr by Uic chairman, Reeve J. VMLLAG 0F NEWCASTLE Voters' Lisf Posted Clerk's Notice of Firni Postlng of Voters' List VOTERS' LIST, 1955 Munlelpallty ai Newcastle County of Durham Notice is hereby given thmt I tave complied with Section 9 11 the Voters' List Act and that 1(have posted up at my office at N~ewcastle an the 4th day ai Nov e.gr, 1955, the list ai al pcs~entitlcd ta vote in the 1aid unicipality at municipal elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection. t Md. 1I lereby cefl 4ipon.,allX. ,'t'è¶rtrs ta take immediate- pro- ç eedings ta have any errors or j missions corrected ccording ta kw, the last day for appeals be- hIg the l8th day ai November, Dated this 4th day of Novem- ter, 1955.t MRS. NETTIE BUTLER, Clerk ai the Village of Newcastle. 43-2 IFOR ti ]FURNACE t] IINSTALLATION ti *orE Eavestroughing CALL C. GOULD -ýwcle hone 3686 MUNICIPAL ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Village of Newcastle will be heid in the Community Hiall, Newcastle - ON - FR1.,. NOV. 25 1955, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock p.m. for nomination of candidates for the office of Reeve and four Counc- illors for the ensuing 3'çar, three members of the Board of Education and one member of the Hydro Elettric Commission for two years for the Corpora-, tion of the Village of Newcastle, in conformity with provisions of the Municipal Laws of the Province of Ontario. If more than the necessary number of Candidates are nominated (and a poili is required) the, proceedings wiii be adjourned until MON... DEC 5 1955, whcn a poli will be opened at 9:00 o'clock in the. morning and continue until 7 o'clock in the afternoon of the. sanie day and no longer, in each Polling. Sub- -ilsion of the Village of Newcastle. And that at ýý,id Nomination Meeting Mrs. Nettie Butler, Village Clrk, shall be the Returning Officer. ni whicb ail persons are required to talce notice and goveru themselves accordingly. MRS. NETTIE BUTLER, Clerk Of the Corporation of Newcastle. I. Keith-Parkinson aif!M and Mr. and Mrs. C. 1 Millbraok. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon accompanying Mr. E. A. ai Lakefield visited in stan for a couple ai da. week with Mr. and Mrs. Slater. Mr. and Mrs. Cîmyton blirg and Mr. and Mrs.1 Stoneburg and Ross ai ington and Mr. and Mrs. Choate and Mrs. Harold ips ai Oshawa, were wc visitors with Mr. and Frank Partridge anid Cal Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Li visited in Hamuilton wit1h daughter, Mrs. Elsie Dod a couple of days last we Mrs. Kenncth Couch ar daughter, Mrs. L. McCi of Trenton, and Mrs. S. 0 tin ai Orono, visited wil and Mrs. Percy Hare on nesday., 1 Social and Personal Remembrance Service Held- Friday Morning AYm A331 PAiR ]K -PUM£ N MI TRURSDAY, NOV. 17th, 19 Il - i i 1 - e- r- ýy In re y d d

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