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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 10

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PAGE TME Expeci Poppy Refurns ",,To Reach Nearly $500 Comrnend Organizers -Eastern Star Offhcers of Durham Chapter lInstalled ihe net sum of $403 had rade George Meadows, who been realized up until Novem- was in charge of the Newcastle ber 10 in the Poppy Campaign campaign, were thanked by the. of the Bowmanville Branch of President for their fine work lhe Canadian Legion, it was re- in this connection. ported at the regular meetig, President McKnight tand of the Branch held last Thurs- the members of the Branch and dav night. Returns %vere stil i the Ladies' Auxiliary for as- mccmplteandit asexpet-sitance given Poppy Chairman UQL that the total might' reach Pele Bathgate, which helped neýrly $500. make the campaign such an 'l reasurer Jack Rice report- outstanding success. He also -dta 31 wa- olced thanked the mem ýers f or the -through the sale of Poppies fin large turnout for te Remem- rowmanvilîe, 130.40 if the brance services in Buwmn- Orono district 4nd $109.5.-' ville and Orono and fo'- the 1;eNwcsl isrc.In Od-ctor parde in Newcastleon < Sechools ad$08 from th? I was felt that the color HighScho]. Amotin ~»party on Legion parades should passed that a letter be sent t ,,thc eire full n s mtruidon * wlncipals of the schools thank -thrduis ndamio 0- ing them for their co-operatiol1 Comrade Jim Newman was ~ " r in the campaign. President passed that the Sergeant-at- Ros Mcnigt pintd o t a rs pick two men for his ~ " '"' Ros Mcnigt pintd ot tatcolor party prior to parades - the chie! reason that poppies anda weat hd ben ent~>and instruct them. The Branch and h wreah î d en et aalso decided to purchase white c ccih d the pupils of the me- gauntiets and staff holders for -- in h pl of Reeb hne mayr- the color party. Jng f Reembrnce ay, a - A donation of $100 was re- ther than to raise revenue for the Popy Fund.ceivcd fromn the Ladies' Auxl th oop d.bI rn iary to be used for the Child. GoodJobIn Oono ren's Christmas Party on De- Comrade B ll M itchell, who cember 10. The members wcrp.a W a r n A sI.C n was in charge of the poppv very grateful for this gencrous Durham Chapter, No. 181, Order of the Eastern Star, Edna Shaw, Conductress; Me4. E'(aWre, so.Cn campaign in Orono, rcported donation and a motion w., held its Installation Ceremonies in the I.O.O.F. Hall on ductres§. Standing are- 1rs: Reta Dudley, Org"anist; Mrs. that Comrade Amberson Gerry passed that a letter of thanks Tuesday, November 8th. The officers installed are, seated Meta MQ!!"c-, Eleeta; Mrs. Jean Hall, Martha; Mrs. Ethel had worked very hard sellin.g be sent. Entertainment Chair- lf orgt r.Ll reaTes;Ms uyC',Mutfon, Esther; Mrs. Marion Stacey, Ruth;, r.Ien al (pPies in Orono and the vi.- man Jim Firth reminded mem- Sec'y;Mr ordon Mofiatt, Assoc. Patron, Mrs. Anne Adah; Mrs. Florence Ferguson, Warder, Mrs. Nina Eld- Yag9es in that district. Both bers Ihat the questionnaires y r Comrade Mitchell and .Com-'li.sting the number of children StephenoAsc.Mto;Ms.Vva ikard, Worthy ridge, Marshal; Mr. Charles Grcenhamn, Sentinel. Absent Maton;Mr.LynoodEldidg, orthy Patron; Mrs. from picture, Mrs. Minnie Deeley, Chaplain. M~h will be attr'- __9. this 'j' IChristmas party ýr!ou1d be re- *turned as soon Ms possible. AffM Mcmrade 7rth also announc- h ethat t1ý monthly dance for Scgog k 'd 7 ra sC t *Legioîj, 'members and their wi11JAwoul be heldon Satur-._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M * ruy, November 19. ~ a~0 ew mebes;Con-jDr. L. B. Williams in a recent woods owner, Mr. Strong In auld Ireland we'd nothig erdC.Iea IBo-Statesman article, intimated n thinks about it. but 'praties'. * nville, and Wilam H. Me- vas preparing the Life Storv, Mr Ed. Harris told Dr. Wil- But here Ze have 'pratie.ý' i. Ilroy, R. R. 2. Newcastle, Wel in pictures of Scugog Road- liams of a man from Owen and park." * niiacd by President M- Lake Ontario ta Lake Scugog Sound at the C.N.E. of earl,,j Mr. Editor, wvhat exactld- *Knigbt, Vice-President Firth, for a programme. days, made enquiry about a Itermined the boundary line be- Sgt.-at-Arrns Lloyd Preston We wondered wbat therc horse be wanted-a matford tween Darlîngton and Cart-ý andCoracesJim Newman was ta this thread o! local and the Exhibition aparicfom theconceh and Jack Knight. Highway, save that it xvas pav- him if ie 'vent to Bowman-' sion line, the old snake fence letter was received fro.m ed insufficiently wide enoughvilbrdaiey ttth with the odd mullein stock District Commander Scotty for today's wicked motor traf. Scugog Road between Lakce (Aaron's rod) and the sand MBroughton asking the Branch fic particularly night driving. O..ntario and £.Lakte SCUg09 W, rfsthtasseaigo ît bana aynew mcm- The Doctor said he had more noted for its horses.- into Darlington?-we had to go bers as possible before the end than enough pictures assoçiat- Mr. Neil Malcolm is hono.- to the foot o! the class on that or f the year. It pointed out that cd vith Scugog Road for tbrec îng the program procession one. * a eerdayocasonor *the Bowmanviîîe Branch had program evenifgs -Harbor to with an autumn maple arch of Wcll, by the original Indian >Veo an veryay ocasin, oýa B321 paid-up members in 1954, C.P.R. - Darlington - Cart.- welcome right across Scugo)g Purchase Gunsbot T r e a t y. day -ofa, red letter, take a tip to and this figure is expected 1.9 Wright, and that every rod of Road because bis buildingswhc aîngW1IImay ,~rbwi11îî hwas solemnized et so- die.Th fvoit *be higher for the present year. it waq on thé doorstcp o! local cale "aryng Place" on Bays 1 sa yummy way to dn.Th*fvoiea President McKnight report- interest. appear. o! uned aynd rle"whichBDr e a oetentpnmksgode vn etr d that Legion Service Officer The> technicolor picture o! Burketon Elevator will be ofcriert ndBru e wh ieutD. : Douglas Joncs will be at the vour own home is or ought tu brought back and said he, I'e Governor of Ontario unveiled / Cook with MILK for' a meal so devine!" Hall an November 23 at 2 pin. be ta you the finest picture in uy got an oldcaifanning-mihelia to assist veterans with any the world. along the Cartwright Bound- ladsane caîfro LaeecOn- *problems they may have. Lake Scugog is 575 feet higli-I ary Rd. to dlean up any grain tario shore wa, kt be, what a Er I~~$10 to the Zone Sports Fund tervcning 23 miles must have a busy. -Re*i The President asked for watershed and the so-called We wcre wondcring what or- h"ooigt antoood y volun teers -Io polish the at- Pine Rid-gc is it. We suggestcd ganizatian Would grab up thii M A 3- 444 racive new terrazo tle floor a sensible question ta ask was pr g am frt u i s c i an t o d ys the Ina n t ofth M 3544Bowmanviîle a whicb bas recently been in- wbv that sand-bar et Burkcton "Coming Events" it is Car'- "clatle D itsntict"artdof he sald in the. basement of!h with beavy land each side? Him Wright Orangernen. Legion Hall. salM.Fak oln o For the dagnity o! the Higa. thîs was ceded ta the Govern- him that wbcn digging pos4- way we supposed, pcrhaps the mn n11 n h he bales along the Scugog Road at little white Metbodist churches back townships of Durham could .4 lA D Iku T ~ M I klI rn A te frthendofbisfar, ne would be prcscnt. Yes, said lie be carved out, the Mississauga bole might be sand and the and for this program, Burke- ndnswrtagt70a- ncxt rea] daNIC IP. ton, Caesarea and Yelvcrton. nually. Then the Doctor put a poser "Timbered in times whcn menaheDrligtntonsheap is -do you tbînk that anyonc af built strong,tedepstonhpad ih E LET NaIl B urketon school teachers, With a door o! wood growîî Lake Scugog cutting off the witb the school perchcd on the graY, , rthwest corner, apoor old E L E C , T1 0 Nridge-board o! that sand mor- The frame o! it aid, the bcart Cartwright rcally got gyped. aine, ever dTigrcssed far enougb J still Young, But don't ]et that worry youi from the 3-R's ta give the gea- It bas stood for many a day. for the tourist colony traffic of MEETING 0F THE ELECTORS 0F THE SAID TOWNSHIP 0F logical explanation?I Chalcellor Bowlcs rmigît Lake Scugog's shores pays bal! DARLINGTON WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE In this nrogram re Cart- sho wup rigbt here. or more o! Cartwright taxes. Iwright, Glaciers will he Caesar's QemeIerv is to be Dr. Williams was in- high H all, ~ ~~~~~brougbt in pictures framn the present ta look at bitr1h erwc b ne hsitr i u . Canadian Rockies of millions o! Cacsars, Beacocks, Watsons, view by say'ýing: " The Scugog ii m p onVears ega and ice-fields of thàw Frayers, Deacons and we fancy Road isea scarlet tra oe1 tell the story. on the tin can luxurious diet Zrdy o eb r 2 He said transportation Is no- o! today compared with the e r ting in pictures for I'm elso simple diet o! the Irish em'- going ta brin g Gypsy Encamp- grant when lie depertcd in 195 etthehou o!12 'clck oon fo th pupos ofnomnatng and jments from England and loca~e 1838, and comparing Ireland 195at rthe hofrfces lo nof ev , foruthev he pro e outncar dfrthemn in wbat uscd ta becelled with Canada. C A R W EN idats fr te ofice ofReev, Dput-Reve ad treeCounillrs o;ýSmith's Woods !rom wbere "Here 'praties' graw biggcr nor the said Township of Darlington for the year 1956. Also nomination of i gypsics used ta <trede horses"I for turnips: l three members toSuhDrigo raýhoBor iltkpac.t don't cere wbat the present aour work, U P o $8 7ý the sane time. At 3:30 Darlithmeng willSehoo Bord will t te pae at îhtel c lfr esa dI JA dt o g r e a dI . colBadfor their reports. teAe THE POLLS SHALL BE OPEN from 10:00 a.m. Io 7:00 p.m. Monday, December 5 1955. if Polis shall be (Iemanded. aet the Places hereinafter nained and with the following nanied persons as Deputy Returning Officers and Poil Clerks: No. 1 POLLING SUB-DIVISION at the SCHOOL HOUSE in Sehoal Section No. 5, Providence: Mrs. Vera Allun, Deputy Returning Officer; Mrs. Aileen Turner, Poil iCerk. No. 2 POLLING SUB-DII'ISION et the COMMUNITY HALL in Village of Tyrone: Gordyn Brent, Deputy Ret.arning Officer; Fred G. Smitha, Poili Clerk. No. 3a POLLING SUB-DIVISION at AIRS. AYLMER BEECH'S HOUSE, Maple Grov'e: Charles Snowden, Deputy Returning Officer; Bert Snowden, Poili Clerk. No. 3b POLLJNG SUB-DIVISION et MRS. AYLMER BEECH'S HOUSE, Maple Grove; Gordon Bcech, Deputy Returning Officer; Victor ('ookson, Poil Cheik. No. 4 POLLING SL B-DIVISION at the TOWNSHIP HALL, Hampton: Sidney Kersey. Deputy Returning Officer; Mrs. Elsie Bradley, Poli Clerk. No. 5 POLLING SUB-DIVISION at COMMUNITY HALL, Village of Enniskillent Francis Werry, Deputy Returnint Officer, Adam Sharp, Poili Clerk. No. 6a POLLING SUR-DIVISION at the SCHOOL HOUSE, Courtjee, in S.S. No. 8; Frank Walter, Depîaty Returning Officer; Mrs. Gerald Peterson, Poli Clerk. No. 6b POLLING SUR-DIVISION at the SCHOOL HOUSE, Courtice, in S.S. No. B., Mms Perey Daiby, Dèputy Returnîng Officer: Mrs. H. F. Osborne, Poili Clerk. No. 6e POLLING SUR-DIVISION AT VARCOE'S HALL: Clarence Penfound, Deputy Returnîng Offîcer; Mrs. C. M. Robinson, Poil Clerk. N o. 6d POLLING SUB-DIVISION AT VARCOE'S HALL: Mrs. Frank RaIson, Dep. Return. Officer: Mrs. Herman Swertmam, Poili Clerk. " o. 7 POLLING SI'B-DIVIS[ON at M,ýITCHELLS CORNER SCHOOL: Frank Pascoe, Deputy Returninic Offirer: Mrs. Frank Sobil, Poil iCerk. No. 8 POLLING SUR-DIVISION at ENFIELD SCHOOL: Mas. Lyda Cryderman. Deputy Return. Offfrer; Mis. R. W. Pascoe, Poli Cierk. And at this said noîninating meeting, W. E. Rundle, Clerk, * shail be Returning Officer 1. W. RIcHOLS, lee*e Hfampton, Nevember l1804 1953. W. E. EIJNDLE, Cierk Clarke Township Council To Open 12 Lots in Orono Nominations on Nov. 25 Clarke Township Council ing the drainage et Trickey'.s \v~~as held Nov. lst. Present werrý Corners ta the nortb. Reeve Arthur MeKa, Jas T.1 J. H. Lowery reported for Brown, F. B. Lovekin, H. Y. Archie Lunn regarding the Walkey. J. H. Lowery and condlition of the 8th line duc to Clerk H. E. Milîson. excess traffic o! grevel truck- A T.Perrin and Clarence Report and discussion wesj Duncan met witb Council to given to Mrs. Norman Ken- discuss the opening o! e new nedy's sideroad. Road Superin: oad connecting with Curch tendent mentioned tht ariv Street ta service a planned discussion ta open the old side-i survey o! residential building roed was entirely up ta the lots, a copy' a! the planned sur- Cauncil. vey uwas gîx'en ta Couincil. It In connection with repeirs tae %,siovedi that the Clerk and Wbite's Cemctcry it ives moved building inspector check the that the eccaunts rcnderedb, requested street a]lowance w îth Rd uprntndntfr rub Mr. Gorrie of the Department ing and fencinug be , paodi of Highwa *vs, report ta and rc- through the Generel eccouni, quest the approval o! the P,)- alzo that the incamning council lice Trusteesiand check ail ne- be recommended ta spray thîsz ce:ssery 'alternatives for edvis- Cemetcry with brush killI*n: ability on the lot sizes submit- 1956. ted.* Fuît report ta be made tae.F C. Copping requested the next meeting o! Council. Counicil to have the grader Gea. Stapîcton and Maurice dlean out the ditches on bis 1O'Neill requested Council for sideroad and supply'more snow road repairs and gravel on fence. their sideroed this fall. It wàs la the matter o! culvcrt ri-- cansidered bx' Counicil that thil pair on the County Road Coun- road does fnot constitute env cil suggested that Mr. Coppin.3 imajor repairs *ut zhould bc- contact Counities Roed Super-i gravelled andî r(Faired ta keeci iutendIcenIt, a]i*oe Mr. Copping re- ït rcasoral psabl. 'Lb' que-sted some construction 3f al.so requeSfed some snow fence. this sideroed be given consi- 'at particular lojcation.:;and thev eratian for next vear. He al-0 promiscd te grant land ta tua aof!cred tae single plow the ditc'i miunicipality in order ta iim- ta allow the surface watcr to prove this road. Road Supermn- drain off the road. tendent was instructed Io Date for Township Nommea- change the location of Sn-o, 'tion was set for Fridav, Nov. fonces, dlean out the ditches 25th, et 1.00 p.m. and Election and supply sowme gravel for the ( if necemsary') be held an 'Mon- fao-t Iiecesar\' ]ucation7 ' n..Dec. 5111. j it0hvy cai epe lJ , t o! Cuuîncil at)îiourned ta mee', I ae Olnsmderim.' tak- Dec, ith,-at 9 a.". CARD MOTORS, Cobot, seli 50 New Cars this m Motors wilI have again so prices on an equel footi upportunity to got a New~ 1956 Model METEOR TUDOR ------ ,METEOR SEDAN METEOR RANCH WAGON METEOR NIAGARA TUDOR --- METEOR NIAGARA FORDOR - NIAGARA RANCHWAGON __ RIDEAU COACH----- RIDEAU SEDAN RIDEAU VICTORIA ---- -- RIDEAU COUNTRY SEDAN---- MERCURy CUSTOM SEDAN - --- MERCUlty CUSTOM HARDTOP - MERCURY MONTEREY SEDAN MERCURy MONTEREY HARDTOP MERCURY MONTCLAIR HARDTOP 1 o! Mrs. R. J. Cassidy. Toronto. Meneilley's Monday night. This wi]l be given Nov. 25, followjng Mr. end Mrs. George Willis, the bazaar. TYRONE W.M.S. Meeting The November meeting of, the Woman's Missionary Society wvas held et the home of Mrs. A. Hamilton with 18 ladies and three children present. Pres. Mrs. J. C. Cook prosided. It was decided to sell hotdogs, doughnuts and coffee et the sale of the late Mr. Wallace Mill- or on Saturday. Miss Grace Smith, group lead- e r, and Miss Jean Philp gave the worship period; a reading by Mrs. S. T. Hoar, piano solo by Mrs. F. Jackson and Mrs. Ralph Glaspell presented the chapter o! the study book wbich wvas very intercsting. Dainty lunch was served. Mission Band Mission Band was held Sun- ,day morning with an attendance of 15. Vice-President Patsy JGibbs presided and CarraI Mc- Roberts as secretary. President Lauraine Cook gave the devo- tional. Kenneth Murphy receiv- ed the offering. Mrs. Rabm told a stary from the study book. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and !Michael visited et Mr. and Mrs. jR. Perfects and Mr. and Mrs. G. Perfects, Bowmnanville. JMrs. W. Miller end Douglas visited Mr. and Mrs. Cliaton English, Bridgenortb. jMessrs. George Hynes, Willow- dale, and Robert Hynes, Stouf!- ville, visited their brother, John Hymes. Diane Slobodian spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John Mitruk, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. James Park and children, Peterborougb, visitcd Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patk Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brent were dinner guests on Sundey CAREER 4 MEN IN, KHAKI The Iniontrymmn Here's a lob for the active man who uses his head, lilces the feel of action and working in the open air. Today's Infantry soldier, recognized as the uoost Important man in the Army, lias the best - in zin ing, weapons and care. His chances for speciaffld training and promotion are almost unlimited. Infantry and the other special branches of the Army off or huhxdreds of good-paying, lifetîme careers. To see where you fit, visit your nearest recruiting office. No obligation, of course. Remember, in the Army you team up with mon and leaders you can rely on - right down the line. The Army requires men af reliable character and sfabiliay-czble 10 paso speciai Army tests. Ta be eligibie you must be 17 Io 40 years of age, &kiled tradesraen ta 45. When applying brin g barih certificat, or other proot af age. No. 13 Personne! Depo?'Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. - lephone "4W0 Army Recruiting Station, 164 Wellington St., Kngston, Ont. - Te!ephonie 4738 AJmv Recruiting Station, 90 Rchmond St. W., Toronto, Ont. - Teieptîone i-m. 6 8431 Local 21 No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barr9cks, Onford A Elizabeth Sts,, London, Ont. - Telephone 4-j60l - Local 135 Army Recruiting Station, 230 Main St. W., North Ray, Ont. - Telephone 456 Arnry Recruiting Station, 184 King St. East, Ham don, Ont. - Teleptione 2-8708 063W.G &OTORS OFFER O0 Offofl 1956 Cars rg's Mercury, Lincoln, Meteor dealer intends to rionth. When this has been accomplished Card soid a record number of cars which ivili place Our ing witb the large city dealers, This is your x 1956 Model. nyour present car before you deal anywhere IAbove rices include air-conditiong Heater, Defroster, License, Gaio Ainti-Freeze, Oil Filter and full Ford Motor Co. Warranty and Service. $395 Down and up to 30 Months to pay At Least 40 NEW CARS in Stock at AillTimes to choose from REMEMBER NOVEMIBER 19, COBOURG'S FIRST AUTO AUCTION Retail $2,492 2,549 2,925 2,611 2,668 3,005 2,749 2,807 2,918 3,233 3,110 3,212 3,302 3.394 Discount $382 387 438 400 406 457 418 424 4414 460 474' 486 496 509 Our Price $2,110 2,162 2,487 2,211 2,262 2,548 2,331 2,383 2,474 2,773 2,636 2,726 2,806 CARD -T R 43 WLANISRM TOR 41 WILIM pTeE uTi9 ..DiyfrCrSlsO _________ Opeji until 9 pin. Daily for Car Sales OnIy COBOURG THE CANADIM< STATESMAN. BOWMANVI1LLE. ONTARIO ?HUT<SDAY, NOV. 17th, 1#'53 'j- a COBOURG -ý 7 1 -1 M»IVN-ýffl Ray and Vernon. Canningzton. Mr. an-d Mrs. J. Murdoh ana boys, Bowmanville, with Mr and Mlrs. F. L. Byamn.& Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bvan1 visite.~ ed her sister, Mrs. L. "Robinson wvho is in the Port HopDe Mos- Ipital and is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. T. Findla-y. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Walker and children, L'nionville. with Mrs. Otto Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. A. Youngman and boys visited Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Youngman, Pontypool. Congratulations to Mrs. Ar. thur Brent who celebrated her birthday on Saturday. Mr. an-d Mrs. Ross Pooley, Oshawa, . tertained the Brent famHl on Saturday night to a tureje dinner at the home of Mr. aifd Mrs. A. H. Brent. 1ZION (Hope Township) Mr. McNall Irvun and son, ICarmen, g1ave joined forces in the north country in search of the fleet-foot. Mr. Harry Morrison, Washago, xvas a guest at the Meneilley home, Saturday. Mrs. Harold Caswell is spend. ing this weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Brice, Port Hope, while Mr. Brice is deer-hunting. The regular meeting of thie W.A. will be held at the churcli Thursday afternoon, Nov. 17. Roll cal], a donation to "wishing well" for the bazaar, Nov. 25. Mrs. Carmen Irwin and daùglh. ter are visiting her Parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, G arden Hi]l. Play practice was held et Mrs. 1

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