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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 11

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Durham Judges Win ýTrophy at Royal Fair Ken Buttery Tops List TRE CADMNA1 STATESIM2. BOWM&AlqVZ=. O2NTAUO __ PAGE ff.EV1! The Durham County live. stock judging team won the livetoc judingcompetition at the Royai Winter Fair far the fourth consecutive year lait Thursday. For their winning effort, the ý.tam. made up af Rorialc rOks andÏ Ken Buttery af '"oManville and Clifford Bris- tw of CarnpbeUceroft, were a. !arded the Jeffery Bull Mcm- criai Trophy. The Durham team, which wus selected and coachcd by Durhamn Agricultural Repre- sentative Ed. Summers, defeat- ed 20 other teams made up af three bays ach. In this total of 87 contestants, Kennetà Buttery was high boy wlth 914 points out of a passible 1,000, Clifford Bristow was second with 908 points, and Ronald Brooks was nintb with 878, making a total af 2,700 out of a possible 3,000, Two Out af Three The team members judged 10 classes of livestock alto- gether and had excellent ne- r cords in judgîng the daij:y Feed ... Quinte Cattie Minerai The ?MNERAL that 1. ici by Cattle Breeding Associations Sold by VANS TONE PLOUK & FEED MlL Bawmanville, Ont. H. W' STAPLETON *Newtonville, Ont. DURHAM FARMERS' COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE OroeoOnt. !- cattle, beef cattla and îwin, e classes. The Durhamu Couniý rea ws hlgb la dairy cat rand swine judging, but we:i oniy presented with one ethe three lovely trophies a. d wardod by the Ontario Veter. f mnary Association for hig' -t.ams in these three classil - cations. Since they scored higher in daîny cattie, thei wcre givcn the Dairy Trophy Hastings County, who wert second in swino judging, re. celvcd the Swine Tnophy. The Ontario County team won the fBec! Traphy. 1 Kenneth Buttery was the b ighest scaner ln dainy cattit ijudging wlth 286 pointu oui of 300, and wes awandod the E. H. Stonehauso Memoriai Tro- tpby. Instead ai a miniature traphy ho nocelved an excel- lent pen and pencil set. Far compiiing the highcst toal icone in the judging competitiai Mn. Butteny was awarded the F. K. Marrow Scholarship Award fan $300 toward a tw= year course ah an agriculturel college. Ho also received the Royal Winten Fair gold medal for judging dairy cattle. Reinarkable Record Duning the past il years Durbam County bas had ai excellent record ln the impor- tant livestock judging compote- tions ah tho Royal Winter Fair. Farnaine yeans ai the pest Il, Durham ha. had the high boy and during the past five years, one af the Durham 'contestants bas won the E. H. Stonebouse Trophy for high boy in Dairy, Cattle. The standing of tho fins! five teams in the iivestock judging competition was as foi- lows: Durham, 2,700; Lincoln, 2,631; Peel, 2,622:. Ontario, 2,603 and York, 2,389. When asked by a deily newspaper reporter et the Royal what it was that gave Durham County the edge in stock judging, members ai the team laughed and said: "It's the caaching that counts." Mn. Sumnmers bas indeed compiled a remankabie record in coach- ing teams from this counhyi during the past quarter-cen- tury.1 TI1CKEE T TO EVERYWOBRE Air, Rail ar Steamsblp Consult JURY & LOVELL 3owmanvilllo 15 King st. W. MAS3-5778 0 0 b reed, ne :le *0 -d ýy Y. re e le .e *1 er ýe s Du rham Team Wins Trophy For Fourth Year lIndependent Growers May Present Appeal To Break Tobacco Assn. t Pontypool - Independent ta- erated by tabacco campanies bacco growers in this district, and assaciated grawers. fearful of losing their farms As a nesult af tke associa- becuseai he ow rics paid tion, member gnowers receive for their crops, are reported to first' offers an thein crops pro- be considering an appeal to the viding they accept directives 1federal government. regarding crop sizes. Indepen- e According ta onc of the dent gnowers do flot receive *growers, the tobacca men want quotations on their crops until 1the goverament ta investigate ten day. aiter thec association and penhaps intervene ini the members, but they are unaf- price contrai powers ai the On- fected by crop-limîting direc- tario Flue Cured Tabacca tives. Gnowers' Association af which Prices Settled they are not memebers. The distress among the dis-I Should spring market es- trict independents resulted timates prove toa low, the in- from the new low prices offer- dependent grawens stand tb ed for their crops earlier thisI capitalize an their unlimited week, rangixtg framn 35 ta 47 acreage gambles. However, the cents a pound. Ia cantrast, As- association membens are prac- sociation growers were quoted tically assureli af their crop pnices ranging between 41 andI pi'ices before the first seeds are 51 cents a paund for their ta- sown ini the greenhouses. bacco when it was marketed' Average yield on district ten days previausly. farmsh as been estimatcd at Told Te Cut Back 60,000 pounds, which casts While association members raughly $30,000 ta sow, grow were instructed last spring ta and harvelt, accarditig ta anc neduce their acreage by 30 per independent grower. Because cent from their 1954 total, th-ý bank boans must be secured ta estimated 10 independents in finance a tabacca drap, the Iow the Pontypool area were under market pnice is said ta be bank- noa obligation ta rut the size of nuptlng att bail several of the their drops. Generally. the pri- district tobacco men because ces offered independents at the their returns are insufficient Simcoe sales were rotighly two ta pay of£ the loans, without or thnee cents a pound lower barrowing maney for next than those quoted ta Flue Cur- ycar's drap. ed growers. "I've been ta the bank and The Ontario Flue Cuned Ta- I know the answer' said anc bacco Gnower.s' Association was independent tobacco gnower. established in 1934 when the "I'm done. We wan'h operate an- full cffect ai the depression set- other year, we can't on that tled on the tobacco market. AI- pnice." He claimed the buycns though oiginally conceived by set the price withhut even look- the provincial government, the ing in the kilos ta determine association bas neverted ta pni- the quality of the leaves-Pc- vate hands, being jaintly ap- terborough Examiner. F :ederation Discusses Dairying Developments Makes Supper Plans ICo Cre BoE the Dui tur( tan: We( weE All abs( chol tors dal, Mar Con are: tary Bom R.]1 lis, R.]1 was ta Onti keti: e: oh lembers of the Durham hake with hîm: "Resolved that nmittee ai the Ontario a floor price ai 58e per pound am Producers' Marketing for butter be estabbished by rd for 1956 were elected at the Federal Government for November meeting of the 1956." iam Federation ai Agnicul- To Repart Pnices hehd at the home of Secre- SrueCry ersna Ed Mllso in ronoonhive af the Ontario Creani Pro- inesday evening ai laý,t ducens Board was present and k. Vice-President Clarence autîined rodent deveiopments n occupied the chair in the in tthis field ai dainying. He ýnce af President Edgar Ni- pointed aut that it i. importanit Sand there ivere 16 direc- that the Board neceive reports and visitons present. an butteniat prîces every two *bert Morton, R. R. b, Ken- weeks, and the Durhami Cam- was again elected Chair- mittee offened ta have two dai- aio the Durham Crearn rymen sbipping creani ta each imittee and other members dairy in the caunty report these Ed Mihison, Orono, Secre- prices bi-weekly. Elton Werry, R. R. 2, Mn. Morton neponted that rmanville; Elbent Arnold, many Durham farmers arc t2, Bowmanvilbe: Eric Fai- switching fi-rn Creani produc- Millbrook; Carrail Nichoils, tion ta other types ai farming t3, Port Hope. Mn. Marton and G. Shackleton ai Bowman- narned Durham delegate ville, who was present ah the :e annual meeting af the meeting, shated that ho bas nia Crearn Producers Mar- changed aven fnomn Creani ta g Board in Tononto No'; whole miik production. er 15 and the following ne- Pasfrteana et ion was passed for hbu tti nsfane heeainnuo emeet- ani the iorm oi a Pot Luck Sup- pen in Newcastle an Decemben )UIR E ES and 1 wene completed. Chanlie O_-- borne , and Bob Hendny, who Viin are in charge aietetinet Irisoliannounced that J.* A. Carroll, Assistant Deputy Minister ai Re-written Agriculture; wiIl be the guest irom speaker and there wili be othen previaus ententainment. S. S. 4 Darling- cuipyrights hon Fanm Forum wili be hast af forum ior the head table and C.RH. Tuck, oiiicers ai the Ontario Federa- Optoietrst ion ai Agriculture arc expect- cd ha attend. The siate ai oufi- Disney BIdg..» cens for 1956 wili ho presented 31 King E., ta this meeting. Opp. P.O. The Durham Federation WiU A WA Phone RA 5-6143 again present ongraved silver trays ta the membens af win- 319. ning Durham 4-H and Junior ne people camplain that Farmen iudging teams. ngR rows dirn or the eve ai Discuss Insurance Promotion ýedie gets smaller with the Semn Black, Bowmanville, g- years. At one timne theý Field Manager in this area for bpnint could be nead with the Ca-operahive Insurance As- and the eye af the needie. sociation. stahed that the pn.i- ver small. \vas used just motion work ai the C.I.A. in me. It is nat necessarv ta this area ha. been neglected. ta give up this work be- IHo asked thc Durham Fèdera- yau have no needlç with tion ta assist the C.I.A. ia pro- eai large eve. It is not! motion and publicity work, and t:' to .1VC LI:) reading just * '.as azsured ai its support. The- se the print is tou smail. Executiîve af the Fedenation (Copyrighted> wiLi meet witka Mr. Black tri discuss promotion plans. Richard Bowles, who was delegate from the Federatiai ta the annual convention of ti Ontario Federation of Agricul ture held in Toronto the f$r week of November gave a corn plete report. He and Ralp] Larmer also reported an prog ress being made by the com mittee seeking to have Higl way 7A continue as an Ontari highway. This committeE which is made up af represen, tatives from townships in th, nanthern part of Durham anc Ontario Counties, as well a several tawns concerned, wil meet wvith the Department o. Highways on the matter. Business Direclory_ Accouniancy, WM. J1 H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 64 King St. E. Bowmanvill< <Above Garton', Bus Station) 64 King Street E. 3. HUNTER AND COMPANY Certified Public Accauntants Oshawa 5-1621 Phone MA 3-3612 Successors taO0. S. Hobbs C h irop r a c i c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chinopractor office. Specialty Paper Products Bldg. 1% Tempenance Street Phone MA 3-5509 Office Houns: By Appointment D e nial1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. 4n King St. W. Bowmanvilh. Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Office Phone MA 3-5790 DIC. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in bis home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanvile Office Houns: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.rn. dailv 9 a.m. to 12 noon Saturday Closed Sunday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanv.ile Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. ta 12 noan Wedncsday Closed Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le gal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notanies Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40. King St. W. - Bowmanville' Telephone MA 3-5791 i LAWRENCE C. MASON,BA -Barnister, Solicitor Notary Public Kina St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-568J> Residence MA 3-5553 JOHN REGAN, B.A. Bannisten Notarv Public 33 Temperance St., Bowmanvhlle' Phone MA 3-3292 MISS APHIA 1. HODGINSj Ban'isten, Solicitor Notai-y PublicI Teniperance St. - Bowznanville I Monritg ag e s LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phane 1 r 16 First mortgage funds Residences - Farme Business Properties Opfo m e 1r y KEITT A. BILLETT 11KnOptometrist 4Kng St. E. - Bowmanvllle Telephone MA 3-3252 Office Hours: 9 arn. ta 6 v.m. Manday ta Saturday except Vednesday, 9-1 Jury JOHN A. OVENS Optametrist & Loveil Bowmanvjlle Phone MA 3-5778 Piano Tuning Professionai Piano Tuning -AITHUR COLLu oiN.. n îh g h ly sh e w a s r e s p e c t e d - - - - - - - - - - - -*â~. . . . )n Palîbearers were six grand- nsons, Bili Roenigk, Gregory le 'Vanson, Bill Clarke Jr., Davià1, SVanson, Paul Roenigk and Gil- C% stbert Vanson. ' Relatives and friends attend- j, ,h ing fnom Burlington, Oriblia, SOshawa, Ottawa, Toronto, Or- ana, Bownranville and New- .> è-n e.: 12 YELVERTON s Syrnpathy ai thisc munt lgaes out ho the immediate )f relatives of the late Mn.. Stanley* Malcolm who passed away on . Seturday in Bawmanvilhe;, also 4-é ta the W. J. Malcolms and their4 iamily in the oss of a sister-in- 4 -law and aunt. Funeral was hl an Monday. hl "; ~ Ail activities schedubed tbis *week for church hall have been 1 cancelled- Thursday night, bad -G WJ9f minton, 4'nidaY night, crokinole 10~r' e panty. Arrangements have been Y made ta have a coioured and pabished bard surface floor laid .on top ai present cancrete this %% week by Contractar McFayden t ai Peterborough. Considerable a additional expenie bas been * enhailed by this arrangement but > - in the intercst ai skinned knees .......... .and elb'ows af the junior genera.Y tion and preserving the "tender.>.* taotsîes" ai the elder, as well as ' -alleviting the present drabness ~~t~ -4 of bell, these plans bave been * 9 "» laid. AI t' Around 35 guilibbe females ai this cammunlty and severai visit- >. ing damsels were present an 1-.j.. Wednesday cvening ta witness Y pleasing sum was extnacted as "xy emntrton ~ete ai purchasers contnacted, by the ' local- W.Ai fan- sponsoring the;4 "do". As usual, these high- i pawer demonstrahions leave us bewihdered: maies (leit ah homel $2 , . 5 as baby-sitters) amazed ah the. susceptibiihy ai aur mates as hhey evince a total disnegard for M Df the value ai colaheral as hhey li ua squender up ta twice thé pnice Jury & T LnIve"II on comparable articles as found * ah the local "5 and 10"'. Sure t PHONE MA .1-5778 BOWMANVILLE gives we beleaguened "male- y men" a point for argzument as wc snoak home wîth a trunkiul - - __________________ ai baot from tbe auction sale ______________________________ and attempt ta meet that stead- fat glance af aur spouse with its accampanying raised eye- brow with a seli-composed front. Finat report ta reach this T. v e lacality froni the deer hunting Ti el area cames from a local Jaot ville 'nimrad ai the Nrb " which came in a reply as ta how many be had shot: "Well naw, at th Royal I didn't shoot any, but if I'd been a mite sharpen, I cclda tripped ____________________________ one as it went past." Ho must haernout ai stanes for bis c:tapult. eeig daner THURS.- FR1.- SAT. - NOV. 17-18-19, guests af the Ralph Malcobmsi were Warden and Mn.. Allan 1 1 OBITUARY MES, FJIANCES CLARKE Mns. Frances Clarke, well. known nesident 0f Bowman- ville and Oshawa, dled sudden. ly ln Ottawa an Nov. 2nd 1955, at the residence af. ber daugh. ter rrances. Borni in Birminghamn, Eng. land ln 1882, Mrs. Clarke carne ta Canada in February 1914 :nd took up nesidence in Osh- aWa later mavlng ta Bowman. ville in 1917. Daughier of the late Mn. and Mn,. Chat. Daioy, belaved wile af the late Pte. Edward G. Clarke (116 Batt.) who was kilhld ln action, October 2nd 1916. Survivlng anc four daugh- tors (NSîl) Mn.. L. J. Roenlglî; (Lil) Mn:. Ernie Vanson; (May) Mn.. R, Burtoni, Oshawa, Mns. G. Grummett (Fýancesl, Ottawa; tWO Sans,' William A. Cla@rk. <kBihl) Oshawa; Edward C.Clarke (Ted), Bwmanvile, and ane sister (Kate) Mrs. E. Dlcks, Birmingham, England; *Isn seventeen grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. Mrm. Frances Clarke was a member af the Canadian Le. lon Ladies Auxiliary No. 178, àwzanville, wha held mcm- anial services lnnlber hanoun on Fnlday, Nov. 4th in the chapel ai Marris Funoral Home. Rev. Father F. K. Malane conducted requiemn high mass et St. Joseph's Church. Inter- nient, St. Gnegory's Cemeteny, Oshawa. The mnany beautiful floral tributes and mass cards receiv- Bee O adhIhîpBetany. IN TWO-SMA AUT NSURNCEjl Net one big yeariy blIW Imagine! Small, oasy-ta-meet This is a feature potrdb mny Company ta make your auto insurance easier ta handle. My Company's rates in moot statu are mado up on the basis af its own "careful-driver" los expe- noence. Thiis alto permit, quicker rate reductions whenever they are Possible. C&U today and flnd out more about this easy-to- budget insurance.I fi pays teo kaew ye.r r..STATE PAR MA gent )irk Brinkman wposlte thec Co-op Cold Storage Saturday Matlnee 2 p.m. Thurs. - Fni. - 7 and 9:05 Sat., cont. 6:30 MqON.-TUES.-WED. - NOV. 21-22 -23~ Y'FOXFIRE"t (Technicolor) Anya Setan's daring best seller flames ta life on the screen, starring JANE RUSSELL - JEFF CHANDLER and DAN DURVEA Also Assignment Children (Technicolor) Special United Nations fealbarç starring DANNY KAYJ. Last complete 'show 1%. 9:10 'I t' j' Il 'I Two Leaders SPRED SATIN The 100% latex wonder paint for ceilings, walls and woodwork EASY TO APPLY NO DISAGREEABLE ODOR DRIES IN 20 MINUTES Requîmes no priming on new plaster, wallboard or wallpaper The large country-wide annuel increase in sales is the best testimonial of its, quality. RIPOLIN, ENAMEL ,The whitest and best on the market A&bernethys I Paint & Wallpaper Phone MA 3-5431 85 King St. W. "'Breed Beler Calle for Bigger Profils" Improved Type and Production means more profit for you. Breed Your Herd Art'ificially to Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association Inc. Sires .5 4 44 4 * '1' <c t:. <c i 2 4 4 .4 i i 4. 4 i 4 i .4 4 4 4 4. 4 .4 4 .., THE MODERN METHOD 0F HERD IMPROVEMENT Other advantages af artificiel breeding are: Safety, economy, convenience, choice of1 disease contrai. Whether you have one cow or a hundred, purebred or grade, it will pay you ta breed artificîally. For complete information or service cal ur closest representative between 7 and 9 a.m. MR. DICK WVOOD, BOWMANVILLE. MArket 3-3405 MR. JAAN TAAVET, CLARKE 46-R-03 MR. KEITH WOOD, ORONO 171-R-10 Witb nearly 3,500 cattie owners ini the Quinte District using our sires the value of this program has been proven. 'The Quinte District Calle, Breeding Association, Dleville, Ont. A Fermer owncd Co-operative twcaatbe Phone ~7I, ~~alI::irnI8:apspp$1psppp,,ss;1 Enterhaincd at a fowl dinnen ah the W. H. Stinsons on Thuns- day ovcnlng were the Hugh Mc- Gis, the Bert Gibsons and the Ray McGllls af Bhackstock. On Satunday rrlght the W. H. StInsans Were dinner gucats at the Frank Stinsons af Black- stock. The Ray and S. E. Robinson familles, the Ralph Ma),colms wore present on Sunday at George Street United Chunch in Peterbanaugh a i the Rural Chair -Fetlvitl ponsaneir by the MilI-1 brook and district Ministenial Association, Rev. Bonsteci ai eBthany, Presldent. Rev. Yanr, Secnetany ai Association, was speaker on the occasion, Mossns. RIay Robinson and Raiph Mal- colmn added their bit ha the 100 memben chorus taklng part. Chenyl Rowan ai Enniakillen rpent, the long weekend with ber cousin, Eizabeth Rowan.1 The Art Rowans wcre rodenti visitons at the Bibl Wenrys ai Kedron and Mn.. Mable Rowan, Enniakllben. Weekenders wihh Emn Hendens were tho Sid Cooks, Toronto. The Ray Henders, Port Penny, wene Sunday calions. Mn. and Mn.. Ben Stridwich, Oshawa, ai the Jack Wusans on Sunday. Sunday visitons at the Bal- four Moones were Mary'. folk: Mn.. Annie Sedman, Mrs. M. Thaetcher, Messrs. Clifford and Tom Sedman of Whitby. Mn. and Mn,. Gea. E. Wilson, Mn. and Mn.. Dave Wilson and Mrs. MeQuade wvere Sundav visitons with the Jack Elliotts ai Dunsford. Sorny ta report, ah time af writing, a former Yelvertonian in the persan af Mrs. Ernest rStacey, Bethany, is confined te -hospital. A speedy conval- e Mr. and Mrs. Milis, Toronto, were Sunday callers ai the Dave Wiltons. t Lloyd Wilson enjo d a trip -on Saturday ta the &inter Fair. Mr. and Mn.. Howard Malcoirn iand Terry, *Mr. and Mns. Jas. sShackleton motored ta Toronto ton Sunday ta 'visit Misa Betty iWhittaker. r Frlday evening visitor at the .Ed. Lawsons was Mr. Williami 1Wannot of Kirby. The Lawsons rwere recent visitars at Uxbridge. Farm Forums BLACKSTOCK FORUM Blackstock Farm Forum met nt Mr. and Mn.. Stanford Van- camp's home with 20 or mare in attendance. The discussion on Fare Fires was taken up quite serlously. Inspection of wiring, suphur, clean stoVe pipes, pailà, af sand. etc., ail came in for their share. One thing was definite- ly agreed upon, that the Town- ship should have a Fire Chief appointed by the Counil. There is neyer any shortage of men ai a fire but what to do is the question. A bass rnight make ail the difference. Next week the Forum will meet at Mr. Ernest Larmer's, ail interested are very welcome. Stuart Darreli was chairman for the evening and Richard Vancamp conducted an inter- estîng contest. A lovely lunch was served by wý mm For the fourth consecutive yeiar the Durham County team has won the live- stock judging competîtion at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. Left ta rîght the team members are Clifford Bristow, Campbellcroft; Kenneth Buttery, Bowmanville and Ronald Brooks, Maple Grave. At left in the picture is the Jeffery Bull Memorial Trophy won by the team, while at right is the E. H. Stonehouse Memorial Trophy won by Mr. Buttery for having the high est score ini Dairy Cattie judging. He scored 286 out af a possible 300 points. 1 1 ýf -1 009

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