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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 12

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TM CMNADIM S TATEMA4N, EsOWMAxm=LEONTAMIO _______________ H3SANV ?~i &insmen rrepare H-uge Electric Train Set ucJ. Seoit, Brookdale-Kingu. I ed sent to the Unitarian Socie- ty. Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel gave a movie film on "A Visit To A Stranger" which taught miny lessons in Citizenship and a suggestions on how to fw immigrants 1 eel- at homqe. Lunch was served. The Decem- ber meeting will be. beld: at the home of Mrs. Winnilred Spencer. BOUSE FOR SALE "AT CORNER 0F ST. GEORGE AND CHURCH STS., (across from new school) - duplex in good condition - conipletewai electrio atoves and ref&àL. erator. Two coxple separate living iquartera *11 furnace. WiIi take reason. able low down payaient and MOnthly paymenta from re-, sponsible party."' Apply NI Members of the Bowmanvjlle Kinsmen Club ai shown above setting up the electric frain which willt the prize in the Electric Train Draw now being held b the club. Working on setting up the train on the secon floor of the Downham Nursery Company building ar Kinsmen Harvey "Slip" Rowe left; Irvine Brown, chair 4-H C lub Movement Doing Great Work For Rural Youth Tht 4-H Pledge is: .1 pledge- My head ta clearer thinking, My hearita greater lovalty, My hands to larger service, My healtli ta better living, for iiý4 Club, my community and rny country. The movement to train the head and hands and ta influ- eiàct tht heart and health of rural Youth in Canada hadt its beginnings in different parts (i the country jcst before the Fitst Great War.* Over the years it has many names and ffany types ai programs but its basic objectives remain the same. Quite simple 4-H Club Work is dtsigned te influence farm people to adopt better mnethods of farming and home- n'aking, ta help them to salve their own problems by train- ing the yaung people ta orgai- ize and te accept tht responsi- bilities af citizenship. With membership now ap- proaching the 73,000 mark it's impossible te measure.-_ in known terms tht influence of 4-H Club Work in. rural areas or on th enational economnyc Canada. Improved dairy ar beef herds, new seecis and ne% strains for grain, fruits, an, vegetables, new techniques o faod preparation and preserva tion are but a few instances o tht practical results of 4-1 Club Work. Tht new spirit o enthusiasm swetping the rura youth of tht country is in n( small way attributable ta 4-H Any rural boy or àirl up tc the age of 21 who is able tc carry out a demonstration o. some better farm or home ac. tivity may become a membe, of a 4-H Club. Generally speak- ing there is no membership feE as such. Regular meetings arE held and conducted according ta parliamtntarv procedure so that tht young peopl learn how to discharge the functions of a public or group nýeeting by ac- tualiy doing it themselves. Tht club alsa plans group ac- tivities such as tours af prom- mient farms and industries, ath- letics. iudging competitions and achievemer4.. day., at-the.- 1=041 fall fair. Individuallv, tht bSo, or girl. undertakes prajects onajump eh~ad.f.olow USED CARS and TRUCKS WNAT W -MEANS IVERY USED CAR AND TRUCK THAT RATES THEi A-i SIGN MAS BIEN: * leem~.e hy.xp,~s.,vt«.fer oop -,Rtamd perfemme. a md olly mm o rly em ii@sL ~~~byl Wudu d rFu Dduhurd bu" Mby bis rta are man of the committee, centre, and Clarke Wilson. When be houses, soenery and other decorations have been added ta by the set-up it wilI go on display in the windowv of the P.U.C. rid office on December 1. Tickets may be purchased from re Kinsmen members and in local stores, and the drawing r- wiIl be made on Deoember 17. -i -e e h n 01 a n , 1 91 s SS SWEET MIXED -PICKLES Solid White Meat Clover. Leaf FANCY TUNA CROWN BRAND Orange Pekoe TEA BAGS DanyWIERC Dainty WHITE RICE 16-or. Pkg'. Table Queen Sliced - Fresh Daily BREAD .15 c Globe Choice Dessert - 20..oz. PEARS 21 for 3 9c Ocean Spray - 15-oz, -Crariberry iSauce St.Lare cP tti SA LAD such as the raising of a Cali, NE TTTfh a pair of pigs or a flock of N SIE O chiekens, the growing of an1 acreor oreof rai orPOt- hThe Nestieton W.I. met at th( tiacre drthoeogir anorpa- omrne of Mrs. Harry McLaughlin tie an th gils ay ake oNv. 91h, in, charge of Mrs select suitable clothing for Adelbert Beacock's group witt themselves or their family. In 125 ladies and some childrer each case they learn by 'doing1 present. The convention report .tbey learn how to raise was given by Mrs. M. Emerson, better livestock more efficient- Mrs. C. Wilson and Mrs. G. of ly, to increase the yield per Thompson, the three ladies who id acre, ta sew or to caok. attended from our W.I. Roll ýv It may be said, then, that the 11 tirbyWhnI e ci geat embeshi in -H C tbs e" was well answered. There n rlgret meberhipin 4H Cubswere several readings and some ofanu their wide recognition b.v recordeci music which was mucli a- young and old indicate the way en.jayed. Mrs. M. Fisher put on of in which Canadian rural youth a« contest and Mrs. Cecil Wilson -H is planning its future. The 4-H got the prize. Ways and means of Clubs train young men and of making same monev wvas well al women for leadership: they im- discussed. Ladies d ecided to 10 prove farms and therefore the have some entertainment at a H. community as a whole by in- later date. Mrs. MeLaughlin +0 troducing better agricultural and group served a dainty lunch to and homemaking practices; and cup of tea. Next meeting Of they encourage co-operative Dec. 7th at Mrs. John Hoover's - community effort for the com- home in charge of Mrs. E. Sues' -r mon good and by helping to group. This is the Christmas - build a finer rural lufe they meeting. ce contribute substantially to the Mr. andi Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs e -development of a more satisfy- and Miss Anna visited friends at 19 ing Canadian culture. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Jackson spenit an evening with Mr. andi Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sam- Trinity W .M S @ es visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ford Jackson. 1- Rev. Harry Atkinson, Mrs. d Osawa;Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin a were dinner guests with Mr. and The November meeting of davs. Trinity W.M.S. was held on Sorrv to hear Mr. David Johns Tuesday, Nov. Tht when the was kicked by a cow and flot members gathered at noon ta able to get around. partake of a delicious pot luck Sympath of the community luncheon. is extee to Mr. and Mrs. After lunch Mrs. Cowling iLawrence Malcolm and family took the chair and opened tht in tht assing of his mother, meeting with san appropriate Mýrs. Stanley Malcolm, who was message and aso, paid a fitting buie in tht Union Cemetery, tribute to the memory of the Cadmus , on Monday. late Mrs. Colmer who was a Ms. Victor Malcolm and mnembet of Trinity W.M.S. for Wayne spent the weekend with many years. their uncle and aunt, Mr. and' Mrs. quai andher roupMrs. Isaac Beatty, Tweed. j tok rge S ai tdht devotioal Mr. Norman Malcolm, Toronto, Mrs. Sqarwaso asise devoio spent a few days with Mr. ad Mrs. SBragir wss.M Wigtd P Mrs. L. Jablin. Mrs.Brag, rs. . Wghtanà Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Vine Miss Ruby Aldsworth. attencied the wedding of Allan Mrs. Summersford and Mrs.1 Booth and Pegy Cotton in Beech of Maple Grave, accom- Brooklin United Church on Sat- panied by' Miss Louise Osborne urday. sang a verv beautiful duet, Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and Mr. ..Thanks Be To God". and Mrs. L. Joblin called on Mr.. Mrs. Hutchinson presented and Mrs. Fred Wilian, Bowman- the Study Book "No Vanishing ville. Race",. dealing with the Indians, Mr. and . Mrs. Edgar Emerson 'from Coast to Coast. andi family. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mrs. Brýooks, the Literature Mr. and Mrs. Melville Samelîs, secretary urgeci the members Osha wa, vîsited Mr. and Mrs. tc read af the books. # Kenneth Samells and Miss Anna. Mrs. Cawling presided for the No service mn the United 1 business session vwhen tht dit- Church next Sundav owing toI ferent secretaries gave theïr 'annî'versarv services at Black- reports. stock,- Plasn to Send Parcels From Legion Auxiliary Tht Ladies' Auxiliarv of tht between 12 and 1 o' dock oô Canadian Legion Branch 178,16 and 7 p.m. Meeting adjour-' held their regular meeting an! ec and lunch was served, Monday, Nov 7, with the Pres. Mrs. Jack Knight in the chair Two new members Com. Joan Virtue and Com. Reta ParkinLa g C r w were installed inta the Auxil-La g r w iarv by Pres. Mrs. Knight as-i sisted by Sgt. at Arms St. auI' A presentation of a chair and hassack was made io Conm.V A B L a ýBruton. Com. Bruton andi he'-W A B z a Iiusband wvho have recentlv r?-1 turned fram the hospital arc Tht annual bazaar and tea! Once again starting up house- lof St. Paui's Evening W.A. ai- i keepîng. Com. Knight in p res- tracteci a large crowd on Sat- J enting the gift wished them urday afternoon, Nov. 12. Re'.; everv succesç in the future' and 1 Harold Turner declared the ba- continued good health. . zaar otficially open at 2.30 and Several cards of thanksç were1 patrons were made wtlcome read andi ont application, for by Mrs. Francis Thompson, iîtmersip xhic wasfavur-president of tht W.A., assistej ablv received. yMsTunr Tenders for painting tht kit- byMsTunr chen were read and tabled un- Many attractive articles were il some future time.1 sold in tht variaus booths, andi Nomination and election of a tasîy afternoon tea with hot officers for 1956 will be held an biscuits xvas served. The tea Monday, Nov. 21. table w"as decarated with va7i- Our annuat Christmas pa rtycoclored 'mume in a silver bas- will be an Decernber .5. Supper ket, Miss M. Hutchison paured ill be pot luck and gifts of tea. 75c value wjll be exchanged. Convenars were: tea - NIrs A donation of $100 has been i N. Wilcox, assisted bv Northi made ta help the Branch wxith Ward Group. Handwork, knit- I the Children's Christmas party ted goocis and children's wear in Dec'ember. -Mrs. V. Ipffpri, M- PRsl --1I QIL Gold Medal Recleaned - 12-oz. cello CURRANTS 22c Aylnier Choice - 15-oz. Iruit Cocktail 24c Paramount - Pink - Fancy - 1-lb. tin SALMON 47c A. PERFECT COMBINATION Lipton's - Special Deml Onion Soup Mix 3 pkgs. 3 5c Miracle Whip - 16-oz. jar Salad Dressing 43c Catelli's Redi-Cut - 1-lb. pkg. MACARONI i5c ___________________________________________________ I ____________________________________________________ Aylmer Fancy GREEN PEAS Ch. 4 -5's - 20-oz. 2 for 31c Aylmer Fancy TONATO JUICE 48-oz. tin i7c Order GOLDEN YELLOW AND FIRM Bananas 2Lbs.29c BURSTING WITH JUICE 16-or. r39( 7-oz. 1 00 Bi ags 89C Fam o -Ca lr 29- 1- RAISINS 23c Robin Ilood - 5-1b. bag FLOU R 39c Supreme 7-or. pkg.4 Walnut Pieces 39c Royal Palm - 1-lb. cello Pitted Dates 21c Libby's Fancy - 2-pie tin Mincemeat 3-098, 22" Tail 79 VALUE witb a 7.00r Oranges 2 do, SNOW WHITE Cauliflower HOLLAND MARS11 GROWN Crisp - Fresh - 20-oz. bags' Polly Carrots i FLORIDA * Valentine Green'Beans Flavourful Cauliflower, 10 oz. pkg.. 27c Cook ed WhiPped Potatoes, 12 oz. pkg ------------ 2/29e Delicious Ocean Perch Fillets individually priced )Z. 63C each 19c for 17c lb. 23ci CHEESE ITEMS Black Watch Brand Mild Cheese, 8 oz. Wedges 33c Black Match Brand Med. Cheese, 8 or. Wedges 35c ROUND- SIRLOIN - WING Steakor Roasf lb. 65c SIF PREMIUM - o Waste VeaI Front Rols lb. 39c FRESH - MEATY - Ideal for Dressing Side Spareribs lb. 45c PEAMEALED - End Cuts Back Bacon IL.5,5c SWIFT'S PREMIUM - Sliced Luncheon Meat Loaf lb. 65c Shirriff's Instant IPUDDINGS Assorted Golden Hour Fancy CELLO CANDIES Many varieties Giant Bag , 29cat near you MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove Groceferia ORONO Cornish Marketeria I PM ?WILV SE3 ID 8U YS Tliere's a Red & White Store BOWMANVILLE £LLC.>UUY, INUV. 0. ' A Dale 01 Clothine viaq rpnort. 1.9- F Fý 1 m c c fý MAI»AlMIPA- - 16-or. pkg. c7re s /i 9)rodùce Jresh - ý '... 0 a MW FROZEN FOOD Quaker - Toy in every pkg. - 12-or. CORN FLAKES CTTlM»lL91tffW IM» A iLYý for 3 99 ONLY

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