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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 14

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-WA m F T~T f PU ~VAAAM qA 'u'I.AW I*U.i ,.~ -~i~im AflV -* ~ ~ V '~V .'.&WJg'.P~ ALL.L~ .LlU1~UfZ, '~U. IUI,1V BRAGG-Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg are happy to announce the arrivai of their twins. a boy, 9 Ilbs., 122 ozs., and girl. 7 lbs., 9 ½ ozs.. at Memorial Hospital, Êowmanville, on Tuesday, Nov. 15th. 46-1* SMITH-Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Smith (nee Rogers) are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Robin Pauline, 8 lbs., 5 ozs., on November 2nd, 1955, nt Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. 46-1 TIBBITS-Art and Jean Tibbits <nec Kitson) are happy to an- nounce the arrivai of their daughter, Jo Anne Carol on November l4th at Memorial Hospital, Bowmariville. 46-1* MOORE-Mr. and Mrs. William Moore (nce Bishopi are happy to announce the arrivai of their son, Donald William on Wed- nesday, November 9th, 1955, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 46-if ENGAGE-MENTS Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Clarke of Bowmanville wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy Fern, to Lawrence Francis Leaman of New Brunswick. The wedding will take place in St. John's Anglican Church, Bowmanville, early in December. ý46.1* Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooper, Bowmanville, announce the en- gagement of their youngest. daughter, Brenda Jean, te Pat- rick Joseph, son of Mr'and Mrs. Leo Leddy, Bowmanville. The wedding to take place on Satur- day, November 26, at 10 a.m.,in St. Joseph's Church. Bowman- ville. 46-1 DEATHS MALCOLM, Mary Betha-At hem residence, 100 Scugog Street, Bowmanviile, on Friday, Novem- ber il, 1955, Mary Bertba Tay- lor, beloved wife of Stanley H. Malcolm and dean inother of Lawrence, Nestîcton. and Neil, Blackstock, and Jean <Mrs. Wil- lard Cook), Oshawa, in hem 63rd ycar. Rested at Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home, 53 Divisiop Street, Bowmanville, until Mon- lay faon, November 14. Service was beld in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m. Interment Union Cemctery, Cad- mus. Into God's cane we com- mit hem. 46-1 SMITH, Donald Leslie-At the Oshawa General Hospital en Saturday, Navember 12, 1955, Donald Leslie Smith, beiovcd son af Donald W. Smith and Dorcen Smith of Columbus, aged four months. Private service was beld in the Robinson Fun- eral Chapel, Brooklin an Mon- day, November l4th at 2 'clock. Interment Un ioan Cemetery, Oshawa. 46-1 IN MEMORIAM1 EVANS-In loving memory of al dear husband and father, Evan C. Evans, who passed away, November 16, 1954. Love's greatcst gift. remembrance. -Wife and family. 46-1* NOTICES We are now maitufacturing cernent blocks, both interlocking and standard, and wouid be pleascd to serve vou with a good product at a reasonable price. Tripp Construction. Phone 392W, Port Perrv. 40-tf 45-tf George Crombies Watch Re- pair wili close on November 30, 1955. Customers wishing watch- es or dlocks repaired or wishing Io buy Christmas merchandise after this date are asked ta sec Mm. Crombie at bis residence, 30 Liberty St. S. Please cal for watcbes lef t for repair immed- jately. 45-3 Wcmted To Buy A LARGE sîze doll carniage. Phone MA 3-5443. 46.1*l HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, raw furs, deer skins, goose feathers, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags and metals. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, col- lect. 46-tf ALL kinds of live poultry want- ed. Top Tomante prices paid at your door for large or small quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Betbany R.R. 1. Telephone colect te Bethany 7 r13. 28-tf For Re5st HEATED apartment. Telephene MA 3-5784. 46-1* TWO heated rooms. ail con- v'eniences, adults only. Phione MA 3-3339. 46-1 FOUR-roomn heated apartmont. Child wclcome. Apply 178 Duke St.. 4- HEATED. 3-room apartmnent and bath, hardwood floors. kitchen cupboards. Adults. Phone MA 3-3446. 46-1* FOUR-roomed apartinent with -shared batbroom, bard and seft water on tap. Phone Orono 14510. 46-1 ONE boy's blue gabardine suit, size 8, îike new. Phone MA 3- 3817. 46-1 DINING-roomn table, nearly new, seat 8 te 12. Phone MA ý3-2668. 46-1* CEDAR fence posts, 40 cents, de- livered. Phone 2114, Newcastle. 46-1 * PAIR of child's tap shoes, size 11 %, and dancing costume. Tele- phbne MA 3-5878. 46-1 PEPPER squash, $1.00 per bus., delivered in Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-£238.1 46-2 SIX acres dry corn ready to pick. Henry Nixon, Orono R.R. 2. Telephone 9 R 5. 46-1* USED lumber, windows and doors from old house. will deliv- er. Phone MA 3-2194. 46-1* FARMALL tractor for sale, good condition with 2-furrow plow. Phone MA 3-2578. 46-1 BOY'S bicycle. good condition 30 Hunt St. Phone MA 3-3132. 46-1 SOUTHERNAIRE space heater, slightly used, cali after 5, 2686 Newcastle. 46-1* WHITE enamel annex, in ex- cellent condition, only used twiee. Phone MA 3-2577. 46-1 ONTARIO potatoes, 75 lb. bags, delivered in Bowmanvifle. Phone MA 3-2473. 31-tf THIRTY-two foot, fully furnish- ed, factory built, house trailer. Appiy Louise Stewart, c/o Cream of Barley. 45-2* PIPELESS furnace, $35 or best offer, for quick sale. Write Box 438, c/o The Canadian States- man, Bowmanville. 46-if HOT-blast licater, perfect con- dition. Phone MA 3-2045. 46-1 SWEET cider and apples. W. T. Cox, MýA 3-2927. 46-1* SMALL annex, suitable for heating garage or basement, cheap. Phone MA 3-5990. 46-1* SAVE on luniber, direct from mill te you. Phillips Lumber Ce., Kinmount, Ont. Phone 17r11. 13-tf SUFFERING- from backachcs, rheumatic pain, sciatica, lumba- go is over if you let Rumacaps help you te relief. Ask your druggist. 46-1 USED Beach 4-bumner elcctric range, only $15; used Easy elec- tric washing machine, averhaul- ed, $39 at Farm Equipmenit and Automotive, 134 King St. ,E, Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-69 46-11, COFFIELD washens, regular $179 for $129 with trade; 9.6 cu. ft. International Harvester re- fnigerator, regular $369 for $275; 8.2 International refnigerator, regulax' $349 for $229; Philips TV, $229 and up, at Farm Equîp- ment and Automotive, 134 King St. E., Bowmanvilc. Phone MA 3-5689. 46-1 NEW bcd outfit, complete with spring-fiiled m at tr e ss, $49; chrome kitchen sets $59 up; bcd- room suite, $89 up; chester- fields, $179 up; Continental beds, $49; space savers, $59. Trade-in: Space heater, medium size; dîn- ette suite, radios. Easy terms. No finance charges. Murphy Co, King West. 46-l'* Singer Sewing Centre For Used or New Sewjng Machines RentaIs or Repair Phone OSHAWA 5-5448 fer Prompt Service 44-tf Reasonable ROSS CLARK Bowmanville PHONE MA 3-3801 Articles For Sale TTJRKEYS for Christmas, fresh killed. Allan Macklin. Phone MA 3-2202. 46-1 AFRICAN violets. Say happy birthday with beautiful new violets. Stewart's Seeds, Bow- manville. 43-tf KEYS cut automatîcaily, while' you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware. 36 King St. E.. Bowman- ville. 46-tf KINDLING wood, fence rails, $10 cord, delivered. Ivan Mount- joy, Burketon. Phone Black- stock 87 r 4. 38-tf VENETIAN blinds-Newest col- ours with plastic tapes. We measure and instaîl. Morris Co. Phone MA 3-5480. 6-tf DO your own floors - rent a sander or a floor polisher from Lander Hardware. 7 King St. E., Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3-5774. 3-tf ONE space heater, nearly new, with pipes; one coal annex, one 30-gai. water tank with pipes. 22 Carlisle. Phone MA 3-5404. 46-1* INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. Free estimates. Harry L. Wade,. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service, testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limîted, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5438. 20-tf GIRL'S brown station wagon coat, size 16, near new; girl's red raincoat, size 14, also child's white figure skates, size 3 or 4. Phone MA 3-3050 after school hours. 46-1* PRINTS of photos of publie events appearing in this paper taken by Carson Studio may be obtained for $1.00 on 8x10 inch glossy prints. Carson Studio, Port Hope. 48-1,f TYPEWRITERS, adding ma- chines, new and used, for sale or rent; also Cole steel filing cabinets, office furniture, cash registers. Walter Frank, MA 3-1 2403. 37-tf DISH gardens, artificial -and Christmas arrangements f o r tables, or made to order. Mrs. Edith Johnston, Turkey Brae Farm, two miles east of Newton- ville, R.R. 3, Port Hope. Phone Clarke 13-12. 43-tf DRAPERIES and venetian blinds custom made, or draperies soid by the yard. Our representative will caîl at your home any time with a complete range of samples and suggestions without obliga- tion. Fabric Town, 59 King St. W. Phone MA, 3-3609, Bowman- ville. 48-tf LivestoCk For Sale 15 YORKSHIRE pigs, eight weeks old. Apply Wesley Hilîs,1 MA 3-2682. 46-111 TWO Holstein heifers, due right away. G. Kovacs, Tyrone. Phone 12 r 10, Orono. 46-1* TWO sows due in two ta three weeks. T. Woodlock. Phone MA 3-2721. 46-1 SIX Holstein caws, ail fresh; 30 pullets, 8 months, Barred Rocks. Phone MA 3-2395. 46-1* PUREBRED Engiish Yorkshires, service age boars available. P. H. Hinton, Orono. Telephone 14 r 12. 46-2i' SELLING out Barred Rock and White Wyandotte, Bantarn, also, rab1bits. Apply before cleven or after five, 9 Varcoe's Road, Eastl Oshawa. 46-1* Boarders Wanted BOARDERS wanted. Apply to iMrs. Rosaline Osborne, George Street, Newcastle. Phone 2896. 46-1 PETS FOR SALE BLACK and tan hound pups, five months old, startcd to hunt. Phone Clarke 16-r-33. 46-1 NOTICE 0F TENDER 45-tf1 *For. the Finest 9D$nta *For the Dest Workinanship MA 8-5812 MA 3-37011 44-tl SHOES-The foliowing brand- naine shoes are now in stock: children's Savage shoes,, Brouw- er Research shpes, Sisman work boots, Sisman Scampers, Scott- McHale shoes, Dack shoes, Grebb arch support work boots, Foaxn Tread slippers, ladies' Gracia shoes, Logroilers, Dr. Schoil's foot remnedies and shoe Suprts, plus niany other lines; Fii,,Kquire, Panda, Hoily- Wood Sanm.white and Properts sha. polishes; modern shoe re- sericein ierear of store. W~o~n~%~'Pho A3- Ontario Scaled tenders addressed ta Public Scbooi Board.- Bowman- ville, Ontario. will be rcceived by the undensigned or by Mr. S. R. James, Secretary of the Pub- lic School Board, 24 King Street East, Bawmanville, until 4 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 8, 19551 for the construction of tbe ad- dition ta Vincenit Massey Public School, Bowmanville, Ontario. Plans, specifications and in- 'tructions te biddens and tarm et tender may be abtained on ap- plication by General Contractons atter 4 p.m., Thursday, Novem- ber 17, 1955, tram the office af the undensigned or the Secnetany of the Board. A certificd cheque in the amount of $25 is requircd as a depasit on plans. Plans wiil be on view at the affice et Mm. James. Bowman- ville. and at the Tarante Build- ers' Exchange. The owners reserve the right te reject any or ail tenders re- ceived. John B. Parki Associates Architects - Engineers, 1500 Dan Milîs Road, Pestai Station I"J" 'Toronto.@. Ontario.il 1 Help Wanted iRAWLEIGH business' now open >in Bowmanville. Trade well 1establishe'd. Excellent opportun- ity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's' Dept K-140-189, Montreal, P.Q. 46-1 EAPPLICATIONS for the position of Assessor for the Township of Manvers and also for the pos- ition of Operator of the Road Maintainer will be received by the undersigned until Novern- ber 24th. 1 p.m. Ross Davidson, Clerk, Bethany. 46-1 OPPORTUNITY knocks - We jneed a representative to service established ciientele in Bowman- ville, Newcastle, Orono, Tyrone and surroundings. Guaranteed line of houschold necessities, cos- metics. Full or part time basis. Ask for more details. Familex, Dept. 3, Station C. Montreal. 46-1 CLERKS. Grade 2A $1,800 - $2,400 Reurdby GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS AT COBOURG, ONTARIO Further particulars on posters displayed at Post offices and Offices of The National Employ- ment Service. Application forms, obtainable thereat, should be flled wlth The Civil Service Commission 25 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO 7, NOT LATER TRAN NOVEMBER 25, 1955 Please quote Competition Number 55-Tll40 46-1 PERMANENT JOB FOR YOUNG MEN TAKE A REALTHY outdoor lite, combined with fine pay, security and progressive pension plan and you end up with working con- ditions as intcresting and fine as any in Canada. For physically fit, forwand-loak- ing young Canadians, the Canad- ian Regular Army offens extens- ive opportunity . a really eut- standing career. Full information without obliga- tion - Sec the Army Information Team Watch local advertising for trne ,and location or clip this Coupon and Mail to Kingston Army ]Information Centre, 164 Wellington St., Dept. A. Kingston, Ontario Please let me bave full informa- tion on an Army Cancer. Name Street --- --135 City. I am Yeans Old j WANTED Aggressive Salesmen If you have had selling ex- perience, o±* have always wantcd to try, if you own a car and your ambition is to make money, we have a proposition that should intcrest you. Our firm is the fastest growinig of its type in 1Canada to-day. Our services are in great dernand and our renewal systemi assures you of large in- carne for future years. Invest- igate now. Every inquiry will be kcpt confidential and will re- ceive a reply arranging for an interview. State naine, address and phone number to Box 817B- 29, London, Canada. ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION 46-1 ONE set of one-horse sleighs. Phone Blackstock 64 R 12. 46.1* SINGLE French door. Phone MA 3-5620. 46-1* USED chain saw. Write Ejox 439, c/o Canadian Statesman, stating price and telephone num- ber. 46-1 Lost FOUR months old kitten, upper part grcy, iower part and face whitc. Reward. Phone MA 3- 3364. 46-1* LOST betwecn Hampton and Burketan, six lengths of three- quarter inch pipe, last Friday p.m. Burney Hooey, MArket 3-2816. 46-1* WOULD the party who, took green boat irom East Beach boathouse kindly return samne and avoid further trouble, or Phone MA 3-3161. No questions asked. 46-1* USED childnen's clothing, from 6 montbs ta 13 years. Caîl Sal- vation Armny MA 3-3761, or bring clothing ta Citadel, 35 Division Street. 45-2 DEAD STOCK removed tram your farmn promptly for sanitary disposai. Telephone collect: Ce- bourg FRanklin 2-3643 or Toron- ta EM 3-3636. Gardon Young Limited. .42-tf WantedI To Rent TO rent three or foun-roomed apartment at- the end et January. Businus couple. Phone MA3- PLUMBING, heating. eaves- troughing, free estimates. Harvey Partner. Tyrone. 38-tf WILL dlean out and dig wells by the hour. Phone MA 3-2236 or MA 3-3205. 46-1* SKATES sharpened. See Jam- ieson's Tire Shop, corner King and Silver Streets. 36-tf jHOUSEKEEPER-companionfo oeor two aduits. Refined home essential. Phone Newcastle 2896. 46-1* WE do ail kinds of carpentr'y re- pairs. Have your roof shingled or fixed before the first snow- fall. Free estimates. Phone MA 3-2740. 46-1* MASONRY: Chimneys, new or repaired. Concrete and block work dune. Plastering. Roof repairs. Just Phone MA 3-3694 for free estimates. 45-2* WELL DIGGING (Power Equipment) Cernent Tule supplied James Melion & Son Blackstoek Phone 96 r 12 46-4* Masonry Construction BRICK.- BLOCK - CONCRETE Free Estirnates ANGER BROS. MA 3-2273 or MA 3-3375 12-tf Concrete and Masonry Ail types of CONCRETE - BRICK - BLOCK WORK L. TURNER Estirnates Free P.O. Box 177 BO1WMANVILLÀE 35-tf A. E. COLE PLUMBING AND REATING 1Authorized Mer-Sun and Lennox Dealer 26 Ontario St. Bowmnanville Phone Night or Day MA 3-3473 16-tf OSBORNE FUELS Best Quality: FURNACE OIL STOVE OIL Phones: Office MA 3-5897 Yards MA 3-5410 45-tf SAVE MONEY AT DAVE'S SHOE REPAIR Fast, Prompt Service Skates Sharpened TEMPERANCE ST. (in rear) 42-tf TRENCRING - LOADING [>RAGLINE - CLAM WvORK Trucks and Leader fer Gravel and FUI Jobs' FREE ESTIMATES Tripp Consiruciion PORT FERRY 392W 32tf Nofice fo Crediiors AND OTRERS In the Estate of Seymour Benjamin Wilson Shaw. Ahl persons having dlaim against the estate of Seymour Benjamin Wilson Shaw, late of the Town of Bowmanville, de- ceased, who dicd on or about the i7th day of August, 1955, are hereby notified to send in to Strilce & Strike, Solicitors for the Administratrix, Bowman- ville, Ontario, on or before the 6th day of December, 1955, ful particulars of their dlaim. Immediately after the said 6th day of December, 1955, the assets of the testator will be distribut- cd among the parties entitlcd thereto, having regard only to dlaims of which the said solic- itors for the administratrix shal then have notice. DATED at Bowrnanville, this lSth day of November, A.D. 1955. Strike & Strike. Solicitors for the Administratrix. Bowmanville, Ontario. 46-3 ln the Estate et Ida Louise Moore. AUl pensons baving cdaims against the estate of Ida Louise Moore. late of the Town et Bow- manville, deceased, who dicd on or about the 23rd day et March, 1955, are bereby notîfied ta send in te Strike & Stnike, Solîcitors i for the Administrator, Bawman- ville, Ontario, on or before the 2ist day et November, 1955, full particulars et their cdaim. Immediately after the said 2lst day of November, 1955, the assets of the testatnix will bel distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only ta dlaims of which the said solici4ons for the administrator shahl Ilien bave notice. DATED at Bowmanville" .tIs 28th day et October, 1955. Stnike & Strike, Solicitors for the Administrator, Bowmanvihe. Ontario. 1949 METEOR, radio, heater. Apply 15 Orchardview Blvd., after 5. 46-1 1948 MERCURY 1-ton pick-up, with box. Phone MA 3-5476. a 46-1 '47 FORD two-ton stake, good running condition, good tires. G. Kovacs, Tyrone. Telephone 12 r 10, Orono. 46-1* 1953 STUDEBAKER, two-door, overdrive, low mileage, $1,195; 1953 HILLMAN Minx, radio and heater; 1951 Mercury 'k%-ton, directional signais, at Farm Equipment and Automotive. 134 King St. E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5689. 46-1 (Repossessedl Vehîcle for Sale) 1949 Plymouth -Sedan Serial No. 98027753 1954' License plates No. V7904 To be sold by public auction toi the hîghest bidder at the Stirtevants Auction Room 33 Rail St., Oshawa, Ontario beginnlng at 7:30 p.. on' November 241h, 1955 ART'S CAR MARKET 175 King St. W. Bowmanvillei We - Build - Better - Customers1 46-1 * (Repossessed Vehicle for Sale) 1946 Hudson Sedan Serial No. 3184446 1954 License plates No. JN799 To be sold by public auction to the highest bidder at the Stfrtevants Auction Room 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario beginning at 7:30 p.m. on November 241h, 1955 ART'S CAR MARKET 175 King St. W. Bowmanville We - Build - Better - Customers 46-1* <Repossessed Vehicle for Sale) 1947 Fraiser Sedan Serial No. F-47-26359 1954 License plates No. LP47 To be sold by public auction to the highest bidder at the Stirtevants Auction Room 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario beginning at 7:30 p.m. on November 241h, 1955 ART'S CAR MARKET 175 King St. W. Bowrnanville We - Build - Better - Customers (Repessessed Vehicle for Sale) 1949 M eleor Coach Serial No. 0270H49-18888 1955 License plates No. 824350 To be sold by public auction to the highest bîddcr *at the Stirtevants Auction Reem 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario beginpiing at 7:30 p.m.o November 241h, 1955 ART'S CAR MARKET 175 King St. W. Bowmanville We - Buiid - Better - Custamers 46-1* (Repessessed Vehicle fer Sale) 1953 Ford Sedan Serial No. 0473H53-66915 1955 License plates No. 822801 To be sold by public auction to the highest bidder at the Stirtevants Auction Room 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario beginning at 7:30 p.m.o November 241h, 1955 (Repossesscd Vehicle' for Sale) 1946 Buick Coach Serial No. 14463726 1955 License plates No. 823114 To be sold by public auction ta the bighest bidder at the Stirtevants Auction Room 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontarlo beginning at 7:30 p.m. on. November 241h, 1955 Repairs RADIO and televisian repairs. Prompt service. Pick up and delivery. Lamne Doneen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf ANY make television or radio. Professional, prompt, caurteaus service. Television Service Ca., 33 King St. West. MA 3-3883. 46-tf REPAIRS te ail makes of refrig- erators, domestic and commer- cial; milking coolers. Hlggon Elcctric Limited, 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf THREE-bedroom brick veneer bungalow. landscaped, basement. laundry tubs, heavy wirinIZ, storm windows. Phone MA 3- 5008. 45-2 THREE-bedroom ranch style bungalow, aIl conveniences, close to school and church: two miles west of Bowmanville. Avail- able under V.L.A. or terms ar- ranged. Phone ZIA 3-2888. 46-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented, Manated and Appralsed L. M. ALLISON Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal, Newcastle 32-Wf WEEKEND SPECIIALS 3-bedroom bungalow, 3-piece bath, forced hot air oiù heating, Imodemn kitchen, good lot, res- idential section. Full price $7,500.00. Low down payment with long easy terms. Do you need money? We arrange loans and mortgages. 7-room income home, oul heat- ing, centrally located. $2,000.00 down. Peter Kowal MA 3-5868 Representing E. J. Saunders, Realtor - Belleville 46-1 De Wiih Real Esiale 100 acre fam at Pontypool, 65 acres workabie sandy land, 35 acres wood, 12,000 Christmas trees Planted, weil with electric PumP, 50'x30' bank barn, impie- ment shed, large hen house, garage; 8 roomed frame house with heavy duty wiring, full basement, cistern. Situated anc mile from highway. Price $7.500. Tcrms arranged. 110 acre farm, Clarke Town- ship, approximately 65 acres workable. stream, 5 acres woad, bank barn, silo; 8 noomed frame bouse with partial basement. Close ta village. Price $6,500. Terms arranged. 200 acre dairy farm with 140 acres workable, clay-loam land, 40 acres wood, crcek, wells, 75'x 34' loafing barn with ý'unning water, milking machine, miik bouse with eiectric cooler far 17 cans, drive-in shed, ben bouse; 9 roomed frame bouse (5 years aid) with runnîng bot and cald water, 4-piece bath, fumnace, kitchen cupboards, etc. Asking price $14,000. $4.000 down. 122 acre dairy farm on paved road, 105 acres workable dlay- loam, stnearn, 66'x32' bank bamn, with running water, implement shed, hen bouse, silo, milk bouse with eiectric cooler, etc., 8 raom- cd frame bouse with bardwoad floors, heavy duty wired. Ask- ing price $16,000. Terms amnang- cd. 95 acre farm on Higbway No. 11, 6 miles from, Newcastle, 65 acres workabie sandy-loam, 10 acres wood, stream, large U- shaped bank barn, implement shed, hen bouse, garage, cement block silo; 10 roomed colonial style stone bouse, centre hall plan, with running water. kitch- en cupboards, beavy duty wired. Asking price $18.000. Terrns arranged. Open for affer. 6 roomed trame bouse with 21/2 acres of land at Newcastle, on paved street, with 3-piece bathroom, large verandah, fur- nace, runnîng water, kitchn cupboards, storms and scr eens, septic tank, beavy wiring. Lots of fruit, creek, etc. Price $8.500. Terms arranged. 7 roorned trame bouse in New- castle with i acre of land. Heavy duty wired, storms and scneens, 55'x20' barn in good shape, purnp in kitchen. lots of fruit, etc. Price $6,500. Ternis an- ranged. 9 roomed solid brick bouse with 3 acres of land in village. Has 3-pîcce bathnoom, barn, garage, heavy duty wiring, f ire- place, storms and scrcens, etc. Price $5.000. $1.000 dawn or arranged. 5 raamed trame bungalow in in Bowmanville wîth 3-piece bathroom, running water, kitch- en cupboards, venetian blinds,1 partial basement, garage, etc. Price $4.500. Terms arranged. 7 roomed frame bouse in New- tonville on main street, with heavy duty wiring, cistemn pump, garage. New roof and caves- troughs, partial basement. Pas- session at once. Asking $5.000. rcrms arranged. Open for offer.1 Besides above mentiosied weà are able ta show approximately 100 mare farms and homes forà sale in the Oshawa, Bowman-c ville, Cobourg, Trenton and r Peterborough district.9 Contact: John F. De Wiih e REALTOR f Newcastle Phono 3341, Salesmen: Donald MountJoy, Dowmanville DIA 3-3950 Paul Dlamond. Port Perry Phone 246 R 46-1 LEASK REAL ESTATE 50 acre farm, good clay loam swil, 'large bank barn wîth good stable, tractar shed, seven- roomed bouse, beavy wiring, sorne bardwood flaoring. Ful price $8,000. Terms. We have many farms, bouses, businesses and lots for sale. Consult us before buying. a.E. aek, Broker TAYLOR !65 Ontario St. Bowmanville Repair Shop i Phone MA 3-5919 6p RADIATORS and HEATERS Prince Edward Island bas REPAIRED and CLEANED the smaiiest population of any RtECORIING Canadian province. But be- General Soldering Repairs cause it is se smail, it is also at Qucen St. W. Bowmanvllle the same turne the mest dense- Phone MA 3-3459 Iy populated Canadian prov- 82-tf. inca, Harold C. Pedwe REAL ESTATE BROKE 4, 40 acres garden land, sui, a! for orchard. 30 acres apple orchard. 200 acres stock farm. 12 acres land with buildings., 55 acres garden land. 5 acres in Newcastle. General store and post office. 10-room house, Newcastle. 8-room house, Newcastle. Also many more farms and houses. Money to Joan. Newcastle Phone 3856 46-1 CHARLES RANKINE Real Esfie Broker 52 KING STREET WEST B3owmanville MA 3-2453 - Anytime MA 3-2762 Salesman: F. ALVIN BOYD Ennlsklllen MArket 3-2487 Several nice BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Raye Clients Waiting for Farmu COME AND SEE US or PHONE Whether BUYING or SELLING Farms, fromn $5,000.00 Up. 46-i For Sale by Tender Tenders will be received by the undersigncd up ta 12:00 o'clock faon on the 3Oth day of November, 1955, for the purchase of the property of the late Mrs. George Butters on the east side of Church Street North, Orono consisting of a lot suitable for gardening on which is said ta be a 6i-roomed frame house and a small stable and barn. Terms: 10% of price wîtli tender; balance ta be paid in cash on diosing. Closing date to be arranged. Highest or any tender fat necessarily accepted. GEORGE R. MORTON, Executor Orono, Ont. R. R. WADDELL, Q.C., Orono, Ont. Solicitor for the Vendor 'i 46.2 PAUL RISTOW REeTOR Haliburton area, near village of Apsley on lovely lake( Chan- dos), anc thrcc and anc four- roomn cottages fully equippeu,ýl aise boathouse and garage; & 71/2 h.p. outboand motar and,- ft. boat included. Excellent f. ing and hunting. Ciosing eut estate, at only $4.500. 100 acres standing timber just north of Newtonvilic, maple, beech, elm, poplar, white birch. Must be sold naw. Inspcct and make offer. Pienty trees eight inches and more with forty feet beighth. Liberty Street North, 7-noora stucco witb funnace, 3-piece bath. One of the bcst locations in town and appnoximately 3 acres of excellent garden soil. Closing estate and oftering at $9.500. After Heurs OWEN NICHOLAS - MA 3-3982 ORME GERRY - ORONO 1191 37 Klng St. W. Bowrnanvilli 46-1 ~ We are enlarging ta enable us ta serve you better. Office open as usual durnig alterations. Ten-roomed. brick duplex, central; a good investrnent pro- perty, reasonable tenrns. Two untinished four and five- roomed bungalows, Taunton Road. Take your choice. move in, finish yourseif; $800 cash down. Farm, 110 acres, 6 miles Osha- wa limits, recentiy modennized house, cupboards, ou bheat, f ire- place, good barn. close ta school and the bcst of land. Tabacco farm, 75 acres. 23 acres M.B.R. 60 acres under cuitivation, balance pasture, 6- roomed bouse, good barn, double garage, 4 tobacco kilns with oil heat. greenhouse 100'x24', anc acre of strawberries: being of- fcred with complete Une of equipment. Corne ta this office for particulans. Listings wanted 118 King St. E. Bowmanvllle MA 3-3230 46-i BAILIFF'S SALE NOTICE ,.IS HEREBY GIVEN That the Chattels, distrained fer debt on the thirty-first day of October, 1955, by me, Nellie G. Lunn, as Bailiff ta First Division Court et the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, wiU be sald by Public Auctien. an the 2ist day et November. 1955, at 1:30 e'clock j.1 at Robson Matons Limit King St., Bowmanville, which are as felhows, that is to say: ane 1947 Ford Coach. 1955 license plates No. 823837. Dated 9th day of November, 1955. NELLIE G. LUNN 45-2 Eaillff. -7-- -- -- 1 id , 1 PAGE- rouRTEM THE CAlqADUM- iqTAlm-qvAie inumAu-rm IPMWTTDCMAW %Tl%" leu. A.M

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