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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 16

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PAGI S1XT~ -TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMMqVIL& C NTAEIO CAMPBELL - NICHOLSON Mauve and yellow chrysan. :themums and ferns against a background. of candieliglt :Iormed an attractive setting ini ,Trinity United Church, Bow- 'nxanville, Ont,, foý7 the mar- .rage on Saturday, Novemb2r 5, 1955, of Alice Ranby Nichai. :Son, daugiter af Rev. and Mrs. S. R. Nicholson, Bowmanvihr-, :Io Mr. James Elliott Campbell, -son of Mr. and Mrs. Jamcs :Campbell of Montreai. The ceremony was perfarm- :ed by Rev. R. R. Nicholson. *fether of the bride, assisted by :Rev. T. A. Morgain af Bow- manville. The bride, who was given in narriage by ber brother-mn- law, Mr. Robert P. Maya or . Washington, D.C., looked v-er- lovely in a floor-length model aif brocâded satin featuring a s9calloped neckline embroidered .with seed pearis and sequins. From a fitted bodice ber beau- tiful bouffant skirt swent gracefully into a chapel train. . Long lily point sleeves cosln- pleted the gawn. Her fingi tip veil of French illusion w., held in place by a tiara( pearîs. *'She carried a cascad bouquet ai Aristocrat nost anxd stephanatis. The matran-of-honour, Mn Walter H. McMillan of Hamil ton, sister of the bride, ware floor length gown af fore; green velvet with matchir headpiece. She carried a caW cade bouquet of ,yellow an j bronze cbrysanthemiums. The bridesmaid, Mi"s Grac Nicholson of Hamilton, Ont also a sister of the bride,. bol: ed very pretty in a gown ) orchid coloured velvet simila in design ta that worn by thý matron-of-honour. She carnie a cascade bouquet af yelloi and mauve chrysanthemums. The groom was attended bMr. John Watt af Ottawa an the ushers were Mr. Campbel Braithwaite of Montreal, bro. ther-in-law ai the groom, anc Mr. Walter H. MeMillan, bro. ther-in-law of the bride. The soloist was Mr. A. Wed- M Vîgor Oi! C'o. Ltd. FUEL CIL and STOVE CIL j 'as of de .. a !St s- ,f ir le ýd w :1 1 In a quiet wedding in St. An- thony's Churcb, Edmonton, AI- -ta., on October 27, Ruth Au. Sdrey Gibsan, daughter ai Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Howard Gibson, Bowmanville, was united in marriage with James Maurice Wren, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lennox Wren ai Cobden, 'Ont. Rev. Father Heffernan per. formed the double ring cere- many against a background formed by yellow and bronze chrysanthemums. The bride, given in marriage by ber father, wore a cocktail length dress o! deep ice bitte crystaline fashioned with mold- ed bodice with net insertions at the neckline. An insertion of accardion pleated net also en- hanced the flared skirt. A brie! bolera xsýtb stand-up collar was worn aver the bodice. She wore a matching beaddress oi net and crystaline and carried a cascade bouquet ai yellow ros- es and stephanotis. Miss Vi Northy was ber only attendant, wearing a cocktail length dress ai peach crystaline wîth matching headdress and carrying a nosegay of bronze chrysanthemums. Mr. Eduard Sivitch was groomsman. A reception followed at tee~ Beach Roomn in the Seven Seas Restaurant, the bride's mother vearing black taffeta shot with pink, and corsage ai Talisman roses. The bride and groom leit on a wedding trip ta Vancouver, B.C., where the groom, a sur- veyor with jAssaciated Engin- eers, will tal(e up bis new posi- tion.- He is a graduate of Cob- den Public and High Schoo&s. IFor travelling, the bride chose a light blue suit with txavy and pink accessories. Before her marriage, the bride, who re- ceived ber education in Bow- manvilie schools, was employ- .ed as a steiographer with Im- perial Oîl Ca., Edmonton, Alta. Many Enjoy Tyrone Dance A very nice dance was held at Tyrone Hall on Saturday evening, Nov. 12, sponsored by Miss Helen Partner. Over 101) relatives and friends gatbered there, coming fromn Toronto, IWhitby, Oshawa, BoWmanville, Tyrone, Long Sault. They round and square danr- ed ta the lovely music af Shei1ack's Orchestra and caller Gardon Lane. Several new ver- sions of the square (new around here) were doneý very well and very much enjoved by all who took part in them. A lavely lunch was later served and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Miss Partner for ber generasity-.in making it possible for ýio many ta bave such a wander- fui and enjoyable evening. India, a grawing threat in the world textile market, bas a lower textile wage scale than Japan, generaily felt ta be the lowest in the world. p CouDIe Wed iný Edmonton * Mr. and Mrs. James Maurice Wren were married in St. Anthony'Church, Edmonton, Alta., on October 27. The bride is the former Ruth Audrey Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Howard Gibson, Bowmanville, Ont., and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lennox Wren oe Cobden, Ont.. The young couple will reside in Van- couver, B.C. SOLINA Mrs. Mabel McKessock of Oshawa, formerly of Solina, who last week observed her eightieth birthday anniversary. Saturday afternoon and even- ing it was her great pleasur- ta receive many friends and relatives at the home af her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKessock of Thamesford were also present to share this happy occasion 1 * Wor]thwhile 'Readfing . a. * * . onyour whole family ithe world-famnous pages Of The Christian Science Monitor.. Enjoy Erwirn D. Conhomsnewest stories, penetrating national and in- ternational news coverage, how-tO.do feotures, home- moaking ideos. Every issue brings you helpful eosy-to- read articles. You can get this interna. tional doily newsp rfo Boston bY mil,? f ramu extra charge. Use the cou- pon below ta start your subscription. --- - - - - - The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway Street Boston 1 5, Mass, U. S. A. Pieuse send the Monitor t0 me for pericd checked. Iyeor $16 [] 6 months $8Q 3 months $4Q STOVE 011 20Oio FUEL 011 16 2' cents per gai, cents per gai. For Delivory Phone Oshawa RA 5-1109 Oshawa Wood Products Ld. as Your Headquarters for Lumber and Building1 Materials Yes, thousands of votes bave already been cast for Oshawa Wood Products' lumber and. building matenials. Ail these people know that when it cornes to top quality dally service, and absolute dependability you just can't beat it. Let us give you a free estirnate on your next job. Boom Size 12x20 Finlahed ln 1/"i Waliboard -- $8.00 ver month $12.00 ver month W'ilomasote- $15.00 ver month Knotty Pine Gyproc- $9.00 per imonthf Amerply - $19.00 ver month Ceiling in 14" Wallboard - 54.00 per nmonth 7 Tentent Tile - 5./v11 $4.00 ver monts £ Célotex Tile - ffs * $6.50 per monthl Rquaretex- $5.00 ver nmonth Acoustie Tile HY$8.50 ver month WYNOT- FINISH YOUR RECREATION BOOM IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS.? * Everyone likes an overflow roorn for entertain. Ing at Christmnas time. What better tirne to make use of that spare waste space in your basernent or ettic-the room ivili corne in handy and - Remember- No'Money Down up to 24 Months tô Pay SING AND BE HAPPY WITH LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS, F ROMel Oshawa, Wood': Products Ld. SHOWROOM - 84 SJMICOE S. RA 5-4443 YÏARD AT COURTICE. RA 3-4661 Daily Delivery BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 AJAX ZEnith 2.960() TEmsMAT, Nmm. im i e ol- a Hospitatà- gery af Oshawa who sang O"Q Perfect Love" and I'Through the Years." The wedding music was played by Mr. A. Cou- Json. Nylon lace highlighted the bodice and sleeves of the Diar blue crepe dress worn by thse bride's mother. The sweet- heart neckline was enhanced by rhinestone ornaments. Navy blue accessories anc4. a mink neckpiece campleted ber en- semble and she wore a corsage ai red sweetheart roses. The groom's mdther J.ooked very charming in a loganberry karachi beaded crepe dress with black accessories. tbpped by a fur jacket. She wore a corsage bouquet of white sweetheart roses. Immediately following tixe ceremony a reception was held in the church hall. For travelling, the bride donned a beige wool gabardine suit with avacado green acces- sories. She wore a corsage of yellow and bronze chrysanth?- mums. The couple left by plane for New York City: Up- on their return they will re- side in Ottawa.t The bride is a graduate of the University of Toronto.%and the Royal Con servatory of Music. The groom is a grad- uate in Chemical Engineering i fromn McGill University and is employed as a Research Engin- eer by the Canadian Interna- tion Paper Company. WREN - GIBSONI with their mother. PartY at Bradley's Bradley's Community Club had an enjoyable Hallowe'en ptyon October 2Mt. Patsy nox gave ber speech on 4-H Club Work which she gave at the public speaking competi. tion. The election of officers resulted as follows: Honorary President-Mrs. George Knox; President -Mrs. Wm. Ashton; Vice-President-.Mrs. Ross Cry- ,derman; Secretary -Mrs. R. Parr: Treasurer-Mrs. C. Pas- coe; Pianist-Mrs. E. Cryder. (man; Assistant Pianist -Mrr. Chas. Naylor; Sick Committee f-Mrs. B. Montgomery, Mr. W. Bowman, IProgram Committees: mctober -The Ross Cer and G. Hamlin families. November - The W. Bow- mani, L. Smith, J. Recalla, M. Bird and R. Parr families. January-B. Montgomery, E. Huggins, B. Diepenhorst, W. Ashton, M. Hancock and T. Kraekenstoel families. February-The Executive. (March-C. Pascoe, G. Leask, E. Leask, C. Naylor, R. Vice and E. ýVice famiies. April-G. Knox, P. Nesbitr, /C. Vice, M. Vice, A. Carpenter ad H. Beauchamp families. The next meeting will be on November 23rd with Dr. Mann of Bowmanville as speaker and Baker's and Sauina Club mem- bers as guests. là Opening Rally (Features Fine Gospel Talent The first Saturday night ral- ly of Bowmanville Youth for Christ was held in the Town Hall on Oct. 29th. A good crowd gathered ta hear the Musical Neales from Calgary, Alberta. Top-notch gospel music is their specialty, but the ministry of this one- family evangelistie teamn spar- kles with a rare combination of varied abilities. Kathleen's de- servedly-famous cbalk artistry is a talent shared by oldest daughter Nola and now they are able to complete two pana- ramic pictures simultaneously in one service. Selwyn's sermons have won tvide acceptance-he has spok- en -in hundreds of churches of a core of different denomina- tosand bas been invited ta the same pulpits again and again. His rich baritone vaice, once papularly heard an the CBC network, taday is dedicat- . il Girls' sizes - 4 to 9 -$5.45 pair Sarne style as above with wool fur cuff OnIy $4.45 - $4095 - $5.45 and $5.95 WARMFGOT BOOTS Fine Quality THERMOPILE INSULATED BOOTS $11.95 and $12.95 pair Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5941 -----------------p :: À Personal1 Message To the Citizens of Bowmanville and District on ouif iOth- AINIVERSARY , HOOPER S jewelerY an G Sio Dea i s wth gratdeal o! pride that 1 write this letter to-day in Ihafl s a you th e bic w a e e d me in the past Io ye ars ta build xny ~e W eîeiY st r a th o itoWt~ho l ' dle cs. w th-out you r patronage ndlp I ler or eye t it tis letter to-day. andthe da1YS lhenee Write thstarted in business. My stock ,,e,,rber th asWe i% ehve a mnuch larger stock was ,rnall. but the quait aSnth high To.aliY, e but we h ave tried to Inta-nhtteehigh qualIt our arnlinked "I' the f0loBell We are proud ta have ounamiyercar Bre.1 nidal rnfl ectxurerS5 ail rodttcers 0o!phigh equ a ti merchand CO-, Dman Rings and Weddiflg ýigs, InterainalSilvera., Onlwae Ciomnand Wmn. A. Rogers , the fineSt i ivrt eed oloryie CorrlgSiGanden and ornega Watches. Inth 0eerun ~ve t ink e ve th fn St st ln Silver uine in Canada produced and wae b od n y !Canada.ThSabe .aS o! th 0yts can ist as our su'pplirs5 Madeby jndialg Jfirrns We cr 01th jettnlin udaaf ie o5~eeyta the public for their generous support over the p as 0 y a S a d w o e t a e w l e a l to seve beterin the future. tusreyou even etr>creiânispt On tis o casi n ~ e cordialîY in-vite YOU to C oUr store and especiallY out ehnW CrSmssok 'YotIs i5ncerely, Ar~1U D. ooper .I ýl ed to slnging of Christ and Hlmn cruciiied-the teams unchang- ing theme. His repertoir-e bal- ances wefl known hymna. with new compositions coming con- tinually from bis own itielo- dious heart. Bookiets of these songs are now available. Daughtêrs Nola, Georgia *an -d Sharon team on trumpet trios and accordion and vocal num- bers. Family features in har- mony are unforgettable audi- tory delights which explains the acclaim with which their newly produced recordmngs are being received. ,It was a great musical night and everyone enjoyed the rally. The next rally Nov. l2th will feature a Billy Graham film. F Weekly 'Report1 I For the week of Nov. 0-13. Admissions __il_____ '8 Births, 3 male, 3 female - e Discharges .-33 Major opérations 7 Minor operations le- Emnergency týre&txe-nts -- 4 These facts are published weekly in an effort to acquai this community with thse ser* vices af aur haspital. Rail prablem: Canadian rail. way management. figures hà on commuter service opera it costs $2.60 to earn $1. _ -zsz~s#zzs:s--:p;;ezpu---- Heôdqucurters for kN*O* c:ya i~cO-late ýt Womnen's Institut. a The November meeting of the Solina W.I. took the form of a quilting and a Pot Luck Dinner. About 15 ladies came. ta the churcb in the morning and about 10 mare came efter lunch. Three quilts were quilt- le d, two for gifts where needed 1and one quilted for pay. In the aiternoon there was a short business period pre- rsided aver by the president, Mrs. Wes. Yellowlees. -This was iollowed by a short repôrt ai the Area Convention lly Mrs. H. Yeilowlees and Mrs.1 Roy Langmaid. The next meeting will be beld Dec. 8 when we were al asked ta remember the roJ caîl: "A Christmas Gift for One in the County Home, Ca- bourg." Let us ail remember it ils mare blessed ta give than ta receive. Everyone present reported aur annual quilting a most profitable and enjoyable day. Honor Newiyweds Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Leask, recent bride, and groom, were honored by a large numnber of friends and neighbours on Tuesday evening at their homo. Rev. F. Reed was the jovial M.C. and after a few intro- ductorv remarks called. iýn Mrs. Bruce Taylor ta read thne address which conveyed be.'t wishes ta the happv couplean expressed the high esteem m 1 which Ewart is held by the 1 cammunity, and appreciation for the active part he bas taken in ail church and young peaple's activities. . A warm welcame was ex- tended ta Clara who, we knaw! wiil aisa be ai great assist- j ance in the church and con- munitx'. The presentation ai a trilight lamp and airioam cusit- ion with zippered caver was made by Charles Langmaid and Stan Milîson. Ewart and Clara bath expressed their sincere thanks for the gifts Mi neat speeches and invited ail] present ta visit them agaili, .when settled, in the near future. To the delight ai the ladies and same gentlemen who coull aisa sce, Clara, an request, entertained by shawing beau:- tiful coloured slides of their wedding day and haneymoon trip. Following a period oif cards and social chatting aii abundant lunch was served. topped off with wedding cake, and so another pleasant even- ing at the Leask's was brought ta a close. C.G.I.T. Meeting The C.G.I.T. met Saturday afternoon with Patsy Davis, president, in the chair. The roll rai was answered with the name ai an Indian tribe. The wvorshjp service was presented by' Barbara Hooey, Patsv Davis and Gail: Baker and twa chapters froni the study book were summar- ized by Gladys Yellowlees. The program included num- bers fronti the C.G.I.T. and Ex-j plorqr Groups: a recitation 4'lii Flanders Fields" by Phyllis Westiake; a vocal solo by Eve- lyn Hackadav; and a story read by Sharon Robb. The next meeting wiii be :)n November 26 with Nancy Bird' in charge af the program. The raIl cail: "Namne Your Favorite Popular Tune." The meeting :lased with Taps. The officers of the Explorer Groups are: Chie! Explorer- M4arie Flett: Keeper of the Loci -Evelyn Hockaday; Keeper i the Treasure -Phyllis West- ake. The graup is continuing the study of aur churcis and mai,.- ing a poster as weil under tise gruidance ai the leader, Mrs»! M!. Vice. Observes 80th Bir$,hday j Her many friends are pleas- Cd to çxtend kï4d wiihua 1l.1 mmomm WINTER FOOT WEAR We have a complete range cf rubber footwear- for all members of the family in hu.ndreds of styles and in aIl sizes - Corne in - Be ready for the cold wet weather. 1 -, BAIN OR SNOW BOOTS with wool pile lining $3075 and $3095 Boys' sizes - 1 to 5 $4.50 pair Men'ý sizes - 6 to 12 $6,50 pair

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