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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 6

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PAT 'fl CANIÇA«N TATEBM . BOWMAV9L, ONTARIO T'NiU fA lV Vhi a Eastern Star Instalis!1 0 fom uthr guide. M. yd New Siate of Officers 'RewthM,,.Wer giv- 'Mns. Vivian Piekard was ln- son; Assoclate Patron - M.iuY i Li stnfv ataslled as Worthy Matron and Gardon Mffatt; Secretary -oured wlth a piano solo. V ~nwood EIZrdg aWo- Mrs. Ruby Cox; Treaue -_ The annual ne-affiliation tra, n eTDu«am Novap- oaPemn C service of the C.G.I.T. was tan, 0.E.* on1caNv n.Ll rea; nduc. conducted wlth guest, Mrs. C. eîn br 8, at the I.O.0.?. Hall. tress - Mrs. Un* Shaw; As- Peniound, Courtice, C.G.I.T. Guests were present tram Ta- sociate Conductress--Mrs. Ev& Secretary ai Affiliated Groupa rotWllowdaie, Port Pern, Warren; Chaplain - Mnm. min- for Oshawa Presiyterial, who Oshawa, Cobourg aud Port nie Deeley- Manahal - Mrs. presented Senior girls with ~bP~ Nina Eldridge; Organist-Mrs. lauyards snd who alie was the Mrn. Greta Brown was instaI- Rata Dudley; Adah-_Mms. Irene recipient ai a git tram Ennis. ling Matron aud Mr. Wilbert Hall; Ruth - Mns. Marion Sta- killen C.G.I.T. Mmi. M. Stain- Teeple> Instaillng Patron. Oth- cey; Esther Mn,. Ethel Mut- ton gave a readlug en iStewarc2- tra assisting with the installa- ton: Matha -Mrs. Jean Hall; ship. tinceremony were: Mns. Edna Electa -Mrs. Mets Mofistt; Decemben meeting Io te bit Anderson, Associate Grand Ma- Warder -Mrs. Florence Fer- held at the Parsonage. Remnem- t ran sn. Agnes Young, Grand guson; Sentinel - Mr. Charles ber roli caîl, grocam showcr lEter; Mns. Jean Osborne, Greenham. for the Whyte faniy Maple Past District Deputy Grand At the close of the cerenion- Grave. Mati-on; Mrs. Beth Teeple, Mr. les, a very deliciaus lunch was Misses Louise and Marjani. Flnence Northcutt, Mr, m served by the Reirethnsent McIntosh, Whitby, vislted Mr. mia Ruthven, Miss Mary Jew- Commlttee, unden the cauven- and Mrs. Gea. Irwli. elI and Mr. Allen Moffatt. ershlp oi Miss Velma Gay. Ma .H ls i.D Othen stations were filled by Ms .Hwls r.D 4ssoiate of he ewlyinstit-Pickering, Mns. G. Yeo Mrs. I. ed Worthy Matron fmom Chap- Trewin, Mmi. E. MClR5fr and tons in the surounding district, r1E ISKILLEN Mauneen, Mis. P. Ellh, Bren- logethen with Past Matrons, da sud Patsy, attended s show.l Past Patrons sud relatives iu Pdrs. O. C. Ashton, was the an fan Shirley Ells, at Mrs. thse Order. efficient hostess ta aver 40 Flintoff, Courtice, an Frlday -Thse afficers installed for the memnbers ai the W.M.S. aud evenîing. 9 ; niIng yean are as foîîows: C.G.I.T. Noveruber 8. SymJathy is exteuded te or'thy Matron -Mrs. Viviau Mrs. E. A. Wer préuided Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, and Piekard; Wothy Patron- Mr. and es ecially than ed m- Mn. Esni Trowlrs on their ssci 14'3nwood Eldridge; Associate bers = sitda ut umn bereavernent. J.A Wry aýito, namely; Wcrship were Sunday dinuer- ssa Service, Mrs. R. B. Green, Mns. Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's J. Slemnou, Mn,. L. Lamb, Mn;. Mr. sud Mn,. Herb Rundie, t G. Yeo, Mrs. F. Beckett and Hampton; Mn. John Oke, O)sh- a *Mrs. R. Vutue; report irom awa, were visitors af Mr. andr 4 8Presbyterial Citizeuahip and Mns. Walter Oke.8 àR ~ Tempenance Secretsry, Mrs. O. Mn. andi Mrs. John E:» Gnif- C. Ashtons; report tram Ennis- fin sud family were visitons ai -killen W.M.S. by Mrs. M. Mrs. Gea. Squibbs, Churchill;r Osha*wa Stainton; repart fnom Ennis- Mrs. Squibbs retumned home killen Mission Baud by Mrs. L. iihte.1 £ >emorial Service Ashton; Impresions from Mth thed Mrs. Norman Wii- l Maturai stont monuments tenial delegate, Mns. M. J. son and Kerr3r, stteuded *aarkers and corner atones Habbs. christeuing ai their niece, Syn- - o IHA .O oî a!waasee thia Mary Wilson, in Toronto,t Vo.T2 IMIWTSE F Rl alwa nvrdb on Sunday.t CIYLMT verse an Peace. Thnough thet Diai OSHAWA RA 5-6611 kindness ai St. Paul's W.M.S. Mn. aud Mrs. Allan Wernys au.. ie and~ reverse charges Bowumanville, we have n.ceiv.. aud Sandre, 4tteuded the bumu- 0 cd the git ai a Library._ For ing of the mortgage at Kedron s, Chumch sud were tea guests 4t n Mn. snd Mm'. Rass Lee and v, Brian.a N EW Mn. sud Mna. Leonard Stsiss- fi PIN CURL PERMANENT Penny, u. m.T .Bl n iamily wihMr. andi Mrs. A. b $2.00 plus shampoo r. andg Mms. FodPtika aud Robin, Mr$. Vanna Wood, rq Tomoaito, were Sunday visitons 'W and tinger w ave ofM. and Mns.. iR. ei lc As Ir aiM.'nc Mm. S.ot R.sPticn a' For short hair - Lasts 4 te 6 weeks aud boys Mn sud Mmi. O. C. ci Ashton, Lois sund Charles, at, a] GiveI inSâtn tie ashairsettended the family gatharing Pl Givoi a sane ime as air setheld at M n. and Mrs. W. J_ Bragg's, Providence, this be- iug t he occasion ai Mrs. E. C. Ashtau's birthday. Congratula- JO-în s eaPy Ce tre tions ta Mrs. Ashtou. Mn. sud Mmi. Eari Trewi Phone MA 3-54i5 Remidence MA 3-3723 atteudeci the funeral ai hlý aunt, Mmi. Stanley Malcolmi, --------Bawmanvillc, an Mouday sud Li 3EUUUMUUUUUMMMU.U.....the funeral ai bis uncle, Mn. fe UUUUUUM UINorman Taylor af Blackstock Tg on Wednesday. th PacqinsMmi. W. Tumbs, Mn. J. Me. w 79esiz Pnd' Cram Millan, Mn. snd Mms. C. M. fo MAND REAM37e ize BrelSkiaFockler, sud family, Tornsto, C 5IA N CR A M 7e iza Ais ei kiaw th M . a d M rs. H . G ubb se a7 is n Sunday. le] Mr. andi Mna, Don Carr sud se *Now 29c BIh for 79C Ivan, Mr. sud Mrs. Ro Alyay, W fil Janet sud Jane, Hampton; Mr. ar ------sud Mrs. Jahnny Afldmead sud, family, Mn. snd Ms-s. Earl Bot. er Deep Pi nk Vacuum Lunch trell, Newcastle, wlth Mn. and M * M1aile ITee Botties Kits Mrs, Carl Fergusan. ai i tOun maie quartette sang at In, 75e* .2 2:0 9e1.25 Pontypool United Church on ini --- Sunday evauiug. tel Mms. Frank Spry sud Mmi. Sc RE'VLON PRODIJCTS BUCKLEY'S Edgar Wight were visitons of ta SilenNet_______ 178 COLD REMEDIES Mn. sud Mmi. W. E. Sanderson, BE Bike Nt 17gColumbus, ou Saturday. ra 1.75se Cough Mixture -50c, 85e C.G.I.T. will be an Saturday af 1.75 Jack& Jil Syup _500 at 2 P.m. iu the Sunday School Jsckar 1.501 S ru room. th Sil ca e _ __ ___ __ _ 1 50 W h ite R u b _ _ _ _ 590 M . an d M s. E d C ox sd P CI Polis Remover _____49e Cold Capsules _35e, 79c family visitad relatives at Hil- InI _____________________________________ tan. Sympathy ta Mr. Cox ou W: the passlug aio his unle at Clearsai Geitol Geritol Treton t En.Mn. sud Mis. Reg Weaving mn fon Pimples Liqui Tabiets Fruit Salts and Rlckey, Thomuhili, weme Hi 690 - 1.19 1.35-3.29-5.49 3.29-5.49 69-.9 Sunday visitons af Mr. sud an' Mns. W. H. Moore. Sti Sympathy te Mr. sud Mmi. - Kodak Flash Camnera Sets S. R. Pethick sud lamily on O 11.45 - 15.25 yiamins the passlug ai hi3 brother ne- a 1 Il cently. When you bring your dresses ini te, us 1 inspet I thern for spots before and after they're cieaned. al You eau help us do a better job if yeu can let us w know the nature cf the stain or spot. I Don't try to renseve the spot yeurself - 6. It rnay just set the stain. t FOR FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERy PHONE MA 3-5520 ru Bowma nvi lie Cleainers & Dyers Ltd. m Operat.d 'by Cori àndf Ed. *Leslie 77 ING STREaET WEST m en Ile Sale of Han dicraû s By Sanitaria Patients Realizes Over $200 The fit sale ci handlcrat itemns made by patienta in tu- berculosis sanitariums was held at Cobourg l'ait week and proved *ncouraging. The arti- cles, thoroughly sterllzed un- der supervision, Included 'cun- ning toys and the artlstry af the Esklmo-made carvings. They brought a sponý,aneouz response tram the peopJle and realized over $200 for the pa- tients. The Northumberland - Dur. ham Tuberculosia Association will experiment in stocking faîl fair bootha in the district to continue the work whlch Io a morale-booster to the pa- tients. 1 Envelopes coutalnlug Christ- mas Semis wifl each moit resi- dents lu the district thia week. A number ai organizations are offerlug warkers sud faciities te prepare the envelopes for distribution. The educational and rehabilitation work ai the Northumberland - Durham Tu- berculosis Association las toaa great exteut made possible through the sale af the Christ- muas semis. The association recommanda that this yean's seals, whîch carr two diféreut designs, be useinl pains. Oua pictunes a little boy teoterslittle girl. Sie by side thcy carry CZi Ji& creeclz (9wlI By Allan Porter For the Pest four mont we have watched the uew eÈ Iion af the lllgh Sebool ta] shape. It now appears th rnost of the work on it w scon lie finished, althoul there is stili a lot to be doi to the new gymhsasîum. A ready we are able to eat in spanking new cafeteria whii is a far Mr from, the crowdi lunch rooms of other yea. lven yet, however, Mr. Di pell's office is on the stage the auditorium, the books the old library are, ladged the baclcof 0flB and ail ti sPares are taken in the bac of the Assembly Hall. This wi sooii change, and when ti new add~ition la completed will be well worth the waitir and inconvenience we are su tering uow. VOL1LEYB*ALL Aql the past years, ti House ILeaugue Vollcybail l be divided into" two division one compased oi grades II and X, and the other of t'ù rest of the school. Each looi wlll have two teams, ane'pla3 'g at noon-hour and the othe et thnee-thirty. Beeause w an ouly use one gynnasiur und we have more forma ccir petiug, four games are bein PONTYPOOL A large congrégation wi kresent at the United Churc Suuday eveulng to hean thi ruest preachen, Rev. Chas. V ýeslie, M.A., B.D., Ph.D,, Prc essor at Emmanuel Collegg roronto. lHe was>introduced b ;e Pastar, Rev. Bonsteel. wh ' as veny proud ta aunounce th ormation oi an all-Pontypoc Jhoin wbo were assisted in th crvice ai sang by the Enniskil en Quartette. The anuiversar: ervices wlll be coutinued ai Vecnesday evening with th inual. turkey aupper. Quite a numben of local Vet irsus snd their ladies were ii 4illbrook on Friday, Nov. Il ti ttend the parade In the mos-n ng and the banquet aud danc rthe evaning. On Sundav af ernaon the Légion, Auxiliarn ;cauta, Cuba and Guides paradec 0thé chunch headed by th, sthany Community Baud. Cern ade Ken Moses was in chamgi fthis fine parade.. Another good cmowd sttendei he Saturday L.O.L. dance witl lb Sissons' Orchestra supply g the music. A similar even ý11ï take place Nov. 26th. We extend aur congmratulationi Miss Millie Hudson who waw larlied on Saturday. Mis! ldson la the daughter oi Mn .d Mms. C. R. Hudson, Manveri tation. Mr. and Mis. Bil! Myles ai shawa visited friends here or aturday. Congratulations ta Mn. aud Is. Alvin Olan who, will celé- rate their 25th wedding an. Iersa-y this week. Sore farmers iu the picturesque, lw-lying Suffalk Broads district of Eugland bs-mg in the hay by water. Sa il was logical for s British bat builder ta use light- weight aluminum ta produce s 550-paund punt capable or car- ring s load of hay marc than six flics its awnm weight. lu Canada alurninurn is better, Énwn among farmers as a non. isting, heat-s-ellccting, eascly lndled matcs-ia for harns snd »oefs sud silos ...- thougis of ,urse it bas many other farmn aes, from milk cana ta, windmill [madc,. No hsy-boats, tbogh. ALUMINUM coMPANY; 0F CANADA, LTD. 1. ALCAN) played Et faon-bous-, and two games at thnae-thinty. Intere3t usually nuns high at these gamea when" tha different forma compete fan the championship ai thain division. Sa far the fis-st few gamas have been good sud it looks as if thein will ha an exciting season this yeam. ELECTIONS In these plast twa weeks alU the executive sud representa- tivea ai the Students Council, Lites-amy Society snd Athietie Sacieties have been clecteci. The candidates seeking electian ta the executive or the Studeuts Cauncil had ta make their campaigu speeches hefone al the studant body. Aiten the ballots wene count- cd the executive was found ta ha:, Prcidet-Naucy Mitchell, Secretary -Dorcen Ogden. Treasuren George Marlowe (by acclamation), Puhflcity- Bas-t Werry. Literas-y Society. Presidet- Marie Fengusan, Vice-Presi. dent-Tom Park, Secretary- MasIlyn Heamne, Treasuse- Bob Dow. Boys' Athletie Society: Presi- dent. - Doug Cattran, Vice- Presidet- erny Price, Secne- tary -Bob Dow, Finance - Barry Cowling, Social -Bob Brown,. Cauveues-Volleyball Tom Park; Soitbaîl, Ted Faim- ey; Basketball, Glenn ]Rich- ards; Badmýnton, George Mar- lowe, Games, Willle Hoopen. Girls' Athletic Society; Ps-est- dent-Eleanon Osborne, Vice- Pretiideut - Barbara Bathgate, Secs-etany-Treas. -. June Mut- ton, Couvenera - Valîcybal], Diauue Austin; Baskatbaîl, Bey. Cawlîng; Social Commlttee, Rena DilUng, Evelyn Brown, Karen Muttan. Mr. aud"Mis. J. Lyon, To- md rnto, visitad Mn. and Mrs. in Jack Lyon sud family. Lo Mmi. C. E. Daw visited lier ndaughten sud san-in-law, Mn. ce sud Ms-s. Donald Duncan, Lon- f-don, st weak. Y, Dr. sud Mmi. Wallace Horn, >d sud daughtan Pattie, Moutreal, ,e spant the weekeud with bis - parents, Mr. sud Ms-s. W. W. Mmi. J. R. Reynolds, Landau, id was a weekend guest ai Mns. 'h K. Caverly. i-Mmi. W. R!. Hampes- sud Mmi. It Dm. R. D. Bail sud childmen, iTornuto, wema neceut visitons Miss Lommanue Wams-sck, To- irouta spent the weakeud at home. Mmi. Milton Avery, Colum- ofbus, Ohio, was a guest ai Ms-. suad Mis. W. W. Horn on Sat- umday. d Ms-s. Sam Dewell visited with friands iu Toronto, on Thurs- day. Misses Ruth sud Marie Pres- cott sttauded the Royal Win- tes- Faim on Saturday. Mn. Ayl- mes- Prascatt attanded also, sud memained iu Tas-auto for s faw days ta visit bis sister, Mrs. Hemphill. Mr. sud Ms-s. vs-ad Wilson, Mmi. Dora McKaown sud Mn. Was Kennedy, Tomonto, visited at S. Kersey's an Weduasdsy. Mr-. A. W. Prescott atteuded s banquet lu the Piccadilly Room, Hotel Genasha, Oshawa, on Friday aveniug, Nov. 111h, the occasion beiug the annua] reunian of the Vetersn's 1l6th Canadian Battalion. Mn. sud Mns. Ken Poolas-, sud boys, Oshawa, visitad the Kensay's on Suuday. Mrs. Wilfred Bawman, Mms. Milton Samis, Misa Elsia Sam- ia, Mis. Rosa Knowltan sud Mms. Geo. Imwin, Eniield W.A. ladies, weme mecent callers on Mms. A. W. Prescott. Mn. Gammy Chant lait ta take up bis naw position with Trans Canada Aimways, at the week- end. Hie will spend thmee .monthsinl Montreal tsking a course sud acquiriug bis air- liue's pilot's liceusa, si tar which lhe axpacts ta ha ilyiug ragulan ilights on T.C.A. Be- fore leaving hae was pmasented with a gift tram the Boy Scouts sud Sunday School, as s token ai appreciation ai bis wamk amang the boys, Messrs. Wili Smala, Fred Payne sud Sam Dewell me- turnad tramn huuting, with tw deer. Mr. sud Mms. Memwin Mount- joy attended the Armistice ser- vice at Lirldsay ou Nov. luth, aud visiteci with Mis. Amaott suad Mr. sud Mmi. Clame Sta- pIes. The Women's Missionsny Sa- ciety are holding their Faîl Thankoffe-ing service on Sun- day aftes-noon next, at 2.30 wheu Rev. Mr.- Hunuisaît of; the Fred Victor Mission,' To-, monta, will he guest speaker. Spacial music by the chair. .The bazaar and afternoon ths di- kke âat eIll me Ai. Sa inh ed it- of o- she Lek be ng jf- he In t- g 'as h e WT. '0- Dy o e ie 1 Mr. and Mns Angus McDer- ind, Stratford, spent the week- end at Mr. and Mrs. Ran Rahm's. Mr. and Mrs. Cris Sheffield, Oshawa, were Sun- day dinner guests at their home also. Mr. and Mns. Jack Rice and famlly, Bowmanville, at Mr. and Mns. D. Cameran's. Mr. and Mr$. Fred Toms, Eupiskillen, were Sunday vis- itors at Mr. and Mr#. Lloyd Siemon 's. Ronald and Ray Ashton, Miss Marie Ashton, Toranto, at Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton 's. Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Black- burn and family; Mr. and Mrs. Shackleton, Mrg. M. Blackburn, Salem, were Saturday evenlng guests of Mrs. T. Cowling and Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family when Mrs. Cowl- ing celebra*t*d her birthday. Mrs. Kenneth Walker and Douglas John, Bowmanville, spent Monday with Mr. J. Walken and Kenny Walken. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Me'- Neil, Enniskillen, wene Sundsy callers at Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Neill's. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton, and family, Toronto, at Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Read's. Mn. Reuben Ashton at Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham's baving returned from visiting Mr. an d Mrs. Cyrus Ashton Burketon. Mn. Arthur Millsan, Ennit- killen; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ashton, Mrs. H. Croasman, were dinner guests af Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham on Sunday evening, the occasion ai Mr. Reuben Ashton's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Van fleuve- len and family, visited friends at Kinsale an Sunday. Mr. and Mr%. Lloyd Slemon called on Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dorreli. Blackstock. Mr. J. Walker and grandson Kenny Walker, visited Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker, Bow- manville on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Wilbur Blaclk- burn and family aud Mrs. T. Cowling visited Mn. and Mrs. Doug Colbary, New Toronto. Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrone. spent Thursday ,at Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham's. A fair attendance was out ta see the National Film Board pictures which were shown in the church an Wednesday evening. Social evenlng will be held on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D, Cam * eron's, open ta the community, ta make plans for social even- ings duming the winter. Mr. and l4rs. Lloyd Slemon prie., Effective UntHl Saturday, Nov. 9th, 1955. W. A. December Chnistusas meeting will be held lu the tes spausomed by the Women's Institute on Thursday siter-- noon lait was a very success- fuI avent. The vanlous *booths werealal well patrouizeci as- pacially * the home-cooklug which was the centre ai at- traction at the atart sud was soon ail sald out. Other bootha conslsted ai aprons, fancy wonk, countryy atome, childnan's boaths, fish Pond ior bath children aud aduits, sud flot forgetting the "Christmas booth" whlch haci a beautiful display of Christmas table de- conations, corsages, etc. The cafeteria lunch sud afteru'ooi tea, ds-ew a large cmowd aud f rovided a pleasaut social ime. Proceads were about $187,00 calleci an Mn. Harold Salter, Hampton. Mr. and Min. Charles Rats- kine atteudcd, the turkcy suup- pan at Onono Uuited Cuc an Wednesday evening. Mr. J. D. Cameron sud Ms-. Charles Gas-rard atteuded the Armistice banquet aI the Le- gion Hall an Saturday evenlng. Mr. snd Mrs. Lloyd Ashton apent the weekend wlth Mr. sud Mis. A. Clankson, Lang. W.A. November meeting wea helci at the home ai Mis. D. Camnenon's an Tuasday aiter- noon. President Mrs. J. Poîts apeneci the meeting. Rav. P. Jackson g ave the devotionai. Mmi. Lloyd Sieman had charge oi prograrn. Mmi. Cowliug gava a talk au hem trip ta C amp Quin-Ma-Lac in thc Madoc District Rav. Jackson pmesided for the election ai officens for 1956. Presideut Mrs. J. Patta; vice- president, Ms-s. Lloyd Siemnon: sccretarv, Mn.. Cawllng; tncas- unen, !Mna. C. , Gasrard; card couvenon, Mmi. H. Ashtan; pas-- souage cemmittèe - Mms. C. Gasrard, Ms-s. A. Read; Quitt committee-Mrs. A. Reaci, Mns.J W. Martin; Group Leaders - Mn.. W. B. Blackburn, Ms-s. A. Trewlu, Mis. L. Sîsmon, Mrz. D. Cameron. FA.LL FAI R Friday,- Nov. 18 Corne one, corne all 'Tis the Fair cf the Fal On November eighteenth ý 7to 9p.m. At aur Fair will be a Country Store, Baking, Flowers and many thinga more, Attic Treasures and Christmas Booth There are Aprons toc, for kitchen use And Parcel Post inysteries on the loose. There are Children's Duda, and other Mothers eau be frorn ittie tati free, In the roorn upstairs, a Movie they'll see On down in the Hall, -there's a Christmas The Fair is spausened by the W.A., 1 And we hope it will be a successf ul day. Please plan ta carne, and share in the f un, And help to make it, a task well done. things tee Tree A&P 1w" DEEP'CT PECLL! AAP Red BAVE 20 RASPBERRIES 15-r tin 2 5 c Ati.m'. vitaminim.d 1 BAVE 44 APPLE JUICE 2oz tns21C Lido Biscuita SAVE 4* T.V. SNACKS 16ozceicpkg 9C Instant SAVE 4 NESTLE'S QUIK 1iron49C DUgPER R IGIIT ME4TDr CUT-UP CHICKEN fegs, Th 63 b c es &I«"c1 bi21C Extra Lei% MINCED BEEF :OOKED W"ha% or 67c HAMS «Mfisse «O«s 77c PRO 0DUC E EruRaD! nSOiDA, No. 1 NEW CR09 ROUN, sTRWNGLESS GREEN BEANS c J iAN AT~ Ji.LLY «d, 49C $,AVIL 0 M- --d Me AT %At» à F COy NV i s. 471%dy. affu% aveu church on Deceraber 14. A con- test was held atter which lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sleniun attended the funeral $ervice nt the late Mrs. Stanley Malcolin et Trinity United Churc, Bowmanville, on Manday ai.* ternoon. VTIRY FIT. BILL. -WIIY DON'T 'ýUASK YOUR COR orYYouNeto 'JITAMINS? YOUuL. FINI> JURYLS lIAS A COMPLE suppIX ON HAND/ @ý malwav»aqm îýý IPAM m TRINITY 3 to 5 1629c

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