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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Nov 1955, p. 7

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jp J TRUMSDAY, WOV. 17th, 1955 - -- - - - - WS*C*~ljv* Slpà*N V A*LE* .JONTAIO&. P8 1 Soial & (ersonial .Phone MA 3-3303 Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Caulfield, Raenigk, last Friday when Mr Daytoî,, Ohio. recently visited H..by wvas guest speaker ata with her sister, Miss Beryl joint meeting of the Bowman- Percy, Silver St.1 ville and Oshawa Stamp Clubs Mr. and MrS. Gea. Graham! at the Lions Cammunity Cen- and daughters were Sunda'. tre. guests of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. A. W. Pickard celebrat- B. Furlong, Toronto. edt his 8th birthday on Tues- M . and Mrs. H. R. Smale, day, Nov. 15, at a family din- Richard and Michael, City ner party at the home of his '~Ièw, spent the weekend with daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Mr. C. J. Smale. R. James, Centre St. Mr. Pick.. Mr. and Mrs. Rowell Bel] ard enjays gaod health and and family, Kingston, were the best wishes of his many 4Sunday visitars with his par- friends in Bowmanville and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bell, district are extended to hlm un Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pap- this happy occasion. ineau and son James, Sturgeon Attention is drawn ta Young 'Falls, spent the weekend wîth Canada's Book Week now being their Perents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. celebrated across Canada. Cov- Papineau. ers of children's books avail- Manyimpotantmattrsi able at the Bowmanville Public Madny Cipotamater, in- Librarv are displayed on the foruthe goChrimas deratoîxsRecreation Department notice for thse tin ndill be iusedboard at the Four Corners, and abetrs esetgatnd.lmc-there are alsa interesting dis- bersareaskd toattnd. plays in the window of North- The regular meýting of the cutt & Smith, and the Hydro gerieral mnembersh ip of the Shop. These are sponsored by BowTnanville Chamber of Coni- the Bowmanville Public Library. Inerce will be held in the Two Bowmanville girls will council chamber of the Town join their husbands who are Hall an Monday, November 21, with the Canadian Army in at 8 p.m. Germany. Mrs. Robert Worsle'v, There are stili two unclaim- nee Barbara Rogers, sailed' on cd prizes from the Rebekah Nov. 7; her husband is with Penny Sale. Will those holding the R.C.R. Mrs. Jim Varo, ne numbers 1792 and 469 please Mary Humphrey, will saii on phone MA 3-5409 and they will Sunday, Nov. 20, an the S. S. be informed where the prizes Frederica, te jain her husband, maybe picked up. Cpi. Jim Varo, who is station- Ladies - don't forget the Spode ed at headquarters of the Sec- Coffee Party at the Lions Centre ond Infantry Brigade in Ger- tonight, Nov. 17, at 8:15. New many. film, "The Story of Fine China", Mr. Raymond (Bun) Welsh, door-prizes, display of Spode,- re- bis wife, and children, Paul aged freshments. Admission 50c. Bus- 9, Patricia aged 6, arrived from iness and Professional Women's London, England, early on Wed- Club. 46-1 nesday morning and are staying Winners af tickets in the hoc- with relatives in Bowmanville key draw of the Bowmanville where they intend to make their Lions Club for November 16 home. Bun went overseas with were Mrs. Florrie Roberts and the Perth Regiment as a Dis- Lou Dewell; November lq patcher in World War II, serv- Bruc Colell nd Jm Hoes; g mainly in Itaiy. He took an Nvcemboler 26 Gd io elliatt bara bride, the former Bar- and Waer26 Godone.it br Mundy and they have and altr Gode.lived in London since the close Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humby,. of the war. It is 14 years since Hamilton, were guests of her Bun left Bowmanville and he is brother, Mr. and Mrs. Mark enjoying a reunion with mcem- _______________________bers of his family here. ST, JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Suaday Nexi Delore Advent 8anl il ar. - BOLY COMMUNIONf CRURCH SCIIOOL 10 ar. .- Senior il &.m. - Junior Yp.rn. - EVENING FRAYER Out-oi-town guests att ICampbell - Nicholson wedding jTrinity United Chunch, Nov. wcre: Mr. James Wells, Valie Ifield, Que., Mrs. M. Stoltz, K~ chanr r,aned Mns..F. WE chanr,; Mn. ad Mns. J. Mc Mns. E. Sampson and Anne, Mi Kathleen Skinner, Mrs,. M. FE guson, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. R. IBraithwaite and Anne, Montrez IMiss Alice McDonald, Mn. ai 1 Mrs. J. S. Watt, Ottawa, Mr. ai Mrs.W H. McMillan. Miss Gra, Ncoson, Mr. Harold Wiersn Hamilton: Mn. and Mrs. R. Maya, Margaret, Carolyn ar Richard, Washington, DC.: Mi Elizabeth Cameron, Windso Miss Shirley Ritchie, Londci Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tune Blackstock. Mn. and Mns. Philip Brawr son, Hilicrof t Street, Osbawz celebrated their twenty-fiii wedding anniversary recenti when thcy were gucstsc honar at a surprise party givei by their daughter, Mrs. Lorn Bryans, at her home an Gnier son Avenue, Osbawa. On arri val Mn.. Brownsan was pres ented with a corsage ai pinI roses and Mr. Brawnson recel' ýTrînity United Churc h Minister- Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11:00 A.M. - "Excepi Ye Be Converîed" 7:00 P.M. - Motion Picture "'WHAT IS A CHRISTIAN?" Hymn singing, led by Mr. A. A. Merkley FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 at 8 p.rn., the Mission to Church Workers Theme Speaker Rev. Lloyd Shorien Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. the in ley- :i t- ,er- cd a boutonniere., Mrs. Blake ,.g Ich, Short read an address and a i~g I ~ iss television chair and other giits ewF"ma tn s ',% 'er-lwere presented ta themn fram J. relatives, friends anSI neigh- 1 C. bars. Assisting the hostess inj al; serving were Mrs. Edwardj nd Clarke, Mrs. Blake Short and i4 NEW 1 ind Mrs. Norman Wlelsh. Guests ace from out ai tawn were present ris, from Oak Ridges, Pickering LO IO P. land Bowmanville. I h rv D In :),TYRO E 19p flowing naq Mr. and Mrs. George Maddtr, Oshawa, were Sunday aiternoon ,n callers af Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'a, Brent and Mr. and Mrs. Allan lan Ith Woad, Milibrook, were tes ý1' guests. orkl pP en Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rahm3TI S CLA R nevisited Mr. and Mrs. Russel I E LA E ieLarmer, Cadmus. Iop-on ru ri- The combined meeting af the hnoyop-oycrm SW.A. wss verv weli attedd ak The Evening Graup took charge y' with President Mrs.George Ail- dread presiding. The worship period wss taken by Mrs. Alma Yellowlees and Mrs. Walter Park. Misses Marjarie Couch J. H. Arnott and Miss Jean Cunningham, Pictured above i. J. H. Arnott Bawmanville, shawed lovely ai Orono, who was named full- b , 75c* $1.*23 jcoloured pictures ai their trip ta time Ficidman for the Durham jEngland and Scotiand which was Federation ai Agriculture for the very much enjayed bv aIl. periad f romn November 14 ta SAVE* 1.46 Patty and Cindy Lau Pater- March 31, 1956 at a directors' HALIBUT LIVER OIL son, Maple Grove, spent several meeting ai the erganizatian held CAPSULES i dsys with thein grsndpanents, last week. Mr. Arnott is a grad- 100's 1.15 500's -----4.29 Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Waodley. uste ai Ontario Agricultural Col- -__________ Mr. and Mrs. Stanley.Gable lege, and warked at the Centrai and bos were Sundsy visitors Experimental Farm, Ottawa, of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Coverly, during 1948 and 1949 and with1 Caurtice. *the Saskatchewan Department R LE M j Mr. and Mrs. J. Hilîs snd Mr.!of Agriculture from 1950 until and Mrs. C. W. Woodiey spent j une of this year. In bis newTH EFC Monday at the Royal, position Mr. Arnott will pramate ARDESN M.r. and Mrs. CyrilQune the interests af the Durham Fed HI RESN Qinyeratian and the Co-aperaters In-l Sr., Newcastle, Mn. and Mrs. surance Association in this bohadsem. jars jCyril Quinney Jr., Mr. and Mrs. county. Me is a native ai Dun- IMurray Adams, Bawmanville,j dalk, Grey Caunty. were Sunday visitors ai Mr. and_______________ Mrs. Harvey Partner. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Waad'iex', Mr . Norman Woodley visîted Mr. N w S h o and Mrs. Herb Burgess, Orono. Sorrv 1 hsvent much news (Continued iram Page One) this week as 1 left Saturday detail work cauid be leit up ta Smorning to visit mv, dauehters Mr. Thompson after the general o@m and sister, Mr. snd Mrs. beoiv a en e yth or y B M aMdMn. ar o or d ense vth or Witte, a Mr. and Mrs. j onorby'one ai the cammittees. ttions a tih oitr itdresigtin theit. od Alex Perger, Hamilton, attendedl Mr. Thampson at present is ---- ------ - Family Day services on Sundav! doing considerable work of this SAVE 45c at Livingston United Church and nature for the Board as wel SACCHARIN TABLETS hea rd the Medallion Chorus' as his own job ai supervisis - 'j Grain Singers, retunning home Tues-! the staff snd pupils at the tre 10«s 20c 500's _ 55e day evening. schoals. It was pointed out that 1 Grain many towns ai Bowmanville's 100's _23c 500's --- 65e size in Ontario have à Business M anager and Supenvising Prin- Appes Ain ia.I M el hteetal as the tawn grows Bowmanville will prohably have tai adapt this (Continued fromn page one) sx'stemn and do away with the tegrity is bcing carried on still. i secretary-treasurer's position. bath by Wilfrid Carruthers & ' twsbog utath Son an Scugag Street, and by 1minthsbogatat the AeaCm Mr. Charles Carruthers in bis: mieeing e thst the Arena Com 1orchards on the Middle and Fotehaegreasy aae Manvers Roads. tw afaternoons a week for the i A Wi]iriduse of the schools. Wednesday m About four years ago WifrdShas been set aside for the boys & &Son Bob took aven the 30 Bauauu d i aces a oncard n Scgog1 and Friday for the girls. Teach- I iormerly managed by Wilfrid j crnsupte rgee chl te I eSO f and his father. When it cames atun suiin the chlren fl4-n ta prepanatian of the apples sel- a h rn.riu~ ected for exhibiting at the Royal, Garbage collection came up Wilirid's wiie, Margaret, aiso for discussion. The. Board me- N assists by cleaning and polishing ceived an account for $90 for A the appies until they gleamn like this service but the janitors PLA AN I wax. Mn.. Carruthers also puts complain that pick-ups are alAAN in a busy time during the Faîl tao inirequent. A dloser check months taking and filling srnall1 is ta be made on this service and AYN orders fromth house. Di i the cost i ound ta ' -to Betty. 19, is proud ai the iamily!high and standing garbga business and awards won, health hazard the Board may Mr. Carruthers, who is De-; Put it up for tender. puty-Reeve or Bowmanville. is j A sum af $33.75 was turnedl a past president of thie North- ,rt h or rmtesl jumberland and Durham Fruit; ofer tiqate Bd in te sle jGrowers Association, Vice-Presi-aintcuedes. dent af the Durham Growers Teachers are holding grade Co-Operative Cold Storage, and meetings each week. These Fruit and V'egetable Growers' t ers of similan grades so the Association. being one oft two'school svstem can ne standard- \Ve Delie apple representativ~es for the ized and teachers mav benefit ie provice - fram each other's experience. Ph ilat e 1sf Pro vides Fascinating Lecture. SOn Canadian Postage On Fridsy cvening, Nov *1, with interesting examples the Bowmanville Stamp Club these very early letters, ej played hast ta the Oshawa ofa which were carefuily pasi Stamp Club, when these twa araund, ion cveryone ta sci, Clubs eambined ta put on a oo The first postal relation, :very interesting and success.- tween the United States a Lion'. Cammunity Centre, in a convention, which dccid tBowmanville. Altogether, 4~3 upan the regulatians. Lett -frames dispiaying a wide werc pncpaid ta the lines range ai philatelic subjects, Canada, but any U.S. chari *were shown. could be prepaîd or collect The speaker for the cvening from the addnessee. was Harold T. Humby. of The ismous 'Map Star Hlamilton, wbo ista member ai was a result oi the Imper the Royal Phiiatelic Society ai Postal %onference, hcld in Lo London, England, as well as don, England, at which the British North Amenic2nagemnfoauiam and Hamilton Pbiiatelic Socie- agrpostagefor.aset at i pe tics, and was a director of CA- fan a !,2 aounce. This wcnt i] PEX in 1951. eficct an Christmas Day, 181 Mn. Humby Was pleasantly and, in Canada, Sir Willis surprised at such a large at- Mulock, wha wss Postmast tendance, and gave hi. aud- nCanada, issued the 2 ce ence a very instructive demon- Map Stamp. The British pas.e stration ai the bistory af Can- sions were shown in mcd, ai adian postage. He braught the motta read, "We bold along with him stampless cav- vasten Empire than ha. been. ers dating back ta 1764. These bore the stràight uine markings This bistory ai the Canadit ai Quebec and Montreal. There postage was followed thnaui wene also handstruck postage ta 1951, whcn Canada celtbra stamps, dating from 1795 ta cd ber 100 years af posta, 1875, xvich pneceded the ad- stamps, with the "Capex" K hesive stamps. The letters hibition, and the release afi I whic carieda hndstuckfour special stamps ion th cancellation in red, indicatedocain the postage was prcpaid, those After hi. interesting discu in black meant the postage sien, Mn. and Mrs. Huffil rate was te be paid by the re- made themselives acquainte ceiver. In Julv. 1859, the charge witb old and new fricnds.É for these unpaid letters wss in- Mrs. Humbv was formerlyi creased from 5 cents ta 7 cente. Bowmanville, it gave beri In 1840, Samuel Cunard, who oppartunity af visiting wi: was the founden af the Cun- ber brother, Mn. Mark Roenig ard Steamship Lînes, contnact- and Mrs. Roenîgk. cd with the British Adminalty D. R. Marnison, president te provide two trips a« manth, tbe Bowmanville club, welcon between Liverpool, Halifax and cd the large attendance whic Boston, and Liverpol, Picton, included membens, wives an and Quebec. The rate ai post- fricnds ai bath clubs, and ir age. for letters, was set at 1 tnoduced the guest speaker, M~ shilling, 2 pence Sterling, or Humby. Mn. L. M. Rathb 1 shilling, 4 pence curnency. expncsscd appreciation on bE The paid lettens, with their bh aio the Bowmanvilie clul mcd canceilation, came under and Mr. E. Hann, presidentc thc Sterling and cunrency the Oshawa club, far Oshaw rates, while the unpaid letters;, membens and guests. Mn. Har: which canicd the black cancel- also thanked Bowmanvillc fo latians, came under the Ster- entcrtaining the Oshawa clul ling rate anly. Everyone present -enjoye, With same ai these caver. in the delicious reiresbmcnts su: hi. possession, Mn. Humby was plied by the wivcs ai Bowman able ta provide bis audience ville members. 1 in- .Wr. 'e- ub. for ab. in- 17 Fair Winners *(Continued ,frorn Page One) eighth flock of five and eight;h lamb flock. Boyd Ayre af Hampâton had the scventh and eighth rama lamb, fiith and 1 l4th yearling cwe; llth and 12th ewe lamb, fourth flock af five and iourth lamb flock. of Lance Beath ai Oshawa had each the third prize ram, twa years ted and aver and llth yearling be - T. C. Glaspeil and Son. Osh- and awa, won ane first prize, anc Rfter third, anc iourth and anc sev- ded enth in the ileece woal classes. ters In the same section, Ralph 3 i Glaspeil ai Bawmanville had rges a fourth prize and Faster cted Snowden ai Oshawa sixth. T. C. GlaspeIl and Son also won the E. J. Freyseng Trophy nia in shecp special for the bet eilpen of four lambs, Canadian an- bred. Raiph Glaspell won iirst c ~a,] for maket wvether lambs be- ratc t ee 90 and 100 pounds. nto Lloyd Ayre, R.R.4, Bawman- 198, ville, a brother ai Boyd, did- well with bis entnies ai ma- arn ket lambs. Me took first prize ster with anc pen ai Sout4down etmarket lambs and third prize sed with anathen. Mis pen ai thnee adSouthdowns were neserve n"champions in the market lambs c lass. Grain Winners igh rat- In the soit wintcn wheat cla.,s ma.e John Cruickshank af Hampton Ex taak first place, A. L. Blan-i th'n chard, Hampton, was second, 1at and R. L. Clemens, Hampton, was fourth. Harold Swaîn, Ne- M tleton snd J. W. Boyd and Son' hby Oonowere also in the iist of byd winners in this class.Or As J. W. Bayd and Son of r As ana stoad seventh Iîn the class anifor shcax'es ai whcat. ith Among those winning pnizes igk inathene s frearly matuning oatswereColin Smith, Bow- manville, and J. W. Boyd and ai Son, Onano.. M_- Harold Swain, Nestîctan, was ich indh 9TILL 12 Ladies 50c COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE ࣠RGSOE SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL TRIS WEEK For * A wide range of gii te 0ne floor shopping case, Around-the-corncr *ik ý f 1from Choit CoUd,,; *Campetitive prices cneine .Lumbeg,.t& Shop for Christmas at your s nejok, ah.,. tcAches n.eighhorhood I.DA. Drug Store SAVE MONEY Buy the LARGE SIZE69 Here's thc proof of the pu~dding! New you eaunmire substantial savings by buyint the large size at your I.DA. Q uuiNt Drug Store. Figure thcm eut for yourself - take the prîce ~ ver unit (ounces, tablets, etc.) of the small aize and multip23 it by the number of unit. in the large size. The difference between this amount and the large sizc price ls your saving., It pays big di'vidends te buy the large size - and lt's more, convenient too! SAVE 20o SAVE 23o * **e Johns on's TAMPAX BABY POWDER ISmnall sie, 19's 42c -________ Small size, 4 oz.-------- 35ec1 Large size. 40's ---- -1.49S LE Large size, 9 oz. -. 59e SAVE 47a IADETCPUE i BROMO-SELTZER . SAVE 210 jSmnall size. 8 dozes - ------ 29cl 7 essen tial minerais Johnson' I Large size, 40 doses --- 98e rd~~mrt PLASTIC STRIPS SAVE 43e1 Small size, 10 strips ------- 19e STOPETTE AN l O's. . . 0. 4'5 SPRAY DEODORAN Large sze, 42 strips ... 59o Small size, 1 oz. --- 75e' SAVE 65o Iarge size, 2'i4 oz. - .5 DETTOL SAVE 1.16 Disinfectant and Antiseptie WILDROOT CREAM-O]ML Smafl size, 17/ oz. 43e Smnall size, 1% oz. G---- RELEF3eg SAVE l3c SAVE 99c VICK VAPRURPHILLIPS VICKSVAPOUB MILK 0F MAGNESIA Small size, 1'zeoz, - -- -- 53e SmnalI size. 4 oz.. 29c'GNeI L 1Large size, 31/8 oz. 98cLag ie2oz 89 FO TH LarEg28oSizE,2 6 o 9j NEW LISTERINE FOR7TNE SCOTT'S EMULSION Antiseptie Liquid Small size, 3 oz. 33e Reg. Silo 520 Small size, 614 oz. -1.00 Large size, 14 ez. 98e' Large size, l4'ij oz. --200 SAVE1.18SAVE i conomy 980 ABVRIE R.BUFFERINI ABSOBINEJR.Headache Remedy Small size, 4 oz.--------11 Smali size, 12'it.......39e Large size. 12 oz. - 2.39 Large size, 100's - .---- 1.89 SAVE 28e SAVE 38e SAVE 26e IDASAL TABLETS ALKA-SELTZER I BRYLCREEM 100's 39e 300's 89e Small size, 8's 3 4« Hair Dressing SAVE 42e Large size, 25's - ---68c Smnall size, 1.8 oz.- .----. 43e OLIVE OIL j SAVE 79e Large size, 4 oz.. 69e 4 oz. 35e 16 oz. ose Smali size, l2*s . - 1e Large size, 100's 79e SAVE'35c AIR-WICK Sma]l size, 512 oz. 69e Large size, 51"2 OZ.---- 159 ISAVE 16e NIIVEA CREME ISmall size. 2 oz. 63, Save ! Buy Large Si: SAVE 1.60 MAER CAPSULES 60sDA-F150 240's -4.5014 6 ~SAVE 3le 4 oz. 19e 16 oz. 45e1 SAVE 30e COD LIVER OIL iHigh Test> 8 oz. -. 90c 16 oz. - .5 COLD REMEDIIES Are You 1Brouehida Cold Tirci to Capsules, 30's 1.25 Try RYU B Cern' 1Bronchida Cough Vitami PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIAITY McGregor,1 Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store 1 SAVE 40o COLGATE malDental Cream S alsize, 1'à o z.- ------33e, Large size, 5 11/16 oz. 85e SAVE 2.50 TEMPLETON'S T-R-C'a Small size, 36's ___ 1.50 Lkrge size, 180's 5.00 SAVE 30e LUSTRE CREME LOTION SHAMPOO Smailisize, 1I',--oz. 45e Lange sîze,-3 'i oz. . 75e: ize I.D.A. Products SAVE 1.05 STOMAUR POWDER 4 oz. --,75e 16 az. - 1.95' SAVE 71c IDAMALT 1 lb. 75e 4 lbo. 2.29, SAVE 28e MILK 0F MAGNESIA TABLETS 100's.-39C 300'8 -.---89e a Too PHILISHAVE Live? EETI BUTOLI SHAVER plez 1 Easy ta bald - Easy: Ina t dan* Qie HEAVI4IINERAL OIL 16 oz. 55e 40 oz. 1.10 The moSt effective and Convenient treatment M1YPEN S" ~PENICILLIN STREPTOMYCIN~ * $1.50 Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 0 tý third and John Cruickshank, are essentially to look miter thc - even if in a ioreign lazid - ani6, Hampton, iourth in a class of spiritual and moral welfare of their names shall live for ever.., 33 entries for a medium or laieJ the treoop. "Our true source more. maturing oats. J. W. Boyd and of strength is not the atomic Helpers Thanked Son placed llth. bomb or our armaments. but aur Rev. Herbert was thanked on John Cruickshank won nintli spiritual beliefs and our faith bhl ftegteigb place in the class for six-raw- in a Higher Power," he declared. bhî ftegtclgb ed barley. Me urged his audience nat to Comrlade Firth. He alsa thanked' Vie Jeffery of Bawmanvile negleet this aspect of tl*ir ives SupeAntendent Werry cf the' entered 19 birds i the fancy and ta make sure that the.ir Boy'sTringShoadCi" children receive training in Triin coo ndCm pigeon class and took sevenChita at.rd AIS tcok tte firsts, 10 seconds and one third. Chîstan aît. adeAIrmxt, ooukeat the He had the best bird in tfra Me pointed out that many fscolfrcokntukyfo English Trumpeter ciass. the Young men enîisting in th~e the banquet; and several Brandi Canadian Army todav have little members who, helpcd in making or ne knawledge ai Christianity. the event a success. "We give little recognitian to Comnrade John James led in, Leg ion Di nner spiritual values, and this willv- an enthusiastic sing song accom- nilly attitude taward the funda- panied by Comrade Mrs. Betty mental. principles oi life is aur Lawrie. Comrade Jim Firth and (Cantinudd from page one) greatest danger", Rev. Herbert Gardon Garrisan and "Chxck» that he waý born in England and asserted. We must became more Richards provided impromptu came ta Canada in 1930. He canscious of the warth and value entertainment before the arriva. ;erved for *16 yesrs as a mis- ofa the individual man if we wish of the entertainers iram Toron-- ;ionary in Ungava and the Ita preserve aur wsy oa ife and ta. C lare Rouse, who produced Northwest Territories and was the peace, of the world. a variety ai instruments frori ..haplain at Camp Borden from In paying tribute te thase wha his hobo's costume and praceed- .946 ta 1954. He was also Padre served their country but did net ed te play them all, made a hit of the Alliston Legion Branch. return, he declared, that the with the gstherîing. The Regans, Mr. Herbert outlined the famaus lines af Lord Nelson's a comedy sang and dance tcamài luties ai a Chaplain in the Epitaph appiy ta them, in that aise provided gaad entertain- Canadian Army, wvhich, he said, their bodies lie buried in peace ment. Friday Night Np~vember 18 THE OASIS presents Doug Dasti and his Northern Ramblers Round and Square Dancing D~ANCING Admission Gents 75c THE CANADUS STATzsmAx

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