PAGE Tn 'W Game Finishes in Brawl IWe When Barons Win 4-3 Over Lakefîeld Rivais Ini a penalty-filled g4me here received an assist on the goal. Saturday nlght which .ended Lots ai Penalties with a brawl between the play- Altogether Lakefield served ers on their way ta the dressing nne penalties and Bowmanville rooms, the Bowmanville Barans five in the apening canto as edged the Lakefield Lumlbermen Referees Tapping and Locke 4-3 'n overtime ta hold onto finst called evervthing that looked the place in the Lakeshore League. least bit offensive. The game itself was kept Bob Bird sent the Barons inta fairly well under contrai by the a 2-0 lead at 14:46 ai the second two referees which Bowman- when he cashed a nice pass from ville requested ta handie the Don Gilhooly who had carried game rather than a referee and up the ice on a bneakaway. a linesman.* Ted Topping and Maxie Yourth was also creditedi Ivan Locke were the officiais with an assist an the marker. and they called everything that This goal tauched off a scaning looked the least bit questianable, flurrs' as Kevin Heffennan scan- handing aut 19 penalties ta Lake- ed for Lakefield on a pass inomn field and 10 ta Bowmanvjlle. Martin only 14 seconds laten. It They could do littie ta break up took the Barons only another 13 the melee whîch enupted Ia the seconds ta make the counit 3-1 passageway leading. ta the dress- when Ron Burgess fined home a ing rooms aiter the game, how- ever. 1This was touched off by a Lakefield player swinging on Jed Wilson and another player tak- Ing a poke at Maxie Yourth. The action of Lakefield goalie ~ Réd Wasson in skating immed- lately ta the passageway and hurling abuse at the Bowman- Welcome Wo. ville players also helped pro- Bsbl egew voke the donnybnook. Befare itBaeaiLau w was over Frank Hoopen had and dance on Satur( been given a black eye and a Mr. George Finney v cut nase and Ron Burgess had i by over 120 friends 'been attacked and pummelled so, eefloi by three or four Lakefîeld play-shw heefloi ers. Constable Denny Densemn of his traphy whic] had bis hat knocked off while trying ta break up the fracas. Doon Kicked Off The brawl was anIs' ended R ecreati when the Bowmanvîlle plaver, entered their dressing raom. Oý.ej ai the Lakefield players also Explains the referees' romr and Cam.ain Dean Wasson tnied ta 'sttack Maxie Yaurth Xarons' Manager Frank Ja, ieson L c l P when he went ta the L-ikefield pssfnom Marshall at 15:23. dressing room ta get ba,k a pair Onîs' alent goaa-tending by bath The manthly meetir o nd s ta t he .akeild cle Red Wasson, who played an out- Women's Institute wa, loaed o te iakeiel clb.standing garne for Lakefield, the Lions CdmmunitY Trhe action taken by the Bow- and Denny Pallister, who was on Thursday, Nov. 24 manville executive in protest- anIs' slightly less s tcuaMrs.T.Btey es anote tyi this al iss0.uie i prevented the score from gaing the chair. anoter tor inthi isue. higher during the rest of the Report ai Financial Vetenan-Maxie Yourth won the period. visiting cammittees m game for the Barons by fining a Lakefield pulled up ta a 3-2 proved. Pres. Mrs. goal at 8:07 in avertime ta break ugse th w tr 3-3 deadlock. This came an a deficît at 6:55 of the third when sgsted tha26we tns nice play with Don Gilhaoly and Ken Floyd fired home a, pass the course provided Bob Bird, Gilhooly skated in from Doris at close range while Institute suggesting ta the leit side af the net with Bill Berwick af the Barons was wouid be intenesting ai Bird's pass and laid a perfect evn rpigsnec.fl relay on the stick of Maxie serig atipng snecfiwe were reminded Yourth who was uncovered on Thes' kept pressing and t hein Selby Grant ta take an the opposite side ai the goal. hard work paid off again at in the Old People's I- Maxie dilled it in from a sharp 15:02 when Gardon Coyle fired Cobourg, sometimes angle about six feet out. a 15-footer into the Bowman-o aigltetrts The Barons led thno;ughout ville cage on a breakaway. Hef- wolr baiglthtletets the gaine until the 15-minute fernan drew an assist on the willrealzen that e s' mark of the third >period. The markcr. fongen. Som enedcu' first peniod was sconeless almost Neither teain could s cor ane o meig until the end in spite of the fact again in regulation time and the par o i aurimein that ecdi side had manpower gamne xent ia oventime, with ernrstiMe g Wrepoan advantages due ta the mans' Yourth's talîs' giving the Barons cove'inetin eot penalties handed out. Bowman- the game and a two-point edge York Hotel in Toronto ville had two-man advantages aven Cobourg on top ai tie2,3ad4 twice on delayed Lakefield pen- Lakeshone League standings. 2,3 a .or a!nc alties and cashed in the second Ice Chips' the entertainment and tîme. Neil Wasson was serving It is 100 bad the Lakefield quite a success. Mn. a eang W ass and inten eresjuad cannat concentrate on NRecreatianai Directar, hi can Wie n an Hooeredne hockey as tics' have a fast,hand- invited ta speak and I lctcd a nksho yEnnetrying team that plays gaod ject was "Public Re] flickensa in the La Efildcae Ihockey ...Red Wasson, theirHe told us that it vasa te La ksiedragals goalie, is one ai the best in the of good policy and ai league ... However, the aid sas'- to the people ai tie t iîig about flot being able ta win acquaint themselves ( TO'tLOOKING games in the penalty box is true aur newspaper) with SWLL. ..IM'u "AOC nLkfed' ae.. ..nrything the Recreation C -, Pallister played a good game in tees xvere doing to ielp A ou*I1 K RECOVERX thc Bowmianville'twînes ... Up us ta be better citizens front, Maxie Younth was a stand- Keigi m h -. y vwi fi 'too. out bath on offense and in the were winter and summei C>00CAP.E OF ME 0 back-checking departmnent... Cý;SBob Bird and Dan Gilhools' also nob 'Y DCTOR AND turned in fine games . . . Bill Dm0 NY OCL AO Berwick was unable ta add ta F. Biacmclc his points total, but Hooper and Dickens fattened theirs . .r U U Y . Lakefield pulled their goalie rp e i * a~~îaao~ wjth 44 seconds left in overtimep e n LOVELL"S. ~but the move didn't pay off. Frwl lcbr d 10 AL0FILtb Tom Depew made his first FaeelBckune TOOw CAL 0FFILIKO home appearance on defence and Jack Gay' by five pins T,4 P.ECP~PIOS. turned in a nce game. 1 the iigh triple this ____ L!akefield-Goal, R. Wassan;ý Blackie had scores ai defence, Ricilark, Mpntgomers' 215 for 835, xviile Jack G D. assn, antn, cArY'u Courtice flash, had scores n'ýë Afonwards, K. Heffennan, Cas'le; 264-285 for 830. THXOER EHO Fposition. THE IODEN 31THODOF . Tic playofis will stai HER IPRVEENe- Wedncsday, Dec. 7hl and HERDIMPRVEMET *iDecember l4ti. * XTenth Week - First Sche *Other advantages of artificial breeding are: >! Team w1 Safety, economy, convenience, chioice of breed, ,: Lander ___201 ' : e onro.Hailman ______ 19 1 disas cntrl.~,PolIes' 171 Whether you have onîe cow or a hundred, purebred j Taylor -____161 îOke ______ 16 1 or grade, it wilI pay you to breed artificially. Rudl 1 For complote information or service cali our McKnight ____151 closest reprosentative between 7 and 9 a.m. Larmer 15___1 ,Bagneli 14 1 j«. DICK WOOD, BOIVAANVILLE, MArket 3-3405 f O'Rourke - 121 * MR. JAAN TAAVET, CLARKE 46-R-03 Bacs10- I 1: MR. KEITH WOOD, QJLONO 171-R10ar 10ge -Name Games Witznearly'3,5Q0 cattie owners ini the Quinte District ! ., George Elliott 30 u ng o sthevleotî rga oursies hevaue f hi prgrm .Alan Osborne - 30 has been proven. 1Elton Brock 30 4IRo Mayard 30 Distict aile>DBidlnl ed ilake 3 The Quinteo ititCaleBedig t1TdHoan _ 30_ SJack Gisy3 Association, Bellevillei nt aDial 3 n. ~ Ru-Bill ()]ut.-.)0 A Farier owned Co-operativL' n iePurifect - ----- 1 Marie «.vVanstone -- .30 O*f****Bruce Milne - 30 ?Ri~AAtA '.qv 1,AU emJaq,,L, ---C =CWNM*TJV V£.Aj1TJI.IIL TiNURMAT. MM .lot lf DIcorne Wolve s Win County Basebali Trophy Minors Suffer Some Upsets Oil Saturday (Intended for last week) Standings were \ shuffled ln the Bow ianville Minar Ho*ey League fast Saturday marning Nov. 19, as some upjetswwere registered. Listed 10larean lie latest standings la tic three leagues: Bantam )vese champions of the Durham Rural years by the Welcome team. They are, left to right, front, 7ere honoured with a turkey banquet row Sanford Haskill, Graham Foster, Glenn Dafoe, Capt. day night at Canton Community Hall. Donald Lord, Carmen Irwin and Coach AI. White.; back was chairman for the evening, aýtended row, Cecil'Day, Floyd Bebee, Calvin Harness, Barney Mills, from the district. The champions are Johnny Choiniere, John Sleernan and Gerald, Bebee. ig presentation by John M. James, M.P., Absent, Bill Douglas, Derwood Sheppard and Peter Bon- .h was won for the f irst time in five cardo. Welcome defeated Millbrook in the finals. ng ai tie ts ield mn ýy Centre Ath, witii sident, in and Sick were ap- Butters' -J la ge la taCk tint il nd heip- by Mrs. ninterest Home ln visiting s0 lies' are not ssian foi- the first gave a ai ofite ce Royal on Nov. liange ai 1it was r. Rigg, lis sub- latians." a malter interest towa ta througli evers'- Commit- zp ahl ai at therp- r sports 11 and il look evers'body in lii itowa ta make lie vaniaus pro jccts succcssful. He enume ated a few ai lie classes car ried on at lie Lions Commurý ils' Centre, suci as lie smock. ing classes, photograpis' an( painting, not forgetting "lTi Choral Society'." Thes' are foi the females, but tie maies iavc their interesîs catened tla . Ia tÈe summen lie Recrea. lion Committee lakes aven 1hE playgnaunds anad provideç trained leaders la look aftèz lie children. These leaderE have been alleading classeý liemselves at lie expense ol tic government and lie mem- bers. We werc tien trealed la 1wo films shown by Mn. Rigg. The first was ai a sciool class and their repres enlati ve who brougit back a repart from the Student Body'. Il reminded one af anc ai aur own council meet- ings. Tie ame oaitilwas 'Wiat's Your Opinion." The second film was about a farmen wio wanlcd ta get a study group ta caîl in experts wio would be ai iclp talhin in mans' was's around lhiu farms and politicalîs'. He 'cer- tamIs' put is foot into a hor- nets' nest. Tiat ended ti.- spcaker's part for that day and he tvas warmls' tianked. Mrs. Moorc's graup provide1 a dainfy lunch and everyaîîc was happy. Ladies dan't for- get tic next meeting, Dccem- ber 22nd at lie Lions Centre. arn Rails High Men's Major in k e 1 _ .k le le :h s f 3 dged au ta wir week 309-311. Gay. th( as of281. lite 70( 32, JacP anstonE 1l West. ns 729, r<es 710 :h sinJgl VestlakE are we]l Braug] >6. he low 1Sellers rith 433 w'on ai] ey won id higi 7points witi 48 îRuss. am has veek af lividua] he best all the .e best rt on 1finish iedule L Pts. 10 48 Il 45 13 41 14 39 14 37 15 35 15 35 15 34 16 33 18 26 19 25 20 22 iAve. 228 28 24 24 24 223 221 21 218 Ted Bagneil -____30 Bill Polies'y ____-30 Ron Richards -- 30 Frank Williams ---30 Bi i Hearle 30 Imug Taylor 30 Bob Stocker 27 Malt Harrison 30 Norm O'Rourkc --30 Bill Mutton 24 Bill Bales -.-.27 Dick Lihtle _ .30 Reg. Heanle L.27 Dr. H. Rundie 30 Karl Bickell 30 Art Spicer 27 Bob Williams 27 Jack Brough -----30 Bert Engles' 30 Ed. Rundlc --- 30 Dr. K. Siemon 30 Bill Steven - ----- 27 Farewell Blackburn 30 Ross McKnigit ----24 Frank Samis---- 27 Walt DeGee -------30 218 217 217 215 215 213 211 210 210 210 209 209 208 208 208 208 208 207 205 204 203 203 202 10-01 201 200 At. the time of the most n- cent count there were 88 womý- en employed on the police for- ces of Canada. YOUR EYES and Vision Re-written fram previaus eýi3pyrig1hts ofa C. B. Tuck, Optometrist 4- . Disney Mlsg, 31 King E., O0p.P.O. OSHAWA Phone HA 5-6143 321. Hýis es'es wcre lurned ahd vision vers', vers' pon. His malien said, 'Wc cannaI afford tic aperation necessars' ta straigilca tices'yes and enable proper attention la studs' and school." It mas' not be necessans' for an aperation. many 'cyca be- came sîraigil just frcm wearing glasses prapenîs' iitted at lie proper lime. Correct leases nelive tie ten- sion on tihes'ye muscles. The es'e h-curnes straigit, vision becarnes mrnrmural. StucIv anid pin'. are indulged iin with more nor- mal action. (Copyright.edï- 3r- e ie s s f Front Street and Miilen's Taxi moved ahead ai lie pack in the Town Hockey League last Thunsday nigil with wins tiat moved them tirce and two points respectiveis' aicad oi tic third-place Foresters. Front Street edged Fonesters 7-6 ta stas' anc point up on Millers in f:rst place. Thc Taximen iand- ed Courtice a 7-1 drubbing. Bill Lyle fired tirce goals for the Front Streeters and Ras' Preston was close behind wlth -twa. Chuck Kilpatrick and Don Rundle each sniped singletons. Budai's' Team Advances- To Take Over Top Billing tic Foresters and Frank Mo- hua, Larry Dewell, Irv Brooks and Dan Masters notched anc apiece. Larny Chant, Don Childs and Bruce Cale led the Taximen in their one-sided win with two goals cach. Bud Perfect' iired tic otier manker. Bob Johnson notched lie lone Courtice manker la the third frame. Town League Standing W L T P GFGA Front St. 5 3 0 10 50 40 Millens -- 4 3 1 9 48 41 Forresters - 3 4 1 7 41 52 Tic lime is getting nathhcr Brown 72; Aima Perfect 64; d short now and al lie girls are Marion Knox 44. Belter luck ý0 tuning in on licir stations ha next lime girls. eget their number on lie top ai Name A ve. e tic hit parade af bowling. Ail Doris Joli ------- ----208 1- lie teams are wonking like Berniece Budai ____-201) Is 11111e becs in a busy hive wth Onie Etcher19 al lie workers bringing in lie iaBok191 I& sweeî ioney scores for thci r lca~~k ____ aqucen bec li te hive. Lydia Bates -_____190 s Bernicce Budai and her girls Ev Swcctman - --__ 190) ri moved up ta lake first place Eleanor Larmer 133 rthis veek with Lii Phillips and Mary Harrison- 18.1 -hen workens ncxt la line. It Lorraine iVartyn 184 -wiil be a great race now until Norma Gay 1831 a thc end ai lie first sciedule. Edna DeGeer _______181 1 There are nat too mans' mare Helen Piper 130 nigits leit naw, so ecdi and Kas' Beauprie 180P 1evers' girl will be getthI n 'l Vi Coole ----- ---179 thle bail and work for hemr lcam Olive Palfield 179 -ta make lie up-iili grade. Lii Hooper 1 I73- -Tiere wcrc a numben ai gaad Sadie Bucknell 175 games bowîed lie alien night Dot Crombie 114 with Anita Niekenson bowlin3, Kay Hendry 1-"4 a nice game ai 301 and tic fO- Ena Etcher 173 lowing girls showing licir tai- Helen Duna 173 ent la ielp tic worlhy cause. Marie Yeo 173 Anita Niekerson 301;* Kednia Ada Richards ____172 Kerr 286; Edna DeGeer 282; Wiima Bates _____171 Lii Phiilips 270; Lydia Bates Lola Wnight 171 264-256; Doris Jaîl 260-219; He- aIols' Badger 170 I len Piper 255-210; Bernicce Shirley Bickle - - 170 7 Budai 255-241-225: Norma Hoo- Mel McNulty 169 7 per 254; Olive Patfieîd 251-222- Joyce Majîor ----169 j208; Joan Engles' 239; Wîlma Dom-c Mutton 167 5Bates 233; Lorraine Martyi Viv Cavan -------- -----167 5233; Shirley Bickle 227, Lii Joan Engles' 167 Hooper 221-220; Lola Wrigiit Lii Phillips ---- 167 221; Vi Coole 216-209; Una Elaine Manko 167 Van Camp 215; Vi O'Rourkze Norma Hooper 164 215; Joyce Major 214; Kas' Dot Brooks 164 Hendry 214; Helen Brown 212; Jean Luxton 164 Elcanon Larmen 209; Dot Cromr- Ann Gay' 164 bic 209; Mals' Badger 208; Ev Mary Wilcox 163 Swectmaa 208; Jean Luxhon Ruby Yandt -______163 207; Lii Cannons 205; Joyce Audrey' Burns 162 Tennant 204. Good bowling Baie Brown 160 girls this will help s'our leam Helen Vivian 150 out.1 Higi Single - We're like becs in a big bce- Aniha Nicierson 301 hive High Triple - And we are reals' an tic jix'e, Bernicce Budai -----------7211 We trs' ta make aur games s0 Higi Average - Dbnis Joli 208 sweet Team Standing To make aur averages look, Narne Points Pins real neat. Twelve girls on the lernrn Beî'nicc-e Budai 55 27786 leagcue this wcek wiîi naines Lil Piillips- --- 54 26792 as fallows: Donna Martiin 97, Lydia Bates--_----- - il 2547d Hldta Simnick 4 aln l Joy'ce Major -4p 26354 itt94; Manlene Falls 93; Hc- Ev Sweetnn ~ 39 25691 lentDunae 92. Jean Firth 90 .Ai- Anita Nickenson 33 24892 berta Kely 88; Wilma Scot Doris Joli---------_32 25623 85; Beverley' Disles' 83; elen Ena Etcher---- 31 25177 Eleanar Larmer 30 26135 Fou ndry Wins First Schedule Durham League Bow'ville Foundrs' - 33947 563 Bow'ville Cleaners - 33353 53 Palmer M. Sales - 33454 48 C. 0. F. ---- 33108 'ý4 McNuits"s Sports 32820 40 A. & P. ---___ 31714 39 H. E.P. C. _ __- 30887 34 L. O. L. No. 1 ___ 31204 28 L. 0. L. No2.. 27586 21 Dominion Stores ---29622 ]b 200 Averages Bill Polies'1.9] Frank Lewins -----------2!:j George Eiliott 210 Ed. Leslie 209 Malt Harrison 20)9 Jim Leviht -----2o6 Carl Leslie ----200 Higi Single, Bill Polies' 383 Winaer ai lie first scieduie, Bowmanville Foundry. iiri average for finst schedlule, K-.11 Poliesý', 218. Ifigi Sjjîýje1r first scliedule, Howard -POUtter 394. Higi Triple for first h- dule, 5111 Pally. 877. _ iiba iBrock 30 249571 Onie Etchen 25 25621 Vi Coole .---- -----i 24255 Tic following six leams end- cd on tdp in tic Ladies Major Bowling League in thie first scliedule anîd vill bowl ah 7 p.m. an Mondas', December 5: Tearn Pts. Bernice Budai . - 60 Lil Phillips -_______56 Joyce Majoré 47 Lydia Bates ________46 Ev Swectman -____- 401 Anita Nickenson _____- 38 Tic remaining teamns wili bowi at 9 p.m. cScreec/i By Allan Porter -There isn't really 100 much la report tuis wcek. However, we are quite happy because tuis week we don't need ta start u ritlunil 10 o'cloek. On the ofic iîatd 1Mri. Iippel iil ornti- cd u.ý of tie coming Clii-îstni3 exarns wiich ai course made eve.xona aven kanaier.,, Cubs ...2 1Iil Huskies- - 2 1 10 Camets - - - .....2 1 9 Tige ns - -o03 4 Resulte Carnets 4, Tigens 3 Cubs 3. Huskies 0 Pee Wees W LP Bruins-- - 3 0 8 Canadians -2 1 9 Leas...-- .2 1 8 Rangers- - 2 1 7 Red Wings...0. 3 2 Hawks 0.. 3 2 Resaît, Canadians 5, Hawks 0 Rangers 2, Red Wings Bruins 5, Leafs 2 Atoms W LT F Bears ..2 1 0 8 Honnets -.1 1 1 4 Indians 1 i1 14 Barons- 1 2 0 5 Reaita Indians 2, Barons 1 Harnets 3, Bears 0 A Pts 2 4 7 4 il 4 14 0 A Pts 3 6 3 4 a 4 6 4 6 0 12 0 A Pts 5 4 4 3 7 3 5 2 BURKETON Mn. and Mrs. Merle Hub- bard, Tenny and Gay, wene la Torntno with Mr. and Mns. Charles Gibbins for the 251h Wedding Annivensary celebra- tion for M~r. and Mns. C. Vigar. Thes' are*,Mns. Hubbard's par- ents. Mn. Alden Hubbard with Mn. and Mrs. Tom Hodge and attended St. Join's Church an Sunday. Mr. and Mns. C. Whitney, Wiby, with Mn. and Mns. Bill Petenson. Mn. and Mrs. A. E. Ribey spent Sunday at Baltimore. Mns. J. Carter spent several days la Torotno and London last week. Mn. and Mrs. Nicholson, Mn. and Mrs. Gregorson i o St. Cathanines, Mn. and Mns. A. Tompkins and Gardon, Mn. and Mns. J. Rogers with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Tompkins. Mn. Leslie Taylor neturned from the Royal Winler Fair witi bis herd ai Tamwonth swine, aiten winning first and second prizes, also two fourth pnizes and otier ribbons. Con- gratulations! Sundas' visitons wilh Car- ters were Mn. and "?4rs. R. Carter, Mn. and Mrs. Kenneti Cangill, Chenyl, Rowan, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Berry and Jimmie, Mns. J. Latremouilîs and Audrey', Toronto. LONG SAULT Home & School club wUll be ield Fnidas' nîgil, Dec. 2nd. Pîcase note change ai date. Mns. Stanles' Gabie and Mrs. W. Rahm, Tyrone, were Sun- day afternoon guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Fletcher. Mn. Stanley' Fletcher, Toronto, was a weekend guest with is par- ents. Mn. and Mrs. Alfred Milison This Week at, the Royal LAST DAY - THURS.# DEC. 1 7 and 9:25 p.m. MORTON THOMPSON'S "Not As A Stranger" Gardon Baker on Saturdar evening. Mr. and Mn. Orme Mller with,-Mr. and Mrs. Wi. Miller, Orono. Mr. and Mns. Alvin Church and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers, Toronto, Robt. Sim.' Mrs. Edith Murphy spent the weekend with her daugh. ter, Mr. and Mrs. ROY Me- Laughlin, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partner were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Partner and family, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Harold De- Mille and boys, Bowmanvilli Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk Paul, Mr. and Mrs. C. PeneY. den and Wade, were Sunday, supper guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk. Mr. John Van Beek, Millbrook. ~ was a Sunday- afternooai guest at the Vaneyk home. Mrs. 'A. J. McLaggari was a Saturday evening visitor af Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson and Sandra were Saturday ev- ening guestsof his motlier, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Bentley, 'ort Perry. Mrs. Win. Penwarden, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brooks, Miss Dianne Phasey and friend of Oshawa were Sunday guests at the Murphy home. Mr. and Mrs. John Wright, Muriel and Bobby and M r. Morley Wright, Janetville, were Sunday supper guests aof r,. and Mrs. R. Gibsan. Mr. Wil- fred Bianey, Bowmanville, was a Monday visitor at the Gibsan home. School was closed Manday while Mrs. Rsevear wes ini Toranto attending the funeral af Mr. Rosevear's uncle. We welcome Mr. and Mns. SAUTO INSURANCEg I N TWO SMALL I NSTALLMENTS INot one blg yearly billi 1imagine! 5SmaI!, e peiums paid cvery six menths. TheiS is a feature by !nm company to mak. your auto insurance casier to handl. My canpany' rate in rm tu I owa "careful-drivè '0 os eape. - rience. This alto permits guicelker *rate reductions wheaever they- Iare passible. Cal! today and lui~' out more about Ibudget inurance. %I Dirk Brinkman Opposite the Co-op Cold Storage Newcastle -Phone 3671 (Audit) 5 hid 5 FRI. - SAT. - DECENDER 2 - 3 Matines Saturdety 2 p.m. "They Rode West" (Technicolor) A story of cavalry, Indians and an M.D. with a difficuit mission, starring Robert Francis as the Doc, with Donna Reed, May Wynn and Phil Carey Also 'Javanese Dagg(3r" Scotland Yard Mystery Friday - 7 an&, 9:10 Saturday, Cont. 6:30 NON. -TUES. -WED. - DEC. 5.-7 "Track* of the Cat" (Technicolor) A strange tale of action, symbolism and domestr strife, in which a huge mountain lion repeatedly stalks the ranch of a frontier family. Excellent performances by Robert Mitchum, Theresa Wright, Diana Lynn, Tab Hunter, and Beaulah Bondi Titne - 7 and 9:10 Adults 65c "*WM TEM CAMADUN STAqm-cw,&v itramâ N v. T.v mmorà lem -