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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1955, p. 17

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?~~ U R S D A Y, DEC. lst, 1955 iiiL, ETA TE U Mi, B Ow auA r<v u.4 ,I O N TrA I OciP G E T Former'Resident Opens Hampton Public School A large crowd of well over 200, packed one class- officially open the' building. From left to right: Inspect room and the hall of Darlington's New S. S. No. 1l, at Earle Webster, Sandra Lockwood, Rev. Kersey, Ke Hampton, Monday night, for the opening ceremonies. Williams and Board Chairman A. McMaster. The thrE Former Hampton resident, Rev. E. "Ted" Kersey B.A., room school was buit by R. D. Redpath of Oshawa. T B.D., Toronto, was<uest speaker for the impressive event architeet was Herbert G. Cole, formerly of Bowmanvi] and spoke on the seven pillars of education. In this photo, now of Whitby. Cost of the building was $48,500. the ribbon, held by two senior students, is being cut toW Teachers and Officiais Participate in, School O0pening iii J When S. S at Hampton was opened on Monday supervising principal and sec'y-treas. of the South Darl .vening, school . 4ials and teachers were on hand to Ington Area School Board; back row, Jack Mcnab and Ker witness and part±cxpate in the important affair. They are Werry, Board members; Herbert G. Cole, architect shown here following the opening ceremonies. From left Wilfred Brown, Board member, and Principal Ivar to right, front row: Ross Metcalfe, music director; Mrs. Woolley. David. Hall and Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, teachers; Mervin Hobbs, (Continued from Page One) Council activit¶es during 1951", which included the floating o! $450,000 in debentures for the erection of a ncw counties' ad- ministration building. Bow- manville's shame o! the cost ofl the new building will be 10 per cent, he said. Expect 4-Mili Ixicrease He pointed out that Bow- manville can except an increase o! about 4 milis next year in the counties' rate due ta the fact that the new equalized as- sessment will be uscd for tama- tion purposes. Instcad o! pay- ing on the old aspessment o! $2,800,000, Bowmanville will pay on the basis o! its new equalized assessment o! $6,300,- 000. Counties Council had a deficit o! $50.000 this year, lie reported. because it was unable ta use the newr equalized as- sessments as the basis for 1955 taxation. In the near future the Counties Côuncil wiil have ta build a new home for the aged as well, he said. In Bowmanville, the Finance Chairman stated that the de- benture debt is now $1,100,000 and the new six-moom addition. Bowman ville Choral Society Winter Concert at the TOWN IIALL WED. & THURS. December 7 &8 MARY COL%, Pianist to the Vincent Massey Public cord kept o! equipment ci Schoool wiii mean an addition- time spent on individual jobs ai $120,000. Bowmanvilie is This has now been rectified bý also paying its, 24 per cent the foreman, Coulson Pitt. share o! the cost o! the neiv Firemen Given Raise high. sehool at Port Hope and Coun. Bmough reported thal the additions to the Bowman- tefrmnhdrcie ville High School through the rth9 efrem80 drgteiei counties' rate. In addition, an- and se o $0 durngdthepya other $36,000 in debentures adteCi!adDpt were floated this year for local Chie! had been granted an ad- improvements such as sewers, diinl$6."ehv o watermains and sidewalks, but fimemen and the proof o! this these are pad off b_ the citi- can be found in the fact that zens through their taxes. He fr ossaedw nBw also pointed out that o! the manville and Darlington", he total debentuî'e debt, approxi- saxd. Coun. Brough aiso point- matey $53,00 i beig pidcd out that a new ladder and of ntely $153.00 sbin a new nsuîated boots had been off n tis ay.purchased this year, and two New Street Signs new fire alarm boxes instalied Deputy - Reeve C ,arruthers in the poiicy o! repiacing two pointed out that the street oId boxes with new ones each lighting in Bowmanvilie has yeam. been much improved and the Chairman Tom Rehder o! the Town Hall has been put in bet- Police Committee repomted that ter shape over the past few a new stop light had beer years. The new street signs erected at Liberty* and King erected this year are a definite Streets during the yeam and improvmnent, he said. new street signs had beer Couincillor David Higgon me- purchased for aIl streets and ported that as Chairman o! the crected on most o! them. Public Property Committec he Coun. Lloyd Preston report- had carried on the program . ofcd that as ohairman ,of the In- improvung the Town Hall. Con- dustrial Committee he had nol siderable work was done on1 received any !unds for indus- renovating and painting thc triall promotion. He pointed out exterîi'r this year. The credit however, that the Chamber )f for the painting and renova- Commerce during the yeam had tion at the town. shed should taken over this function and go ta Foreman Couison Putt hired a Secretary-Manager to who had asked for this, hie said. pemformi this, and other, work. Cotin. Jack Bmough reported The sum o! $5.000 was allocat- as Chaiî'man of the Fire Coinm e by council for the Chamber mittet' and a menîber 'o! the for undustriai promotion and Roads and Streets Committec. pubiicity purposes. He pointed ou that the Roads Cu.Jh ea one aVd Streets Committec spends Cu.Jh ea one tlîý nhost ëf any committee and out that he had been elected gets the most criticism. Me felt ta cauncil in the spring after that this criticism should be di- the year's budget had been rected at the committee as a drawn up. As a resuit hie hadi whole and not at the chairman. had no voice in determining Most o! the work on the the amount ailoted to the cem- streets so far as paving ilsomiteo wihh concerned is done on the ad. served as chairman. The cem- vice o! the District Municipal eteryr operates on a liited Engineer o! the Department of budget and for that reason is Higway, h puntd otThis negiected ta a certain extent, yehar s the oited t.plan- although it is .fortunate in that yedr th ommpaveae.Pospctit has an excellent caretaker., Oli and avhurc S. PrfontHe strcssed the fact tiîat tlei O! thl Vn Checît MSt.eSfroontcceter.v lacks a vault ta au-1 lie said. I-Iowever, the engincer comnodate the publie at wuii- had advised that thiese streets ter funeralz. be treated further ,vith ail and Vauit Badly Necded gravel and put int shape for It is difficuit digging graves paving in the future. during the winter months, he The hiring o! a superinten- said, and the public also have dent for the Roads and Streets ta stand in the cold during Departoient this yeam had bee:î hurils conducted then. He i wise mave. he saîd. Up until stated that if elected it was lie -,as hircd. lbe said. the de- his intention ta see what ca.n iartrnnî lad heen run on il bc donc about building a v-auh! haphazard baýis Nwith no re- w-here serviccýý can 'be held tario St. schools as classrooms, a'nd since the projected in- crease in pupils by 1958 Un.i be 220, plans have been drawn up anc.- approved for a six- room addition to the Vincent Massey School. With the pros- pect o! two sub-divisions open- ing in the north part of the' tawn, the chaimman stated the board is leeping in mmnd the fact that a new schooi may be needed in that area in the fut- ure. Mr. Jeffery thanked thc trustees and teaching staf f for their 'excellent co-opera- tion during the past year. t1ake Coniplalnts Direct JTrxustee Williamr G. Jamnc- spoke briefly and asked tiiat parents and citizens who have suggestions or -criticism con- 1 nected with the operation o! the public school systcm bringc them to the Board or write th'- Board about them. As it is, he said. the only way which corn- plaints reach iA are through the' grapevine. Glenholme Hughc's, a and:- date for council, outhined hi, LOW DOWN PAYNENT FARM AND 134 Ring Si. E. EQUIPMENT AUTOMOTIVE Tom Cowau, Proprietor Bowmnville MA 3.56U9 d uring the winter and the bo- d is kept until they can be giv- en a proper burial in the sprlng'. Chafrman W. Rose Strike of the P.U.C. repotted a surplus in eleçtrlc departmnent accounts during the year of $5,Oo! whiehý $29,130 had been plow- ed baék in capital expenditure., New Transformets, mheter s and street lighting equipment had accounted for most o! this, ne > said. The surplus in the water de- partment had been $10,000 and this bad also been re-invested in capital expenditure. There has been some citîcism o! the sewere rental system. This is designed only to handle the $12,800 in debentures issued to pa.y for the trunk sewer and the disposai system, he stated. Under this system, he said, there is no charge to people with septic tanks flot using th2 sewer system. There may bc some hardship, in that it ç1oes not differentiate between the itumber o! people in a house, but he pointed out that there is alway's some hardship in aîxy formm of taxatipn.. In. answer to a question by Norman J. Scott he stated tlmt the debenttires will be paid off under the sewcr rentai system by 1969, but adcied that if the town continues to 'grow it will1 probably be necessary*to add 'o the sewer system and thus1 issue more debentures. Mr. Scott stated that there wvas more ohl being run loto th(_ sewers this year than in any year in the past, but Mr. Strike1 ýtor felt that the problemn had been ent no worse this year than i e-other years. he Asked To Run le o Mr. Scott stated that lie had been approached by a number ofpeople to stand for counc;lt and he stated he wouid do so.a "I am flot satisfied with the way the Roads and Streets De- partment is being conducted now an-d I believe there are a lot of people who are not sat- isfied, he deciared. He wanted to contradict the statement that Liberty St. hadi broken up, and a news story in The Canadian Statesman in September which, he said, would lead people to believe that he had not known what ho Jwas doing when he xvas for- merly chairman o! the Roads and Streets Commîttec. T he south section o! Liberty St. from, Mutton's Garage to the Base Line had been properly î,repared to a depth o! 18 ini- ches and had stoodupwl when paved. Mr. Scott stated that hý realized the past winter had been a hard one on the streets, but he feit that if more work had been donc in the spring they would not have becorne s0 bad. "There is no reason for the present holes in the streets in the subdivisions. The de- partient has been putting sand in the holes and it has been washing down thé sew- ers"~, he declared. #Ir. Scott also took exception to Counr. Brough's statement that no. equipment records or records1 ýof time. spen"-nhe-Roads -an4 Streets Depatment jobs we re kept before the superintendent jwas hired this year. "In 1951 and 1952 1 believe Coun. Wal- ter DeGeer and myscîf insisted on every bill being signed", ho said. "Theme are now six men,; and one man worked for a haîf a yeam on the roads and streets this 3ear. and we did the samxŽ work with only four men irn ?n Mm. Scott pointed out he was t; not criticizing the work of in council in general but only the, Roads and Streets Committee. "Also if the Roads and Streets Chairman and the foremani - didn't get along, why should r the public be saddied with their ýfeud?", he asked. )y School Board Report Howard Jeffcry reported on public sehool e ducation as atChairman o! the Public Sehool at Board. He stated that the budl- ,, get this yeam had been $146,000 o! which $46,000 had been Ob- -tained th r o ugh provincial ,d grants, The $100,000 provided is by the town accounted for 19.1 -milîs on the tax rate o! 47 IFe qt~q~ '-~ftI Look ut thèse Low Prîces! TWG ONLY! 1955 Iniernaiional Harvesier REFRIGERATORS 8.1 Cu. Ft. Freezer Across the Top REGULAR $329 ONY$210 COFFIELD WASHER wifh Pump ONLY $129 wilh your aid washer Phlips Tele vision from $210 Manyinodels f rom wbiich to choose THOR CL OTHES DRYER Completely Automatir ONY$189 P Enlighfening Reports On Municipal Problems Given at Nominations HUGH A. MARTIN, 1 Director SEE THEM ON DISPLAY IN OUR SHOW ROOMS - 24 NONTHS TO PAY Il 0 Wome's Institutç Mrs. K. Ferguson, Ottawa, was the gu 'est speaker at the Tyrone Women's Institute held at the home of Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, Nov. 23. Mrs. Ferguson gave a very in- formai talk on her secretarial work at the Capital, giying a behind-the-scene picture and interspersing it with many humorous stories. The program, under the econvenorship of Mrs. A. Richards and Mrs. A. Hoer included a safety skit, readings by Mrs. J. Broome and a sing- song led by Mrs. G. Brent. The roll cali was "How to keep your vigour and your figure." The,business included: roll caîl for the December meeting to be answered with a donatio'i to a Christmas Cheer boe, a commit- tee, Mrs. L. Alldread and Mrs. background, stating that he at- tended Royiî1 Military College, Kingston and the University of Toronto frorn which he receiv- ed a dcgree of Bachelor of Arts. He worked in foundries in Three Rivers, Toronto and, Birmingham, Alabama, ani scrved overseas in World War 11. Prior to the wvar, he was a ,partner in an insurance brok- crage firm in Toronto. For thec past seven years, he has been living in Bowmanville and has been engaged in literary ageù- cy work and free-lance writ- ing. He is President of .8w- manville Skating Club and Secretary-Treasurer of the Public Library. Keith Lathangue and A. H. "Ab" Stu 'rrock, candidates for Tow.ýn Council, and Clarke Wilson, electcd by acclama- tion to the Public School Bd., also spoke briefly. Annie Hatherly to pack same. It was decided to hold thE December meeting IDecember 14, The club leaders, Mrs, A. Yel- lowlees and Miss Marile Taylor have 14 girls for their course "The Milky Way." -Mrs. Don IStainton, delegate to the O.E.A. convention, gave a very fine re- port. The meeting concxuded with the Mizpah Benediction and afternoon tea was served. Mr. and Mrs. Ceec il ldread, Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Hardy. Bowmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Alldiread. Mrs. L. Boumne spent the weekendwvith Mrs. E. Alldread. Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson and children, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. J. Murdochi and boys, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam. The Tyro Boys paper drive is to be this Saturday at 9 a.m. Anyone out of the village please telephone Rev. Jackson, MA 3- 2535. Mr. and Mrs. H. Stainton, Lynne and Douglas, visited Mr. and Mrs, James Stainton, Solina' Mrs. Florence Scott spent the lweekend withi Mrs. W. Macdon- ald. Sundav guests of MIr. and Mrs. Ralph Glaspeli werc Mr. and Mrs. John Gerry. Mr. Ivor Gerry, Toronto, Mrs. F. B. Glas- pei11, Zion. Mir. anj Mrs. W. Robson, Misses Bpth an-d Helen Miller, visited Mýr. and Mrs. A. Hilis. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. C ole, John and Lauraine, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Clark, Leaside. 1 Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Broomel and boys, Solîna; Mrs. Clarence Redman, Miss Margaret Red- man, Mr. Ernie Dobson, Hamil- ton, were guests o! Mr. and Mrs. John Broome. Pleased to sec Mr. and Mrs. Lomne Phare back home after their visit out West.1 Mr. and Mrs. H. Brent were ME "MUDAY. DLPC. ist 195S supper guests o! M. and Mrs%ý eJohn Cooper, Toronto, Sunday. 4, 1. Misses Shirley and Verne~ Armstrong. Bethany: Ross Hall, rZion, with Mi'. and Mrs. H. Hall e Mr. and Mrs. Russell Virtu4 rMr. and Mrs. Leoia Moore visit- ed Mr. Fred Moome in Memnoriat. HospitalBowmanville. Ail wish him a speedy recovery. also Mrsi A. Hawkey and Mrs. W. J. Mill- er who is also in the hospital. Mrs. Edith Anderson Bow- manville, visited Mrs. S. t Hoar.' Miss Jacqu~eline His, Mr. and Mms. Kenneth Atcheson. Toron-' to; Mr. and'Mrs. S. Daw and children, Port Credit, with Mr.' and Mrs. John Hilîs., Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griff.in.- Blackstock, visited Mr. and Mrs.' W. Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. N. Woodley, Mr. and Mrs. H. Skinner were tea guests Sunday evening of Mri. and Mrs. Ross Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. and Hector, Oshawa, visited Mr., and Mrs. John Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. O. Beckett. Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Aildmead and Maxine were dinner guests on, Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Dawsonx Beckett, Oshawa. Mrs. W. Rahm acconipanied lier brother John E. Griffin, tq Buffalo on Tuesday to attend th*- funeral of their cousin. Your Correspondent would be pleased to take vour renewals for the Statesman. If unable ta* get out, telephone her. HIGHLY STYLED NIODERATELY PRICED ,LADIES' WEAR La Vogue Jacqueilmne Cor. Athol & Celina, OshawNa UCI 'IRI etAvAnTAU à%&qffljL«*ý q

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