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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Dec 1955, p. 19

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LI V I A .D= C. lot XUN _ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ T HE CASAD !AN STATESUMN, OW MANV !LLE, ONTAM I A E N N T E CI@s 'Of"~ Darlington Nominations Over 234,000 Bushelsl M ShowersHel s s e Cniudfroixi pageone) Thisf A D nto ofnd i SA - sub-divso control by-law in the absence of Reeve Nichois. O f 11g b Mrs.y A es E. W. Foley,Ton h HOIP W anted PETS FOR S LE through council. Hepointed out "Several merbersofcuitiesEN \eerated heirt a wedding e daýo G a niversary on Tuesday. The: ZiFERIENqCEDspra3r painter. LABRADOR 'Retriever doethrelpatives,,bee gventhejo asthyandnt forremea Bol W 31 do- sem ofth e rer w ne the free i ant he jousîhdi t hve rowivn H rT his Ye r relaiesofrBends ndfe r rs AplyW. . ll1 19 Scugog St., Phone MA 3-2571. 47-2 purpose is to protect hlm as know Mr. Skinner", hie said.rsdnso aeLn.JeCoe netle nà 81- mueh as to provide for orderly "If elected I wM! remam flrm A bumper crop of beautiful apples were grown ini Durhamn Mrs. Doùg McNairn, two thrrsdneiigSre GIRL or Young woman as clerk- VVork VVanted growth in the township. Coun. to my principles and convic- &pples from Durham County County, which represents a- daughters of Highland Cree] at atTurdyatror book-keeper. Apply Box 447,Stevens stated that if the rate-, tions," Mr. Rickard spid. "NO Orchards this year hudmk bout one-sixth of the apple setafwdy atwe C/OoTheepr.A pply Box 447,an payer is flot satisfjed with the matter what apyane does ta me residents more than evel con- crop for Eastein Ontarjo a- with lier grandparents, Mr.i rne rusa e nhn v/o The Canadian Statesmane. Ph'one decisions of the Planning Board I wiIl try ta be faet to them." scious of the importance of mounting ta 1,297,000 bushels. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. *au ofhrduhtBeda 41*MA 3-5244. 48-1* he can appeal ta the Department Mr. Mumford Speaks this crop in Durham. The crop Apples have been grown in Mrs. J. French, Mrs. Sam reatahr arae Ch E F og i n r c o o k , l c a a b e r - o f 0 fT SM undc i p a l A ffs d rr s C y r i l H . M u m f o r d s t a t e d t h t t a k e n o f f t h i s F a l i w a s p a r - D u r h a m f o r m a n y y e a r s a n d S n o w d e n , O s h a w a ; M r . W . J . y loih y a n h mm f c ing ta banquets and dinners. making. Phone MA 3-3407. D nt e Township for indus- wuld do his best if elected as and of high quality. Its abmn d e an naliand foar an Moeve nt-latTrde ay viitos whe roo.Ih igro 4References. Apply Balmoral 48-3 tyD'arids itonud nqaiyan lvro ot-ls hrdyviioswt h Hotel r MA -9006 47-2said, since cauncl hope Depuy~Ree e He eit t at th ance was shared with other re a1 and verseas export mar- latter's brother, Mr. and M rs. a l a e te îh a sl e C ~STORM sash and doors, and car-ta attract new industy ta help present five-man counil was applegrowing parts of Can- kets when these markets were C. H. Snowden. bw f ikadcemcre W ANT D: an f r sead~ tr vel enty. F A. Osmo d. hon carry the tax load. At the not large enough ta carry on the ada this year, sa that it is available, as well as at hom e. M r. and M rs. Harry Larm er, to s n er e se wih m da amANg c nfr stin BGwa n..MA3-8. F .Omod* hn preseflt time, industry pays Only business of a growing township important that aur own county -That the industry is flourish- Franklin, Ruth, South Mona- ueyla.mmadlgl amngcnsinr i Bwan M .581 7-*4 per cent of the taxes in the and that perhaps it should be buy and enjoy more apples. ing to-day is shown by the ghan; Mr. and Mrs. Austincdypaeintprsn ville. Permanent connection -township. "Unless we get in- enlarged in the future. No portion of this beautiful following figures which reveal Larmer, Town; Mr. and Mis.,adlba.Ms .M ' with large manufacturer. Only PLUMBING, heating, aves- dustry aur taxes will go up, and Assessor William Lycett show- crop should go ta waste, and the number of trees planted in Ross Richards; Ronald, Hazel, o n r. Gehln reliable hustier- considered. Write troughing, free estimateès. Harvey go up rapidly, since we cannot Muhm L Ledd Mr e uhm vra eid flssTw; r ndMs Gro Montreal, P.Q. 48-1 SATS -aend Srefm uise oads and roidenhe growthv ich has taken place proud of the quality and flavr than the last five years: semi- Beech, Maple Grve, wera Us rs eoY MAKE MNE ATHOME esons Tirehpone r Ke Jm- " Cd ou nd Stevies said n Darlinton during the past of apples grown by its orchard- dwarf-10,389; standard-4,575; Sunday visitors with Mrs. A.FrdCl, rsDck ed, __________ATHOE________ire____ crn 6-tfng evie" aut thatte enssi.five years. He pointed out thatlists. dwarf-1,340. 0f _theseabout Beech.Mr.RseiHlmn Lady Wanted for Telephone and Silver Streets. g ne u htteuke - 6-f e OýI i a mprtn iemi ppuaion is now 7,309 and A few figures on Durham 70 ta 75 % have been Macln. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gun-SadaCoe ndteMss WILL cutvceo mi heeba ee retinras ples are of real interest, and -tosh, the remainder Spies and ning, Miss Dorcas Grey, Tor- Ln n alBgelassd For fur her inf rma ion 'ph ne trees, dlean up gardens, etc. Ca l t a m aintain, com pared t a on y in children of school age, putting probably co re as a surprise D elic ous. onto, Sunday visifors w ith M r.Du i g t eve ng M s AJAX 385 - or write Otto Richter, MArket 3-3836. 40 miles ini Bowmanville. a tremendous strain on the to many Durhamtes who did Durham also grows a con- and Mrs. J. R. Metcalf, Base Gog on n r.Efi IIA PE L' U II LS ER N Gschool system . Several publi c n t realize before the place of siderable cr p f other fruits, L ne.A d r o HAR ELL S PRO ST RIN 482* In ns er o a qu sti n rom sch ol ha e he uanswerl c opta t -aanquestioni e from ,49 - AJAX SHOPPING CENTRE48 2 Ins oos h v been built since t e D r a p l r p i h n n t e s m ei d~M r. and M rs. Bill W aley, a d t o e a ssi g w r !Xs the '4Joor as ta how many lots 1950 ta look after the increase economy of the couzity and ini pear trees have ý been plan ted; sonune WaodaMissogere Piper AJAX, ONT. ASONR , Platerin , - c iSi-could be sold without the consent and m ore will be needed in the relation ta Eastern Ontari. 424 M on m r n y c e re ,a d 48-_________ neys, new or repaired. Concrete of the Planning Board, Coun. future. When these children This year 234,160 bushels of 13 weet cherries. 1wwr audy vstr and block work done. Roof re- t1es35pid htwirisinth Mhghscol gei .l and Mrs. C. H. Snaw- LdyadteMse nrî PER ANE TpJirs.~e Just Phone MA 3-3694 iSweseietapm50 rahhg colaei iVden, Misýs Marion Snowden. adPtii owy PstiMAes.NT7J mupotbon ofproe tsallrtan aedout rproblems, epointMisMary Peters, Base Line,PrNptaPrte Therbuilding by-law nt7-O dclfellow s at O rono.xwas a Sunday visitar with Ms arc .Ldy h FO Y UN M NTorio o poprt salerTh bilin b-lwand ap- O d e w t 0 o oMr. and Mrs. Charles. Green- fre isBed opr TAKE A HEALTHY outdoor life, WE L I->lUINb iaca Report pintment of a building inspe - Iiam.watehourdgstts- cambined with fine pay, securitv (Power Equipment) Counc. Perey Werry, who did tor were important farward PubliL. P rz in e sEein uif and progressive pension plan and Cernent Tule supplied not stand for election again, gave strides, lhe said, and the equaliz-1 The regular meeting of the Mr. enad Kty an you end up with warking con- Ja eheieio financial report for ninie ed assessment' has been very The Trustees of Orono Odd- ry L. Wade, Newcastle; DouIg Eveni ng Auxiliary was held at Ms e ilrwr otse ditions s interstingaansfine 'on& S months of 1955 until October 31, valuable in praviding increased fellows this week announce the KurI, Bowinanville; Ha raid thhoefMs.akHur.atahwrfrMisCpro as any in Canada. Baktc hn 6r1 which showed receipts of $445,- tax revenue. The planning naines of winners in their Souch, Newtoniville; WaLt1 Worship service was presentedWcnsaevigN.23a Blac stoc Pho e 96 r 12 783 com pared ta $279 869 for the board w as also needed ta pre- draw . N et rece pts w ere around H ackney, Bow m anville ; A shby - r H . A l s n M s . For physicaîy fit, forward-look- 46-4* saine period in 1954. Expenses vent Darlington from becaming $400 whih will be applied ta W. Smith, Oshawa: D. Kube, SnWen rs M Fitf dy A gniuîcorie lng Young Canadians, the Canad- for the period were $396.497 a slum for Oshawa, he said. Mr. redcig te ebtonthehal.M.wanvlli JrnFals ew .i a n R e g l a r A r m o f f e r s e x t e n s -r e d u c i n t h eb y M rso n H . Aal li s o na nM r s.; E .mta lesr e s i d e n cey boo kM r s.t eL eas L ev- A. E . C O L E ~~~~~~cornpared ta $264,800 for the Lycett stated that many people Appreciation of the trustees tonville; Art' Cox, Port Perry; td okcatrwsgvn ag elc fasle n iv potnt elyot . E C0LE sieperiod in 1954. have the mistaken idea that they is expressed ta those who sold Mrs. M. Woodcock, Oshawm by Mrs. Allison, Mrs. Flintoff, wiewdigck acàtc Ftandlingfortin ihot b ig-PLUMBING AND HEATING He pointed a.ut that af the can live mare cheàply in the annbe r R oa Mrs. J. Noble, Mrs.-H. Stevens tefueoslvl it o tion - Sec the Authorized mili rateof 47.78, only twa mils cuntry than in the 'city and theought tickts raise needed Bernstein, Pontypol; R. Lowe, n r.Hri.tebrd-ob rmbrmn Mor-Sun and Lennox Dealer were spent for township pur- for this reason many people with fufds. w Whitby;, Edgar Tomlinson, President Mrs. H. Bradley finspeet ttespe pssand 10 milîs for raads, law incarnes had moved into the Namnes of wintiers are as fo- Bawmanville; Mrs. K. Moynes, taok charge of the businesshurteossesweasi- T e nfram Ph 2cOntariogt. or D ay A337 ian and caunt78 il es' fre.Dura- twtshpdrt o, stmolredfor Sows:K Bowmanville; Jack Reid, Or- period. Mrs. H. Steïens, Mrs. nsrigb r.LaLd PoeNgto aMA331fig yadnue therIildu ltrs ire, yrane; DOonoadel-anoa; od nntBawman- K. Sumersford were appointed ar r.Dc ed n e Wac Tlclaerisig fr tme 8,th e er e bise farshofols Mrserces dectae cIfntryherV irulTrn; o d ville; Eva Blackburn, R. R. 1, nominating committee ta bring duheMs agrtLd Wthlocaon orclpthis CoponrUL.I.1 $sa0,0and prahsied that th axas .L*e ote lare pathyingOrano: Mrs. Ross Glover, Osh- Bowmanville;MrSa ctlmasaeoffiesfrcin an oaino lpti opnat Hampton and Courtice, he are living cheaper here it is be- aa Reg Thrush, Chapleau, Lindsay; Neil O'Keefe. Peter- ing year at December meetinglrg hersieinpk d and Mail t, OSBORNE FUELS sai, and SamheScotthi tha slateusefoohficerslefor paom-gdy. AtosweetheaontDcake5.with Kin ato Ar y nfo mat onB est Q uality: rate w ould be up in 1956. for it." O nt.; J. Sleem an, A jax, H ar- b rough. B r n w e ' r u il b o e e i h m li c l r d c n KigtnAm nomto t Sbe he o De. 1. Mr. ercdtgte iha ro Centre, FURNACE OI Coun. Werry reported that a There were 350 transfers of in charge of Christmas prog- 164 Wellington St., Dept. A. STOVE OIL new grader had been purchased hpo ert s aidwhi s ur th date ram. We are followingth Please let me have fulinforma-,Ofie A -5 97yeir t ic P e s d et t sul usor bandh ngn Mss Ju e oo e teta9e Ofie M -87 bad huis on township roads had er proof of the rapid rate at therct tion aft the Coletiog$es5ts.be tion on an Army Career. Yards MA 3-5410 ee gra eeednand mrov- which the. tawnship is growing. e present 23. Meeting closedevng atamceanou Nan ___________ . . -- tf hills in the township which School Board Reports ihbndco.Mr Asn NieFr-_should be loked after, he said. Alex Mc&faster, Chairman o f N w o v le I s i u eand' ber graup served sand- wsmd h eiin fmn StetFoo earso elaeet Coun. Charles Osborne re- the South Darlington Are a The November meeting of and rail cails. wiches and tarts. atatv n sflgfsfo Ciyand Dry Cellars ported that he had been chair- Sho Board, during 1955, who the Newtonville Women's In- Mrs. resntd in gav a gaily Chimney Replacement or Repairs theofth 25iultguestst.. Theru nig or 9giftsrtd a werenuz Schaal Mcel Wdnsayon"TeCullough gveHaClabkMeetirntg 1Oad Ye48-1 Or CALL MA 3-3231 tee and served on the property that there are now 26 cîass afternoon, Nov. 23rd, at the try". Last year these trees The Maple Grave Me rrybaktAtteuprhorth 48-1_________Or___ for any General Concrete ommittee. Considerable spray- roams in the area and mre are home of Mrs. Johnston, with a brught $1,000,000 ot New Milk Maids have held two, ad asrying for warble fly and vaccina- needed o good attendance. The 'president, Bsikaoe Oe300-meig "h iky y he Te d r Wanted Es___________ O TiRACTOsr.T ee toutfo brucellosis wr carried be erected between Maple Grave Mrs. Milligan, was in her 000 trees, balsam fir, Douglas The meetings were held at thé c ol adMs ai CONRATO L TRNR utduring the year. hie said, and and Courtice, he said, and anoth- place, ta lead the business dis- fir, spruce and juniper were homes of the leaders, Mrs. C. daCoe Tenders for pickix1g up gar- Evg. Phone 3-3338 P.O. Box 177 same weed spraying was also er between Caurtice and the dussions, and the Sec. Treas., harvested, and 95 per cent Of Greenham and assistant, Mrs. bage at the three Bowmanviîîe 48-tf donc. Some small praperty own- Oshawa Town Line. Mrs. H. Wade, with ber min- them wcnt ta U. S. Here in ,J. Holtby, with six girls on P u b ie Sh oo s w e l n s -e rs ad bj ct d t a being assess- H13 ag ic lt ra w rk rs fo ub xc c ools wekîy and ar.--ge stated that the board had utes and reports. Duha dunty, the Scotch ing the club. iI aaai 99tee'vr es al; 1ýwo of the schools whn SAVE MONET AT ed for helping ta pay for th~e received several requests dur- It was decided ta dnate $5.00 pine is grown, on land not suit- Officers elected included evr«ee-mpoe nmn xee4de will be received by the vaccination of cows in the fight ing the year for transportation ta the Polio Isolation Hospital ed for ordinaîy farming and President Paulene Labrecque,uacungtoythrae3 u4ndersiýed. up until 4 p.m., DA VE 'S against brucclosis, but he fet for pupils. "'I belie,,e we shoud and $10.00 for the Girls' Soft- showed a god profit. Sec'ty.-Treas. Marie Coney, mnfcuig wres fa Thrdy Dcme t,15.that it was one of the mast im- stay out of this if at alI pïsibie", bail Team. The rol caîl for the meeting Press Reporter Gail Snowdcn.evrem Tenders.should be quoted on an H- ,P II portant prajects adopted bY he declared. "That is on reason Mrs. C. Brown announcc-l was "a joke"l Everyone re- We had aur first attcmpt at ctlydi gi anals or ny tnderieahlp-contol sre kad forhooeslocathenmorethe new that the ncxt meeting will be spondcd and there were same pasteurizir.g milk, and making _______________ 4,eeori aeptederflot FsPo n evc fppîtdon Thursday, Dec. 15th, and good anes. white sauce and milk drinks. rilyaccpte. Fat, rom t Sevic ofundulant fever we are doing sections." Mr. McMaster thank- the rail caîl, "A gift for the The hostess and her group On sampling aur wares, the S. R aeSae hree a very worthwhile thing," hie ed the board members and town- Children's Shelter", served a del;Ïcious lunch, and seasoned white sauce was en-TOE RYHR Secretary-Treasui.er, 35 SkPEae ST.(en e r declared. ship officiais for the ca-opera- Mrs. Johnston introduced ail enjoyed the social hour. jayed by ail, but same likes As alo tasl Bowmanville 34TMERNE T -(trer Weed Spraying Questioned tion given hlmi duiring 1955.. the guest speaker, Mrs. Seîhy _________ and dislikes were expressedCost Public School Board42t He wondered, however, if Haold Muir, Chairman of the Grant, president of the District. Drawcr "A"Ha for the milk drinks. We are U & OV L Brawmale Loa adLogDitnc" Darlingtan was getting full value Finance Committee of the Board Mrs. Grant exprcssed ber pleas- The maximum risc of tide on looking forward ta the visit of Bomnvle.Lca ndLngDstne for the $500 spent an weed during the year, stated that its ure at being present, and the St. Lawrence River at Que- aur home economist, Miss F. 1 igS.W A357 48-1 M O V I N G, spraying. "Thrce or four years debentures now amount ta braught greetings from the bec City is eighten, feet. Lampman, on Dec. th. I omnil aga the Bell Telephone Company $250,000. "This figure is likely other branches. She spoke of Notice fo Credi tors Licensed and Fully Insured sprayed aîong a section of road ta go up ta $500.000 in the next the work of standing commit- ANDOT ER -Also - and the dead brush was left fcw years". he stated. He point es and urgcd that reports ___________________ GENERAL TRUCKING standing. I think this is a ed ouf that a new school had shauld be sent in promptly, m* P.C.V. Class "C, IF" and -'H" worse eyesore than the weeds been pened at Hampton during and that use should be made of IN THE ESTATE 0F PATIENCE Contact and brush wre,"' Coun. Osborne the year. "We would like ta put the hand-bok, and of the x-y l ELLIOTT, late of the Township arein ~sscrted. He felt that the town- a new sehool inerscin tenso courses. She also sug-- ofDraxngtf inrm e uny of reonToann-rt ship should concentrate on anc in the South Darlington School gested samne fine W. I. mattoes LwOeh ship of Harvey in the County Phone MA 3-2493 Bowmanville area each year in its spraying Area but we have ta take if of Peterborough) Widaw, de- 47-tf of weeds and brush and do a easy on expenses with aur de-m e n good job n if, including remov- bnture rate going up 50 fast,' e n Ail persans having cdaims BUL LDOZING dci e got feri a edelrd Represenlative against . the Estate of the said M J. H ahhs, Sec'y-Treas o f Patience Elliott, who died on or I Coun. Osborne statcd that the the Area, stated that thc board Rqie about the 22nd day of October, EXAAv ATING Ismaîî portable sprayer purchased is closing a successful year be- q 1955 ar. rquied a fle roo for the wed inspectai- had been cause if is able ta pay off is PART OR FULL TIME L o w Pie 195,ar-wqith the uile rgn TRENCIIING - LGADING a good investmcnt. This enabled debts. Ne stated that the prob- Calgon ndsra ad Soof s on o b f IIa^ ar RAGLINE - CLAM W ORK bîm ta get at w eeds and brush l i s o n f f n n e o C m e c a c o n s op e 2, 1956. Aftcr such last-mention Trucks and Loader for which could flot be reachcd c 5fotac0 iane O Cmmrilacuns ope n- 1 much as obtaîning well qualified sent revolutionary line of ed date, the Executors will pro-1 Gravel and Fi Jobs the large sprayer. teachers. There werc only 346 Safety Apparel, etc. Prefer ceed t distibute h" E te FRE ESTIIATESThe propcrty committce had childi-en attending the South pesnl thcncio. ceed trad ytribte thecl Eistae FE IAE decided ta put insulbrick on the Darlington Area Sehools when if Interview Arranged o hnoic.te. hnsalhv Tripp Cosrcin otieo h onhp hall, he was formed, but there are naw Territory Open e r gats hdntc.-said, but this had not been donc. two and a haî1f fime- ha ur- Gversue--r - DIATEthIs+1s dy fDce-PORT PERRV 392WHefet ha i1mgh1b bttr1er T-sfiur.wllcotiu cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W dlet~ao ilb itiu-W o all kînds of capentry engnee. 1-t t aim eve îng pi-du nk csson ies, aa ea Lofl ofth eang fli partisetibt womk. Repairs on buildings, Nichais didn't think we needed a thered corsage of pink and dGmes.c an t e e o a i g regard ny t a garages, barns. W c shingIe o road engin er," e sàid. "The white roses. er jewell ry was aon o he C ountryG . EK e ie$ 9 9 5. E.r n s9 .0 clins f hihthe said soic- repair roofs, build cupboàrds and counil members nw may have a necklace af rhinestones and I mported decorations itos for the adîinistratix shal put down ardwood and ile changd their opinion a bit." matching earrings. OEADS 'HMt1 $ . , then *have. notice. floors. We also repair furniture. Mr. Rickard stated that he was 1 Miss Beverley Moore was fe COME AND SEE.'1HEM DATED at Bowmanvillc. this Work donc af '(vji- home or af giad ta sec the Policy of seffing bride's oniy attendant, who G-E.p$ 1 lsth-day of-November, A.D. 1955. aur shop. Lowest price in fown. up cammittees had been adopted chose a gown af lighf turquoise A E I L II Solicitors for the 2011. 47-21* Ycar. 'When I was on council otaofhebi.Wieht Administi-afrix. if 'vas oftÉn difficuit ta find Ouft andhat so hride. andia e bat_ an ala e ý1 Bowxnanville. Ontario. T Y O what was going on. I recom- ed corsage of white carnationJ- 46-3 mended that this be donc last; and chrysanthemunv Pon MA 3-5431 * .Repair Shop could 5 at dmo re abou emt e rs~K ehEls rte to 85 King St. W., Bowmanvllle Cas orSaeRAIAOR ndHETESof council. My thinkin wa bride.* acfed as groomsm-an. 0 Cam Fc ScùeRAIRD and CLEANEDS that tbe Reeve should be Înad- Following the ceremany a ' 1949 PLYMOUTH car. 2-tone, RECORING iiitao n epbsdm eetowshl ftehm goad condlitiofl. Besf offer. Tele- General Soldering Repairs mittees working", le asserted. afithe bride, wheme Mrs.SElhis phan Blakstck 4 r l. 4-1*Quee St W. owianvile Re statcd tixaf a vear ago rccîved the guests, in a gown S ie phane ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ph n MA 3-344591.4 .1 uen S. . Bo nanjl Reeve Nich as had ird a con- af dark green bengaline, wvith '47 AMERICAN Olds. eight, PoeM 35 tracting f irm ta spread gravel gold accessories, and a corsa.&e h3'dramatic. Call before 6 p.m. 32-tf on tbc township roads wifbouf af gaid chrysanthemums. She Phone___MA__3-2553. __ 48____ bringing the iatter before the was assisteci by the groom'sI 195 HILMA, d-ecionl sg- e a Stckcouncil. "I opposed this," he mother, wearing pdwder blue takuheater and radio; 1953 bmve est wey: anyway that' is the corsage of white and blue chry- Jh et i u Wdebaker witJi overdrive and Highest Prices Pad system you vofed for", Mr. Rick- santhemums. e D w avle tr e£-aW -and -chassis: 1951 TIELEPHONE COLLECT 'He aiso pointed ouf that in the bride chose a suit in copper K~ing S i. W., ea stle BiviIIa ],iternattenâ1 3-ton stake at COBOURG 1787 1954 when he served as Deputx'- fanes, with tan accessories, and Farmn Eqiipmeit aticà Automo- X ICK PECONI, IReee he had spoken on bebaîf a corsage of piuxk roses. P oe31 tUv.. 134 K&ng St. E.. BowxTx- PETERBOROUGH 2-2080 *Iof Rai-aid Skinner for the jb On tb i rtu r and .r. rT»1 ýèý hn A358.4-l11ao weed inqpector for Durham Gettins %vill rrcz!dc bi CarFarahne31

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